-c v THB - DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, 10 oijgooar, iatuxiut, Aaavwt x, ttu TB1I I 4 Industrial Clubs Give Vent To Pent up Energy of Oregon 's Pace-Setting Boys and Girls XDUSTRIAL clubs for the girls and boys of Oregon, organized this spring, have shot to hit in aiding the children to win the $2,500 in prizes offered them in contests at the coming local and state fairs. Applying the touchstone of utility to education, industrial work" throughout the Btate has recently been greatly en couraged. In the spring of 1S13, the Oregon legislature appropriated the sum of (6,000 to be paid each year out of the general fund of the state to pay the salary and traveling expenses of two assistants, whose duty it is to trav el throughout the counties of the state and supervise and promote the develop ment of industrial work in the public schools, including such subjects as ag riculture, manual training and home economics, and promote industrial school fairs and school garden coo tests, under the direction of the state superintendent of public instruction and in co-operation with the state agricul tural college The Lever bill consider ing further appropriations will be up before the next legislature. Interested iu the industrial realities about them, public school students are pursuing practical ideals. Having a knowledge of the vocations they must follow in later years they are assuming a differ ent attitudo toward the "bread-and-butter" side of life. Age Limit Only Requirement. Strengthening the work which has liet'u started by the introduction of do mestic science and manual traiuing in the public schools, the boys and girls were invited this year to organize in dustrial clubs under the O. A. C. ex tension service, of which B. I). Hetzel is the director. Any boy or girl in Oregon who is between the ages of 10 Otto and Charles Russell, aged 12 and 8 School, showing their bean trellises, and 13, inclusive, is entitled to member-1 ship in any industrial club and may un dertake the approved club projects, the; particular kind of work chosen by the' member. I Superintendent J. A. Churchill saysi ! "Such organization will furnish an op-i portunity for social meetings, and for entertainments of various kinds, that will be of value to the community. j "I believe the pian furnishos an opportunity for strengthening the bonds that unite home and school. ' I Since the beginuing of the industrial clubs, hundreds of members have writ ten to the state and county superinten dents of their memberships and meet ings. Iu turn personal letters and leaf lets, containing the best scientific in struction and prepared in simple style, were sent to all the boys and girls in terested, and will continue to be se,nt at frequent intervals. The bulletins of the Oregon Agricultural college are sent free to all residents of Oregon who request them. The extension division of the Oregon Agricultural college, through the state agent for boys' and girls' club work, co-operating with the state superintendent GJC public instruc tion, furnishes the necessary instruc tions and information for carrying on the club work thoroughout the state. Some Suggestions. A circular of suggestions for club work, enrollment Dlanks, club constitu- -'X I 5 ' , 1 t ""V Perry Nathan Pickett, of Highland School, aged 10 years, a winner of many state fair prizes during the last three years. In the background are his beans already four feet high. tions, rid other material were placed in tne hands of the club leaders to as sist them in organizing their clubs and getting the work started. A series of circulars, covering every phase of the various elub projects were sent to club leaders and members. These circulars are designed to sustain the interest of the club members and to enable the su pervisors and leaders to utilize the edu cational possibilities of the movement to the fullest extent. In a pamphlet issued by F. L. Grif-I fin, state agent in charge of industrial clubs, the possibilities of these home : club nri made plain Among the things a club can do are: j 1. Develop a more Intensive and profitable system of agriculture by en couraging the nse of scientific and business principles in the rearing of animals, culture of plants, and utiliza tion of plant and animal products. 2. Materialize and render permanent the educational ideals now expressed in the industrial fair movement. 3. Offer a medium through which in spiration, information, and vocational direction can be given to the boy and girl in the country. 4. Adapt boys and girls to their ea vironment, and develop within them self-expression and initiative. 5. Create higher ideals of country life by showing that health, wealth and happiness are the heritage of every country boy and girl 6. Assist the teacher in the public school to find an easy approach, edu cationally, to all the interests of coun try and community life. The club ac tivities become the connecting link be tween home and school, and will assist materially iu transforming the school into a real community center. 7. Bring the people, old aud young, socially together. The co-operative at mosphere engendered by such meetings awakens in adults higher ideals of life, and develops within boys and girls a realization of their own powers and abilities. Uucle Samuel Helps. Cnele Sum helps along the good work. The bulletins nre distributed through the co-operation of the bureau of plant industry IT. 8. department of agricul ture, along with the O. A. C. The pleas ure and profit derived from these sim ple stories of how to carry on the work may be gleaned from the following titles: "Dunning and Planting the Gar den." "Fruit and Vegetable Canning." years, respectively, of Hazel Green corn and potatoes. " Growing the Oregon Potato Crop." "Feeding Young Chickens." "Feeding and Care of Dairy Cows." "Sewing: Cotton Goods." Writing on that all important sub ject of the "mortgage-raiser," O. R. Samson presents the question, "What Is a Pigf" and explains: "A pig's chief business in life is to make a hog of himself." Dear to the heart of every boy and girl is his or her own pet hobby. If a pupil in any school desires to undertake some line of work not included among the projects of the local school con test, he may have the opportunity of enrolling for that work with the state agent. Would Tou Like to Know? If there is anything a boy or girl would "just love to know," club super visors will send in thnsA desirable top ics to the state agent in charge of tie club work. The club projects for 1914 are: 1. Corn Growing. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. test. 9. 10, Potato Growing. Girls' Canning and Preserving. Girls' Cooking and Baking. Boys' and Girls' Poultry liaising. Girls' Sewing. Boys Pig Feeding Contest. Boys' and Girls' Gardening Con- Dairy Herd-Record Keeping. Manual Arts. (Construction of 7fLrf",, i "ft: 'A useful or model articles of wood, metal or concrete.) Recently County Superintendent Wal ter M. Smith and Field Worker N. C. Maris visited the gardens of the chil dren of Marion county. Following is a letter telling of that trip: I hope you are ail having a good time and enjoying your vacation, work ing some, playing some and reading some. I hope you are not wasting any of your time in idleness. We do not consider playing idleness, but if yon play all the time you really get tired of playing and then it does become a waste of time. There are' one hundred industrial clubs in this county and probably over fivy hundred boys and girls belonging to them.' . If each one of these elub members wastes, tay one hour a day, just think what a waste of time it is; five hundred hours or mora which might have beea used for some good purpose, and that is one of the funda mental objects of our club work. To assist the boys and girls in learning to economize in every way, to economize in time and effort and to learn to be systematic in everything. There Is a great deal in that word system. No person and no business can long suc ceed without system. You boys and girls are forming habits now that will stay with you all through life, and above all things, you should learn to be systematic. This week Supt, Smith and I have been spending some time visiting some of the club members at their homes, getting photographs of their gardens and other club work and information that will Jbe of value In planning the work for the future. We would like to visit every club member, but this is i I 'r-v-:;.V . .... il WUi i - Miss Emma Gillett, of Chemawa, 11 years old, daughter of A. H. Gillett, su perintendent of the farm at the Indian Training School and her canned raspberries, cherries, beans and peas. impossible. We not only have overj five hundred members in this county,! but in the whole state there are some-; thing over 11,000 industrial club mem- tiers. Most or inese cuius nave oeen organized by Mr. Harrington and my- self and we would be glad to visit I every club and every club member in! thoir home, but this is impossible, so the next best thing is to write a letter to all of you. Visiting some of the; ilnh mamViara In Afnrinn pnuntv WA ! found some splendid gardens and some mingling with the boys aud girls andij101"96 recently, has purchased a fine not so good. We have found some hav- taking part in thoir sports. I lllrKo span of mules, ing success with their poultry and If any of you have kodaks and can' Mrs. Clay Heise and children of others meeting with some difficulties; get good photographs of any of your j Pratuin are visiting in the neighbor for instance, one eirl said the pie had! club work Supt. Smith will appreciate1 hood. eaten the most of her chickens. We siiL'ceste.l that she fatten the Din and i take it to the fair to get even, with him. Some of the girl members are progressing nicely with their canning, baking, etc., and others say thoir bread does not raise very good, or the dough sticks to their fingers in a horrible manner, come are optimistic anu some are discouraged. I trust that none of I you will give up or discontinue your club work. Remember the old adage, 'if at first you don't succeed try, try again." Supt. Smith has arranged to give an achievement pin to each club member who continues the work of their jeet during the season and exhibit some of the same at the fair, regardless of whether they win a prize or not. Now it means a great deal to win und wear one of these achievement pins. It is a real honor badge which shows that you are not a quitter and that you have material in you to perservere and stay with your work to the end. It does not always happen that the boy who has the best garden or the girl who wins in bread baking, sewing or canninng fruit has gotten the most good out of it. Others may have worked under greater difficulties, per haps with poor soil or less instruction or less encouragement, but in spite of these facts have worked hard and uone their very best and will have an ex perience that will be of everlasting and estimable value to them. Last year Marion County won second prize on the collective county exhibit. Supt. Smith is ambitious to win the first prize this year and I am sure that you all want to help him to do that. In fact it is up to you whether you do or not. The boys and girls must furnish the exhibits. You would not ! think much of your superintendent if he did not take interest enough to want to win in this contest. It is a good thing for boys and girls to culti TJ !lZtdZ?ht t 'ea,.Ke lha. "VV 7jyn the 7 Z v, 7; T u i in the union. You Marion countv bovs' , . . i ... .. . ' nu giris ongni to Deiieve tnat Alarion ' is the best countv in the state and you wint to heln imv tn!. t,v hriimin!, til re. llU of VouV effort to ahe fa ?gnet fll and I heln Jo win . thl firlt I m":8" 1 ."I?.!? ,e:i'r! ..P"l f0J Marion county; but I xmuo ' imagine tnat 1 1 hear some of you saying that you on the farm and have to work hard ! during vacation, but vou ought to be thankful for that privilege It is a good thins that vou have 'an om.or- "ve tnnitv tn work n,l learn hnr . wri, i that will he Kpnnfi,.inl in vk.. v,o.ithe state fair. The boys in uniform found in the past that it is the boysjani1 un(lcr military discipline will be and girls who do have to work that furnish most of the exhibits at the fair. I hope, however, that your parents do . - 131 i rrvrvn rtSMim rvimi A fiOrin I .(IMP FX (IN 10 A IflV rARFVPP IU n JV7 I i UIIUfL.ll Everybody that wants a fine, plow- ing, youthful skin should take old re- liable Hood's Sarsaparilla, a physi - cian'9 prescription, which gives a clear, healthy color. When your blood in made pure, your whole system is improved. Pimples, boils, hives, eczema Bnrely disappear. Langnor, loss of appetite, tired feeling, weakness are symptoms of impure, unhealthy blood, TT 1 ! C -til- L.,!l.l HM V, n xlOOU & oarsaufciiuii uuiiu ui whole Bvstera bv Diirifyinff the blood- It is the safest ana most successiui ..." -..--- . at tonio known, Get a bottle from any druggist. Start treatment today. Improvement begins with first dose. not require you to work all the time, early and late, In the field or ia the kitchen without giving you some time for recreation and tome time for work at your own projects. I hope, too, that they have not over-' looxed giving yon the opportunity of a good garden patch or the care of some chickens or a pig or something of this kind and that they appreciate what it means to give this opportunity and time and to give the child some personal ownership all of which tends to create an interest in tne Home ana child to develop initiative, selfconfi dence and self-importance in the child, I trust that you are holding your club meetings regularly and keeping up in terest in the same. If the interest and attention is lagging, permit me to sug gest that you have a elub picnic. I am sure your parents will be willing to give you a holiday, at least on Sataur- day afternoon for this purpose, re haps there is some nice grove in the neighborhood where you can hold your 1 --j . l '.) t.p. y t tJ " j ,, Jl meeting and picnic and have a jolly good social time. Perhaps you can get some one from the Agricultural College j or from the State Department or- any one wno can give you Borne instruction in your club project work. Have your parents meet with you. It is a busy time on the farm, but it will do them good to take a half day's rest aud they will not know the difference a hundred years from now and will feel younger nn.l tnka VAnflwAil tlifarARf in lifo frmn it very much if you will send him one.1 Marion Moore is building an addition If vou would hold a picnic as I siiff-'to his home. eested, a photograph of this would be; nice. Don't overlook the fact that tho ro- port of vour work counts for ns muchj in some instances as the quality of your products, so if your vegetables are not' as good as you like, perhaps you can1 even up by having a very complote and ,icat report and thereby beat the othor fellow whose garden may be a little better than yours. Keep your reports written up closely all the time. If you neglect to write them up fully you may forget some important items in the end which will mar the completeness of pro-,yo,lr reioru. If there is anything about the re port or the preparation of your exhibits that you do not understand write to Supterintendent Smith or to the state agent at the Agricultural College for information, Wishing you all greatest possible benefit and success in your work, I am, Yours trulv, N. C. MARIS, Field Worker of Industrial Fairs. Two weeks ago the Capital Journal told its boy and girl readers, especially in Marion county, about the industrial fair to be held in the Salem armory September 25, 1914. Throughout the state, similar county fairs will be hold. This year many of the extension course members will send their exhibitions to the Oregon state fair, which will be held September 28 to October 3. Entry blanks will be sent upon application to the secretary, Oregon state fair, Sa lem, Oregon. Entries Are All Free. There will be no fee charged at the state fair for entering exhibits in these contests. The fair officials will also give to each boy or girl who enters an CAIIlUlt t ,l;nCI, IU MID BbUlO UUU l'or one day. The Southern Pacific, the I Oregon Electric, the United Railways,! an the Astoria' Railway will all carry free 0( char((e the children-,, .Mbi& to d t'om the fair, provided i i l conereernted at one or more noi they aro ints and l:" 7 v1'1, -T , 1 u Ty school superintendent, teacher, or other !rson. 8c0ri"K ,,iKh ' popularity is the state fair school cam,,. This camp is com-1 .,,- t. ,',, , !, ...,. ' . . .. ' , ' " hvet ,won the greatest number of j NATIONAL hANK OF COMMEKC'E, points in tho projects exhibited by them I . Toledo, Ohio, the couuty contests. The state fairj11"1' 8 Catarrh Cure is taken mtornally, boartl 1,M appropriated $500 to cover I atmjj directly upon the blood and mu- the expenses of a boy's camp during uio ucntn vi n alum lair cumuli iiee, and nothing will be too good for them during the fair week of sight-seeing. Among the premiums offered to con- j testants at the Oregon state fair will be I1.000 in. cash prizes, appropriated by the state fair board to be used for the I juvenile contest, and besides the fine Prem'um9 'rom to porch swings, ; offered to the special project contesters will be let the children hold their . breath a trip to the Panama-Pacific I j International exhibition at Han Francis- ;co during the summer of 1!M", with all, , expenses paiu. LOOKING IN WRONG COUNTV. Bedford, Ore., Aug. 1. "I am stand ing over six sticks of dynamite. Will not bother you any more. " This startling mow-aue, -received through the mails yesterday by Mrs. M.jand bowels uctive and the blood pure. Womak. and sinned hv her husband, a v,,r tl,; nfi rt w til tii wr.i-Lr iiiut ' it l ' 1 i l i wtii nouwn nuniuu luruiur, criusru a soarch to be institute', for tlie man throughout Jackson county. Womax, I IWJ I L I I ij has been working on the Siskiyou grade rT'r A U niTTirrtr of the Pacific highway. iSTOMACll DITTlRS Better aa ounce of did than a pound of going to do. THE CHARM OF MOTHERHOOD Enhanced By Perfect Phyi cal Health. - The experience of Motherhood Is a try trig on to most women and marks dis tinctly an epoch in their live. Not on woman in a hundred ia prepared or on derstands how to properly ear for her self. Of course nearly every woman nowadays has medical treatment at such times, but many approach the experi ence with an organism unfitted for the trial of strength, and when it is over her system has received a shock from which it is hard to recover. Following right upon this comes the nervous strain of caring for the child, and a distinct change in the mother results. There is nothing more charming than a happy and healthy mother of children, and indeed child-birth under the right conditions need be no hazard to health or beauty. The unexplainable thing is that, with all the evidence of shattered nerves and broken health resulting from an unprepared condition, and with am-1 pie time in which to prepare, women i will persist in going blindly to the trial I Every woman at this time should rely upon Lydia E. Pinkham'a Vegetable! Compound, a most valuable tonic and invigorotor of the female organism. In many homes once childless there are now children be- I cause of the fact that Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable . Compound makes' women normal, healthy and strong. If you want special advice write to Lydia E. Pinkham Modlcine Co. (contt dentlal) Lynn, Mass. Your letter will no opened, rend and answered by a . vu trrf fn,i. WEST SALEM. sjc jc 3fc Jfi 3$( )C sjc 3fC 3jc 3C jC jjC Qeo. Toban, who lost a valuable ir. anu airs, .lamos animus visited at the H. B. Hoffman homo near Bethel recently. Mrs. Code is entertaining as house guest her friend Mrs. Jennie Hunt of Portland. Miss Orpba Boll and Florence Cory nave Deen eiecteu toacners ior tne primary and intermediate departments of our school for the ensuing year, Troy Wood and Raymond Rex have returned from a two weeks' outing nt Netarts bay. Miss Ida Johnson of .lOqulnm, Wash ington, is the house guest of her aunt Mrs. Kd Minnick of Kingwood Park MiBses Ella and Mabol Ruge are among Newport visitors this week. Miss Etta White of Salem chaper oned a merry crowd of West Salem young people up on Kingwood hill and down by the river where a picnic din ner was enjoyed. There were about twenty-five in the party. Games, swimming, and boat riding were en joyed. Miss Clara Rex left on Friday morn ing's boat for Jennings Lodge near Oregon City to attend a camp meeting of tho florman Evangolical church. Everett Walker who returned from the coast recently has gone to the mountains to continue his vacation. Mrs. Joe Eaton anu Mrs. Frank Law bangh were Dallas visitors recently. The Frank Lawbaugh femily are moving from West Salem to Washing ton street in South Salem. The fruit drier is being prepared to handle large quantities of fall fruits, no drying being done now as the berry season Is over. Mr. J. Jf. Wilson a vcteriart of the Civil War and much respected citizen of West Salem, died at his home Thurs day night at ten minutes after nine o'clock, of heart failure. HOW'S THIS.. We offer One Hundred Dollars Re ward for any case of Catarrh that ' cannot be cured by Hull's Catarrh Cure, J- CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. i w .i.: , i ,': F i Cl (37l , ' Cheney for the last lo years, and believe him perfectly honorable in all tineas transactions and financially Me to carry out any oblinations made I hv his firm I viTifiMi ua surfaces or the system. Test! monials sent free. Price 7j cents per bottle. Sold by all druggists. Take Hall's Family Pills for constipa tion. FINED $150 EACH. Oregon City, Ore., Aug. . As a re sult of their conviction recently on charges of selling liquor to minor girls, while proprietors of the Friars club at 1 Milwaukie, J. Wilbur and B. Barisn w" Iln"" l )u pa(n an v- Wilbur fin'1' "0. Costs in the court wore also abused against them, IT PAYS und Piiys well, to keep the uiipetite , keen, the digestion normul. tho liver 1 J J HfiCTFTTFD'C Win lAM'-U.M CLIP - THIS bhv x kiw m ' Sr Canital Tn indicate you are a regular reader like this The National Embroidery Outfit is guaranteed to be the greatest collection and biggest bargain in patterns ever offered. The 200 patterns have a retail value of 10 cents each. Bring FOUR Coupons and 68 cents to this office and you will be presented with One Complete Outfit including Book of Instructions and one All Wood Leaded Hoop and 10 skeins of silk. The 68 cents ia to cover duty, express, handling and the numerous overhead expenses of getting the package from the factory to you. N. B. Out of town reader add S cents for postage and expense of mailing. WeJ have the beat equipped shop in the city for getting out interior finish and cabinet work. We handle hardwoods Spaulding Front and Ferry House of Half a Million Bargains We carry the largest stock of Sacks and Fruit Jars. H. Steinbock Junk Co. 233 State Street. Salem, Oregon. .'hone Main 824 CALIf OKNIA RANCHERS TO WAS ON NIGHT EIDER3, Los Angeles, cal., Aug. 1. Driven to desperation by an organized band of night riders, ranchers of the uardena section, close to Los Angeles, are arm-' ing themselves today to protect their j property. During the last Week six ranches r have been raided, the robbers carrying! away hundreds ot sacks of barley and much live stock. Last night II. J. Harris, a rancher, ex elm ned soveral shots with the raid ers, driviug thorn from his property. There were five in the party, he said, all armed. BETTER THAN SPANKING Hpuuking docs not cure children of bed fretting. There la a constitutional cuuae for thU trouble. Mrs. M. HuuiinurK, Dot W, Notro Same, Iud., will send free to any mother her successful home treat ment, with full instructions, fiend no aioucy, but write her today If your chil- dren trouble you in this way. Don't I blame the child the chances are it can't j help it. This treatment also cures adul'S ind Kcd people troubled with uriue dilQ I 'ultles by day or nlxlit. ' KISSES VALUED AT " I A THOUSAND DOLLARS EACH, Los Angeles, ',al., Aug. 1. Eighteen: years of age and unusually pretty, I Mrs. Outhcrine Mol, who came recently from Holland, values her kisses at! 1,050 each. Hhe and her husband are1 plaintiffs, today in a suit for $2,1(10 daniagps against Charles K. Schaefor, sixty, a merchant by whom Mrs. Mol' was employed. They allege that Hchni'fcr unwarrantably placed two uii-' mistakablo kisses upon the young ma tron's cheek, whereupon she fled from his store. i-T. HELENS POPULATION ' FIGHTING FIRST FIEE3 I St. Hi'lons, Ore., Aug. 1. Duildings' in the outskirts of West. St. Helens j were thrciiti'iu'd toduy lv a forest fire1 the ot-rteil nenr Vmiliton a week ago, and has beon steadily spreading. I i. i"e niimlM'r ot citizens are com-' liutint; thi f laiii-a with hopes of ex tinguishing them, but people living ill' the puth of the firo have their house hold goods packed ready to move at a moments notice. When a man gets fresh he's spoil-j ing for a fight. - COUPON w r L i si 1 I ai M &w Pi . - ;j Journal U yon must present Four Coupons one. oris Logging Co. Phone 1830 Any time vou (rial rivasi slrinL run ftl Refreshing, invigorating and delicious THE OLD RELIABLE" KblVlc. P T FOR MEN AT DHUGGlr.T8.0K TRIAL HOX IV MAILSOs FROM PLANTEN 93 HFNRYS't QROaift VN.NY. , A Valuable Camp Man. Mrs. Win. Chorrington, Tom Cherring ton, N. W. Clark and D. P. Wagner have just returned from a fishing trip to Reynolds Camp, some 6 to 50 miles from Black Rock, report fishing fair, plenty to eat and to spare. The Munchausen stories of Mr. Clark amused the camp and almost seemed in creditable. Mr. Clark is one of the most oblig ing men I ever met. lie generously volunteered to pack the outfits of ail over the steep mountains, almost per pendicular. 1'artics going on trips would be fortunate to secure his serv ices as whether owing to the tariff or not his charges are astonishingly rea sonable. D. F. WAGNER. GETS A LIFE SENTENCE. ' New Haven, Conn., Aug. 1. Mrs. Itcssie Wakefield, who, at tho end of her (iecoiid trial for the murder of her '.ii's'nnd, was found guilty Thursday nii'hl of second degree murder, was sen tenced yesterday to life imprisonment iu Wcthersfield penitentiary. One way to mnke folks believe you are prosperous these days is to dress like a huvseed.