Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, July 27, 1914, Page EIGHT, Image 8

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Remodeling & Expansion Sale
We must dispose of more stock in order to remodel and re-arrange
departments with as little trouble as possible. Every
stock in this great store offers unusual saving opportunities
Twenty Per Cent Reduction on
Women's New Fall Suits
and Coats during Remod
eling and Expansion Sale
Newest Models & Fabrics
This advance showing of newest models for
the coming season has caused a great amount
of favorable comment on account of their
stylishness the new colorings and weaves,
too, are decidedly pleasing. Save 20 per cent
by purchasing now. See the window display.
Men's, Women's & Children's
Shoes, Oxfords and Pumps
at Unusual Prices During Re
modeling and Expansion Sale
Just the time to supply footwear needs.
We must reduce the size of our present
shoe stock and are making prices that are
sure to move the goods. See the special
window of Women's $:).00, $;5.50 and $1.00
Oxfords and Pumps take your pick for
99c a pair. Men's $3.50. S4.00 and ."R.'von
shoes, special at $2.98 a pair. Dozens of
other like specials too numerous to mention.
Better visit this section and supply foot
wear needs now.
iwiiameiie iniversity college or medl
rine, died Saturday in the Good Samari
tan iiospital at Portland. His body
was sent to Eugene Saturday night for
uuriai. enortry aner graduation, Dr.
Russell went to Willamina nud frcri
there tn Iikivipw lit. murri.t.1 f;dU
i Jessie Drake, who survives him.
Secretary Moores of the promotion
tit?laneni 01 ine caieui lomniercial
rlub has received a sample of an
" Indestructiblo" street sign that is
submitted for consideration in the move
to put up permanent street signs in
Salem. The sigu is of metal and is
practically indestructible. Other sam
ples from other companies are expected
H. 0. White, of Salem, who with his
wife and Mr. and Mrs. tieorgo Burris
of this city, returned yesterday from
points on the McKcu.ie river, reported
having passed 50 machines between Eu
gene and Ifhio river yesterday, which
would indicate that in spite of the bad
roads, ill Allots. th ..i Kpnyin mw i.
still the greatest outing resort near Eu
gene. iiiigene liiiard.
Fred S. Bynon, who is located with
J. K. Scott ill the real estate business,
said tYis morning that business was
picking up in an encouraging inaiinei
and that he expected lively activity in
transfers in ami ubuut Salem this full
"Donley" walks uhout the street us
busy as a bee in clover.
As the result of a motorcycle acci
dent about noon today, R. V. Sefton, of
the circulation department of The Cap
ital Journal, was knocked unconscious
and badly bruised about the head and
face. No details of how it occurred
are obtainable, as he was found on the
roadside by a jtassing automobile and
brought as rapidly as possible to his
home at 4!). South Seventeenth street,
tilis city. Thn antniuttl nnirl....t..l t..
leave their names and it was not learn
ed where it happened.
Dr. Harry Clay was called and found
Sefton to be sulferinir from rninusslnn
of the brain. He said that apparently
mere was no iracture of the skull, and
Z. H. Davis Believed to Be Deranged
From Injuries Received In Auto Ac.
cident Fires Bullet Into His Head.
I'orvallis, Ore., July 27. Believed to
have been temporarily insane from an
injury sustained in an automobile ac
cident a week ago, '.. H. Davis, prom
inent merchant and city treasurer, shot
himself in the mouth at noon today
with a 22 calibre rifle purchased au
hour previously, and his death is ex
pected at any" moment.
the injured man would probablv recover . ,Wh,le '0Y;K with a friend at
consciousness before morning." t,,e ,lo0,r ,.f h' ' f business, Davis
This is the second time that Sef ton I T."i. , !! "1 T'l I
has been injured in a motorcvcle acci- j of . "tort, where ho fired the shot,
dent within the lt .;, ..;.L- -n... . ..lavls was tbrowii from -Ins anto.no-
first time his foot caught in the chain T " 7 1" T' H"' 1- "L" Cm
and was badly bruised'and cut. i ' h, LL"?.,
ixnn I proiuinent Masou and presideut of the
who are members of the ttnrne. Cash i t'orvallis Independent Telephone eoni-
Store clerical force, are taking their 1 I""1V-
vacation Irom duty this week. .Miss
Bayley is spending part of the time in
me country ami later will go to Al
bany for a few days.
A. W. Laf forty today filed his Deti-
Complaints have been received in this
city from campers down tho river near
Lin-oln setting fire to the butts of fir
trees. Protest is made that this treat
ment of the trees will sunn kill tlnm
and forever destroy tho beautiful camp
ing and recreation place there. Recent
ly a camping party built a fire about
tho base of n biir fir. Am n result I.a
big tree will probably die.
tion us a candidate for congress on the
independent public ownership ticket
and his name will appear on the ballots
as me representative or this party. .Mr.
I.uft'erty was defeated in the primary
election for the nomination for con
gress on the progressive ticket.
A hurry call was sent in to the ft
department this afternoon tn mixm-h
a gross fire that was burning on North
n inier street, l ie department resnmwl.
quickly and had the fire out shortly
inter its nrrivn . 1 hern una m. ,1,.
ago done, but thn hhize Hi
buuAti and barn nearby.
New Showing of Stylish Middy Blouses, All Specially Priced Now
During Our Re
modeling Sale
Remodeling Surprise Sale for Wednes
duy, July 29th Surprise Number 701
Ever Ready Dry Cell batteries, Sold Reg,
at 30 and 35c, Remodeling Special, 19c ea.
Here's a sale that will Biitely surprise all users of dry-cell batteries,
for the price is truly astonishing. All motoriats and thoso who need
batteries for bells, horns, buzzers and tho like will be much interested
in this uniiNiinl snlo. These "Ever ready" batteries are specially
designed for telephones, signals, ignition systems and general open
circuit work high amperage. By taking a monster lot, we arc en
abled to sell nt this price:
Sale commences ut 8:30. sce windew display.
This splendid assortment of
middy blouses reached us
yesterday and shows the
very Infest ideas in design
ing and making these pop
ular garments. We have
them in Silk, Crepe, Dim
ity, and flannel in a va
riety of different collnr
finishes. You'll bo well
pleased to select from such
a fine lot ns we now show.
Regular prices to 10.00.
Special prices rule at pres
ent on the entire stock.
AT" 'Jrt?S2e
A' .1 tiwiuniiMMj
Horace Jewett. emnloved In the Com. ti .r . .
- . uiceuug oi uie ooara oi
.,. .. ... s.urc, .. n turncd irom a governors of tho Salem Commercial
three weeks vacation spent in Alon-jelub will be held on August 12th, when
tllllll V hllil nn ill. trm lin i'i.ltn.1 i . . ... '
tana. While on iiis trip ho visited
lilncier park, spent some time with his
brother in Knreka, und jollied old
friends in Kalispel. tie brought linen
n thick coat of tan und sunburn and a
supply of health that wilt last him all
tho coming winter.
a watermelon banonet will 1m
The locution of the feed lias not been
determined, but if the water is high
enough the party may take a bout and
go down the river. If that is impos
sible, a trip to some shady place will
bo made by machines.
After many legal entanglements and
"MlW. BiiiwIit. 1.- OfllniH HT.i 1
a.vav miiiiudj mo uaiill iU" VUI t Jf V ItJ .11U.1 J IVgOl CU tdllglCUlCl
...:n ..ti .. ii .i.ii . I -..e . ... . ..
. iiiu iifu u.ii iiiv luiix tutting 1'Jttuai n ii iviiiu iu u IIMi: list or CaSOS,
to a point on the Itickreull river a short j tho attorneys in the Marion hotel suit
distance west of Dallas, where a piciiii
will be the center of attraction. The
club will be tho guests of Walt Shipp
completed their arguments Into thin ..f
ternoon and tho ense was submitted to
tho jury. It has been on iu the circuit
tiie Salem bicycle dealer. A first-class court sinco lust Thursday and has been
time is anticipateil. Johnnie .lones will
be "chef d' occasion" and his reputa
tion insures good eats.
State Superintendent of Public in
struction J. A. Churchill went to Ku
gene today to begin a series of lectures
this week before tho summer school of
the University of Oregon. .Mr. Church
ill 's subjects will deal with the duties
of state and county school superinten
dents, rural school supervisors, citv su
perintendents anil principals. On Wed-
a hnrd-foucht case. Attorney. r,ir....
and Brown appeared for George Waters
and Wulter Winslow for the Hotel .Ma
rion 'iompany.
The public market in the Ryan build
ing will havo its regular day of open
snle tomorrow. AU farmers are earnest
ly requested to bring in their produce
so that the anxious housewives can fill
their baskets with good old Oregon
fruits and vegetables. A special fea
ture of the day will be the opening of
Your Eyes Are Giving You
1 rouble
We examine eyes scientifically,
We make glasses to fit all er
rors of refraction,
We can duplicate any lens,
We please in quality and in
We guarantee our work.
Miss A. McCulloch,
291 N. Com'l St., Ground Floor
Hours 9 to 5. Phone 925
(vi iiidviiuciiin turn (M im-ijiui. wo eu- ' . "v mij iu up i lie ope 111 llg (It
nesdiiy iie is scheduled to address tho! Hie meat market in connection with
teachers at the Monmouth normal ! 'he fruit and vegetable market. Tho
firm of John Bailey & sion will have
a regular stall in thn m, -i,..
school summer school.
The House
of Quality
Our Ads Are
Officer Woolery and Spencer made a I 1,"c "cy will sell native beef, pork
raid on the Salem rooming house about oth!'r oats cv,l'ry So far
1 3:43 .Sunday morning with the result ' r""l'yt i?0" nre V'. "'-v nM'at n,on
that Walter llenslev and Pearl llolz-1 f,,n . tho,r. t0i but if n
slau were arrested "for disorderly eon-1 .! , 1" .or h.as othcr m,'ats i '
I duct. Hensley put up S0 bail when ! v,,cd ,0 bnnB ,n wha h 1" for sale,
taken to the police station this morning. . 0
At X o'clock this morning the couple I Tne flre department at 3:30 this aft
appeared for trial, with II. W. Klgin eri,oon responded to a call at Luther
acting as police judge. Hensley wusi""'1 "K'naw streets. No serious dam
fined while i'carl Holzslau, who!"'''0 waa lone-
is nn old oitenuer, was given three days
iu jail.
o i Warranty Deeds.
Mr. Walther, of the Walther-WU-, .EJ R Adams et ux to Uoinan Catb-
limns garage of Tiic Dalles, passed ; Archbishop of Oregon, laud iu Sip
. .... .1 . . ifc I flf
tnroiiuu !aiem lodnv on tne return irip' nuu
irom souinern uregon, wuerc ne, wnn a
Ono cent per word each inser
tion. .
Copy for advertisements un- T
der this beading should be in by I
a p. m.
All Around T
UD tO the DI-Agflnt. tim. th.r. hav I Tlr
juuiy ot-tMi nine enses in tne ponce court i physical
iiarty, visited Crater Lake. There were
two machines in the party and no mis
haps took place on the journey, which
occupied nine days and covered 1000
miles. They report that the roads to
Crater Lake are in excellent condition
Bertha Stewart, director of tho . 1 Hr0 "I e1x;""t ''"",lon
ul milium ,i..... f i and that they inaile 16 miles to every
during tho mouth of July. This word versify of Oregon, will lecture at tho ""un of t-raso!'"e JI80,L Thp' visitl'J
. i ; . it., i d ..... Dili ii v rtmtT MiiintM in Mtiiir iiirii i irptrnii
1 is an exceptionally low one mill i. nn
J indication of the quietness of the city
at this time of the year.
I RjIfAtQrv aiirf Uv. T. IT O
of the Salem Y. M. C. A., went to Al- i "re is given under the supervision of atioii. Mr. Olover was in Watt Shipp 's
Mr. and Mrs. Konald Glover and W.
11. Itvars will leave Thursday for Cas-
BLIGH State, between Liberty
and High) Motion pictures
of the spectacular war drama
"Olna of the South Sea,"
produced in Honolulu, aul
"Our Mutual Girl," in the
series iu wilich she is
GLOBE (State, between Lib
erty and Higa) Motion pic
tures of "The Toll," special
Vitagraph drama in two parts,
and comedy, "A Wild Ride,"
featuring the famous Sterling
trio. Tiny Snyder, popular
baritone, in songs.
; hny Saturdny evening and spent Suu
Special meeting of Pacific fv i . .J ,A' 'N- Millton-
ii v a i n . . w formerly residents of Salem. They re
lodge J.o. 30, A. P. & A. M., ; turned yesterday evening. Mr. Minton
this evening. Work in the i is a young attorney of Albany.
M. M. degree. Visiting bretli- 0
ri.ll d'nliinnid J. T. Cooper and familv left RaUm
tlilu ...nM..l.... V . .i - ......
i . i. . .v.iiiiiK .tn .ivni'un, wiicre mcy
tlvmi innn ....i j. i in spend mo next iu days. They went
A OOUt 2000 DeoDle from vannn. nirli 1 i .t ' .. ..
.) ,, ' r'-i""cu iu mie ine mosi oi ino nine
ll',t' vn ley journeyed to : digging rock oysters nud clams. Mr.
niiuoii springs fuiidny. Among the ; Cooper is employed in Harne. Ch
Mrs. E. T. Albert nd family, of Eu-'
gene, is visiting her mother, Mrs.!
Unggs, on Nineteenth ftreeth. She is
number were numerous Salem people.
Of the Snlem contingent, Al Cleveland
ami Mauley Ostrnndcr went over bv
" 1 o
fl it i......ii .v. vj . i on iMiicieeiun Fireeiii. pne IS
wiii .k. . . ? brtdgfl "8lneval"0 visiting the other members of the
r. . . i. s'Rte1h1,f,,way commission, ! Albert family in Salem. Sue will be
went to tort and this morning on busi-jhere about two weeks,
ness. lie will return on Wednesday of 0
this week. Mr. I'urevll ! una. I -
i a report on the steel wagon bridge! nfTh VT f . , P00,"00
across the river at this city and will' f ,hc. 1 olk t0,'l,,-v Ja,1 Lo," 1av,s
assembly hall of Kimball collin
row afternoon at 3 o'clock. Ur. Stewart
will explain how sex hygiene is best
tllllL'ht tn chilil mil A li mnlli.i.a n . I
teachers are ngod to .tteml. The lec-' ,'a,lla where they will spend their va
uire is given under tne supervision of ; v.iv.i-i m ..nn .-.ui. i
tit.. ..mtli...a .v a. , 'tills Iiinriiiiii7 imttiiiir h iu ulmttTnii flVllil
...v mvuiviii vi uir r irst iiiei.iod-1 "
ist church, but all mothers are extended ' "' n'H''.v for tlle !rt'Ht brar lnilt illf,st
an invitation. 'he mountains about Cascadia. 11c
I bought a box of shells and intimated
I thai he was going to play havoc with
i any bruin iie ran across. If the bear
I supply ran short he was supplied with
a fishing pole nud reel, so that he ex
I poets to "get" something. Mr. (.ilover
i is private secretary to Representative
j Willis ('. Ilawley, of the First Congres
: sionnl district.
li t Shield. Of. .1 in T...n T
.w .iiivlciiu U
(rant, lot 13 B 10 Capital I'ark Add. to
J M I'ille to Frank Rea.len, lot IS
fellers Subdivision. $10.
Frank Bowers to N O Bowers
in T S S R 2 W. $1000.
GE1MAX girl wants housework. Pbone
wife. Fred's iight Lunch.
FOR SALE Household furniture at
half price, 2353 Slato street.
per hundred.
foi carpets; 10 cents
Journal office.
SPLENDID "furnished housekeeping1
rooms at The Lincoln, 633 Ferry.
Moose lodge meeting Tuesday night,
July 2Sth. Initiation and good time.
Roy II. Wassain, dictator.
o -
A marriage license was issued Satu
lav to Yirtnr t. Su-... . .s
Uoquiam, Wash., and Miss Eva Gra!
-ruig, a c.erK or this city.
May Wing Tye ResUursnt, 439 Terrr
street. Everything new and clean; uew
uiauagemont The best of noodles and
raop uey. Short orders at all hours,
Social afternoon of the O. E. & to
morrow afternoon at their hall. Visit
ing members welcome,
- o
.You It your worries behind when
you take along a suitcase from Cha
fer's. No, embarassing spills just at
the wroag time. Oct one at 187 South
across the river at this city and will
probably submit his report "soon after
his return.
Coal users, attention! Ws have just
been informed by the mines that on
Allltllst 10 the nrii'O nn .11 (K. i-.v
coals will advance 50- per ton. In order
io gci me oenerit of the low summer
prices now prevailing, all orders for
spring vunyon r.gg t,nmp coal must
reach us not later than August 1, same
to be filled as toon as coal arrives.
Falls City Lumber Co., 229 North Com
mercial street, phone 813.
-ouvicted on a charge of murder in the,
wconn degree and awaiting a new trial,
Has been turned over to Sheriff Kch nt
Uiis county for safe-keeping. Sheriff
loun (irant of Polk county brought the
prisoner over Inst week. Davis' trial'
vill come off in August.
Interested in the organisation of a
new bank at Newport. . mmnnit
composed of L. C. Smith, H. O. Savage.
. ii. miliums, u. L.. llrsv.
Commencing July 30 the Highland
Friends church will conduct gospel
meetings every afternoon and evening.
The evangelist who will speak is l.ins
ley A. Wells. The public in general is
cordially invited to attend. Rev. Wells
is reported to be au effective speaker
and is expected to draw large audience.'
J. H. Albert banker, of this city, who
l a fvrinil rnB.la anlk...i.. Ui U 1
Them., .ml v a vJj l" i 5,u"y evening for .Medford, where
LKlVh ,kr,.,,,n' he wi" UV" "rt iB h roads
nllt The, .L t6."' '"I" j"tiM that is now ia session there.;
wUh h i t i. i. ' 'f'rn"K Whil i okern Owgoa he will take;
with, the state hank .n.-.l..:-..
They will remain here several days.
the trip to Crater Lake. He is expect-
eu uaca m ostein eariy next week.
Today & Tuesday
The Gateway of
Strong drama of stage life
The Toll
A beautiful 2-reeI Yitigraph
society drama featuring
A Wild Ride. -
Sterling Comedy
Popular Baritone.
"House of Comfort"
Everybody attending the afternoon
or evening performance at the Bligh
Theatre will receive a ticket admitting
FOR- KE.NT Small dwelling iu busi
ness district. Phone .19, Carey S.
wood, four foot. Star Wood Co.,
Phone 420.
WANTED Work by first-class carpen
ter; town or country. Call ut 017
-Mill street.
FOR SALE ! our Seabright bantam
liens and one rooster; 270 South Four
teenth street.
FOR KENT 7-room modern house,
close in. Cull J58 South High, or
phone 1-122.
WANTED To buy a gentle horse and
buggy or mail wagon. Addiess C.er
ahl Volk, 1U 7, Salem.
FOR RENT Modern flvo room cot
tage; also housekeeping room. 330
' North High street. Phone 4.
' Finding his Business growing faster
fthnu his nuarters. Oconto Pettimreil.
' the electrician, is planning to occupy I
the entire south half of the storeroom I to the Bligh Theatre,
ai lai .orin Liperty street, wnere lie
'is now located. Numerous changes are
; to be made that will mid space and
convenience. The front Is to be given
over to display of fixtures ami sup
' plies, ami a room will be fitted up espe
cially for showing the many styles or
. ciocirie shades, brackets, etc.. as thev
are viewed when in actual use. The
office Blld drafting r.lmn n-ill h mni-.l
! to the rear, and the sooth side will be
unvoted to display shelving for electric
al heating and lighting appliances.
WANTED A housekeeper by widower
with one child. Lives miles from
town. Address E. A., cure of Journal.
f ItM 1 Vli
lata or th aeries
The Girl of Mystery
! After basking in the sunshine of the
t'eacnes or rmuthern California, Steve
Henderson, a popular young, man of the
Capital City, is back at his work in
Barnes Cash store. He was absent from
Salem for three weeks and took in
several of the California cities while
on Ms vacation. He reports having had
a gilt edge time besides rubbing up
against some Mexicans who were tak
ing a few days off from the revolution
and recuperating in Los Angeles. Along
with several others he went slumming
but the Mexicans seemed to be living
on hair triggers and he expected to feel
a stiletto between bis ribs any moment
and for that reason he was rather skit
tish about that kin. I nt .;m .:
j He returned safe and sound, however.
good for tomor
row, Wednesday or Thursday, when the
first series of
will he shown in Salem.
The world's greatest motion
picture. Just one thrill after
wanting to take up homesteads. In
quire of Low & Derrick, 359 State
LOST Tuesday afternoon, carved
leather belt, valued as a keepsake.
Return to Journal. Reward offered.
Phone 3I-F-4.
FOR SALE 1914 Harley Davidson
twin two-speed motorcycle iu A-l con
dition. Snap if taken" at once. Call
at Fanner Hardware Co.
FOR SALE 24 acres fruit land, 6 mile
Hum euit-m. urn iane ou per acio
I ii sold within 30 days. W. E. Detrick.
j R. F. D. No. 2, Salem.
I 1 i
FOR SALE Heifer calf and new bug
1 py used only one month, or will trade
! for horse about 1200 lbs. J. F. Well
i man, Jefferson road and Commercial.
' street.
: FOR RENT Modern 5-room cottage;
new range connected up, included.
! Inquire at 11)3 Hood street, or sey
! P. N. Andresen, Salem Bank of Coin
i merce bldg.
5 and 10 Cents
WANT TO RENT From 30 to 30 aero
of tillable land with or without build
ings, close in. Would accept smalt .
tracts, but prefer all in one body. .
Phone 1437 or call Pinckney Broi'
ui.y, west eud steel bridge.