j; i1 ! 4 . 3 I 1 ! n j J f 0 ' I t i i ; i 4 1 . u 1 i is Br I BIX THE DAILY CAPIT AX JOURNAL, SALEM. OREGON, WEDNESDAY, JULY 15, 191 J. HENRY PECK'S COUSIN SALLY - - - - By Gross ThingsVVeNeverSce 1 1 ' ' ; .. " " ' I ' I - . . I I Morris' Prices . tt- PORT NEWS .1 cans Carnation Af'lk 2-c Inrge cau new ai'k little neck clams ..15r I'ent sugar cured hams, lb. Ulc I 'km 5 sugar cured pick nick Hie I test sugar cured harks, lb ii2- .Best streaked heavy baron, lb 2-c Koyal Crown 1.33 1'erfi-ction $1-13 3 cans Marigold milk 25c 4 pkg. Ami t Hammer soda 2,1c No. 10 Sack Corn Meul 30c Carpentier Says He Is Ready for Qua SMITH-CARPENTIER FIGHT TOMORROW Baseball No. 10 Pack Buckwheat 45c 3 enns String Beans 25c Host Crenmery lluttor 30c Try our 30c Oof feo it ' a hummer. 1 gal. extra rhoict) peaches 35c. 1 (jul. eitra choice apples 30c 1 gnl. extra choice pours ...,3"c 2 pkgs. fresh raisins '. 15c 1 pkg. fresh currants 10c :S"t fi tomatoes 2oo 3 cans line it.T -. .. 25" 1 can extra fine plnsnnpi. ioa 5 cans Clenrbrook peaches 50c 2 cans Clearbrook apricots 25c 2 cans Early June peas 25c 2 cans l.ibby sauerkraut 25c 2 cans prepared hominy 25c 5 cans Atlantic clams (very best) 50c 3 cans large fat oysters 25c 3 cans pink salmon 25c 2 cans Columbia river red salmon ....25c 1 can nice asparagus 15c Keg I'ickles 85c 3 lb dried peaches 25c C lbs. choice dried (runes ...25c Mi gal. choice syrup 25; No. 10 pure lu'rd $1.40 No. B pure lard 75c No. 9 Compound 65c Columbia eats ............... L..30c Columbia wheat v....30e 5 lb. box marraroni 3 pkgs. Post Tostio 25c i pli9 Krlnkle Coin Flakes 15c (I bars Koyal White hoap .25c (i bars Morris Host 25c 10 bars Kilt Savon sotp 25c 100-11) sack molluscs alt'ult'a meal $1.25 100 lb. sack plain alfalfa meal $1.15 Pack brau 75o 8ark shorts .$1.11 ltent rolled onts, sack 80c Land Plaster by the sack or ton. carry a full line of groceries and feed. boat's Punch, and Smith That He Has It In Stock. WELSH WILL HANO ON TO THE CHAMPIONSHIP TITLB And Wltl Refuse to Meet Any Live Ones as Long as Possible Gossip Says Welsh Is "High brow." London, July 15. Gunboat Smith and Georges Carpentier were both ready today for their fight Thursday night at Olympia. Netting was even. Carpentier received a warm welcome on his arrival and Manager Des Camps, repreiicntiiig him, had hardly stepped from his train before he was predicting that the Frenchman would win by a knockout inside of three rounds, "I've been warned to look out for Smith's punch," said Carpentier, "Well, I'm ready." "It takes only ono punch," Bnid Smith. "I'll tniiirnnton to move fust '10C I ,.,,, ... lr t . l'r.,nt;..r Imiv T at. pert to will." An attendance of 20,000 at the fight was expected. Olobe Movie Picture Tickets Premiums, for Bring this ad with you. R. N. MORRM, lt.md. Phono Mnin 1 HIT. WELSH IS NOT DIFFIDENT. By Hal Sheridan, . New York, July 15. A dip into the dupe book reveals the fact thut whwi Freddie Welsh separated Willie liitchie from his lightweight crown last week it wns the first time in ten years that KiiKlnud hus hail a world's boxing cliiinipiiiii. or, to be exact, since Jem Howker beat Frunkie Neil of San Fran cisco for the bantam title in 1(104. Welsh undoubtedly will jealously guard the championship as long as pos sible, picking up easy money in the music hulls and sidestepping any really dangerous opponents until forced In ured and had the Donverite backing up in the sixth. They both slowed up in the seventh. Yoakum showed good advantage in the eighth. His infight ing in this round wns a surprise to White and he eusily had a shade. Yoa kum also had his own way in the next two rounds. In the eleventh Whito began to force matters, jarring Yoakum with stiff rights and lefts to the head and face without a return. White cut loose in the next four rounds and had Yoakum at his mercy, raining jnbs, swings and uppcrcuts almost at will. A hard right to the jaw put Yoakum down for seven seconds in the 19th. As he arose White landed a succession of rights and lefts to the head and Yoakum went down for the count. The fight drew about $12,000. White was guaranteed $4,000, win, lose or dra w. WILD BULL INVADES APARTMENT HOUSE PACKEY MTARLAND MARRIED., Northwestern League Standings. W. I.. P.C. Spokane 50 33 .629 Vancouver 58 35 .624 Seattle 58 3tt .017 Victoria 37 55 .402 Portland 34 56 ,.373 Tacoma , 33 CI .351 Yesterday's Results. At Tacoma Portland 4, Tacoma 1. At Vancouver Vancouver 9, Victo ria 0. At Senttlc-Spokano 3, Seattlo 1. Pacific Coast League Standings. W. L. P.C. I.os Angeles 58 45 Venice 53 Portland 49 'San Francisco 52 Sacramento 47 Oakland 39 Yesterday's Results. At Portland Portland 7, geles 2. At Oakland Oakland 4, Sacramento 3. San Francisco failed to arrive at Venice. Climbs Tour Flights of Stairs While Frightened Occupants Crawl Under Their Bed's or Flee Half Dressed. I.os Angeles, Cal., July 15. Packey McFarland is bearding the ferocious grape fruit in its nativo southern Cal ifornia lair today, picking n few orange blossoms for his bride, and planning a trip to Catalina Island for a ride in a glass bottomed boat to watch the tricks gold fish perform. With his bride of less than a week, the Chicago boxer nrrived here late last evening and wns bowed into the bridal suite of the Alexandria hotel. His bridn, a pretty brunetto, aided him to receive the dozens of callers that soon sent up their names. Packey took occasion to remark that Freddio Welsh is likely to hold the championship for some time to come, adding that the only thing that would entice him bnrk into tho ring would be n chance to regain the title for Ameri ca. "But the fellow who fights these 20 round California fights has to' have n strong bnrk and a weak head," Packey sagely added. "You've only got one face so what's the use of letting anoth er fellow spoil it for you?" BOYS MAKE GOOD SHOWING. 45 43 50 54 61- .563 .541 .533 .510 .405 .390 Los An- I.os Angeles, Cal., Julv 15. The rel- iative merits nf k'i.l I)nlt,, nn,i t ,.,,1.1; .:,, .I,,-,.,.- I,:- i i It, , Corner Morris Avenue and Fairground v .1 ! , " ' V. V " '. i, ' . i: ! ," K remained un- , i due s a.'tivtties in the quince orchnrd, stirring four-round drnw in the meeting ; but Willie never had unything on Fred- j before Joe Lew's four-round club Inst .die in picking the soft ones or as a col- night. Thev probablv will be matched lector of easy money. again. The pork and t.ean brigade en- I A story is going the rounds of . tertnined with six preliminaries. j ) eisn s HNXll'IV IIUl io ovenooK uiiy-i : thing. When he won the F.nglish light- 1 miiihi i weight title some years ago, Welsh wanted nn automobile. He suggested coyly to an Kuglish firm that it would be a great advertisement for their ears if the champion rode in one of them, I and that if he were presented with one I he would consent to use it. The firm g ( the publieitv without cost bv pub- i;i,;,, i.v..,i.i;.. !.,.,, i',,.i,..i.i. wuiou; win lUno riiy property as part y h ""' '"show ' Dave Fultz AM H 11 PO payment; price 2)!). '; urn machine now. ! and so on everv dnv. Mack there wit:, : St.-l'M lllii ('llwit.l'.il.l I Will' in; or the .id type t plug-ugly chum-' )llvi i,,,,,, his ,ail,0.lnj,Mill 8wav, piou. lie is a near-vegetarian, having , whiu, nnt 01.isi., m- i, s i YESTERDAY'S SCORES. American. At New York Chicago-New York game postponed; rain. At Philadelphia St. Louis-Philadelphia gamo postponed; rain. i ' R. H. E. Cleveland 12 2 Boston 2 8 1 Stecn and O'Neill; Shore and Cndy. R. H. K. Detroit 2 8 0 Washington 0 8 4 Dubuc, and .Stanage; Ayers and Hen ry, Williams. National. At Pittsburg Brooklyn-Pittsburg gnaio postponed; wet grounds. First game R. H. E. Philadelphia 5 11 0 Cincinnati 3 9 1 Alexander and Killifer; Yingling, Schneider and Irwin, Gonzales. R. H. E. ,. 1 3 1 ..372 Woodman B. GOOD BUYS IN REAL ESTATE IOi acres of timber laud close to Oregon Electric railroad; will trade for city property; price $00 per acre 10 acres of good land all under culti- Dave Fultz By A. M. Corrigan. ! Red McGhee says: Koine years ago Welsh's victory emphasized the pass cm oil eiiTing meat niiinv years uiro. ! ex, -opt a little chicken occasionally. He is well read, intelligent mid iltogether the latest style of high brow boxer. Between rounds of u match, instead of spirituous, Freddie takes merely n sip . of weak tea. When he wins u bout he ; cables the king of England eongratu ' luting him on having such a groat ; fighter among his loyal subjects. When ; in training he receives frequently nd- 'vi'e and counsel from Lord Lonsdale. . ii,,., , it'"' foremost English patron of the 1 acre of good land, family orchard, j ,jn, well, located on main ui.endani road ; Wforr- Kitchie and Welsh went iu lead,, g into Sa em; pru e .,0 ,lu, ,,,, ri Hll(ll.rsf,l0l iotcr'e'T ,an, O10IH,r,,' "lh' 0 h,l made nn agreement for a second j match to be staged in California. Box 20 acres nf onn.l Inn 1 i,,-nrk- oil' ing experts here agreed thnt there wns tinder cultivation. 5 aero nf !i,.'.irim 'little chance, however, of this auree- i were better days by far. While porin peach orchard, land has good diainsgo. ; ni,''t bring fulfilled, at least for n long , over aom, ' ' tome he'd think he hoard: fine building site., 3..j miles from ! t'' to come. i'Mli; shoot it home!" The diamond fjiTeiueii to can. i-u nuve set out to or ganize some sort of club for all the guys who still were plnviu' ball. Denver, Colo., Julv 15. With the The boya took to the hunch wi gloe scalp of Stanley Yoakum, Denver's a acres good land nearly all under vution four miles from Salem and close to lailrond station; price $"); $L'o down, balance $o per month. 5 acres good land nearly al under cultivation, house und bain all kinds of fruit, sightly location, close to Mreet enr line; will take good city piopcrty in exinatige. 5 acres of good laud, ali under culti vation, good fruit or berry land; will i:iie city lot as part payment; price VUIMI. V played above the nv 'inge run while he was in the game. And when Davie's speed began to slack he wandered off the outfield track to sliort-eut into fame. "The law" said Dave, "is where 1 will shiae." And straight -way he iiiing out bis sign as member of the bar. But actiou didii 't come so fnst an' Davie thought the days gone past It. E. 5 2 8 2 Federal. At Brooklyn Pittsburg-Brooklyn game postponed; ruin. First game Buffalo Baltimore Krapp and Blair; Suggs, and Jucklitsch. Second game Buffalo Baltimore . Morau and Lavigne; (uinii and Jack litsch. Called for teum to catch train 7th. R. II. E. St. Louis 0 7 3 Chiengo n 13 1 Keupper and Chapman; Lango nnd Wilson. H. II. E. Indianapolis .' 2 7 2 Kansas City 7 8 0 McConnaughey, Unridan and War ren; Harris and Easterly, San Francisco, July 15. A wild bull, accompanied by a companion of the op posite gender, broke out of a herd be longing to William Schaeffer on the waterfront early today and started up Market street. Two cowboys pursued and at Pine street succeeded in throw ing a riata over the borns of the cow, threw and hog-tied . her at the curb while they continued the chase-after the bull. At Mason street, the bull turned in to an apartment house and started up the front steps to the second floor. Oc cupants hearing the crash at the door and then thundering root fa Us on the steps began a wild exodus. The in truder continued his ascent up four flights of stairs to the top floor. The occupants of the building below him wore able to escape down the stairs af ter the bull had passed up, but those on the fourth floor had cither to 'get out by the fire escape or remain in their rooms. Mrs. M. Murray opened the door of her apartment to find that exit was blocked by the infuriated in vader. Terror stricken, she slammed tho door, locked it and retreated to the folding bed, where she took refuge. Mrs. E. Kennedy sought shelter with her two children in a closet. Meanwhile a procession of half-clad apartment dwellers arrived at the po lice station, where numerous telephone alarms had preceded them. Finally the police wcro convinced that lives were in danger and a squad of bluecoats was dispatched. When they arrived at the partially demolished apartment house, the two vaqueros had their ropes over the horns of the bull and were slowly coaxing him down the steps. SEATTLE'S POTLATCH CELEBRATION BEGINS Seattle Mayor Turns Over the City to TUikuma With Instructions to "do To It" A Fine Program ProTided. . Seattle, Wash'., July 15. Seattle 's Golden Potlatch celebration opened at noon today wuen Mayor Gill surren dered the city to the Tilikums of Elt taes, with instructions to "go it, boys." Hosts of visitors from northwest cities have arrived for the festivities. The city is in gala attire with unique Potlatch bugs grinning from every win dow. Totem poles adorn lamp posts and a maze of bunting and banners add a holiday appearance. Silas Christofferson the California aviator, is here for daily flights. Alys McKey-Bryant, whose nusband Johnny Bryant, was killed in a flight at Vic toria last fall, will re-enter the aviation gamo here in an attempt to make a new altitude record for women. A long distance international cruiser race from Vancouver, ti. C. to Seattle; yaciit races for the Loptou cup, auto mobile contosts in which the speed kings of the country will take part, auto polo, magnificent parades and a mardi gras celebration with the tango in action on Second avenue are some of the big features of this year's cele bration. NEITHER SIDE WILL ASK FOR MEDIATION Chicago, July 15. With each side in sisting that it will nut ask for arbitra tion, general managers of the western railroads making Chicago their head quarters and representatives of their 80,000 employes resumed their confer ence today. Despite . their anti-arbitration utter ances, it was generally believed media tion would finally bring about a set tlement. The managers argued that reecnt leg islation has reduced their lines' earn ings and that they could not possibly grant the men's demands. Tho men donied this. WHITNEY WON TWO RACES. New Market, Eng., July 15. Harry Payne Whitney of New York won two races at the meeting here today. His Harmonicon took the July handicap, worth $2500. BanduBk finished first in another race and Sandman, also owned by Whitney, was second in a third contest. Other people's troubles bore a man more than his own. - rffi-.'.Vi I 111 I i!i ".-.-AiSr,.'!. A i Roll Your Own -IT r IT BRAVE DEPUTY SHERIFF LEAVE3 THE HOSPITAL The East Oregoninn of Monday says: "Deputy Sheriff George McDuffee, who was wounded during the fight with the hold up men on train No. 5 on the O.-W. K. Jc N. two weeks ago, left for his home at Heppner yesterday morn ing. The wound which was superficial jnaa neaiou heautitulry and the eompli I cations which were feared at first were I happily avoided. The denutv sheriff! expressed himself as feeling "in excel lent health nnd was full of praise for the way ho has been treated nt St. Antluny hospital nnd by the friends he made while there. He said that he was hopeful of being able to return to Pendleton this year to see the Kound up.". VICTOR POINT NEWS. Salem; price $:I75D. C-room house, corner lot, east front, bearing fruit, store house, close to Bchool; price. f.ifJO. This is a snap. If you want to buy trsdo or sell see s. W.H. GRABENH0RST & COMPANY HOOM 2 BUSH BANK BLDC WHITE BEATS YOAKUM. lightweight hope, dangling at his belt, Charley White prepared today to start tomorrow for San Francisco, where he is matched to box Joe Ar.evedo August 7. White won on a knockout in the nineteenth round. Whito hud entirely too much class for Yoakum, although the latter put up a game, aggressive battle and held the Chicagonn eveu for the first four rounds. In the fifth White jarred Yoa kum with a hard right ewingjo the and now the big fraternity has Davie as its boss. He guards their welfare, fights their fights an helps to see tin' get their rights he puts their claims across. Some folks call Dave a med illiu' fool who ought to be sent back to school to learn how to behave. But he just lets 'em throw their fit. "'Thev nave their view an" stick to it. Wei, 1 have mine," says Dave. It la awful to think of the vast horde of unhappy bachelors who have been unable to secure June brides. Thirty-two people in six machines ! left here Sunday morning to spend the 1 uny nt u unoit. i The Indian Brook farm looks "brand j new" with Alex. Doerfler as decora tor, j Chas. McElhaney is expected home from Breitenbush Tuesday. i The meeting held at Silverton atur-; day in regard to building a grain ware- j house there was attended by Mathew j Gibson, Jake Frank and Martin Doer fler of this local. , I Julius Kreni and daughter, Millie,! Jar home again from their visit with! 'relatives in Spokane). If a girl knows she's pretty her! knowledge isn't due to the fact that j some other girl ever told her, I GENUINE Millions of smokers prefer the cigarettes they roll for themselves from ripe, mellow SMOKING TOBACCO to any ready-made cigarettes they can buy. (Enough for FoVty Hand-made cigarettes b Each 5-csnt Sack) "Bull" Durham hand-made cigarettes are a distinctive form of tobacco enjoyment. Their smoothness, mildness and freshness are a revelation. Their rich fragrance and mellow flavor afford complete, healthful and lasting satisfaction. Roll your own and enjov the most satisfying luxury in the .world. PRFF An Illustrated Booklet, FlVlU-i showing correct way to "Roll Your Own" Cigarettes, and a A.h for FREE booh of "paptt" with cocA 5c tack Mi n Book of cigarette papers, will both be mailed to you free on postal request." Address "Bull" Durham, Durham, N. C. THE AMERICAN TOBACCO COMPANY