Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, August 06, 1914, Image 1

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Leased Wire
Today's News
Printed Today
PRICE TWO CENTS stands, five centi
linrtrflim ftfStiffiiri Ifrfirwuirifirl
(By William Philip Sims.)
, Paris, Aug. 6. Skirmishing was in progress today the
whole length of the Franco-German frontier.
Thus far there had been no important engagement.
The French were confident their border defenses were
too strong for the Germans to carry. The Franco-Belgian
frontier is not strongly fortified, but in Belgium, between
the French and German borders, are defenses of enor
mous strength.
These the Belgians were holding at Liege with the ut
most courage and success, slaughtering Germans by the
thousands and apparently in no danger of being over
whelmed. French troops were held in readiness, however, to go
to the Belgians' aid the moment they asked it.
The whole of France was in arms.
It was reported that French warships had engaged a
German fighting vessel last night off the Mediterranean etania arrived at Halifax, n. s., after
The belief was general that Germany will soon find it
self far more heavily taxed than at present to resist a
Russian invasion. It was pointed out that it took the
czar with the enormous number of men at his command,
considerable time to mobilize his forces.
Within about ten days it was predicted Russian soldiers
would be pouring across the kaiser's eastern border in al
most irresistable force.
Washington, Aug. 6. Government
officials here were watching the Eu
ropean war situation closely today. Or
ders to enforce America's neutrality
proclamation were sent to federal au
thorities everywhere.
The cruiser Tennessee was lying off
Tompkinsville awaiting orders from
Washington to sail for Europe. She
carried $10,000,000 in her strong boxes
for the relief of stranded Americans.
American Ambassador Herrick cabled
that all Americans in France had been
cared for and suggested that the Ten
nesseo could safely omit calling at
French ports.
President Wiison anxiously awaited
some word from his medintion offor,
but no answer was received.
The American dreadnought Florida
wag lying outside Sandy Hook with or
dors to prevent the vessels of any na
tions at war from sailing as an armor
ed destroyer of commerce
The' German and Austrian ambassa
dors ordered German and Austrian con
suls to obtain no mom recruits as it
was impossible fo transport them to
Europe because of America's neutral
ity proclamation.
The British liners ledric anil Maur
Big Battle Is On.
Brussels, Aug. 6. The real battle of
Liege started at dawn today. It still
raged this afternoon. At that time the
Belgians retained the advantage they
gnined in Wednesday's fighting.
The Germans had been heavily rein
forced. About 100,000 were pressing
the attack.
It was understood the German crown
prince was in command, with several
of the highest officers of the kaiser's
general staff as his advisers.
The German attack was directed
against the entire line of the Liege
The Germans used the newest type
of Krupp cannon, but. the Belginn ar
tillery was holding its own against
The Teutonic losses were enormous.
Airships Great Help.
It was known positively that their
casualties approached 10,000.
Still fighting behind their immensely
strong defenses, the Belgians were suf
fering comparatively little.
Belgian aviators continued to hover
over the German lines, signalling to
the Belgian artillerymen how- to direct
their fire, with the result that nearly
every shell burst just where the kai
ser's soldiers were thickest.-
The Germans shelled the city furious
ly but without serious damage.
gium at Eysden. The second crossed
from Gorany near Verviers. Just where
the third entered was not known here
.ut it unquestionably was in the vicin
ity of Stavelot.
These three bodies converged, march
ing Bouthwest, due west and northwest,
upon Liege and Fort Liers.
All three were driven back with
heavy losses.
Repulsed Everywhere.
The corps which entered by way of , tjnn
Jiysilen was sent staggering Daca
Pacific coast steamship companies
were asked to furnish the government
with lists ot vessels available for the
establishment of a trans-Atlantio line.
American wireless stations were or
dered to censor all messages nnd to not
accept any calculated to help the war
ring European nations.
AH Atlantic ports were being patrol
led. The presidential yacht Mayflower
was ordered to Hampton Eoads to as
sist the patrol there.
The British embassy heard that three
British cruisers hnl left Vera Cruz for
an unknown destination.
National headquarters of the Red
Cross society appealed for funds for
hospital ships to send to the war zone.
The liner Brandenburg reached New
York after eluding several warships.
The whereabouts of the Lusitania,
which sailed from New York yesterday,
was not known, nnd numerous reports
were received, all lacKing conrirma-
Storm of Bullets Sweeps Half
Its Number From Their
German Artillery fire Com
pels Belgians to Abandon
Two of Their Forts
BRUSSELS, Aug. 6 A reftiment of
Uhlans, or German cavalry, this fitter
noon penetrated the Belgian defenses
at Liege.
r They charged furiously.
Belgian infantry and cavalry met
them with a deadly hail of bullets and
a counter charge with sabres.
At the same time the Liege forts
poured a fearful artillery fire among
The regiment was blotted out.
Fully half their men were killed or
wounded. The rest were made prison
ers. The cannonade was continuous and
It was believed the Germans planned
a night assault.
Washington, Aug. 6. Mrs.
Woodrow Wilson, wife of the
president of the United States,
sucumbed to a complication of
diseases, at the White House, at
five o'clock this nfternoou.
President Wilson, his three
daughters, Mrs. Frances Bowes
Snyres, Mrs. W. O. McAdoo and
Miss Margaret Wilson, and a
few close relatives were at the
bedside when the end came.
Death was not unexpected,
Ir. t'ary Crayson as early as 7
o'clock this morning issued a
bulletin that Mrs. Wilson's con
dition was "very, very grave. '
Oxygen and saline injections
were resorted to in an effort to
prolong life but they proved unavailing.
cross i ti.o i;o ni,-m; o- ,.iwi,,l,i
the Dutch frontier. Two regiments of i,nve Nelv Y'rk for Enginnd Sntur
its cavalry had actually succeeded in .
ii! il. -vr -a t: - V... u.iv.
geiung across me " ; New York docks and
both were practically wiped out by , . . . .:.
., r v, I.. ..,.. i crowded with reservists
me lire iruui wiu x)iuiun xuit lui-ic.
The second corps was driven back !
Brussels, Aug. 6. Two forts, outlying
Liege's main fortifications were evacu
ated by the Belgians this afternoon as
the battle with the Germans grew hot
ter. I
The Germans had secured the Belgian
range and their fire was becoming
frightfully enective. Under it, the two
forts were no longer tenable.
The battle was of torriiio ferocity.
Both sides seemed determined to the
point of utter recklessness.
The entire German army of invasion
was engaged, with all its artillery. ,
The Belgians were rushing reinforce
ments to the beleagured Liege garrison.
President Wilson and his three daugh
ters are prostrated with grief.
Secretary Tumulty auuouuced Mrs.
Wilson's death when he returned weep
ing from the executive mansion at 5:05
o clock.
'Mrs. Wilson died at 5 o'clock' he
said in a broken voice.
Tumulty was too overcome to give
any details.
It was reported that Mrs. Sayre, for
merly Miss Jessie Wilson, collapsed
completely and required medical attention.
Besides the 'members of the family,
Miss Lucy Smith, secretary of the
Treasury McAdoo and Francis B. Sayre
were iu the sick room when the end
Secretary Tumulty returned to the
White House after informing the news
paper men of Mrs. Wilson's doath.
Funeral arrangements will be made
The senate this afternoon passed the
bill for the elimination of Washington s
slums, written at Mrs. Wilson's request,
and sent it to the house.
1'rofessof Axson, Mrs. Wilson's broth
er, was eu route to Washington this
afternoon from Eugene, Oregon, where
he is an instructor in the .Iniversily of
Oregon summer school.
Hunger Will Win.
Brussels, Aug. 6. That the lack of
! food would compel a speedy abandon-
piers were j ment of the German attack on Liege
of various was asserted here this afternoon.
.m.nti-iia wnn dnmn mloil tlint thev he i The Gorman commissary was taxed
.1 A- 1 A- Al-! -i-.A:.. 1 .1 '
upon Verviers, greatly shattered. I "ow 1 lu lvlur" lu u,K,r "UUVD ,l",u
The third retreated' to a point about j t0
midway between Frnncorchamps . and A British warship was reported pa
Stavelot. Its losses, too, were said to trolling the Gulf of Mexico,
have been enormous. ' Austria promised the safe transpor-
General Von Emiiiich had charge of Station on special trains of Americans
the German invasion; General Linacr of i at Carlsbad nnd Marienbad.
the Belgian defense. London nnd Paris American Tolicf
The German force which invaded committees cabled that transports were rn,,fi
France through the Ducliv of Luxem- i needed at once to take Americans home. -Belgians Are vneenui.
hnrtr was also renorted tod'av to be bad-: I Brussels, Aug. 6. "Can hold out in
lv disorganized bv its encounters with! CLAIM TWO GERMAN definitely," the Belgian commander at
the French troons at Lonirwv. ' CRUISERS WERE SUME Liege telegraphed to King Albert to
to the limit, it was stated, and the
troops were already on emorgency ra
tions. -.
French troops were waiting to help
the Belgians as soon as the latter gave
the word.
King Albert was confident, however,
that his own men would wiu.
Farther south along the Franco-Ger- i
man frontier, the Germans continued a j
series of petty raids into French terri
tory but they did not get far and every'
where that they encountered French I
troops they were quickly scattered.
The two forts the Belgians were corn-
to abandon under the Gorman
Ifire were old, it was stated. Liege's
i mnin defences were declared now and
Paris, Aug. 6. After the brilliant
showing made by the Belgian troops J Norway May Tight.
Wednesday in repulsing the German in-; Paris, Aug. 6. Norway, it was an
vaders on their way across Belgian ter-! nounced here today, had notified
ritory toward the French frontier, mili- J France that the former intends to de
tary" authorities expressed the opinion fend its neutrality, if necessary, by
today that France was safe against at-'force of arms.
tack from that particular quarter. J It was learned thnt Russia had call
The Belgians, they said, would quick-, ed its three youngest classes of reserv
ly bo reinforced by French and English ' ista to the colors, to enforce Rumanian
bodies nnd if they could hold their! neutrality, it was stated,
ground alone against twice their own -
numbers, it was considered a foregone IITI' WCMMCD V I EH
conclusion thev could do so aided by the Jnvft M LilllllLiY lilLLLU
French and English. The estimate here
was that, to be on the safe side, the
combined forces in Belgium should num
ber close to 1,000.000 men. .
Belgians Surprise Them.
French officers said frankly that the
d sperate and effective resistance put
up by the Belgians, whose army has
never been considered particularly well
trained, against the crack German
troops surprised them, they were well
satisfied that it surprised the Germans
and they inclined to think it surprised
the Belgians themselves.
Aside from the material advantage
gaineil, they added, the moral effect of
the victory was immense.
Three German army corps took part
in the invasion. The first had pre
viously passed across the Dutch prov
ince of Limburg and passed into Bel-
xr.. v l, A., a Tt, t.u;di. l
xnliifn )ir wns informed todav bv i P. "
Captain Hessig of the Uranium line
niiinmiM. TTvnY.it, I T tl ,1 f 1,1(1 Uril-ltlllUH ftliah
ator vesterdav had picked up a messago j vast strength
.... f T.aitiD i,ih Moreover, Belgian engineers
., n.i a... ' i,:i, constructing a second line of fortifica
H iUMtZlTM beenltio-s at Namus stronger than the one Dercum of PMIadelphia.
chased and sunk bv 'two British war- at "-'K"'
ships. Captain Hessig also declared i mounted in
that the Lusitania was continuing hen
trip to England. j
Washington, Aug. 0. A bulletin is
sued at the White House at 7 a. m.
today said Mrs. Woodrow Wilson, wife
of the president, had rallied slightly
and had passed a fairly restful night.
Little hope for her ultimate recovery
was held out, however. Another bulle
tin issued at 8:15 o'clock said "slight
improvement" wns noticeable but that
the patient continually wns relapsing
into periods of unconsciousness. Oxy
gen was being used,
Mrs. Wilson's death is regarded as
a matter of days, perhaps hours. Mrs.
W. G. McAdoo, Mrs. Francis Bowes
Hayres and Miss Margaret Wilson,
Mrs. Wilson's three duughters, arc at
her bedside.
Dr. Carey T. Grayson, President Wil
son's physician and naval aide, lias
been in almost constant utteuduuee up
on Mrs. Wilson. He has been in fre
quent consultation regarding the cuso
with Dr. K. M. Kennedy, U. 8. N., his
assistant; Dr. Thomas Brown of Johns
Hopkins hospital, Baltimore; Dr, E. P.
Davis of Philadelphia, and Dr. F. X.
(By Ed L. Keen.)
London, Aug. 6. A mighty clash between Great Bri
tain's and Germany's main war fleets was believed a ques
tion of hours, perhaps only of minutes, today.
The German ships, at latest accounts, lay sheltered un
der the great land guns at Wilhelmshaven. The British
vessels surrounded them, however, and Admiral Callag
han was counted on to draw them into an engament.
The expected battle promised to furnish a test of the
efficacy of dirigibles against sea craft of the dreadnaught
type. A fleet of these leviathans of the air was held in
readiness to aid the German squadron in its struggle with
the English.
There was already much sea fighting. Hardly a Bri
tish port failed to report the sound of naval guns. These
engagements were supposed to be mere skirmishes be
tween scout cruisers and. destroyers. Evidently there
were many of them, however, and they were not bloodless,
for ships were already being sunk, and wounded sailors,
both English and German, were arriving at the naval
British warships made prizes of many German mer
chant vessels.
Lord Kitchener, newly appointed to the British min
istry of war, was rushing army preparations.
Communication with Germany was still cut on ana
cable connection with Russia was also severed this after
noon. Before the Russian connection was broken, however,
messages were received saying the czar's troops were
driving the Germans back along the frontier.
It was also learned that German ships were attacking
the Russian Sveaborg fortifications, evidently in the hope
that the kaiser's vessels might enter the Gulf of Finland
and destroy the Russian fighting craft sheltered there.
The Austrians were reported shelling Belgrade again.
This did not seem to mean, however, that the Austrian
campaign against Servia was progressing successfully.
Instead, it was understood Austrians were being with
drawn from the Servian frontier, presumably to face a
Russian invasion.
Servians were said to have secured at least one foot
hold on Austrian soil.
Machine guns were boing!
the forts and too forts
(Continue on page S.) j
twoon Great Britain and Austria-Hungary
and the Austrian ambassador wai
without instructions to leave London.
Bombarding Belgrade,
Constantinople, Aug. 6, Austria's
forcos wore reported here today to be
bombarding Belgrade again,
it was said they had demolished
many fine buildings nnd that there was
some loss of life.
I It was said, howover, that Austrian
nHimnitA to cross the Hiver Save into
I. I i i . .
ii uas uuuu uurinu.ij- a cuiimiiii.,.. i S(jrvitt nt AvBla and Obreuovatz. were
that the fatherland and AuHtria-llun-1 rtl,use(1 Aionday and that tho Scrviuuj
gary wero attacked by Russia, i ranco, illBtuud htt,i gni0a tt foothold in Aus
England, Servia and Montenegro. . tritt ut ljeinrmo.
ItiiW him niuiiitiiineil that Gcrninuv
Mrs. Wilson has been suffering f rom i .. ...i Austro-llungary wero tho aggrea-:
Sends Italy Ultimatum.
London, Aug. 8. It was confirmed
today that the kaiser had given Italy
until midnight to join aormany aud
Austria-Hungary in arms or Germany
would declare war against it.
Germany, Austria-Hungary and Italy
wore bound by treaty In what was
known as the "Triple Alliance."
This treaty required each of the three
signatories to como to the aid ot either
or both tho others in tho event of an
attack on them by an outsido lowor.
a complication of nervous ailments ami
(Continued on page 5.)
War Bulletins From All Countries
Attack Russian Fort3.
! ""'Tho former proposition being admit-! Stockholm Aug. ti-German warships
j ted, the Italians would bo bound to lend were attacking Russia's bvenborg
laid to Germany and Austro-llungary; , """"ul ul "u"
tho latter being assumed, it would uo ,
I within its rights iu retiming. '
I Many believed it would not only ro-1
Iject Germany's ultimatum but would,
help England, Franco, Kiissitt and tho 1
Body Horribly Mangled Found on
Track Four Miles Other Side of Tur
ner, Eearly This Morning.
PARIS, Aug! C That French war
ships had been ordered to destroy five
German cruisers operating in West In
dian waters was announced here today.
HARWICH, Aug. 6. British war
ships were surrounding the German fleet
in the vicinity of Kiel today, according
to advices received here. A clash it
was said, was momentarily expected.
LONDON, Aug. 6. All British coast
points today reported the sound of fir
ing at sea. It was believed a series of
running figbis was in progress between
scout cruisers and destroyers.
The Weather
With his head crushed nearly to a
pulp, one leg practically chewed up,
and a hip bone pulled out of its casing
of flesh, Jack Wemmer, aged 18 years,
was found this morning about 5 o'clock
by the engineer of Southern Pacific
train No. 18, northbound, about 4
miles southeast of Turner, dead on the
It is believed that young Wemmer
fell from train No. 13, southbound, j
hntit 4-30 this mnrnincr. nr frntn ft'
' freight that passes about that time.
Coroner Clough was notified and C. B. PARTS, Aug. 6. That a German war
' Webb, a member of the undertaking SDjp i,j attempted a hostile movement
: 1 .kA V, ,1 . . V, n nnrnnar'm , .1 , . 1 . t 1
urui, viuugui, iuc wuu; w wwuw. on lng r rencn .neuuerranean roast ami
! office.
attack on a Belgian force before dawn
today. The Belgian artillery opened
on them murderously, however, repuls
ing them with heavy loss.
LONDON, Aug. 6. The admirality
announced today that British warships
bad captured 75 German merchant ves
sels, taking them to British ports as
HARWICH, Kng., Aug. 6. Twenty
five Germans, wounded in small naval
engagements between British and Ger
man fighting ships, were brought here
today and placed in the naval hospital.
Among them was the commander of the
Keenigin Lnise, the little German mine
layer sunk Wednesday by the British
warship Amphion.
Tonight and Fri
day cloudy, prob
ablv showers
LONDON, Aug. (1. Lord Kitchener,
the new war minister, received a tre
mendous ovation as he drove through
the streets to a cabinet meeting this i
arternoon. Mis appointment wns re
ceived enthusiastically.
LONDON, Aug. 6. Several British
merchant ships, including the Oceanic,
were commandeered by the government
todav for naval uses.
ATtir.a, Aug. o. Austrian iroops
are being withdrawn gradually from
their attack on Servia, presumably be
I cause they are neede I on the Kussian
i been eniat'ed bv the French fleet was i frontier, according to a message re
in the pockets of the clothing the ! officially announced here today. seivctl here today from Salonika,
officers found the picture of a pretty! ,
girl whose address was 834 York street, PARIS, Aug. 6. French cavalry sur-j KKV WKST, FLA., Aug. 0. The
O.LI.n.1 PmI nliav tltinfTH fnnnrl ' i l.n.i n r!A.n Jnnn,,, at Stnrilr,l Oil tAnker HiritlY Arrived here
.re nwl.i mimnnnrlnm with itrmi1 Wm Tiwrr in.l.v killinir fii-n lthis afternoon and renorted that a ST. LOl IS Dl'KIIOXK, France, Aug.
of an expense account, a quarter, abounding two an.i ca'pturing or.t. j British warship was patrolling the Gulf 1 '.-The German tanker C.ar Nicholas
. i i i - " .u fru 1 . I r i..i,n II. was renorted here todav cnotured
northwest portion , ad(reM that ;9 believe(1 to be that of AMSTERDAM, Aug. 6. Hundreds o? ' irm,tl torpedo boats.
and near th coast: ' the young man is 1768 Fifth street, wounded German soldiers reached Mae-: WASHINGTON, Aug. 6. President
'Oakland, Cal. Webb this morning trie today. They were cared for at a Wilson today requested Secretary of the i BHl SSKI.S, Aug. II. The war office
southeasterly 1 wired news of the accident to three dif-: Ke,l Cross hospital. Navy Daniels and Secretary of War! admitted this afternoon that a detach-
ferent addresses and expected an an-' garrison to auvise army ami navy oi- " i iimns. ur wcrmun ravuirv, , ngninsi nun.
man ambassador hero today
Austria and German consuls
no more recruits, explaining it was im
possible to send them to Europe ou ac
count of America's neutrality proclamation.
HALIFAX, N. 8., Aug. 0. The liners
Ccdric and Mauretania arrived here to
day after escaping several German
cruisers. The Mauretania was convoyed
to this port by the British cruiser Essex.
inxsur nowers who aro on their sido.
This was because of the traditional
nmitv between Jtaly and Austria-Hun-
" . . . !. . II..
NEW YORK, Aug. 6. Nineteen thou
sand Austrians and 22,000 Germans,
Russians, Servians, Englishmen and
Kelgians were clamoring here today to
be allowed to return to their native
lands for war duty.
Finland, today,
It was in the Gulf of Finland that
the c.ar 's fleet took refuge from the
kaiser's naval force in tho Baltic. It
was believed tho German vessels sought
also to enter the gulf to destroy the
Russian fighting craft.
Control of the Gulf of Finland would
r ordered- ' ,f aUo bti.ause of its friendly place Revel, ItelBingtors, is.roustaut
to obtain illations T with i4. "Triple Entente" and porhnps St. Petersburg at Ger
und !. nf the r a II 2. u..v "v..,, j
oenuraen Agamsi war. i Denmark Isolated.
Italian working peoples' sentiment Ii ,
to strongly against war at all, however, (Vjniiiiefl, Aug. 0. Denmark was1
that they have threatened a general i cut off lOtif from railroad communica
strike and even a revolution unless tion by the se'erfn Of the Danish-Ger-their
government kept out of the Eu- man nuea and from 4nish?p eommuni
ropean struggle. cation with the rest of the world by
The first burst of excitement over,the German fleets in the North and
the British watched the war prepara-1 Baltic seas.
tions with almost phlegmatic calm. Firing was heard iu the North sea
The country was under martial law Wednesday.
but there were no outward indications i It WDI reported ten German steam
or it except lor tne unusual number or ghi,)8 coai anj timber laden, were seiz-
uuuuriiicii iiivu nu in kuo bocc.
The Herald, a labor organ, was open
ly urging workingmen to refuse to vol
unteer. Neither military nor civil au
thorities paid the slightest attention.
Despite the government's assurances
that there was no danger of a famine,
' shops were geuerally refusing to sell
more than limited quantities of provis
ions to their customers. The precau
tion was taken to prevent the rich from
laying in enormous supplies, forcing
prices up or bringing about a shortage
from which the poor must suffer.
German Ambassador Lichuowsky,
ed by the Russians at Archangel.
News was received that Grand Duke
Constantine of Russia, who was at
Wildungen, a German health resort,
had been detained as a prisoner of
Russia Cut Out.
London, Aug. 6. The cables connect
ing the ItUHsiun embassy here with St.
I Petersburg stopped working this after-
noon. It was believed the Germans hud
i succeeded in cutting communication be
'tween England nnd Russia.
who was erroneously reported already
to have left the country, really took j
his departuro today. He had a military I (onie,
escort but there was no demonstration , uffjoe cabled
from one or the other of them, BRUSSELS. Aug. 6. Two German ficers to voice no public comment on
I this evening or early tomorrow morning, j cavalry regiments attempted a snrpriri;! the European situatiou.
had trapped and routed a regiment of
Belgian luncers.
There had, up to today, been no ex-
hange of declarations of hostilities be.
Italy Against Germany.
ug. (t. The Italian foreign
to the British govern
ment this afternoon that Italy would
(Coi tinued on Page 8.)