f ! TWO THE DAILY CAPITAL JOUBNAL, SALEM, OREGON, SATURDAY. JULY 19, 1914. 4 s 4 ;4' I. 5 4 ihr TTS furnish your riQMEy TEyMfe v '1 W EVERY DAY MODERATE PRICED What do we mean by "every-day" or moderate priced furniture? We mean furniture of utility, neat de sign and substantial construction, at prices within the means of those who want the best that medium prices can buy. We carry no cheap, trashy, inferior goods, no low price or other inducement can tempt us to enter such goods in our well-balanced, always reliable stock. We never fail when it comes to a comparison to prove that our values exceed any other moderate-priced store. If you contemplate a new home or a few new pieces, give us the opportunity to prove our claims. BL I.a rjj. massive rocker xitniltir to rut; heavy soli.1 onk frame, genuine brown Spanish leather upholstered spring wnt, golden or fumed finish. A splendid Miltie at this special price $12.75 The Opal Range i , ill If 1 3a Deservedly popular bi-ciiUHi' it is just the range tho pond housekeeper litis been louring for be. cause it is all that a Rood range should be. This range is the heaviest range built of its class. It bah tmuotli nii'kid trimming?, polished tot, oven therinoiiU'ti'r, base, cylinder, high closet, three ply nails, ro-cii forced flues, sliding draft nud other good points too inniuiierable to mention, but, above i ll, a good baker mid a fuel saver; gunrtinteed fifteen yours, will Inst n lifetime. Summer special prlccis now prevail. 1 Compurc it with any other on the market and this will be your choice. Note its features lurje nozzle, twelve inches wide, can be adjusted for any kind of rug ur carpet; revolving brush picks up nil the dust and dirt; pistol grip; snitch handle; starts and stops on a quarter turn; no bending or stooping to turn it off or on; motor made for daily use and long life; fun fastened direct to motor abaft ; no lost efficiency. Trice within the reach of all. Terms if necessary. Now $27.50 ifttr rf itfi k , V Ilmv''.' - - IV-Z Kw'HiiiiiMiuiimmfviittv Draperies Draperies for toning up the house this sum mer, voiles, scrim and cretonnes ore just the thing light and airy and serviceable. Figured and bordered Scrim, regular 20c and 50c, special 15c-40c Plain and figured Voiles, regular 35c and 65c, ipeclal ..27c -55c Cretonnes In all colors and patterns to match any color scheme, 40c-75c, special 30c-65c FEW UNION MEN AT . MR. STOLZ ACTS ON -WORK AT STOCKTON HIS OWN SUGGESTION NEW TODAY Mr. Milton Meyers, I'resident of herrians. ralm, Oregon. Dear !ir: We note by the press that One cent per word each inser tion. . ropy for advertisements un der this heading should be in by " p. in. PHONE MAIN 81. Hi IT t llK KEX TAMALE At I'red. Nilit l.unch. Stockton, (al., July IS. All of the I union men in the employ of laniels k ' linen, who have contract atiureuHtitiir I At.'iO.tHHl. miiniu' them heinir tho .lack- the t herrians have assumed a tie i son and West oide school buildings, ficiency under the city's Vf fort ulon J nnve been called out. The painters in I the line of holding a Cherry Fair diir the employ of 11. S. Todmau at the ing' June of which yon and your rs Jackson B'-bool, IS in number, have also 1 sociates undertook 'the management, qjiit. I N'o doubt the people of Salem will be I To linan stateil todav hat in his onin- l-atriotie and respon. o that this ! ion all of the union painters and paper-; "i(iO deficiency will be made up in a 0LD j.rEKS foi carpets; 10 conta hangers throughout the city will be out verv fhort time, lnere sure siiount ne hundred. Journal office. Monday. In speaking of the trouble at ; at least "IHI people of Salem loyal . the .lacksou school. Tollman said: enough to your organization to send in polf SAI.K Cash register, grapho "At a meeting of the Master I'aint-, 11.00 apiece, if not "iOO hundred people j,u,ie and 01 records, l'hone 1!7U. era association Thursdav eveuing -fol-i with ifl.nO, there should be lot) people . lowing the Merchant, ' Manufacturers i who would send in ifi.OO, and to that Sl'LENDIU turnished housekeeping and Employers association meeting, 1 j end and believing that tho people will rooms at The Lincoln, Ferry. was instructed to put on non-union men. I respond along the line siiL'ufsteJ, we - TT Yestenlav morning 1 notified mv men ; enclose vou our clu-. k for V00 to be VOH SALE Jersey cow. Also pracli that a non-nnioii man would come tot uei! towards paying the deficiency. j cully new steel range. Impure Jjj work. The entire force quit at. noon, i I think everybody apprei iatcs, orj State. after completing a job they, had begun. . ought to appreciate, the work done by' uvTm..n 1iWI,iiillp i ml.il I now have a torce of foux non- yon anil your associnrcs, not aione,- " . ,,, .... " ,, . u time was given but money and the work ness uisinn. i was well done and stands to the credit Martin. of the citv of Salem. Jiospectfullv vouis. GIDEON' STOI.;C CO. I union men. A lot or men. are applying for jobs, but they are mostly of the i 19 chips. " j .,A. L. Healey stated that the 23 i aipenters who (iiit at the Holt works j yestenlav did nut do so because of ex- isling conditions at Holt, but because ; of the arrival of unstamped lumber at ' n cottage which llealv is building in ! The Oaks. ANSWERS ME. RYAN. Comfort swinging reclining chair; n necessity on every "porch or lawn. Adjusts automatically to any position; blue aud white .canvas stripe cover; steel frame. Special $4.75 "She can look out, but you can't look in" TBA01 WVudor MARK y MTCNTCO PORCH SHADES j Eilitor Journal: In reply to Mr. 1?. : R. Kyan'g statement in yesterday's Journal I wish to say that his com munication is only in part correct. Mr. : Kynu had a verbal, agreement with the : Bail ling and Trades council that he ; would discharge the non-union painter i after the priming coat hud been put on. 1 The union agreed to permit the nou ; union man to finish the priming coat but when Mr. Ryan put him to work on ; the second coat the union men objected ! as Mr, Hynn put him to work on the ! second coat the union men objected ns : Mr. Hynn had not fulfilled his ngree j meat with the union. ' After I tool; the contract 1 found , upon investigation that the Ryan build ' ing had been put upon the unfair list because he would not keep his agree ' incut with the union and that there was ! a $M fine for. nny union chop working upon the building. I told Mr. Kynu I that I could not finish the job unless ! he straightened out matters to the sat- isfnetion of the union and got his I building declared fair to orgnuied i labor. Mr. Ryan promised to do this and there whs a special meeting called for this purpose in which Mr. Ryan again agreed to keep his verbal ngree I ment with the liuililing nud Trades council. This he failed to do and I i was not able to continue the work of I plastering. I cannot finish the work ami remain true to my principles as a union man until Mr. Ryan gets his building on the fair list and 1 know that no fair niinde 1 man would expect me to under the. circumstances. - When Mr. Ryan fulfills his agree ment with. the union 1 will finish the work. It is true that 1 was not n union man when 1 took the job but I believe in organized labor and am a member of the union now and will abide by its agreement wi:h Mr. Kynu and ex pec him to do the name. If there is a damage suit pending I would ..ue 'to have him start it at once and get the affair tested before a jury. Thanking you for the space iu your paper I am, erv trulv voms, . J. 8 AFTER. Aro a necessity to nny home with n porch because yon can add another room to your home and out-of-door room, airy, cool and shady, where you can enjoy yourself on the hottest days in secludedeoinfort. You can seo out, but passersby cannot see in; you have complete pri vacy the same as in an inside room. AIio makes an ideal sleeping room at night. Made of tough flat strips of linden wood, closely woven with seino fwino in a "lock" weave. Special, 47.6 Special, 6x7.6 Special, 8x7.6 . $2.25 . $3.50 . $4.50 DIEB. CUSHMAN At a local hospital, July 17, 11)14, at 2:U p. m., James (J. Cusli inan, aged 28 years. The funeral ser vices will be held from St. Joseph Catholic church Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock. The remains are at the Cot tage undertaking parlors. BKSSLER At a local hospital, July IS, 1SI14, at 1 a. m., Fred Dressier, aged i32 years. Funeral services will be held Sunday afternoon from tiie Coyage un dertaking parlors on Cottage and Chem eketa streets, at 2 o'clock. Deceased leaves a mother, sister and brother, Mrs. George Dressier and Mrs. Mary Long, of Salera, and Joe Bressler, of Livesley. A PROBABLE CANDIDATE. REDUCTION OF RATES MAY APPLY TO SALEM Pacific Telephone Company Cutting Kates In Portland May Cause Seduc tions Elsewhere Saya Commission. - fuur party lines. The 10 party line! Manager Meyers reports that no reason rate was $1 and the rate for the new is given for the rise in prices in the no- service is $1.50 a month. I CITY NEWS i tilication of the advance received this If the company could afford a rednc- j morning. He says the price of lumfiterj tiou of about AO cents in J ortlauil the commission intimates reduction based on old rates could be made elsewhere. ! is reported advancing but that there Special Vacation Prices on tfunia. ,ime auJ oth rh,lilllin The announcement of the Pacific Telephone k Telegraph Company that it had decided to make its rate in Port- CANNOT KILL QUAIL IN CERTAIN COUNTIES suitcases and Oxford bags, Hamilton. Lluren & At a meeting in Portland yesterday the State Kish and (lame Commission land for four party lines 11.50 a month issued an order prohibiting the killing) may result in a substantial reduction , of California Valley quail in Marion, for the same service in this city, ac cording to information obtained today at the office of the State Railroad Com mission. The company through W. J. Phillips, division superintendent, noti fied Mayor Albeo that it would fix the rate at $1.50 a month for 30 calls and three cents for additional call if the L'tate Railroad Commission would give its permission. The commission wrote to the company today that no. order by it was noces aary for the rate to be'put into effect, nd all that was necessmry was for the company to give 10 days notice. It also notified the company that if Port land was entitled to such a reduction Special meeting of Pacific lodge No. 50, A. F. & A. M., this evening. Work in the E. A. degree. Visiting breth ren welcome. o After seven successful years as a building materials. The cement wmch was for I merly quoted at 2 per harrel ia now I selling at 2.20 a barrel. 7 Multnomah, Clackamas, Washington, Vamhill, Polk, Kenton, Linn and Lane member of the faculty of Willamette counties during October this year. The i university, Dr. Ga'ylord H. Patterson, commission is stocking the counties i with Mrs. Patterson and daughter mentioned with California Valley quail, ! Louise, will leave sometime next week which is the reason assigned for the j tor the east, where Dr. Patterson will order. Announcement aisoxwas made I vontinuo his educatiunal work. that iu accordance with the provisions j u of Section .Mill, Lord's Oregon Laws, The ,.00,58 was halted this McKay (reek and tributaries, in , . , ( h to ht,M Bum. Washington county, will he open for ; bor otax M and demurrers. Judge t'pon motion of Commissioner Dun can it "was decided to test the rotary reversible irrigation ditch screen pat ented by Allen Forward in the district on the West Side of Hood River at the balem, Astoria, Medford, Baker and exjiense of the district. State Fish Other titles and towns should be given! Warden Opauml said there had bee.u a like consideration. There was an inti mation that the commission might in sist upon the reduction, and it ia prob able that it will eventually be made. The company here recently .decided to Abolish all 10 party lines and install great waste of fish as a result of screens not being satisfactory and it is the desire of the commission to adopt a plan of preventing fish from escaping into irrigation ditches and dying on tho land. Kelly allowed a motion for an amend ed complaint in the case of J. 0, Still water against X. Haas. In the case of C. H. Cross against Ralph Swarts a motion to strike out was over-ruled and a motion to make complaint more definite was also over-ruled and the defendant given until July 33 to ans wer, 0 An advance of 20 cents per barrel en carload lots of cement is reported by the Spsubliug Logging company today. The marriage of Among the multitude of prominent citizens who are mentioned as prob able candidates for office of chief of police of this city is Special Officer James Hartwell. When interviewed this morning Mr. Hartwell stated that! he was not ready to announce his can didacy yet, but that he had been urged by his friends to run for the office, lie would take tho matter under con sideration, he said, and would announce his definite inteufuns later. Mr. Hartwell probably has more obs now than any other man in the city, being deputy health officer, poifndmns, ter, speed cop, special police oificcr and several others which arc not re callel r.t present. . . PERSONALS. Mrs. Ray Lacey Holland left this afternoon for Independence, where she will .tt.n.l n fnmilv ..iminn in hnnn, nl' Miss Elisabeth ' ber Wher. Will Laeev. of Oklahoma. Louise Howell aud Chester Irvine Ball, j who is the guest of his sister, Mrs. C. of Ballstou. Ore., was solemnised at the.T. Wells, of Indeuendcnce, Presbvterian church unsunw tuln t i 'nuW nu -r- na -urs- 1:30 o'clock, Rev. Carl 11. Elliott: read ing the service, before a small assem blage of relatives and intimate friends. M. E. Pogue and Mrs. Maud Cox left this morujng, tiiotoring to Alsea, where they will spend the week-end. Hubert O. Craves and John Me STAYTON KEWS. Ml'ST SELL .My cigar store in Ha 1. 111 ; tine investment. Write A. T. V. Journal. . Stnyton, Ore., July IS. Mrs. E. S. Alexander and daughter, Marian, were Salem visitors Tuewlav and Wednes-! !.( )i AIl AM) SHCOMM.UOWTH Flit wood, four foot. Star Wood Co., Phone 120. lay. I JALE four seabright bniitnm I s and one rooster; 270 Sicitli com- leemh street. C. A. Ilniiiihanip left Tuesday for a week's vacation at Newport and to be in attendance at the druggists con vention now iu session there. While working at the logging camp east of tow n, Tuesday, Win. I'et.el met ; ; with what might have been a more1''11' serious accident. A cable broke and strin k him in the side, breaking a rib. A. W. Cornish, wife ami small daugli-i - wj; ) M i III till llt'lC 1 I VI 111 CIVlll JIOIIIU 1111 tl visit with relatives. W. c. liuison ami wife are visiting at the S. 11. liurson home. Mrs. liuison was formerly Miss I'danche French, or St. Johns, Ore., when? she was married to .Mr. ituvson on July fifth. Mrs. Jl. D. Key en aud children me hero from Twickenham, Ore., for a ; INFORMATION OF VALVE, to those visit with iier parents, Mr. and Mis. ! 'wanting to take up luunesteuds, Jn J. W. Apple. ! quire of Low. fc i)crriek, State Miss .Mable (lardncr returned to Sn 1 street. lcin Thursdav after, a two weeks' visit i with home folks. j VA V 1' V.) - I'ouscluM i.'.r.: r wrk ;. Mrs. II. A. IVauchanip and be.l.y and I the hour. Inquire for Mrs. Ilcniy Mrs. Ilawley went to Monmouth 'i'liurs-! t White Swan Bakery, Ninth Com day to attend the l'lim-ial of -Mrs. llaw-j mercial sheet. lev s sister Dr. J. W. Thomas, of Tacom.t, Wash I'Oi; KENT Modem five room cut tnge; also housekeeping room. li.'O Ninth High street. Phone I. SAI.K Solid oak butlet, S wal nut chairs, Miiall settee, slightly m'el, at sacritiee; Mm North Twenty find. n to work in dairy of 17 cows; must be experienced ami furnish reference, l'hone li:'. or l!H. FliEsdl COW FOR SM.E Inquire M. C. I'eltys, two v.nd one -hull" mill n northwest of Salem on the Wall;. co road. ' - is visiting his mother, Mrs. C. W. Thom as, and other relatives, this week. Miss Alice Matten returned to Salem Thursday after n few days' visit at the J. . Ciardner home. Dr. (f, I' Koriiiek made a professional call at Scio Friday. Enos (looilman, wife and baby are here from Fox Valley. Pavid Mangle was over from Cor vnllis the first of the week and while here sold to F, M. Korinek his prop erty near the Christian ihun li. L. F. Savage, of the Savage piano house, in Salem, passed through our city Monday on his way to Mill City. Misses Nellie and Laura Stowell re turned home Monday i'roni u visit at Silverton. FOI! SALE 21 acres fruit land, rl mi leu from Salem. Will take per acio if sold wilhiu .'III davs. W. E. ictrick, R.. F. I). No. 2, Salem. WAN TED Janitor at Willamette snu itariiim. Single, middle aged man preferred. Apply to Ur. Curtwright, C. S. Bank building. WANTED Names and addresses of nil old-time fiddlers not playing by m.te in .Marion county. Address C. A. It., 070 North Twentieth, Salem, Oregon. NEWPORT-' Large, light, single rooni.i, neatly furnished for housekeeping, line location, r per week or .2.'i tor seiicon. Also sleeping rooms. Box "20, Newpoit. J. X. Mavo, Guv Kears and Oliver ! SEWING MA I HI NFS for sale, $.1 to Leslie motored to Salem Tuesday. I -s; K'lOd drop head machines iij..jW, The mother of W. V. Hlnkelv ar-i and a special reduction on ill new rived here from Michigan one day this week. She is SO years of age and made part of the trip alone. REBEL OFFICIALS (Continued from page ono.) tion or hostility to them were shown by the populace. "I desire your government to con tinue," Huerta telegraphed to President Carbajal. "If you should require my services, I assure you they are at your disposal. " Theex-piesident also sent messages to the governors of the various Mexican states urging them to support Carbajal. Says Villa Will Revolt. Galveston, Texas, July IS. A revolt by General Villa and Zapata rfgainst whatever government General ('arranza may set up was predicted here to.lay by Canute Dulnes, Mexican consul at-Galveston. Dulnes asserted also that ex-President Huerta would go to New York in stead of France and that he would make the voyage, by way of Jamaica 1 it - 1 ".L. u ,..:.,A null naiBUH, iiul up me xiiitinu v luim i Ftristol but on the German warship Dresden. machines for one week. Singer Ma chine Office, 010 State street. ','OTK'E AM persons are hereby warn ed against accepting a note signed by us and drawn in favor of V. V. Beardsley, as we refuse to be respon sible for same. J. F. mid R. B. Bin;;-ham. FOB SALE AT A BARGAIN Now seven-room bungalow, large sleeping por'h, garden and truit trees, good well; close to school :nd s ore. I cite! ni linlem II eight nvet'u-j. Mis. Phil 'j l.oisas. A NEW modern 5-room bungalow on jin ceil street and near carline. Only takes a little money to handle. Price very low rf taken at once. See tin before it's too lnte. Laflar & Bel linger, 406 Hubbard bldg. GOING at less than half price Wnc ner 'a Library of the World 's bent Literature, expositor s Bible, and oth er books, combination parlor and mu sic cabinet, Brussels, velvet and wiT ton rugs, fireplace set, curtains, poi tieres, pictures, desk, secretary, leath " er upholstered chairs, bed hammock, carpet sweepers, step-ladder, tools, etc., ut 810 Union street. The Mexican consul professed to have his information from ex-Foreign Min ister Moheno, his fellow passenger j ATTENTION Carpenters and buildcis. Mr. and Mrs. Ball left for Portland im-, Inturff, former circulation manager of recent announcement have' formed a mediately following the ceremonv. mak ing the trip in the handsome new five passenger car, which was the gift ef the bridegroom's father, fl. W. BaB. They will be at home to friends after September at Ballston. Matron Hopkins of the Girls' Train ing school secured the third of the four girls who escaped two weeks ago, last uight at Amity at 11 p. m. Jack Wchh. ex policeman, who was detailed 00 this special case, located the girl in a bonne in Amity ami phoned to the matron who had just returned from Portland and Seattle where she went to learn of Eva Bridgman who' escaped last Jan nary. There were 410 immediate re sults front the Seattle trip but Cather ine O'Orsay was brought back, from Amity. partnership and opened law offices in Marshfield. They will be known by the firm name of Graves & Mclnturff. FBANX EIGLEB DEAD. Portland, Ore., Ju.v IS. Frank Ria ler, for many years superintendent of the Portland schools, died tuis after troen after a protracted illness. He was one of the best known educators in the west. He retired to private life about tives- .,aURhe.l and joked, posed for the a vear ago. from Vera Cruz to New York recently, Treasury Is Empty. Mexico City, July IS. Unless local j banks come to the rescue, it was feared 1 here today ' that Monday would see trouble in the capital. Government 1 salaries will bp due and the treasury is f empty. President Carbajal and his ad-j visers were making strenuous efforts to! racet the situation. , Orozco Will Not Surrender. El Paso, Texas, July 18. Determined I not to surrender,, no matter what may happen to the regular federal govern ment, General Paseual Orozco has es caped from San Luis Potosi with 4000 federal irregulars, it was learned here today, with the avowed intention of continuing guerilla fighting as long as ! he has a man left. - Huerta Is Happy. Vera Cruz., Mex., July IS. Ex-President Huerta was in jubilant spirits to day, according to advices from Puerto Mexico.- Weary from his journey and consid erably affected by the sudden change from the capital's bracing mountain climate to the soggy mid summer heat of the coast, he looked old and dilapi dated when he arrived last nigiit. A refreshing sleep, a cold plunge and a few sips of cognac, seemed fully to 1 German vessel tonight Tor Kingston, hive restored him this morning, bow- Jamaica, whence Huerta expe-cts to go to New lork for at least a temporary stav. The other refugees Irom the capital, 1 'nave some fine building lots, sit uated in Eugene, Oregon, on car liot in a fast growing district, that I will trade for Salem residence property, or will sell for small payment down aud balance on easy terms. This is idel property for building small houses for quick sales. Address J. W. J. care of Journal. A REAL BARGAIN Fou rtecn-at re farm on the Pacific highway, on the edge of a good little town in Clacka mas county, five blocks from post office; richest of river bottom land; seven acres in cultivation, S000 fino strawberry plants, 500 gooseberry, 300 currants, 200 loganberries, 100 grape vines, 40 young fruit and nut trees; finest of garden lscnd; good 5 room house, woodshed, two chicken liouses. Price very reasonaole; part cash, balance on easv terms'. See Mrs. E. E. Rooklidge, 650 North Winter street, Salem, Oregon. NORWICH UNION FIRE INSURANCE SOCIETY BTJEQILAEIIT ft MEHEDlTS Resident Agents. 385 St txer ever. He received newspaper representa- movies and evidently thoronehlv it was stated would be passencers on enjoyed himself in an almost boyish the steamship Citv of Mexico for tho IT MAKES REDDING TIB ED. I way. The re;ortefti he invited to dine j United States by way of Vera C'rur. Redding, valif..July IS. Redding has j with him in New York "at some fn-l To Police the City. grown to blase from repeated eruptions ture time." . j Monterey, Mcx., July 15. Seven that the city trurtees ordered the firet After he had conferred with Captain , thousand constitutionalist troops' wero department to stop ringing the fire Koebler of the German cruiser Dresden, oeu, as it na oiiaeno none, wnenever tne latter announced that the ex-presi-the crater is in eruption. ; dent snd his family would sail on the ordered toward Mexico City today to be witiiin easy reach for police duty in case ot an outbreak. 0 Ttwirp