Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, July 14, 1914, Page FIVE, Image 5

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Men's Clothing 20 to 50 Per Gent Less
July Clearance Skle
Our Beautiful
Woolen Dress
Sold during July Clearance
t these reduced prices.
$3.50 values $3.13
$3.00 values $2.69
$2.50 values $2.24
$1.75 values : $1.58
$1.50 values $1.34
$1.25 values $1.10
$1.00 values .88
' .75 values ..r .68
.65 values .58
.50 values 44
Sale Prices
Kimonas, 10 per cent
less. Middies, 10 per
cent less. Wash
Dresses for less. Wo
men's and Misses'
Bathing Suits, 20 per
cent less. Children's
Wash Dresses greatly
reduced. Come now.
July Sale
$5.50 and $5 Spreads.... $4.05
$4.75 Spreads $3.98
$4.00 Spreads $3.18
$3.25 Spreads $2.37
$2.50 Spreads $1.94
$1.75 Spreads $1.49
$1.50 Spreads $1.19
These are Splendid Spreads
bought direct from the manu
facturer. It will pay you to
buy now.
Seem to Have An Idea That liberty
! Cannot Get Along in Ireland Without .
I Decolette Downs and Tuxedos. I
i !
j London, July 14. Toe Irish home)
rule fight has grown so bitter lately j
that it ia beginning to be a social as:
jwell as a political issue.
I The liberals, who are home rulers,!
' have had the better of the political !
struggle but serially the honors are fare to associate with people who are
with the conservatives. This is be-j working for Irish home rule. '
cause the nobility, which is recognized Turns Down Eoyal Invitation. '
even by the liberals as constituting the , !
real upper crust, is mostly conservative. . '!K"h-d conservative peer
... . . . land uis wife were even bold euoueh
j.ioeraisc an slay away rrom conser-. othcr uy to d(H.,ine . ;...:. .
vauve social runctions wimout in the Windsor castle because certain "ob
it .anoving me conservatives mil u j,.Ml0nable " members of the liberal ad
the conservatives boycott a liberal1
min-ot ration were to be present.
garnering mere is no "society" tone And right here, unthinkingly or other
aDOU j wise, the king and queen, who arc not
Thus several pails and ther festivities: supposed to have any noliticnl views.
given by -the liberals recently have: in it be known that they have some'
proved fizzles because the best peopled cry well .tefmed ideas on the homo
did not attend them. Many conscrva-1 iu proposition.
tives also are refusing to invito liberals . - Ordinarily a royal invitation is Con
or members of their families to their i :idred oquivalotr to a command and to
houses, saying openly that they did not refuse one for anything but tho most
60c and 65c Mercerized
Table Damask
$1.50 Mercerized
$1.29 a dozen
The Markets
A late opening of the export flour
season is anticipated by those , in the
business. In former years the export
season usually began by August first,
but this year 'shippers think the do
mand will not be in full force before
September. The markets of Japan are
said to be congested so far as flour isi
concerned, and the same is true or many
of the principal Chinese ports. This is
said to be due to big rice crops and
low prices which cut out the demand
for flour.
The potato crop will be lighter than
the department of agriculture siiows it
is about the average, but will fall be
low the yield of 112.
The potato crop will be lighter than
that of the previous two years but will
be ample for all needs. A 2 1-2 cent
decline in butter goes into effect at
Portland today and the new quotations
n n... will Ka 95 nanta
The supplv is steadily falling off from -
the country, but the dumping of a large
quantity of off -grade country butacr re
cently "sent the- prices down and some
went as low as 19 cents. Country pro
duce is in good supply. Hens are quot
ed at 19 1-2, and springs at Saturday's
prices. Veal is scarce and sells readily
at 15 cents.
Eggs run from 23 for ease count to 26 j
for candled. Fourteen cars of water-1
melons were received Monday, t'ante-!
loupes are rather scarce and prices are
(lightly higher.
Hay, timothy .'$11.00
Clover, per ton 7.00
Oats and vetch 8.00
Wheat, per bushel 85c
Bran, per ton 26.00
Shorts, per ton 29.00
Oata, per bushel 32c
Chittim bark, per lb 4Vifc5c
Chcat, per ton - 8.00
Potatoes, per cwt. 1.00
Batter and Eggs.
Butterfat, per lb., f.o.b. Salem 23e
Creamery butter, per id. .
Eggs - 23c
Hens, per lb 12c
Roosters, per lb ; "c
Fryers 1"
8teers- - - - 66c
Cows, per cwt .' 5(& 5K
Hog, fat, per lb Tta J'jc
Stock hoga, per lb 6i(ft"e
Ewes, per lb , 3ujc
Spring lambs, per lb. 4'&c
Veal, according to quality 1011 ',jc
Dry, per lb - 8c
Salted country pelts, each 63c(Sl
Lamb pelts, each - "23c
San Francisco, July 11. Eggs, extras
17c; firsts 24c; selected pilots
! Butter, extras 26c; prime finite 23c;
firsts 23c.
Cheese, California fancy 13c; firsts
12c; seconds K'c.
Seattle, Wash., July 14. Eggs
Fresh ranch, 27c; Oriental, 18c.
Bntter Country creamery cubes 26c;
bricks, 27c; city creamery cubes, 26c;
bricks, 27c.
Cheese I.imburger, 19c; Wisconsin,
1819c; Swiss, 20c; Washington, 16(B)
Onions Green, 2025c; eastern
Washington. SftQia per pound; Cali
fornia, WjQiVnC.
Potatoes Locnt. t0f7?19-
Washington, $1720; new, 2( 2'4c per
Will be Sentenced Saturday Judge
Galloway Takes Hand In Intimida
tion Case Two Services and Other
Court Matters.
Albert Quartier was found guilty of
perjury in the. circuit eourt yesterdny
and will be sentenced by Judge Kelly
Saturday. It was charged in the indict
ment that Quartier testified falsely at
tho trial of William ArU and Asa Tin
dall for chicken stealing. Quartier was
to have been a star witness for the
state, but at the trial he repudiated
bis statements to the sheriff and to the
prosecuting attorney and turned out to
be a good winess for the defense. He
testified in the justice court that he
did not know what was written on a
certain paper signed by him in the of
fice of the district attorney and that
he did not read the paper and that he
I rend it for the first time in the court
Portland, Or., July 14. Wheat, Club,
new 7879c; Bluestem, 8182e.
Oats, number one white feed, $22;
gray, $21.
Barley, brewing, $20; feed, $19.50.
Hogs, best live, $8.50.
Prime steers, $6.90; fancy cows, $3.80
best calves, $8.,
Spring lambs, $6.
Butter, city creamery, $23.
Eggs selected local extras, 2o26e.
Hens, 13c; broilers, 18c; geese 12c.
" Care of
Chinese Medicine and
Tea Company
Has medicine which
will cure any known
153 South High Street,
Salem, Ore. Phone 283.
Work Is Stopped On School Buildings
and Others Employers Seem De
termined to Make It a Fight to a
Stockton, Cal., July 14. The erection
of two school buildings is halted today
as a result of the refusal of members
of the Building Trades unions to han
dle unstamped material.
Wrork has been plopped on the new
Standard Oil garage at Fair Oaks.
"The majority of our men are out,"
said President J. T. Woods of the Build
ing Trades Council this morning. "A
few are still at work on the jobs of
contractors outside the Merchants,
Manufacturers and Employers associa'
Two union bartenders were dis
charged from the Hoffman cafe yester
day. At the headquarters of the M. .VI. &
E. it was stated that the union mill men
are going back. This was denied at
I the building trades council.
I The regular meeting of the Central
! Labor Coancil brought together the
i onions outriile the Building Trades. The
I reports of the various delegates indi-
i cated that about fifty per cent of the
membership of the labor council is af
! feeted.
The teamsters and machinists hare
mass meetings scheduled for tonight.
i The qaick, cheap way to dis
pose of used machinery is to
advertise it in the machinery
columns of the Journal Want
The suit for divorce brought by Ed
na Mueeel Rozell against William J.
j Rozell was taken under advisement by
i Judge Oulloway yesterday and will be
decided later in the week. The plain
tiff testified that she was ufraid of her
husband and that other witnesses de
clined to testify for the same reason.
liozell at that time was in the court
room. At this juncture Judge Gallo
way halted the proceedings and asked
that the district attorney bo brought
into court, stating that there was a
law in this state against tho intimi
daion of witnesses.
Rozell left the court room hurriedly
before District Attorney Ringo could
DC brought from the adjoining room
and while the charges of intimidation
are being investigated tho deeree in
the divorce suit is delayed.
The case of Lais, et. al., against the
city of Silverton will be decided bv
Judge Galloway tomorrow. This is the
case of a number or property owners
who objected to the paving ordered by
the city council on the grounds that
the rocky condition of the street woold
make a more expensive operation than
the paving itself.
The bonds of matrimony between
Gussie Schuelke and William Schuelke
were severed by Judge Galloway yes
terday and the decree given to the
plaintiff, Mrs. Schuelke. The couple
were married in Washington in 1909.
The eustody of a son, Chrle Raymond
Schuelke, was given to the mother.
There were no property rights involv
ed. A complaint was filed in the eircuit
conrt today by B. A. Reynolds against
iieorgc i.emmons and Veda Lemmons.
it is charged in the complaint that the
plaintiff, who lives on the John Hoghes
property south of this city, sowed the
place to grain and planted vegetables.
urn m-a uviunging 10 ummom, it is
charged, trampled down and ate up
said grains and vegetables aad as a
resnlt the iiUintiff laim k. -n . : n
jurcu iu me rucni or f 19U ana Costs. I
Leinsic. Julv 14. Aviator ILin.
rich Olrich reached an altitude
with hi biplane here today of 25,-
000 feet, a record.
urgent reason has always meant futinc
ostracism from the circles of the elect
In tiie present instance, however, a few
days after the Windsor castle function,
the v.'te of the peer in question
l.inched with the queen at the races
and it was noticed that no liberals or
their Mites were present.
Wimble Ion, Eng., July 14. England
defeated France in the international
tennis single championship match here
today. The British team won two sets
from France Saturday and took the
final set in today's play. This elimin
ates Prance for further competition in
the singles.
Tern Days9
Reliable Merchandise
and Boys
Beginning Wednesday, July ISth, closing Saturday, July
25th. : Here is a chance to save money. We must clear
our stock for the Fall Goods. You can save from $5.00
to $10.00 by buying NOW
$25.00, now only $18.85 Splendid assortment, xial-
$20.00, now only $14.85 ties $25.00, $27.50 and
$15.00, now only $10.85 $30.00, now only $15.00
$10.00, now only $ 7.35 -
. Roberts and Mallory
Menys and Young Men's HATS
; OXFORD SHOES Q . , . , M
Special assortment, $3.00
Values $4.00, now $2.65 to $3.50 value, now $1.65
Many values in like reductions can be found in Children's
and Youths' Clothing, Men's Trousers, Hats, Neckwear.
It is our desire to make this the greatest Clearance Sale
in our history. So we have marked goods accordingly.
Quick selling was foremost in mind when making these
splendid prices