THE CAPITAL JOURNAL CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS FINDING A SITUATION It is possible to secure employment by culling personally upon those you hear need help. It is a loug, tedious tack, however. The classified way brings your application before those who need help, quickly and easily. RATES FOR ADVERTISEMENTS ONE CENT per word for the first insertio. ONE-HALF CENT per word for each succeeding subsequent THE CAPITAL JOURNAL WANT ADS work continually they never cease until their tasks are suc cessfully ' performed. Each day those little wonder workers faithfully de liver their message to the people of Salem and nearby towns who have learned their value. insertion. JOURNAL WANT ADS GET RESULTS. DON'T WALK THE STREETS SEARCHING FOR A POSITION OR A ROOM-TRY THE CLASSIFIED WAY. JOURNAL WANT ADS GET RESULTS WrrTV-tTTtfTttTtTTt-r-r The Journal Want t Ads are money-makers t for the many. ABSTRACTS UNION ABSTRACT CO. Abstracts that Protect. Our books posted up to ili ti curb morning. ( nil Main I -' 111 an I a messenger will call lor your iih.-tiact. .1, C. Sicamund, president; Max Cchlhnr, secretary, 245 Statu street. AUCTIONEER Al'CTIOXKKR Salem's relinble seller. Farm sale solicited. Terms, 1 per cent; siitisfnctiun guaranteed or uo pay. Henry M. Vooihies, Michigr.n avenue, first street east of the state fair grounds. rv- . . . j CHIROFRACTIC-SPINOLOOIST O. L. S( OTT Graduate of Chiro "fiactic's Fountain Head, Pavenport, Iowa. If you have tiied everything and have got no relief, try Chiroprac tic spinal adjustments mi I get well. Office 4UU-7-S I . !S. National Bank Jiiiililing. Phono Main ST. Residence Main S2-4 W. LAUNDRY CliOTH ES I.AsT LONT.ER With our iill-hr.ud work. Established 20 years; 4H(i Ferry street, south side, between Liberty ami Iliyh. Hop Lee. KEW AND SECONDHAND GOODS li. M. BAKER New an I second hand furniture, hardware and general sup plies. Best cosh prices paid for sec ond hand goods. Call ami see us and look over our goods. 373 Court shoot. Phono 1S53. HMCOND-HAXn FCRNiTVKE bought sold and exchanged. Highest prices paid for second-hand goods. See us before yon sell. Wir sprechen Deutsch. Peetz Furniture Co., 247 North Commercial Street. Phone fiS4. II If! II EST price paid for second-hand furniture, ranges, hardware, tents, etc. We carry the most complete stock of above articles in town nt the l.owTst.pric .0. h. ...Me Feck. 271 North Commercial st. Phone Main 12.1.1. i OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS ii;s. b. ir. white and r. w. wal- TOX, Osteopathic physicians and nerve specialists. Graduates of American School of Osteopathy, Kirksvillc, Mo. Post graduate niid specialized in nerve diseases at Los Angeles college. Treat acute and chronic diseases. Consultation tree. Lady attendant. Office 505-500 II. 8. National Bank building. Phone 859. liesideuee 346 North Capitol street. Phone 4'i!. SCAVENGER SALEM SCAVENGER Chnrles S..os proprietor. Carbarn anil refuse of nil Kinds removed on monthly contracts at reasonable rates. Yards and cess pools clcanee. Office 548. State st. Office phone Main 2247. Residence Main 22 TASICAB SERVICE TAXtC'AB SERVICE It will pav von to see or phone to J. B. Underwood, manager of the West Side Transfer Co., when you want n taxicab. Terms reasonable. Phone Main 177. Stand ;..)0 State street. Orders for early morning trains phone night before. UNDERTAKERS LKIIMAX & CLOFGII C. B. Webb. A M. Clough, morticians and funeral di rectors. Latest modern methods known to tho profession employed. no court street, -iaia izv, aiam . IUG DON-RICHARDSON CO. Funeral directors and undertakers. 252 North High street. Office. Phono Main 183. Rigdon resilience Main 111. WOOD AND COAL SALEM FUEL YARDS Tho place of quality. All kinds of dry wood, four- foot or cut in stove lengths .to suit. Photnpt delivery. We handle the best coals on the market. Try our King coal: it is tne nest. 7o2 Trade street Phone Main 52!'. Mark Si.ldall, prop. WATER COMPANY SALEM WATER f 'OMP.'V Of fio. corner Commercial and Trade streets. ror water service applv at office. Bills payable, monthly in advance The recent election it dared void on account of the light oie. t ron:u:iy it war. standi ior mov Jug pictures purposes. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children, Tlw Kind YouKva Always Bought Sears the Signature of JAPANESE LAUNDRY AND DRY CLEAjTCNQ WORKS. No machinery to tear and wear out delicate fabricj. Work called for and delivered promptly. 445 Ferry street. Phone M. 2252 LODGE DIRECTORY A. O. U. V. Protection Lodge Xo. 2. Meets every Monday evening nt 7:'M in the Mcl'ornack Hall, corner Court and Liberty streets. Leonard .Mason, M. V.; S. A. Mci'addeu, recorder; B. B. Duncan, F. CENTRAL LODGE Xo. 1st, K. of P. -Met ornacl; building. Tuesday even ing of each week nt 7:30;' W. B. Suinmerville, C. C; James W. Cox, K. of R. and S. SALEM LODGE No. 4, A. F. & A. M. Stuted communications first Friday in each month at 7:30 p. m. in the Masonic Temple. David A. Wright, K. M.; S. '.. Culver, secretary. AC1FIC LODGE NO. 5l, A. F. & A. M. Stated communication third Fri day iu each mouth at 7:30 p. in. in the Masonic Temple. J. S. Wyaut, W. M.j Ernest H. Cboato secretary. MIVTXOMAH ROYAL ARCH CHAP TER NO. 1, R. A. M. Regular meet ing second Friday iu each month at S p. in. in the Masonic Temple. ,1. T. Welch, Ex. High Priest j Lot L. Penree, secretary. IIODSON COUNCIL NO. 1, It. & S. M. Stated assembly first Monday in each month, Masonic Temple. L S. Rowland, Thrice Illustrious Master; Glenn C. Niles, Recorder. DE MOLAY CO.MMAXDERY, X. 5, K. 'I. Regular conclave toiirth Friday in each month, at 8 o'clock p. ni., iu Masonic Temple. Sojourning Sir Knights nro courteously invited to meet with ns. F. R. Davis, K. C Frank A. Turner, Recorder. CHADWICK CHAPTER NO. 37, O. E. S. Regular meeting every i'int and third Tuesday at S p. in. "in thy Ma sonic Temple. Mrs. Ida B. Godfrey, W. Mi., Ida M. Uabcock, secretary." H. N. of A. "Oregon (crape Camp,'' Nq. 13(10, meets every Thursday even ing in McCornack building, Court anil Liberty streets. Elevator. Susi'). Parinenter, 7SI North Front street,, Oracle; Hazel Price, Imperial Furni ture Co., recorder. MODERN WOODMEN OF AMERICA. Oregon Cedar Camp No. .52 M!,, meets every Thursday evening at 8 o'clock in Masonic Hall, corner Court mid --Liberty streets. Elevator service. II. L. Bom, V. C; Ray A. Grunt, clerk. UNITED ARTISANS Capital Assem bly No. 84, meets everv Wednesdav at 8 p. m. in Moose Hall. W. O. As". seln, M. A.; lvau O. Martin, secre tary, Masonic Temple. SALEM HUMANE SOCIETY I'. D. Keeler, president; Mrs. Lou Till.-wi, secretary. All cases of cruelty or neglect of dumb animals should be reported to the secretary for invti gatiou. WOODMEN OF THE WORLD Meet every Friday night ar 8 o'clock in McCornack block. C. O. Matlock, C. C; C. O. McElroy, eler, 51!) Court street. LOST. LOST Black left hand gauntlet glove on Miimay. nquire of Mrs. Lerchcn 1251 Center street, or phone 2310. MISCELLANEOUS GERMAN NURSE Trained nurse and midwife; 20 years' experience: So phia Krebs, 2440 North Commercial, corner rine street, rnone 22!"J-J. MODERN STEAM DYE WORKS We specialize on ladies' and gentlemen's fine garments. First class work, rea sonable prices. Goods called for and delivered. A. Hugill, proprietor. Phone atiO. 464 Court street. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 95 acres choice land; 7" cultivated, balance pasture; 13 easily .cleared. Price $115 per acre, inehni ing team, wagou, other implements, two cows and poultry. Will accept $3000 Salem, property. Square Deal Realty Co., Phone 470. FOB SALE FOR SALE A good single top buggy; steel tires; will take soma trndo. 14S0 Bellevue street. Phone 33I-W. FOR SALE Two beautiful lots at Nye Beach, Newport, Ore. Must be sold at once. For information address Sa lem, Ore., R. 3, Box 90. FOR SALE 33 Brown Leghorn hens, 2 Buff Orpington roosters, UK) little chicks, some quite large; cheap -'f la ken soon. G. W. Fisher, Route J, Box 30, Salem. TOR SALE AT A BARGAIN" G room bungalow, eity water, young fruit trees, fine garden; terms; amount cash, balance $10 per month. Take South Salem car. get. off at Rural street, walk four blocks west. sixth house left hand side. Owner. r V T'T fTTT'f TTf ITT f Tftt fyf GOLD DUST FiOUR ! Mads by tlx SYDNEY POWES COMPANY Sydney, Oregon Mads for Tamil? tea. Ask yonr grocer for It Bran and shorn alwayi on hand. P. B. WALLACE, Agent ttttMtMMfr FOR BENT FOR RENT Furnished rooms, close in, desirable locution. 3(i3 High st. FOR REXT Two well-furnished rooms for housekeeping. Impure at lib'O Marion struct. FOR RENT Nicely funiishel room, walking dbtnnce. Phone 2HSIM, or call J23 North Liberty street. HOl'SE FOR RENT Furnished or un furnished. Impure nt Leonard Hotel, 254 Front street, Phone 1802. FOR REXT Four room house, wood shed, good well, chicken house; on car line; 1255 South Twelfth. $8.00 per month. Impure first house north. WANTED. WANTED Work for yourself. A pood thing for tho rijjlit ami. 1121 East Aukenv street, Portland, Oregon. WANTED To rent. 5 to 7-room house, unfurnished; will lease. Phono 1074 or address T. E. 11.. Cnpital Journal, Carelessness with parlor matches is responsible for a few fires and a lot of divorces. His Indigestion Cured- at Last. After spending hundreds of dollars for medicine and treatment for indi gestion and constipation with only tem porary relief, C. H. Iliu'es, of Whitlow, Ark., was permanently cured by the use of Chamberlain's Tablets. For sale by all dealers. Many a fool man has worried himself to death trying to earn money to keep up the premiums on his life insurance. Improve Your Complexion. Your complexiun ns well ns v.inr tnm. per is rendered miserable by a di- ordered liver and by constipation. Take Chamberlain 's Tablets and you will im prove them both. For sale by all deal ers. Some men do not think they are being treated right unless von snv in then: "What are von irointr to linvef .ChiltlrGirCry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA DR. STONES Heave Drops For the cure ot heaves; a lhuid medicine giveu io the feed, which tee most fastidious horse will not ro fuse. From one to six bottles will cure the most stubborn case. Price $1.00 per bottle, or 6 bot tles for $o. For sale by all drug gists and at DR. STONE'S Drug Store The only cash drug store in Oregon, owes no one, and no one owes it; car ries large stock; its shelves, counters and show cases are loaded with drugs, medicines, notions, toilet articles, wines and liquors of nil kinds for medicinal purposes. Dr. Stone is a regular gradu ate in medicine and has had many years of experience in the practice. Consultations are free. Prescriptions are free and only regular price for medicine. Dr. Stone can be found at his drug store, Salem, Oregon, from 0:40 in the morning until 8 at night. Free delivery to all parts of the city and within a radius of 100 miles. WHEN YOU GO AWAY Have The Journal sent to you Summer address SalemFence Works R. B. FLEMING , Proprietor. Do you use hop bas kets? Morley'g best made. Don't delay or ders. Stop worry. Or der, now. Bottom prices. 250 Court street. Phone 124. Back of Chicago store. Win mKmwmMmm ttUifissiiWCUO PILLS. rt:a me tj f ah. r-.7 r w sTtno .1 1 h M.4 UfflTCO MCOICAl CO.. OK 7 A. Lj.Met.-r. THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL Classified Business Telephone Directory A Quick, handy reference for busy people Toloiihoue ABSTRACTS OP TITLE. Salem Abstract t'ouipauy, 'ZM 'tli Salem Uank mid Trust Uldtf 53j BATH AND MASSAGE. Sanitoria Itath & Treatment I'arlors, Inc., J13 Hubbard BMk Jluiu 80o CHIROPRACTOR AND NERVE SPECIALIST. Dr. I'. II. May, auii-307 Hubbard Building Main 84 1 DRbOS. Opera House Pharmacy, oorner Court and High streets Muin U.'ifl Perry's Uexull Store, 115 South Commercial iduiu !I71 EVERYTHING ELECTRICAL. Salem Electric Co., Masonic .Tcinplo, 127 'orth High Main 1200 ELECTRIC WIRING AND FIXTURES. Cceo. Pcttiugil, loo .North Liberty struct .. Main 1S7 FISH, CLAMS, OYSTERS, CRABS. Salem Fish & Poultry Market, 173 South Commercial street Main 2l2o FURNITURE, CARPETS, DRAPERIES. Calef Bros., comer Court and Ili(;h streets : Main 3!K GROCERIES. L. M. Boggs & .Co., 197 South Commercial Main 311 HARDWARE AND PAINTS. Salem Hurdwaro Co., Inc., 12U North Commercial Main 172 ICE CREAM, Capital Confectionery, ISO" State street JEWELRY AND John 0. Harr Company, corner State and LAUNDRIES. Salem Steam Laundry, 13C South Liberty Main 2." MILK AND Cedar Bend Dairy, C. . Dixon & Co MASSAGE Sanitoria Bath & 'Treatment Parlors, a PRINTING AND IJoss E. Moorca & Co., 11U South Commercial street Muin 218 PLUMBING, STEAM PITTING AND TINNING. T. M. Barr, 104 South Commercial street Main 102 UNDERTAKERS. Rijjdon-Kichardson Co., 2j4 North High REAL ESTATE Jim Willson, 141 North High streot REAL ESTATE, INSURANCE AND LOANS. Geo. B. Jacob Co., 207 Hubbard building- Main 2121 STORAGE, TRANSFER AND DRAYAGE. Salem Truck & Djay Co., corner Siato and Front streets Main 74 STOVES AND BEDDING. Calef Bros., corner Court and High streets Main 593 SHOES REPAIRED WHILE YOU WAIT. M. Dolan, 130 North Liberty street , WALL PAPER, PAINTS AND OILS. W. J. Porter, 4jo Court street Main 48.1 With tho English militants burning churches, think of the risk people run who persist in sleeping through the sermon. I Eases Torment or Asi'ama and Hay Fever. For the discomfort and misery of asthma and hay fever use Foley's Ho ney and Tar Compound. It puts a heal ing, soothing coating over tho swollen, tickling membranes, and eases tho thick and choking sensation. Helps you to breathe easily and naturally. Mrs. Ag atha Longncker, Fon du Lac, Wis., says: "My left lung was greatly af lected by a severe cold, and one-half bottle of Foley's Honey and Tar cured me." Ilefuso any substituto offered. J. C. Perry. The problem iu Mexico just now is l ot so much who shall own the land s who will be allowed' to raise any thing on it. 'Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA Many a man who knows just wliat!yPars j iiave used Chamberlain's Colic, ho would do in the other fellow's cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy iu my place never succeeds. in doing inc rigiu . tiling iu his own place, Cltrolax for Children. CITROLAX TOB GROWN-UPS. Citrolax for Invalids and Delicate Ones. Children love to take -CITROLAX tastes like lemonade and is the nicest physic in the world for them. A grown up writes: "it gives tne Dest iiusuing of any cathartic I ever used;" and in m invalid says: "It suits me exactly, Taking Big Chances."' its action is so mild, yet thorough, I It is too great a risk to depend upon cannot afford to bo without it." No- ' neighbors or sending for medicine in thing better for constipation, sour, dis- lease of a sudden attack of bowel coin tended stomach, bad breath or billious- .plaint. In almost every neighborhood ness.- Stops headaches quickly. J. C. j someone has died from cholera morbus Perry. Ithat could have easily been saved had the proper medicine Deen at liaud. By remaining iu the air IS hours Then think of tho suffering that must a German aviator has , demonstrated )0 endured until medicine can be ob that the aeroplane has utilitarian as taincd. Tim snfe way is to keep nt hand well as iiippodroming possibilities. a bottlo of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera A PTWTPCT CATHARTIC i 8nd Diarrll0ca Remedy. It has never A rtvr.blT CA1UAKI1C. bo(,3 known to fniI aild naB undoubtedly There is sure and wholesome action ; sart , IU )ivc9 of m c- Buy u in every doso of I o.ey Cathartic Tab- , ,)0W Jt , c03ts , ql,arteri For Bal8 lots. They cleanse with never a gripe by a jeaierg, or pain. P. A. Morgan, Gore, Ua., j - , writes: "I lately had occasion to use Discovery that New York hus neiirly a liver medjicine, add took Foley Ca- half of the" income tax to pay may have thartie TaTdcts. They thoroughly j some bearing on the question why boys cleansed my system, and I felt like a j leave the farm, new maa light and free." Chronic casea of constipation find them invalu- 1 y0U are investing in a new able. Stout people ar relieved of that utomobUe tne auick way to bloated, congested feeling, so uncom- . . , . . , r fortablo, especially in hot weather. ! tu th " one ln cta8n l They keep your liver busy. J. C. Perry. offer it, adequately described , , 1 , , . . and attractively priced, in the Tni tfteless shoe, sans stockings, is. I u A A a fashionable novelty, but the chiropo- j ourna Want AOS. nists can tell you why it will not K" generally worn. Children Cry FOR FLETCHERS CASTORIA SOFT DRINKS. Main 22S!) WATCH REPAIRING. Liberty Main 12.13 CREAM. Farmers 71-K-3 AND BATH. 13-21 Hubbard bldg Main 803 LEGAL BLANKS. street Day and night, Main 183 AND INSURANCE. Main 471 About this time of the year one's lust year.'u paniuna arouses among ob- servers the suspicion that one has roljiicd soino deserving dray liorso. There Is Healing in Foley Kidney Pills. You need a mightv good nicdicino if onco your kidneys are exhausted by neglect and overwork, and you have got it in Foley Kidney Pills. Their action is prompt, healing and tonic. Sound health and sound kidneys follow i their use. John Phillips, Mgr. ilumulo j ton Oro. Co., Hambleton, W. Va., snys: larco ooxes or roioy iviimey nils completely cured mo of kidney and bluddcr trouble, and 1 consider them in valuable. I sell thcra ovor my own recommendntion." Try them. J. C. Perry, i It is gratifying to sec that some of the suffering heads of Big Business still have money enough to pay their fare to Washington. Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Di arrhoea Remedy. Mr. W. S. Ounsulus, a Pennsylvania farmer, residing near Flominjr, P. O., Pa., says: "For the past fourteen fHn,ily and havo found it to be an celleut remedy. I always have a bottle of it in my houso and take pleasure in' recommending it to my friends." lor sale by all dealers. "The American steam plow is mak ing good in Jutland." It can make good anywhere outside of the Arctic j MONEY TO LOAN On flood Real Estate Security, THOS K. ross 'iter Idd Uu: h Dank, Balera, Oregot T. VUUk (Continued from page 2.) laud, are located at the Wheeler camp grounds for the season. Mr. and Mrs. M. liur.ard and chil dren motored to Newport from Albany Wednesdav and will remain here a mouth. AGATE BACH ARRIVALS. i-ate arrivals that have opened cot- tunes nt Agate Beach for the season: Mrs. My and children of Walla Walla, Washington. The doctor will be here for the month of August. Mrs. J. .)., Huberts and family of Saloin. 'Mr. llofer and family of Salem. Mrs. M. L. Church, of Portland. Wallace F. Miller and familv, of Port land. Mrs. M. K. Hood and children, of I'ortland. Mrs. (I. K. Brucre and children, of Portland, are at the Inn for tho season. Doctor will be here in August. Those registered nt tile. Agate Beach Inn are II. Kay and wife, T. F. Ryan and wife, Dr. and Mrs. Smith, Mrs. K. K. I'age of Salem, Jessie (I. Foster of Independence, Mr. and ..Irs. O. P. Made ot Silverton, Mr mid Mrs. K. II. Swiigev, It. H. and M. McKelvey, Mr. inul Mrs. F. A. Knapp, I). A. Diffsniore ami wife, ('. (I. Hnbin and wife, J. H. Howies and wife, uelen Winters, (Sidney ('. Smith of Portland, R. I. Kffingers and family is nt tho Moorcs for the season. Agnto Bench was put on the map only three years and is getting to be a fuvorite summer resort nod home is sheltered from the wind which makes it very pleasnnt and an ideal place to bathe. There is no under too which makes it safe to go in any time, at high or low tide. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Warranty Deeds. J S Jlurt.lcr et ux to K A Knchcr, 20 A in sec 2(1 T I S II 1 W. .-)()()(). A (' Johnson et ux to K Forette, 8 A iu sec IS T 9 8 II 1 W. !. I) (' I.owis et ux to D Jacobson, 10 A in claim 4!) T II S K 3 W. I00. F It Keoves et ux to Win. Davis et ux, 30 a In T II H It 1 V.--)00. . W II (Irabeiihorst et ux to C E Miller, lot 5 (irabeiihorst Fruit Farms. $10. licit Neal et ux to R W Whitesell, 12.5 A in sec 19 T 9 8 U 1 W. $29000. Quit Claim. Cordelia linger to O It Townsend, B 12 Myers Add to Salem. IIAVE YOU TRIED A JOURNAL WANT AD? U'Ren, Schuebel & Hesse ATTORNEYS AT LAW Deutscher Advokat 518, 519, 520 Railway Exchange Building Phone Main 6376 Portland, Oregon TRAVELERS' GUIDE RAILROADS. SOUTHERN PACIFIC COMPANY. Time Table, Portland Division. Northbound. IC -Oregon Kxpress 5:00 a.m. 10 Albany Passenger 7:24 a.m. 2S Willamette Limited 12 Shasta Limited 18 Portland Pasaenger 20 Portland Passenger 14 Portland Express .... .... 9:27 a.m ....12:35 p.m .... 2:00 p.m. .... 5:43 p.m. 8:00 p.m 22(1 Local Way Freight 10:30 a.m. 222 Portland Through Frt....l0:38 p.m. x Southbound. 15 California Kxpress 3:32 a.m. it Roseburg Passenger 11:10 a.m. 19 Cottago Orove Pass 4:40 p.m. 27 Willamette Limited 8:11 p.m. II Shasta Limited 5:43 p.m. 9 Albany Passenger 8:43 p.m. 13 Han Francisco Kxprcss..l0:38 p.m. 225 Local Way Freight 9:27 a.m. 221 San Fran. Thro' Frt....l2:01 a.m. Salem Gear Branch. 73 Passenger Ar. Halem 9:23 a.m. 7li Mixed, Leave Salem 10:00 a.m. 75 Mixed, Arrive Halem.... 3:00 p..m. 74 Passenger, Leave Salem 5:00 p.m. Salem, Falls City & Western. 130 Arrivo Salem 8:10 a.m. 132 Arrive Salem 11:25 a.m. 154 Arrive Salem 3:13 p.m. 15(5 Arrivo Sulem 5.30 p.m. 138 Arrivo Salem 7:43 p.m. UiO Local freight arr. Sulem 1:33 p.m. 151 Leaves for Falls City.... 6:35 a.m. 153 Leaves for lllack Hock.. 9:45 a.m. 155 Leaves for Falls City.... 1:40 p.m. 137 Leaves for Falls City.... 3:25 p.m. 159 Leaves for Dallas 6:15 p.m. 101 Loc. Frt for Black Hock 6:00 a.m. OREGON ELECTRIC RAILWAY CO. Northbound. Leaves Salem Arrives Portland Train JSo. 4:23 a.m 2 Owl 6:55 a.m. 6:30 a.m 6 8:45 a.m. 8:00 a.m 8, Local 10:20 a.m. 9:45 a.m 10 Limited 11:35 a.m. 1:30 p.m H 11:20 a.m. 12 4:00 p.m 13 Limited 4:13 p.m 18 5:30 p.m 20 4:10 p.m.. 1:4j p.m. I .....'5:50 p.m.! ... 6:40 p.m. i 8:13 p.m. 7:30 p.m.. 2 10:00 V "i. COMMITTEE AFTER ANOTHER BIG WAD Will Try to Make Calhoun Show What Became of Nearly 14,000,000 Missing From the Company's Treasury. - San Fraucisco, July 22. When the California state railroad commission ro siimed, on Tuesday, July 28, its investi gation into the United Kuiiroads fin ancial affairs, it was stated today that it will taite the trail immediately of tho $;I,00,!)(.U.j9 which the commission's) nu li tor, It. K. lleyuolds, announced at Monduy's hearing was uuaccounted for. This was quite exclusive of the $1,09(1,71 1.70 which the. directors au thorized ex l'resideut Calhoun to invest in enterprises independent of the United linilroads unu which be did in vest in his Solano Furius project, giv ing in return for it,', wheu Jesse W. (tilieiithal tnicceeded as president, a note which l.ilenthul promptly listed ou tho company's hooks as worth $1. Tho $1,09(1,711.70 was gone from tho company's coffers, it was true, bnt tho lailroud commissioners knew where ami how it wont. As to the ,$:!,9il,909.3,J they could only guess, They did guess that it represents the cost' of graft trials, fighting strikes, and various outside business enterprises but they wanted definite information. President Lilienthnl promised all as sistance iu his power iu tracing down the various items which scorned, accord ing to Hevuolds, to havo been covered by a complicated system of bookkeep ing which it will proably take considor ablo time to unravel. KEEP THEM GUESSING. London, July 22. Reports that an important militant suffragette demon stration was i in in i in" lit kept the police on tho alert yesterday. Just what was contemplated was not known, nor did Scotland Yard seem able to trace the rumors to their source. It was presumed, however, that they eiuiinuto.l from tho suifrngettes them selves, just enough hints having been permitted to leak out to worry the au thorities without enabling them to take any definite preventative meas ures. Tho militant leaders were all under close surveillance and wholesalo ar rests were threatened at tho first sign ot activity. Many have been grateful to the Journal Want Columns for the return of lost articles of value. Southbound. Ar. Salem 1 8:32 a-m, 3 9:57 a.m. 5 Limited ......10:10 7 12:53 p.m. 9 4:33 pjn. II 6:05 p.m. 13 Limited 6:35 p.m. .. 17 Local 8:13 p.m. 19 11:25 p.m. .. 21 Owl 2:05 a.m. Northbound Ar. Salem. 8 8:30 a.m- 20 5:50 p.m. - ' Ar. Salem .... 10 Ltd 9:45 a.m. Lv. Portland 6:10 a.m 7:30 a.m 8:20 a.m 10:40 a.m 2:10 p.m 3:43 p.m 4:45 p.m , 6:00 p.m 9:13 p.m , 11:45 p.m ! Lv. Corvallis 6:30 a.m ! 4:45 p.m i Lv. Eugene i 7:35 a.m ,11:10 a.m 1:50 p.m j 5:00 p.m 1 12:05 a.m I 14 1:50 p.m. .... 18 Ltd 4:00 P-n. 22 7:50 p.m. .... 2 Owl 3:10 a.m. Southbound. Ar. Albany 9 .. 5:33 p.m. Ar. Eugene 7:05 p.m. Ar. Albany 17 9:15 p.m. Stops at Albany Lv. Salem I 4:35 p.m Lv. Salem 8:20 p.m.. Lv. Salem Ar. Eugene 2:15 a.m 21 Owl 7:50 a.m. 8:35 a.m 1 11:05 a.m. 10:15 a.m 3 Ltd 12:25 p.m. Lv. Salem Ar. Alban) 1:00 7 2:05 p.m. Stops nt Corvallia 2:30 p.m. Lv. Sulem Ar. Eugene 6:40 p.m .. 13 8:45 p.m. CORVALLIS CONNECTIONS. Northbound. Corvallis Lv, Ar. Salem 8:60 a.m. .. 0:43 a.m. .... 1:50 p.m. .. 4:00 p.m. .. 5:50 p.m. .... 7:50 p.m. 6: 8: 30 a.m. 27 a.m. 12 p.m. 12 2: 36 p.m. 23 p.m. 05 p.ri. 4 6 Southbound. Lv. Salem 8:33 a.m. ....... 10:15 a.m. - 4:33 p.m. .... 1:00 p.m. Ar. Corvallia 10:W 11:34 a.m. 6:08 pjn. 2:30 p.w 7:57 p.m. 6:40 p.m. -