Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, July 21, 1914, Image 1

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Leased Wire
Today's News
Printed Today
PRICE TWO CENTS stands, ittb cenyi
His Sons, Their Families and
Other Refugees on British
Cruiser Bristol
Orozco Has 4000 Troops and
Villa Leaves the Force to
Keep Him in Check
Puerto Mexico, Mes.. July 21. A pas
senger on the Oerninn cruiser Dresden
fluid ex-President Huerta was on his
way to Jamaica today.
With him were his wife anil (laugh
tor8,Elena Eva anil C'elia, and exWar
Minister Blanquet and his wife and
daughter, hsperanza.
On the British cruiser Bristol, still
in the harbor here, were the ex-dictators'
sons, Jorge and Victor, their
wives, Jorges' four children and Gen
erals Fuentas and Francisco Gil and
their wives, both daughters o the ex
prcsidont. ' Tho refugees of less importance than
these remained on Biiore, and it was
thought In some danger, awaiting the
arrival of tho steamship City of Mex
ico, chartered by ex-President Huerta
to take them to places of safety.
Huerta insisted for a long time that
ho would not embark until his follow
ers were safely on boardship. There
were signs of mutiny, however, among
tlie federal troops in Puerto Mexico,
two officers were actually arrested for
threatening the ex-president 's life and
finally so much pressure was brought
to bear on the fallen dictator, who hon
estly showed no signs of anxiety for
himself, that at length he went on
board the Dresden, which sailed at 7:30
p. m.
The faithful Twenty-ninth regiment
stood at the present on the wharf as
the cruiser steamed away.
Will Recognize Carranza.
Washington, July 21. That General
Carranza had agreed to material con
cessions to Provisional President of
Mexico Carbajal, in which he would
have the Washington administration's
unqualified support, was admitted in
official circles -here today.
If (.'arrange and Carbajal come to
tonus, it was stated that the united
States unquestionably would recognize
the Mexico City government immediate
K' It was pmiQtdprpil tliftt. nnch A pnV'
eminent would be in a strong position
to oppose any revolt which General
Villa or others, disliking the considera-
4iA ohnn-n hi- I arrnn7H in I Q rhfl in
might initiate.
It was understood all obligations in
curred by ex-President Huerta later
than October 10, 1913, would be re
pudiated. Villa to Start South.
Chihuahua Citv, Mex., July 21. Gen
ernl Villa expected today to start south
before nightfall, at the head of 5000 j daring he was willing to arbitrate the
troops, to join Generals Gonzales and i differences between the Players' Plt
Obregon and their men at Queietaro I ternity and the commission as a result
for a triumphal entry into Mexico City.
' The bulk of the Villa forces, it was
Htated, would be left in the north, the
general frankly regarding General Oro-jTener of the National league and Presl
zeo as a menace to that part of Mex-j dent Johnson of the American league,
icos peace and wanting an adequite ; the other members of the commission, in
body of soldiers in the district to den' order to cail off the dogs of war.
with him. Orozco had with him 4,000 ; "I don't say that tho commission is
federal irregulars when he escaped the1 right and that the Players' Fraternity
constitutionalists at Han Luis Fotosi is wrong," Herrmann said. "Appar
and it was considered extremely likely ! ently there are arguments on both sides,
that he would carry on a niO::t annoy-j A strike certainly is not the best way to
ing guerilla campaign for a time. settle the matter. If Infielder Kraft's
Try to tSart Auother. claim is just, the trouble will be easily
The Gomez brothers were also re- adjusted. It doesn't seem right that
ported as in negotiation with General 400 major league players should be af
Zapata, the southern rebel leader, in the: fected on account of such an insignifi
hope of starting a revolt against the leant case. I hope there will be no
constitutionalists. General Carranza ; strike."
still hoped, however, 10 induce Zapata
to join forces with him.
Word was received from
Jesus Carranza that he had occupied,
Han Luis Potosi Sunday, the federals
evacuating the city.
uh a view to facilitating the con
stitutionalists' movement on the cap
ital, the railroad between Zacatecas and
Aguas Calieutes was being repaired a3
rapidly as possible. No military oppo
sition to the advance was looked for
but transportation facilities were in a
deplorable condition.
General Angeles had sent to Juarez
for supplies and artillery, the latter
hein? presumably unnecessary but' de
sirable to have as a precaution.
Teheran, July 21. Ahmed Mirza,
aged 1G. was crowned Shah of Persia
today, formally sue:eeding to the throne
abdicated several years ago by his
father, now an exile in Russia. The
boy was driven to the parliament house
in a glass coach.
League Magnates Weaken and Johnson,
Who Was Yesterday a Lion, la a
Lamb Today.
Now York, July 21. The threatened
Btrike of American and National league
baseball players was believed to have
been averted today by the action of a
meeting here or American league inag
nats, called by President Johnson to
formulate plans to fight the demands
of the Players' Fraternity.
Contrary to the warlike utterances of
Johnson before the magnates assembled,
the meeting authorized a re-sale of In
fiblder Clarence O. Kraft, around whom
the storm centered, to the Newark In
ternational league club at a valuation
placed on his services by the Nashville
southern Association club, whose claim
was upheld by the national commis
sion. It was against the National commis
sion's ruling sustaining Nashville's
right to use Kraft that the Fraternity
When informed of the action of the
American magnates in the Kraft case,
President Fultz, of the Players' Frater
nity, said: - "There will be no strike
now. The disposition of Kraft is agree
able to me. .That was all we wanted
simply to give him a square deal."
The program adopted by the Ameri
can league meeting enabled the mag
nates to sidestep the strike Issue so far
as their organization is concerned.
Johnson Cools Off.
President Ban Johnson did a rightabout-face,
changing front completely
from hi3 belligerent attitude earlier in
the day. He sought to. belittle the idea
of a strike.
"I don't think there will be any
strike," Johnson said. "There is noth
ing to worry about as far as the Amer
ican league is concerned. Tho Kraft
case is a matter for the National league
to settle now."
Charles II. Ebbetts, of the Brooklyn
Nationals, said he was willing to pay!
filM tnr Jfroff Tl.io a I. ,1 '
$2,500 for Kraft. This was regarded
as closing the incident.
The American league magnates'
meeting was in session until after 1
o 'clock. Alter adjournment, President
Johnson said:
"Whilo we were in session we heard
that the Kraft case had been amicably
settled.-Wo had met for the pifrpose f
of meeting the issue with a solid front,
When we heard that there would be no
fight, the meeting adjourned." (when we had left Pavlof nearly 30
Johnson refused further to discuss the miles behind, we heard a series of ex
threatened strike. He said that the Hal j plosions that sounded like a naval bat
Chase case would be appealed to the; tie. The booming continued for half
highest court.
After the meeting adjourned it was
reported that when the Kraft matter
had been settled the magnates held a
long session to consider the proposition
to discipline Pitcher Collins of Boston
and Catcher Henry of Washington, both
of whom are members of the advisory
committee of the Players' Fraternity.
If any action was taken, none of those
who attended the meeting would admit
Asked if the National league had
backed down to save the Americans,
Charles H. Ebbetts, who agreed to come
to the rescue and buy Infielder Kraft
from Nashville for his Newark Inter
national league team, said: "The Na-
j t'.nal leag"e ha1, nothing to do with
ti,i8 case- I acted of my own volitic
r. slmP'-v wante' K.raft strength
x acietl in inv uwil vuiiuou.
I ." aih.im.. tuctiu.
Herrman Not Warlike.
Cincinnati, Ohio., July 21. In direct
contrast to the warlike utterances of
President Ban Johnson of the American
league, August Herrman, owner of tho
Cincinnati National league club and
chairman of the National baseball com-
, mission, issued a statement today de
of the controversy over the Kraft case.
Ilerrninmi was making every effort to
day to communicate with l'resideut
Improvements are constantly being
made in aeroplanes, and there are in
dications that safety in railroad travel
is increasing, but a canoe tips over
I just as easily this year as it did a
- j century ago
The Weather
Fair t o n i g ht
and Wednesday,
warmer Wednes
day east portion,
variable winds
mostly northerly.
Ship Windber Is Caught in the
Sulphurous Clouds on
Alaskan Coast
Weird Experience as the Ship
Feels Its Way to Safety
Through the Smoke
Bellingham, Wash., July 21. A weird
story of how the steamship Wiudbor,
of tho Pacific American Fisheries fleet,
crept through darkest night of the aft
ernoon of July 6, while the compass
hand spun around, was told by Captain
Jackson today after the Windber''s
arrival in port.
Mount I'avlof, the Alaskan volcano,
broke into eruption while the ship was
less than 30 miles distant, and although
Captain Jackson sent the Winber full
speed ahead in an et'fort to get out of
the danger zone, ho soon found himself
engultcd in a blanket of sand and
smoke, so dense that it cut off the light
of day. The sulphur in the air caused!
..., f ...,.. I
antics, and for hours the vessel was
piloted by instinct.
"We left King Cove on our way to
Bellingham on July 5," Captain Jack
son said. "That night weather condi-
I Hons wore unfavorable and I dropped
anchor on the peninsula within six miles
of Mount Pavlof. She showed no signs
of erupting then. On the sixth we again
started on our way, and about noon,
(Continued from Page 6.)
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Hi- . irS 7.-. rJL It A .?
I,,, ji - -JLy Ll ft JiW.w,,.h.nL LMm. - m
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tup .HAMUOrit
Shown above I. . view of the Shamrock IV.. Sir Thomas Llptou's challenger for the Au'-' Cup. TU,
.tow U an ceent one .and show, the bowsprjt u4 . seen, on deck... The. picture was taken lu ber trials, at
Torbay, England. J
Moyer In Publio Speech Accuses Ray
wood of Starting Tremble In Butte,
Because He 'Could Not Control
Denver, Colo., July 21. An open
breach between William D. Haywood,
former secretary-treasurer, and Charles
II. Moyer, president of the Western
Federation of Miners, was proclaimed
today by Moyer in his opening address
before the annual convention of that
organization here.
Moyer declared that Haywood and
others formerly prominent in the federa
tion were responsible for the dissentions
at Butte, resulting in the disruptions of
the miners union there and the dyna
miting of union hall, in which one man
was killed and several injured.
Failing to gain control of the nation
al organization at its twentieth conven
tion, Moyer said this clique planned to
disrupt the federation.
Besides Haywood, he named Phil
Christian, J. E. Bradley, Frank Curran,
Joseph Shannon and 1 nomas Campbell.
Moyer assorted that these men con
ducted a campaign against the national
officers of the federation and precipi
tated the demonstrations which culmin
ated in the Butte dyuamitings. He
recommended the re-organization of the
Butte local union and the elimination
of the Industrial Workers of the World
from membership.
Moyer said that many staunch union
men in Butte believe that the griev
ances of the Moyer faction, which wai
ousted during the upheaval iu that city,
were just.
Moyer said he did not approve of tho
assessments levied by the federation to
assist the Michigan strikers, but he in
sisted that the real trouble was based
on stories startod by the Industrial
Workers that this money had not
reached the strikers in Michigan, but
had gone instead to buy palatial homes
and automobiles for the national of
ficers of the federation. .Ho suggested
that the method of lovvin assessments
should be altered so that the members
themselves and not the directors should
authorize the collection of assessments,
In conclusion, Moyer commented fav
orably on the proposal to merge the
western f ederation of Miners and the
United Mine Workers Of America.
"Algebra sends glrfs to ruin", says
N. E. A. orator. .1 nis at least will di
vide the responsibility with the high
coat of living and the low rate of
Gugliolmo Marconi, experimenting on
his new wireless telephone, talked COO
miles. The venerable "blue streak" is
quite outstdipped.
R I E '
Gasses Disclose Hindus Arm
ed With Clubs, Old Wea
pons and Coal '
Japanese Crew Held Prison
ers Deters Cruiser From
Firing on Mutineers
Vancouver, B. C, July 21. The cruis
er Rainbow dropped her anchor in the
harbor at 8:30 o'clock this morning aft
er encircling tho Komagata Maru, the
Hindu prison ship, in a spectacular man
ner and drawing every son of India
aboardship to its side. Cries from the
Komagata smote the air. Terrified, the
Hindus expected nothing less than
quick annihilation at the hands of the
crew of the gunbont, alter their morel
less assault upou tho police of Vancou
ver last bumlay morning.
The passengers aboard the Hindu ship
wore terror-stricken.
Two 12-inch guns are now trained up
on the Komagutii Maru. In addition to
the regular crew of the cruisor, nearly
1,000 men are now being taken from
shore to the Rainbow.
From every vnntuge point, from roofs
of buildings and from small boats Jnd
launches all Vancouver this morning is
watching proceedings, and waiting r
a battle.
All night long crowds gathered along
the waterfront and awaited develop
ments. '
. The Hindus during the night were no
less busy and builded barricades alon'g
the ship's rail of hoavy lumber. Their
blacksmiths, for two days, have been
(Continued on page two.)
Accepts Auto Pumper, Arranges to
Feel Pulse of Water Company, Or
ders Btreet Improrements and Such.
A short session of the city council
closed last night with a sputter of vol
canic language from Councilman Jones
after passing a bill to Install 25 new
fire hydrants, fixing the salaries of
firemen, putting on two special police
without nay and voting down the reso
lution to add two policemon to the reg
ular force. The resolution to add two
new police to the regular force was
introduced by Councilman Von Kschen.
In nutting the motion he simply stated
that the lives and property of Unlem
citizens were jeopardised by the lack
of police and that two more should bo
edded. No one spoke against it, but
when the motion was put only Von
Eschen, Constable, Hatch and Presnall
voted for it. Jones, Minton, McClel
land, Brown, Hoover and McCrnckcn
voted against it. Councilman Cum
mings, who is in the chair in the ab
sence of Mayor Ntceves, did not vote
though he favored tho measure.
Pay for the Pumper.
The report of the fire and water
committee stating that tho now Ameri
can La France auto pumpor had ful
filled all tests was adopted and tho
city treasurer instructed to draw a
warrant for JiOOOO to pay for the en
gine. A resolution was passed to lm
provo South Commeroiul street from
Belvuo to Liberty, and South Liberty
from Belvue to Oak. Tho matter of
the installation of a firo hydrant at
the corner of Miller and High streets
was approved.
For information which resulted in
the conviction of Charles Kdmunson
for illegal liquor selling, Asa Tindull
was given $25. Forty sewer claims
were paid and tho regular monthly
payroll for Juno approved. The report
of the committee permitting tho use
of electric fans in place of screen doors
was adopted.
The Vow l'ark fire company, a vol
unteor fire company, was disbanded
and the apparatus turned ovor to tho
city. The firemen who havo served
in this company tor a number or yoars
were given their exemptions and the
work that the company had done since
its organization in 1901 wus commend
ed by tho committee.
About City water.
A minority report on tho water
plant, submitted by Councilman Min
ton, was adopted. Tho report stated
that as it waB four years since a voto
had boon tnkon on tho proposition thnt
present estimates should not be based
upon the past performances of the
voters. The report recommended that
a committee consisting of seven coun-
cilmcn and seven citizens be appointed
to meet with tho officials of tho com
pany and agree upon a reiisonable price
for tho plant so that tho question of
the price might be submitted to the
votors of the city. In tho event that
they could not agree then to consider
tho proposition of building a new
A resolution asking for -25 new fire
hydrants was adopted. The bids for
the new hydrnnts will bo opened on
Jnly 31. Herbert Savage, a cnll hose-
man, offered his resignation which was
accepted, and Fred Burnnrili was ap
pointed in his place.
Hitching Backs and Police.
Tho matter of tho hitch rack pro
posed by tho Commercial club came up
for Borne discussion and a petition ask
ing for tho rnck and a remnnstrnnce
against it were both referred to the
street committee and tho committee on
health and police. Councilman Hatch
opposed the installation of the hitch
rack, stating tliut while it might be a
good thing for some people who only
stayed in town a few minutes that tho
practice was often abused and that ho
had seen horses standing in the rain
all day mnny times. It was said that
the racks would be taken down when
the bad weather started, but in view of
the fact that it would bo starting a
bad precedent, Councilman Hutch ob
jected to any hitch racks at all.
I. A. Snyder, who has been in the
employ of the Southern Pacific, was ap
pointed a special police lit the depot
tu serve without pay from the city,
nnd a .Mr. ( lurk was appointed a spe
cial police at tho request of tho resi
dents of North Twenty-fourth street.
Ihcre seems to be no opposition to
pulico who will serve without pny,"jtlu'm would hurt me a great deal, but
Mr. Cummings commented as the mea
sure passed.
The appointment of Snyder was sug
gested by Chief Shcdeck.
Constable Is a Diplomat.
"The division of tho council on the
vote for tho regular officers shows who
is responsible for so few city police,"
said the chief. "The police committee
favors more men, and so does anyone
else who is familiar with conditions."
H. W. Elgin was appointed to serve
ns city recorder during tho absence of
City Recorder Charles Elgin, who is
going on a short vacation soon. Tho
city attorney was instructed to draw
up an ordinance regulating fire-traps
within the fire limits.
When the matter of some tall uncut
grass in various parts of the city was
mentioned a motion wns put to instruct
Special Officer Hartwell to see that the
ordinance regulating this practice was
carried out. It was stated that Hart
well was working undor orders from
City Physician Miles and that Dr.
Miles had other work for Mr. Hartwell
(Contioutd. on page S.)
Caillaux Bares the Story of
His First Marriage in De
fending His Wife
Divorced Wife Furnishes Let
ters Stolen From Him to
Editor, Causing Death
Paris, July 21. Joseph Caillaux, a
former promior, more recently minis-,
ter of finance and generally considered
one of the most brilliant men of his
generation in France, was the star wit- -ness
at today's session of the trial of
his wife, Mine. Honriette Caillaux, for
the killing of Editor Gaston Caunette
of "Lo Figaro."
Next in importance to the testimony
of Caillaux was the reading of a depo
sition from President Puinuare himself,
deuling with incidents which led up to
tho shooting and ending dramatically
with a description of the president's
efforts to prevent a tragedy at the
identical time that "lime, Caillaux
was entering the reception room at
' Le Figaro'."
Caillaux was first married, he told
the court, in 1908 to Mmo. Gueydnn,
divorced wife of a Paris tax collector.
Ho said the marriage was not happy,
but would not tell why, on the ground '
that his past troubles bad no bearing
on tho prm". t ease. .
wire stole Letters, '
In any event, matters rescued a cri- -
sis in VMS. Caillaux and his then wife '
were at Mnmers at the time. A pack- .
ngo of lotters had been purloined from
the husband's desk during the night.
They wcro from Caillaux to his pres
ent wifo, now on trial for the killing
of Calmotte. Caillaux offered his first
wifo the choice of a divorce or a re
conciliation but Insisted on the return
of tho letters in either case.
Tho wifo chose the reconciliation.
Accordingly, November 5, 1909, in the -Caillaux
homo in Paris, in the presence
of Privat Doschanel, general secretary
to the minister of finance, the letters
wcro burnod, as were a list of the hus
band 's grievances against Mme. Cail
laux. Before this, however, Caillaux had
asked, In Deschnnel's presence, if his
wifo had mado' cither photograph or
copy of the purloined letters. She
swore she had not.
"Deschanel," said Caillaux on the
witness stand, "was my confidnnto
during this entire period of my life
and ho will tell you that I was never
moro sincere than when I brought about
thnt reconciliation. At that moment
I put out of my life all thoughts but
those of my wife and my resolutions
remained unaltered until somo time la
ter, when I realized that it wns im
possible for us to remain together." ;
The couple were divorced in March.
Offers Letters for Sale.
In October of the 'sumo year, when
Caillaux wus premier, his chief of cab
inet, Frnnco Desclaux, informed him
that his divorced wife hud offered to
a newspaper man named Vorvoort cer
tain letters for publication, that Ver
vourt in turn had discussed the matter
with Desclaux and that ha had given
details concerning tho missives from
which Caillaux was able to recognize
One was tho "Ton Jo" commnnicu
t win, published later in "Le Figaro."
"Those are the letters which wcro
stolen from my desk," declared Cail
laux to Desclaux, "and publication o
solely on account of their personal
character. I eun't believe there would
be a newspaper maa capable of such
a thing."
Desclaux replied that neither Ver
voort, who represented the "Paris
Journul," nor Pierro Mortier of "Oil
Bias" would permit anyone even to
suggest that they publish such mat
ter. "A few weeks after this incident,"
continued Caillaux, speaking from the
witness stand, "I married ray present
wife. We were completely happy. My
wire wns tfte most tender, the most
thoughtful and the most attentive com
panion possible, being at the same time
a perfect associate, wido awake and
well informed.
Praises His Wife.
"We lived on terms of the utmost
intimacy, both of the heart and mind,
notwithstanding rumors to the con
trary, which of course we heard. Echoes
of these tales reached us, but we un
derstood perfectly that the stories
were part of the campaign which 'La
(Continued M po 1.1