Jl ,!: r . ' f j EIGHT s n f i ! HE u i ' m i i ii 1 I II i IT is feiA TTTE DAILY CAPITL JOURNAL. SALEM, OREGON, SATURDAY, .tTLY 18, 1911. HENRY PECK'S COUSIN SALLY - - - - By Gross ThingsWeNeverSee OF "OURS S loo yEKnti; TfeStlFOR-t OV.N ecoD lLo W, IF itPcWT W T I -Stop GooP M i NdDDEOKy-HEADTo I is Mote pEoosAinioK "WW 7oo deserve ! i&)i, I Nodded Bso'&HlcoMe To TriiKlC OF IT, I PIP-HEAK -tloYJ HEGLECTTVi. . ON - ETC grJ-' r XiT $ Soo,ooopo" Ho" J 1 1 ii NEWS SIGNS AGAIN WITH DODGERS. ! BASEBALL GOSSIP CORRI STILL BUSY 'hind tln Mow, and that if Carpentier j was badly hurt it was from the fair punch which font him down. An exhib- rHFW INI. I Hr K Ad f i"" m",io pictures ot tin fight VllLilTlllVJ HI lrkJ .i,M.iotiMtrtiil thnt Smith actually .lid In Making So Many Excuses for His Decision as to Cause Much Com ment As to Its Correctness. SEEMS TO THINK DESIGN NEEDS MUCH EXPLANATION laud a lilow while Carpentier ' knee ! was on the floor, but the filma showed t'nit it Was nu apparently harmless right hand swing that just Kra.od the Frenchman's head. It seemed certain today. that another bout would be nrranged between Car- ipeiitier and Smith, to be staged not: Inter than December. I OmI.V Mn . . . Tnhnlnn San KniiK'isco, July IS. The defeat j Other Sport Matters Howevor Are talc-' nf (Iniibont Smith by CJeorges Carpen-I tiid Public Iutorert In O.her Di- tier in Loudon ihurs.lay ni(;nt win. AJ..- T1.llfJ llUl llllfl MTf Willi n MW Mni'H 111 tH II UTI- rections Away from nuV. nnVt-Ummnn ja,ir .foiniHoii, acconling to a Htikternont to-1 I I.... I.. I., I U I tn ft f ii II Hirt ' iwiik'hi " " "t emlin ? f'H.he.l . desire to brin of Thu'sdav nit-lifs riuj. buttle between '"'? iHvyweiKhts toKether, either V, , : '.- . ',h , .. . i in t nlilornia or across the line in Mex-I "", :Z . u,. ivnn Coffrnth declared that .Johnson is ... whuh the l'ter wus en tie I , ,f he hmt u .ciNioii on a Jmil in the wixtli roiiml, tii'i 1 . u0..,. Mill; rn II MI I'u mi vtir nunu o in - r " ij Ey Hal Sheridan. New York, July IS. The steady Fred Merkel By A. M. Corrigan. climb of the Chicago White Hox in the j Red McGhee Say 3 i American league percentage column Not long ago the world sat back an' was the absorbing topic in baseball ilr- called Fred Merkle first prize "Jack" ele today. With a team of probably the weakest hitters in the league, Chi cago is i)2 points behind the Athletics, and every member is thoroughly imbued with the same confidence as its leader, Jimmy Callahan, who is looking ahead to cutting up the world's series money with the winners of the National league flag. Htl l It. - L i 1 If i ve seen hii me pvaiems irieu, i bt. Callahan said before the White Sox left i I 1 r ' the kind with big, long ears. He pulled a big world series bone, caused 30,000 fans to groan some cursed an' some shed tears. Poor Fred was sure hiont startling tact definitely establish ed today was that Smilii actually was down lor II seconds before the bell Hounded in the fourth round, when he was floored by ( nrpentier. J. T. Hull," official timekeeper, do i lured he culled Heferee Kugene Cor n's .'itteution to the fact that Smith bad been knocked out. lie said Corn refused to entertain his claim that Car pentier had won then mid there. lioth Bides, it was stated, however, had agreed before the fight to let Corn do the counting. The referee asserted that as he told off the nine counts he did his best to make them accord with Hie actunl seconds. Smith Admits Foul. Regarding the claim that Carpentier was automatically disqualified by the fact that his manager, Desi anipes, leap ed into the ring bet'oro a decision was tendered, Corri said: was ipiit'i prepared to let the fight go on if Car pentier could get up. I have been lilauied for being too severe, but as a mutter of fact I had no desire to end the contest until I saw the Frenchman had been badly punished by the foul blow." weiu'it title Cot froth said be had expected Smith lo k n irk out Carpentier, and thnt if the men meet again thp Ctulibnnt will win. lie expects to receive a letter from WIl&fKT" ROBINSON Wllbcrt Uobliison will continue to nuuiepo Hie Di'ooklyn Nationals. He has signed n contract covering 1015, 101 1; ami 1017. This sets nt rest nil rumors regarding a clinngo In the man agement of the Superbaa. challenging team for the Davis inter national tennis cup left here this nftejr- for the Philadelphia scries, "and I have ( concluded thnt I u rather nave an or dinary hitting team with fiuo pitchers than a hard hitting one with ordinary pitching. "If big Ed Walsh keeps on pitching the way he has of late, we are going to cop this pennant sure. We've got a young fellow named Faber that is run ning Kil a closo second, and Death Val ley Scott and the other boys are yai;- mg off a scalp nere and there. Four It. "i " VLM i a i I in deep disgrace whea he forgot to touch thnt baso it sealed the Gi ant's doom. The wise ones whisper ed: ' Bye, bye, Fred, your playin' days are done." Some said: "Go hunt an ivory tomb. His little lapse of foot an' brain was a . . ir lumen aooui on IrPu M UIVP 8tage an train Y1r The Markets LOCAL WHOLESALE MARKETS. .. $11.00 home. Sky pilots traced great lessons nier's pluying on first base has mado from an' vodervcelians made jokes bum us forget all about Hal (hase. " 'bant Merkle 's ivory dome. But Sluggs The fact that Cleveland, with a team ! McUraw he just st6od pat. Ho knew of Bluggers like Joe Jackson and La that Fred could field an' bat, an ' make joie, seems firmly anchored in last up for his slip. Soon fickle fandom's place, would seem to show that Callahan ' hoots an' jeers nt Fred gave way to has the correct dope. I shouts an' cheers his comeback was Convinced that his Boston Americans 'a pip. also have a chnju'o for the pennant, He's mighty cnreful of his feet. I "111' ..,.!.: ... i .1 :.i ..i I"" " '" 1 "- lie Smith's iiinnnger, Jim Buckley, in about V'"""' ' ' ' I fresuient l.annin is making every ef-; Thore ain't much chance that ho '11 re ... ............. ....... ... . 'iiirr t (i. MrrtMiirr npn tiih roHirt lif.Htiipn two weeks relative to tne match. San match A Hot Little Fight. Francisco, July IS. between Four Hound Chumpion Lightweight Sally Salvador of Sacra mento mid Veteran Diek llyland of San Francisco was demnnded by the fans today, following tiieir second drawn battle, fought here last night. It was a slugging match throughout, in which Salvador's speed gave him a shade in the first two rounds, lfyland started in the third and in the last half of the bout fought Salvador al most off his feet. Referee Foley's de cision was well received. Willie Knhinsoii and Krankie Jones boxed a four-round draw in the special event. The ntiier bouts resulted: Johnnv Annum and Mickey Hogan, 1 draw. Joe Stanton got n decision over Jim i,.i. ,,u I matches Julv ":, "4 am ! Norman K. Brookes, Anthony F. Wild ; ing, A. W. Dunlop and H, N. Doust com posed the Australian partv, which ar Another, i, n, ut..,.,, a,,.ou in elimination fort to-strengthen the team, i.l 2,i. Captain 1'jtchers Shore and Until, am : Baseball : YESTERDAY'S BALL SCORES. Sinit.i settled nil discussion ns to ii,..,,,,. whether he struck Carpentier while the Unnv AmlTott knocked out Toniinv litter was on the canvas by admitting! K.-vnolds in the first round. today that he probably did, but he j jvddie Wharton stopped Tom Dris- iiiaiutnined that taere was no foroe lic-,,.l in the fourth round. L i I liny I!irinnl-on stoppei) Jim I.ucey I in one round. I Hill Sloan knocked out Jack Morris l in the fourth. Northwestern League Standings. W. Ii. Pet Vancouver r. HI Spokane r7 Seattle fit) Victoria US Portland :t" Tacoma 35 Yesterday's Results. At Tacoma Tacoma 4, Portland 0. At Seattle Seattle 2, Spokane I. At Vancouver Vancouver 5, Vic toria 1. 3 35 37 58 58 02 .ti2i .i2() .fil'J .3H .370 .301 neat the famous bull he mnrln. The and Catcher u-a.. l.n ta :.,. w. i 'Wn tor wnom he paid tinltimore stars like those of Chance and Chase OHO recently, Lannin is out to buy ai grow aim an' 8tRrt to fade. His stick the promising talent he can find. . ;work's pretty timely, too. He bangs In the meantime, thr -New YorTJ cm for a baw or two to brln- thc (..ants nre. not making the runaway . nlnnerg jn Tho fans won't ever quite race in the Nations league which w.fo rgt.t, but they'll forgive, it's safe to predicted some, weeks ego MeO-rawTa bet the MnUj Mcntaf pitchers have been going badly of late. In addition to the Chicnuo Cubs. Ni'v I York's nearest rivals, the lowly St. j McKinley country, returning over the GOOD BUYS IN REAL ESTATE ! Joe Wolcott Out Of It. I New York, Jul IS, Joe Wolcott, of Boston, the Barbadoes negro former wo'tei weight champion, is too old safely I to engage ill further ring buttles, ac cording lo a ruling filed today by tlie .. , , .1 New York athletic commission. Wol- 107 acres of timber land close to I ,,,, wh(; u more thail 4i vm oW Oregon tlectne railroad; will trade, w, o ,,av,, .,,.,,,.,.,, j,, bout tu.n, for city property j mice () per acre UtfA ntt a((!lilt ..,,,k i ),.,,- 10 acres of good land all under culti-1 ,,u' c'"";ission decided that he had vation; will take city property as part : P"d the e igible age. pnvnicut; price 2-')0. I "Icott s last ring battle was with I Kyle Whitney, a California negro, who 5 acres good land nearly all under knocked him nut in seven rounds at vation four miles from Salem and close Brockton, Mass., four years ago. to railroad station; price $750; , down, bal unco 5 per month. I Pacific Coast League Standings. W. L. Pet. Portland 52 43 Los Angeles 5S 4S Venice 54 4S San l-'runcisco 55 51 Sacramento 4S 50 Oakland 41 02 Yesterday's Results. At Portland Portland ti, Los Angel es I. At to 1. At 1. .5471 .5472 .52!) .51il .402 .308 Louis Cardinals have aitunlly got the pennant bee buz.ing in their millinery as a result of trimming the Giants sev eral straight games on New Y'ork's Inst visit to St. Louis. , Report comes from London that Pro moter "Pe.l.ly" Bettinson is trying to match Frank Moran of Pittsburg and BoinbarilTer Wells for a 20-rouii.l bout in September. Mornn has already accepted. WOMAN SAYS BURNS IS BRUTE AND BULLY snow, Another hunting party that will start north from Heattle on the steamship Mariposa in a few days, includes H. P. and F. T. Davidson, sons of II. P. Davidson, manager of J. P. Morgan's icw lorK banking uouse. GOVERNMENT MUST TAKE OVER MINES United Mine Workers Official Says Government Ownership Only Thing That Can End Intolerable Conditions. Hay, timothy Clover, per ton Oats and vetch Wheat, per bushel Bran, per ton Shorts, per ton Oats, per bushel Chittim bark, per lb CheaA, per ton Potatoes, per cwt Butter and Eggs. Butterfat, per lb., f.o.b. Salem... Creamery butter, per lb Eggs , . Poultry. Hens, per lb Roosters, per lb Fryers Steers. Steers 66Vjc Cows, per cwt 5(w5Vje Hogs, fat, per lb 7(fo7se Stock hoas, per lb, 6&(a7c Ewes, per lb o'jc Spriug IbiiiIis, per lb. - 4MiC Veal, according to quality .... 10ll'ac Pelts. Dry, per lb 8c Salted country pelts, each 65ctft$l Lamb peVts, each 25c 7.00 ... 8.00 85c ... 20.00 ... 29.00 .... 32c ,-4y.5c ... 8.00 1.00 23c , 23c 23c 12c 8c 17c Washington, 3';4c per pound; Cali fornia, 3'i4V..c. Potatoes New, local. l'L'f'i I 3-4e per pound; California, 1 3-4(n2e. SAN FRANCISCO MARKETS. San Francisco, July 18. Eggs Ex tra, 28c; firsts, 25Uc; pullets, 24Vjo. Butter Extras, 25'ic; prime firsts, 23,ic; firsts, 23c. Cheese California fancy, 13'c; firsts, 12c; Beconds, 10c. PORTLAND MARKETS. Portland, Oro., July 18. Wheat Club, new, 77(a78c; blucstcm, 8182c. Oats No. lwhite feed, $22; gray, $21.50. . Barley Brewing, August, $20; feed, $19. Hogs Best live, $8.00. Prime steers, $0,75; fancy cows $5.73; best calves, $8. i Spring lambs, $5.85. Butter City creamery, 27',ic. Eggs Selected local," extras, 25 26c. Hens, H'.iijiloc; broilers, 18c; geese, 12c. Hops Choice, 16e, SEATTLE MARKETS. L. M. HUM Care of YICK SO TONG Chinese Medicine and Tea Company Has medicine which will cure any known disease. 153 South High Street, Salem; Ore.. Phone 283. -- THE RUBLE ESTATE Chicago. July 18. The prediction be fore the Illinois district convention of ;the l'nited' Mine Workers of America Seattle, Wash., July IS. Eggs Fresh ranch, 28(u29c; Orientals, 18c. Butter Country creamery, cubes, 26c; bricks, 27c; city creamery, cubes, 26c; bricks, 27c. Cheese Limburger, 19c; AVisconsin, 1819c; Swiss, 20c; Washington, 10 l'e. Onions Green, 20(a2oc; eastorn will sell 70 lots and sixty acres of unplatted land inside the city limits of Waldport, and one, probably two, 160 acre stock, dairy, garden or fruit ranches at public auction eu Waldport, Oregon, July 23, 1914. Ruble Estate Waldport, Oregon. 5 acres good land nearly al under cultivation, house and barn all kinds of fruit, sightly location, close to street car line; will take good city property in exchange. He Lasted Eleven Rounds. I.os Anueles, Cal., July IS. Kleven rounds were sufficient for Babe Piento I to put the finishing touches on the ' injiliMic a.-piiafions of rrcddie An drews, with the result that I'ieato is crc.litiM today with a knockout over 5 acres of good land, all under culti- Andrews, another of the "curtain Vat on. iroo.l fruit nr berrv land: wil cnniupions iorce.1 mio tne iiuicmKui take eitv lot as part pavtnent; price j l,-v T"m l1""'- 2i)0. ' i Puato had his man bested from the l start, and Andrews was completely at 1 acre of good land, family orchard,1; his mercy in the eleventh. Seeing Kef well, loouted on maiu macadam road I eree Kyton t-tep in to halt the unequal leading into Salem; price $.l0; f0 contest, Jones, from Andrews corner, cash, balance $10 per month, 0 per cent i quickly shied a towel into the ring in interest. I surrender. Andrews was a stable mate of Little Matty McCue, whom Jones sent to the slaughter against Joe Rivers July 4. In the preliminaries, Steve Dalton knocked out Jack Gillis in the second round aid Karl Purvenr won an easy ten-round decision from Walter Wil liams. Venice San Francisco 2, Venice Longest Game Played. Pittsburg, July IS. lteseher's single and a home run by Doyle gave New York a 3-to-l victory in a 21-inninji pitchers' duel between Marquard ahd Adams today. From the close of tho third inning until the opening of thc 2 1st inning neither team was able to score, so effective was the pitching. Sharp fielding characterized the work of both aides. Tiie work of Burns. Fletcher, Kelly and Mowrey was bril liant. It was the longest gnme ever played in the National league. , BABE ADAMS GREAT WORK. 20 acres of good land, nearly all under cultivatiou, 5 acres of bearing poach orchard, laud has good drainage, fine building site, 3lj miles from Balem; price $3730. 5-room house, corner let, east front,! bearing fruit, store house, close to school; price $900. This is a snap. If you want to buy trade or sell see W.H. GRABENH0RST & COMPANY ROOM 2 BUSH BANK BLDG. To Buy a Set of Teeth. Baker, Ore., July 1H. To raise funds with which to buy Baker's first base man, Nick Fuller, a set of teeth to iV place t'aose knocked out bv a battle t All iu Pendleton last week, a benefit game was scheduled here for next Mondav between the Baker Tri Staters and a loesl team. Fuller takes his meals through a straw. Freeport, T,. I., July 18. At liberty on the $20,000 bond her neighbors fur niahed for her following her arraign ment at Mineoln Friday on charges ofiat Springfield by Secretary-Treasurer killing Mrs. Louise Bailey, Mrs. Flor-! Dun(,an McDonald Friday, of the gov cuicc Carman was preparing today to;prnment aoqisition 0f the state's eoal accompany her husband, Dr. Edward mine8 a8 the onlv mena of cmling a Cnrinnn, to Delaware Water Gap for a Com,itijn which "j, becoming intoler: lolitf rest. - m i. . I Oakland-Oakland 4 Saernmen- . D''te. the courage she has howii. laboring men (nklamt 4, since her arrest, the accused woman , b . f ;-,., in a nig i y nervous nrnie mm ner , . ,, , , ,, frien Is were anxious that everything , l'Kvers in the industry McDonald, possible be done to fit her for the ; auased. , strain of her trial in the fall. H Pl'ey. indeed, was not re- j Mrs. Cnrinnn was bitter, following' Krded as particularly original, but his her release from jail, in her deiuincia-; outline of the conditions complained tion of District Attorney Smith and of. equally applicable, many thought, especially of Detective William J..to other industries and to other sec-. Burns who has been employed by thc tions of the country, was spoken of, prosecutor to find Mrs. Bailey's slayer.' even by opponents of government own-. She spoke of Burns as a "bully" an.liCrship, as unusually lucid and simple, a "brute'' and of tho tramp who testi-j "When mining started in Illinois," f'ieu before the grand jury to having, he said, "it was promoted by small seen her running from the window individual operators. Each owned a throiuh which Mrs. Bailey was shot,' mine in the thin-veined northern and ns "Burns' creature". (central districts. Twenty years ago' "It seems unbelievable," she ex-! the b;g southern fields were opened, claimed, "that I should have been in-1 The veins were thick and of the finest' dieted on the testimony of'my negro ; qualitv. Factories and railroads sought i maid, who twice changed her story and ! tlese ",b,posits as adjuncts to their in-! of a tramp who did not appear in the all9tries. The final result is that these: case until after Burns entered it ' bi concerns control ncnrlv all of the I "District Attorney Smith." she -iT. ... . Pittsburg, July lS.-The splendid j added, "sent Burns to me as a friend s,mn Minn. Rmnerl pitching of Babe Adams in yesterday's who wanted to talk the case over with! .... ,ln U in Kmned- . National league re-ord-breaking 21 in-i me and the first thing he said was:', 'i.11 U'l' nuwi are equipped with ning game with New York was the talk ! ' I Ye. come to get soinebo.lv for this and ,he f'not n,od1eri1 machinery and are of baseball circles here todav. Al-i that omebodv is vou ' "' : operated on a large scale. The output though he lost, Adams' work stands j is produced at a cost much-below that out over that of Marquard of New' . ; of the older, smaller mines. The result York, the, winner. In the entire 21 in-1 WW IJ MrN SDNS iPl is thnt the big mines supply -about all -ww- aia a. 1 w V w mm I SPECIAL SUNDAY EXCURSION Train to Newport Every Sunday This Summer ' VIA THE r v Vw V f (if sunset m im,utNbnAill ROUTES The Exposition line 1911. Beginning next Sunday, July IP and continuing until the close of the season at the Beach, a Special Sunday Excursion Train will run from Woodburn, Salem and intermediate points to Newport and return on the following nings the Pittsburg twiiler gave not a single bas? on balls, did not hit a bats man and struck out six. Marquard walked two men. hit another with a pitched ball and fanned two. Left Fielder Burns of New York carried off SEARCH OF BIG GAME1 the demand. "Many of the smaller companies are almost bankrupt. Some nave suspend- i i ca ana tneir men are idle. A few new i mines are beinir onened. hut while the Seattle, Wash., July 18. In search change is going on thousands of men Th Australian Tennis Team. New York, July 18. The Australian the fielding honors. In the fifteenth of adventure and big game. ... O. Iselin, ) ari). ,he;r families are bound to suffer, inning he retired the Pirates in tme, Jr., Morgan Belmont and H. C Morgan,! iXae waste 0f the changing process two, three or.ler with three spectacular all sons of millionaires, are registered . ig going to be enormouSi All these idle x. , , the.NIT Y,MWngt.0? tuU.' m; 11 ni "ar-idle mines contain large de- The former National league record; route to Alaska on a trip that will take no,it, n. - , tk. .,., J M was established July 30, 1892, when, them far into the interior and last ua- ,. . .m VXViCZlu owner of t J,?"W'7 yachts Vigilant. Defender and Reliance, I Th M coe w.hen the ROv winners ot the America's eup. emment takes over the mines. I doa 't They intend going direct to Faii-lknow hiw soon ,hat w" f"01. u I banks, and from there to the Mount "a t see anything nearer." Chicago and Cincinnati played a 20 Inning 7-7 tie. Of the two major leagues, the American holds the record with a 24 inning game won by Phil adelphia from Boston September 1, 190(1, bv a 4-1 score. SCHEDULE I.v. Woodburn. " Gervais..., " Brooks.... " Chemawa.. " SALEM... Leave Newport... Arrive Salem " Chemawa.. " Brooks " Gervais... " Woodburn. ...5:35 a. m. ...5:42 a. m. ...5:53 a. m. ...0:00 a. m. ...6:15 a. m. I-v. Turner. .. . " Marion.... " Jefferson.. " Albany.... Ar. Newport... RETURNING ...6:30 a. m. , . .6:42 a. m. ...6:50 a. m. ...7:30 a. ra. ..12:20 p. m. ... 6:00 p. m. ..11:51 p. m. ..12:00 night ...12:08 a. m. ...12:17 a. m. ...12:25 a. m. ROUND TRIP FARES TO NEWPORT Woodburn, Gervais, Brooks, Chemawa, Salem and Turner $2.50 Marion $2.35 Jefferson $2.25 Allows Six Hours at Beach Surf bathing, boating, deep-sea fishing, roller skating, warm' sea water plunge in the Natatorium. Full particulars from the nearest S. P. Agent. JOHN M. SCOTT, General Passenger Agent, Portland, Oregon. '-4, f". f V