Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, July 22, 1914, Page TWO, Image 2

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    v TWO
j Newport
Oregon's Famous Summer Resorts
If Equina
Newport, Cool and Breezy ,
Draws Visitors From Cities
Newport, Ore., July 22. With ex
pressions of "the best time ever" heard
on every side, the State Druggists' con
vention eame to a close Saturday night
and the "pUl rollers" ppecial left at
1:30 Kuuday ufternoon for Portland,
i It was a busy six days that the 2)0
druggists, representing nearly every
town in the state, passed in Newport.
Heginning with the departiirii of the
special train from Portland Tuesdnr
morning, thero was, as one enthusiastic
druggist announced, "sometiiing doing
every minute."
: Vpon their arrival in Albany, the
druggists were entertniiied with nuto
mobile rides anil moving picturevshows
by businessmen of Albany. They left
tint Hub cty at 3 o'clock, arriving in
Newport at 7. They were almost im
mediately ushered into the dining-room
of the Abbey hotel, where they were en
tertained with U delightful banquet. An
address of welcome- was made by Dr. M.
M. Davis and responded to by Dr. W. I.
Wednesday morning: was passed in a
business session, nt which time the an
nual message of th president of the
association was read. Comic contents
wer. iu'ld in the afternoon on Nye
Iltr.ih, while in the evening a reception
ami hull was given in honor of the
druggists by the traveling salesmen.
Tin; main feature of Thursday morn
ing's program was the annual baseball
game between the druggists mid travel
ing men, which was won by the former.
The afternoon exercises included n
business session. . Heveri.l pupers, deal
ing with important d'urinaeeut it nl top
ics, were rend and diseusml. ltepnrts
wero made by the ofiieers of the ns.i
rlation and ot fivers elected for tho en
riting year.
Following the business session camp
tiie elam-liulte on the bay beach, The
affair was most successful in every par
ticular. It was given by tile woman's
nuxiliiiry of tho Newport commercini
The i'iuul business session was held
Friday morning and several papers were
read. At 11:30 occurred the tug-of-vvar
between the traveling men and . th
druggist. The latter wrn the victors.
In the afternoon wero held foot races
and other contests, in vvhieli both men
and women participated.
(Saturday was passed In excursions to
thii many points of interest, aquatic
rontesls ut the imtiitoriiiiii and u slag
Au important improvement in the
train facilities into Xewport was marie
last week when another Sunday cxeui
sion train was placed on the ruu to this
resort. The new train starts from Sa
lem every Sunday morning nt fiilo, ar
riving in Albany at 7:15. A 13-niiuuto
(top is made in Albnny for brenkfnst,
after which tho trip to Newpoit is con
tinued, reaching here nt 12:25 p. in.
After allowing the excursionists six
hours at the seaside, tho train leaves at
fl o'clock for Albany, wliere it con
nects with tho Salem speeiul, which ar
rives in Snlem at 11:31 p. m.
This lutest improvement is but one
of the things that tiie Southern Pacific'
Newport House
Newly renovated; nice clean
beds; good home cooking.
Board and rooms reason
able. New management. One
block from the boat landing.
W. A. WILLIAMS, Fropr.
A Salem Baker
Makes Home - Baked Goods
for Salem People
Cottage Bakery
G. M. POWELL, Proprietor
Furnished tent houses for
rent Two blocks from the
beach. Short distance from
grocery stores. Write
T. J. Kerr '
Many interesting side trips, such as the Devil's Punch
Bowl, Otter Rocks, Heceta Head, the Lighthouse, and many
others of never-failing
has done to improve the railroad service
into Newpoit. A week ago a sleeper
was placed on the run between New
was pmce. o. tne run w--
port and Portland, leaving he latter
city Saturday ami arriving here Sun
day. This has proven a great conven
ience to Portland people who desire to
pass the week end at t'.ie beach.
.Mrs. P. A. Young ami son, Theodore,
of Albany, are completing a short stay
at tin Nieolai.
Mr. nod Mrs. Walter K. Nichols, Mr.
Charles Hurtling nod Miss 1 1 nice Cock
erliuo, all of Kit 1 1 h City, Polk county,
returned home Saturday in Mr. Hur
tling 's nutoinobilo after a three days'
sojourn nt the seaside. Mr. Ilnrtuiig
is a clothier of Falls City while Mr.
Nichols is cashier of the Hank of Fulls
City. Wliil" here the party stopped nt
the New Cliff House.
Mr, t ii 1 1 Mrs. J. C. Hardin nml sou,
r'rauk, of Saloni, are established in one
of tho tent houses at Tent City.
W. K. Wilkins and daughter, liiuuita,
of Kugene, arrived in Newport last
week and will pass the season here.
Miss Wilkins was n member of this
year's graduating class of the KugciH'
high school and will enter the Univer
sity of Oregon in September.
Mr. and Mrs. C. K. Puivine and chil
dren, of Salem, nro stopping at tho
Diiiiiiiii. Tho Pin-vines intend to remain
at the beach two weeks
Joseph M. .Instill, of Dallas, is listed
among the numerous Polk county people
who nru sojourning in Newport. Mr.
.Instiu will be here for a mouth.
Mrs. W. I,. Pate, of Shedds, is ut
(he Itruilsdiaw for a few weeks.
A. .1. 1' lux and F. A. Ciiihoii, of Leb
anon, are guests of tho Copclaml, hav
ing arrived Saturdiiv night.
Mr. mid Mrs. U.K. Until, of Salem,
are included among the registrations ut
tiie public rest room.
Mrs. C. Kessey and Mrs. O. II. Kessey
and ton, of Springfield, me summer vis
itors at Nye lieacli.
Miss Dora C. Andresen, of Salem,
icgistered nt the Oshuru, Nye Peach.
Miss Andresen is connected with the
Dnilv Capital .loin mil.
Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Coud, of Dallas,
are summer residents at Nye peach, oc
cupying one of the cottages at Sunny
side, Mr, mid Mrs. (. A. Harding and
daughter:', Fvelyn, Nieta ami l,oiii.-i', of
Oregon City, attended the druggists'
convention last week. Miss Kvelyn
Harding is u student of the University
of Oregon.
J. L. Page, postmaster of Kiigene, ar
rived at the bench the middle of Inst
week nml registered at the Abbey.
Mrs. II. (1. Shipley, of Salem, is in
cluded aiinng the Cherry city people
who are summering nt N'yo Bench. .Mrs.
Shipley is stopping lit the Ostium.
Mrs. I). F.. F.vaus and children, ol
Portlnnd, reached the beach yesterday.
They are occupying one of 'the apart
ments at the " Home,"
Mrs. W. Ij. llnyward, of Kugene, is
a guest of the Abbey. Mrs. llnyward
is tho wife of "Hiil" llayward, the
noted track trainer of tho University
of Oregon.
When you come to Newport
remember that
W. H. Arthur
clean and press your clothes
shine your shoes.
Only shining parlor in
Parcels checked.
Tent City
Three blocks from the beach.
Furnished Tents and
Write or telegraph for our
rates and reservations.
A". J. VanWassenhove, Prop.
P. 0. Box 5, Newport, Ore.
Board by meal, day or week.
Across from
Bradshaw House.
Bffltttmfflinm tmuatitmmi:
Mr. Kiwi Mrs. ,1. 1). Waring ami son,
I.yle, ol' Salem, arrived on one of Hat
unlay 'a boats and are located at Whit
ten ' camp ground.
1). A. MvCormack, of Lebanon, ac
I'oinpanipd by his mother, Mrs. M. F.
Todt, of Khii Diego, Califoruia, arrived
in Newport Nnturiluy aud passed the
week-cud here 84 quests of the Damon.
A, I.. Newsoin, of Salem, wag ini'luil
ed among the Salem people who passed
the week end in Newport.
K. ('. Neiderkroine, of Salem, wna a
,ho M cllrsion to
Sll,BV' Mr- Nei,,rkr011ie
is connected with the Fluted States
National bank of the Cherry city.
Charles F. Klgin, city recorder of
Salem, reached Newport Tuesday and is
established in one of the tent houses at
Tent City.
Dr. and Mrs. Calvin S. White, of
Portland, arrived at Nye beach Satur
day and registered at the Nieolai. Dr.
White is state health officer.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Moores and
daughter, of Albany, were week end
guests of tiie McDonald nt Nye Peach.
Joseph Harris, a prominent hop man
from Salem, visited his family at the
Harris cottage, Nye lleach, Sunday.
Mr. nml Mrs. S. K. Kolaml and daughv
tor, of Jefferson, are guests of the Mc
Donald house.
A. O. Klliott, of Lebanon, is at the
Hotel Kelly.
Mr. and Mrs. .1. 1). Allen, of Junction
City, reached the beach Saturday and
registered at the Midway.
MissJ'j-iua W'igle, Miss Ottillie Shind
ler ami Mils Kdnn Croxford, who have
neeu passing two weeks at the Hose
(Ity Camping (iroumls nt Nye Peach,
leave Friday for their home in Port
land. YV. H. Mcfiuire, of Portland, arrived
in Newport Saturday and registered nt
tiie Copelnud.
Mrs. (leorge D. Pruiiy and Mrs. Wil
liam Powmiin, of Kings Valley, are so
journing at the Hotel Jlradshaw for sev
eral days.
C. Lincoln and child, of Portland,
were among the Saturday arrivals.
Mr, and Mrs. I,, II. Harnett and two
children, of Salem, are enjoying n two
weeks' outing nt Nye Peach, where
they are domiciled in one of the Cherry
city cottages.
F. C. Knapp, of Oregon City, is in
cluded among the arrivals of the week.
He is registered at the Newport House.
Mr. and Mrs. Alva O. Horton, of
Philomath, attended the State Drug
gists' Convention Inst week ns guests
of the Nieolai. i
(ieorgn W. Level! nml wife, of Moro,
are among the Eastern Oregon visitors
at Nye Peach. They are occupying a
lent at Tent City.
(I, M. Summer and family, of 'Port
laud, leave today for their home, after
passing a week ut tho Takitezy,
Mr. and Mrs. 8. ,T. Poyington, of
Clarion, Iowa, were among the arrivals
at the Osburn during the week.
Mr. and Mrs. K. It. White, of Port
land, are at the " While-away " for a
few weeks.
C. A. Murray left Monday for his
home in Kugene, after passing several
days nt Sunnyside.
Dr. and Mrs. J. I. Arnold, of Sa
lem, depart Si'turday for their home
city, after enjoying a two weeks va
cation. 0. A. Taw, of Salem, departed Sat
urday morning for the Capital citv, nft-
er enjoying a few days' recreation at
the seaside, as a guest of the New (Tiff
Kenneth Moores, of Salem, is stop
ping at the Osborn, Nye Beach.
-Mr. and Mrs. A. K. Crosby, son and
daughter, of Tho Dulles, ( are domiciled
in a cottage at Nye Bench.
Tiinmaa P. Kay, stato treasurer, pass
ed the week-end at Nve Peach, Mrs.
Kay arrived last week and will pass
tho season here.
K. 11. Oilstrap and family, of Eugene.
are established in one of the Sen Crest
cottages. Mr. Oilstrap is connected
with the l'.ugene Register.
Mrs. L, S. Clark, of Portlnnd. gave
an enjoyable dinner party at the Nieo
lai lliursilay evening in honor of Miss
.Mabel Grant, also of Portland. The
guests were: Miss (irant. J. T. Smith
ami Mr. and Mrs. (f. F. Penson.
Mr. nnd Mrs. James II. Wilson, of
Salem, arrived at Nye lleach Thursday,
and registered at the Osburn
Mrs. George Kohlhngen, son Edward,
ami daughter Florence, of Roseburg, are
domiciled in the " I nipipin cottage
ror tne season.
Mr. and Mm. James Laugele, of Al
bany, are recent arrivals at the beach
Mr. nnd Mrs. O. P. Plnine lett Sat
urday for their home in Corvallis, after
a visit at the beach
Mr. and Mrs. 11. D. Trice, of Cor
vallis, arrived at the bench Friday and
are located in one of the Sea Crest cot
tages. Mr. and Mrs. Karl Fisher, of Port
land, nre established in the cottage,!
sea Hut, for the balance of the sen -
M- x:..t.-.v. m. .u'.i.
son. Mr. Fishers sister. Mrs .Walter
Piddle, is a guest of the Fishers.
lames Withycombe, republican nomt
nee for governor of Oregon, reached
Newport the fore part of tiie week.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Tearee, of Sa -
lem, are summer residents at tho t ucrrv
Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Cowden, J. O.
owiien, tne .Misses Hess and Calm Cow-
den. Norton ( owden. Alfred Adams aud
Miss, Louise AiNms, form a partv from
Silverton who are stopping at the Nic-
Albert Mngers. well-known business-
man. of Snlem, motored over from the
Cherry city Saturday for a few days'
visit at the beach.
and tents for
Miss Lena Wood, of Albany, reached
the beach Thursday and i staying at
the Damon. i
Bertha W. Thornburg, of Lincoln,
Neb., arrived in Newport Saturday for
a sojourn at the Osburn, Nye Beach.
Mr. and Mra. Maurice Winter and
children, Edward, Helen and Maurice,'
Jr., of Salem, are at their Nye Beach i
W inter Resort, " for the sea-1
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Wolworth,
of Albany, registered at the public rest
room at Nye Peach during the past
Mr. and Mrs. H. 1). Cleveland, of
Salem, are located at Tent City for
a month.
Mr. and Mrs. James Petty, of Ore
gon Citv, were Saturday arrivals at the
Hotel Kelly.
Mrs. N. C. Bryant, of I.ind, Wash
ington, joined the Washington contin
gent at the beach Saturday.
Mrs. Henry Terstigge and sons, Ihirry
and Paul, mid Mrs. A. I.. I.nytou, all
of Louisville,. Kentucky, are enjoying
an outing at the Damon, Nye P- iu b.
Mrs. M. ti. Tobey nml daughters.
Vera and Etta, of Eugene, are domicil
ed at the Larson cottngo tor the sum
mer. Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Woods nml ebild.
of Springfield, were incoming passen
gers on the steamer Newport Friday.
They are registered at the New Cliff
Mrs. (leorge T. Prather and daughter,
Lula, of Hood River, are completii1;; n
two weeks' sojourn at Cherry City.
Wilbur S. Hnlin and family, of lu
gene, nro occupying their cottage at
Nye Peach until the season-end.
Mrs. (i. W. Payne, of McMinnvillc,
is enjoying an outing at this result.
Mr. and Mrs. J. IL U. Anderson en
tertained a party of friends t a danc
ing party :tt tho Hotel" Nieolai Fridny
evening. Among the guests were: Miss
Esther Carson, Mr. Kenneth Moores,
Miss Margaret Osburn, Miss Catherine
Cnrion, Mr. Allen Carson, ami Mr. Les
lie Tooze, of Salem; Miss Hess Cowile:.,
Miss Frances Adams, Miss Palm Cow
den, Miss Louise Adams, and Mr. Nor
ton Cowden, of Silverton; Miss Mane
Rice, Miss Iriua Rice and Mr. Joseph
Patterson, of Portland: Miss Kathlvn
Frnlev, of Eugene; Mr. Charles Pent, li'w 'biys of rest and recreation,
and Mr. Louis Pent, of Corvallis; Mr. -Mr. ' M- Roberts, of Tort-
Philip Trice, of Oregon Citv; Misn.P11'"!. are among the summer visitors
Willetta Wright, of Albany; Joseph M. t Tent City.
Justin, of Dallas, end Professor LouU
.. .... ....
Max Jlickernell, of Mcndville, I'ennsyl- i mra. a. a. ieisoii, oi .'liuuny, mo
vnnin. " tored to this beach last week for a
K. L. King, of San Francisco, is at ''w days sojourn ns guests of the Ab
he Nieolai. Mr. King is siipcriiiteii- n,'.v'
dent of the telegraph svsteni f the
Southern Pacific coinpUnv
Mrs. Miller Pevier and children, of
Salem, are occupying one of the
Crest cottages at the beach.
Mr .and Mrs: 1). O. Minto and son,
John Douglas Minto, of Salem, regis
tered at the Abbey Wednesday.
Fred Dawson, tho well-known Albany
drugist, nttendetd the State Druggist v
convention last week.
J. W Evans, of Salem, is sojourning
at this watering place.
Gale o. Hill, a prominent attorney .I
Albany, was a visitor at the bem.-'a
the laUcr part of last week.
Mis. Cyrus Price and child, of Eu
gene, are located at Nye Peach for the
season. Mrs. Price formerly resided in
Salem. .
Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Bates and child,
of Corvallis, arrived at Nye Peach J'. i
day and nre located in one of the Sen
Crest cottages.
Miss Hallie Gelvin, of Salem, is at
the Bradshaw.
R. M. Russell, of Albany, is at the
J. P. Day, of Salem, arrived at the
bench Friday and registered at the Ab
bey. Air. and Mrs. Theodore Roth, of Sa
lem, are occupying one of the Cherry
City cottages for the rest of the sea
son. Mr. lioth is connected with the
Roth grocery nt tho Capital city.
Mrs. E. H. Hicks aud daughter,
Gladys, of Albany, are slimmer rest
dents at Nye Peach. The Hickg are
located at the Wav cottage.
Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Hendricks left
Monday for McMinnvitle after a one
wceka' stay at tho Cor.y Camp,
A. B. Weathenord, of Albany, was
an arrival at Newport the middle or
last week
J. Kleeman, of Salem, is a recent
registration at the Kellv.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Fryer, of Yamhill,
are occupants of one of the tent houses
at V hittcn s camp ground, and will
remain at the beach for six weeks.
Miss Ethel Wise, of Cedar Falls,
Iowa, is an out-of-the-stnte visitor at
Nye Bench.
The Misses Hattie and Fannie Mor
rison, of Saleovare located in one o
the Rose City cottages for two weeks.
Miss Nina McNarv, Miss Margnirt
9tolz and Mr. Richard Stolz, of Salem,
registered at the Abbey Thursday
L. A. Hampton, of Eugene, departed last
l.,.... .-. . ....... .
Thursday for Eugene after passing a
week in Newport as a guest of P,
Abbev. Mr. Hampton is the proprietor
of the Hampton depurtmenP store.
C. P. Slade. of Silverton. is included
1 among Friday 's registrations at the Ab-
I Hugh B. Rankin, of Eugene, was a
; passenger on one of the Incoming boats
W. E. Savage, of Ashland, joined the
Southern Oregon contingent at the
beach Friday.
I R. S. Fisher, of Pallas is at the Ab
C. M. Young and wife, of Eugene,
were among the arrivals at Nye He'i li
dnriug the week. They re rcgiatore I .
Agates, Jaspers and Moonstones on the
much-prized souvenirs, first-class hotels,
rent at reasonable rates.
at the Hotel Osburn. f
Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Montgomery ana
children, Ethel, Mary and Lewis, Jr.. of
Portland, are at the Nieolai for the
Mr. and Mrs. Walter V. Fuller and
child, of Dallas, were ip Newport last
w" to attend the convention of the
State Druggists' association.
The Misses June Spaulding and Lida
Scoville, of Portland, arrived at the
beach Saturday for a few days' so
journ as guests of the New Cliff House.
Mr. and Mrs. Romey (iouley, of Sa
lem, arrived in Newport Friday and reg
istered at the Nieolai.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Humphrey and
daughter, of Corvallis, are at the Whit
ten camp grounds. They were visited
over Sunday by Mr. and Mrs, Thomas
Moore and daughter, of Albany.
Mr. and Mrs. K. A. Welch and daugh
ter, of Medford, were among the ar
rivals on Friday, .
Mr. nnd Mrs.".!. H. Raker, of Salem,
aro enjoying a' few days' vacation at j
Nye Bench. They are staying at the
New Cliff House. ' I
W. J. Kerr, president of the Oregon
Agricultural college, of Corvallis, ac-1
compnnied by his wife and son, arrived
Saturday for an outing af the seaside.
A party, consisting of Mrs. Helen
Itowe ami Mrs. AV. A. WiMrick, of
.Portland, and Mrs. Ilattie Hidinger, of.
Aberdeen, Wnfh., are nt the Wiiittuii'
camp grounds for n month. I
Dr. A. E. Wrigbtman and family, of
Silverton, were among the many arriv
n luring tho week from the valley.
, Mr. W. H. Iiuighardt, of Snlem, a
'ived Saturday for a few days' visit
us a guest o the Osburn. j
R. W. Heniieniaii and wife, of Port
I'iihI, were among the air.v-i,s .it ij.c
i . i i land house Friday. j
Mr. and Mrs. .1. 11. Ralston and son,
of Albany, reached the beach Saturday
for a short visit. I
Mrs. (leorge W. Waterbury and
daughter, Carrie, of Wooilhurn,- have
returned to Newpiyt and will pass the
remainder of the summer in their cot
tage ut Nye Peach. They are enter
taining Mrs. Nancy J. Priest, of. Wood
hum, for several weeks.
Henry Hansen, of Woodburu, reachcl
this resort the last of tho week tor a
V oo.lworth. Mr.,and Mrs. H. I lo
IAT IT t A'.l (11.
Mr. ami Mrs. A. H. Hny.l, ot Duvill,
Wash., are domiciled at tho Reeves CQt-
tngu for several weeks.
Dr. and Mrs. Fred illis returned to
iSulem Monday, after passing 10 days
lonucileil in one of the Cherry Citv cot
tages at Nye Peach.
Mr. and .Mrs. M. Johnson and son, of
St. Johns, aro located at Tent City for
a fow weeks.
Mr. and Mrs. F. .1. Helliwell, of Port
land, are at the "Home'' for a short
c lovd Pcwlev. of Independence, ar
rl.ed on Saturday night's boat for a
short visit as a guest of the Copelnnrf.
llliain Andresen and fannlv, of Ore-
.on ( it y, are located at their Nye Peach
ei tinge for the summer.
Thomas H. Jones, of Corvallis, was
among tiie arrivals on Saturday. He
is registered at the A-bbev.
Mrs. K. C. Griffith and daughter,
Blanche, of Portland, were among the
Saturday arrivals at tlio beach.
D. O. Woodwoith, of Albany, was n
attendance at the State Di-iygists' con
vention last week. Mr. Woodworrli
was elected president of t'i association
for next ji-ar.
W. S. Wharton, of N.'wborg, is a
guest of the New Cliff Eojae at Nye.
Bca.'h. x
Miss Aletha Ititnev, Miss Ethel Ron
iicy, Miss Madge Scollatd and Miss
l.lla Deck, all ot Woodburu, tie lwntnl
at Tent City.
S. J. Halbrook, .of Albary. roacli'iJ
the teach Friday and is stepping at
the Copeland.
Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Elgin, of Snlem,
are included among the Cherry ( ity
visitors at Nye Reach. Tho Eijinj nre
occupying one of tho tent houses at
Tent City.
(. W. Ellis and three daughters,
of The Dalles, are summer residents at
Tent City. Mr. Ellis formerly was
merchant at Sheridan.
Dr. W. B. Cook, of " Albany, passed
the week-end at the beach as a guest of
the Nieolai.
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Hobbs, of Eu
gene, and Mrs. W. Lair Thompson, of
l.akeview, are established in the Hobbs
cottage at the. beach. Mr. Thompson,
who represented Lake county in the
state senate, will loin his wife later.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles t'usick, of Al
bany, are guests of the Damon.
Mr. and Mrs. (leorge N. Patterson
and children, of Saleni, will arrivo to
morrow for a. month's stay at Nyc
Peach, where they will reside at the
Cherry City.
Miss Maude White, of Silverton, ar
rived Fridav and registered at the Ab
bev. N Mrs. W. II. Meyer and child, of Walla
Walla, are listed among the many
Was.hir.gtou viMtovs at this watering
T. E. Fads is a recent registration
at the Copeland.
The Misses Eliza and Melia Roy, of
Stayton, have completed a two wee!
stav at the Midway.
Mr. and Mrs. ('. O. North, of Tort-
Continued on page 7.)
beach, making
rooms, cottages
Salem-Newport Train
Oregon Southern Southern
Elect rie Tacifie Tacific
10:15 am 11:10 am 3:32 am Lv. SALEM Ar.
11:05 am 12:25 pm 4:30 am Ar. ALBANY Lv.
11:34 am Ar. COKVALLIS Lv.
1:00 pm 7:30 am
1:40 pm 8:00 am
5:30 pm 11:45 am
5:35 pm 11:50 am
6:00 pm 12:20 pm
"T" " "TlTc.ll WAT kit. ' LOW WATER. r
Date a.m. lit. p.m. lit. a.m. lit. p.m. lit.
Wed 1 6:00 5.5 6:31 S.O 12:15 1.6 11:44 1.7
Thursday ..2 7:20 ' 5.1 . 7:24 S.2 1:27 0.9 12:43 2.5
Fridav 3 847 5.2 8:20 8.4 2:35 0.2 1:51 3.0
Saturday ..4 9:53 5.4 9:15 S.6 1:34 0.1 3:01 :.4
Sunday" 5 11:09 '5.7 10:07 8.7 4:31 O.tS 4:07 3.5
Monday .... ll:ol 0.0 10:55 S.7 ' 5:21 1.0 5:07 3.4
p. in.
Tuesday ....7 J2:37 6.2 11:15 8.0 6:08 ' I 1 6:00 3.3
Wed. 8 1:19 6.4 6:32 1.1 6:4S 3.1
Thursday 9 12:29 8.3 1:57 6.6 7:32 0.8 7:33
Fridav "....10 1:12 7.9 2:3,1 6.7 8:10 0.4 8:20 1..8
Saturday 11 1:51 7.4 3:09 6.8 8:46 0.O 9:06 .0
Sunday ....12 2:39 6.8 3:45 6.9 9:20 0.4 9:54 1U
Monday ..13 3:25 6.1 4:21 6.9 9:53 1.1 .10:47 2.2
Tuesday ..14 4:20 5.5 5:00 7.0 10:28 l.S 11:15 1.0
Wed .'. 15 5:26 4.9 5:43 7.1 11:00 2.5
a. in.
Thursday 16 6:15 I.U 6:32 7.1 12:52 1.0 11:51 3.1
Fridav ....17 8:05 4.6 7:21 7.2 1:52 1.2 12:51 :i.li
Saturday IS 9:12 l.S 8:20 7.4 2:52 0.7 2:07 3.9
Sundav'....19 10:14 5.1 9:13 7.7 3:4S 0:2 3:10 4.0
Mondiiv .20 11:03 5.5 10:01 8.0 4:35 0.0 4:07 3.9
Tuesday ..21 11:13 5.8 ,10:47 8.3 5: IS 0.4 4:57 :t.7
p. m.
Wed 22 12:21 6.2 11:30 8.3 5:59 0.7 5:42 3.4
Thursday 23 1:00 6.5 6:36 0.9 6:25 3.0
Fridav "....24 12:13 S.5 1:35 6.9 7:10 0.9 7:10 2 6
Saturday 25 12:57 8.3 2:11 7.3 7:46 0.7 8:12- 2.2
Sunday "....26 1:43 S.O 2:17 7.6 8:21 0.3 8:48 1.8
Monday .27 2:33 7.3 3.27 7.9 8:38 0.0 9:41 J.4
TllO:tay ..28 3:29 6.6 4:09 S.O 9:37 0.8 10:45 1.1
Wed' 29 4:39 5.8 4:58 8.1 10:21. !.6 11:53 0.S
Thursday 30 5:55 5.2 5:33 S.O 11:13 .2.5
Friday "....31 7:21 4.9 6:57 8.0 1:06 0.4 12:21 3.2
I The Osburn
I Rates reasonable. Dining room noted for its ex
X cellent meals. Special attention given in regard to
I all outings. Courteous attendants meet all boats.
t r
Adjoining Cape Foulweatlier Lighthouse. Fishing, bathing, etc. Auto f
serrico meets all trains. 65-room hotel with all conveniences. Fice Y
camping sites, fine building lots on easy terms. Write ."or auto-nap or J
further information to AGATE BEACH LANS CO., 213 Board of Trade, 4
Portland, Ore., or S. G. Irvin, Newport, Ore., or see agent on the ground. 1
The New Cliff House
at the Beach Adjoining the Sanitary Bath House.
Tents and Cottages for Rent.
Will be open all winter.
.W. D. WHEELER, Proprietor
Newport, Oregon's ideal summer resort cn the shores of
Yaqnina Bay and Pacific cccaa, is now enjoying the cool sea
I breezes. Finest natural scenic
and Steamer Schedule.
Southern Southern Oregon
Pacific Pacific, Elect i io
2:00 pm 8:00 pm 1:50 pm
1:00 pm 7:00 pm 12:50 pm
12:12 p"'
Ar. 12:20 pin
Ar. 11:40 tun
Lv. 7:50 am
Sunday only
6:15 pm 10:45 pm
5:45 pm 10:15 pm
2:00 pm 0:30 pm
7:10 am
7:05 am
1:55 pm
1:30 pm
(5:25 pm
C:U0 jim
OSBURN, Proprietor.
beach in the west. k
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