Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, August 03, 1914, Page SIX, Image 6

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Ill HENRY PECK'S COUSIN SALLY - - - - By Gross I I ih'ngsWerSee
III wnrrWT-rT1 .i.iii , l l n 'I L
l IF I 6tT HT WtDS ot TWAf f Tl HHD IWA1 MO)e I j-HoJilE -fA ( HAi WJ. I l HEI Wftl mm I I W 1 l BE1 tE1 fl I UjMjM fef 1
Farm bargain on the famous Howell
Pruirln. Now is tho timo to buy a
farm; you run seo tlio crops. If you
uro from Missouri, llcchtol & Hynon ; T
-1. il.i II tl l .. ' ! I
cun snow you miu iiuwcii i ruiriu in
tliA crcnm of Oreiynll bind. Uitdi. deon
terms. 31 acres, improved, $1050;
terms. "5 acre to 100 no res, nil under
cultivation, no building", 125 per ucro. j '
15 acres, well improved, 3750; terms. 1 , ,
Bonutiful 81 Vi ncroa, well im,)rved; , They Predicted Five Years Ago Ho Had
12,500, torms. 10 acres, 7 acres culti-' Beached the Limit and Would
vated, 3 acres tl rubor, prico tllOO; only i Soon Have to Retire.
L'OO down, balance to suit. Wo write in-1
lurunop, rent houses, money to loan. 1
Attendance Five Per Cent Above and
Salaries of Women Teachers $1.25
Above the State Average.
Bechtel & Bynon
317 State Street
Resident Agent.
385 BtU Straw
Carpentier a Soldier.
1'aris, Aug. 3. Georges Carpentior, 1
tlio French heavyweight pugilist, re- AInrioii countv schools show an nt
sponded today to the cnll to the colors. tendoiee of five per cent above tho
Ho reported for duty nt the Central average for tho other counties of the
military depot. -state and the women teachers of this
Skirmishing between German and, ,.0UIlty re,,eive $4-25 pi.r mi)Ilth mor
trench troops was reported at lielfort. tlmn the nver e of ,', o( tho C()Untieg
of the stnte, according to the reports
; sent in to Superintendent J. A. Chur-
,, . , , Tr Tr ! chill. Only nbout two-thirds of the
v V"!' county school Hlinerillt..ndent of thn
Charley White
His Match V.
era Have Chance for Pennant,
gan is confident 01 overhauling the tnt , . . ' ., . , .
rortlnndcrs when tho Tigers """'"'" '- """
Angeles this -" ovumgn m-
II !..; 1 ,, tendance is shown to be 94.5, while
and Heavers clash at i,os
WMiilr in a tiifiia ftlwif will .I..1.I.I.. .1...
a 10 to 6 Favorite in leadership of the league. Hogan figures ,hi,t of M'"on co?",y J'5', The T
V!th Azevedo-Beav- ) that the Tigers were playing mighty "".""1'! ""J"? of , ,ho tom"10
:good hull when they took fivi out of , , '.. ' l"",mlB'
'j nine games from Sacramento in the ! 1,i1b t,mt "f M,,ri,)" c,,llnty 18 'i5-50-!
series just closed, for tuo Senators were rhu BV,,rl'K 81,1""T male teachers is
I fighting all tho way and showed Plenty ss- wI"Il' tllc nv,'r!!0 "' Murion coun-
of class. ; ,v " 1,1 HM,1 the average monthly
Doth games Sundav were bitterly con- "mry tor mule teachers in this county
. .... J j-mo ...i.:i.. 11...1 r.. a 1- .... .1
, doctors or ambiilunccs are exempted
j from speed or traffic regulations. Tho
, case against C. 8. Hamilton, who was
arrested for turning across the middle
1 of a street into an alley, was dismissed
on tho ground that he had a right to
turn into the alley, as it is a common
I Mrs. K. P. Boise was arrested Satur
; day for leaving her auto standing on
, the street without parking. The ma
chine was left, it is stated in the com
1 plaint, more than 30 minutes without
parking it agninst the curb.
It is oxpeejed that when council con
venes this evening there will be several
petitions presented asking for the re
i voking of the ordinance as it now
stands. The measure is claimed to be
. cumborsome, diuigerous in operation,
! anil not likely to produce the results
: desired. Several petitions were circul
ated last week by citizens who believed
j the ordinance foolish and illogical.
I That some sort of traffic regulation is
i needed for the city of Salem the busl
! ncss and nuto ownors do not deny, but
they believe such regulation should be
I reasonable.
Care of
Chinese Medicine and
Tea Company
Has medicine which
will cure any known
153 South High Street,
Salem, Ore. Phone 28:5.
10 a. 're of good liiud all under culti
vation, small house, bam, chicken
house ami well, somo fruit; ,T9 miles
from Salem. Trice Jc.'.IlM, down,
balance 2 years at 0 per cent interest.
By Hal Sheridan.
New Y-jrk, Aug. 2, About five years
ago close followers of baseball started tested, the Wolves" lighting to grui i wlls wtlilu "lllt fr female teachers
.n uii-uiig mo iiiiihii oi mrisiy .iiun-, notn games ami cop tho series. Sailor - T
ewson, tho backbone of the New l'ork Stroud was outpitched oy Kd Klepfor in I" Columbia county tho average num
liiunt' pitching staff. He was referred tllu ",nr,lin contest, Klepfor yielding her of days of public school taught was
to as an old man. and another year, ut the Ti(,(,r9'j tl,0 afternoon. Malar- ty of the state. Marion county aver
i in- mm, woiiui see nun relegated to ; key coming to tho rescue when Leftv
tho luis-beeu class. wobbled in the final frnme.
i A gliinco over thn pitching records;
of tho .National league, however, will j TWO OUT OF SEVEN.
; show thut tho men who predicted tho ,
nged 145 days both in 1913 und 1914.
This year a few of the counties aver-:
nged 150 days of school and nno or '
two 14S days, but tlio general average
was nbout 140, mis in some of the conn- ,
I for five years yet. and that. Im
20 ai res of land, nearly nil under not tmdo him for any three plnvers
cultivation, j acres bearing peach in tho league.
uin.iiru, .i acres or pasture, Imliiiiee;
under cultivation, 4 miles from Salem.
I'rico $.1,730; terms. This is a good buv.
Well iltltWltV., I nn,.i
to trade fur farm today a 10 to tl favorite over Joe Aze-
; vedo of Sacramento for their 'JO round
fi acres of jiood land, nearly nil under '"Mlt '""i"1' "'xt Kridny night. White's
eultivntiiin, I miles from Saiem. Trice "honing :ignini-t Willie Hitchie, former
750, down, balance f5 per month, lightweight champion, and tho iiut that
passing or. ..nitty were not prophets! Los Angeles, Cnl., Aug. 3. Two ties the nvcrage fell down to 120 days,
i, ,.T . . i'"n'"i " games out or seven is the sop the Ait- Three School Houses Built,
i ne Th" f" "'Port for Marion county:
S? net I hews ,nt VwiH?,," "i"1"" !" lMH'rtn., and ns a result the vie- for this year and the comparisons with:
oi Hi t, MathewHou s twirling is re- torious Seals concluded tho series hero hst vear follow i
TZ tnimni nice""" "ig" 1,09itin ' J"? A?fla to ,ife! ,'"8"! '. fomalo ti.Ui.t, !
in tno ponniint rice. sutficiently in Sunday's engngements to total l'l Riiil 1'irr l'll t ll,. H7i7 tv 1
Heinareo nn,l ilanp.nnl have been un-, grab both contests, "saving then, from ' tal Tl 4 Irt
able to strike their 1913 form and this ,,'t, P mut , male W .i.i, total 1.1 440.
is tho principal reason for the Giant, The Seals throughout the week Lit u"'7i "V 1 HV 1 n n..ot
Z 2' 8""U'8 ' "a f Chi- that character- S;;;
National league players say Mathew- i T'L Z? I'X I ! , 5. f .". there are :
sou is pitching better ball this season and thev slugged their way H,,lt '-l' KHs or a total enrull-(
that at any time for the past fivo years. ; through 'tho first five games. Musser, ,",V ' , ,. . . , , '
His anion, tadenwaiy, they say, is ' who had suffered earlier in tho week i VK i - .""i ,,ll,1,,mn "''"I''''-11 f. :
breaking better than ever, and when won tho morning game nt Venice ven-' T ? i ' ,oi"'i , V . . t '
it comes to outguessing the oj.posiug terdav, refusing to permit the visitors ' J!,',.' mttW U f,',mlW ttl -
batsinun, Matty is the peer of nil a sight of the home pinto, livnu won1. V" . 'rf 0 new school houses
tw irlers. i the afternoon game with ease. ' I '""lt b th '." H'"1 "! 1!'U' !"ul 1
Mnthewsoii, McGraw says, along with The Seals are on their way to Sacra- ,h,,ro 2 ' 1,001 ri(,ln8" operation
Hans Wnguer, tho famous Pittsburg mento today with visions of' a .jump to ''" tl,ia ""'' In 1914 there were 117 ,
shortstop, nro tho two wealthiest play- second place. Venice nnd Portland will orKl"",,l 8,,l"l districts, n gam of two
ers in Imsehiil). Wagner is snid to be furnish the local excitement, with prom- ov,'r t'"1 previous year. There are 11
worth close to $250,000, and Matty is ise of a desperate battle for first place. , '''"tficts which have n 9-months school
not far behiml. Itot li I, mo uv.i i'ii,, 'inml unn (Mt. AiureH lin.l ID nniiitlm in
money und iiinde shrewd investments.
.Mcliraw declares Hint Mattio is good
Medford, Ore., Aug. 3. Mistaken for
a deer and shot by a member of a hunt
ing party from Ashland, Henry Hansen,
21, a homesteader in the Elk creek
district, is dead today.
What has becomo of the old-fnshion-ed
mother who thought her small son
wes destined to becomo n great musi
cian because he could get u tune out
of a mouth organ f
Capital Journal
Tn indicate you are a regular reader you must present Four Coupons
like this one.
The National Embroidery Outfit is guaranteed to be
the greatest collection and biggest bargain in patterns ever
offered. The 200 patterns have a retail value of 10 cents
each. Bring FOUR Coupons and 68 cents to this office and
you will be presented with One Complete Outfit including
Book of Instructions and one All Wood Leaded Hoop and
10 skeins of silk. The 68 cents is to cover duty, express,
handling and the numerous overhead expenses of getting
the package from the factory to you.
N. B. Out of town readers add
and expense of mailing.
S cents for postage
White a Favorite.
San I'Vaucisco, Aug. 3. (.'hnrlio
close iu W,,i,0 th" Chicago lightweight, opened
Acre tni.'ts just outside of the city,
i he holds a 10 round decision over Aze-
I vedo were rcsnniisilile fur his kili-miir
all in or, hard, ;iO down und V00 per; following. It was expected that White
inouui, u per cent interest will nanoe h In. In tn 4 fuviritn l,..i,-..
Hank O'Day
By A. M. Corrlgan.
Red McGhee says:
Tho old time funs perhaps recall tho
days when Honk was piny in bull, but
mm mm s long wins
: 1 back. He mnv have
r ,,.,., l,i:.,., .....
But he's best known u.(ir
to me nn' you nlon,
another tack. It's ,.,''''""
5 room house, comer lot. East front,
bearing fruit, close to school, Trice
900. This is a snap.
If you want to buy, trade or sell,
see us.
(Capita! Jiiurnnl Special Service.)
Nnto Lewis, manager of White, an
nounced today that ho had received sev-i
oral offers for White, but that ho would
take no action until after Friday,
night 's bout. ' ;
"r'irst of all," Lewis said, "before
we tie ourselves up 1 want to see Willie I
Hitchie. I understand he wants to take!
u rest for a eouplo of months. We
would like to meet him first, as this
is tho match the public wants to see.
Umpire H a n k O'
Oay wo kuow. He
limped ft dozen years
or so an' lives to
tell the tale. A job
nnd one (Mt. Angel) hud 10 months in
1914. There were l(i districts in 1913
which had n 9-months school. In 1913 ;
there were 52 districts which had nn H- j
months school, nnd this year there were :
til. This year 12 districts had a (5-:
months school, and the rest hud seven i
mouths with one or two exceptions. i
Salaries Paid in State.
The following is the list of the aver- j
nge salaries paid for the year 1914 and ;
the comparisons with the previous vear: !
1913 ;
Male. Female. Mule. Fenu.le I
90.90 ,li:i.02 $SH.27 $03.74
70.91 52..r3 00.00 S 1.21
10.1.00 50.00 97.50 00.00
.100.20 04.30 89.07 t)0..'!0
Grant ..
like that is pretty eWplnno
rough to keep him Mumnth ,
out o' jail. Lincoln
Mos guys, don
callin' balls an Marion ..
. jrl " strikes, have taken -rrow .,
IrPfl M hnP9q,,i"t ''"h hikes llk
ball map. Not so with Hank. lis Wheeler
Kitehio deserves a rest, and I would not 8,,u,t "round. An' now tho ol' boy 'i Washington
blame him for taking it. hand is fouud wrist-deep in a pennant1' nion 90.07
"A match is also possiblo between ai'rap. Wheu Murphy wandered from J t'matilla .. 101.07
White and Harlem Tnmmv Mnrnhv I he fold Hank heard the Chink of tho Wasco .... 74.10
here. Al Greenewald, Tom McCarev ;s 1 ,,ow 1 ub o'd an' took the job as bos. : Wallowa
partner, also has offered us a bout in' 1 ht' w 1,1 baJ w,,h t,,e fans' b,,t
Los Angeles with Joe llivers." (Hank went right oil makiu' plans to
! put the team across.
The Beavers Have a Chance. I llis s,art !,,, The Kai,g went
wrong an lossea gnnies skyward right
Thev wan
73.70 104.44
5S.50 0S.59
59.90 71.50
59.33 i
07.05 !
oo.oo !
0S.00 !
51.50 i
50.80 !
08.42 ,
52.17 ;
59.93 !
OO.til i
58.19 i
61.70 j
09.30 I
58.04 !
00.00 ,
For Manly
Ik M
We have purposely
made up a tobacco to
appeal to the strong, vig
orous man who wants
full flavor and fragrance
combined with natural
sweetness in his smoke or
chew. This tobacco is
Dixie Queen. It is de
signed especially to satisfy
the tobacco -hungry man.
It fills the bill.
Firemen, policemen, out-of-doors
men, two-fisted men in
general, all say DIXIE QUEEN
satisfies. Once they start using
DIXIE QUEEN they cannot
get the same satisfaction out of
any other brand.
Plug Cut Tobacco
Aug. -3. With six
he right sde of th 'w r1 V1' .,h ;""" .id,
ht rmved, McCredies Port- shifted, juggled, made Vm se
...j ...... ... .... . i . . i thov bad to take him seriously an
San Francisco,
; games on
out of oigli
rvi.ier, .tuir. ,v ruriv ceiuimscu ......via nm i-u mine luimv io...... .i. ... i. .......
of Walter It., idsley and family, Dave' Los Angeles, where they clash tomorrow I V L., ' , , I h, " , , ?, Z
bilvors aim t;,n,ih-; Oscar Wilson and! with Venice for tho leadership of tho ! ' . .f, , , 1 ,u ; l"X V IT .1 . .
fsmily nnd .lack Murphy, lelt
Thursday for tho coast, where the
cn.jov a two weeks' outing.
li.i'i h und luiymon 1 Kh'.oni nn
Prnitli return from the coast last week.
C. ('. Forman, who was arrested Fri-
lay for violation of the motor vehicle
v ...i . . .1... i i V . .i 1 oerco upwards men pv men uniu inev , , "
" r' T mst 1 L a '''i" Uia ' i 1 " " """'-I ' ooppin- that he stopped a motor car on
,tt-M'i A,.' Hank mv put it over "...m.-rvial street and left it for more
y will," game, and the o her. played yes-1 v t , k fy 1 M than live minutes without parking it
erduy nlternoon, resulted in lo in,.- j ' nk ., . a,ainst the curb, appeared at' 8 o'clock
d Koy.iug in. ... . this morning iu the police court and
The northerners idaved biu ti ni(i ball
the trip on their wheels. j 'st week against tho Oaks. Thev are
Funeral of Mrs. Settlemier.
funeral services were held Saturday
pleaded guilty to the charge. He plead
ed as extenuating circumstances thai
Tno Mvyonr-old son of O. K. Cooper just nine points ahead of the Tigers, j afternoon in the Methodist church at he left the car just long enough to taka
..... ....ii a.-.u-s win n ioe iiiot.ii wooillmrn. Ore., for Mrs. Murv E. Set- suit of clothes into Hishop s store;
important so far this season. McCred-: tleinier. widow df J. II. Settleiiiier, who and return, which he believed was not
te s pitchers are working splendidly,; , lied Thursday at her home 972 Kast more than three minutes. He was fined '
and the regulars are hitting the ball Itumside street, aged 07 years. She is,IO, the minimum prescribed by the or-i
nar,1 ! survived by a son, .1. H. Settlemier of dinance, and Judge Klgin continued the
The Oaks were a demoralized crew Portland. Mrs. Settlemier came to case until Wednesday morning, during!
fast week, and the local scribes accused Oregon as a child and married Mr. Set- which time investigations will be made.!
Christian s men of quittiug. Oakland j tleinier in 1881. II, was the founder Dr. W. P. Morse, who was arrested '
will tackle Los Angeles hero this week, of Woodburn. Mrs. Settlemier had for turning about in the middle of a!
and Los, Angeles moves on to Sacra- lived la Portland for tho past three block, was dismissed for cause as the
ran agninst a nail, cutting a deep gash
over nu inch long on bis knee, llis
father, being at humc at the time, took
a couple of stitches in it. He will bo
unablo to wnlk for a few dnys.
By skipping out of Mexico City while
the nightingales were singing our old
friend Vie Huerta gave a very clever
exhibition of the safety-first movement.
lctarStor. That'S k aPPea'S 10 and P'eaSes these men
Dtytr Httpcm la
Burley leaf, aged for three to five years,
so as to bring out slowly and naturally all
the juicy mellowness and richness of the
tobacco. That's why its quality never
varies -and that's why hurried-up,
hashed-up tobaccos can't compare with
Dixie Queen.
A pipeful of DIXIE QUEEN lasts, be
cause lt is slow burning Plug Cut. A
Vjwchew because the flavor's all
through it.
Sold everywhere in convenient 5c foil pack-ages-also
in 10c pouches and 50c lunch boxes.
1 years.
ordinance provide that conveyances ot j