THE DAILY CAMT AL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, TUESDAY, JULY 28, 181 J. w I DOWN GO THE PRICES We have them on. the run; the fruit trust has held sway for tod long a time. tlbuy it3 WHY?' g 3 m0ney than !t COsts the othe deaIers Because we do not pay two or three middlemen a longprofit. We buy our goods Kw!? grWerS VWeS.PfsibIePr the other dealers, our profits are shorter; why shouldn't we sell cheaper? We have enjoyed a large patronage duiing the short time that we have been in Sa em and WE ARE HERE TO STAY. The commission houses' S do he r best to drive us out of business, but THEY CAN'T DO IT Another carload of watermelons just arrived; a large consignment of choice onions is on sale; every conceivable kind of fruit wiH be handled here and the prices will always be AWAY DOWN. ' Slem? f ll0Wing PriCe Caref UUy- WaS g00d f ruit ever of fered 80 cheaPJy Fresh consignment choice Watermelons at 15c, 20c and 25c Remember, we plug them before you buy. Large Grape Fruit 4 for 25c Cantaloups, fan Ur, Atoz- r - -j ivi idJ, .SUPREME COURT THIRD TRIAL OF ROY SUSTAINS DECISION; CARROLL, TOMORROW Terwu Hull Tried Be- The third trial of the case of the ! lor. Judge Kelly Six Other Opin-I tate against Hoy Carroll on charge of Ions Handed Down. ; murder in the first degree will begin iu j the circuit eourt tomorrow at 1 o'clock, " I Carroll la accused of the mudrer of Hul one Marion count v rate aD- i lty Marshal John Zoller, of Uervais, , - , uum -ue8lay j.!""" incti iusi 1'ceemuer in a pis- cisions handed down bv the Supreme ,o1 bttle with two hoboes, Carroll foiirt this morning. The decision of!" raptured the next day when he Ju.ige lercy it. Kelly in the circuit I'lared at the police atation in this ;'oiirt wa upheld in the rase of W ciiy an(1 "oi'Kbt medical attention for , t-ortiy respondent, against O. J. Hull' wound made by the marshal's bullet. I.leremlant, and D. R. Amandn.. tnA ! arroll admits that he was in the latiin ' mi-u i UU ClBliiiM II1HE nn nun nn oilti I tenons 25c per dozen Tomatoes 6 pounds for 25c Bananas 18 for 25c Oranges, sweet and juicy, 2 doz. for 25c Cantaloupes, small sound ones, 5c each Peaches 50c per crate Fine Walla Walla Onions, 9 pounds 25c WOHL'S FRUIT MARKET 383 state street ii in iiim mi MWMyi MJsJUMMlJSJiUMJ WpBaaaMaj " ' ' TWWIMWIHM. in ' OWWDMBBBai I EVERY DAY M Itthaal I, . on. i)enanzn. .11 iioore wrote the opinion affirming the : U1 "v" f''eJ shot, and that his in I I iT Justice aMcBrlde, jl,"rtn?r """I'1 ,ne marshal. The jury in I "'J .laillBrr con-I .-. iiimKicru lull werw nn- curreii. . t,t - .. . , ,, m,i . w irn h vtrruici, some noimng ..!'.. "St"?, a.';tion b' - w- crhv t murder in the first degree and C W vY u ! ' V- Rl An'"l u'd o" '' acquittal. The jury in the nlrf,,'... . ' thfl two latet bf'ng econd trial stood six for acquittal and wrinnra in a real estate h,,. i. " ii far nnnyliiiii;,i dama J.0.'"."!. U"? ,?1",)anv' ,0 ' The '""owing witnesses hnve been by h"v been "'""lined i lPOenaed by the state: Dr. II. 0. made to th. n..f ''""-""ations Hitman , Krnest M. Klinger, Stephen .1 I'uiHiiarit fn th ' IlHIDRCK. .intfPlili Knw nv nl flur,-o a. 'lerenuants eonr,iro.. . .. , .'. . tv:nt 't. '.. , 7 ' T ... ' . ' i.ijimiii r.scn, r u. naucn, vi. ( arle ton Smith, of Salem, and C. If. Downev of Sisters, Oregon. Ur. Hickman nnd I)r. Downey were the attending phy- Mcians oi jonn .ouar, the city mar shal of Gervaia, for whose minder Car roll is being tried. Ernest M. Klinger was with Air. Zollcr just before the (hooting which resulted in tne death of Mr. Zoller, nnd he will testify that he heard Zoller tell his assailant not to shoot. Stephen Helback is a witness fn in the circuit court T , ,.oe" 1 , lne ,"V'S "w,t'on f the ilecens down his ..ecisioi, ?Z- l luuld,nK ! an'' w- S"''th attended Cnrroll in part- ' Jllf,," e said J when he appeared at the Salem police Th . e?n"pira 10 M1 him. th. 1 "" he""( ' ia"l,,, w tried n it. ,1" f"rt " j'"'Kmef af ,t the defendants in the sum of "n wa it e'to'Tne UaM'1 ,h"" on- i .!.. :,.- . lUB wd be Summer or winter, sunshine or rain, it makes no dif ference. The gas stove is ready for duty INSTANTLY and at any time. Cooks a Meal Quickly. -Cooks it Well Why procrastinate? Eventually you will enjoy the convenience that a gas stove affords; why not attend to it now? Call at the salesrooms or phone 84 and we will gladly demonstrate the numerous advantages to be had by the use of gas in the home. Salem Gas Works part: eatate 'nt by trnthfallv "uUnJtn "m ,l,on fal!",v '-Pre uc nas no knowledge orniht nnt V ! perm tto.i .i. . u"Knt nof ' be or allow;, ,r ZZhrii0n that r " ,rd nnt o .Wecth-e sho'ubl be'Tfftrmed "f Uni oroered." Bfhr,,,',1 '! it is 90 n.trMoM hl"""l Jown wore AffirmVd fr 1,,,r,,0"al 'jry. station suffering from in his right shoulder. a bullet wound AUSTRIA-SERVIAN .Kuth A. Stanley vs. Oooice P Tnn verse clai.; '''t .'p"'" an nd- to renl property. Af- mES NEAB 8ILVERT0N DOING NO DAMAGE ' SPECIAL TKAININO FOR WOMEN. REPORT INDICATES THAT BOALT LIED! Saw Part of the ScraD and Bases wi. . . - jiuiii j.nn pm upiiuon on Knowledge Gained at the advances made JL rflDort sent In ,, . i l;'wo'"i'n today are specially trained Hiin , i i T inquiry ot i for their life work. The sneeinlia- .cS:VH::r:,t': .''".."'iL,',- J triih'v: :.'r;T ... biim from a dnnltnv .,.T.,, " . niouern in every respect and thorough- i J"' turoulent re- upon a nerm t f. . , , : ,y 0,ll,Pted to their intended use. The !T. ' ot 'o Orande, during I ... TIA1. . . th.7 K 'r0m f're WarJ(ln injr-Aifi '-"i" broad and time, jailed .?5 NATIONAL COMPANY Front. On his wav bnck three, years spent in verse claim firmed Hijrness & Hartin vs. Portland TW mechanics nn, Zufi 'Om,,0S" " VXLI'? vs. i-Hes. Reversed. " perS'"" in" from i a PI'p'el on a contract. Re. to Mexico after I he turBulent re versed uira .Marks vs. ir. pellnnt. .,n.nL.i . 'V V,lso"- "P" ! '"! congas eniintv an act.on in ejectment; Reverse-!. hat territory ...nnu uuu is uroau ana j . , . . , J"' "u The fire, were fi,.t . , , 1 ,horoKh. 'or the elficient woman must t""e ,,cl,01r,eJ. as. Dillon Wood, who itv SunTv ,.ln , frU,m tw'oir why as well as how. The home prosc, tc-.i ? Knglish news agency ny ounaay eM'ninu am cnusc. miir.ii i ... ... . ... durinir the M. m iiw , ----- u ncru iruill tins my Sunday evening and cnuscd much conjecture as to their location. Some parties up the river thinking the smoke Was rolling nn frm k ...... -a ity called their picnic off and rushed j Hies, back to town only to discover that the nwlr n,nfrm Te ,'ire. are Unless a man is willing to admit hi. HOOU SIX n lies Bnnthnnut t. 1, 1-- , .. . : Silvertnn 0 "KuurBnce, ne win never be in a post I tion to learn. economic, students am likuuMu i;i,. ally instructed In lniuniBan mi,,.,.!.. economics nnd sociology, in preparation iur ineir groat community resiwns bi - V PROTECT R HOME YOU by installing all wires in metal conduit. FIREPROOF SHOCK PROOF See the difference between the old way and the new SAFE method as demonstrated in our window. during the Aladero, Otonco and consti uitionnhst rebellions, passed through Salem today. Wood, who is youthful and tanned, said tnat he was given the choice of being deported or leaving under persua sion Ave weeks ago in Mexico City, and that he came by boat to Seattle from Uihaean. When the United States ma rine, entered Vera Cruz, Wood was in jail, held in eommuiiicado, in Mexico ii r. no was enarirp. with .... V,8TO wun laisnymg . . . ' n"a yesierrtav up- news from the rebel army in order t I cltl the contentions of the corporation harrass the onnr.tinna nf k. ..i i. commissioner aunino. .1.. . MUST QUIT BUSINESS vi? r " J BtlU the tivities of the National Mercantile company forever R-inhu. . ttorPr8tio t.'on.mi,sioer Kalph i Watson has asked Attorney Oen- ,(,,wfr1 t0 bring either injunc tion proceedings in the circuit court of Multnomah county or quo warranto pro ceedings inn.t L. . " me vumpuny. xne fe era) court .t Portland yesterday up. held the nnntnr,tin. ii. " s AFETY FIRST " if' electric come to u$" F1! . r mmectnrLo. laie Masonic Temple Phone 1200 - I v IU17 4CUVIIIB, this charge Woml n,lmif : . o'i oo-.rua: reporter this morn I nig. "The wires over which I sent niv I stuff," he said, "were all owned and i censored by the rebels, and in the event I rebel defeat my dispatch relating : . i... i mine om at tne other end invariably an overwhelming victory. So jit wasn't much use trying to be espe cially accurate where new. of constitu tionalist reverses were concerned." Wood was at several battles, among hem those at Ojinaga, Chihuahua, 8an : ta Rosalia, Jimenez, Monterey. Torre on and the bloody conflict at Uuranga, at which over 2000 troops on both sides ;were slain. He slept in the tent of Francisco ("Fancho'') Villa, saief gea icral of the constitutionalists, for three months. Another general he described himself as having been fairly intimate : with was General Felipe Angeles, whom : Wood Stated he helieva.l mi,u h. ed by Villa as his candidate for the : i . . . ... l-ii-niupurr oi JliexiCO. "It will either be Angeles or Raoul Moilero," the newspaperman stated. " Raoul is a brother of the late Fran cisco Vnocento Madero, who was assas sinated under the lay fuegas law, and is a splendid type of man. The name alone is sufficient to make him the can didate of the masses.'' The newspaperman said that he did not regard the insurrection of Pascnal Oror.oe in Chihuahua seriously. "Or- osco is about played out," he said. "He will never be as strong again as he in me revolution ot IS 11..' Mercantile company and President Stil- KS2.?freVery ea nJ th ' brought by Ht.ll.ngs wa thrown out of court The suit brought by the company was d.snussed on the ground, that the con, pany wa. Hnino K.:n . i . . "u,'u". wiiDouc com plvmir with th. i - .... . . Ik v V " " UI lnB nate and herefore had no statu, . , ,ompany under the law, of the state. StilC, company was brought to notice when It was refused permission to sell stock in this state hv M u-. . . j .iwa .irrr an in vestigation of the charter of the com- (Continued from Tage One.) . sentntives of the big German financial! institutions were in conference. j The kaiser has ordered the crown prince to remain at Zoppot, a seaside i resort seven miles from Danzig, where: the prince has been playing tennis, j This was takn as an indication that his majesty feared his son, carried; uwny by war fever, might act indis-l erectly if allowpd I ft return tn Tt.idin ' rendering a conflict certain. ' The Austrian consulate nnd. the railroad stations were packed with Austrian consulate and tho railroad stetions were packed with Austrian, who live or have been visiting in Ger many, lenvillir to inin tho!,. and with their friends and members of their families bidding them good bye. The Formal Declaration. Vienna. Julv 2S. Tiu tii.ii,i..u,.. ! gnrian declaration of war against Ser- "i '" lutiav, was as tollows: "The royal government of Servia i not having replied in a satisfactory 1 manner to the note submitted to it by 1 the Austrian-Hungarian minister at Bel-! grade July 2.1, the imperial and roval I government of Anstria-Hungarv fiuds itself compelled to proceed to safeguard ; it, right and interests ami tn l,nv. i course for this purpose to force of arms. : "Austria-Hungary considers itself,1 therefore, from this moment in a state of war with Servia." The declaration bori the of ForeiguMinister Count Von Dereb- toui. ii was ordered transmitted at; once to the Servian government. ! Home, July 28. The Italian govern-' tnent regarded the European war sit-: nation today with deep anxiety. The general view both in official cir-i cles and among the people was that Italy could gain nothing and must lose heavily if ilrnwn intn a s. .:.k " oniign:, WIIU i Uormany and Austria, against Kflssia, i wKiuu nun jrance. inougn allied with the f rt ... ond of these five countries, the Ital- " '" wiaii symjiathy with Austria and little inclination was shown to lend it aid in its present campaign. There seemed in ease of a general conflict, that the ..uiu guvcrnnieni would refuse to join it. In Italy there has been no outburst of war enthusiasm, such as is reported Austria, Germany, Russia and Prance. The popular sympathy has been with the anti-militarists. Franc. Is rarernl. Pari,, July 28. The .nti-militarists were closely watched by the author itie hero today. In ffeneral thom xra n.nk n .i : uul, wno opposed r reneh partiei iwuit in m European struutde I " " P "OI. numerous enoutrh to rinu imniii. pany and their methods of doing bus!-' . L?t night they av street demon ness. Subsequent litigation result. i f"ation which resulted in serious riot ing. Socialist and anarchist seechc , PUNISHMENT DIPTEBS rSOM AMERICAN BRAND Brussels, July 2S. .Cestor Wilmart the Helgiau financier, was fined -HO0 today and sentenced to 10 years' im prisonment on a charge of "swindling the public out of fcMUOjOOO by over issuing Ghent-Terneiuen railroad' shares Wilmart disappeared in 19ia but was arrested after a irnioA.i ,ltheims, Prance. 0 tive otncials of the Ghent-Terneuxe. line received shorter sentences. i i ne o. r. to. bridge lamette Pacific will month. iv rolls on AVil- 23,00tf per uo investigation of Stilling,' record and it was found out that he had been connected with a number of set rich quick schemes in other states. Rec.rdlee F i:- ... Qt;n;..i I . uviganon, Stillings' agents have proceeded to transact business and to .olieit patron- age. aceorilinir tn aJ. , , 11K19QD, anu daily letters are received by the cor- luii.uiissioner seeking informa tion regarding the company. Mr. Wat- 8011 wk.that the Proceedings to quash the National Mercantile eompany have been brought to protect innocent investor, wi might be induced to Sign lit) With the m,i.. TV. . of the eompany is to wll a sort of a! policy wnich will insure the pavmeut tn a short timn nf .t.iAj - 1. , . - v- - oi.iru sum io tne purchaser of the policy. The purchaser of the policy to return the mono- to the eompany in installments. The' lib erality of the offer savor, of suspicion. Mil . Ii now .. 1 - . . i . . . 1 ' ,.r,t. vl ,ne s,ate nave done business with the company, whieh StU ling, stoutly maintains is legitimate Attorney General Oawford will iustl ,u, proceedings within a few days. 770 NAMES TO OO , ' - . ONTHB STATE BALLOT Nicramonto, Ca!., Ju.y 28. T.te state -n vi.- n vary toiiay propa.'ing i .- fTTjtuva wore made, red flags were waved and luiuniuiPMry songs were sung. En-1 raged t the anti-government outburst ' at such a time, crowds attacked the demonstrators, who fought back fierce- i j- ! Tue republican guard, were called ! out to help the police and there were repeated cavalry charges. Many persons were badly beaten or tramil(!il hv tho knn.. I loward morning comparative order was restored but the air was still elcc tria today. Only a Rumor. Berlin. July 2H I - , - ... iopnuiit'B rc- porting that Russia had declared war against Austria were generally dis credited here. None of the Berlin newspapers printed the reports. Thirty-two battalions of infantry, six regiments of cavalry and several de tachment, of field artillery were re moved today from Bohemia and order- Rostein & Greenbaum' SemhAnnual CLEARANCE SALE Now op. Millinery Almost Given Away Nice Trimmed Hats, Shapes and Flow ers AT RIDICULOUSLY LOW PRICES t MMyy4444TT4 T Mmi'i n-n. X .. . . T Men'. Overalls 60c Big Overalls, the kind some stores advertise at $1. Color's gray or tan. Sale price Men'. 66c Union Suits, 46c Pine grade, light weight, knee length or nnklo length. ISpeciiil 69c 45c Ladies' 25c Drawer., 18c pair Fine white rib bed, luce trim med, kueo length. 18c i Boys Overalls 45c Bib O y e r a 1 1 s, grey or blue; the blue ones are double seat and knees. .Sale price 35c Fancy Rib bons, 20c All 8ilk Ribbons, figured and flonil effects. Tard 45c 20c $1 House Dresses 60c Good check ging hum neatly made. Only 69c 4 4U t Men'. $2.00 Pants 4 Girls' 38c Union 25c Hose, 10c a t now $1.25 Good stronc pood lookers and good wenr. Well worth the $2.00. Now $1.25 Suits, 25c Fine bleached, medium Weight; a special bargain 25c Hose, 10c a T pair Silk" Lisle Huso 10c T CMlrlren'o TnJI. i m... T Children's Indian Suits, 75c ilnde of khaki, very elaborate, well worth $1.00. Special Flue Table Cloth, 3flc yard A, good merceriz ed Table Cloth; is being called a H5c cloth by some stores, Now, yard ftc ! 39c t $1.50 ....7 Ladies' Shoes, $1.50 pair Worth double ill sizes, just f ngnt tor outing and camping 240 and 246 COMMERCIAL ST. Happiness in the Home Will be augmented by increasing your wife's comfort. Do not make her life a burden by giving her poor tools to work with. She is en titled to your highest consideration. A large part of her time is devoted to sewing for the needs of the family. A Good Sewing Machine will smooth out the wrinkles and broaden her smile. Our line of machines is extensive and we will be glad to have you make us a call and mira nn - vi ahm. j j i 6,c uo an ujjpunuiuiy'to explain to you their merits and show you wherein you will be bene fitted by buying one of the new ones from us chase g yUr ld machine in on a new Pur" GEO. C. WILL knows sewing machines all the way from fac tory to user. The seamstress many times thinks that something is radically wrong with the ma chine when all that is needed is the adjustment of some little -screw or other trifling irregular ity. Often he can direct you over the telephone regarding what to do, whereas many another dealer would insist upon having the machine brought to his warerooms, charging the cost of the cartage and causing a loss of time. Geo. G. Will Oregon's Oldest Sewing Machine and Music Dealer 432 STATE STREET ed to the Servian frontier. British rieet Beady. London, July 28. The British dread- naught fleet w.s held in readiness to day t Portsmouth. All the vessels were coaled, fully armed and ready for i service at a minute 's notice. Publics I tion of naval movements has ceased. NORWICH UNION FIRE INSURANCE SOCIETY BUSGHXRST ft MEEEDITS Swldent Agents. 335 fit. Btieaa. IT PAYS sample ballot, for the priniirv election!?"1 VZ T"' t0 kefP thc PPrtit August 25. Just 770 candidate, have I ."'v . Ke?tion B"al. the liver quaiitied for Mat. .nrt ,...i..i "u Poweta active a r ; ; ""-. lie sample bal lots w.ll be forwatd to the various county clerk, as aooa a. they come oft the press. Hood Ui tM ttmm ....... .1 A . ,ter J'teJ n opea-air tl.e- j United State. Neutral. j Washington, July 28. Secretary of T-wr,.- i V " iaii neiore the cabinet to. MiaJ Jday confidential advices concerning the : European war situation. It was agreed that in the event of a great conflict, . oura ?iaes would be neutral. May Go Trom Portland. nd t. M I Portland, Ure., Jury 2S. Declaration For this particular work just ttv 1 , rar b,',WWn rvia and Austria to- ' 1 uav arou-sed th nfFin;. n HOSTETTER'S STOMACH BITTERS !t"i e ,and ,nd f ht if lkd WOO Aastrians in Oregon available for L. M. HUM Care of ', YICK SO TONG Chinese Medicine and Tea Company Has medicine which will cure any known disease. 153 South High Street,' Salem, Ore. Phone 283. HAVBTOD WANT AD? TRIO A JOURNAL