Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, July 17, 1914, Page EIGHT, Image 8

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    if N
The August Delineator is Ready. Get Yours at
the Pattern Counter
Special Sale of Shoes in the
Footwear Section This Week
Unusual Bargains in
Men's and Women's
Shoes and Oxfords
A monster lot of Women's Oxfords and Pumps, popu
lar leathers in tans and black, $',.00, $:i.50 and $4.00
Take Your Pick for 99 cts. a Pair
Men's Shoes good styles in tan and black, popular
leathers, $4.00, $4.50 and $5.00 grades
Take Your Pick for $2.98 a Pair
See the window displays of these bargains.
ing the award. . The Coos Bay band
is considered one of the best in the
state, and was recommended by nu
merous organizations in the southern
part of the state.
Dr. W. S. Waite returned yesterday
from a vacation trip to lielliiigham,
The Opium Smugglers
A three-reel picture showing how this
great evil trade is being corraied by the
i U. S. Secret Service.
Protertv Is Dynamited and a Hot Fight! -Night Lunch.
Occurs Between Union and Non 0LD PAPERS r0i carpets; 10 eente '
Union Miners at Prarrte Creek. , per hundred. Journal office.
Mrs. W. W. Craig, of Stia North MUTUAL WEEKLY i
Tiventv-first street, leaves today for : ja Eort Smith, Ark., July J..iJosperuic , pnune aim -
Portland, where she will receive treat- ' rlTrlrNir; V5 , nVF j fighting between striking miners on ; tl,miUo.l housekeeping
ment at the Good Samaritan hospital. EUGENICS VS. LOVE ne sille and non-uniomsts ami guards T, Mlll.oh. ,i;i3 Kerry.
q - , J atlOaimila VUIUCUJ XCaiUllU iniaagwiv I'll tuc uiihi v
I IKII l V IIT . Vtil .- i .....
8 J
The first reports sent back from the
scene of hostilities at Ooarhnrt park,1
where the Salem militia company is 0c
now encamped along with a few other ,
companies of the third batiillion, indi-
eate that the boys are having a fine
time. L. H. Compton, who is a lieu-;
; tenant on the staff of Major Curl i
Abrnms, writes that they are enjoying!
, every minute of their stay mid that the '
' maneuvers nre proving highly success
ful. No casualties have been reported
thus far.
Secretary of State Olcott has recciv-j
ed a telegram from J. Heilbronner,
president of the Hood River Commer- !
cinl Club, announcing that the decision j
of the State Highway Commission to ,
aid in building the stretch of the Co- '
luinbia highway in Hood River county '
was a factor in the passage of the .
75,000 bond issue. The commission ;
adopted a resolution providing that it '
would aid in building the road nt
Mitchell's point out of the appropria
tion for highway purposes next year ,
if the county bond issue was approved
and tho state highway law remained
as it is.
During the absence of a number of
Salem ministers, the coming Sunday
will find substitutes in the various
churches. At the Central I'ongroga
tionnl church Rev. George K. Paddock
ot Portland will preach in the morning
and Rev. Perry Frodoiiek Si-h rock, who
has charm- of the services during t'ie
illness of the pastor, Kev. T. J. Wood
cock, will conduct the evening worship.
At the First Methodist, Ir. Avison, who
is on a vacntion, has arranged with Dr.
II. O. Kimball to occupy his pulpit in
the morning, and Frank Reagan, a nof
ed lecturer, in the evening. In West
Salem, Rev Edwin shciwood will oc
cupy the pulpit for Rev. M. I,, llulloek, cording to
vlirt ient to Denver on a wedding tour,
Fischer, the Oregon Girl.
FOR RENT Small dwelling in uusi-
ness district, l'hono iVJ, Carey .
Ml'ST SKI. L My i igur store In Sa
lem; fine investment Write A. 1. U
labor struggle lias been in progress for j
10c: months. I
I Today's encounter raged from 1 a.
' " m. until noon. The Mumnioth Vein
'Coal Mining company's plants at its j
i number 1, 3 and 4 mines were dyna-,
j ruitcd and burned.
With sixty non-unionists and guards
Superintendent Moore put up a fierce :
l resistance from mine number 4. ri-i
j nally, however, they ran out of uiiinni-, .sLF r our Seubright bantam
nition and had to flee. It was during j nlll onp ru0ster; 270 So;ith Fonr-
UC UfUTOVrDC ftM IT tht'se engagements that the nuinher I, t,,ellth strect.
find U ill OIVLUJ Ull 11 o nn.l 4 mine buildings were destroy-
wood, four foot. Star Wood
l'hone 420.
j ed. The damage was $300,000.
The bewhiskored case of E. il. Tongue
against the State Hoard of Agriculture
was resurrected from the musty vaults
nu I dragged into court this morning
before Judge Kelly. On September 14,
1H04, at the state fair grouuds race
track a race was run with only two en
tries. Lady Lou, owned by Judge lients,
and Lord Lovelace, owned by K. H.
Tongue. As there were only two en
tries, the other entrv failing to start,
the division of the purse of '!!K was
held up. As there were only two en
tries and first and second money was
cinched the Hoard declined to pay the
money hung up for a pnrse. The case
wan submitted to the National Trotting
Association which ruled that according
to the rules of the association the en
trants were entitled only to a division
of the. entrance money, $4(1.
The case went to the circuit court
and from there to the supreme court
where it was reinamled back to the cir
cuit court for reti'i.11. The case was
began in 1!(!." ami has dra
! LOST A lady's handbag, containing a
purse and two pairs ot scissors,
tify ph nc 24-F-J3.
li FNT Modern live
tage; also housekeeping
Ninth High street.
I'lione 4.
Fort Smith, Ark., July 17. The tip-;
.t . u i i.n , ...... ..u : ..
Ml- Mill) llt'iKl VI lltll uiifii-n in
me suie uuumi I runic ii-viv ruai j
uistrict were dynamited and burned;
todav. I
There was a fierce fight Thursday ! ,()i; SAI.K Solid oak buffet, 2 wal
night among Vnionists and Non-' mit chairs, small settee, slightly used,
l'nionits and guards as a result of at ,,,K.ritice; Nt'." North Twenty-first.
which the .oii-unioiiist:i and guards , ;
suffered a repulse and weic driven in- WANTFI' Man to work in dairy of
siile their stockade. It was rumored 1" rows; must be experienced ami
that yeveral were shot. furnish reference. Phone 14:11 or -till.
The inhabitants of other rumps were
arming todav nnd women and children (iOOD practical nurse wants care ol
in the strike zone were seeking places invalid (permanent position). Mrs.
of safety. An attack on the Mammoth Hughes, ."i2!l South C.jminen'ial.
Vein Coal .Mining Company's number;
4 mine was looked for. The company'
recently declared open shop. j
wanting to take up homesteads. In
quiru of Low & Derrick, 3C9 State
Portland, July 17. L. K. Richardson.'
ol Portland, and II. Vanl'yke Johns of
San Francisco were winners in the
ed on for i semi-final lound of the men's singles
LOST- Small Proinnctto Kodak, i'.x
;i't film. Highly valued as gift. He
ward. Mins I .ora Craven, Indepen
dence, Oregon.
Buys any Suit or Overcoat in stock up to $:50.00. It will pay yen to invest
in clothing, even if it is not needed just now. Buy an Overcoat and put it
away for fall you'll save a great amount of money by doing so.
Men's Straw and Panama Hats entire stock at one-half price.
The house
The Home
nine years, rrnnk Meredith, is
third r-ccretarv of the board that
served since the eventful race and
ninny of the records of the race meet
are stored in the state house attic, ac-
report. .ir. Meredith,
Miwever, decline I to delve into the
attic for records in the case though he
testified that he did all in his power to
assist with what records were available
in his office at the present time.
Attorneys John McNary and tiny O.
Smith are appearing for the plaintiff
and Attorney (ieneral Crawford for the
board of agriculture.
Crowds are attending the camp meet
ing of the Salem distiict of the Free
Methodist church, being held near
Highland station. District Elder V. N.
Coffee is in charge and he is nssistcd
by Rev. J. B. Freolnnd of Pasadena.
California. During the day, 'morning
prayer meetings, love feasts, children's
meetings and young people's meetings
are held, mid in the evening there is
preaching. The meetings will he held
until July 2(i and already among the
campers are the families of Rev. Lewis,
Morgan and Cuolev of Snleiu. and the
Hiiuers iniuiiy oi rails city, i ptons , ; ,.,, .;,i, i,.. Junlt ,
nnd -Monett of Sew berg and the Trull- ou Mrs Sl,ott at tho Soilthern Jai.ific
inger lamiiy ot wooiiourn.
discount if sold at once.
H., en io Journal.
A !.iu
the i for the championship of Oregon today 1 s ( ' 1 ; 1 PICK SALK ") s :!2-1 1, K. Lbio
has! on the Multnomah club courts. Tho" ' i,lt ,i;.,,m,,i for sale at tt heavy
rinai win ne piavei tomorrow, nn-n-i
nrdson defeated Henry Itreck of Oak
land. Cnl.. in a hard fought five set
match. The local player won the first
set ii-2, but dropped the next two by
the score;! of 0-1 ami 7-.". lie rallied
ill tin fourth and tilth sets, winning
both liy the scores of (1-2.
John;: eliminated Mranut Wickersham
of Poitlaml. Wickersham did not win
a tet but. he gave the youthful Cali
fornia player a hard hattie. The. stores
oi the match were fi-1, li t, 7-o.
FOR SALE 21 acres fruit land-, 0 mile
from Salem. Will take 00 per acio
if ;.old within :I0 days. W. E. Petrii-k,
1!. F. D. No. 2, Salt m.
n asonable figures, va.iing in payment
half cash, lialanie in stock, poultiy
or feed. Salem, Route !. Hox 77.
(Ieneral managers
Sheriff Esch returned this afternoon I of the western railroads with liendipiar
froai Albany where he went to examine ters here today notified their employes'
the dozen hoboes taken off of the representatives, who have laid before
freight train liy the Alhany police to be j tlie managers demands for higher pay.
shorter hours and other important con
cessions, that they have asked the fed
eral mediation board to avoid a strike.
The men were conferred with reference
to this notification.
-f-f -
All Around Town
BLIG1I State, between Liberty
and High) Motion pictures
"The Opium Smugglers"
showing work of V. S. Secret
Service and "Eugenics vs.
Love", a comedy featuring
Margaret Fischer, the Ore
gon tlirl.
GLOHE (Static, between Lib
erty and Hign) Motion pic
tures of Vitagrnph drama ",
Miser Murray's Wedding
Present" nnd "Snowdrifts"
with scenes of the far north.
Pipo organ music hy L. C.
Hand concert tonight at Willson
Park. Descriptive music
representing hat ties of 1M2
between Russia and Franco.
depot last night. All were released but
' throo u-iir. wupmoil to nrwwor the ilp.
The new asphalt courts of the Sa- g,.ription given bv Mrs. Scott to Sheriff
lem Tennis club, were tested officially j.:s,.h As "aa jIr3 4;,.oU ; a,
; ' "'t.'1" ' a mutch game between to travel she will be taken to Albanv;
I"1,n I'arrar, C. P. Bishop, O. B. (iing- j w,ere she will see if she is able to Hcii-
...... , ! "ch nnd ttiul Wallace. The courts tifv anv of the men held as the oue j
.who two weeks ago sold his interests st(1()j p wpll ull(lor the f.lst ,,iavillK who a,;auUe,l her
.in the Polk County Observer of Dal- nnJ the fitri,e vl,,lt,VSi drives 'd The' three men are held upon the!
lias will make his home in Salem. Mr. , smaslu,9 o( tht. ,,lavers f.,iU,,, t(1 even charge of stealing a ride ou a train i
jan.l Mrs. ok made several trip from ; sl.at(.u the sm,)(lth ,,von lrfui.,.. The : and will be given five or ten dnvs to 1
, Dallas looking up good s.U.nrhan prop- ,,,. (f )llc u.,lnis (.lub an, t.0Ilfi. )lola thcm nti, nft(,r
t'nev arc exam-!
env nero recen ,v an,, are emuus.asuc ; Jent t,st ,hat th(1 (.(mrts wil ; im(1. Mrs. Scott is not seriously injur
over the Capital city. j e,lual to Bny otcasi,m nnj ,vitl be ; ed, though she is suffering from shock.
... classed among the best courts in the ; The man struck her across the fore
made Dy tne ! . . T. . ., - ....iUi.l vritli a stli k of stnvevvnnil. In-
played on the new courts, but it is ex- flicting the most serious injury.
nected that the oneiiincr of the courts : 1 1 !
will revive the interest in the game in i THE DAILY REVOLUTION.
ternating delegates are J. M. A. Lane accidents ia hazardous occupations, butl ' " ri "in ZTu Zl Port A,. Prince. Haiti, Julv 17.-A
... . in mi ...i., , i.i,. ..... . i ifimv mt oi iin-ni mive occii rcioncu. I n..ar f
ing to be held nt Detroit, yesterday at
their convention in Newport. The ill-
Announcement was
State Industrial Accident Commission j
today that lili accidents had been re-1
ported since the law became effective :
Julv 1. There have been four fatal )
Board WiU Mediate.
Washington. Julv 17. The
board of mediation and conciliation an
nounced today that it had acceded to
the request of the western railroad
managers for the exercise of its good
r.ffiees t'i prevent a tini.iiucn strik".
T'l ' n'embers of the board sni . they
would triivo in Chicai.ii Monday.
SF.W1M! M At III NFS for sale, " to
$S; good drop head machines !2.-"H,
and a special reduction on al in A
inachiic's for one wick. Singer Ma
chine Office, lilo State street.
A NEW modern ." room bungalow on
lived r.trcct and near carliiie. Only
takes u little money to handle. Price
very low if taken at ome. See m
before it's too late. Laflar Ho
linger, -l(i Hubbard bldg.
LOT HAIi'll Al NS 10x174 on 2'Mh st,
I $J!)(t, street paved; o0x.s2, six bluets
l from postofriee, in good resnlemo
federal district, for 47."); oOxl:!-', Ill block i
from courthouse, 100; also other
good lots. See Fred .1. Smith, room
1-2 ltrcvman block. Phone 219.
The Dulles.
Very embarrassing to have your suit
case burst open on the jtatiou platform
just as you are hurrying away on your
vacntion trip. It won't burst if yon
get it ot Sliater. the dealer in leather , nw for small jobs of printing, so that
guous, j.- oooiii i omiuerciai.
All claims but those of persons who are I
not thrown out of work a month as n
result of injuries are paid montuly. I
State Printer Harris urges the vari-;
ous state departments to send in orders
The new train service will permit
you to visit Newport Sunday and after
six hours there get home the same
night. This is an opportunity that
every Salemite should take advantage,
of. Train leaves here at 6:15, and you
get home at 11:51.
Listen for the Capital Journal carrier
boy. He will whistle as he leaves your
the department will have them eomplet- i
ed when orders for big reports are giv-'
en early in the fall. Mr. Harris said .
the department had just completed '
printing the annual catalogue of the
Oregon Agricultural College and that ;
it would be ready, for binding this i
week. The book contains about 400 :
near future.
The gold medals for the ten members
of the Salem relay team arrived at the
office of the locnl association this
morning and will be sent out to the
members of the team at once. The med
als are a handsome souvenir of the race
and may be worn as ornaments on
watch fobs or may be fitted upon hat
pins for the lady friends of the long
winded runners. The disposition of the
medals is left to the discretion of the
revolutionarv outbreak occurred here
i today but it was put down after street
' . i. : . i ,l .1 u
rigniing in wuicn mere was iiiucu
bloodshed. Government victories orr
the rebels were also reported at the
towns of Milot and Peic Do Midi and
nt Fort Deronville.
minutes will be allowed for breakfast
at Albany and the excursion train will
pull out for the popular bench resort at
7:.'10. It will arrive at Newport nt
12:25 p. m. Six hours on the beach
Newport, R. L, July 17. Fog again
caused a postponement today of the
three-cornered yacht race off Hrentou's
reef to select a defender of the Ameri
ca's cup against Sir Thomas Lipton's
The members of the victori- P 1! '"At ' stdent Agents,
.in ft... ;n 1
with their names, the date of t.le r.e, ! WdZJJl
New Vork. July 17. One death and
several prost rations from the heat were
reported here today. Suffering was in
tensified hy great humidity.
335 St no Strei
ATTENTION -Carpenters and luiildeiti.
1 have some fine building lots, sit
uated in Eugene, Oregon, on car lino
in n last growing district, that I will
trade for Salem residence property, or
will sell for small payment down and
balance on easy tonus. This is ideal
property for building small houses for
quick sales. Address J. W. J. care of
A HEAD DAHCi A IN Fourteen-acro
farm on the Pacific highway, ou the
edge of a good little town in Clacka
mas county, five blocks from post
office; richest of river bottom laud;
seven acres in cultivation, SU00 fin-
strawberry plants, ,'00 gooseberry,
:100 currants, 200 loganberries, 10"
grape vines, 40 young fruit and not
trees; finest of garden laud; good V
room house, woodshed, two ebb-Sea
houses. Price very reasonable; part
cash, balance on easy terms. See Mrs.
E. E. Rooklidge, W0 North Winter-
' street. Salem. Oregon.
pages and there would be about 10,00(1 . d the lap ruMners are Ernest I.afkey,
Dr. Davis Bean will be in the coun
try much of the time after office hums.
Phone o.s F-U.
Secretary of State Olcott, acting gov
ernor, will leave for Canip Jackson at
(iearhart this evening. With Adjutant
(ionerul Fin.er he will inspect the
1 1 oops of Oregon and Idaho in annual
encampment at (iearhart.
Piano tuning, first-class work. Phono
HoTi, leave orders with (!. C. Will or
K. F. Peters. J. E. Hockett.
Arthur Long, who was gUglitly injur
ed about the head a few days ago
while assisting in overhauling the Itev.
H. E. Marshall ' automobile in the
Reeves garage on Capital street, is
again about, none the worse for his
Save 95 to $20 by getting your suit
of Moslier dining his big July clearance
sale. You can select from his fine line
of new fall patterns just in. o4 t State.
Loaded down with campers para
phernalia, Mr. and Mrs. C. 11. Pratt
of North Fifth street left in their auto
for a fishing and camping vacation at
Sand Lake. They will be joined in
Dallas by their daughter and son-in-law
Mr. and Mrs. Chester Ralph.
Our clerks re r.ept busy by people
who want and ask for quality grocer
ies. The fact that they come again
and again until it bournes a habit'
proves that they get them here. L. M.
Hoggs & Co.
Stat druggists elected KitUe Har-'
bord of Sslern aa their delepnte to t"e I
American ritrmaoiat association meet-.
- -nt-i- ni-u nnii-n no win ruse io ill a
, Purchasing property in the Garden, , ioill nrownin(t Amusement
;(ity addition to Sulem. Oerald Yolk, ti10re ext Monday, openii
Miser Murray's Wedding Present
Vitagrnph Featuring
2 reel feature5 showing scenes of
the vieat NoKhwest
A Real Coined v
C. E. Coot left yesterday for Salem,
where he is to meet members of a
troup which he will take to Tillamook
oneiiinir at
that tiinofor a week's engagement. In
cluded in his list of shows Mr. Cook litis
1 hio'.l diva .ln.r vn...1..-:il 1..
and a "10 to 1" attraction, all of bany for Newport
which nre to be put on the carnival eir
cnit. Eugene Register.
Floyd Paine, Chester Huggins. Kiutus
Jim, Frank Spence, Joe Minton, Olai'
Mineral, William Putton, Edward Tall
man, jr., and Ab Minton.
L. C. MEIER, at the Organ
4 Reels featuring
Perfect Ventilation,
It was reported to the police last
night that the house of Willie Drown
ing, on South Twenty-first street, had
been entered nnd ransacked by un
known parties and two do?.en jars of
fruit were missing. A 3U-30 rifle is
also thought to oe missing, but as Mr.
Drowning is now at Newport with the
Drowning Amusement company, it is
not known toe extent of the loss. One
of the neighbors noticed that the house
hail been entered and reported the mat
ter to the police.
Next Sunday, July 19. the Southern
Pacific will start an early morning
train from this city to connect with
the Corvallis and Eastern out of Al-
This train will lie
run everv Sundav mornine durinc the
i rest of the summer season. It will
; U'nve the S. 1'. depot nt ii:15 a. m. and
will arrive in Albanv at 7:13. Fifteen
Fred Bynon, who recently resigned
from the secretaryship of the Commer-'
eial club of this city to 0eii a reali
estate office , at 124 South Liberty;
street reports that he has Wn np-!
pointed local representative of the'
Mount Crest Abbey Mousoleuus located.
ill the t itv lew cemetery on South it.
( ommercial street. Mr. Jtvnon has had
Sell or Trade Us
cinl meets the train to deliver the pas
sengers in this city at ll:al p. m.
Tho fishermen have made a rush this
month for angler's licenses ami !)1 have
been issued this mouth at the office
of the county clerk. Many more have
been issued at other parts of the county
where they are for sale in eomlfry
stores ami also in the sporting goods
houses in this city.
A suit to recover money was filed in
the circuit court today by O. K. Do Witt
agaiust the I'mpqua Land & YVntVr
company and E. A. khotea. It is al
leged in the complaint, that there is
$1100 due on a note and the plaintiff
asks for a further sum of $200 for at-;
torney 's fees. .
Mr. and Mrs. O. J. Hull and children
arrived from Eugene this morning to
spend a few days with Or. and Mrs.'
S. C. Stone, the parents of Mrs. Hull.!
They have recently sold their business
interests in Eugene, where they owned
the Hull apartments, and after their,
visit here will go to California, !
We can dispose of your used motor
cycle, and will either bny or trade for
Bring it in, or leave it here for sale.
this garage
considerable experience with the live Four motorcycles out of
ones hut is known to be a man of : this week,
versatile attainments and will doubt-1
less shine at his new job. j w rep&ir motorcycles and carry sc-
, w T7T essories. Reasonable prices.
Frank Meredith, secretary of the
state fair board, announced today that Another expert michlnist wanted,
the contract for the music at the com- j -
ing state fair had been awarded to the j lfrt iVl rvPfV
Coos Bay concert band, of Marshfield. j Ue UCCVW
Music was furnished last year by the ' Ant0 tnd Motors Bought and Sold.
Portland band. Bids were received i Capitol at Union,
from numerous other musical orgnniza- i Phone 971.
tiona, anil tne committee on music mane
a thorough investigation before mat- Accessories Oils
"Grandisimo" alone describes the
trip niade by Mr. an 1 Mrs. Leon Cohen
and Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Robinson of
Pendleton, who, with Hon. ('. P. H'uhop
their old time friend, "took in" Salem
this morning. Motoring front the city
of 'let er-buck'" fame bv wav of
Ilend and Crater Ijiko through dry
laud and sage brush, the Pendleton
party came up the productive WUInin
ofte. Valley Inst night from Kusebnrg.
Mr. Robinson who is the president of
the Commercial club of Pendleton nn.l
a "live wire ' spoke of the material in
crease in big business ot his city, lie
sees no reason why the more favoinblv
situated towns of the Willamette Val
ley should not be materially iucreii'tint;
every minute. Hobiaon was dclihtc I
Wua the streets, lawns and huihliuu
of Sjilem aud was alert to possibilities
: here. The party started for Pendleton
Gasoline bv way of Portland this uiur.iing. (
If You Are
a Woman
and you wear shoe size 2 1-2, : or : 1-2, you'll
find the biggest shoe bargain ever offered
vou. These sizes, values from (0 CA
$1.00 to Sli.OO, go tomorrow at P'Wv
At the Rhinehart
Fire Sale
This has been Salem's biggest and best
shoe sale backed by real value-giving no
, junk.
If You Haven't
Had Your Share
Come Saturday. Don't miss it. The qual
ity shoe store, -111 State street.
Reinhart's J