THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OEEGON, FRIDAY, JULY 24, 1014. TWO MOTION TO DISMISS '. xiujri 'Svk: caillaux trial MM lT1fl t1tlWttlt I ITT 1 JUntO nllhUKAWAL (hum mtmtM t t STOPS A SENSATION Prosecution Dropt Case When Husband . Refuses to Test 1j BUverton Liquor CtM Are Also Dropped. judgmeut was in the mm of 2!KJ. Socialist Shows (Continued tyom- page one.) IS NEAR1NG THE END MAY CAUSE A ROW controversy, a th ng strictly against . Kmiliah precedent .Nevertheless, tne party leaner, in-i First Wlo Plays a Leading Trump by Some of the Democratic Senator Want k ! Producing the Much-Talkedof Let- President's SUtement and May Fly 1 1 tors and Handing Them to Attorney. 1 the Beaten TiacX. No. 1 of the fireuit court were deprived ( arson, the anti-home rule leader; A.; " ------- - - of a sensation today when Judge Kelly Itonar Law, conservative chief; John sepu ( aillaux to.lay when he stepped son a wun.irawai, at me appointee ti allowed the motion to dismiss the suit Redmond, head of ' the Irish delegation j fro, his automobile at the palace of own request, of the nomination fft lion- K Wriidit who was in- l"""""l -1 Juttif to atten.l the trial of his wife, 1 nomas u. Jones orcmeago lor a piacs. 11609 " m" 'the house of commons, responded. . . . j ,h. ,... .,. . Bp. ThA kimr received tnem with a speech uu r"rB,! "'"'""'"S , " " " " . I n which he declared that "the cry: tor (iastou Calmette of M.e Figaro.";ed the break between the president and ; t There was no question that strong certain leading democratic senators w".ioj I acainst dieted on a charge of adultery. Dis- Annav Uinon in tnukinir th ma. Jlb.UI ' ... . ' . . . . 1 III tion, stated that Mrs. vmgni s nus- . . .. . . .. of ,he m0!lt band, Alfred Wright, ""ei' l'o;ee ' responsible- and sober minded of my j feeling was aroused against him by the , confirni,tion ot ,he executive's!; cute his wife on t-ie charge, and as ne w ,, (charges his divorced wife made against','. . I 1 .n- IIZ.i. iu' l-'Hili,,K 'ompiwnlse, there seemed him on the witness stand at yester- 8pll(lt0n, Ree(l aud Kitchcock were! was dropped. Joe Spurgcon who was nothj ,,lft ,lllt for tho liberal, labor day 'i session of court. It was generally ,ai(l b ,he ,atter , re,ent ,he si.l held as a co-defendant by the 1 grand (ui( mrimnmtary alliance to agreed that the former -Mine, (aillaux (lellfB reference in bis letter of with-j juy, j.B. 'force the home rule bill tnrongn in , ie.ave wnn nignuy auu goou urne, (rawal to ..memi,ers of the majority - . - -- iieiiance or its ncn tne icsiimony forthcoming. This case conies from the parties of the a lit a e 1 .11 w 1 li(h(,(1 a ,)u)in liHiat(,h , th(, effwt placed the defense 11. a most awkward , ,,atroliauo aml ..Hficallv that his known, and the rase attracted consult - th ,he war offko ,,,, ,,, a , sltation. ! candidate would no git the Kansas able attent.on when pureon was call- f. ,,)llrt.mar. The letters were supposed to be part i Jst"rshii, 'ln-i?AHrB.v Ri,,o moved this S?0L: An alternative appoinfnent of Jones. .... . .. ..... ------- - forces, w 11 en tn ri'iiri-n aiuicii rcsisiuin-n '"""i " iv r' it wn uuilerstood would be made ilruggist, WHO was irien oil tin; nrsi in- )fjy RUNS WILD IN TiUJ March term of i "."f'wht w'nlt ' of its o.oncnts. The result,, and that by turniug over to Fernaiid , who h M with lne re.!tt of right was not it WBS Kenerallv flt, might actunlly be I Labori, Mine. Caillaux 'a lawyer, the ) publicans " I f X ,,, Tllrlll.r wh a ci vil struggle. I two letters, it was snid the (aillauxs j ill,.ilon(v it W8B exacted Keeditt '11 1 Ti,B Lol,,lon I)l4ilv Telegraph pub- feared ( al.nette would publish, she had ' , tne ..inaille' track on fed-1 XI aud It was admitted at the Whitto lloui'e dictincnt during the court. Johnson was acquitted of the charge of illegal liquor fcUiug at this trial, an. mo ,n;i.c...,-ms . Rungft .r(.n(lehall, IIIBIIII.WH VII Ull VI nil"... ir iviu ... - ... t, 1 i. dewe, " charge of the I pper (Incknmas divi- ,in, reports that fl boy. about 13 years The jury in the enso of J. W. Taylor (),, hm j,een wandering around in the against tho Portland. Kugcno A Eastern , . . .. , , , . . .. tt mountains for the lust two weeks, vihit- Hhwrv company for persona damages ', ,.' ""'"" .' .--'1 ....:' ;., f,. h. iii. ii'B the different ranger stntions mid ll'tllllllll U ITllll It III IB.WI "I I""1 ...... tiff, awarding him damages in the, ,' keeping camps. - 1 , . . . , 1 T in linv ret of 2S(). The case went to tlie urv at " .u ...n ........ 'J ; . . i-.J .. 1.!.. 1 about 2 o'clock vester.lny mid nn early 1 "r "y miormau..,, as lo ... .......c u.... verdict was expected bv both sides, his clothing is rngS from shoes to out. but it took tho jurv several iiours to When lust seen, Henr the Oak Grov rea.h nil agreeinen't. Thev reported ringer stall m, the ranger attem ten Inte vcterd.v eveniiiL'. Attnrnev Will- t detain him, but the boy hroko Hun ter W nslow aimcaiei for t ie n :uutiir. .inn wiib-iiibi seen r.......i.g .1.. ...u i ... ,., .,:..,..,.; . ..i town-d Hlack Wolf Meadows, flic 1' "V''.. ,. h ' ' I THE EXPRESS IS IN THIS TOWN v And in to Stay FOR seventy-five years three Quarters of a century the i express has been the right-hand of the shippers of commercial America. The express came to Salem in 1854, and it came to stay. For sixty years it has been the right-hand of commer cial Salem. It is here to stay. The other day when reports went out that the express companies might re tire, from business, a protest test the express companies? No ! The merchants of the coun try shippers everywhere petitioned Congress that no ac tion be taken that might have the effect of forcing the express companies to retire. Commer cial organizations all over the world have joined in this appeal to Washington. For seventy-five years in the past and for a good many more years in the future Express Ser vice will mean ii inese iciiers were, in iaci. as nam-1 i.. u ... ... i ...... i. tttt.t.b op M.AfiKAllAS ...i.. . ..:..- i.:- ;t' l,ml. """ . I; . c : T " . . .......... u.0 ..v . imj woull, be a chicgoan, like Jones him .i i,i i-n.-.i-ii, nun, it u m-iii-inii anivrii, Kstiicada, Ore., July 21. Chief Fur- could they nfford to have them made ;n public in connection with Mnio. ('ail- liiux s trial 1 It, on the otner band, they could be read in open con it with out mining the ( nilluiixs, it would be impossible tor tho prisoner to contend longer Mint they constituted an excuse for killing Cnlmette. A Clevor Attorney. From this dilemma Attorney I.abori re-sorted to a clever maneuver todny to extricate himself. went up. From whom this pro- PERSONAL SERVICE FULL RESPONSIBILITY Wells Fargo & Co., Express 453 Court O. J-Gould, Agent Phone 46 i 1 1 m -i.-.i sen, --ii possioie. : nr.rn.1 Paul f Wnrhnnr nt Xerv Vnrk HtH" HtttMtHH IHfTfUl tHtryTTTTT TTI TTTTTT-TTTT itttttttttttttt urged laul M. Warburg or .New iorK.j t second federal reserve ..oard ap-i Mmm--,mmm, pointoe whose confirmation was held! ,-f-, 1 J.??Sr "' . up in the senate, to decide nt once ..rnnuin riFll whether or not he would appear be- RiJ)lflH (jlKL fore, the committee on banking and currency for examination. I UkU V(VT I FPT HfiMF iinv nut i i iiviuu Warburg originnlly refused to ap-i pear and asked, as did .(ones later,, that his appointment be withdrawn.- He was persuaded, however, to recou- liecalling the former Mine, ('aillaux , i,rr this request, ami the administra te the witness stand, he said: j tion was hopeful, if he would answer "; Ma. lame, you played uic a trick yes-, tho committee's questions, that he tenla.v. I return our letters to you. would be confirmed. Many senators were said to approve ' A judgment' in favor of .lames f!. child 's identity is-a mystery nnd hi: llelt.el was awarded in the circuit court : existence in the mountains is danger yesterday ngiilnst J. W. Kvans. Kvans nus. two might be relative. i of him in principle who would, never- An. i lie ntrere.l tne witness tne let-1 theless, vote against 1. 1 tit ters. The former Mine. Caillaux flushed ! dine t to express himself. and witn a dramatic gesture refused to accept them EUGENE NEAELY EECAME when the location was change l to Jack OBEGON CAPITOL ONCE i sonville, nn act was passed providing ! for the selling of tho material. T'.ie con Won Twice In Popular Election, Once : stitution adopted in 1837 provided that Again1 Whole State and Once From all state institutions should be located Corvallis Freak legislation. lat the capital, and this provision pre- vented, probably, any effort for several Tint Eugene was once voted to be .years to linato the university. In IH3.S, the -apital of Oregon and incidentally i however, two acts were passed, one of that i icalt legislation is not a new fca- which organized Corvallis college, at tine nt' the Oregon " system," are facts Corvallis, and I'liion university at Kn shnv . l.v en.nn nld records recently ua- l-ene. lioth were private institutions. Knii Francisco, July 24. While the i cartlul by a Eugene attorncv, in look- but the former was finally turned over While Police Were Looking for Her All Over tho Country, Lottie Milne Wr.s Home and Sick in Bed. I 1 no success of this move by U.hori the International Harvester coin) tfttttttttt mttttmtttttttTTrrttrTTttTTt : as considered problemiiti Fruit Specials Watermelons- Turlock, sweet and Juicy, pound , l'jC Eocky Ford Melons Sound and large, 2 for 2Tu Sound and small, 2 for 13c Transparent Apples Basket 15c Bushel $1.75 The Dalles Apricots Finest quality, basket Crate . ... The "Real Jim Wlllson's Selected Early Triumph Peaches, basket Crate ... .. 33c $1.23 C3c if ' he de 1 l,"'','c ' a dozen cities between ing e.p some old history of the statF, to the state and became the Oregon Al,' I Toronto and San Francisco have Wen says the Kiigene (luiir.l. In two votes rieultujal college, and the other lid.- imntic gesture refused to! The objections to Jones were based ! searching for Miss Lottie Milne, who r'u T .,' , . . V " , . v,." i tln somis to have cotton alontf -41.. ' .11 I .1.. ..., ssitv of makinir the letters public. I the banking firm of Kuhn. I.oeb & Co. : i,. ,,.. :n ; t...., n.,. i,. ; " victorious, i nere were s.. s, now-, prcu.v wen, h.... ,.,.,.,.... ,.v . .... ..... I but mav believed the impression wmd.l Feeliimr at the White House over the """" ' ; er, betw.xt the cup and the lip. , envy tne other cues tne.r petier sue- be that he had done s,o because ho could 1 of the Jones' difficulty was "'S lett thllt clt'- ! The congressional act ot August H, cess in getting state institutions. not have acted otherwise without dam-1 said to be very bitten It was under-1 Last Tuesday, Wutt ui, n young busi-1 organized the territory of Ore- . .. i aging either his client or her husband. I stood thut several democratic senators n(,s, mn, appealed to the police for i aut nori.e.i rne rem on... uy.suL of the territory and appropriated the poured to have relieved him Tho police ami militnrv nrc-mi tinn ' besides Heed and Hitchcock were ;.i ;,, , r;Uu V;i., H lr. " M locate the seat ot government against any disturbance about the pal ace of justice were made more thor oughly than ever to.lay, and the vio lence of the demonstration against Caillaux indicated they were needed. The prisoner, though very pale, was culm. Her enemies maintained that the violent fit of weeping she had Thursday was feigned. rnscnl Ceccnldi, a member of the! blamed. SAGE TEA TURNS ; GRAY HI DM ' " ,r"V r- v T , ' Isiini of .-.,())( to aid in erecting tJO cap- left Toronto for tuin irnncisco July,, i i Jr., 15. When her baggage arrived July 19 j 1 0 u" ptat Selected. he became alarmed. ? ! j,v ,R.t in KebnlarVi js.-Jl, th, natron receivi a cegram touaj ; ii.,,,, tixt,d xaU.m as the capital, Money Savers r-'uear Cured Pic Nic Hams Hie Heavy Hacon Iiack, smoked Hc from Miss Milne's mothe saying itT hud been detained ,n Toronto by - , he caHe,,' Marysvi.Je J. Westacott-Thielsen Co.; Inc. TMelsen Cash Grocery Successors to 151 North High. L. A. Westacott & Co. 1 chamber of deputies and a friend of ; I1'9 Grandmother's Hecipe to Bring ' l aillaux, testified in defense of tne ex- i toior, x.ustre ana XnlcKnecs to Hair minister s record. When Faded, fitroaked or Gray.'s testimony was given in nn . impassioned tone .and with many ges-1 Tllnt 1)(,utirill evon snIl(le of (larU til Villi I IllUlllt.l thil rnut innt !. ' i.ii" .....t .tci o; giossy liair can only be had by brew- SALEM HEIGHTS HAPPENING-. as the site of the university, and named I .. lln r;..4 i ..'..r . . ,.....i ... j.' ni ijiiiu . iu e.v.-t uic uc-v.-jiii,. uumunns. ir n. v. . " ' P.,T. ..nvk 8allsJ,. inas w.-re not specitied except that the1 . ar I No. 5 Host Lard ' i in a courtroom, ( aillaux 's enemies burst ing a mixture of ago Tea and Sttl- -r i"" auJ. ,,isse9' 1wlllilc 'Jl0 w't-lphnr. Your hair is your .Mrs. (.us (linpman and baby Kuth ,)ellitoiitiaiy was to be large enough to are visiting friends in the Rose City. , affoninio.lntc 1 convicts. ( has. Speaker was a Sunday visitor! T,l(lse bllil,lill(,s apparently not bav- Htl h,0l",,'! ... v ,' -. iR been erected, by act of January, The Ladies Aid held a splendid , tho i0!iisi.ltln.e appointed new ..i.-..i...K im in.. ....... nners. inak niir a distinct loan: Best Hamburg Sausage Wienerwurst Bologna $l.l .. 70c .... 13c ... l.ft .... 13c ..12-!.c ness was speaking, and the disorder - i finally became so great that Judge Al- banel threatened to arrest the disturber!. EVERYBODY Can eat fruit now. Wnlil's Fruit Market has created a sensation with the lowest prices ever (ffered to the public. The poor man does not need to do without fruit; our prices are Within the reach of all. j ' LOOK AT THESE PRICES Fine ripe tomatoes 5c per Iti Large ripe bannnns 23c for IS These bananas are nut chilled or frozen. Fancy sweet oranges, thin skinned and juicy........ 20c per dm. Fancy ripe cantaloupes 4 for 25c The finest California watermelons 15c 20e, 25c lUirly Columbia Peaches one .....13c, 20c, 25c Wohl's Fruit Market 383 STATE STREET Buying and Selling for cash is the most clear cut way to trade we know of. When we place our close cash prices on these groceries, no risk of loss, no ex pensive bookkeeping, no stock of merchandise on the credit books and another on the shelves we say when we put our close cash sell ing price on these close bought groceries, we've got prices no store in the city of Halem will meet. The proof of the pudding is in the eat ing. Did you get that one I A few prices follow which make the people whl want to make their grocery money go as far as possible sit up and take notice. 1 lb Best Creamery Butter for 30c Oood wheat makas good flour, good flour makes good bread. Vim flour la made of No. I Hard Wheat and makes good bread. The price is tl.10 per sack. Yea never had better flour In your kitchen. a packages Arm & Hammer Boda- for 15c 3 cans of Tomatoes for 25e 3 cans of Corn for 25c Fresh Rancn Eggs, Saturday special ,...27c the dosen 3 bunches of Oreen Onions for j 10c 6 pounds Pure Lard for 70e 10 poo rids of Pure Lard for..... ; $1.40 Ice Cream Boda at our fountain j 6c Best VaUsy riour at .j.. 11.15 per aack 1 m Gal rmrdellli Ground Chocolate, regular price 35c our price. 30c 3 eana of good Salmon for 25c Ben- Peppers, 9 pound! for J 25c A trial order will convince you that we can and do sell groceries at a smaller margin of profit than any store in the valley. makes or mars t'ua ' face. charm. It I Fred Thompson. When it ! spent in sewing. The afternoon was A delicious lunch j lor the erection of tho university. In January, l.Sol, sonic work evident fades, turns gray, streaked and looks was serve.l by tne nostess assisted oy , y imvi ,,,,',, ,01ie on ,hl, capitol dry, wispy and scraggly, just an appli-j -M'!,a . ,,os'e 'u'"'; v. 4 , . .. ; buil.lini; an act was passed directing ruwun or iwu 01 oae Mini ouimur en- " thflt t)l0 form of arelntet'ture shoiihl DC 'j Independent Meat Market . aillaux -s friend having finished hia 1 oee(, iti appeara.u-e a hundredfold, i lre" visiting Mrs. Kingston's par- irl'. n Mlllllwirrer nf f nlniiitti. inju 4hn . ' ai. . . T ...... n EnllD story, a supporter of Cnlmette took the stand Ktienno (irossclaude, of. the staff of "I.e Figaro." The editor, he asserted, never thought of publishing Caillaux 'a personal let ters. In tact, said the witness, h eliminated all purely personal passages when he published tho "Ton Jo" epis tle, printed only what was of political import and good for the public to know. llenry Bernstein, playwright, author and intimate iriend- of Editor Cal mctte, testified, that from things Cal mette said, to him, he did not believe the latter offered money to Mme. Kstradere as she said he did, to ar range a meeting between himself and Caillaux 's first wife. Jle added that he judged from what tho e titor told him just before be was i shot, that he held Mme. Estradere, I former society editress of "Le Figaro ' ! in somewhat low esteem. Sporting Editor Franz Reichel, of "Le Figaro , said he spoke with Cal I mette the Sunday night before he was ; killed, referring to the "rabre uocu ; ments", which Calmetto said he would I like to publish but could not because he bad promised not to. I "It is all 1 have left," Reichel testi- i fied Calmetto told him. The purpose I of Koichel's story was to disprove that Calmettc still had letters by Caillaux in his turn. Is, 1 Dr. Albert Cnlmette. the late editor's j brother, related that after the latter I wns killed his wallet, containing about i 3(1 papers, was placed in the doctor 'a hands; that some of the documents ; were important, and that he and an . other brother. Dr. (). Calmetto, gave j them tos Presitlent Poineore, who j thanked them warmly, but that the 1 letters referrel to bv the Calliauxs . were not among them. i "Oaston told m the day before he ! was killed," said the witness, "that . i-e was at the end of his campaign ' against Caillaux because he had pub , lished everything he had except the 'Fabre memorandum', which he prom ' ised not to print. EUROPEAN SITUATION 1 . HITS NEW YORK MARKETS U 1 4'..,... !..;,." ' 1 '.rii.ifll IWt bother to prepare the tonic;' a' 1-oretta rails. hw and directini? that the work be you can get from any drug store a 50 ! t Ms. wyer anrl w i'i Mwyer i;pr01leflltm, t0 completion. cent bottle of "Wyeth's Sage and Sul-1 'P0"1""1,?. '!htt:L "hlnK "f B i' Just what happened next does not ap- plmr Hair Remedy," ready to use. This ; )" S lu7' " ' T, . ' ' pear in the laws, perhaps the commis- an always be depended uion to bring,' - . Vr.-:-V . "1. ZZ. !sioners resisted in following out their -:".7".T"'" ' l,Jo !;.. nr..hitectnre. Anvwav. a delightful out of doors attair rridav 1, , . , " back the natural color, thickness aud lustre of your hair and remove dand ruff, stop scalp itching and falling hair. Everybody uses "Wyeth's" Sage and Sulphur because it darkens so nat urally and evenly that nobody can tell it has been applied. You simply damp en a sponge or soft brush with it and draw this through tho hair, taking one small strand at a time; by morning the gray hair has disappeared, and after another application it becomes beauti fully dark and appears glossy, lustrous and abundant. J, C. Perry, local agent. LOCAL NEWS Or TURirfEH. (Journal 'Special Service.) Turner, Ore., July 2. Mrs. M. J. Morris returned onday from Albanv where she had been making a short visit. Tuesday evening George W. Moore and family an t Mrs. O. A. G. Moore departed for the Soda Springs where they will spend several weeks camping. Miss -M nnel ...taley who has been visiting Hester McKay for several weeks left Sunday evening for Baletn. The Ladies' Presbyterian Missionary Society held an. all day session Thurs day at the home of Mrs. R. O. Thomas. Each member came with a ell filled basket and joined in a picnic dinner under the trees. Mrs. S. R. Rodgers is visiting her son in Portland. G. A. (. Moore returned Monday from Gladstone where he has been at tending Chautauqua. Mr. and Mrs. H. It. Miles are re joicing over the arrival of a tiny daughter. Mrs. Frank Baker of Oak Point. Washington, is visiting her parents,. .r. ana .wrs-. J. r. Lyle. C. II. Riches is busy hauling lumber for tho new house and barp he is planning to build on his place north of tt 11. architecture. Anyway, ! the legislature seems to have gotten GEO. W. WECHTER, Proprietor 157 S. Commercial Phone Main 7i0 Bicycle afternoon. The afternoon was spent J S' "" ... ......- ....ft... .i.i.i i.aMmi on a.'T I'lmitt'iiiir T .if . k . in taking pictures an. doing childhood! , " f , II " stunts. Lester and Leslie Morris en-! capital location to orvalhs and the KarSfdltlS tertained the voung ladies with musical I uiiivermty location to Jacksonville and J-U 5UIUU selections during the afternoon. appointed commissioners to erect Miss Clara Miller and sister Florence buildings. The territorial otiicers ap are visiting their sister -urs. G. Fox of I pointed by the president refused to ac Rickreall. ! knowledge the validity ot the removal Miss Bertha Kingston, of Portland, jact an.l continneu to mainxain xneu 01- spent Sun.lay with her sister Mrs. Fred Drowning. Mrs. E..M. Law and granddaughter Miss Alice Rients were over Sunday ficcs at Salem. Legislature at Corvallis. In Pocember, 1-Soo, the legislature mot at Corvallis, but the first bill intro- visitnr with Mr, l aw's ilniiohrer Mrs. duced was to return the seat of govern- Wm. Gulvin at her home near Jeffor-1 mcnt to Salem. Various amendments! son. ! were proposed, to locate it at Eugene, The Boy Scouts returned tired but 1 Boseburg and other places, but after a We have several feoo I wheels, with equipment, which mut go at lower prices than even o.. regular low offers. SELL US YOUR WHEEL WE'LL GIVE YOU a fair price or wLI take it i trade for a motorcycle. say they had the time of their life. GANG OF BURGLARS ARE WORKING SOOTHE- OREGON stiff fight Salem won, and the legisla ture joined the other officers at Salein. The new capitol building was nearing! enmntetinn. hut nn the 2!th of the month it took fire mysteriously and j Capitol St., at Union, was totally destroyed. This removed one of the most effective arguments in Geo. M. Reeves GARAGE Phone 971 85S N. Cora'l Street UdKOCER6 Free Delivery Phone 68 New York. July 24. Following the lead of London, where stocKs were weak an.) irregular as a result of the tense political situation in Vlste-r and Austria, the local stock market opened todny with prices generally lower. Canadian Pacific was off 1, while Soo line fell 2. H. & O., Erie common and first prreferrad and C. t O. went to new low levels. The market closed weak. ROCKY CANNOT AFFORD TO KEEP UP HIS HOUSE Cleveland, Ohio, July 24. The home of John D. Rockefeller, at Forest Hill, near here, is rapidly going to seed Tho Tie That Binds, Unfinished business was disposed of at the Isst session, the prinpieal work being the election 'of Mrs. U G. Hum barger of Aberdeen as auditor. Spokane "resented the only invita tion for next year's meeting, but other cities- will doubtless be presented to the board at a later date. Onlv Oh "KBOMft ormmrai' Sparrows have built nests in the eaves 1 To get the genuine, call for full name of the house, eows have taken posses- LAXATIVE BROMO QUININE. Look J ...... ... .... "'"ii vi ir siguaiure 01 i. vi. urove. lures j windows have been broken by boys. a Cold in One Day. 25. SUCCESSFUL CONVENTION. Raymond, Wash., July 24. The most Medford, Ore., July 24. That pangs of burclars are at work about Med ford is proved by the robbery of .Mrs. )avor 0( the Salein location, and a Waters, at 1024 West Eleventh street, !few ,avs later in January, lSorj, an Wednesday night, the fourth, robbery act was'pass-.l providing that the ques araund Medford in a week. tion location be submitteft to tho At uoid mil a more desperate ganglvo.CTS 0f the state at the June elec- at 2:13 Thursday morning blew the safe in th M. S. Johnson saloon and erurdd Valuable jewelry was stolen at Mrs. Waters. One ring con taining three opals and three emeralds, one solitaire amethyst ring and one plain gold ring, marked " E. W. and II. R.' are among the missing articles. It is not known whether the job was the work of a single burglar or a gang. The police have no theories. Some think that the burglaries are the work of 'floaters," a large number of whom pass through Medford every day The work is despwrato for another theory is that a gang of cracks men is making the rounds of Southern Oregon cities. CHEMAWA NOTES. OS) CATARRH of th. BLADDER relieved in 24 HOURS Ewb Ca-suit-tmr the (MluY) , name S Bncare of roi ntrrttit tion. If no site received a mammy ot the votes cast a second election between the two towns having the highest num ber of votes should be held iu October following. Eugene Wins From Corvallis. At the June election the contest was mainly between Eugene and Corvallis. When In SALEM, OREGON, stop Eugene received 2637 votes, Corvallis! 2332, tvilem 2101, Portland 1154. On the I official canvass some votes were thrown I Strictly Modern. out but Eugene held the lead with Cor- i Free and Private Baths. vallis second. The United ofti-1 BATES 75c $1.00. $1.50 PER DAT ' Cl " I 7 " J I'ieers insisted that tho government would ; The only hotel in the business district. .1 .u". " I" not recognise the result whatever it Nearest to all Depots. Theatres, ard. ' .i- .. . . 1 .,,,1 ,.. ;,.. ; n... r, ii. . BLIGH HOTEL was, a;.d people lost interest in the Oc tober electiou. No polls were opened in several counties. The result was that Eugem- received 2509 votes, a clear uia-1 jority of all votes cast. Tho govern ment officials refused to acquiesce in the result and no effort was made to carry the vote into effect. People became absorbed in changing Appearances are changing in the vi cinity of Chemawa. The moss-covered . " v. . u ; .. 1. 1. ... : . , 1, . . .. il'T'''!." "onvirntion, h0 's,a,e of the past, as t now has a new coat, the territory into a state and in prepar : X . ; ,, and from the herd of Poland Chinas 1 mg a state consuumon. 1 ne staie con- M ; V .ufT u00" ,0:la hicn now inhabit the orchard every, j stitution was adopted the following "" . ...r niiu ihrwi thinir would indicate that an easterner ! rear. 1S..7. and provided that the lecis- had arrived on the scene. j luture should not have t ie power to lo- Mr. and Mrs. y. Taylor Jones and cate the seat of government but that it son Russell have just returned from ! should be located oy popular vote. The Lamar, Mo., where they have been vis- j question was first submitted ifl 1SH2, iting Mr. Jones' mother. They are now; and no place having a mil majority was visiting Mrs. Jones parents, Mr. and .again submitted in lr.4. r.ugene stoo.l Mrs. Thomas W. Lewis, nttr Chemawa. They expect to return to their home at Dallas, Oregon, soon, at which place Mr. Jones is prominently connected with toe S. F. C. 4 W. By. Co. They report extremely hot weather in the east, and were aee-ligbted to get back to Oregon, "God's eountry;" well in both these contes-s, but Salem won in the second election by a clear majority of ?!. University at Ccrvallis. . No attempt was made for years to again locate the university. While the tocatii'U was fixed at Corvallis material had been assembled for buildings, but Capitol Buildings. A Home Away from Home. T. G. BLIGH, Prop. B0U1 Fnonoa. Free Auto Bus, L. M. HUM Care of YICK SO TOXG Chinese Medicine and Tea Company Has medicine which will aire any known disease. 153 South High Street, Salem, Ore. 'Phone 283.