Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, July 23, 1914, Page THREE, Image 3

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Tli a tilnvcrrnunil nt tha Grant school .Worm. Mm. Amelia Cossulmau, Mrs. N.
baa proven its value already, being j Wooward, Mr. and Mrs. I. W. Thomas,
daily occupied by scores of children of
tha northern port of the city. Women
of the Parent-Teachers association and
of the Thought and Work club
given much of their time ana
in entertaining instructing
children. A program hna been arran
for each dnv of the week uun
summer and will remain unaltered
the exception of a few names which will
be changed, owing to outings claiming
the attention of some who have con
tented to assist.
Monday afternoon will be in charge
of Mrs. 6. F. Richardson; on Tuesdays
Mrs. D. C. Burton will preside, assist
ed by Mrs. (Dr.) E. K. Fisher, who will
fill an hour with story telling; Wednes
day programs will be under the direc
tion of Mrs. I.uella A. Walsh nnd Miss
Charged It Controls Nine Railroads, 22
Boat Lines, 1500 Miles Trolley Lines
Besides It Is Wreck.
New York, July 23. At the direction
Tired and Hot the Sunbrowned Veterans Washington, July 23. Marshall J
of Camp and Beaca Gladly Sample the Kv'mVf. A,.lun,B N'1!. '- to;
fnovi a both the justice and postoftiee depart-j
Home lOOKing. jments to start a country-wide search I
1 for his missing sisters, Mrs. Kloise '
With the perspiration streaming down . Iannis and Miss Beatrice Nelms for j:
of President Wilson, Attorney Genernl ! their dusty, sunburned fnees, members ,(ave boen nuntn,g vainly for many,!
MeReynolds today filed a suit to dis- j of M eotnpany, Third regiment, (). N. 0., days past.
solve the New York, New Haven & who have been at the amitiul encamp-' Nelms expressed the opinion that the
Hartford, under the terms of the Slier-' ment of the "uards at Gearhart for the yoifiig women were in the IibiiiIs of an
Mr. Knrh Rordiek. Misses Jane Hav- man anti trust laws, in the lulled, ten .lavs, troone.1 through Salem's interstate gang of white slavers, wlueti
erson, Evlyn Thomas, Charlotte Horn- j States court for the southern district greets yesterday evening at five ''.c thought ought to interest the jus-
!...;.. MiMHiin lln on Mcln- ' ui .icw ui iv. i no I'ai'na icii-ncu iu t n 'nlm-lc hpmleil tnr thn nrmnrv n.-lnira n-" v" " '"in.vii
Milliards, pool, tennis, golf, fresh so 1 salt water fishing, boating, ridinir
and autos. We have our own livery stable and autos; 33 miles of unbroken
beach for auto runs. Our table Is supplied from our own dairy, vegetable
gardens and poultry yards. Postoffice, long distance phoue and telegraph,
station in the hutei. "o.-W., R. k N. ttatiou on the grounds. Write for term
and reservations to
Breakers, Washington
m 1 Immr
I n IT
. . . vi iivuIaiii a saih linotmn in MuirOint 11 ni . iv it a n ti t t urt tn v f trt nwtniu' r rimi
hove turff, Orilln Horning, Kupert, r.ugciuu ........... .v, ......... ,.0o, eiuzen ciorncs hwhim-u. i ney were . , . , , ' .
.. . . ti i of trnile nnd commerce, l ...i n..!...;..!!.. urt i.A..n.... their mother. Airs. John Nelms of At
service I Aieiniurii, r.uun riuverBun, nu ' - " - , , min ....... ..,,...-! . , , ,
l ' t t. t Tlirt puj llnvan if wna i.tinrueil . Jinn. 1 41. V...1 il... ...... l. - . Iniitii Nil pllliririiil flilir Tim inltlla liml
t ie Messrs. U. U. ratterson, J. u. uowimii, " ' , ""V uu" "" -. p , ;
nod J. C Oregorv. I-VlC Thomas, W. V. j ut-arnart iur nm, nriirriun vaui'v. t ....r..r . w un., ......
S. . '.. . ; i ii.... I i 1.1 1)0 lllilVS Of trollPV MVSteiltH. It WaS : Thov vorn nln.l rn not Vimtis nuiiiii iin 1 IHtstnf fil'P dt'tlHrtnil'nt til niilki nil 114-
ng the . l'owell, jr., James nicnaru, iuui .,.,..,,-,. v- ,. .. ;.: . ; ' " "; " i .1"
with ard, 1.. J. Carey, A. U. Leach. C . " r. " " ' V. - .11 VlJZ Z . " " . v 1 Vm um' - "X,T ",v
1 ' 'i i-ciifc ui iur n;vcig u'(,i iv - fllflll WUH Uirr, IUI 11113 Vl'HT S HUrK .UIHIB 11B HI chilli r 1 ii ill' 1VU nill'U
, . . Aii:0n. rt tha T'ni. : per rem or me gross passenger wns the most instructive uiiil the tune Ins sisters Uisiippenrecl. tine iluy In a
tnriun church will hold an out-of-doors j revenua ' Sew K"'1"1"' railroads. . was spent the most pleasantly of any 'mother received a message, ostensibly
meetinir net Friday afternoon at 2-.'IO Tlie Kovcrnment asks that the con-1 eamp in recent years. ! f rom Mrs. Dennis, saying the latter had
o'clock at Marion Smare park. Mrs 'tracts and combinations prevailing be At 4:110 o'clock yesterday morning,' killed her sister in New Orleans nnd
S H Frost will entertain the ladies i d,clared conspiracies in restraint, of first call sounded and immediately was on her way to kill her brother.
Vn Jn i?,. -ml fi-i-mln nre .-ordinllv ' trnue- 14 bIb0 asks for B I'nftion of there was a hurrying Into uniforms and fter which she intended to commit sui
AU members and friends are toru.nll , By8tem,g i,,, 8,eamboat ! a packing of blanket rolls. Breakfast citle.
invited. ... land trolley lines. The court was also ! was ready at five o 'clock and then the ; Tin Xiw OrliMiiiM ititlii1 fniilil nut
-k,.. p.. p nsked to declare the acquisition of the preparations i to break camp began. Theilcllrn thllt lniy muriior i been com-
Frnnk nn Pa, line Pat erson left this ! B,!" Maine road ilh-gal. i l'"?"L'B:""".t. l 'ui,,"J in ,h'ir y. but "
---- . 'I'li mil ivna filari hv H Snnn-i nn nuumio i-uiiiiri iniuu lilt- ruin riiiiv. rkv
. ,i :i.,U'j(Vui.'(;i'.)'i.'tv sx1.:
Big shipment just received direct from Nestucca Bay.
Phone your order for tomorrow before they are all gone.
Fresh Crawfish Halibut Cheeks Halibut
Kippered Salmon
Fine Poultry for Sunday Dinner.
Salem Fish and Poultry Market
H. C. BYBEE, Proprietor.
173 South Commercial Phone 2125
rm. . I if u l HiniMiiM I'niiiiiriHi nir inn I'ltni mi ii v at. .. T
"Vi". i t, ... .i ,i.. tnr iw.mrt snend onth 1UB Bu'1 I,lru lu " V 7 i .'. : J.. ...... a," vestigiuing ever since, pieims was gi
, M.uh.Uf United states district attor- """'..T "f'T V:'"""' ven police protection in H.n Francisco
experience in playground work, will
supervise the work for Thursdays, and
Mrs. Charles Dick and Mrs. Ebharts
will alternate in having jurisdiction on
Fridays, Mrs. Fisher interpreting stores
They will be joined by Mr. and Mrs.
Arthur Abbott of Portland.
ney for 'the southern district of New ! te"t. was BOiinde.l and the entire
York, after the papers hud been signed I tentage of the regiment tell to the
u n......i r..D...,..i.i. ground at once. Itolling of tents, polie-l
by Attorney General Me Reynolds and
several of Ins assistants.
Mrs. L. K. Page, with Mr. and Mrs.
Willinm Fleming and Mrs. R. II. Flem-B. i.,,, ,a,,,y,or. ti, Vollnw.tnna
and legends for the children's pleasure lug, are domiciled for the "casou at ; a l0Inot)iie pRrtv h(.h )iaa9ea through
' "t"'s'':;, . , it uere yesterday.
Beach. R. B. I leming accompanied the Mrs JalnM Ratehelor, of 1331 Mis
party to the beach, returning Monday. ! gion 8tr(,et( wllQ hag bpon m for gome
He expects to join them for week-j wpekg i9 r,1)ort(( a8 ini,,r0viiig.
ends during the season. Miag Evelvn Oremmela left Monday
1UQ 11 llliuill . 11-1111 iiua nin'i'i
on Fridays also.
Mrs. O. A. Chnppel, s primary teach
er at the Grant school, will be station
ed at the grounds on fnturdays, Miss
Jessie Holcomb being asked to assist
her on these days.
Various fixtures have' been ecquircd,
Professor O. M. Elliott, the newly elect
ed superintendent of the city's schools,
who has visited many city playgrounds,
stating that the Salem grounds pos
sessed a practical and beneficial col
lection. His only suggestion was the
addition of moving rings, which will
be secured Bhortly, the necessary pur
chasing amount being readily contrib
uted. The Thought and Work club is meet
ing in regular session this afternoon at
the school, completing plans for future
Last evening the members and
friends of the Salem Mission gathered
he left for Atlanta to take up the ,
ground at once. Moiling of tents, poln-! T. .,,. ,.5ti. ,
nig of quarters, and waiting until train i " . ,, . ., . .. .
time occupied the time until 8:30 our,,0 u,'t,v- Reports that the miss
n'nin.ik Tin. fimt in..;.,.. ...v!.... B women linil been seen in Aliibiunn
the valley companies, arrived in Port-iand Tt'x"8 8,l,r,t''1 ll,ln,8 ,luw two
land about 1:30 o'clock in the afternoon uU'- 11 ws I'elieved light might be
anil left for home nt 2:'20. 1 thrown on the case by an incpnry in
Marion Creamery & Produce Co.
A Theoretical Battle.
Portland, Oregon, and a vigorous in-
Thc ten dnvs ueriod of instruction vestigation wus conducted there.
culminated Tuesday in a brigade, which All these exertions developed noth-
consisted of threo regiments, problem of ing. Both women are still missing to-
armea ui ; fnr twn -...t,. vneutinn trin to tho .... ... . . .i ' ." m. '' " .i.
Newport Sunday morning from a walk-1 c"a8j " ' I"'"" '' ." ine oauie
ing trip irom Astoria, which covered a
period of nine days. Writing to friends
in Salem, they report a thoroughly en
joyable outing, the beauty of the region
through whieii they traveled more than
compensating for the hardships inci
dental to such a trip.
Mrs. H. L. Clark and daughter, Ber
nice, are at Newport for a two weeks'
Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Hill and grand
son, Earl Wilcox, arrived in Sulcin
Tuesday evening from Los Angeles,
talifornin, having come overland in
their auto. With the exception of a
few warm days the trip of twelve hun
.Mr. and Mrs. Jake Bernard!, who i riducs were used. There were nn lonw : Dennis did not write the note her m.
are on a vacation nt the ranch homeland tiresome hikes, the longest was a ther received, of if she did so, thut it
of friends near Brooks, are expected I march from quarters down to the wus under compulsion,
home Saturday. i beach last Sunday for the brigade re- -
It. P. Burton, who was called for view where aetinir eovemor Oleott re-' LEWIS WANTS DUNNE.
viewed the Oreizon. Idaho and Twenty-
first Infantry troops. There were about Washington, July 23. Pnited States
at the Mission and went in a body to dred miles was made very pleasantly
the residence of Dr. and Mrs. D. N. Mc-1 in a little less than ten days. They are
Inturff 's, 033 Ferry street, occasioning j visiting for a few days with ' their
a delightful surprise. The party was 1 cousins, Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Lnflar, at
met on the porch by Dr. Mclnturff, I 1190 South Liberty street before con
who evidently was looking for the peo-1 tinning their journey to Vancouver, B.
plo who hud made an engagement with where they will visit for u month
him to meet him at his home on "spe- with tbeit daughter.
cinl business," but to his astonishment '
more people were nenring his home than
he was expecting. Even ice cream do
livcred to his home before the people
arrived did not arouse any suspicion
on his part, but owing. to the fact that
their daughter, "Mrs. Cossnlman, was
forewarned of the coining event, the
ice cream was safely put in a very con
venient place.
A magnificent electric table lamp
was presented to Dr. and Mrs. Mcln
turff by Mr. E. F. Rogers, as a token
jury duty, expects to be released soon
and will join his wife on their vaca
tion trip at Monmouth, where Mrs.
Mrs. Burton is visiting at the home of
her father, President j. H. Ackerman.
Mr. and Mrs. L. P. Aldridge, who
are oti their vacation nt Cascadin, arc
expected home Saturday.
T. II. Galloway is nt Tillamook where
he will pass his vacation, returning
about August 1.
Mr. and Mrs. Hurry W. Wenderoth
aro camping at Nye Beach, where they
will remain a week longer.
Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Johnson left
Made by the latest iind most improved methods of
manufacture. Try it. Orders filled for one gallon
and upwards. Phone Main 2488.
2,500 men in the line and it was one, Senator J. Hamilton Lewis of Illinois
of the most impressive sights of the; called at the White House today and
whole eamp. Thousands of people lined: urged President Wilsou to appoint Gov
the hillside in front of the hotel while emor Kdward V. Dunne to the vacaucy
moving picture machines recorded the; on the United States supremo benc'.i,
eveut. I caused by the recent death of Justice
Immediately preceding the review on Lurton.
tlio beach, the chaplain of tho Third; What prompted Senator Lewis' call
regiment conducted church in the open i was a mystery. A dispatch received
field back of the regimental hendipiar-1 from Chicago this afternoon stilted that
tors. The Twenty-first Infantry, of the Governor Dunne is not seeking n place
regular service, and the Idaho's were; on the supreme bench. The president
invited. It was an improssivo service, i did not commit himself.
Mat.. nfl.... . L..I1- l.l! I.... 1
Wednesday evening for Sodavil.e. They ,,;, Vhe ftird nt he ! BODIES RECOVERED.
were accompanied from Turner by Mrs. ficI(1 mePt t , h A large iium- j
Kate hmi h and will enjoy an outing in ber of the ien wpMt ,0 whi(,h The bodies of Edward M. Childs and
tne mountains. 1 is about six miles from Gearhart, while ! Haskell Kwin, who were drowned in
Mr and Mrs. Paul I Marnach and others went batM . .f. eohlml)m Hml(., ni.ttr p,.tla,,, last
Vv!"VeVu """I"".8 fr; Bburnd faces and chapped lips were1 Sunday, were recovered yesterday by
sc sfc c jjc )Jc sc )jc jc sjc sc ijt s(( jc sfc ijc fc
main about three weeks while Mr
luarnach will return in a few davs.
serious casualties of the
Municipal Grapler Brady
Chilli's body was taken to Dunning &
-Mi'tiHtee chapel, where funeral serv
Huie Wing Sang Co.
We make up all kinds of Underwear, Waists, Wrap
pers, Kimonas, Dresses, Gents' and Ladies' Goods
M'INTIRK In Independence. Jul v 22. year wns thn mmr niiu...! i ...i:i
R. II. Crozier, traveling piissenger 11)14. wife of Ross T. Mclntire of fti- able rhnt fh lir Jnn i,... i....
agent, and W. P. Powers, freight agent dependence, and daughter of Mr. and had. Drill, which consisted first nf
of the O. K railroad at ortland, are at Mrs. George K. Metculf, of Salem, company close order drill and then ex
the Marion. Mrs. Florence Metcalf Mclntire. aired tended order of (nmiifinv lmttulifiii tin. i
Mr. and Mrs. O. A. Kapell, of Rainier, 2.1 years. ! reuiment. occupied the ,nnr.,iii., L
are guests nt the Marion.' Tho body arrived from Independence from 8 o'clock until 1 1 :.'10 In the
from the tieonlu to show how thev had ! . .V' . "u,,u" '", " ai o ciock tins morning anil is at Jtig- nriernoon tne men were free to do as
eninved and nm.reeinte.l their earnest. Atoe!1 n 01 are ,0n & Kichardson 's undertaking par- they leased, but a large
The Banner Encamnment.
It is the unanimous opinion of all '''Ps wil1 ne nl,,l at 10:30 a- '" Thurs
old guardsmen that the encampment this; 'loy- twin's body was taken to i'ili-
ley's chapel.
enjoyed and appreciated their earnest, j t th(j
inituiai anu sincere worR u, i..e ....s-, A Hnttren, n prominent hop buyer
S10.n:. ,, . , ., ;from Chicago, is at the Marion.
After the lamp was presented, the Mr9 y A' Ke nml Mi!)(J Maric
people were entertained with sacred 1 IIer0US of Portland, are guests nt the
songs and music, nnd they were served i mijh.
with ice cream and cake by the Misses ' r Marshall. Guv E. Dvar and C.
Chnrlotte Horning, Helen Mclnturff, v ir.,ii nf Pm-tini,,! urn nt the ltliwh.!
and Edith, Jane and Beatrice Haver-1 jir anil Mr!l. k. D. Hligh are spend
son. Following this, splendid music was ig trieir vacation with Mrs. Carroll
rendered by Mrs. Cossnlman, nnd songs : Shortridge, 0f Dolph, Ore. They will
and readings by Miss Eugenia Mcln- , probablr remain until September,
turff, which were enjoyed by all. A j ir. a'n,i Mrs. C. B. Webb and family
little after eleven o'clock all joined in j have returned from a visit with their
Washington, July 211. President Wil
son today withdrew the nnniiimvi'iii of
Thomas D. Jones as n member of the
federal reserve bank board at the re
number i (lest of Jones himself.
lors. Funeral services Friday morning watched the movements of the reuiilnrs
at 10:30 o'clock from First M. E. as they solved problems of attack nnd OREGON ELECTRICS
church. defense. The non-coiiiiiiissioiicil offi-j ESTIMATE OF CRCrS
The casket will not be opened after ' cers were divided into sections and! 1
it leaves the undertaking parlors, but 'given lectures by. regular officers on! Portland, Ore., July 23. Tho traffic
i,.t;i in '..1....1, ..:nwwi.. ...:n i.. ; flip iliitina nf tli r i-.iui....
until j 1.11I..1V iin-iiim mil m- ju-iiiiii-
ted to look upon the face of the loved
one for the lust time.
singing "Blest Be the Tie That Binds" j parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Webb, of friends. He
SMITH At a local snnitariain, July
22, 1(114, at 7 a. in., W. Buryl Smith,
aged 43 years.
Deceased came here with his wife
from Rainier some months ago to visit
departing tor tlieir Homes, stating tney ( Portland, Wiiere they have been for a
had enjoyed a very pleasant evening. ' week past.
Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. j Z. J. Riggs spent Tuesday in Portland
E. F. Rogers, Mrs. F. E. Zinn and j where he went on business,
grandson, Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Rickard, Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Barnacle and G.
was a member of the
the duties of their respective positions, department of the Oregon I'.lectric Kail
The regular army men, both officers ! way company has just compiled a re
am! noii commissioiieil officers. m capitulation of crop Prospects and liar-
especially painstaking in giving in-! vest along its line, and this report
formation to the guardsmen ami is in shows, among othyr interesting features,
contrast tov the half-way contempt that tho clover seed yield will be pra.v
which the regulars expressed for the ticnllv 100 per cent ureater than a venr
I militiamen in the p.if. ago. The other crops, including hops,
Misled the Enemy. , hay, onions, potatoes and other products
There is gasoline and gasoline.
There's tho mixed kind you have to
me two gallons of to get one gallon'
wot th of power and then there's
company took part in all of the ate reported as follows:
Dr. and Mrs. D. N Mclnturff, Mr. and I W. Walton, of Victoria, B. C, were : Fellows' cemetery.
Mrs. J. W. Horning, Mr. and Mrs. A. E. guests at the Marion last night. They j
Roval Order . of Moose at Rainier. I Ilrol)leins on the Hum battalion. Ad-1 Albany Farmers are cutting small
Funeral services will be held Friday ' va"(lnK on TllB enemy by rushes by grain, which looks good. The clover!
nfternoon at 2 o'clock from the locsil ; ,'0,"l1a''t's. by platoons, by s(iiu Is, and crop is all that could be expected. Clo-1
Moose hall, Rev. If. E. Marshall of- b-v ilviilunl men in nn endeavor to ver seed, fine; figure on almost 100 per!
ficiating. Interment will be in Odd ciose as possipie witiiont exposing cent increase over lust year; probably;
' A
Daddy's Bedtime
(Continued from page one.)
The Fairies
Give a Big
; to danger was tho problem. According 3H carloads.
; ly the men crawled on their stomachs, Cornelius Conditions could not be
! ami sought every bit of cover possible. , more promising. Haying is over. I
in iiil- rear uie company am nana ion Wm,. hnrn Out m Inr hm, in
officers controlled, the advance by year very good; aro in fine condition,
means of signals. Grain! heavy and about to be liar-
: M company took ta camp the finest vested.
lot of young men it has enrolled in a ij....,',t..i',. ...,iiiin... ..!,.. ..v.
inomi In l, villi ll,i i i,.Dn u 1,. . ,1 rr.uo ! long t lllle. 1 DC UOVS Were Wl -liohil i n.l II I : .. .. ... 1 1
, ..... w ...... ..... ....... i. .. iw ...v.t ... . -ci,ii', iiiiv Him glum mil I Ii4ti ill nun
jme from my home." . Ka',,e'l th "'putation of being the tt,,Hr(,llv 'will lie nn loss, except sun I
I And nguia she and the present Mmo. l,cst JriIleI company of national guards- i,lir for' the hav. Lnle potatoes are
j Caillaux exchanged angry looks. j men in camp. In the parades the com- ,,tulli w,, ,,nd " average crop is ex-:
! It wns the questioning of Judge Al- j Py invariably had the best line puss-; ,,,.,..,!. " Kaily potatoes arc a fair crop. I
; banel, however, which brought out the ! 1,l'f. e 1?yi'winr,l,!al1''- . Onions nro better than 1111 average I
....... mi. , i in unu .r jusi . m.mill ,av be n little short of
ronllv diirniTinnnf nn F hi ff,m..K 1 " -'" '""I . "nt ...n
Summer Picnic ; Mine'. Caillnux's testimony. The wit-1 !? ""i" n:.nt .0,hor ,im.,!' T'?kt'" last 'year.
itherto lieen referred tj oh I th ,-,,. , .1 . rorest tirove Prospects Hie gooil.
'n the "Ton Jo" letter and I' , 'r " j. t a i T .L ' wh,'"t 8,1,1 potatoes may bn cut a
nie.tion. from the premier ? , ZL M IF litt,(' ,,v ,,"t- ,lr Hl"'"' "a-V ,'r''
nt wife, which it wis said VTXZ li Tltl'l I'l' '"' '.'!.t i- K
Fair is expected that this jaunt to the
exposition will lar eclipse all other en
campments and bo a high water mark
in the life of the Oregon guards.
They Dropped a Star
v.r c..rr u..v. - . '; j altogether tiie past ten day. have been
rIIE fairies bad bad the most marvelous picnic ever given in fairyland having stolen
H only u few days ago, and, you may be sure, daddy did not waste ; other communications
H inucli time telling Jack and Evelyn about it. to his present
"They had the best time thut they ever bud had lu their lives. , Editor Culmetto threatened to pub
they afterward suld," began daddy, "and you know well bow much that ! lish.
nieaus, for they are lu the habit of always enjoying themselves 11 great deal. J The former Mmc. Caillnux's account
. "In the Brst place, the picnic was a very Itinre one?. . It was given In the ' Wl"' fluite different. "I little suspect
big pine woods, and, oh. It was so dolkioiisly cool there! It leiillv was so too! cd t,"l.t, m? ha' a mistress,"
that the fairies would rim around and play games for nil they were worth, so sl, "i";1, """I'1' on l kn;ps' .lie t"M
they could appreciate the cool breeze better. ' : , f'f '".i J'''-
"There were ever nnd ever so many guests at the picnic. The Immmin? h hnH ,ninp . mv i'.,,.:,,,. ?nt,i. ! General .Inmes (i--nn.'.l.u ..1... ! Donald-Crops are looking unusually
birds were invited with the butterflies, for the fairies wanted nil the beautiful ' ing to kill me. But he repented and, ' 50 years old, is engaged to marry .Miss V,'r' llttl'' r,.u,l r1,""1 ,'x'','l.'t
creatures they could have. The orioles were there anil the blucj.iys and the "to show his loyalty, ho said, gave me : Lncy Burleson, daughter of the post- fnr 'onsumptioii. Hops aro 111
robins: also the little red lizards, for, you know, the fairies are very fond of the a satchel- which he told me contained , master general. Miss Burleson is 21. , of.'"'"11"011 " prospects arc or
little lUiirds and think they are very cunning. Then the elves wore asked nnd, important documents. I Both Attorney General Mc Reynolds u'' -V , ' "y potatoes aic he-
of course, the brownies. I "I opened it and found that it con-! nnd Postmaster Genera! Burleson re- : I'Tjn'L.rrnps are doing well Corn
"It was one of Hie prettiest picnics you can Imagine, for with go many taiaed his letters to Mmc. Claretie, his I fused to discuss the report of the latest : .,,."(,!',, M, 0llju,, ll(.'( Aji ' '
lovely creatures playing and dancing under the big, dark pine trees, with Just present wife." 'cabinet engagement. Each declared , Hiilein Prune crop is not L'ood; ton-
gleams or .vir. Mm peeping tiirougu to see tue tun well. It was one of the : "" " nage light comparatively. Hops are
.-iic: niunir ill a luvi,
Wilsonville Extreme hot weather!
the last few days ilid considerable darn
age to potiitoes and late grain.
Junction City llay crop is now be-:
ing harvested. Grain will soon be cut.
Hoth lire early on account of favorable j
I Washington, July 2;t. Reports were ! weather.. All crops are better than av-1
, puoiislicd Here today that Attorney , 1
the Gasoline of Qualify
Red Crown is what you want. Even
though you have to pay a little more
per gallon you'll had it lots cheaper
per mile.
Red down sins are furnished all
dealers sr.lli.tg this gasoline. Watch
for the Mjjti or ask our nearest agency
about delivery in bulk.
Standard Oil
prettiest sights In the world.
: clnil in black:
The fairies began their picnic by swinging, playing tug and hide nnd go.fad vcice- and sl'emed hnl down
WOMAK 18 INJURED BY AUTO. K'M"' a" last yur l,,aj' ,,c l),'t'
: ter.
Oiville Mop crop looks fine.
Watonda Crops arc better than lust
seek before they sat down to their supper, so as to make them very, very bun- 1 '..j nm c',,rtaill now of . n(,nu;tt., ui fttage Grove, Ore., July 23. An'
.-..ii un.k ..... '. ' nr-eiiliirrt Woil niwilu ir iirhl..!. .It... I 1
bi. .ii.i -i. remarked l.abori. after the witness hnd . . . . . 1 '"" . u..; ......,..t.,.i t.. I.n
"Even-little creature was giveu Just what was most npKallng for bis spe- iPf. the nn.l ; seriously anil nearly emled fatally oc- " '-"i""1""' .-pin-.
-,.,...:, ' leV V . , I curred when Mrs. .1. 1). Quillnn was run ,"'av"'r-
cial appetite. i In fa,.ti the prediction was freely I b automobile beloneiinr tn Corvallis All crops are good except
"The fairies, elves and brownies bad moss ice cream, which Is their favor- made that Mme. Caillaux would be ac- j ,J" ",7 . Ir' torn v h is 11 I"" I.(.""l-"rrics do not a ar
lte kind, with evergreen pnttles. The birds had little dishes of cool spring quitted. Many of the spectators said, year.'0.i ,0I, Kdwin. Mrs Qiiillen was worth picking. Favorable harvest
water to drink and. of course, little worms to eat. The lizards were allowed however, that they did not exactly see ; accompanied' bv her'little ilam.ht..r an. I weather.
to cniwl around nnd pick up anything they chose. The butterflies and hum- how her predecessor's testimony had j trying to "save the child she was' Orenco In spite of the dry spelt,
mlng birds were given honey from the flowers, for the flowers were only too j strengthened her case.
glud to help along.
"Everybody did have such n good time because everybody was thought of
and nobody was forgotten about
' "But the most wonderful part of all was when the fairies entertained all
their guests with a siieciul dance which they had for the occasion. They drori
ped star of silver over every guest, while tbey danced around in graceful
and lovely manner. ' .
' "And all the guests picked up the little star and applauded the fulrles."
Tulsa, Okla., July 2.1. United Hates
Marshal Holmes Davidson and a de
puty, W. B. Plank, were shot dead here
today by William Buber, whose house
caught. She was everelv bruised.
J in
j crops are looking exceedingly well and
I there is no complaint. Hops are in good
condition and yield will at least eipisl ,
' till 3. Potatoes promise n L'ood vicld.
Washington, 'Julv 23. Joseph W.' If anything is light, it will be oats. .
Foik. chief enuiisef for thn intertnt Tiliard Farmers are reaping a fine crop of hay and grain.
Journal Want Ads
Give Results
To Buyer and Seller
' ..... i . ii i w .1 ! 1 Willmwlwirn Irnui very L'OOtl. Olll
commerce commission declared todav crop or smaii grain, i. earner i urj. - - --. -
'the commission had decided to delaVi Potatoes could stand considerable n.ois- pod rains would help considerably.
they were trying to enter to look for! until fall its investigation of the Rock I ture. , '-oK spe i oi ury wea.ncr mane ..r.-v
ontraba ad liquor. Island railroad. I North Plains-Preparing for large' two weeks curlier than usual. Wheat
will yield 20 to 30 bushels per acre;
outs 30 to 50 or 00 bushels per acre.
An unusually heavy crop of hay cot
with no damage by ruin, which is unusual.