Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, August 05, 1914, Page SIX, Image 6

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Farm bargain on the famous Howell
Prairie. 'ow is the time to buy a
farm; you tan toe the erops. If you
are from Missouri, Bechtel Bynon
can show you that Howell l'rnirio is
the cream of Oregon land. Rich, deep
black loam soil, 64 acres, 100 per acre.
135 acres well improve'!, only 18,250;
terms. 31!i acres, improved, 4050;
terms. 25 acres to 100 acres, all under
cultivation, no buildings, $125 per acre.
15 acres, well improved, 1.1750; terms.
Beautiful 81 ',4 acres, well Improved;
12,500, terms. 10 acres, 7 acres culti
vated, 3 acres timber, price 11100; only
$200 down, balance to suit. We write in
surance, rent bouses, money to loan.
Bechtel & Bynon
' 347 State Street
Resident Agents 8B 8tt Btr-
Care of
Chinese Medicine and
Tea Company
Has medicine which
will cure any known
15:5 South High Street,
Salem, Ore. Phone 283.
Get the
The Return of Joe Svengali
By Gross
A0 XX OBStiE ln FEtHpsi
W OtE iM STT or Jr.
tC n
the suyjtCTAjj
Body of One found Literally Hacked
to Pieces Waa "Tried" by Other
Tramp, Condemned and Executed.
Livermore, Cal., Aug. 5. Alameda
county authorities were searching today
for two trumps whom they suspect of
murdering another hobo known as
"Kd." whose body, hacked in a hun
dred places by a ru.or, was found hid
den on the third floor of an abandoned
tun house near iiere. The victim's heart
liiul been cut out mid his head severed.
Four trumps arrested in a camp near
here yesterday told the police that the
dead man had been tried and executed
by his ciinipanioiis alter he hud threat
ened to inform the authorities of the
burglary of a store at Coiitervillo Sun
day afternoon. Tivo yeggnicii, a man
known as '"lllnckio" O'Neill ami n
younger man, name unknown, uro snid
by the police to have committed the
After too store robbery, "I'M"' and
his two companions indulged in an orgy
which lasted all Monday night ami
which finally ended in ft (piarrel over
the division of the loot. When "Kd"
threatened to turn informer he was
overpowered and bound and then killed
with a razor stolen from the t enter villo
Socialists Say Masses Will Recover
From War Fever When Results Are
Visible and Soldiers Will Not Fight
Lisbon, Aug. 3. Taough nothing has
yet been heard of activity on the pnrt
of the various Kuropean radical ele
ments which favor the prevention of
war by a general refusal on the working
classes' part to fight, leaders of these
groups really have been toiling strenu
ously to compel an abandonment of the
pending great struggle, it was stated
here today on the authority of promi
nent anti-militarists.
The truth is, they said, that the mill-
Six Threshing Machines Destroyed by
Explosions Tuesday, Making More
Than Fifty Since Threshing Began.
Colfax, Wash., Aug. 5. A reward of
$1000 is offered today by President I'.
L. McKen.ie, of the Colfax National
bunk, for the arrest and conviction of
persons caught placing matches or ex
plosives in grain fields or threshing
linn 'nines.
There have been more than oil ex-
1 plosions in threshing machines in Whit
i man county this season anil it is be
I lieved that incendiaries are responsible.
I Six machines exploded Tuesday.
Zach Wheat
By A. M. Corrigan.
10 acres of gooil laiul all unilor culti
vation, am all house, burn, chicken-
t ...i ii -..:. a l 1
1 l i . lb n ) i ii i 1 I l'v " V th ImiiV HMOC 81)1110 W8V
rnmi miU'lll, l urn ir-.n'i', (jih.ju uun. i
' 'I ut If It I
balance 2 years at 6 per cent interest
Red McGhee says:
The jokesmiths have to earn
tarists nave controlled the means of
publication and ioiiiimiiil. ul iuu and the i I IT0IT AMI S CAIIC
world has not been given a chance to I LUol 1 AilL'l DillLu
;:!:; ' u maM convoyed by cruiser
For keeping Italy out of the struggle I
the anti-military workers claiineil sole
credit. The Koine government, they
asserted, certainly would have joined
in hostilities but tor the practical cer
tainty that it would have been itself
overthrown hud it done so.
As for the rest of Kurope, it was con
ceded that anti-militarism hint been
swamped for trie time by an outburst
of the war fever but the. prediction was
made that fighting would nut continue
In Passing Derrick Wagon Under Power
Line Cable Ian Lifts It and Is Killed
Companion Killed Trying to Aid.
Colfax, Wash., Aug. 8. As a result
of the derrick wagon on which they
were riding coming in contact with a
power line, I'eter Lust, of Colfax, and
11. 1). Shireman, Jr., of Diumond, am
dead today. Lust grasped the cable
to let the derrick wagon pnss under and
was killed. Siiiromnii lost his life when
nn end of the cable he had chopped iu
two with au nxe to release Lust snap
ped back and struck him.
House of Half a Million Bargains
We carry the largest stock of Sacks and
Fruit Jars.
H. Steinbock Junk Co.
tM State Street Halem, Oregoo. '"on 8SM
New Yoik, Aug. .". The l.tisitauiu
sailed from this port at 1 n. in. today,
carrying -00 passengers ami cargo
which included .fJllO.OOU in gold. Cap
tain Dow was coufi lent that the liner
would reach Kngland in safety.
The British cruiser F.ssex, which con
voyed the liner Olympic into New York
last nigt, is convoying the Lusitnnia on
the vovnge to Kngland. When the lin-
loag before the spectacle of the result-1 er sailed it carried only masthead, port
ing death ami ruin would bring thojand starboard lights. All port holes
masses to their senses and there would; were blanketed.
be n tremendous revulsion against the
interests which precipitated the con
flict. It was prophesied also that the
war would not go to a finish hut would
Late Yesterday
At St. I'nul. The Knights of Colum
bus convention opened with Panama
and Seattle aspirants for the 101.) gathering.
At Nejv Yoik. The time given the
New Haven lailroad to answer the gov
ernment 's dissolution suit was extended
to September 10.
be ended by the soldiers' refusal to
their go on fighting and probably that sev-
0 acres of land, nearly all under
cultivation, 5 acres bearing peach
orchard, 3 acres of pasture, balance
under cultivation, 4 mile's from Salem.
Price $:t,7o0 ; terms. This is a good buy.
Well improved 25 acre tract, close in
to trade for farm.
S acres of good laud, nearly all under
cultivation. 4 miles from Salem. l'riee
$730, if'Jo down, balance $3 per month.
Acre tracts just outside of the city,
nil in orchard, $11(1 down mid $-).(IO per
mouth, i per cent interest will hando
5 room house, comer lot. F.nst front,
bearing fruit, close to school, l'riee
('MW. This is a snap.
If you want to buy, trade or sell,
see us.
$ 'Jr
Itovill, Idaho, Aug. ". More than
1 noil men are fighting forest fires today
which threaten the destruction of llo
v ill, i'otlutch and Kilt Hiver. Women
and children have been removed to
places of sal'ctv
! so whv
they pick
the y think are
mighty neat about
ol a p Ii 's I
n a m e i W h e
doesn 't enre how .
far they go as long
as he can make the
dough. (There's
one that's pretty
old.) While .joke
smiths pull their
funny cracks, ol'
Wheat keeps clean
a' up the sacks
with hits that look
pure gold.
Me s spent some
years now, quite a
tew, with ltrook-
Ivn's trolley-dodgin' crew an' played
som juicy ball. He's big but size
don't lull' his speed. He goes some
when there's any need. In left he get's
'em all. They hut him in the clean up
place an' all the pitchers hate to face
his left-swung battiu' ash. There ain't
no town on Toner's wheel where right
field fence don't, know the feel of
Wheat's id' three-base smash.
lie don't think stealiu's no disgrace,
but likes to earn his extra base with no
installment plan, lie b'lieves a good
ol' hoiiie rnii drive will always keep the
game alive and count one at the pan.
An' if there's runners on the sacks just
one o' those long hits o' Zuch's lets in
the whole dam bunch, .itch's name
may make the joke frogs croak, but,
b'lieve me, Zach Wheat ain't no joke,
lie's got the knockout punch.
At C'opiier Flat, Nev. Five Austrian
iiiin.iru uiini L'illitil nn.l fmir iiiiiti-fil lt-!
a premature explosion in the Nevada
Consolidated company's steam shovel
Wir.tlntiu mlvii'i.u riwoivoil hnrn imli- . I '
ente that three British cruisers and . , ... ,. . . ...
.. ., . ... At New oik. Lieutenant rone,
threo (erinnn cruisers are patrolling the . . . , ,, .
i et v . v i rova navv, who was to have atte mpted
waters otf New ork. L ... .. . . ,
T-rpnch T.tn.r fLiU the Atlantic m a .lydro aeroplaue
New York, Aug.
Lorraine, carrying
o. The liner
1,200 French
I next month, sailed on the Lusitauia to
I fight for Kngland iu the Kuropean,
jump on their frame because fur permitting their countries to become ' fervists, sailer today for France. Father .
', on ol' Zach Wheat with jokes involved .in such n calamity. I Faul Kenand of New York was among
Neutrality Proclamation Does Not Pre
vent Foreigners Returning to Their
Countries to Take Jr"art in War.
-The iieutrnl-
the reservists. I T
Thousands of relatives mil friends,!
mostly women and children, were nt
the dock to say good bye. The women
wept and moaned while the reservists
crouched on the deck, crying ami pray
ing. Friends nt the dock ami tho reservists
on board joined in singing the Mar
seillaise as La Lorraine left the pier.
The demonstration as Ln Lorraine
sailed was the greatest seen iu New
York harbor in years. British, French
and Amcricnu liners tooted their whis
Capital Journal jj
Tn indicate you are a regular reador you must present Four Coupons
like this one.
"The National Embroidery Outfit i3 guaranteed to be
the greatest collection and biggest bargain in patterns ever
offered. The 200 patterns have a retail value of .10 cents
each. Bring FOUR Coupons and 68 cents to this office and
you will be presented with One Complete Outfit including
Book of Instructions and one All Wood Leaded Hoop and
10 skeins of silk. The 68 cents is to cover duty, express,
handling and the numerous overhead expenses of getting
the package from the factory to you.
N. B. Out of town readers add
and expense of mailing.
S cents for postage
A big crew of men were nt work tmm , m m mm m
near Dillnrd nearly all niirht Saturday. "
fighting grass fires which endangered j Mabery Station on the Mount Hood j drunks, held in the city jail for im-
burns nnd other farm
prop- railroad and will grow ginseng.
i will plant three acres for a starter.
San Francisco, Aug
itv proclamation issiie.il yesterday tv i u; t- tin, nl.,ru. i,nt,t;,,, l,i,....
the American government will not pre- - ,, ,,p nltrn aHinr,i , Loniane
vent foreign reservists returning to tho' steamed past her dock.
1,1,1 ''onntries. Notification to this ef- Kvervone on board La Lorraine enr
te.t was received here today from ,,itlllM. ttu American or n French
Washington. tiig.
There had been much speculation on ,
this point, and reservists of all cniin-
Threo thousand natives of Ireland j (.()W Creek canyon, Douglas county,
gathered at Crystal Lake park, near wl9 illvluled by more than UK) deer
I'ortland. Sunday nnd had one of the ! i,..n.,rs Snnduv"
Tho (Senium liner Vaterland was biggest and best picnics ot the season.
Columbia highway lias caused
tries who have been arriving on the
Atlantic seaboard during the past week:
have not been sure whether they would'
be permitted to leave for their native'
land or not,
Washington officials decided thatj
neutrality laws do not apply to cases of!
this Kin. I unless such expeditious or in-I
dividiiuls ure "enlisted or organized''!
in this country for service in a foreign
country with which this nation is at!
peace. It was held that reservists are1
already "enlisted" abroad, in that!
they nre subject to military duty in
their native land and have certain rank I
iu either the naval or military establish-
meats of their country.
Battle Ship New York Goes.
Washington, Aug. "i. Assistant Sec
retary of the Navy Franklin Uoosevelt
announced toilav that the sailing of
the American cruiser Tennessee from
New York for Kurope had been post-1
poned until H o'clock tomorrow mom-1
nig. The warship will carry several
hun Ired thousand dmlars to relieve i
Americans stranded in Kurope. The
cruisers destination will b,. kept secret. I
I tie cruiser North Carolina, uoosevelt
announced, probably will follow soon
with another shipment of money.
Tt l,..f tl, ir.,rl.l tl,tt
The Columbia highway lias caused1., , , , .. " ,.:.,;.,
. --ill . il . 1,11 M 1 S VII, iiiiiiu-in iiir iiii.-ni uiwtv
another row in ( olumbia county, this ... J . :..:,: ,,.,
, ., crops this vear than irrigation tai'm-
time over its location. Citizens ot ' '. ., 0
... . it i . . . .. n : ers in many other communities.
est St. Helens nre invoking the recall , ,
on the county court nnd commission- !
era. I The crew recently employed by the
Bundon Construction company on the
l'oit Or ford wharf have g-me to Chetco
; to build under the company 's contract
a combination bridge across the Clict
co river that will cost a little less than
; .fJS.OOO.
billing too freely, were shipped to
Drain, Oregon, Sunday ufteinoou fjr
construction work in that section. A
call has been given to the police of
all cities in the Rogue river valley
asking tliem to send all laborers de
siring work to Drain.
The granges of Multnomah county
I are lieing urged to help the county
, fair, which will be held this year at
Gresham. September 15 to 10.
I'aris. Aug. 4. Warships, presumab
ly French, were reported here tonight
to have attacked the German cruiser
engaged in bombarding the French na
val base at Bona. Algeria.
Y. M. l'i
has purch:'
nrod. of l'enrod, Minnesota, 1
sed 11 acres of land near i
Medford Tribune: A half dozen
Watch for your opportunity
in the Journal New Today
The Mobile & Ohio railroad an
nounces that it will spend if.l.OOO.OUO
on a new bridge at Cairo and $1,125,000
for equipment regardless of freight in-
it nu(i.i,n.. l,n crease or psychological ousiness lie-
fire has already burned over an area
of lo scpiare miles. No lives have been
lost but the damage to property, includ
ing settlers' homes, burns, horses and
other livestock, amounts to considerable.
pression. this looks iikc sn icKingiy
u ii fair treatment of the calamity howl-
la all the world there Is but ono today.
One of our motor journals snys "the
poor mini's automobile is bound to
come." Oh, yes, and when it does
come he will be poorer tlinn ever pay
ing for tires and fractures.
Holds Conference Today to Complete
Plans for Turning uver Government
Unconditionally to Carranza.
To Bring "Tramps" Home.
Washington, Aug. 5. Secretary of.
War Garrison was investigating today I
the availability of ships on the Great1
Lakes and the 1'acific for bringing
home Americans stranded in Kurope by j
the war. Vessels brought for this pur-'
pose from the Pacific, he said, would
come by way of the Panama canal. i
Human Factors in Good Service
8 3
Wc have picked f rom our stock
200 Suits, oil sizes, values up to
$20, and have priced them at
$8.75. Come in and have a
look at them
! Mexico City, Aug. 5. Provisional
President Carhajal, representatives of
! the federal army and members of con
gress were in conference today at the
national palace here, discussing plans
tor turning over the government uncon
ditionally to the constitutionalists. T.ie
present plan, it was said, is to have
Generals Obregou and Gonzales of the
' constitutionalist army form a temper-
j ary military government.
I Already an exodus of adherents to
i the old regime toward Vera Cruz has
I started.
6. iv. joiim i co.,
This mouth of August and its
sister month, September, are of
all months of the year, the
months of the motorcyclist. If
you haven't gotten your motor
cycle yet. get busy and enjoy
these two delightful months
The Want Ads, over iu the
back of this paper you have in
your hand, often contain bar
gains iu the motorcycle line that
will enable you to get a good
machine at a very reasonable
If yon want some special
make, why run a little inexpens
ive Want Ad of your own and
you can easily and quickly be
May Run the Gauntlet. I
New York, Aug. 5. The liner Vater-'
laud was believed today to be prepar- j
ing to run the gauntlet of British ami
French cruisers with 2,000 German and :
Austrian reservists, laical officials of
the Hamburg-American line, denied the;
vessel was preparing to sail. j
Passengers arriving here today on the
steamships President Lincoln and:
Kaiser Wilhelm said they heard firing ;
off Sandy Hook at ,) o'clock this morn-!
iug- j
Her Date Cancelled. !
Liverpool, Aug. o. Tho liner Tunis-
inn, scheduled to leave this port today,
for Canada, did not sail. It was ex !
pectcl that British warships will be
rushed across the Atlantic to engage
German fighting vessels and protect thei
i nnadiun coast.
Forest Fire at Drain Gets Beyond Con-.
trol Change of Wind Causes Fire to
Surrouud Three, Who Perish. i
Drain, Ore., Aug. 5. A forest fire
which has already resulted in the deaths
! of three men, ami the destruction of the
There are three parties to each telephone connec
tionthe party who calls, the trained operator,
and the party who answers.
The telephone user shares with the operator the
responsibility for good service.
Accuracy in calling, promptness in answering,
clear and deliberate talking and patience on the
partof the user and the operator, are essentials of
good service. j
In making 26,000,000 calls daily, millions of tel
ephone users become integral parts in the Bell sys
tem and contribute to the success of the service.
if they are attractively
camp equipment of the Leon Mills Lum
ber company, was still beyond control
today, with a large force fighting it.
The men, John P. Iurfee, Albert Saf
ley and George Hughes, were burned
Tuesday when a change in the wind
caused the fire to surround them.
The fire started from a log on which
dynamite blasts had been placed. The
men feared to approach the spot to
combat the flames.
A headline says: "Head of lettuce
picked by a Connecticut man that
weighs two pounds." Which indicate
that, in addition to wooden nutmegs.
Connecticut is producing a race of
featherweights. I
Every Bell Telephone Is a Long Distance Station
Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Co.