Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, August 01, 1914, Page SEVEN, Image 7

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$10,000 FOR 100 WORDS.
" 7" Million Dollar Uyiiery " ttory
will run for tKenty-two oomeoutitt teteki
in I hit paper. By. an wrong meni with
the Tkanhouter film company it hat been
made pottiblt not only to read tkt ttory
in (Ait paper hut alto to tet it tack tcttk
in ike various moving picture tkeatert.
For tht lolution of tkit myttery ttory
tlO.000 Kill bt given.
Tkt priit f (10,000 will it won by tkt
man, -toman, or ekild who writes tkt mott
acceptable solution of tkt myttery, from
which the last two retlt of motion picture
drama will bt made and tkt latt two
chapter of tkt ttory written by Harold
Solutiont may It tent to tkt Tkan
hower Film corporation, either at Chicago
or Net York, any time up to midnight.
Pec. J . Tkit allowt four weekt after tkt
first appearance of tkt ltt film rtleatet
art' thrct wcekt after tkt latt chapter ie
pullinhci in tkit paper in which U tubmit
A board of tkrtt fudge! will dt'.ermint
ichick of the many lolutioni received it tkt
most acceptable. Tkt judgment of tkit
lucre' will bt abtolute and final. Nothing
-.' u literary nature will be comidered in
the decision, nor given any preference in
the selection of tht winner of tkt 1 10,000
1 rite. Tke latt two reeh, wkick will give
mo?l acceptable tolution to tkt myt
ttry, will be preiented in tke tkeatert
lia ini thlt 'taturt a toon at it it pot
tible to product tkt tame. Tkt ttory corre
sponding to then motion picture! will ap
pear in the newipapert coincident ally, or
at joon after the appearance of tht fie
turri at practicable. With tkt !( two
rrelt trill be shown tke picturet f .' win-i.e.-.
his or her home, and other interesting
feature!. It it understood that tht newt
raper, to far at practicable, t printing
the last two chapters of tke ttory by Har
c!d UacGrath, will alto thow a picture of
the successful ooi.testant.
Solution! to tht myttery mutt not bt
mere than 100 words long. Here art
tome questions to It iept in mind in
collection with tkt myttery at an aid to
a tolution :
A'o. t What Become i of the illlonairet
Vo. 2 What become of tht tl.000.0Q0t
No. 8 Whom doet Florence marry t
No. What becomes of the Ruttian
coin '
A'ofjody connected either directly or in
il'rrctly with -The Million Dollar ifyt
tery" will bt considered at a contestant.
rivopsu or previous chapteus.
tnnley Hart-reave, millionaire, after a
mfrnealona mp from the dea af tke
cants of brilliant thlavea known aa tke
Itlnrk Hundred, Uvea the Ufa af a retinae
for eighteen year. Harsreava aaa night
enter a Broadway reatanrant and ther
'oir.ri fare to faoa with tke (ini'a
Under, Brain.
Aflrr the meeting:, during whleii
n-Hher man apparently recog-nlaea the
other, Hartrreave karrlea te hie mnanlfl
rent Rlverdal home and Iny plana for
nuking hla eaeaae from the country. He
. writes a letter te the girls' aehool la
Netv Jersey where eighteen year before
ho hnd myaterloaaly left ea the dooratea
h! bnhy daughter, Floreaee Gray. He
r.lto pays a Ylalt ta the haagar of a
daredevil aviator.
Bralne and membera af hla band aor
ronnd Hargreav' home at night, but an
they rater the bona the watehere ent
rtfie Bed a balloon leave the roof. The
:ifc In fonad empty tke mlllloa vrklea
Hargreave wa known to have drawa
thnt day waa gone. Tkea aome aaa
pounced the balloea bad beea eaaotured
anil dropped late tbe aea.
Florence arrives from tbe glrln1 aekeel.
rountrea Olga, Bralae'a eompanlon, vis
it her and clalnu te be a relative. Tare
lingns deteettTea eall, bnt their plot la
foiled by Norton, a aewapaper man.
Br bribing: tbe captala af the Orleat
Norma laya a trap for Bralae aad hla
frnns. Coaateaa Olga alee itlalta the Ori
ent's raptala aad aba eanlly falla lata tbe
rcportrr'n aaare. Tbe plaa proves aber
tlve thronch Bralae'a ood laek, aad
only blrellasa fall lata the haedn at the
After falllaa; la their tint attempt tba
Illnek Ilondred trap Floreaee. Tkey aak
I:rr for money, bat aka escapee, aaala
fol'tnf them.
Norton aad tbe eonntena call aa Fler
rnre the aezt dny, eaee mere aafa at
tome. The Tlaltor haTlaa; coae, Joaea re
r ovce a aeetlea ef floerlBa;, aa froea
rnvlty takea a box. Pa re and by membera
vt the Black Baad irkt kaTe beea watea
Irir bin moTemeatn, ha raahee ta tba
Trnfr front. A tkrilllna; raee la motor
t v:ta eanaea. Jeaea drapa tba baa lata
tbe urn aad vrlth hla aatomatlo netn are
to tke panatBeT beat.
XOopyrJcaU ltlit By Harold MaoOrntkJ
U TOO ,et th, rang?'! diked the
coonteas, when latt that nlfht
Bialna recoanted hi adTentara.
"Buret" be marled. "My
r'rt, hareo't I Joat told jou that I had to
fjht for my life V Mr boat waa In flame.
We had to awlm for It till we war picked
up by Lotif IlnJ barf tug. I don't know
what became of th motor man. He must
have headed straight for ihore. And I'm glad
be did. Otherwise he'd be howling for th
price of another boat Olg a, for th flint time
I've had to let on of th toy bar a look tt
my face. Doesn't know th nam ; bat on of
tbe day he'll atombl aero it, and th
retnlt will b blackmail, unlet I puab him
off into tba dark. It waa accidental."
The connteaa leaned forward, her band
tightly clenched.
"But th boxl" .
Brain mad gesture of despair.
" Leo, ar you osing any drug thes dsyt? "
"Don't make fun of me, Olga," impatiently.
" Did you erer se me drink more than a pint
of wine or amok mora tbun two cigars iu
an evening? Poor fool ! What! let my brain
go into the wattebasket for the sake uf in
hoar or so of exhilaration? No, and never
rill 1. I'm keen about the gray mattrr I've
got, kud by to Lord Harry, I'm guiug tu k-vp
w. -' ' :r .
' wr
it There's only one dope fiend In th
Hundred, and be' one of the best decoys w
have; so w let bim hart hi cuke whenever
he really needs it But this man Felton has
seen my face. Sam day he'll se It again,
sik questions, and then ' . .
"Then what?"
k A burial at sea," he laughed. Th laugh
ter died swiftly as it came. " Threw it into
eight hundred feet of water, on a bar where
the sands srs always ablftlog. He'll never find
it, even if be took the range. He could not
have got a decent on. The sun wvt drop
ping and the shadows were long.: H threw
the chest into the water and then began peg
ging away at us, cool as you pleaae, and Bred
our tank." '
" It looks to me as if hs bad, wasted his
time." t
"That depends. Between you and me and
the gute post, I've a sneaking idea that this
man Jones, whom. nobody has given any par
ticular attention, Is deep, clever man. He
may have been honestly attempting to find
a new biding place; the advertisement in tbe
newspaper may have drnwn'him. He may
- have thrown the box over in pure rage at see
ing himself checkmated. Again, the whole
thing may have been worked up for our bene
fit, a blind. But if that's th case, Jones
has us on the hip, for we can't tell. But we
can do wlint in all probabilities he expects
we'll cease to do watch him just as shrewdly
as before."
Olga caught his bund and drew him down
beside her. " I wasn't going to bother you
tonight, but it may mean something vital."
"What?" slertly.
For reply she rose and walked over to th
light button. She pressed it and the apart
ment became dark.
" Come over to the window, quick ! " Sh
dragged him across the room. " Over tbe way,
the house with the marble frontage."
A man emerged, lit a cigaret, and walked
leisurely down the street
" No 1 " she cried, as Blaine turned to make
for the door, doubtless with the Intention of
finding out who this man was. " Every night
after you leave he appears."
"Does be follow m7"
" No. And that's what bothered me at first
I believed he was watching soma apartment
above. But regularly when I turn out th
lights he comes forth. So there's no doubt
that hs watches you enter nnd takes not of
your departure." .
" But doesn't follow me. That's odd. What
thedevUIs his idea?"
- "I'd give a good deal to learn."
. Th shadow and the glowing cigaret disap
peared around tbe corner, and the lights in
th apartment wert turned on again.
"He's gone. You really think he' watch
ing me?"
"Hs is watching this apartment, I know
that much."
And even at that moment the watcher was
watching from his vantage behind th cor
nt. '
" Suspicions 1 " h murmured, tossing th ,
cigaret into th gutter. ' They're watching
m tor change. IU drop out I know what
I know. It's a great world. It's fln to b
aliv and kicking on top of It" H went on
without bast and took .th subway train for
"Is there any way I could get near him?!
asked Brain.
"Tomorrow night yon might leav by th
Janitor's entrance. I'll keep the lights on till
you're ontslde. Then I'll turn them off and
yoo can follow and learn who h Is."
" It's mighty important"
"Don't tcowL At your art a wrlnkl is
apt to remain if you one get it started."
He laughed. " Wrinkles! ". Sh could talk
of wrinkles! -
" They are mor Important than you think.
Every morning I rub out th wrinkle I go
tt bed with."
" I with you could rub out the general
stupidity which is wrinkling my brain. I've
made three mnves and fulled in each. What's
come ovrr ine ? "
t'erbapt you've had oo many successes
Tlie wheel of '-lmnce is always turning
" May t eioiike? "
' Thuuki. At least it proves you still have
had my:
w4r-.. -.m-
----- ut
. m.
some conslderstion for m. You would smoke
whether it was agreeable or not But I Ilk
the odor of a good cigar. And It always helps
you to tblnk."
Braine lit th cigar and began bis customary
pacing. At length h paused.
"Suppose wa hav a real old fashioned
coaching party out to th old mansion w
know about?"
"And what shall w do there?"
"Make fa mansion an tnchanted castle
where sometimes people who enter can't get
out Do you think you could get her to go? "
"I can try."
" Olga, I mutt hav that girl; and I mutt
hav her soon. 8ometimes I find myself
mightily puziled over th whole fnlug. It
Uargreav Is alive, why doesn't he turn up
now t'uat It's practically known that his
daughter presides over . his household? I
might understand it if I didn't know that
Hargreave is really afraid of nothing. Where
is 'the man with th five thousanJ, picked
up at sea? What was the reason for Jones
carrying that box out in broad daylight?
Who is the chap watching acrotis the street?
Sometimes I believe In my soul if I hav
one! that hargreave Is playing with us,
playing! Well," flinging the half consumed
cigar into the grate, " the Black Hundred al
ways goes forward, win or lose, and never
" We ars a fine pair ! " said the woman
"We ar exactly what fute Intended us to
be. They wrote you down in the book as a
beautiful body with a crooked mind. They
wrote me down as the devil, doomed to roam
earth's top till I'm killed."
" Why, yes. I'm not the kind, of chap who
dies In bed, surrounded by tbe weeping mem
bers of the family, doctor, nurse, and priest
I'm a scoundrel; but It bos this saving gracj,
I enjoy being a scoundrel. Now, I'm going
up to the club. There's nothing like a game
of billiards or chess to smooth that wrinkle
which seems to worry you."
In th great newspaper office there was a
mighty racket Midnight always means pan
demonium in the city room of a metropolitan
dally. Copy boys were rushing to and fro,
messengers and printers with sticky gulleys
in their hands; reporters were banging awar
at their typewriters, and intermingling you
could hear the ceaseless clickety-click from th '
telegraph room.
The managing editor came out of his office
and approached the des). of the night city
"Editorial page gone down?"
"Twenty minutes ago," said the night city
" I wanted a stick on that Panama rumpus."
: " Too late."
"Where's Jim Norton?"
"At the chamber of commerce banquet. The
major la going to tbrov a bomb into tbe
enemy's camp."
"Nothing on the Hargreave stuff?"
"No. Guess I'd better put that in the
cubbyhole. He's dead." '
"No will found yet?".
"Not a piece a big ar a postage stamp."
"That will leave the girl In a tough place.
No will, no birth certificate ; and worut of all,
no photograph of the old man himself. I don't
sea why Jim sidestepped this affair, lie th
only man in town who knew anything about
"He hasn't given it op; but be wauts to
cover it on bis own, turn the yarn over when
be' got it, no false alarms."
"Ah! So that's the game?"
"Yes; and Jim is the sort every paper
needs. When th time comes the story turns
op, If there 1 one. Here be Is now. Looks
Ilk an actor in th fourth set of a drama.
Good looking chap, though."
Norton cam in through the outer gates. He
waa In evening clothe, top hat. A dead
cigaret dangled between bis lips.
" How much do you want? " asked the night '
city editor.
. "Column anJ a bait"
" Off with your glad rt gs !" .
"Anything good V r.tked 'he mansging ed
itor. - "Th lid has been jammed en tight No
STEDY Harold MacGiath
i v . , .
' '5., v
Si i
3 , ,
wins in any restaurant after 1 o'clock. There'll
be a roundup of every gunman in town."
" Good work I Go to it."
It waa 1 o'clock when Norton- turned in
his last sheet of copy und s'. trtcd for home.
Just outside the entrance to the building a
man with a slouch hut drawn down over his
eyes stepped forward.
"Mr. Norton?" '
" Yes." Norton stepped back suspiciously.
The other chuckled, raised nnd lowered bis
bat swiftly.
" Good Lord ! " murmured the reporter.
"Will you take a ride with me lu a taxi?"
"All the way to Syracuse, if you say so.
Well, I'll be tinker damned 1 "
" No names, please 1 "
What took place in that taxlcub was never
generally known. But at 10 o'clock the next
morning Norton surprised the elevator boy
by going put Norton proceeded downtown to
the National bank, where be deposited $5,000
in bills of large denominations. The teller
hod some difficulty In counting them. They
stuck together and retained th sodden ap
pearanc of money recently submergej la
J. ' r '' '
t .
Florence was delighted at th Idea of a
coaching party. Often during her school
girl days the had seen the fashionable
coaches go. careening along the road, with the
sharp, clear note of the bugl rising above
the thunder of hoofs and rattling of wheels. .
Jones was not enthusiastic ; neither was be
a killjoy.
"But' you are to go along, too," said
"I, Miss Florence?"
"Th countess Invited you especially. You
. will go with a hamper."
"Ah, In my capacity as butler; very good,
Miss Florence." To her he gave no sign of
his secret satisfaction.
Th hour arrived, and th gay party
bowled away. Taey wound In and oat of the
streets toward th country to tbe crack of
the whip and the blare of the horn.
Florence' enjoyment would hav been per
fect had It not been for the absence of
Norton. Why hadn't he been' Invited? She
did not ask becsus tne did not car to dis
close to tbe countess her interest in th re
porter. Th wtr ncaring th limits of th
k " - ?' -V,V,
city, when the coach waa forced to take
sharp turn to avoid an automobile in trouble. .
The man putterlug at th engine raised his
head. It was Norton, and Florence wared
her hanJ vigorously.
"A coaching party," he murmured; "and
your Unci James waa not invited! O, very
welll " H laughed, and suddenly grew seri
ous. It would not hurt '.o find out where
that coach waa going.
He set to work savagely, -v located th
trouble, righted It, and aet oft for the II r--g
rears home. B found Susan and bombarded
her with questions which to Susan cam with
th rapidity ol rain npon fa roof.
"So Jones went along?"
" In his capacity of butler only."
. Norton smiled. "WelL I'll take a jaunt
ont there myself. Yon ar sura of th la- '
Well, good-by. IU go a 4 waiter, sine
they wouldn't Intit me, I'm on of th
best Uttl waiters yon erer htaid of; and all
things com to him who waits.?
What a pleasant, affabl young man h
waal thought Susan u sh watched him
Jump Into th car and go flying up tba street
Jones waa a. good deal surprised when
Norton turned op at th oM Chilton manor.
"What mad yon com her d retted Ilk
this?" th ho tie dsmanded.
" I'm a suspicious duffer ; maybe that's th
"Do you know anything?"
" Well, no; I can't say that I do. But,
hung it, I just had to com out her."
"Muyb it's just aa well you did," said
Jones moodily.
" I know this place. Th housekeeper used
to be my nurse, and If sh 1 still on th
job she may be of service to us. You don't
think they'll question or recognize me?"
" Hardly. I'll put in a word or you. I'll
say I sent for you, not knowing If we had
enough servants) to tak car of th
" And now Til go and hunt up Meg."
Sure enough, his old nurse was still in
charge of th bouts; and whan her " baby "
disclosed bis Identity sh all but fall upon
his neck.
" But what ar you doing here, dressed 3
as a waiter? "
"If a litU secret, Meg. I wasn't in
vited, and th truth' is I'm very desperately
In love with fa young lady iu whose honor
this coaching party la being given. Ami
, , . maybe sh' in danger,"
"Danger? What about?"
"The Lord only know. But show m
about th house. I'v not ben her In so
long I'v forgotten th run of it I remem
ber one room with th secret panel aud an
other with a painting that turned. Hav
they changed them?"
"No; It Is just th sama her at it used
to be. Come along and I'll show you."
Norton Inspected th room carefully,
stowing awty In his mind avery detail. II
might be worrying about r.othirg; but so
many Strang things had happened t'aat it
was better to be on the side of caution than
on th aids of carelessness. Hs left th
house and ran acrosa Jone carrying u basket
of wine. '
" Here, Norton; tak this to th party. I
want to reconnolter."
All right m'lud t Say, Jones, how much
' do you think I'd arn st this job? " comically.
" Get along with you, Mr. Norton. It
may b th time to laugh, and then It may
"I'm going back Into th bouse and bill
behind a secret panel. I'v got my revolver.
You go to th stable and tak a try at my
car; so if sue works smoothly. Wa uinr
have to do som hiking. Where It tht
countess in this?"
" Leave that to me, Mr. Nortou," said t
butler with his grim tuille. B off; they
ar moving back toward th house."
So Norton carried th basket around to th
lawn, where It was taken from his hauds by ,
the regular servant He sighed aa he saw
Florence, laughing and chatting with a tata
who wa a stranger and whom h heard ad
dressed as count Som friend of the count,
no doubt Where waj all this tangle going
to end? He wUhed h knew. And what
yarn h waa going to writ torn day' It
would b read Ilk on of Gaborlau'a tale.
He turned away to wander Idly about tke
grounds, when beyond a clump of cedar b
saw three or four men convening lowly. H
got as near aa possible, for whan three or
four men put their head together and
whisper animatedly, It usually mean a poker
gam or something worse. H caught a
phrase or two it it cam down th wind, and
then he knew that th vagu suspicion that
had brought him out bcr bad Uea set la
motion by ftte. H heard " Florauc " and
"th old drawing room"; and that wa
He scurried about for Jones, It was pur
lack that h had had old Meg show him
through th house, otherwise h would hav
forgotten all about the secret pane! In th
wall and th painting. Jonea shrugged
resignedly. Were thes men of th counts'
Party? Norton couldn't say.
Norton mad hi 'aiding place In safety;
and by and by h copld hear th guests mov
ing about In th room. Then all sounds
ceased for a while, Norton strsined bis ear
against th panel. A door closed sharply. '
"No; her you must stay, young lady,"
said a man's vole.
"What do you mean, sir?" demanded th
beloved role.
" It means fast no on will return to thlt
room and that you will not be mis' jntll
it Is too lata."
Th sound of voice stopped akuptly, and
somathlng Ilk tcutlllug ensued. Later Nor
ton heard th back of a cbair atrik tht
panel and some on sat heavily upon It H
waited perhapa five minutes; then be gently
slid back the sueL Florenc sat bound and
gagged. uc2er his very eyes I It was but the
rwrh of a moment to liberate her.
" It Is I, Jim. Do not speak or make th
least noise. Follow me."
Greatly astonished, Florenc obeyed; and
the panol slipped back Into place. The mom
Ikall I.J ,U - . , t J " ..
ra.iuu iu aeurvi panel naa oarrea windows.
To Florence It appeared to be a real prison.
"How did you get here?" ah akJ
" Something told me tc follow you. And
something is always going to tell me to fol
low you, Florence."
She pressed his hand. It waa to her at
If one of those book heroes hsd stepped out
of a book ; only book heroes always hsd tre
mendous fortunes and did not hav to woi k for
a llvlug. Oddly enough, she was not sfrsld.
" Who was ths uiai.?" he asked.
"The Count ."orfttldt Some on has Im
posed upon the countess."
"Do you think so?" with a siren. Lk
in his eyes.
" What do you mean?"
"Nothing Just now. Th Idea la to gtl
out of here just as quickly as we can. Se
this painting?" Ho touched a spot ou th
wall aud the painting slowly swung out Ilk
a door. " Come; we make our escap to tbe
sido lawn from here."
At th stnblo they were confronted with
th knowledge that Norton's car was out of
commission; Jones could do nothing with it.
Then Norton suggested that he make un ef
fort to commandeer th limousine of the coun
tess; but there were men about, so th lim
ousine was out of the question.
"Horses!" whispered Jones. " Ther ar
several saddle horses, already saddled. How
about these people, tbe owners?"
"O, they ars beyond reproach. They hav
doubtless beeu Imposed upon. But let us get
aboard first. There will b time to talk
later. I'll have to do som txpiaiulng, tak
ing then nagt tff like this. W won't hav
to rid out In front where th picnicker ar.
Ther' a lana back of th stubl, and a
slight detour bring us back into the main
Ta thr mounted tnJ clattered away.
To Florence It bad th air of a prank. Sh
waa beginning to hav such confidence lu
thes two Inventive men that sh felt at if
th was never going to b afraid any mor. '
When th Countess Olga saw th three
horses It was an effort not to fly into a 'rag.
But secretly she warned her people, who
preseutly gave chase in th llmouslu. while
she prattled and jested and laughed with her
company, who wer quit unaware that a
drama wta being enacted right under their
vory noses. The countess, while sh acted
superbly, tor her handkerchief into shreds.
There was something sinister in th way all
their plans fell through at th very moment
of consummation; and that night aha deter
mined to ssk Brsine to withdraw from tbi
warfare, which gradually decimated their
t number without getting them anywber to
ward fan ennL
Jones shouted that th llmoualn waa tear'
Ipg down the road. Something must be don
to stop it He suggested that he drop be
hind, leav hi horse, and tak a ehanc at
potting a tir from th shrubbery at fn
roadside. .
" Keep going. Don't stop, .Norton, till you
ar back in town. I'll manage to Uk'foo4
car of myself."
(To b continued.)