Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, August 05, 1914, Page TWO, Image 2

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ft -
each and
Yaquina -oay
Oregon's Famous Summer Resorts
: Our
...4 4 4 444-4444-4444444-4444-4"4r4-4--4-4-44-444-4-4-44-4-4 4-4-4 4 444 4 4
v)me to Newport
."'ruber that
i j
i Arthur
ess your clothes
our shoes,
ling parlor in
Is checked.
t City
s from the beach,
ed Tents and
.elegraph for our
id reservations.
assenhove, Prop.
5, Newport, Ore.
Newport, Cool and Breezy,
Draws Visitors From Cities
... ARD and ROOM
jmeal, day or week.
cross from
lshaw House.
X. wport Ore., August 5, ls)l f. Far ami passed the day here. Mr. Tooze is
mora marked than ever before is the ' ify attorney of Dallas and Falls City
"IZsZg nun.ler of automobile parties! " M' .Nichols the earner of the
that are daily arriving in Newport. 1 ' 9 "J . , ...... ,r. , .
;, ,' .. r u ,. v.n .i.1 Mr. am .Mrs. Llova l-.llis, Hiss Hazel
From Port and, Beanie, oan rrancisco, '
and .early every eity in the Willamette 1 ebb and Charles ll.nshaw, all of tall
valley, autoiiiobilists have made the trip : 'ty, -Polk 7" .v arnved in Newport
to & resort .luring t.,e season WniKre
..oS ; part stopped at the Koso City
toT, a still further increase during ; g I hjx rt the road.
the balance of the season. ' ,.,iit;n
The increasing automobile traffic is ""J"1 , , .
, i ! h i ... ..... :.......... Mrs- who has been pass-
undoubtedly duo to the , "V , short va,ati'011 at the Se, Uiff
of the roads ... the tate-part. u a r y h e
between Newport and Albany. During; .... a. .
the past two years noways that were tn' "'"''"f f laitt k
formerly im,.. ssible to ears have been . W; of Salom, was an ar-
graveled or macadamized; culverts ami ! "vlllt y. Ileac-h 1 riUay and is a
nidges have been built grades eon-1 Ku'st Ji?.. House,
siderably reduced and fills made. The ! Mrs D R. Mill, and grandson, Vic
v. , ' .... i .,., tor, of Ashland, who have boen guests
n opening ui. the Newport-Albany road ior the.r southern Oregon oome . Woodburn,
inrs. jv. xj.ihl 1.UI1 uttuguier, xuuiu, iewpun.
of Salem, are included among the many ' Maurice Palton, of Dallas, is enjoying
Marion county people who are sojourn- n soj0urn at this resort as a guest of
ing at the beach. The Linns are stop- the Abhev
ha been the es .bli.hn.ent of garages i I' '"If at the Nicolai. Mr. aml Mrs. A. E. Thonlp90nj of
". u.. ... ...iS . Mr. and Mrs. Cyrus Price, of Eugene, Dnllns. reneheil the bench Sntiir,1v fnr
are domiciled in the McElroy cottage fpw ,)aV9. ouin as m,eSt8 of the
in opciiinir ui tho Newport-Albany
to automobiles, and still further work
will be done this year.
Of as much importance to autoiiio
bilists as the improvement of highways
neaday boat for a few days' vacation
at the seaside.
Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Reed, of Port
land, were nmong the arrivals at the
Nicolai Thursday.
Mrs. J. B. Kennedy and children, of
Woodburn, are located at Tent city.
They are contemplating a two week'
Miss Ida Maguirc, of Spokane, is
nmong the oiit-of-the-stato visitors at
this beach.
Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Irvin, of Aurora,
were mid-week arrivals at the Osburn,
Nye lteach.
Mrs. L. K. Page, of Salem, arrived
in Newport on Thursday for a few
days' visit, as a guest of the Abbey.
L. G. Smith, of Kugene, .joined the
Lane county contingent at this beach
on Saturday.
Miss y.ieen Adams anil Miss Bertha
M. Young are sojourning at the "Dew
Drop Ji.n" until the first of Septem
ber. They are chaperoned by Mrs. Eva
W. Adams.
Rev. J. M. O'Farrell, of Woodburn,
was a recent arrival at tho Nicolai, Nye
Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Hall, of "Wood
burn, are enjoying an outing at the
Mrs. Georgo V. Bonney, of
are passing a few weeks in
all of Lebanon, arc located in one of
the cottages at Tent city and expect to
remain at the beach for several weeks.
The party arrived Sunday.
Judge L. T. Harris, nominee on the
republican ticket for the sta( supreme
court, passed the weea-end at this re
sort as a guest of the Abbey.
W. II. Hodes, of Eugene, came to
Newport on Thursday's boat and is
stopping at the Abbey. Mr. Hodes is
connected with the Eugene Steam laundry.
Mrs. H. A. Parkhurst, of Salem, is
domiciled in the cottage "Sunset" at
Nye Bench for four weeks.
Joseph Harris, a prominent hop man
of Salem, visited his family at "Harris
mirst" Saturday and Sunday, returning
to the Cherry city Monday.
Mrs. S. C. Fildes, daughter Maude,
and son, Gerald, of Portland, are es
tablished in a cottage at Tent City.
They , have as their guest Mrs. Maud
Murray, of Oshkosh, Wisconsin. Mr.
Filcles visited his family Saturday and
ellnry Whitney, of Woodburn, who
has been at the beach for a week, re
turned to his homo Thursday.
Miss Ella Watt, of Salem, is listed
among the numerous Marion county
registrations at the Abbey.
Salem-Newport Train and Steamer Schedule.
Oregon Southern Southern Southern Southern Oregon
Electric Pacific Pacific Pacific Pacific Electric
10:15 am 11:10 am 3:32 am Lv. SALEM Ar. 2:00 pm 8:00 pm 1:30 pm
11:05 am 12:25 pm 4:30 am Ar. ALBANY Lv. 1:00 pm 7:00 pm 12:50 pm
11:31am Ar. CORVALLIS Lv. 12:12pm
1:00 pin 7:30 am Lv. ALBANY Ar. 12:20 pm 6:13pra 10:45 pm
1:40 pm 8:00 am Lv. CORVALLIS Ar. ll':40am 5:45 pm 10:15 pm
5:30 pm 11:45 am Ar. YAQUINA Lv. 7:50 am 2:00 pm 0:30 pm
5:35 pm 11:50 am Lv. YAQUINA Ar. 7:40 am 1:55 pm 6:25 pm
6:00pm 12:20pm Ar. NEWPORT Lv. 7:05am 1:30pm 6:00pm
Try a Journal Classified Ad
and auto supply houses in nearly evory
city and village along the 7Z-milo route,
)e:L House
lovated; nice clean
id home cooking,
i rooms reason
management. One
om the boat landing.
W. A. WILLIAMS, Propr.
"r.'" '7 ..uu for a fortnight. Mr. Price is in the ,. Kpiv
1 IIH UrlVO IU lien I'Ul i is icni'io nim . . . . . . . , -
beautiful scenery, too route penetrating!"""" "-" , MT. ami Mrs. r.nwaru w. wnue anu
..... """rand was formerly a resident or Salem
some of tne wiuieBt anu most uniameu i ' . i
country in Oregon. For miles at a """ "" . .
time the road stretchca through land Mrs. L. K. Page, of Salem, is includ
that has ..ever been cultivated and i. . niong the Salem people who are
nit ,l..inll W cattle and sheen I PIW"tf "'e sea breezes of th.s re-
...... j . . tart.
tZTn Tol do a 1 Newport, W miles, I M- Calkins, an attorney of Eugene,
Tbe roaa 'w 4 i . J 1
in of eHpecial ecouic intereat.
will M I u auu aiuuuu vuo .vunv , , . , .
7 he't. n Id.. huW. of Sel' vjn A. Ar,,ke, of Philomath, was
. . . . .... ... An nrr.vnl in Npwnnr. Sntiirilav. Mr
high, and at otnor time. BK.rting tneir , -
u,L'. nr fnllnl,,B vallev. of the ArVe was a member of th.s year's
many mountain stream, that flow into K'a.lnating class of the Univers.ty of
v i i Oregon.
'TZ lyJet. tlm. ...tomobile. have - ). K- -' Joseph, of Salem,
been arriving in Newport at the rate
of from five to 10 a week.
Mr. nnd Mrs. E. Cook Patton, of Sa-
are established in a cottage at the
beach. Dr. E. ('. Joseph, Jr., and Miss
I.aVcna Venner, of Portland, who have
been visiting at the Joseph cottaae,
ill r. 11.11. l.D. li. i.vun M. nm'iii -i , . . . ., . - .
lem, entertained a party of friends at Monday for the.r home, after
the Nicolai hotel ballroom Monday , a w0 ' "!af hore- ..
evening. Dancing and other diversions iIrn8- ( 'tney and M.ss Florence
were indulged in and elaborate refresh- ,,eve9' of J,,fm' urr,ve'1 V
meats served. Mrs. Patton was assisted I ",et,"",,,"lll0J ,Mt weck "ml etered
. i... m. win: 11 ......it t the Abbey.
1.1 wniB uy ....-J. .......... U-..)ln,. ltr,.i, nf Slulm,. U
I I 11 II A .lit ..a.itt ".III v. ...
In the New Today Column
you will find all sorts of ad
vantageous propositions and
there is no better time than
now to read and use these
and Mrs, J. II. II. Anderson. Too
guests were: ir. and Mrs. William
Hurghurdt, Jr.; Mr. and Mrs. Oliver
Locke, Dr. nn. I Mrs. U F. Griffith, Mr.
nnd Mrs. Douglas Minto, Mrs. William
Dance, Mrs. Edward itaker and Mrs.
l'nrkhurst, of Salem; Miss Anna Schaef
er and Miss b'linn, of Eugene; Mr. and
Mrs. J. II. II. Anderson and Miss Myrtle
.lnu.es, of Newport; Mr. 11. ('. Hansen,
of Portland, Miss Anno Sehaefer ren
dered several delightful solos.
Waller L. Tooze, Jr., of Dallas, and
Walter F. Nichols, of Palls City, ar-
i rived In Newport Sunday by automobile
Dute. a. in. HI. p.m. lit. a.m. lit. p.m. lit.
Saturday 1 S:4S 5.1 M:03 .S.O 2:111 0.0 1:43 3.6
Sunday .. 2 !t:"iS 5.4 11:06.... 8.1 4:24 0.0 3.05 3.6
Monday.. 8 I0:.rit fl.S 10:02 H.2 4:21 0.4 4.12 3.4
Tuesday.. 4 lhllS 6.2 10:53 S.2 5:10 0.6 5:00 3.1
Wednedv 5 12:18 6.5 11:38 8.1 5:43 0.7 5:53 2.7
Thursdnv 6 12:52 6.S 6:32 0.6 6:36 2.4
Friday ' 7 12:10 7.!) 1:23 6.0 7:06 0.2 7:15 2.2
Saturday 8 12:58 7,6 1:52 7.1 7:38 0.0 7:53 2.0
Sunday .. 0 1:36 ?.2 2:20 7.2 8:07 0.4 8:33 1.8
Monday 10 2:16 6.6 2:48 7.3 8:35 1.0 0:14 1.6
Tuesday II 2:58 6.1 3:18 7.2 0:01 l.( 0:53 l.ft
Wedues 12 3:45 5.4 3:53 7.2 !:27 2.3 1 1:30 1.5
Thursdv 13 4:15 4.0 4:33 7.0 0:58 2.0 11:51 1.4
Friday".. 14 6:01 4.5 5:23 6.0 10:38 3.3
Saturdv 13 7:20 4.4 6:31 6.0 1:02 1.3 11:10 8.1)
Sunday.. Hi 8:47 4.7 7:40 7.1 2:13 0.0 1:17 4.2
Monday 17 !M( 5.1 8:44 7.4 3:14 0.4 2:12 4.1
Tuesday 18 10:33 5.6 0:3S 7.8 4:05 0.8 5:45 3.7
Wednes 10 11:12 6.1 10:28 8.2 1:18 0.2 4:37 3.2
Thursdv 20 11:17 6.7 11:15 S.4 5:27 0.5 5:32 2.6
Friday.'. 21 12:22 7.2 6:03 0.6 6:07 1.0
Sntur'dv 22 12:00 8.1 12:5(1 7.7 6:8S 0.5 6:52 1.3
Sunday.. 23 12:46 8.2 1:30 8.1 7:12 0.1 7:30 4.7
Monday 24 1:35 7.8 2:07 8.4 7:18 0.1 8.20 0.3
Tuesday 23 2:27 7.1 2:46 8.5 8:26 0.8 0.22 O.t
Wednes 26 3:23 6.3 3:29 8.4 0:07 1.6 10:22 0.1
Thursdy 27 4:20 5.6 4:21 8.1 0:56 2.3 11:31 0.2
Friday.. 2S 5:52 5.1 5:23 7.7 11:00 3.2
Satud'ry 20 5:23 5.0 6:30 7.5 12:47 0.2 12:21 3.7
Sunday . 30 8:41 5.3 7:54 7.4 2:02 Q.l 1:55 3.7
Monday 31 0:16 5.9 0:01 7.5 3:08 "o.O 3:10 3.4
-..4 .4.4.tvf 4..4.
The Osburn
Rates reasonable. Dining room noted for its ex
cellent meals. Special attention given in regard to
all outings. Courteous attendants meet all boats.
son, Ronald, and Mrs. Dena Dannis and
daughter, Loleta, of Falls City, formed
a party which arrived in Newport the
middle of the week in Mr. White's au
tomobile for a two weeks' vacation.
Miss Florence Burton, a popular
young lady of Independence, was a
Sunday arrival.
William Stutesman left Saturday
noon for his home in Salem after pass-
rpKe, or tnuomatn, was :,, two wefiks in Newport. Mr. Stuts-
JNewport saturuay. Mr. man is intending to return later in th
Mr. and Mrs. John T. Webb, of
Woodburn, were included among the ar
rivals at the Hotel Bradshaw during
the week.
Judge and Mrs. C. A. Wintermeior
and children, of Eugene, are located
at Cozy camp until the middle of the
Dr. and Mrs. O. B. Miles and Dr.
Miles' mother, Mrs. Ruth Miles, de
parted Sunday for their home in Salon.,
after a few days' sojourn at the Cole
cottage. I
Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Campbell, of Sa-'
lem, reached the bench Saturday for ..
i few days' sojourn at the Hotel Brad
si. aw. !
Herman Abraham, of Albany, is en'
joying nn outing at this resort. Mr
j Abraham is n student at the Oregon
. Agricultural college at Corvallis.
I The Misses Gertrude nnd Mary Jane
I Taylor, of Albany, nre among the Hi,b
city people sojourning at this beach.
L. L. Lewis and family, of Eugene,
nre domiciled in the Casa Honitn" cot
tagn on High street for the month of
Miss Ethel Bonney, of Woodburn, de
parted for her home Saturday after
passing two weeks at Tent city.
Webster L. Kincnul, prominent real
estate dealer of Eugene, wife and son,
were recent nrrivals at the Abbey.
Mrs. B. F. Goodpasture and family, of
Eugene, aro among the Lane county
people now sojourning at this beach.
Air. and Mrs. C. J. Given and son
Harry! Mr. and Mrs. Ray Clock and
daughter, and Mrs. Nellie Cox form a
party of Capital eity people which is
lomiciled 111 a cottage at Nve Beach
for a fortnight.
Dr. H. O. White and family, of Sa
lem, reached Newport Sundnv for a
few davs' visit. They are registered at
the New Cliff House.
Mr. and Mrs. C. II. A Russell and
laughter, Edna, of Portland, and guest,
Miss Alice Ralston, of Forest Grove,
are domiciled in the "Tower House"
lor three weeks.
Miss Rose ISasler, of Portland, is
the house guest of the Frank W. Pen
tons, of .McMi.invillo, at the Teuton
Nye lteach cottage, " Uneednrest. "
Protestor J. H. Horner, of the Eng
lish literature department of the Ore
gon Agricultural college, and wife and
two (laughters, have opened their cot
ti.ue en Professors' Row tor the re
maider of the summer.
David V. Hawkins, of Portland, is
at the Damon. ,Mr. Hawkins is a broth
er of Martin Hawkins, the former Uni
versity of Oregon athletic star.
Mrs. M. M. Ellis, of Dallas, was a
Thursday arrival on the steamer New
.Mrs. .1. M. Poster, of The Dalles; ilrs.
I. X. Morris, Miss Onia Morris, Mrs.
W. Donaca, Miss Leola Bilven. Miss
IVatrice Newport and Miss Alice Boyle,
Agate Beac'.i, Ore., Aug. 5. New ar
rivals at Agate Beach:
The Rev. and Mrs. L. K. Grisner an I
family, of Portland, are here for the
month of August. Also T. E. Nicholson
is with them.
Mr. and Mrs. Bowcrsox, of Sulem,
have opened their cottage for the season.
The Lennon family, of Woodburn, is
camping here. They arrived in their
auto this week.
Miss Kidd and Mrs. Purdey, of Rose
burg, have opened thoir cottage.
At the Agate Beach Inn during the
week: R. E. Mass, H. M. Hawkins, of
Albany, Thos. A. Roberts, Mrs. E. L.
Baker, Mrs. W. H. Danev, Mr. and
Mrs. O. C. Lot-he, Mr. and Mrs.,Griffith,
John II. Carson, of Salem; Dr. nnd Mrs.
J. E. Kano, J. P. Cosgrove, Allen B.
Baker, Mrs. J. C. Anesworth, Mrs. E. F.
Tucker, Will Keep, A. H. Dawson,
Helen Ransom, of Portland; Mr. and
Mrs. F. X. Kane, Williamsport, Pa.;
L, P. Danford, Cottage Grove; Mr.
nnd Mrs. C. V. B. Russell, Forest Grove;
Mrs. C. L. Gnrgar, Mrs. S. L. Bargnr,
Mrs. W. H. Fisher, Roseburg; Mrs. W.
H. Maxham, Miss Aundry Langdon,
Eugene; Miss S. E. Beck, Dundee; Miss
i ranees Rocehie, Dundee; Francis lias
kins, Medford; L. J. Sears, Eugene.
among tho Marion county registrations
lit the Bradshaw, Nye Beach.
D. A. White, a well known business
man of Salem, and wife are domiciled
in their attractive cottage nt Nyo
Bench until the first of the month.
Mrs. II. L. Toner, Mrs. Walter Wil
liams and Mrs. Pearl Shaw, of Dallas,
are nt the " Lingerlonger " cottage,
near tho Arcadia boardwalk, for a few
Mrs. Jessie Cromwell returned to her
home in Salem Wednesday after pass
ing a few days at the New Cliff House.
Josef Jordan, Jr., assistant advertis
ing manager of the Oregon Journal, of
Portland, returned to his home in the
Koso City Saturday after passing two
weeks at the Damon. Mr. Jordan is nn
enthusiastic fisherman, nnd while here
innde several successful fishing trips.
Stephen Rautz, of Mount Angel,
reached tho beach Friday for a short
Mrs. M. R. Harrison and Mrs. Mabel
Ries, of Salem, are sojourning at the
Tent city.
George W. Hug, principal of the Eu
gene high school, and family, are at the
"Kill Kare" cottage for a month.
Mrs. W. S. Sawyer, Mrs. C. W. Saw
yer and the Misses nance Putnam and
Doris Sawyer, of Salem, are sojourning
nt the Hotel Bradshaw.
Mr. and Mrs. O. C. Locke, Mrs. Ed
ward HaRer and Mrs. W. II. Dancy, of
Salem, are domiciled in one of the Sun
set cottages.
Mrs. 11. A. Pnrkhurst, of Salem, is
occupying a Sunset cottage until the
first of the month.
Mr. nml Mrs. William Fleming and
Mr. and Mrs. K. It. Fleming, of Salem,
nre located at the Wilcox cottage at
Nye Beach for a few weeks.
J. C. McElroy and family, of Salem,
were Friday arrivals in Newport. They
expect to remain for a few weeks.
Mr. nnd Mrs. .1. N. Skaife, of Salem,
arrived in Newport Wednesday by auto
mobile for a-few days' outing at the
E. A. Cunningham, of Woodburn, was
mid-week arrival at the Hotel Brad
shaw, Nye Beach.
Mr. and Mrs. T. P. Soules and guest,
Miss Lois Iting, of Wooilluirn, arrived
from the Mariou city last week in Mr.
Smiles automobile for a lew weeks'
vacation at the seashore.
Senator John A. Carson, of Salem, is
visiting hi. family at Nye Beach for a
few days.
Mr. and Mrs. I. D. Driver and daugh
ter. Myrtle, of Salem, are located at
Tent eity.
Mrs. C. W. Cook and children, of
McMinnville, and Mrs. Cook's mother,
Mrs. A. V. R. Snyder, of Dallas, are
established at oxy Camp until the hit
ter part of the month.
Mrs. and Mrs. Theodore Neahl and
daughter, Florence, of Woodburn, are
at Tent city. They are entertaining
.Miss i.ozetta Uive, also of Woodburn.
Mrs. J. A. Paine and guest, Mrs. E
Mans, of Eugene, arrived on a Wed-
The Evidence Is At Your Door.
Salem proof is what you want and
the statement of this highly respected
I.I..... ..-Ill l....,Iuh nil .Inii.if.
. n. lioot, nowe io. w, oaiem, savsi
"I believe a ccld started kidney
trouble in my case. Too frequent ac
tion of my kidneys annoyed tne day and
night and sometimes 1 was unable to
sleep. The passages of the kidney
secretions were attended with a burning
pain. If I tried to stop, I had sharp
twinges iu the small of my back. I
felt weak, tire 1 and languid and often
1 got dizzy. Nothing helped me until
1 took Bonn's Kidney Pills on a friend's
advice. In less than a month felt like
a different man and four boxes made
me well. The pains went away and
tho kndney secretions became natural. I
publicly recommended - oan s Kidney
j. .lis after they helped me so greatly
and 1 now willingly confirm that state
ment." Price 50c at all dealers. Don't sim
ply ask for a kidney reme lv get
Donn's Kidney Pills the same that
Mr. Root had. Foster-Milbum Co.,
Props., Buffalo, N. Y.
Mid-Summer at Newport
August is essentially a beach
month and the most delightful
time in which to spend a vacation
at Newport, to get away from the
heat and dust of the Valley.
Improved Train Service
Connection made at Albany and
Corvallis with C. & E. trains,
which leave Albany at 7:30 a. m.
daily and 1:00 p.m. daily except
Special Limited Sunday Excursion ' Train
to Newport, leaves Albany every
Sunday at 6:45 a. m., Corvallis 7:15
a. m. Arrives Newport 11:10 a. m.
Special Round Trip Season Fares and Week
End Fares from all S. P. points and Sunday
Excursion Fares from Albany and Corvallis.
For folders describing New
port, tickets and full infor
mation, call on nearest S. P.
John M. Scott, Gen'l Pass. Agt.
Portland, Oregon.
(35pgyTEs'T I
MM """ " 4
Seattle, Wash., Aug. 5. To draw a
clear line of den.nrkation between the
Republican and Progressive parties: to
prove "that the Progressive intend to
maintain a separate and distinct politi
cal organization, and to put a o.nplete
Bull Moose ticket in the field in every
county in the state for the September
primary elrdinn were tho chief objects
of tho State Progressive convention
which opened here to iay. Every coun
ty was represented by its full quota of
Many miercstoj side trips, suca as the Uevils funch
Bo'.vi, Giicr Rocks. Hcceta Head, the Lighthouse, and many
oikrs of nover-failing Interest.
A Salem Baker
Makes Home - Baked Goods
for Salem People
Cottage Bakery
G. M. POWELL, Proprietor
Join me in a cup
; it-
of refreshing S
England's favorite for over
70 years
- . f -
Adjoining Cape Toulweather Lighthouse. Pishing, bathing, etc. Auto
service meets all trains. 65-room hotel with all conveniences. Free
camping sites, fine building lots on easy terms. Write ror auto-map or
further information to AGATE BEACH LAND CO., 213 Board of Trade
Portland, Ore., or S. O. Irvin, Newport, Ore., or see agent on the ground!
The New Cliff House
at the Beach Adjoining the Sanitary Bath House.
Tents and Cottages for Rent.
Will be open all winter.
W. D. WHEELER, Proprietor
Agates, Jaspers and Moonstones on the beach, making
much-prized souvenirs. First-class hotels, rooms, cottages
and tents for rent at reasonable rates.
Newport, Oregon's ideal summer resort on the shores of
Yaquina Bay and Pacific ocean, is now enjoying the cool sea
breezes, finest natural scenic beach in the west
4- .