riVB r? ? Owing to the fact that the new Fall Merchandise is already pouring in upon us in large quantities, and imperatively demanding room, we are compelled to even employ more radical efforts it ii i i r i i t rxi li. j x... j i a i u : . ii.. i : u j ii i . . i t i ii a u:.i. tt man we nave nereioiore in our Annual JUiy Clearance sates iu move seusunauie guuus quicniy. cvery ueparuneni uas ueeii tuiiuuuaujr icpicmsncu uuuugiiuui ine summer su iiirti uuui, new, , . snappy articles await you at every turn and GREAT EXTRA VALUE GIVING predominates everywhere. XX THB DAILY CAPIT VL JOUEKAL, HALEM, OREOON, THTJBSDAY, JULY S3, 1911. tTTTtMttTttMtttttttTtttl un in 02 VW JLi Women's Summer Coats We have a few Novelty Summer Coats which we offer in values to $15.00 Now for $5.00 Everything that takes room needed by fall apparel must go. 98c Muslin Combination Suits values to $2.00, now One large assortment of Muslin Combination Suits, slightly soiled; regular values up to $2.00, QQn now VOC 35c DRAWERS NOW 24c Durable muslin, trimmed with em- OA broidery or lace, 35c values. . $2.50 Silk Petticoats for $L98 Each Easy to sell every one of them for $2.50, but for the July Clearance we offer them at $1.98. Quality good, prettily made, and all of the wanted colors are here. $1 GOLF& NEGLIGEE SHIRTS 79c A large assortment to choose from, all up-to-date popular patterns. Also another line of equally desirable shirts 75c VALUES, 49c These are extra good values. It will pay you to investigate. Boys Clothing ' NOW 20 PER CENT LESS (KNIFE WITH EVERY SUIT) Suits that stand the wear and tear, pleases the boy because they are dashing and snappy and the parents because they are durable. NOW 20 PER CENT LESS 4 8 Dainty Embroidery Flouncing Beautiful patterns, dainty enough for a queen. A great variety of designs and mater ials. Anything you may de sire as to quality. To close out the line $ .75 Flouncing $ .59 $ .85 Flouncing $ .64 $1.00 Flouncing $ .79 $1.50 Flouncing $1.00 $2.00 Flouncing $1.60 $2.75 Flouncing $2.20 $3.00 Flouncing ..$2.40 $3.50 Flouncing ..$2.80 $4.00 Flouncing .$3.20 $5.00 Flouncing $4.00 $6.00 Flouncing $4.80 Women's Dusters We have a few very fine heavy Linen Dusters. We must close them out now at One-fifth Less SHORT LAWN KIMONAS ....... -; . 35c values -; 24c White with small black figures and also flowered patterns. 50c LONG LAWN KIMONAS now 33c $1.25 RATINE Beautiful col ors, splendid quality, now 75c Yard Women's New Wash Dresses For remarkably low prices. We made a demand on two -manufacturers of women's dresses to furnish us some ex tra good values in women's wash dresses for this sale. This they were kind enough to do, in the season's latest, made with long tunics, roll collars, and daintily trimmed, of flow ered, striped and plain mate rials. We are offering these from $1.50 to $4.50 each. You'll wonder how they can be made for the price. They can't! The manufacturer loses that's all and it's your gain. $1.50 to$4.50 each . 12 l:2c All Linen Toweling 9 Cents a Yard Womens' & Misses' Bathing Suits Just the. time to get ready for the big splash. A timely of fering. Bathing Suits 20 Per Cent Less Womenfs New Fall Suits Beautiful in the extreme. We do not knew whether our Eastern manufacturers, fear that there may be a big genera! Western railroad strike or not, but at any rate they have been rush ing our fall merchandise to us at an unprecedent ed rate, and we find they are not at all too early as people are already calinj for them. To encourage early buy ing we offer them at 20 per cent less Children's Dresses EXTRA SPECIAL In white and colored Summer Dresses for children from 2 to 14 years. Many of these gar ments are the long waisted ef fects, trimmed with plain bandings, pipings, embroidery or laces. The general remark of the casual observer is, "Oh, how pretty those little dresses are!" $ .75 Dresses $ .56 $1.00 Dresses $ .84 $1.25 Dresses $1.00 $1.50 Dresses $1.19 $1.75 Dresses $1.49 $2.50 Dresses ....$2.12 $2.75 Dresses $2.29 $3.00 Dresses $2.49 Women's All Linen Suits, plain tailored, values to $10.00 $2.98 New Dress Skirts Ten Per Cent Less Our Dress Skirt stock had to be replenished at once, and of course we bought all of the late models that are sure to be the popular leaders in the fall and just to swell the number of July offerings we add them at Ten Per Cent Less XX The Men and Boys' Wear Section affords wonderful opportuni ties for economy. All suits for men 20 TO 50 PER CENT LESS This includes our nifty blue serges. The splendid appear ance of our suits, the extra good tailoring, the smartness of our fabrics, are what have built and what will keep our largo men's clothing business. Every suit offered from 20 TO SO PER CENT LESS None reserved. Wash Ties MEN'S WASH TIES-White with colored stripes or all white, two for 25c. Handkerchiefs Men's 15c Handkerchiefs. . .9c Men's 10c Handkerchiefs. . .6c Men's 5c Handkerchiefs. . .3c Women's Oxfords 95c a Pair Values to $2.50 and $3.50 per pair. These are not this sea son's latest styles, but they are up to our high standard for wearing qualities. XX XX XX M"t-t- ttfTTttTtttttTTTTTTT fttrTTTTTTTTI TU1 TTTTTTTTn TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTITTTTTTTTTTri j The Markets LABOR HAS INNINGS BEFORE COMMISSION Manufacturers' association, testified at this afcernoon's session in advocuey of the open shop. MRS. ROSS MNTIRE FOUND DEAD IN BED! t ' x LOCAL WHOLESALE MARKETS. .'10 8.(10 8.00 .. 8Se 20.00 Hay, timothy - $11.00 Clover, per ton Oats and vetch Cheat Wheat, per bushel Bran, per ton .... 8horts, per ton Oats, per bushel Chittiru bark, per lb. Potatoes, per cwt Butter and Eggs. Buttcrfat, per lb., f.o.b. Salem 25c Creamery butter, per lb 2"'.c Eggs 23c Poultry. Hens, per lb - H" lie Koostera. per ID , ae . .. HQ Cheese, California fancy 11c; firsts '-'.ye; second 11c. PORTLAND MAEKET3. -Wheat Employers at Bat for Two Days Give Place to Labor Today in the Chicago Investigation by Committee. .3032c iii((tjC : loo Portland, Ore., July 2:t Club, 78(fi 7!)i" ; bluestcm, S2c. j flnta n 1 n-iilte foo.1 "! . -o ' "1(1(1 .,, ---i 6"VI Barley Brewing, 20; feed, $19. Hogs Best live, .s.7."i. 1 Prime steers, $7.2.)7..'I0; fancy cows, : $(. 10; best calves, !M.2o. Spring lambs, . Butter City creamery, 27'!c. Kggs Selected local extras, 2.jtfi26c. ileus, 4c; broilers, lifalsc; geese,1 alters. MHRJIHt H N liNIK Steers 6fTTG U.c I Chicago, July 23. Labor had its nings at today 's hearing of the federal ! industrial, relations committee, in sea- ( sion here. The first two days of the hearing were given over to testimony : from representatives of the employers. ! The sessions of the commission, which were held in an effort to determine the , principal causes of difference between j labor and capital, probably will clone Saturday. Replying today to statements made before the commission by ex-President ; Charles Piez and Chief Counsel Dudley j Taylor of the Illinois Manufacturers'! association at previous sessions, Presi- EXPOSITION GETS $500,000 Washington, duly 2.X By a vote of i'i") to 10M, the house this afternoon refused to reconsider its decision appropriating $."i00, 000 for a government building at the Panama-Pacific reposi tion to be stage I in San Fran cisco in 1U15. Tho voto means the appropriation will stand and tho building be erected. I In Good Health When husband Leaves , Homo in Morning But Dead When He . . Returned a Pew Hours Later. j T her POLICE LOOXING FOR PRETTY SCOTCH GIRL! Cows, ner cwt Hogs, fat, per lb TfaHiel (Continued from page one.) i3:V K z 'airick of the Cnago Fed-! Milne on Way to Court to Get Ol'jWwC Castcllot seemed certain that tho 3Vjc: transfer would go through smoothly and v'jC ; expressed the opinion that it would ....ll(&12c , De possible to arrange with the constitu ' tionalists for an amnesty covering all 8c rrnlitic.il nfl'pnsps. Salted country pelts, each 6oc$j$l ; (.'arranza and John Silliman, tne state Lamb peVts, each - 2oe department 's representative with the constitutionalist leader, were at Tam- Stock hogs, per lb, Ewes, per lb Spring lambs, per lb. Veal, according to quality.... Pelts. Dry, per lb ation of Labor made a strong defense i of the workers, in their efofrts to better their condition. "Big business holds' a heavy hand at the workingman'a back," Fitzpatrick said, "and constantly presses down SEATTLE MARKETS. i pico today. THE HOGUE TRIAL. Seattle, Wash., July 23. Eggs fresh ; lanch 2l(S39c; Orientals 18c. . ' ( Butter, "countrv creamery cubes 2ilci 1 San Fraricisco, July 23. The trial bricks 27c; city creamery cubes 20c; .Inmm K. Ilngue (or train robbery bricks 27c. ' " ' Ra'' continued today before Superior Cheese limburger 10c; Wisconsin 1S,..,j Judge Dunne. The first witness was 19c; Swiss 20c; Washington 16Yq 17c. Conductor L. P. Powers of the Southern Onions, green 20(ftSJ5e; eastern wash- Pacific messenger train which Hogue ington 3Vie(q.4c per pouod; California is accused of attempting to hold up. He 3'..(ft44e." 'described the scene in the diner wicn Potatoes, new local l'jffil 3-4 per Hogue was struck down, pound; California 1 3-4(2e. ' The prisoner's wife and two little daughters were again in the courtroom 8A rBANCISCO MARKETS. ! today. Just previous to the opening of . today's session one of his little daugh- Fan Francisco. Julv 23. Eggs, extras ters ran up to Hogue to be kissed and SJM'.c; firsts 2j' .c; pullets 24' jc. tn Kvo each of the four prisoners lfutter, extras 23c; prime firsts 23'-;.e; sitting in the dock with ber father a firsts 22c; seconds 21c. , l icce of candy. Merrled Disappears and Not Trace of Her Can Ba Found. San Francisco, July 23. The San Francisco police were appealing today ward. The control exercised by big ,. , ,ir.1(., a, ,.;;,.. between uunw.rsa rAicuun imti uiiij iu iiiuuDinai effairs, but the private lives of the workers. Labor Is an "It." Labor is aji "it" as far us Mr. Pier, is concerned. He forgets entirely thut tho worker is human. He has no idea that the workman in his shop has a wife and children behind him. There is a nice green lawn in front of his Florence Metcalf Mclntire, wil'e of Dr. Boss T. Mclntire, passed away at home in Independence yesterday i morning at 11:30 o'clock, j Apparently enjoying food health and ; about her duties in her new home m i j Independence, death came without n; ! warning, iter husband had been culled . i to visit a patient earlier in the inori.- ' ling. At 10 o'clock, during a short lull' in his work, he tulltcd to iiis wife over) tho lihone. She was cheerful and in ei-l Icellcnt spirits. Returning at 11:30 he found her dead. She had succumbed to .Hu..aUa MIia undiim.l (n liA wnll ! I for only recently she spent a few days 'at Newport visiting her parents, and Friday she visited her sister, Olive Met calf, at the .Wtcalf home, 1203 Court street, in this city. Mrs. Mclntire was popular in social, school and church circles of this city. In 10(19 she was giaduatcd from the Kalem high school. She attended the Willamette university lor three years nn.l u.tiila (hur. wtiu ami Til YfflritirO here mid Toronto for aid in finding were stu,ents together, tho doctor be Miss Lottie Millie, a pretty Scotch girlinK a nta,iullte f the Willamette me.l of 20, who was on her way to the coast , w.hoo she ra,iuatca from th to marrv Allen atton and disappeared r-.: r,.ui,. ; i n,n ! and was married the following August! to Dr. Mclntire. With every promise :1: wail ilSi 69- somewhere on the road. Watlon and Miss Milne met in Scot land two years ago, the f6rmer toldjo( ,ife.s -iallint,BH( hf.r untimely deatn the authorities, and became engaged. ) bri heartfelt sorrow to relatives and A little later Watton came to Sao Iran-1 f rielV.l. eiupn rn neeprit a tiositinn and Miss 1 .. . i i i i i n factory, an automobile drive and plenty , ."..ied her mother to' To-, u V ' Z S and ro,lto. I Mrs. (leorge K. Metcalf, ami three sis- f Having fitted up a home Watton sent t(. Miss Olive Metcalf, Salem; Mrs. ifor his fiance, who left Toronto July (. T Doughtv, Sheridan, and Mrs. 1 15. Her ticket was over tho Grand i, . n: i i,: in.-.n.... u.....k i... i, t x , . . - ii . . . .... Ii. rt, lliunni. 1 iiiijii'h, iiiiin junuiu. signed to .make the unions financially Trllllk to (.;li(..g0( ov the Chicago, Tlie fllnera servicci will be held Frl Responsible for breach of contrac s. Be- Milwaukee & St. Paul to Omaha over I, j t 10.80 o'0lock from tho fernng to , the l.M-al labor troubles, he the Cnion Pacific to Ogden and over L-J t M Ecljllrch, Richard N. Avison asserted that recent charges that labor the Southern Pacific to Han Francisco. officiating, agents here had been guilty of extor-! Her baggage arrived in Sao Francisco , , , tion and grafting were started by a' July 19, but up to today its owner had I ctnt a Word will tell your Chicago newspaper in a campaign to not' been heard from. After waiting !4 j , discredit the labor movement. hours for her, Watton, frantie with ana-! tory ,n Journal new i oaay i John Glenn, secretary of the Illinois iety, asked police help. 1 Column, of flowers but there are no flowers the foundry room where the men , work." Fitzpatrick tidiculcd legislation dc- Mb at Lcohiii. a ft. ii Aegel;i!i!cPrppir,Hionror,s-slmilaliiiSilicFoiMfanilKi'ijiila-lifiglltc Siomachs aiuiljowvlsof mm Promoles DislionJCieetrul- npssnnd iWrnnl.ilnneillvr Opiiuw.Morphine nor Mineral Not Narcotic. IkcfrifOldlk&mWlIWR flmpta Ira" jUx.Sum Ji(UltU!f AiiuSml lluTrkxiitil h'rmSmf- (7t.-W.Rir. A noriert Rpmcilv forfOTKlb tloit . Sour Stonach.Diarrlwa Vorras f onvulsions.r'emisa nessawlLossorSLEgP. TaxSimile Sinaiure of 1U2 CCNTAl'R COMPAST, NEW iOHiv For Infants and Children. Mothers Know That Genuine Castoria Always Bears tho Signature of a .n In Ik v Use For Over Thirty Years Exact Copy of Wrapper, YHC CCNTAUll CCMMNT. RCW VO CfTT.