Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, July 17, 1914, Page THREE, Image 3

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Today is a good time to secure your clothing
for the coming Fall.
Ready - Tailo red
REGULAR VALUES $15.00 TO $30.00.
Including many heavy weights and in all sizes
have been marked down to the customers' own
$25.00 VALUES NOW $18.85
$20.00 VALUES NOW $14.85
$15.00 VALUES NOW $10.75
Don't fail to come Saturday, a large assort
ment of all wool goods to select from.
Woolen Mills
T?S A n. rROSMAX. her dannh- Hagedoru and son wain, -Mrs. wnzei,
r.. i....!.,., u:..i;. yr. . Mrs llnms. .Mrs. i hnlor. Airs. J minis
nrr. ..lis. v nai na i-.iinut,. v a - -j .
better known as Lillian Crosmaa Godfrey, Mrs. Leo (hilds, Mrs.
Iinomian nf li.r tw remitatinn llll.lpr Swiflllllk, Airs, li. . J.llcns, .Mrs. -M. 1..
that nnme. ami Mrs. Alice M. Crane, of Holle ami son Donald, of Oregon City;
Portland, are expected to arrive tomor
row night. Mrs. Crosmnn and Mrs.
Sinclair will he entertained for the
week-end by i.Irs. W. C. Kuihluii, Mrs.
('rain being the guest of Mrs. E. E.
Miss Orosnian is passing the summer
with her mother, after several success
ful years on the stage in New York
Citv. 81ie has manv friends both in
Portland also in Salem, which sho aek
Miss Harriett Swionitik, and mine,
Opal nud liavniond Lucas,
Mrs. Carroll A. Tagtic, daughter ot
Mr. ami Mrs. T. 11. Jackson, who motor
ed ui with her parents from tlieiri
Cortland visit the tint of the week, left
for her home today.
Henry Rohrer, of Seattle, is a guest
of V. S. Page and also at the Page
nowlcdges as her birth plnee. All join ! country -residence at Luke Labish.
in extending her a sincere welcome, aud ...
will show her manv charming attentions! Mrs. F. A. Colony, accompanied by
during her summer's stay. 's -ra Elliott of Kearney, Ncbras-
ka, is in Portland, the guest of -Miss
Thirty-six members of the Baptist Marie Hutchins and other friends. Miss
Sunday' school took a launch ride up Elliott left yesterday for her home,
tho Willamette river Wednesday night,
stopping at an attractive place, where ; The members of the Sewing club of
they enjoyed a picnic lunch. St. Joseph's Catholic church met with
Mrs. Charles M. Chamberlain asked
a few friends for an informal afternoon
yesterday, complimenting her sister,
Mrs. George W. Groves, of Indepen
dence, who is stopping hero with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lute Wood, on
North Winter street.
Asked to meet Mrs. Groves were:
Mrs. A. L. Grant, Mrs. Hoy W. Bowers,
, Mrs. M. N. Hamilton, Mrs. Willis Tuck
er, Mrs. Jeanette Townseud, Mrs. Ar
thur Hamilton and Mrs. Henry V. Matlock.
Mrs. C. Wieduier yesterday afternoon
nt her home on North Cottage street.
Musical numbers added to the pleas
ure of the afternoon and refreshments
were served by Miss I.eona Wiedmer
and Miss Louise Berndorfner.
Those present were: Mrs. Theodore
Barr. Mrs. T. K. Ford, Mrs. M. J. Pet
kcI, Mrs. Frank Albrich, Mrs. V. Kited
stnnek, Mrs. JStephen Breitenstein, Mrs.
Heennn, Mrs. I'ruitt, Mrs. Davidson,
Mrs. Lewis, Mrs. John Noud, Mrs.
Calvert, Mrs. H. H. Meiring. Mrs. E. A.
Finney, Mrs. A. Kufner, Mrs. Brnntz,
Mrs. Lebold, Miss Lebold, Mrs. Mary
Hchoettle, Mrs. Albert O 'Brian, Mrs.
Thompson, Mrs. F. Doniogulla, Mrs.
j John Gantenbein, Mrs. Frank Berndorf
ner and Miss Louiso Berndorfner,
ff.il A'-VTv
C4-A-li-' V" 'i A
y UnYmI MmM Cswui
p i
oaiuraay t-gni i-Vf - lBr?y
Specials anSLLI Specials
Wash Shirts
Women's and Hisses' Wash Skirts in Linene and
Indian head. Broken lotof sizes.
Wash Skirts
Entire line of this season's styles in Rice Cloth Rat-'
ines and Novelty Wash Goods.
- SPECIAL, $1.98.
A dandy assortment of Summer Dresses in Lawn
and Linen, in a variety of pleasing colors.
SPECIAL, $1.48.
Miss Annrbelle Rupert left for Sioux
City, Iowa, and other eastern points
I port, was released today on $20,000
l bail.
Her bond was signed by Smith Cox
and Ernest Rnndell, rich residents of
, Freeport and close friends of herself
and Dr. Carman.
Mineola, L. I., July 17. Mrs. Flor
ence Carman, against whom an indict
ment charging first degree manslaugh
ter was returned Into Thursday as a se
quel to the recent killing of Mrs. Louise
Bailey in the office of the former's: All women are born reformers and
husband, Dr. Edward Carman, nt Free- they want to begin on some man.
! Salem's first sketching class, which
was recently organized, is doing excel
lent work, transferring impressions of
some of Salem and the Willamette riv
er's loveliest places to their canvasses.
Under the direction of C. C. McKimm,
1 of Portland, the class is composed ot
f r. r. n:n r : .. - i '1, . .1 r
, ULlcn .u HiKHirt villi, .turn iini'irii - ii .-a i i
M. Eppleyi Henry Lee and R. Monroe J !'' mgl't, expecting to be away
i Gilbert. the first of October
The work represents the semi-impres-,
sionistic style, and it is expected that
the organization will become perma
nent. Later in the fall an exhibition of
the work will be made, and the artistic
efforts of each will also probably bo
seen at the annual state fair in Septem
ber. "
Miss Dora C. Andresen, of The Jour
nal, and her guest, Miss Bertha Thorn
Fruits and Vegetables
Jim Willson's Triumph Teaches, basket .' '. 25c
Pluma, Bradshaws 20c
Apricots. Hood River 35c
Grapes, Early. White 35c
Bananns, dozen ". 20c and 25c
Oranges, dozen J5f, 25c, 0c
' Lemons -'0c
Watermelons, pound , SV.-c
Muskmtdons 0 1. :t for 25c
Hot-house Tomatoes, Cucumbers, Beans. Cabbngc, Lettuce, Turnips,
Beets, Carrots, Celery, Green Onions, Radishes.
Westacott-Thielsen Co., Inc.
Successors to
Thielsen Cash Grocery L. A. Westacott & Co.
151 North High.
Jo..'u ot banana green inulm. ;ntrold
red with large rosea; corean of luce Willi
Karl ambrold.rlea.
I '
I Henry E. Kabrick left this morning
I for a two weeks 'so.iourn at ?ewport,
V. G, Holt has returned from a trip
to Blackrock.
Mr. and Mrs. John Simon nnd dnug'.i-
burg, will leave tomorrow afternoon for j tcr Mary of West Salem have planned
an over-Sunday visit at Newport. ja trip to Canada where they will visit
in Calgary and other points. They ex-
Miss Wilda Solomon is the guest of jeet to leave Monday,
the C. W. Boeschcns at their Newport Mrs. L. N. French departed for Lex-
cottage for two weeks, leaving for the ' 'ngton, Ore., today, where she will visi
Mrs. S. T. Davis and Mrs. G. Millard , ttxlny to spend a two weeks' vacation' stories and was valued, with the fumi
of Wilbur, Nebrnsku, are making an jn jjvport. ' ture destroyed, at $1,400, covered by
extended visit nl the home of their sis- j p j Dnv'ies ami daughter, Ethel, of ! insurance for l,200. Only a few piece
ter, Mrs. Thomas Shelley, on Kertli ()reon city, are guests nf Mr. Davies' j of the furniture were saved. Tho firo
High sheet. duughter, Mrs. J. K. Suover, un Twelfth i thought to have caught from tho
H. Yenst of the O. E. railroad of Port- ...,. , ..v. Tln.v enmn ' kitcheu stove, but how is not known.
land is registered at the Bligh. to attend the Wisconsin picnic.
Mr nnd Mrs. S. W. Plvmiitoii and f. .i M... t,.l... nr,u .,v,.r
on are L'uesta at the Bliirh. I f,,' mi,.. ,i,,v n..,l r th mnHU ! neighbor
Miss Ruth Swolwdn of Chenuiwn, ! o Mr Dnrby's father, W. 11. Darby,
who has been attending tho Cnpitnl -
Business college, accepted a position I
Wednesday with tho Oregon Wursery
company at Orenco,
Fred R. Meyer, acting mnnnger of
The Toggery, is in l'oiMiind today for
a brief visit.
Miss I.eona M'irse, secrct iry to Stat .'
dime Warden Evnns, bus returned
V J..l.. ...1 1 n... I...H un.
llom neuiiie, nir.-iu mm; r'i-in n,-i
: cution visiting f ri-n'ls.
IT V VnnilirifW iini 1 till Vivl In the
ii. "..'., ..-.,-..v
I state gnnio nnd fish depnrtment, left
Mrs. Herren was at home when the
firo started but her husband was at it
s a quarter of a mile away.
She ran to this point to get help, In,
when her husband and neighbor-)
I reached the house it was so far gone
, that efforts to save it were useless.
Excitement and exhaustion from her
uwiu vvutiM ot.fortH (.llHa0(, Mr9 jIerreu t0 ,.,,,
AN JII VFRTftN R0AH ""or the .lauger was all over and Dr.
Hobertson was summoned.
The home of Mr. and Mrs. Levi Her
ren was destroyed by fire yesterday
mnrii i 11 ir utwiiif l):.'!0. The home was
situated about four miles from the city i of wheu we grow
on the Silverton road, was of two 'nuully as we cut i
This country uses about 45,000,000,
000 feet of lumber every year, ami tho
record will be something to be proud
us much timber bii-
her sons, who have a large farm there.
E. B. Tongue of Hilslboro is register
ed at tHo Marion. . ' '''
H. Rohmer, of Seattle, is a city vis
itor. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. P. Clarke of Van-
A delightful surprise was given Mrs. couver, Wash., are guests at the Marion
beach Tuesday.
w w
Mr. and Mrs. William Browii, accom
panied by Miss A. Stout, left Wednes
day for tneir Seal Rock cottage.
Recipe Department
F. S. Lucas yesterday afternoon at her
home, 12a Miller street, when a num
ber of her friends called to assist her
in celebrating her natal day.
All brought lovely gifts of china arid
crystal ware, and refreshments, consist
ing of ices, enkes and i'mit punch,
which were served by Mrs. Sauers, Mrs.
llngedorn nnd Mrs. G. W. Lucas.
Those enjoying the Afternoon's en
tertainment wore: Mrs. H. Sauers, Mrs.
last night, motoring south bound for tho
mountains tiiis morning.
Reginald ,f. W. Amery, of Portland,
representative of Fleschner-Muycr Co.,
13 at the Marion.
H. T. Holdeii, of Portland, is nt the
W. C. Andersonof Portland, is at the
Marion. He is with the bond depart
ment of the Luinlierinnn 's .National
Bank thore.
Train to Newport Every
Sunday This Summer
f- .v.... --mt
The Exposition Line 19U.
Beginning next Sunday, July 10, nnd continuing until the close of the
season at the Bench, a Special Sunday Excursion Train will run from
Woodburn, Salem and intermediate points to Newport and return on
the following
I.v. Woodburn 5:35 a. m. Lv. Turner., 0:30 a. m.
" Gervais 5:42 a. m. " Marion ...0:42 a. m.
Brooks 7 5:53 a. m. " Jefferson 6:50 a. m.
" Chemawa.... fi:00 a. m. ' Albany 7:30 a.m.
" SALEM 6:15 a. m. Ar. Newport 12:20 p. m.
Leave Newport 6:00 p. m.
Arrive Salem...'. 11:51 p. m.
" Chemawa 12:00 night
" Brooks 12:08 a. m.
" Gervais .12:17 a. m.
" . Woodburn 12:25 a. ta.
Woodburn. Gervais, Brooks, Chemawa, Salem and Turner 2.50
Marion 2-35r
Jefferson 22d
Allows Six Hours at Beach
.Surf bathing, boating, deep-sea fishing, roller skating, warm sea water
plunge in the Nutatorium.
; Full particulars from the nearest S. P. Agent.
JOHN M. SCOTT, General Passenger Agent, Portland, Oregon.
L il 1 II 1
The Circus
Given by
Taking a Surprise to Tfie Fishes,
the Fishes.
THE fishes bad bad a circus a few days before, and naturally uuuuy una
to tell Jack and Evelyn all about it.
"Whieb fishes performed V" asked Evelyu.
"Oh, ever bo many!" replied daddy. "And, first of nil, they had
"Tbe porpoises bended the procession; then cnuie the drurnUsh, furnishing
the music for the purude, as, of course, you can Imagine; then cunie the buss.
Water - Proofing Matches. Dip' the ovea until a delicate brown; cut
matches in hot, melted pnialfin if you tigs into strips, cherries into halves ami
wish to make them water proof. pineapple into dice, dissolve sugar in
ithe water, add cream and bull without
Graham Cakes Two cupsful brown stirring, after boiling commences, until
flour, one cup' white flour, three cupsful a soft ball is formed when tested in
sour buttermilk, one teuspooiiful of cold water. Remove from fire, let stand
soda, dissolved in hot water; one tea- until bike warm, t.ien beat to a c renin,
spoonful of salt, one heaping teaspoon-; Melt the cream by standing it " "'-
1-ul of suit, one heaping teaspoonful of ing water, stirring constantly. i
lard, three eggs, beaten very light. I melted, add the fruit and nuts and
iiako thoroughly, both sides; serve liavor with vanilla.
hot ' '
Orsnge Fritters. An., excellent
Old-Style Flannel Cakes. One ipiart orange fritter suitanle either for lunch-
of milk, three tablespoonstul ot yeast;; eon or tor a dessert tor iliinier may no
A good recipe for the above sized box
is the following: .One cupful of sour
cream, one cupful of sugar, one half
cupful of crushed walnut meats, a level
teaspooufl each of soda, baking pow
der, and salt, one well-beaten egg, and
enough flour for a stiff batter. Hpico
to taste. The cake should bo baked in
a slow oven until it doubles in size,
then the heat should bo turned on to
finish. Good Housekeeping.
Worth Knowing.
Hefore using a new comb wash it in
soapy water, ami when dry, rub with it
littlo olive oil. It will then last twice
as long.
To make .jam or imirmalade look clear
without skimming it udd a piece of but
ter the size of an egg before removing
the fruit from the lire.
To remove rust from a knife, plungo
f,,r tlier think rhpr nre verv imDurtiint. A number of turtles followed next, mm tiitilesnnonful of melted butter, two'mado bv adding to the plain fritter bat
K..i .liovv., In tvmwWfiil elinrinlH hr the ulllL'iitors. The lellvtisbes. who took I einrs. well beaten: one tablespoonf uL ter an extra egg ami extra sugar, the
the parts of clowns, enme next, ami the crabs followed behind them, wiggling of salt; flour to make a good batter. ! grated I of one orange and half a
and making bows to tbe audience."
"Wbo were lu tbe audience?" asked Jack.
'All tbe fishes who bnd not entered tho circus and did not enre to perform
tricks tbcmselrea were in the audience, and there were ninny of them.
"Then the little tlsbes flniKhed up the parade, riding on the buckB of the
bigger ones or Just swimming along us fast us they could to keep up.
"After the parnders bad marched n round the circus ground twice tbe circus
"Tbe porpoises performed Hist. They did some wonderful tricks, splash
ing with their tails every time they were applauded, which was very often.
"The jellylislics were around all the time making funny remarks in fish
In n - u n I iiei'fiirmln? verv silly tricks.
"All tbe fishes did their various little stunts, and tbe onlookers tuuugbt It platter.
was the very best circus that they had ever seen.
s.. nil -ilmvp inurei bents, except tlie i cuntii or caihiieil orange peel, mis
; butter and eggs, as a sponge over night, should he served with a hot orange
'Add the butter and eggs before using quince made from the .juice and peel of
I in the morning. I'nt the cakes when another orange, two talilespoonsfiil of
i taken off the griddle on a heated plate butter, one cupful of Hiiiiir and one ta-
for the table. - blespoonful of cornstarch. The sugar,
j 'butter ami coriistiin h should lie thor-
i Eggs a 1 Martin. Hub together two oughly bli nded, the grated peel lidded
level talilespoonsfiil of butter nnd two with one cupful of boiling water, t'ook
lot' flour; add a cupful of cold milk; until it is char und then turn in tlie
1 stir until boiling; add a half teaspoon- strai I juice of the orange. When
jful of salt and a dash of pepper. 1'our ' this is slightly cold add to it a cupful
'half this sauce in the bottom of the.uf thick, rich cream, which mis been
lirenk over it six fresh eggs whipped dry, and servo with the inl
and cover with the remaining sai ,.tcis.
iinrter of II pound
Experts Agree i
The Ket'ereo Hoard of Consult
ing Scientific, Experts of the
I'. S. Department of Agriculture
ngrcc us to the wholesome ncsa of
aluminum compounds such us
used in
Write us for cop)
of V. N. Bulletin
No. 103, Dept. ol
Agrieultu re.
One I'rice
2 m". a pound
All grocers i
Seattle, Washington
! i -
"Tben both the performers and audience gathered together nnu had some , ,,. ,.... ,. , i,.,k to f if ; Liver Timbales. I'ia.c Pi pounds of
fish lemonude, wbli b Is n very nice drink, the Usbes think. iefu milmt(,,, a t. 1 the eggs are set. ' liver in a saucepan, add one slice of
"Tin audience told the performers how much tboy bad enjoyed the circus t(ic BlllM0 , onion, one-half of a buy leaf, one tea-
and oncournged nil the ones wbo bad acted so much that they tben nnd there spoonful of salt and half a dozen pep-
deciiled tbnt they would practice every morning and that every Saturday afl I weisn Rarebit. Slice down some pereorns, pour over sufficient boiling
Dn.iu.M iln.v wmilil linve a circus with no audience. ..,..i ,.i,.,,w. miliei- thinlv into a water to cover and siinuier slowly till
"The audience then sunt that they would be only too happy to come mid I VPIV ,.,.nn stewpan with a quarter of, tender. Let stand
n,.,t hi..- u-.ml.l furnish lli Hull l..inmi.'iit.. mill Kometiiiics when they felt I if u w,.ii,i nt butter and two or threeltake out tlie meat,
very rich and prosperous they would have neuweed Ice creiiiu.
"At that the performers wiggled their tails some more uixl said that that
arrsinircnieiit suited them perfectly.
"And tben, to the surprise of nil the performers, what should they see but
two of tbe oldest families of Usbes. each with a flu on :m enormous platter,
upon which was some delicious seaweed ice cream, nil ready for n surprise l"r
the fishes who dad jrlven so much ainiiKemciit."
Any Edwin Clapp Shoe
Value to $7.00, at
At the Big Shoe
until cold, tufn
isiurd tubes and
.. . i . ... .1 1. .1... tf.....l .
spoonsful of porter, good ale or new grisne nnu ,mu u iiu "r
milk, as you please, and according to per. Measure and to two solid ciptnls
the quantity if the cheese; flavor to, add one eiiptul of fresh bread crumbs
taste with freshly ground black pepper ' ked in milk or chicken stock, a ugh,
and dry Knglish mustard. Htir over the seasoning of salt and pepper, ten drops
fire until all is thoroughly melted and o'o J'"" two tal.lespoonstul ot
of a thickv, creamy consistency; pour y cmM. ., p"..v.
!it over hot buttered toast which has tired timhale molds. Stand in a pan
'been placed in a hot tin or fireproof of hot water and cook in a moderate
;dih; brown the surface in the oven oven until firm in the center. Serve
lor not, as vou like, but make very hot, 'th a good brown sauce, to which may
land serve at once. ' ' ''hopped olives.
' Turkish Nougat. One pound of al-i Picnic Cake Is Baked in a Box. If
. iiionils. one of seeded inisins. half of i vou would like your picnic cake to ar-
: flu. n fourth of candied cherries, a rive unbriken, try baking it in one of
mirth of candied pineapple, a fourth of j the -V i inch by SLj inch tin wafer
hickory nuts, a fourth of hnglish wai
nuts, two ot extra (' sugar, half a cup
.ful of water ami a cupful of heavy
cream, ll'auch the almonds ami toast
.almond, hiekoiy nuts and walnuts in
boxes. If the box is fillet naif full of
cake dough, it will rise nearly even with
the top, leaving just enough room for
icing. The cover can then be put on,
and tho cake will arrive iu perfect con-
the blade into an onion and leave it for
in hour. Then polish in the usual way.
Cream that is too thin to whip may
be made to do so by adding the unbeat
en white of an egg before beginning.
Kreucli fried potatoes dipped ill corn-
meal before frying are fine.
Add the grated rind of an orange and
a lew tablespoonsful of juice to it
sponge cake. It gives it the right
flavor and prevents quick drying out.
.lanesvillo (Inzctte.
Crescent Picnic Biscuits. 1 pint
flour; -. teaspoon salt; 1 teaspoon
Crescent baking powder; 1 tablespoon
Sift flour, salt and baking powder
together ami rub in shortening. Then
mix to a soft dough with milk, (toll
out three-eights of an inch thick, cut
into rounds. On half tho rounds spread
a little butter and a thick layer ot
finely chopped seasoned meat. Cover
with tho remaining round anil press bv
gether. Brush tops wit n milk. Place
an inch apart in greased pans and bako
in a moderate oven.
'i i
:c. !