5 i I "U" " f BW T A TT.V r A PTT IT. TIMnuit a t .w -,. Editorial Page of The Daily Capital Journal WEDNESDAY JULY 2?, 1914 i " ' : : " -i! . i , ii ; J' 1 9 ! THE DAILY (J! IflllDVAI rt'BI.ISHF.D BY CAPITAL JOURNAL PRINTING CO., Inc. CHAELE3 H. riSHEB EDITOB AND MANAGES PUBLISHED EVERY EVENING EXCEPT SUNDAY, SALEM, 0RE0ON HlUSrtll'TK. KATKS: Daily, ly Carrier, per year t5.1!0 Per month 4."c Daily, by Mail, per year 4.00 Weekly, by Mail, per year 1.00 Per month 35c Mix months 50c FI LL l.KASKD WIKK TKl.KUKAl'll KK 11) RT The Capital Journal carrier boys are Instructed to put the papers on the vhArh T f aI.a -n fri n J.., A4 '1 n tki. ... 1 .. n wai. a n.la.l. ..I nnnar n nml nn tlmn Irlndlv nhnn plrfiilntinn mntiivA. mm tla ! Va n 1 Phone Main 82. THE DISEASE OF THE AGE. MOT satisfied with shelving all men over 60, aW.g comes Dr. Osier with the statement that 90 per cent I oi humanity are tubercular. How discouraging! That leaves only 10 per cent of efficiency in the world. And perhaps when that 10 per cert has been classified diagnosed and reduced to sta tistics they may prove inferior goods, too. And yet, in the face of this uniform inferiority, which is undoubtedly true and capable of scientific explanation, the world seems to move along. Doctors and scientists are as zealous in fastening in curable diseases upon suffering humanity as are drug gists in labeling their bottles. Tuberculosis is not the disease of the age; the disease of this age is statistics. ( Upon the tombstone of this century one may expect to read: "Reduced to Statistics." What a white man will or will not do is one of the things that is not only beyond finding out but is without the pale of guesswork. The dispatches yesterday tell of the sheriff and tea deputy sheriffs armed with guns and carrying ropes, searching the wilds around Devil's canyon in San Bernardino county, California, for "a naked wild man with long hair and whiskers," who has terrorized the campers in that satanic section. Down in southern Ore gon a gang of spectacled wiseacres are camping in the woods waiting for a naked man to get through doing the Nebuchadnezzar stunt and to come out of the pristine for- est covered witn Dane, lurs or anything else he can find to hide under. The one is nronnunrei, cr.i7v nnrl f Via nf Vmr. an artist and hero. Maybe it's the whiskers that make the uiiicicjit-e, aim me long nair tne distinction. Speaking of the high prices of meats, will some packer . kindly eplain this: "When pork was worth :) cents a pound on foot, bacon was worth 6 to 7 cents, the difference being :! to 4 cents. Pork worth 5 cents on foot put bacon up to 10 and 12 cents, the difference between the two being 5 to 7 cents. With hogs selling at 10 cents, bacon sells at irom 20 to :)5 cents, a difference of from 10 to 25 cents. Does it cost that much more now to turn hog into bacon?" If not, who cinches the consumer for that extra charge that increased price between the raw hog and the cured meat? It does not take an expert to answer that latter question. One word will do it: "Packers." I I he Journal frennpntlv rprpivp iroma. f communications on. various subjects,-which are not pub lished because no name is attached to them. It is the rule in all well regulated newspaper offices to require that the writer's name accompany any matter sent in for publication- as a guarantee of good faith, although the name may not be attached to the - , - I - VVV. iit UiaktCl coming from unknown sources is consigned to the waste Those motorists who race with t , ...... w occ iyiih.1I will get to the crossinp firs nfrpn win Vmf v,. so close a second that the coroner has to be called in to umpii x me case, ana ne generally calls it a tie and all bets on. However, the train ppts mif ?f i i another race, but with some other sporty autoist. One tiuae lat-e generally satisfies the sporty disposition of the -IL! .1 uiucaeo nacKers ,innnnn-o fhof w,4. m i k;l L "'cat pnees win De higher than ever. They can't go much higher without ? b '"""'ou"C111' oiu story aoout the cow uimD- mg over the moon. Rpef wn nr-0tf v,;u ii.i.J.-F Lf u r ' 1 i"U uii mat occa sion, but the Chicago packers are evidently out to break MM Late Yesterday I MMMMMMt Chicago. The Edperaatiata' Associa tion of North America chose !Snn Fran cisco for its li)15 meeting. Brussels. A parachute with which she jumped from Aviator Champel's biplane fniling to work, Jlme. Cavat l)o Castella fell Kioii e..at .... . " killed. Remember to have The Capital Journal to follow you during your vacation. Idaho, owing to the resignation of Chief Justice Ailshie, who is a candidate for the U. S. senate, and the absence from the state of Justice Stewart, has no supreme court, as Justice Sullivan is the wily one ready for duty and he cannot make a quorum of himself. The governor says he will not appoint a successor to Chief Justice Ail shie unless an emergency arises that compels it. By Sep tember 2 the result of the primaries will be known and the governor will probably appoint the successful candi date to the place. Now that the smoke of the discharge or resignation of viBC vicu miliums nas mown away, it is evident that the only thing in that gentleman's assertion about William of Vied and the Albanian situation with which fault can be found is that it is the truth. Any minister or ambassa dor who tells the truth proves conclusively that he is not a diplomat and is therefore dangerous to his country and unfit to hold the place. In other words, the modern defini "a liar '' "(hl)lomat" is P"t in brief language, just Georgia recently elected a man to office and then dis covered he was dead and had been in that condition for some years. Attention is called to this not because it is at all remarkable that a dead man was elected to office but because it is strange that the people actually discover ed he was dead. Here in Oregon. we have done the same thing time and time again, "and will probably do it again this year, and Oregon is not alone in this, either. There are dead ones elected in every state and at every election. THF. RnilMn.lIP The puving to be done at Forest rove this .Slimmer will nurrv tlin tot ill up to G(V Mucks. The Ciittliue drove cornet linml lm been reorL'iuiized with Hi niece iiml will proceed to make its nresencn in the city known and npprecinted. ".Such dry lund Krnin crops ns nre Ifrowititf in linker county," snys the Hnker Democrnt, "were never liefore dreamed of and offer every encoiirnne meiit for vacant hill land to be lo cated." Fort Rock Times: Holes for tele phone poles have been dug from Silver lake north to some distance past Fort Itock. It mny be. that we'll soon be nlle to sny " Hello, Bend! Hello, Lake view! " Roseliurg Review: Trainmen arriv ing here from (ilendale on yesterday mornings Cow creek "bullet" report seeing !!( deer on either side of the trucks. At the time the animals were grazing contentedly along the moun tain side, and appeared to pay little if any attention to the moving train. It is said that deer nre morn fnl in the canyon this year than for mnnv seasons past. Speed fiend solution nrnnos,.,! Li the Amity .standard: "We don't fnvo"r any more state commissionem imt . believe there 1M 11 till Hit ),.! .J I I'OfMly in oxistciuv. nnd it wise thing to enact a law wherebv nm- one caught driving ait automobile a't excessive speed, unless it could be prov ed that such speed was necessary, could be taken before the sanitv li.mr.l i dealt with the sum., n. ...,.'.,,i .. i. . rnzy on any other subject." Foot Passengers thuu Lapp & bush, Bankers Transactja Genera! Banking Business Safety Deposit Boxes Traveler's Checks BECKEY TEIES HUNGER STRIKE. New Voik. July 22 lU.fc.,1. .. ,!.,., arrested in l uiou .Sminre li.o-.. ..-'.... i In.vs niro and sentem-e.l t.i l!l,i,.i,,.ii Island for iucitimr t, .1. . ... ... I. . W . llieetlllL'. COIllllHI,.,! I,,,,..,.,. Hi ike today. Sue has not en ten nv. thing for more than 4." hours. i'r. isatlieniiii Davis. couiiniM;,n...r ei collections, decided to attempt forci ble fecdiiiL' if iiei ess.'ii v t. .-i. . prisoner's life. I eyestrains should be suppressed, all motonsts avow; long since they ceased to bo a jest, and they're ,.;,.,. now. There's nnfh ' trt uu"i uii u car running over men; it gives th worss a deadly jar, and wrecks " the springs again. This spring I bought aew machin0 that took most all mv pile; 1 filled its tank with gasoline, to try it for a mile; two neighbors got ocneath the wheels their nerve was cold and raw: what wonder that a driver feels there ought to be a law? H takeB nil nlenuiipa fvmn tkA game, it spoils the joyous graft, to find mat some wayrarer s rrame is wound around the shaft. The -walker nv tho have a ritrht tn nllev. atrnnt ...i l.. iiNu jiisi to (lemonstrate their spite they let themselves ho uli.;,. tu,i:' trains will go too far; they're claiming now. 'tis said, that everv llintl Khn r....u inr siiouio stop and plant his ilea, WUk u.i. . .... . ----- oil- LII11M1, since they can 't ride in cars, they take deliuht in beinir killClt.. in nalnim. nuiiiiiin uiui scars; nv tais they re hop ing to create a sentiment adverse to tnis, tne pastime of the great could ,11-mousy no worser uur legislatures and our courts should shiehl us from. sii"h shocks, should guanl the noblest of all sports, and jail the man who walks. Jain .New,p,per Benin LADJES! DARKEN YOUR GRAY HI Look Years Younger! - TJss "Grand mother's Kecipe of Sage Tea and Sulphur and Nobody Will Know. IIIS WIFE IS HELD. l'.'rtland, Ore., July 2l. 4n recom mendation of the coroner's jtirv, Mrs. Johanmih Dawson, wife of tieiirge S. I'awson. who died last Wednesday of strychnine poisoning, was Wing held today for further investigation. The jury held that Pnwson came to his death by means of strychnine poison ing administered or takcu in some man ner unknown. The use of Sage and Sulphur for re storing fa.led, gray hair to its natural color dates back to im,.i,.,ni.... biie used it to keep her hair beautifully k.u.-j,. aim iiouiiiiant. whenever her hair fell out or took oa that dull, laded or streaked , - - ( i " una cum- pie mixture was applied with wonderful otteet. Hut hiewinsr st hnmn w out-of-date. Nowadays, bv asking at any drug store for a oil cent bottle of iii" 8 ''Kc an,l Sulphur Hair Keni edy , you win get this famous old recipe which can be depended upon to restore natural color and beauty to the iiair aim is splendid tor dandruff, dry, ...r.isn, m-iiy scaip ,, t!,,llg nair a well, -known downtown driiuirist says it darkens the hair so naturally ami evenly that nobody can tell it has ueen applied. Von simply dampen a sponge or soft brush with it and draw iuis inrougn your hair, taking one siraini at a tune, lty morning the gray i ... oi.-uiniears, ana atter another ap plication or two, it becomes beautifully dark, glossr. soft agent J. f. Perry. Washincton. The r.cnnr,.tnu. mograph recorded a sharp earthquake, beginning at 5:51 p. m. and continuing for 15 minutes, about 11)00 miles from Washington. Three Rivers, Quebec Word waH re ceived of the burning at Cape Magda lene, near Three fiivers, of $500,000 worth of wood pulp. y . Fargo, N. D. Towns along a two to ten-mile-wide path, from Antler to Berwick, reported 1110,000 acres of grain destroyed by hail. San Frnncisco. FrnneU v K-..0i!.. candidate for republican govenorship i.u.i.iiiunuu, neia ins lust an Francisco rally. Oakland, 'Cal. Allan Hudson, .Hi, tried to save his brother James, seized with cramps while bntliin ; ti, ....... ary, but failed and both were drowned. SALTS FINE FOR The Fairies' Cook Book - FREE The Fisher Flouring Mills Co., manufacturer of FISHER'S BLEND FLOUR, has issued what is considered by experts to be the most com plete bread, cake and pastry recipe cook book ever published. This cook book is the first to take into consideratioa the climatic conditions which prevail in the Northwest a matter of great importance. Every recipe has been worked out and tested by experts ia our own kitchons, so that each one is scientifically correct. It has been our custom to make a small charge for this perfect cook book, but if you will fill out the coupon printed below, have your grocer sign blank space in this coupon certifying that you have pucbasod a sack of FISHER 'H BLEND, then forward suruo to us, we will mail you ABSOLUTELY FRKE OF CHARGE a copy Sf THE FAIRIES' COOK BOOK. Fisher Flouring Mills Co. 718 White Building, Seattle. Please forward me a copy of The Fairies' Cook Book. ACHING KIDNEYS We eat too much meat which does Kidneys then Back hurts and Bladder Bothers you. Most folKS fur (rf tlint tl, 1, ;,1 ..., like the bowels, cct xlnirirUii nn.i i..L ged and need a flushing occasionally, else W'e have backache nml .lull t,,:. ery in the kidney region, severe head aches, rheumatic twinges, torpid liver, acid stomach, sleeplessness and ull sorts of bladder disorders. You siintdy must keen vnnr liirlnnira active and clean, and tho moment vo ieei an acne or pain in the kiuney region, cet about four ounces nf .t.i onus trom any good drug store here take a tablespoonful in a gtuss of wa: ter before breakfast fnr n f..- )...,. and your kidneys will then act fine. inis inmous salts is made from the acid ot grapes and Vernon juice, com bined with litllU. and d, lnn.l. flush clogged kidneys and stimulate niem q normal actiyity.. It also neu tralizes the acids ia Jthe .urine so it no lonirer irritates. thn in.iinn ki,.,i.i , " J UIUUUUI disorders. Jad Salts is linrml makes a delightful effervescent lithia wnter drink which evorvi.n,),. take now and then to koep their kid neys cican, tuus avoiding serious complications. A Well knOWn lncnl ril-lllririaf .nv. 1,.. sells lots of Jad Jsalts to folks who be. lieve in overcoming kidney trouble while it is only trouble. WANT $60,000 DAMAGES. Los Angeles, Cal.. Julv 22. Askimr damages. of (i0.000 for the flnfh nf their husband and father, Mrs. A. B. .Miaw and her tour children hnve brought suit today mrainat K. R. 1 n. max, a jeweler, who shot and kilh.il Shaw a week ago. Mrs. iShnw asks nn early hearing of her claim, sett; no forth that she 18 in clestitnto piri'iim. stances, and further. tht if should be sentenced to death for kill ing her husband, she would have no recourse. WITNESS APTEB WITNESS IN SALEM. College Woman Has Fewer Motives For Marruina Than Non-College Woman By Dean VIRGINIA C GILDERSLEEVE c4 Barnaid College SINCE the college woman is probnhly better alile to support lierself , V" i'e? Ilkl,1-V ' marry for a livclillooJ- Since she is more likelv to fiml the workl an interesting place she is less likely to marr'v because she is borrd. After taking rt college degree a woman has fewer motives for marrying than n non-college woman. the n Limber of divorces among college women Vs much LOWER THAN AMONG NON-COLLEGE GRADUATES. WE EXPECT THE COLLEGE WOMAN TO HAVE A GREATER SENSE OF HER RESPONSI BILITY TO THE COMMUNITY. BUT THE WAY THE WORLD IS GOING ON NOW I WONDER WHETHER THERE WILL BE ANY REAL HOMES AT ALL IN THE FUTURE BECAUSE OF THE INCREASING PREVA LENCE OF DIVORCES. liVVXlHm!,nmn t0 M-RHV THE RIGHT MAN AFTER Mlh M hi-1 S HIM. ami wo should expect her to have the training to make her marriage a happy one. Such Evidence Our Readers Cannot Dispute, As we take un the .Tnnrnnl. wo nn strui'K by tho henrtv. utiruistakRlile wnv in which witness lifter witness speaks out ns .Mr. Hill does here. If these people were strangers living miles away we might take little notice of them. But they are not. They nre our neigh bors, living among us." Their word is too easily proven to admit of any doubt. They speak out in the hope that their experience may be a guide to oth ers. C. W. IlilL wagonmaker, 19.19 Korth Front St., Salem, snys: "I had more or less backache and my kidn ys were rlisord'-red. poan's Kidney Piiis have always relieved me in. a short time. 1 know of several other people who have taken Donn's Kidney Pills with iio,l results. You niav continue nuhlisliinn . . o gave before rccom- the statement I mending them.' Price SOc at all dealer. T)nn oln.r,. ly ask for ft kiilnev ..,.!,- t Donn's Kidney rills the same that Mr. Hill had. Foster rrops., Buffalo, X. Y. " "' in.US.iv ii Uvun. i.Atii iou iuiiU A JOL'K.N'Al W'a.xX iu 10 frfcLUj iiiAi MOBILE? BACK TO HEALTH is usuullv verv slow work, hut von enn help Nature wonderfully, by the use of HOSTETTERS STOMACH BITTERS It rebuilds the run down svstem. re. stores appetite, aids digestion, promotes regularity. Name City.. I hereby certify that lias purchased a sack of Fisher's Blend Flour. 8'6ned , Grocer. There Is . Health and Pleasure IN AN OUTING AT i Wilhoit Springs A most delightful outing retreat and health resort, Jiow easily reached from all points in the Willamette valley through Canby and Molalla. - Very Low Season and - L . Week-End Fares Special Sunday stage and train service, leaving Wil hoit Springs at 5:00 p. m., Molalla 6:20 p. m., con necting with S. P. trains at Canby. Arrive Salem 8:45 p. m. Daily Train Service from Salem Leave Salem Arrive Wilhoit Springs . .7:24 a. m. and 2:00 p.m. . 12:00 noon and 5:00 p. m. I v)f sunset 'Nc I JOSOENaSHASTAj I J ROUTES I Further particulars from any S. P. Agent. JOHN M. SCOTT, General Passenger Agent, Portland, Oregon. House of Half a Million Bargains I' .1.. v.- O uu n ino uiggest wonoer in tne history of Salem. Wajjuy and soil everything from a needle to a piece of gold. We pay theiiehert eash price for everything. Monster atock of all kinds of grain aacka. H. Steinbock Junk Co. Z33 State Street. Salem, Oregon. Main 22. CLIP THIS COUPON ' Capital Journal To indicate you are regular reader you must present Four( .,oar like this one. The National Embroidery Outfit is jruarnT j t- oe the greatest collection and biggest bargain in pa' ern v offered. The 200 patterns have a retail vxlw A i' cents each. Bring FOUR Coupons and 68 cents to ' ... r ' jCs and you will be presented with One Comploce r jtfi mjluding Book of Instructions and one All Wood '.end- 1 Hoop and 10 skeins of silk. The 68 cents is lo r .ver ;ufy, express, handling and the numerous overhead exr iscs of getting the package from the factory to yon. - . N. B.Out-of-Town Readers will cui S cents extra tor postage and expense of mailing.