Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, July 17, 1914, Page FIVE, Image 5

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Tomorrow Saturday
cling Peaches, 25c and 30c a basket, 15c dozen.
t THE DALLES APRICOTS 40c per basket. Per
crate $1.35. Don t fail to send m your order
best for cooking. 30c per peck; $1.00 per box.
pounds for 25c.
anywhere. 10c and two for 2dc.
j crop it reported as about the same
I last year; Wenatcbee's erop is figured !
I at about the Barn a in 1013; southern '
Idaho's crop it estimated la iubstan-,
tially short of last year; Spokane's
1 .crop, in commercial shipments, will bo
The Markets
Hay, timothy .
Clover, per ton
Oats and vetch ......
Wheat, per bushel .
Bran, per ton
Shorts, per ton .....
Oats, per bushel ,
. 26.00
... 29.00
.... 32e
Chittim bark, per lb I'jfffSc
Cheat, oer ton - 8.00
Potatoes, per cwt. . 1-00
Butter and Eggs.
Butterfat. Ber lb., f.o.b. Salem 23c
Creamery butter, per lb - 23e
Eirns 23e
Hens, per lb 12e
Roasters. Der lb "e
Fryers 17c
Steers 66Vie
Cows, per ewt 5(a)oc
Hogs, fat, per lb 77'jc
Stock hogs, per lb 6Mi7c
Ewes, per lb 3 Vic
Spring lambs, per lb 4MiC
Veal, according to quality .... 10ll-ic
Dry, per lb j c
vi.(.U v ii ii . i J - "
Lamb pelts, each 25c
anmi nil rrnn ti nnt tjnaiv it will
from tue Mexican, danger. Should abe ,bout the MB, in 1913. Walla I
satisfactory settlement follow the pre; WalU district will have a normal crop; .
ent peace efforts a highly imporUnt tfntni Idaho-Washington, including!
t TURLOCK WATERMELON The very best grown.
Be sure to order one for Sunday. 2 l-2c per
' pound.
X HOT-HOUSE TOMATOES If you want real vine-
T ! 1 m x. if. 11 1 1 t
npeneu lomaioes, wun an me urmness ana
flavor of real Tomatoes, order the hot-house
at 15c per pound.
t CALIFORNIA TOMATOES 10c per pound.
I Roth Grocery Co. ji
San Francisco, July 17. Eggs Ex
tras, 28c; firsts, 25c; selected pullets,
Butter Extras, 26c; prime firsts,
ion: Iirsts, zjc
Cheese California fancy,
ti firsts, 12'ic; seconds, 10c.
1 Phone 1885-1886.
410-416 State Street, t
was stated emphatically.
The particular case in question at the
moment was that of Miss Mary A. Do
lan, a Brookline, Mass., dressmaker,
accused by the customs authorities of
importing French gowns at a declared
Recognizes America's Right to Investl- value less than their real worth.
gate Imports But Draws the Line
With Interference With Merchants.
Paris, July 17. High government of
ficials' here said today that Thursday 's
official, order to Henry Munroe and
company, American bankers in Paris,
San Bernardino, C'a!., July 17. With
a compound fracture of the left fore-
not to send out of the country the doc- j arm broken jaw and miscellaneous
Seattle, Wash., July 17. Eggs
French ranch, 28fP29c; Orientals, 18c
Butter Country creamery, cubes,
20c; bricks, 27c; city creamery, cubes,
c; bricks, 27c.
Cheese Limburger, 19c; Wisconsin,
18(ii'19c; Swiss, 20c; Washington, 16(i
Onions Green, 20(5 23c per dozen;
eastern Washington, 31i(ti4c per pound;
California, 8V44VjC.
Potatoes New, locals, lV-Cdil 3-4c
per pound; California, 1 3-42c.
Portland, Ore., July 17. Wheat-
Club, new, July, 78c; August, 77c; blue
stem. 81(ffi82c.
Oats Number 1 white feed, $21.25;
gray, $21.
Barley Brewing, $20; feed, $19.
Hogs Best live, $8.60.
Prime steers, f6.85; fancy cows,
$5.75; best calves, $8.
Spring lambs, $5.85.
Butter City creamery, 27 c.
EggsSelected local extras, 23(526c.
Hens, 15c; broilers, 18c; geese, 12c.
Hops Choice, 16c.
era of reconstruction and new develop
ment will ensue la Mexico. This will
afford relief where financial strain has
been greatest, and in due season there
will undoubtedly be a rush of new en
terprises for development of the vast
and rich resources of that portion of
this continent.
The main reason for stock market
inertia has been lack of confidence, and
this lark of confidence must be primari.
ly attributed to the industrial and fin
ancial reaction which started with the
Balkan War and has spread over the
entire world. This is the prime cause
of present conditions which our poli
ticians have aggravated rather thau
soften. The worldwide trade reaction
proved by the accumulation of the
idle funds in all the principal money
markets of the world, where thero has
been the same lack of confidence as in
the United States. It remains to be
seen how far cheap money, good crops
and Western optimism will counteract
idle nulls and .astern pessimists. All
indications point to a coming turn for
the better. Tms market has been thor
oughly liquidated, and a fair recovery
is justified by the uiore favorable tenor
or recent events; not to speak of iVe
ample discounting of unfavorable
events which b:is already taken place.
,With such weak stocks as Missouri Pa
cific, Denver, N'ew Haven and Chesa
peake & Ohio it was only natural that
the balanco of the list should display
hesitation. Indeed, it is surprising that
tne market stuwed such sustaining
power. The almost total ecliiwe of
Rock island, Kan Francisco, Missouri
Pacitic and Denver security values
would, under oulinary circumstances, be
Biificient to create a panic. It miiBt' be
believed, therefore, that the present is
no ordinary occasion. Notwithstanding
these eruptions, holders of standard se
curities refuse to be frightened, and
pntiently cling to their belongings in
the belief thnt sooner or later they
are bound ' to improve on investment
The disposition of the President to
consult large imsiness interests is, if
continued, likely to produce important
results. There is no question that all
sections of the nation are beginning to
feel that there has now been enough
antagonism against big business and
corporate interests) and there is no
doubt that if the countyy were left to
its own resources tor a reasonable tiino
general confidence and piosperity would
be restored "a consummation devout
ly to be wished.."
umentary evidence demanded by the
United States customs servico "in con
nection with charges of undervaluation
of imports, marks a definite' stand
against the activity in France of Amer
ican customs agents.
France fully recogniz.es, these offi
cials explained, America's right to
charge such duties as it pleases, and to
conduct, at American ports, whatever
other injuries, Charles E. VanLoan,
snort-story writer, lies at a hospital
here today following an automobile ac
cident near Thousand Pines, in the San
Bernardino mountains. ,
Van Loan's automobile with the
writer driving, slipped over an embank
ment and rolled 30 feet down a moun
tainside late yesterday. VanLoan was
pinned beneath the car. Ho was extri-
inquisitions it sees fit to enforce their tBleu DV companion, u. r,. orucKinan,
collection. When it undertakes to pry, Los Angeles newspaperman, who was
as they expressed it, into the affairs . severely bruised.
of French business concerns in their i .,.' JJJT
own country, however, they declared ! T0 MAKE FINAL TEST,
they considered it was going too far. I
It was asserted that in some instances Hammondsport, N. Y., July 17. Avi
American customs agents have even "tor John Cyril Porte's big hydro-aero-gone
to the extent of threatening ; plane America was scheduled todny for
French business men who did not fur-1 its final test Saturday before being ta
nish the information they sought, with j ken to Newfoundland, whence Porte
injury to their American export trade, will start on his proposed trans-Atlantic
This would no longer be tolerated, it flight.
Women's Shoes, worth
up to $5, now
At the Big Shoe
New York, July 11, 1914. The hap
penings of the week have upon the
wholo been of a favorable character.
The most encouraging development was
the Jnly crop report of the Deirtment
of Agriculture. This report indicates
a crop of fully 930,000,000 bushels of
wheat, against 760,000,000 tms.iels a
year ago; a crop of z,8us,uuu,uuu Dtisn-
cls of corn, as against 2,440,000,000
bushels a year ago; a crop of oats of
1,200,000,000. bushels, compared with
1,122,000,000 bushels a year ago. The
estimated farm value of the wheat crop
is placed at $700,000,000; corn over
$2,000,000,000, and oats over $40,000,
000. These amounts of course represent
only a portion of the total agricultural
products of the country, which this
vcar are expected to reach a value of
fully $10,000,000,000.
The creation of so large an amount
of new wealth must inevitably have a
stimulating effect upon general busi
ness. This fact is particularly realized
in the Western or Agricultural states,
where the feeling is universally op
timistic. Western railroads are busily
preparing to handle the vast traffic
which this will create; and there is al
ready a pleasing diminution in toe num
Following are the pear, prune and
plum estimates for the year 1014, ga
thered by a careful snrvcy of the fruit
The condition of 'the pear jjrop
throughout the United Btatcs, although
even more difficult to determine than
the apple crop, promises less than "nor
mal" production this season, although
the pear crop is nbove the six-year av
crage. The department of agriculture
estimates it tit 08.4 per cent, and the
tix-year average at 05.3 per cent, or, in
other words, it puts this season's pear
crop at 104.7 per" cent of the six-year
average More recent reports from tho
large pear growing sVctions, however.
show a slight falling off from this fig
ure, according to a bulletin issued by
the North Pacific Fruit Distributors.
The outlook in various sections of
the country is given by the bulletin as
Northwest Yakima will hnvo a nor
mal crop; II. .od River's crop is re
portedto be about the same- as last
year; Wcnatcliee will have a little
heavier crop than in 1913; southern
Idaho's crop will be light; (Spokane's
crop, which is small, will be a little
above lr.st year; Wulln Wulla's crop is
considered normal, although a percent
age of the early buds were injured;
central Idaho-Washington, including
Garfield and Moscow and the Pnlouso
the reports are not ultogeth
Garfield and Moscow and the Palouse j
generally, the erop was decreased early j
n the season, being declared almost a
failure. The commercial output, as
compared to last year, uadoubtedly will 1
be light; western Oregon the crop was (
badly damaged early in the season. .
While it will be short, it is not the '
failure that was anticipated some tint :
ago. As a wbole, tho Urcgon erop is
estimated at about one-fifth of a full
erop. In western Washington the crop j
ta spotted and somewhat short, and in
many orchards there will be none.
Other western districts California s
crop is said to be light because the
blossoms did not set well, the average
of the 10 lurgest prune counties being ,
figured at 33.8 per cent of normal. Col
orado and Utah's crops are declared;
to be somewhere near normal.
East Crops are reported as follows: i
New Jersey, 100 per cent; Delaware, i
only a few; Pennsylvania, 50 per cent; ;
Ohio, full crop, although there has been
more blight than usual; Miclugnu, 79
per cent. I
Kouth Texas will have only a 40 per
cent crop in ninny sections.
.Middle west Iowa s crop is cstimat-;
ed at 85 per cent, which is less thnn I
1013; Kansas, 42 per centi'tho crop in
.Missouri and Arkansas was practically
destroyed by frost. I
tanada In western . Onturio there
will be a nuirked shortage,
,nglund'g crop is materially reduced
by the heavy frost.
Two Highwaymen Hold Up Auto-Stage
Near Coiusa, Cal., and "Earn" Only
Fifteen Dollars at the Job.
Colusa, Cal., July 17. Colusa and
Lako counties poMi were both scour
ing the country along tho county line
in the vicinity of the Hriu grade today
for the two highwaymeu who held up
the Williums-liartlett Springs auto
stago on tho grado Thuisday afternoon.
The masked outlaws stopped the
stage very neatly, covered Driver Wil
liam Quigley with thoir rifles, made
the passengers lino up at tho roadside
and hastily searched the men among
tbem for their valuables. They seemed
very nervous, however, and did not
attempt to search the automobile ton
nt'aii, into which tho women had hastily
dropped - their handbags, containing
money and jewelry to amount of sev
eral 'hundred dollars. From the men
they secured only $12 or $13.
The spot where the robbery occurred
is a lonely one and bas been the scene
of several holdups.
I will be our surprise day. We will have
Extra Values
We; will not quote prices, but you can feci assured
that if you need anything in
Men's Clothing and Furnishings
you will do better and your dollar will go further
than anywhere else. We will SELL OUR
surely will go home pleased with your purchases.
Bathing Suits
We have a complete line of bathing suits, and a full
supply of
Outing Goods
Shoes, khaki trousers, shirts, caps, straw hats, etc.
The proper place to trade.
Corner State and Liberty Streets
Billiards, pool, tennis, golf, fresh and salt waer fishing, boating, riding
and autos. Wo have our own livery stable and autos; 35 miles of unbroken
beach, for aulo runs. Our table is supplied from our own dairy, vegetable
gardens and rioultry yards. Postoffice, long distance phone and telegraph
stution in the hotel. O.-W., B. & N. station on the grounds. Write for term
and reservations to
THE BREAKERS HOTEL, Breakers, Washington.
Camp accommodations. Surf and Natatorium
Oregon-Idaho-U. S. Troops
Daily Maneuvers, Mimic Warfare, Band Concerts,
Drills, Parades. Dancing and Open-air Attractions
at Seaside. Concerts .on Board Walk by Ladies'
Kilties Band Saturday and Sunday.
$5.00 Saturday-Sunday, return limit Monday.
$6.00 Season.
WEEK-END TRIP Leave Salem 9:45 a. m. Satur
day. Leave Portland 2:00 p. m.; arrive Gearhart
Sedside 5:55 p. m. This schedule allows two-hour
stop-over in Portland.
J. W. RITCHIE, General Agent, Salem, Oregon.
ber of cars, which decrease more than
2U,000 during the month of June. There i generally-
remains a heavy surplus of idle equip-1 er definite yet; Montana's crop was re
B merit amounting to 200,000 carB, but dueed somewhat in 1913 it will be
mis win prouuoiy ue iimieriuntv ruuueeu
within the next few weeks. There is nl-
g'so some improvement in the steel trade,
reuuiliiig ironi u ircer HH:uif; ui uriivs
for rolling stock, although that in
dustry is still in a very depressed con
dition. In the building trade there is
a partial resumption of activity follow
ing the late acuta reaction. The June
record of failures shows a decrease in
number, and there would have been a
satisfactory reduction of the liabiltiies
had it not been for the Claflin failure,
about the same this year; western Ore
gon, Alcdford !rnd Kogue Eiver, will
have somewhere under 70 per cent of
a crop. As a whole, the Washington
crop is figured at 83 per cent, compar
ed to the six-year average of 87 per
Other western districts California's
output will be about 00 per cent of nor-
Mrs. W. R. Scott, who lives with her
husband in a camp wagon at the
Southern 1'acific depot, was attacked
by a burly hobo last nitut at about
10:30. Mr. Scott is a well driller who
has been working on tho now well at
the depot and the family has been liv
ing in a tent near tho water tank. Mr.
Scott was away from tho tent Inst
night when ithe hobo entered it
attacked Mrs. Bcott. 8ho grappled
with him and hit him with a stick of
wood, and he choked her.
About this time the noise of the con
flict seemed to scare the mun and as
a southbound freight was pulling out
ho rushed from the tent and boarded
the train. A telegram was sent to the
Albany police and a man answering the
description given was taken from the
train when it arrived at Albany.
Sheriff William Esch and Mr. Scott
wont to Albany to bring the prisoner
back to this citv.
Union Labor and B. R. Ryan Clash Over
Matters Arising While Market Build
ing Was Being Constructed. '
Tho scrap between R. H. Ryan and
the Building Trades council of this
city took definite shape today when a
sign bearing the words "R. R, Ryan
Two Year Old Olrl Carried Quarter of
a Mile Through Underground Inlga
tion Pipe Is Rescued Alive.
Riverside, Cal., July II. Carried
more than a quarter of a mile by tho
water flow in an underground irriga
tion pipo, the two year old daughter of
and His Public Market Building Is Un-, Charles Sobde, a rancher, was roeovor
Washington, July 17. Although not : of tho work
completely recovered from an attack of I Thi
indigestion, I'resident Wilson wont to! draw
Ins ottice today as usual. Secretary!
Tumulty, however, persuaded tho piesi-j
dent to return to the White House for
a rest. Tumulty announced that, to '
day s regular cabinet meeting has been!
fair to Organized Labor" was dis
played in ithe street in front of the
Building. The building and trades
council representatives sny that Mr.
! l!yun signed an agreement to employ
! only union labor in the construction of
any and all buildings erected by him
Hnf I and to pay the prevailing union scnle,
A iurthcr clause in the contract, how
ever, gave Mr. Ryun the right to dis
charge any man who was not doing
work up to the standard required.
The unions claim that Mr. Hviin
employed a nnn union painter on the
work and when they objected Mr. Kyati
refused to discharge the non union nftin
until tho work was completed. Mr.
Ryan nays that the men sent him by
the building trades council were not
doing enough work ami he discharged
them and put his old crew back to
work, lie further states that he In
tends to sue the contractor, Kd Sauter
for $1000 damages on account or an
iinieiisonnhle delay m tne completion
ing today from her unions voyage.
While playing near a narrow stunil
pipc, the child fell in and In some way
was (Uawu thiouh the pipe into tho
underground lateral, which was run
t.iug at hulf its capacity. She wan
swept pust two other stundpipes from
which it is believed she was ubl to get
Hushing to a telephone, the child '
father notified Joseph Kinge, a neigh
boring rancher, who seized her as sho
shot past a stumlpipo on his land. Tim
bubv was unconscious but was soon
unions say they will not
from their Btiind and Mr.
w i'. h
Newport, Ore., July 17. The Oregon
r'iatc riiarmuieuticul Association in
i omentum hero elected the following
President, D. O. Woodworth, Aluanv;
lint vice-president, W. II. MeN'nir,
Ashland; third vice-president, A. k!.
'rosby, Tho Dallas; treasurer, ti. 1'.
Jones, i ortland; secretary, A. W. Allen,
i;nvs ho will not give an inch mid hisi rorlland; delegate to tho American
fighting, qualities: ar well known. Mr. i Pharmacists' Association meeting at
Hvan has been on.e of the most l-i'roit, K. W. Ilarbord, Snlem; alter
prominent Socialists in the city and a nating delegates, J. M. A. Lane, J'ort
quarrel between him an I organized j 'and, and licoigo C. Blakely, Tho
labor indicates unusual interest. i Dallas.
but the drop has been heavier than pre-
which is still an adverse element .' 'it. wmTs .bo'u't 00 nt
dry gods situation. Prices have been ; " . 1 . . ;',... v.ii.
S, , , , .. . , i. i Cornice 0 per cent and Winter rclis
unsettled, and a public sale has been " J ' , , .
ordered; but Jul v is usually a month 1 150 I' cent. Colorado promises a nor
fnr eleiri,, l in the ,lrv ffortl ! mal Iar crop. Ltah 's shipments also
n - - O 11 l. n.mtt1 r. filtfitit
n 111 W IICUI IJ hvi V MWUW
The earlier estimate was 7 per cent, t44--
trndc; so this tendency should not be re
garded too seriously. The dry goods
trade is, of course, feeling the effects
of general depression at the .distributing
cni, and high prices for raw material
and labor at the manufacturer's end.
An added element of uncertainty is the
new tariff, which is admitting woolen
fabrics and fancy cotton goods much
more freelv than when it first went
I into operation. The steel trade thus far
j lias not been materially affected by the
i new duties. The country already ex
ports far more steel products than it
; imports, and is not in any serious dan
ger from the new schedule; although
lower prices abroad would probably ad
mit moderate quantities of certain pro-
: ducts in the seaboard markets of the
j United States.
The Mexican problem is rapidly dis
appearing as a stock market influence;
tho probability of American Interven
tion having almost reached the vanish-
' ing point. Huerta is evidently weary
of playing a losing game; and if ail
; reports be true, the prospects are Jor
early peace in that unhapji COTintry.
Conditions in Northern Mexico are
mucn more seuie anJ ;t ig j((nificant
that thp ' .... . ... . -
inericSti Smelting and Refin-
Co. is about to open its plants in
' that section. This market has not yet
Kast In New York the crop will be
comparatively light 73 per cent, as
compared to the 10-year average of 80
per cent. Other states are reported as
follows: New Jersey, 1)0 per cent;
Delaware, 25 per cent; Pennsylvania,
SO per cent; Ohio, a full crop, although
there has been more blight than usual;
Michigan. 78 tier cent.
W.....U Tovia roll! ti.VA Anlff AH I
per cent crop in many sections.
Middle west Iowa's crop is estimat
ed ct K3 per cent, which is lest than
1913; Kansas' crop t 46 per cent, but
is good in many sections; tho crops in
Missouri and Arkansas were practically
destroyed by frwt.
Canada Okanagon, IS. C, will have
a medium crop.
England will have about a 75 per
cent crop, having been hujt by a bad
May frost,
Prunes and fears.
The prune and plum crop throughout
the I'nitcd States, with the exception
of but very few localities, appears to be
materially short.
The bulletin gives it as follows:
Northwest Yakima's crop now fig
ures nt from 50 to 60 per cent of the
adequately responded to our escape blossom period estimate; Hood River's
Cooks the Food
Without Cooking the Cook
That's exactly what a gas stove does. The woman who
U3es one has the best of it in cooking, for she coohs
quickly, cooks cooly, cook cleanly, cooks easily.
It removes Vie dirt and drudgery from cookery. It saves
the housewife hundreds of steps and a world of hard
Cheap to buy, cheap in fuel, and cheap in its great sav
ing of work and worry.
Salem Gas Works Phone 84