Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, July 16, 1914, Page THREE, Image 3

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spent I chnperono at one of the sorority houses
t week j of tho University of Oregon, making
Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Knighton
several days the latter part of last
as guests of friends iu Portland. Dur-i her home in Eugeue,
ing their stay they were, dinner guests '
nfthe Dr. A.' K. Hue keys at their sploii-' Miss Anna Bryan nnd Miss Evelyn'
did new country place, " Kockholm,"; Xash are among the local people en-,
which is located on the exclusive Kiver-j joving au outing at Newport. They i
side driva residence district. Thoy will visit friends in Albany upon their,
were also guests at the smart ' return, which will be in August.- ,
garden party of the A. AI. Smiths,
given at their beautiful residence,; Teachers of the Baptist church con
also located on Riverside drive. , vortej their regular business meeting
Sunday a party of Portland motorists,! jnt(l ol,tJ0or affair Tuesday even
composed of Mr. and Mrs. 0. Lyman,-j in(r holding n at the attractive lawns
Mr.: and Mrs. It. F. Stevens, and J. W.int"'tlic tute fuir grounds. . Following
Xewkirk, came up to be their guests - t,usinenii discussion, a picnie sup
for the day. . ier was served. July 28 has been de-
, Icided upon as the dnr on which the
A very informal little bridge club, Unnul church fuir will be held, taking
formed last fall, and which has met i ..i,,,... niniil the same surroundings.
each week during the winter, was en
tertained by Mrs. S. M. Eu.licott Mon
day afternoon.
Mrs. (!. W. Lnfler and Mrs. V. 0.
Asseln were additional guests, the club
members being Mrs. Hoy Burton, Mrs.
8. 8. East, Mrs. Craig Marvin, Mrs.
Harding, Mrs. Thomas Galloway, Mrs.
Harry Wenderoth and Mrs. Howard.
Miss Grace Holt, a popular high
school student, is being entertained by
her clnssmute, Mis Kdnn Howd, at the
Ilowd's country place at Shaw.
Those present Tuesday afternoon were: ;
Kev. and Mrs. Harry Marshall and son,
.Mr. and Mrs. Charles Roth nnd sons, !
Mr. nnd Mrs. Theodore Hod and sons,
Mr. and Mrs. O. S. Davidson, Mrs. Jo-.i
scull Walsh, Mrs. James B. Shanks,
Mrs. Edward Shnnks and children, Mr.
Kopley nnd two daughters, Miss Irma :
Bushn'eil. Miss Inez Dennison, Mr. and
Mrs. A. J. Anderson, John Broer, Miss
Katy Keinhart, Miss Mina Gile and
Miss Flo Imus.
Mr. nnd Mrs. A. Dane. Miss Grace
Daue, and Clifford and Desmond Dauej
will gtipnrl tnpir fmninior '. nut.infr n t 1
their cottage at Nye Beach, leaving for
that place yesterday.
Mr. anil Mrs. u. W. iNeedliam am
their two sons left Salem today for
llrietenbush Springs, where they will
enjoy a month's vacation.
! lilt : vv -
ill i v ' ' v v v , i ii i
' : ill
Mil' t A t . i -J - v i I
I W- i f ' '''-n ? B
The new auto puiniier of the Salem
fire department was tried out his
afternoon and amply fulfilled all ex-.
pei'tations both as a pumping engine'
nnd a hose wagon. The first test was:
i tried at North Mill creek on Summer;
and Division streets. Water was
nuinped from the creek throuuh several
) lines of hose and an eveu pressure was
; maintained. Ii was proven that the
water could lie thrown from the ereek
! upon the highest residence from the
i street level, in a good volume.
The engine was then brought down to
the corner of Front ai.d State streets
where a line of hose was run from a
stand pipe. It was demonntrnted that
the water could lie thrown in sufficient
volume to the ton of the I'nited States
National Dunk building. It. was ex
pressed by the members of the fire and
water committee of he city council
nnd the members of tho board of under-'
writers that the engine had demon-;
strnted that it could do nil that wns'
claimed of it. Councilman Constable,
chairman of the fire and water com-i
nnttee, stilted that he believed that the
city of Snlcm now had the best fire
1 rotection that it hud ever en.joved and
that the department wns better equip
ped to fight fires thiin it had ever,
I been before. The department has been
nhlo to reduce expenses by letting out
two firemen nnd one team.
Billiards, pool, tennis, golf, fresh and salt water fishing, boating, riding
ami autos.' We have our own livery stable and autos; 35 miles of unbroken
beach for auto runs. Our table is supplied from our own dairy, vegetable
gardens aud poultry yards. Fostoffice, long distance phone and telegraph,
station in the hitel. U.-W., R. &, X, station on the grounds. Write, for terms)
and reservations to
THE BEEAKEE3 HOTEL, Breakers, Washington
Miss Martha Bowers, daughter of Lloyd W. Bowers, Solicitor General
t, nd Mrs. James Evans will leave Soring the Taft administration, will be married la October to Robert A. Taft
today for San Francisco, whero they 0f one-On President Taft. '
Will mBKe ineir uuiut. I
W. P. BabcocR is at BreitenDusa;
. u. .:ii ......i ,:. vo.'oHnn ; Mehama visitors over Sunday.
there, not returning until SeptemDer.
Miss Jessie West, who is attending
the Capital Business college this sum
Mildred returned Sunday evening but
n iciuMiii'g u..... - i,..l,. vaentinn
Judge William Galloway is spending , ' - - ' -
his vacation at his ranch home in Polk
ner, is visiting at tho home of her eoii-lcou"ty- ,, . , , .
sin, Miss Louanna Brown. Miss West! Mrs. Theodore Burkltardt arrived last
has many friends here, where she lor- night from Portland to spend a lew
mrl Voalilp.l wltli hnr i.omntu A f j dnva with her husband, Theodore HurK-
preseut their homo is in Winlock. Wash, i hurdt, who is filling Ralph Watson's
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Minto and son
Jack left yesterday for Newport, ex
pecting to remain there until the mid
dle of August.
Mr. John W. Minto, of Portland,
position at the state house during the
latter s absence.
Superintendent nnd Mrs. W. F. Hale
and little son have returned from a
trip to Nye Beach.
Mr. and Mrs. F. Breske and child
are at the Marion, motoring from Port-
formcrlv of Salem, entertained last land, bound for the soutli.
night at a card party at her home in' Mr. and Mis. Ross Hartley and child
East Twenty-second street, North. Mrs. ! ren and E. A. Clark and children motor
C. L. Crellin, of Plensanton, Cal., washed from Forthnd Wednesday and lire
the honored guest. Auction bridge fur- guests at the Marion,
Denver, Colo., July 1C Tho "goat"'
rnsuiiied his place today in the ritual i
of Elks' initiations, following a sharp
tiyhl between the small town delegates 1
and icpresentutives of big t ities, iu
which the small town friends of the
old order of things were victorious by
a ote of 24 to i: 1 4.
The opposition to reinstatement of
i tho "goat" said such initiations were
j horseplay and a "return to barbar
ism." The ruling was finnnlly amend
ed so as to change the ritual and by
laws iu such a way that lodges desiring
to return to the old form of initiation
may do so, but leaving tho use of the
Big Crowd Assembles at Fairgrounds to
Talk Over Old Times An Event That
Grows More Delightful Yearly.
nished the diversion of the evening. A
dainty supper followed the game.- The
rooms were decorated artistically wihh
choice flowers from the gardens that
supouiid the Minto residence.
Mrs. Crellin is the house guest of
Mis. Herbert 1 1 ol mini. Last Monday
Mrs. D. W. Campbell gave an elaborate
luncheon for the visitor. On Friday
afternoon Mrs. Holman will be hostess
at bridge, with Mrs. Crellin as the guest
of honor.
Members of the First Congregational
church and Sunday school held their
annual picnic last night. Going by
launch and motor, about 100 enjoyed
the outdoor pastimes and attendant
lunch on a lovely spot on the lion.
George W. Weeks' country place two
miles north of Salem.
E. W. Von Glnhn of New Y-.irk is
registered at the Marion.
Herbert Flngg of McMinnvillc is at
the Marion.
F. H. Stickley of Tangent is register
ed nt tho Murion. '
C. M. Idlemnn, a prominent Portland
attorney, is at the Marion.
F. W. Sullivan of Oregon City is
rigistoied at the Marion.
I.nrk Bilyeu, a prominent attorney of
Eugene, is in tho city to argue a case
before the supreme court.
I Rev. A. Moore returned this inorn
! inir from attending the archdiocesan
synod at St. Mary's Cathedral in Port
land. Both regular and secular mem
bers of the clergy convened there yes
terday morning.
Tho Misses Lucv Hinton, Nellie
Mrs. F. E. Yantis und
Mary and Uirdeen, leave tomorrow
morning for Portland ami Seattle, ex
pecting to be gone two weeks. Wliilo
in Seattle they will attend the annual
Potlatch, Mrs. Yantis and Birdeen be
ing entertained as the guests of Mrs.
Yantis' sister, Mrs. A. Keys. Miss Mary
Yantis will be the guest of Miss Ruby
Hoff, formerly of Salem.
Miss Fern Hobbs was a Portland pas
senger this morning.
O. E. Franzke, of Portland, is reg
istered at the Bligh.
Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Kurtz of Dallas,
Oregon, are guests at the Bligh.
Mr. and Mrs. I. Oreenbanm and ehil-
aren and Mr. ana Mrs om Tiie "Badgers" held a picnic vestcr-
Ik-aver, Tillamook county, where they ( day at the state fairgrounds. Tho plc
have gone for au indefinite camping I ,ic grounds were crowded at this, the
vnention. ' . . I fifth annual idenie of tho Wisconsin
cuwarii nosieiu is urn- uKom ... , r0!ljdeiits in Oregon. One hundred and
Salem after a three weeks visit ifinv ,,, rPIii,tcred. but with tho
British Columbia. I ...., ami children nearly 1100 en joyed
the occasion. Some of tho representa
tives were pioneers in Oregon, too, and
many were the recitals of experiences
Mrs. Geo. Nicols arrived Sunday lromithey had in crossing me niounianis io
a month's visit with relatives iu Marsh-1 the new land, Oregon, where they were
field. She reports a very enjoyable ' to make their homes. Old things, mem.
tinio but says she is glad to be back lories of tho older generation, history
anain Jis there is no place quite as good ; to the vounger folks, were recalled. At
, ' . .1.1 ..l.:...l l..VI. ti'nW.
aB nome. uuuh uiu-imuiuiicii ........ ...v.. 1 t,lrtowu
Dr.' Si.erwood preached here Sunday opene. ami me K" """'V' i Webster, Lexington
evening, taking up Rev. M. L. Bullock s , witn tnosc wno nun ,..ep:.m. . r. hKtoll. (V ,,wptt Marshall; E. Ilriggs,
work, who left Tuesday lor Denver, , .iim ncu..,
Colorado, on a wedding trip. Dr. Sher
wood will preach here every Sunday
evening at 8 o'clock for the rest of the
conference year.
Miss Inez Fitts has returned from a
two weeks' visit with Portland friends.
Troy Wood and Raymond Hex will
motor to Tillamook. Monday for a cou
ple of weeks' outing.
Mr. Frank Simon has returned from
Mrs. F. Jessup, a former Salem ma
tron, is the house guest of her sister,
Mrs. K. Carpenter. Mis. .lessnii i a
Campbell, Happy Trindle and Violet his vacation at the coast. hums, a Wisconsin resilient, wnicn was
Welbom left 'Sunday evening f or a i A bunch of five young men from the' written for nnd first rend several years
daughters vacation trin at Rockawav beach. I Marion, Aloore and Thomas families ngo nt ft Wisconsin gathering at Umro,
Miss Alice Lupton, is visiting reia-lstari mis wcea lur cusn-rii unfun ' railing lunn so nun n .nu..u ......
tives near San Francisco. She will be I Washington. They will go with team it was forwarded to be read at Salem's
gone for a month. and plan to take in the entire harvest-1 reunion.
Miss Marv Tallrich, is visiting her ing season. I Vernon county had the largest repre-
brother nt Blodgett, Oregon. She Willi Messrs. Leo Spitzbart nnd Lawrence ; sentation this year, capturing the ban
return Saturday. . Simon will start for Xctarts Thursday nor the second time. Treiiipenuleau
Mr. and Mrs. lArtlnir Benson, left for' m01.nill going bv nuto to Willamina county scored second and Waushara
Breitenbush springs yesterday. Theyiall( ftm thence on foot. Their plans carried away t'.urd honor for high at-
will siieinl their vacation there. iu tL ; l.ike from Xctarts to tendance.
Mrs. John Simon and daugh-
A. Thompson, Black Enrth; L. Conner,
Fiudden; Nina Morse, Xeilsville; li.
Kingsley, Fox Lake; W. Straw, Wan-
toma; J. Favow, (Juiiicy; Miss Clara
Mosher, Mondovi; M. Mathers, Tomnh;
I. Ferguson, Rock; Henry Lynch, Green
Lake; Thos. Mailer, Wanshaw; L. W'eni
ger, Milwaukee; MrB. Henry Lynch,
Wanshaw; E. Cutsfortli, Wyocena;
Irene Cutsforth, New Auburn; Augusta j
Matthes, Appletou; Susie Do Lnp, Ver-j
non; Achsnli Do I.ap, Vernon; J. W.
De Lap, Vernon; M. Pettys, linraboo;
0. E. Lewis, Fairchild; J. C. Wells,)
Trempealen; (). A. Noyes, Galesville; W. i
Hill, Galesville; M. Han, Jefferson;
C. Van Wagner, Omro; W. Oiiinmings, '
Treinpealea; A. Fink, Watertown; l)r. I
V. Fink, Watertown: Victor Fink, Wu-1
M. Briggs, Vlroqnn; Daniel I
iington; G. Webster, Lex
rv . v v . Virninin! J Tnin nil I lis. V rftimii! S.
stylo "eats" minglcd. Keene, i.reen Bay (I. .Icwett, Marshnl;
ll,,"'1 rened. the program pleas-, (, 'Jew,tt Vlarshal; J. McLeod
ing all with a violin medley incl udiug i tol r,t0I ti Kom,PV vukesl.n
improvising Iron, popular to o Id-t.me Crosse; D. M. liush-
nielod.es. Miss Morns gave a reading; J. vml H Kj Menoml.
W. Jates rendered two solos; Mrs. O Mnnominin; K. Warren,
A. Noyes gave two, enjoyable rra.l.uK.S , Kiniriev, Waupaca; M. Hwo
Mrs. Trestra.l gave a short talk and , , Jf mi; . , ,
also read an appropriate poem. Of un- j Unv0n; K. Swope, Lincoln; K.
..sua inicrcM s u pu-... ..... ..j ... ,(,.,. Wliushara Co.; F. Rnncnn,
L. Ciimmings, written by W. r. . ii-1 1,,11,fi,.,l. w ,,,,,.,.. m ,..,..,.
" v -
Miss Edilh Libby, of Marion, 'sjXewport.
visiting at the home of her aunt, Mrs.' '
W. T. Rigdou, on North Winter street. I -M,r: an",
J. Sci.nller; F. Km.., Jr., Waterloo;
Mrs. F. Kit ir., Jr., Waterloo; A. Un
derbill, Whilew; Mrs. II. Morris, Able
man; K. K. Green, Monroe; A. Bailey,
i o ii Darren; S. llofmn; La Crosse; F.
Ilol'nia, La Crosse; I. Jones, Markesnn;
V. Hill, Markesnn; C Jones, Mark.isan;
H. Saver, Eau Claire; G. Gales, Gnl.V
ville; Mrs. G. Gales, Galesville; A.
Bohrnsted, Galesville; M. Iiiilirn.it. 'l,
Galesville; S. Ili.gemaii, Mansion; Mrs.
('. Ilngeini..., Maiistoi.; Mrs. II. Kellogg,
Sauk county; E. li. Taylor, Wnuharn
Miss Mildred and Anna Forrest worn ; r. ,
visit of several weeks in Calgary and
knvji y
's Bedti
The Prize
1 UK U 1C - mm.
, Giving the Prize to
Fairy Queen. the Fairy Que.
T dawned on daddy that It was high time for him to tell the children a
fairy story, but before he had had time to suggest It Evelyn said:
"Oh, daddy, do tell us a story about the fairies! l'ou baveu't for Just
ver nud ever so Ions."
' : "No," said daddy; "that is quite true. 1 was thinking that myself this
evening and had planned to tell you one. Besides, 1 haven't told you about
the swimming party they gave the other day.
I "The chief feature of this party was the diving competition. For this com
petition the fairy queen offered a prize of a great big bunch of pond lilies.
"All the fairies entered the competition, of course, and they all were such
excellent divers and able to make such wonderful leaps Into the water that
the fairy queen could not make up her mind. Finally, though, she decided that
perhaps little LIghtfoot fairy had made almost the most wonderful dives.
But then, just at that moment, Silver Wing made one of the most perfect dives
the fairy queen had ever seen. And once more the fulry queen could not for
the life of her decide who should win the prize.
"So she decided she would make a little speech. She called all tho fairies
over to the bank and began:
'"Little fairies,' said she, 'I cannot begin to tell you how I have admired
the diving of every one of you.'
"At this all the fairies looked so happy and so proud.
"'But what has beeu puzzling me,' continued the fairy queen,. 'has been
to decide on the winner of the prize. So I have decided that every one of you
will be given n pond lily Instead of giving the whole bunch to one prize win
ner, for it would be quite impossible to do that.'
"Whereupon the fairy queen presented to each little fairy a beautiful big
pond lily. And. oh, how happy nnd proud they all were!
"Then tbey suggested that the fairy queen should show them some of the
wonderful dives she could make.
"She wns perfectly willing, for she loved to dive, and she always liked to
help along the parties all she could. So she made all the different dives she
knew, and the fairies clapped their hands and were absolutely delighted.
"But one little fairy seemed to be missing.
"'Where has little Golden Hair goner some one suddenly shouted.
"The fairy queen stopped diving, and the fnlrles were Just arranging to
look for her in various coves of the little lake when she came in view, swim
ming for all she was worth and carrying with her an enormous pond lily aud
breathlessly shouting:
" "Here is a prize for you, beautiful fairy queen.' "
other Canadian points.
Mr. and Mrs. Warren Burch nnd
children will camp at Riekreal for the
balance of the summer, combining work
and pleasure, as Mr. Burch has steady
employment there.
Mr. Joe Siddall and son, Mr. Dick
Siddall, of Kings Valley, were recent
i euests at the J. H. Eaton home.
... , , . i lir tt OMIIUIW.. K. il TS
i Chas. Knee and uaugnier aim . n. At... u t...,. .:.. . Mn
Fitts and family motored to Sodaville p Morris;v'. (Vimn.'ings and J. Hiiover!
t Sunday. . Program committee, Mrs. M. Dei.ison,
1 Mrs. J. Sunver, Mrs. O. "Xoves and Airs.
FROM FRIENDS ubukuh iuuh . Ti,osc attending were:
Mrs. A. Underbill, Vironua; 11.
Arrangement., were made to have a
ii-: :.. ... ..... ...... .,:.,,
1SCOIIS1II rClMC! u.'ri. ui iuu , if'i'i" . . .. ,, ,,...,
state fair so that visitois and residents j ' ' J t ' 3'
could heroine acquainted Plans are, Qf r Jo
also on foot for a probable nii.l w.nter everlasting obligations to the
meeting, and plans went on record tor. , . , . , ,
a sixth picnic to l.o held the middle
Wednesday in Jnlv of next year. Otti- 1 - , ,
cers elected for the coining year are: , . fc , - ,
apta.il Di.ni.-I Wter, president . ,.,,; .
W. H. Dalry.nple, vice president, ami , 9 ,
Mrs. J. Snovor, secretary. Reception
t-oiuniittee, Airs. If. Donaldson, Miss
Southwick. Mrs. R. Donaldson, Miss,
(Continued from page one.)
fic.i party fomented every one of these
rebellions und plunged Mexico int.) li
bitter war which will nut end until
Rpai.lin.r in Sri cm for the nast t...: -i..i.i,i, . 11.1.U T...ia v,.,t these couspiriiturs linvo lieen put to.
eighteen years, the derth of Mrs. . I. W. Atkinson; H. Corey, Burlington; F. death.
Edmnndson is a hard blow to her many .Southwick, Viroqua; Emery Blodgett,' Land Owners Against Reform,
friends and relatives in this city. Kcnnimorc; Rov Blodgett, F(ni.i-S "As these men lire the large lurid
Two weeks ago Mrs. Edmnndson went lnolt.. c'as.r An'dregg, LaCrossc; Mrs. ow ners and feudal lords of Mexico,
to Newport where she has been upend- (. a,,,!,.,.,, m ( r0KS,.; Clair Blodgett, they will never hit idlv by and wiitrl.
ing her vacations for the last three, , a ri.ofiSP. MrH (, ;nl.orni Waushara; tlio common people rule the country,
years. She was only ill three cays, f M,.A,aln8, i.aiicasier; M. C. I'etleys, They will never listen to the idea if
passing away Tuesday night. Her Blll.a,,00. w. Steele, Blue Morning; F. , dividing the great estates and the re
death was unexpected although she has A Thompsonf ma,.k Karth; F. Kurz, trti..n of a constitulion which gives
not been well for some time. Waterloo; R. O. Donaldson, Haraboo; D. the maHw. t,. ri(,i,t to govern Mexico.
She was he da wrfiter - of !ll:;hncll, 1'atteville; W. Wilson, ( hi,.- if Ju,rta ,, l,,,,,,, escape, it
t" , " " V irmn Hp: i ates, .lu.ieau; .mis. h . r. iiuiinar.i, -a from ai)N,ad. They should be extra-
Pemberton she was married to J. W.
J-J.lmuu.ison at tne laniuy nome j.,airk. Farl, ,ohn hVe,,. Mar-hf ield ;
miles souin oi nnie.n. mk.ii s .w- .,.,. ,...;,. r,u . st.ill.nnn.
Bovd; Mrs. L
I'aL'e. Ba.iL'or;
No Peace Whilo Tbcy Live.
Cross.-; Mrs. Julia Mlo.lgett. lio.vcev.lle; , (it,.(, ,,,,, ,. criminnlB which
F. Kurz, Waterloo; Peter Harmon, IIIt,i0ult-'li v me, and should he
i .iir.c ra...., ........ ........ .,., . ,,., ... ne.i:. tv V r flie r
lale. Roccntly the E.hiiun.lsons moved ' ..',., t ,., . ii
w . i.' t ui 1 1
street, in her immediate family she - -, - ,.,.,.' ..' "It wns tne scieni.iicos wno per-;
leaves be.r husband and two sons, Don- f enmmore, Mrs W .V B o.lg tt t - Run(,(() thllt Mnll(.r() W1H ,
aid aged 9, and Paul aged 1 ,. vears. n.u.ore; Rev N. Blodgett renin- ,fi,. w ,)rlnis(.M( d it was the j
Her father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. ""; Mrs. '. H. Peterson Spooner; j(J f,,,,,.,,, '()f ,)iaz'who ,,,
John Pemberton; a sister. Mrs. C. A. Mrs. h Simmons I.ojceville; i eontent among such illiterates ns Pus-
I Cole and a brother Dr. J. R. Pemberton v,"",,"lu: , , i "' Z' n."':"" cunl Orowo. Inez S.ilaznr is a r.-d-;
also survive her. ;''" ., - ,,.hi,ui,.' flngger who believed in nothing short
The funeral took place this afternoon ' Oshkosh; Mrs K. D enn on hkosh z . ,
from the Friends church, Reverend ; I M'le Oak i .te Ma M. I es I ,
Josephine Hockett and H. E. Pember-1 Oak. en er; Theo M -, hers Toma, A J I,
ton officiating. A quartette composed Miles, Oak (enter. htrel ate, .In- rehellion were sown in their1
of E O Newbv Mr and Mrs Chester "'"; Bonaldson, Sarongs; J. Hast- ? r 119 " r. ih inon w re sown in in.ir
. Vv-' ii i V.- i ii.os Virnr.nn- ' I W Yates (i-irdner- brains by the cunning conspirntors.
Ha.llev an. Miss Hazel heeler ang ;ings, iroqna .1. . i arcs, .ar dner, ,..,,.,,? .i,;. ,lr .
The interment was in J. L"H, asvilie; r.. mn.igan .leirersou """."; i, , " ' ;
Johnson. Vernon; r,. I nomas, "j .....
Sit Down and Cool Off
Here's the biggest bargain in comfort you ever
saw ! A constant, refreshing breeze for less than a
quarter of a cent an hour!
The weather never gets too hot for a Westing
house Electric Fan to be effective. The Fan creates
a delightful breeze on the hottest day, and goes on
doing it season after season without repairs. That's
why a Westinghouse Fan is a good investment.
Every member of the family should have his own
Westinghouse Fan. We have all styles, sizes and
" it's electric come to us"
Salem Electric Co.,
Train to Newport Every
Sunday This Summer
The Exposition Line 1014.
Beginning next Sunday, July lit, nnd continuing until the close of the
season nt the Beach, a Special Sunday Excursion Truin will run from
Woodburn, Salem and intermediate points to Newport and return on
the following
I.v. Woodburn 5:.'I3 u. m. I. v. Turner...! ,.l.:.'10 n. in.
" C.ervais .,...0:42 a. m. " Marion (i:42 a. in.
" Brooks 5:51! a. in. " Jefferson t:50 n. in.
" Chemnwa : DO a. in. " Albnuy 7:.'I0 u. m.
" HA I.EM d:15 u. m. Ar.' Newport 12:20 p. m.
Leave Newport 0:00 p. in.
Arrive Sulein 11:51 p. m.
" f'hemiiw'ii 12:00 night
" Brooks 12:0N u. m.
' 4 (Icrviiis 12: 17 a. in.
" Woodburn 12:25 a. m.
Woodburn, (iervuis, Brooks, Clieinawa, Saleni and Turner 2.150
Minion i?2.:',!
Jefferson t2.25
Allows Six Hours at Beach
Surf bnthing, boating, deep-sea fishing, roller skating, wurm sea water
pluiige in the Natatoi iiim.
Villi pnrticulnrs frmu the iicnrcst S. 1'. Agent.
JOHN M. SCOTT, Goneral Passenger Agent, Portland, Oregon.
Marion Second Hand Store
Beautiful 64-Piece Set of
Only $5.25
Headquarters for Tents.
You can buy them cheaper here than elsewhere.
All our Stoves are selling at 15 per cent below the.
regular prices.
Highest price paid for Used Furniture.
333 State Street.
Main 2329.
favorite hvmns.
Citv View eemeterv.
Over 200 umbrellas were found in
the room of a female klemtomaniae. Se
believed in laying up something for a
rainy day.
v.L. m1 Vernon- Mr,' t-eace. With the victorious army of "Kemove the last vestige of oppo.V ! victors from preventing future rebel-
j A Hnover Wautoma- J A Snover the eoiistitutionnlists about to take . tion to good government from Mexico lion nnd crime by removing from -Mex-
Wautoma- c'F SnortK Wautoma; Mrs. possession of the capital there is al- and peace will be lusting. Hard con- ico the cause of all the trouble tho
C P Snover Wautoma; I). H. Lavie, ready talk of a counter revolution In'.litions warrant stern measures and the members of the scicntifico party and
Wautoma- Ethel Davies, Wautoma; F. favor of Felix Diaz. I'nitel Stutcs should not prevent the their criminal satellites."