THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON. TUESDAY, JULY I I, 1911. THREE the; daily hinv FRcr-'f aius SHOES FOR AS LITTLE AS 75c AT THE IReiohart BY MOLLIS EUNCOEN. Every Shoe in the stpre is being sold at fire sale prices. The Quality Shoe Store 444 State Street AMONG the numbers which are on the program foi the Wilson park concert to be given touight by Stoudennieyor's Municipal band will be the following popular selections: "The Firefly,". Comic Opera Selec tion. "June," Concert Walt.. "Dynamite Hag." "Rose of Algeria," selection. 1 party recently, entertaining it the picturesque home of Mrs. Oscar John ton, at Salem Heights. i Numerous games furnished the after . noons diversion, refreshments being , serve. I at five o'clock. Assisting Misa ' Cirant were Mrs. ('. 1. (iabri.dsoii, Mrs.! ' Johnsou, anil her house 3111st Mis. 1 Menton. The guests were: Virgil Mar, Kenneth Perry, Orla ! 'Welch. Roy Moriiss, Hester Welch,' Helen and Claire Stringer, who have Eileen Johnson, Rosalie "Buren, Doryl been spending the past five weeks with Meyers, Mane Harold, illettu Welch, their grandfather, Kev. P. 8. Knight, Virginia Dorcas, Donald Schiuipp. Cecil left for their home in Kan Francisco to- Deacon, Arthur Blumenburg, Barbara dav. Thev were accompanied bv their : Trestor, Alice Roth, Uollis Vick, Fred mirse, Mrs. Davis. ' -erick Arpke, Margnret Davis, Robert ! Davis, l'nul, Robert Bishop, Rita Mrs. L. A. Menton, of Portland, who Reed, has been tho house guest of Mrs. Oscar: ' Johnson for the past several weeks, will . gn c,reek Pag was the ,j-lslinAtiuu leave for her tomorrow. of a party of Salem people Sunday, .. , , . .,1 many of whom were viewing '.his and Miss rsellis Broom, Miss I'aulM.r, 5.- 1 T - H: 1 V ft Put This Down iu Your Book 1 y V ' i -LA V ,rV - 1 Buying for $7 ,a suit formerly Sold for $25 and $30 is like Putting $18.09 in the Bank These are Spring and Summer Suits Catch the Idea? W MM UU. Urn l nimf taalilon- ara worn This ami Miss r ranees w elch, w ho were asked as additional guests, Miss Laura Grant presided at a delightful lawn Every Day Is the Big Day for the National Pattern Outfit Whit satin hats ara very abla for midsummer. They with both light and dark dresses. Parts hat of whit satin has a traded encircling decoration of whit aigrettes. Nota that a novel dlckay shaped whlta pique collar la worn with a dark blue tailor suit Malaon Dalani, Of fered to the Readers of The Capital Journal f v WiS V X iSsfes! 5 I x. I lillliiV "LO sa f,-0s " " beauty spot for tho first time, fhoso composing the party were: Jft. Anil Mrs. Bert Bowers, Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Poisal, Mr. and Mrs. 0. W. Lafle'1, and their uuest Mrs. U J. Barber, of Cali fornia; Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Allison, Mr.: and Mrs. Boliuger, Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Ackerman, Mrs. P. A. Williams, Mrs. M. A. Grant, Miss Laura Grant, lissl- , . , " I 77. ,. . Ruth Fngate Miss Mario Bolinger, wjl b-forp. wturniiin will at end Henrv Bolinger, Sid Jones, Robbin Day,) th fah,0 "how. m !an 1'rancisco. .. j Vr. r, . l ' ' , . j Among Snlem people enjoying out- t ,1, , , i i ings at Newport are: Miss Adelta Nye, Mrs. J W. ox presided as hostess h J f he BrlulsllIlw. for the Woman . Alliance of tho Vni- nnd Mrs. George O. Savage are 'if ,1 iin ;Wn MiTiUrM ' in tMt was assisted bv Mrs. Milton Meyers., , . ' ' .,, Present activities of the organisation R Nye Beach for the season aro confined to the preparation of ; - T. Randall; Mrs. Mablo R. Brooks articles for the annual church bazaar! oni1 Bnn; Hober;son uro i.inong the nll which will be given earlv in the Fall. I ""miner's visitors; Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Mrs. J. Frost will entertain at the I Baker aro a few-day's visitors; W. II. next meeting which will be held in twoil-ytlo is an all summer'g guest at the weeks. The afternoon will be spent out I Abbey; C. L. Folnnds two-week's of doors, the members assembling nt soujourners at the "Cnsn Bonita; See our windows and interview our salesmen The Plymouth For Clothign LIBERT AND STATE STS. Marion Hquare where pleasure ami work will be combined amid these attractive surroundings. Guests for Fridav afternoon were. Mrs. John Pollock, Mrs. C. 8. JlnmiKon, Miss Milton Meyers, Mrs. G. Hteiner, Mrs. E. Anderson, Mrs. R. F. Tiseh.'r, Mrs. A. D. Palmer, Mrs. Li'.zie Smith, Mr. nnd Mrs. William Howell and X hildrcn are entertaining MiHs V. A. Utterback as their guest nt their camp j T nt the Whitten grounds; Mrs. J. D. White, jr., and Miss Elsie White are spending several weeks; Mrs. Kdward Wright is nt the Hotel Brndshaw; the T. A. T.ivcHlevfl fire nccuiivinff a cot- Mrs. Louise Fostner, Mrs. Frank Tyler, , nt Acnto Bench; Dr. and Mrs. J. iurn. uuiicr ienion, iurn. i. r i jj. Smith and Steiner, Mrs, J)alryniple. J. Frost, and Mrs. A. M.lthe Cliff Houm, daughter, Louise, aro nt pre- Mrs. PERSONALS. A merry children's party was KHleil over Saturday eening by Mrs.; Hnttin and Fnnnin Morrison Gaylord Patterson, who entertained fornro onjoyinjr nn outinf; nt Newport, her attractive little daughter, Louise. A , Attorney Walter B. Jones, of Kugene, number of small folk were asked, in Sulom yesterday on a short bus red and Helen Roberts, being the motif , of attention, owing to their leaving this j Mi(lg ,;;,, Hllin(.s llns rt.trnpd to -weeK wan ineir lmreuis, -ur. anil Airs. I 3 : fi- John Roberts, lor their summer's out- lug at the seashore. Refreshments were served and vari ous kinds of outdoor games and pas- i times furnished on tho lovely flower j decked lawn, the event boing commcm- oratcii uy snaji snots tuKeu or the nttie CUPID" all wooO OE9.Y KEIK5. r CO LAB. r& the home of her cousin, W'fltt Sliipp, af ter a two months visit nt her former home at Toronto. Mrs. Martha J. Harris, who has been visiting friends nnd relatives at Inde- j pendence, is now visiting at tho home i of her son, K. A. Harris. i i M.. i v n, . ;,, uut-sia iu uuuivruun uiicuiiscious lioscn TT . .r , -- , . , t. ., ' i Hazel Dowiuug, Mr. nnd Mrs. T. B. and occupations. . ,, . ,,. ,7' . . .. . Craig, Miss Bcrnicc Craig, Mr. and , Mrs. H. H. Smith nnd son and Mrs. A. Mrs. F. A Marcus was hostess at tt a i,0Velnee were Albany visitors over Kensington Saturday attcrnoou, enter-, j,un(, j from j,1(.ro to Ntfw,,urt for Mrs. r orrest Glenn Melton-, M' ,, M Mark A Kullerton, 1.1, of Liberty, asking twelve of Mrs.' of 0Ivmji Washington, accompanie.l .McDonald a intimate Iricuds in for the i, 4hi, ol,iMrn nlJ li x A !8 ,7"00,,I' iCnarlcs K. and Josephine, and Miss! Mis. Marcus was assisted by iicr sis-, (.urm,lia (11;lHH of Hnia nr elIjovill(, ter, Miiw Lois 11. Watt, of Port and, ;a visit in m, city. They motored to who .s her house Biiest for two weeks. , , birthplace and ranch home I I ! near Liberty, enthusiastic ever minute; I Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Hoyt, of Portland,; over the Willamette Valley's delight- ..have been entertained as house guests' fu scenery and envious. They are at I : of Dr. and Mrs. E. E. Fisher. Mr. ! the Marion. J Hoyt left for his home yesterdny. Mrs.j Mr. ami Mrs. 0. H. Schmidt, If. j Your Lighting Bill Is it too large? Are some of your lamps too small? Do you use high efficiency lamps everywhere? Do your lamps last as long as Westinghouse Mazdas twice as long as ordinary incandescent lamps? .If everything isn't just right, consult us. We want you to get the best possible light at the least possible cost and want to tell you how. " it'a electric come to us" Salem Electric Co., . ' MASONIC TEMPLE. PHONE 1200. Jioyt remaining week. for the rest of tho j Hoyt remaining for the rest of the ment Store, lett for California points I Sunday on her mm mil vacation. She will visit her parents in the southern Schmidt, and A. Marks, of San Frnn . cisco, are arrivals at the ilotel Marion. They motored from ttie south and wrtl go on to Portland. , Judge Percy It. Kelly, of Albany, holding court here this week, is at the Marion. THE NATIONAL PATTERN OUTFIT Contains 20O Guaranteed Latest Embroidery Designs, 1 Booklet of Instructions, 1 All-Wool Beaded Embroidery Hoop, lO Skeins of Floss. i rsn PARTIAL LIST OF PATTERNS GIVEN Each Worth 10 Cents Hand Bag -Bib Sailor Set Baby Bootee Set Fleur de Lis Candle fdiade Rose Waist Set Numerals Collar -Tumbler Doily Pillow Case Set Scallops Butterfly Set Odd Designs Towel End Scarf . 1 Corset Cover 1 Baby fhoj 1 Set Ppraya 1 Glove Case 1 Phirt Waist 1 Babv Bath 'f,nvol - ' , 1 Set Dutch Ch. 1 Tie End 1 Alphabet 1 Baby Cap Designs , and Borders for Dresses Odd Sprays 1 Script Alphabet 1 Bulgarian Scarf 14 Bulgarian Designs for Collars, Waists, Under wear, etc. 2 Bulgarian Waists 1 Block Alphabet 3 Wreaths ' 5 Fancy Bowkn ta 1 Floral Basket Sprays and Figures for Child's Dress 1 Set Sweet Peas 1 Set Carnations 1 Bunch Violets 1 Old Eng. Alphabet 1 Corset Cover 1 Pin Cushion 1 Hand Bag Bulgarian Design 2 Towel Borders 2 Waist Frorrts 1 Doily 1 Night Gown 1 Flower Basket Butterfly, Bowknots Conventional Flowera 1 Apron (Roman Cut Work) lApron (French Knots)" 1 Pin Cushion 2 Towel Borders 1 Chemise 3 Corners for Scarfs, Lunch or Table Cloths 1 Pillow Case End, Wreaths and Sprays 2 Designs for Waists 1 Odd Butterfly 1 Parasol TJcsign 1 Scarf 1 Pillow 1 Set Medallions 1 Set Pusy Cats and Mice 1 Pine Pillow 1 Set Sprays 1 Boy Scout 1 Rose Sofa Cushion 1 Set Birds 1 Set Poppies 1 Set Water Lilies 1 Daisy Design Full Course of Instructions All Yours Four Coupons and 68c EACH PATTERN WORTH 1 0 CENTS fo SfrrfV Daddy's Bedtime ti t it. ine loaas Game and They Get Excited J Nioritlv Snnnpf. When They Play. "t v rr- JACK and Evelyn had been at 11 children's pnrty that nfternooii und were very tired. "We played prisoner's base, nnd you know that Is a very bard game," snld Evelyn, "though. It Is sueh fun, nnd we love to play It. al most better than any other game." "You sbould have seen the toads In the garden the other evening play Hint.' said daddy. "It seems that they piny that game every evening Just after the sua goes down. "They have the same sides, and they are very evenly matched, for they never can tell which side Is going to win ut all. It nil depends on whether every single toad Is running, or, 1 should sny, hopping, Just as fust mid fur ut ile enu. "They always get most frightfully out of breath when they piny this game, but thnt they don't mind iu the slightest degree. They say that It Is finite worth getting breathless nnd tired for; very much the wny you feel about It, I think. F.velyn. ' "They get excited when they play, for they often hop so fur that they lose their huhiufo nnd fall over. "One night. Just n very little while ago, they had lieen playing prisoner's base for some time when one of the little toads fell over and really hurt tit id -self quite badly. "In order to comfort hlra the other toads set to work nnd made a delicious salad mid told biui It was nil in his honor. "That made hlui very happy, and they nil Joked to make him forget nbuiil himself. Soon he was luughiug harder than any of them nnd felt quite him self ngiiiii. "But as he smacked his Hps over the line salad he snld: "'I't's have this every evening. We will all tnke turns to make It. and I am sure we nil really need It after our game of prisoner's base.' "The toads thought that was a splendid Idea nnd congratulated him upon thinking of It. "He was very modesfwhen they told him they thought It was such n good suggestion did replied: " 'Well, you see, you all thought of It Id the first place.' ', "'Wo never would bate thought of It,' they replied. 'If you hadn't fallen and hurt yourself, so we even owe that to you.' "'Well. I must confess,' continued the little tnnd. 'that 1 do like good things to eat.' ... "We all do,' they nil shouted; 'a One Idea. We .will do It every night und we tbauk you, little toud, for at least iturting the fnshiou.' Helmcr W. Thompson, a Kugene at- ( toriiey, is at the Marion. Mrs. h. 0. Curtis left this morning for the Potlutcb festivities iu Seattle, and to visit relatives in Tacoina. ! Mins Ora l'oage will leave this even ing for a ten day vinit in Seattle, Van couver and Vietuiia. Patrick Mailer, of Chicago, is regis tered at the iiligh. I Will Crocker ami John West, of ) Albany, were at the I'Jigh yesterday eu ; route to Chicago. j W. K. Hiirch, of Portland is Kgintorcd nt the iiligh. O. I). Korte, of Portland, is at the i riiigh. ! Senator T. N. Day and N. Day are ' at the Marion. A. .1. Vuu Warring, travelling freight ngent nnd Fred Day, clniiu agent, both ol' the Southern Pacific at Portland, are ' st the a.Mrion. , A. T. Woolpert returned yesterlay 'from Portland where he has been visit : iug ilis relatives. ! The little granddaughter of Rev. P. S. , Kniiiiit, the Mioses I In ire anil Helen Stringer, who have been visiting hero Cor the hist six weeks will return thW evening on the Shastu limited for their home iu Sun Francisco. Mrs. Davis will accompany them. Mrs. Kilwar b S. Lamport and son Frrdeiick leave tomorrow for Seattle, and Vancouver, B. ('. They will attend the Pot latch nt Seattle, and will visit friends in Tacoimi before returning. TURKS KILLED WHOLE FAMILY. Oakland, Oil., July t4. Word reach ed lleoige Miiutuiniii, u student at the I'niversity of California, working as u waiter during his summer vueation nt Hotel Oakland, that his father, m-.ther, three sisters and a brother were killed iu the of Christians by Turks at Kivully in Asia Minor lust week. Manturain 's father was a wealthy ..i;,.i ..v .I;..-;.. .... ... K. i ... ii. i.mi The news was received through u friend nn a (ireek newspaper, who said besdes Mantzuruin 's family, severnl thousand Christian men, women and children were "put to death by tho Turks. imnwimi an wto Enjoy Home Buy an Edison, Victor or Col umbia Talking Machine of Geo. C. Will 432 State Street