Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, July 13, 1914, Page FOUR, Image 4

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Editorial Page of The Daily Capital Journal
JULY 13, 1914
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The Capital Journal carrier boys are Instructed to put the papers, on the
porch. If the carrier does not do this, misses you, or neglects getting the
paper to you on time, kindly phone the circulation manager, is thla la the only
way we can determine whether or not the cutlers are following Instruction.
Phone Main 82.
ACCORDING to the veracious satire of Dean Swift,
. it seems that one day two cats, urged on by a malev
olent and violent spirit, ate each other up, leaving
nothing but their tails. There never has been a more
exhaustive treatment of any subject, anatomical or liter-
We may ask ourselves how it was possible. There are
physical laws denying it. After they had eaten each oth
er's teeth what had either left to eat with? And how
could each be stored in the other's stomach at the same
time? ..... ,
Nevertheless, we must concede the possibility of the
event and accept the historical accuracy of the account.
Indeed, one need not go so far as Kilkenny, but may wit
ness like incidents right at home.
Two women fall out and resort to slander. Each pro
duces to the public gaze all the frailties of the other; their
acquaintances complacently accept what each other says,
and in the end both characters are annihilated. Exeunt
Kilkenny cats.
Two men go to law or something. - They retain counsel,
enter complaints, subpena witnesses, empanel juries, hear
verdicts, make appeals, multiply costs. Adjournment aft
er adjournment, vexation after vexation, business neglect
ed, patience exhausted, years wasted and on both sides the
last dollar spent. The Kilkenny cats have interlocked
their claws, clashed each other's teeth, opened each oth
er's jaws, and gulped each other's all. Extermination is
just as complete as that at Kilkenny.
Yes, it is sad but true that all around us, in a thousand
ways, divinely gifted human beings are eating one another
up. And not always is so much as a caudal appendage
left. ' ' '
"In pace requie-scat !"
Will Wear Heavier Armor and This and
Her Splendid Dana Will Make Her
Most Formidable Ship Afloat.
Professor Tower, of the University of Chicago, says NEVADA TO BE THE
there will always be red-neaaea gins. ' inis is tne mosi
cheering bit of news that has emanated from Chicago in
years. However, come to think of it, it does not make
any difference to the present generation whether or not
the red-headed girl will adorn the coming years as she
has heretofore illuminated them and brightened the
world, but that it is assured that she will be with us al
ways is cause of hearty congratulation for the genera
tions yet to come. If she holds out until the present gen
eration passes, it is enough for us, but just imagine if
you can a red-headedless world, and at the same time cut
out the dainty up-tilted nose that accompanies that shade
of capillary, the seashell complexion and the vivacious dis
position. Would it not be a sad and somber old world,
with no red in it?
It might be a good move to send George Fred Williams
to Mexico. There he can give full play to his vocabulary
and in several languages, some of them mixed. The only
objection to this is that Boalt has taken possession of the
Mexican border and would, not let another hot-air artist
in without adding to the troubles of the Mexican situation.
The calamity howlers would be much happier if they
could make their complaints keep in tune with the market
reports and showings made by all industrial businesses.
A Boston politician says there should be but one sena
tor from each state. The report does not say whether he
is already a senator, or only wants to be.
The outlook is reported by many prominent men as
being very bright. This may or may not be a slam at the
Colonel, who recently quit the Outlook. -
Quincy, Mass., July 13. Designed to
carry the heaviest weight of armor of
any ship of the American navy and
guns expected to make it the most for
midable fighting machine flying the
stars and stripes, the battleship Nevada
was launchoU at the Fore Ki,ver Ship
building company's yards here Satur
day. The Nevada is a sister ship of the ,
UKlalioma, launched Inst .March. It was
expected to be placed in commission in
The Nevada is 583 feet lone, 65 feet
beam, has a mean draught of 284 feet
and its estimated speed is 20 '.j knots.
A new idea in arrangement of the
14-ineh guns, bus b'-tn carried out in
tho Nevada. , Ten of these big wea
pons are on the vessel, two each in
two turrets and thrs each in two oth
er turrets. This is expected to give a
greater concentration of fire than the
old arrangement of five two-gun -tur-
Secretary of the Nary Daniels, As
sistant Secretary Roosevelt, Governor
Oddio of Nevada, Senator Pittman of
that state were the guests at the
launching. Governor. Oddie'g niece,
bleanor Ann Siebcrt, 10 years old. was
t ne sponsor.
Paterson, New Jersey, buried a large hammer the other
day. But it's the constant tapping of a lot of small ones
that does the most damage.
Western states are advised to pass more banking laws.
That's easy passing laws is our strong point.
Remember to have The
Capital Journal to follow
you during your vacation.
(leorge E. Love, of Portland, after
being lost 11) hours in. the Josephine
caves, reached Grouts I'nsa Friday
night, apparently none the worse for
his experience. He fell in n hole, was
rendered unconscious from the full and
as his partner could not find him the
lntter went for help and finally suc
ceeded in reaching and rescuing the in
jured man. They had tried to explore
l the caves without n guide, but they
will not again.
ORE incompetent men ride into office masqueraded
in the guise of reform than competent men who are
real reformers but who refuse to endorse fake nos
trums as a bribe for votes.
The weak citizen is always clamoring for more statu
tory support. Vague, intemperate,' impulsive and radical
enactments lead invariably to confusion, distrust and dis
aster. There should be more stability in ordered proced
ure just as surely as in individual conduct.
These are truisms inculcated in Americans by the
founders of the government and rigorously adhered to,l",u,,i Fri,,1"-V "iht wl"'n 'h?.f.f ,'"!'"
... i . , , , XT t .i I cil passed nn ordinance prohibiting tin
until the last decade or two. Now men call on one another i sale of intoxicating iui.i'.u.
in the aggregate to control themselves by law because
they are unable individually to control themselves. They
would substitute enactments for the character which they
have failed to develope, and as they cry in their weakness
other weaklings crowd with them.
The outlook for it walnut crop of un
usual proportions wns never better in
l'olk county.
The fight over saloons in Kuiuicr
The sheriff of I niiitilla county is
up against it. The train robbers se
cured only &'-2H, but ionnal claims
hnve been filed asking f ir the return
by the sheriff to the alleged robbed
ones of a total of $457, or just double
The greatness of a people is not found in the multipli- ZZCuJTL ww
cents on tne dollar rate, nig up or re
fuse to pay without absolute proof.
offer . inducement for development.
They are not pocket hunters, but on
the contrary are looking for low grade
ores in sufficient avernge vnlues to
warrant extensive development ' and
treatment." v
.Blowing ' Money
city of their laws, but in unwritten laws and customs ac
cording to which they conduct themselves toward their
fellows. Stringency of statutes is a sign of natural feeble
ness, even a forerunner of decadence. One good adminis
trator of the laws is better than a hundred mere statutes
which may or may not be enforceable.
The Corvallis & Eastern Railroad Co. is virtually re
building the railroad track between Albany and Yaquina
bay. Already thirty-six miles of heavy steel have been
laid on the western end of the line, and large crews are
at work rebuilding the bridges and ballasting the track.
By the end of the year it is probable that an almost new
roadbed and track will unite the main line of the Southern
Pacific with the coast, making travel more pleasant and
fraught with less possibility of danger and delay. Al
ready the service is much improved, making the trip to
Newport, our most popular beach resort, much more at
tractive than ever before. The railroad is to be com
mended for its progressive policy.
Lapp & Bush, Bankers
Transact a General Banking Business
Safety Deposit Boxes
Traveler's Checks
Fire which ninny thlntt of incendiary
origin damaged 1hi Humeo hotel nt
Mnrsh field Friday morning in the sum
of 2Ot)0.
Bend has become no metropolitan
that the calling of parties by name
over the telephone no longer gets past
central. Henceforth H In number or
look in the book and see.
Colonel Clark Wood, of tho Weston
Leader, having learned that a Mr.
Clark Wood is eugaged in the printing
business nt I. Orande, blandly re
marks that ho "trusts he bears a good
I.a Orande Observer: A cluster of
five beautiful, fragrant roses, so
bunched ns to resemble a solid bud of
enormous siao, was plucked by F. D.
Hnisten today. The bud has been tho
object of wonderment nnd comment
bv pnssersby for some time.
H. F. Wilson, entomologist connect
ed w ith the extension .department of
the Oregon Agricultural college, has
gone to Klamath county, where, in the
Wood river valley, he will wage a fight
for the extermination of grasshoppers,
which have been doing some damage.
Rosebnrg's business progress is
shown by the postal receipts indicator
to have been an 11 per cent proposi
tion in the fiscal yen r just closed, as
against the Zy, per cent of tho pre
viuua fiscal year. The actual increases,
in dollars, were, respectively, $I42.10
and 12063.77.
Not in several years," saya the
Baker Democrat, "'have so many min
ing men made their appearance in Ba
.ker county In search of idle or aban
doned properties showing values that
It's surely Junjiytff.blow in money as
fast as it is earned, but what will fol '
low, oh gentle Kollo, whan all the
wealth ia burned I
sluppose you sicken
troubles thicken
about y o ur lowly
shack while docs and
nurses discourse of
heaijcs as you lie on
your back? The job
you're holdin', with
stipend golden, may
leave you any day,
nnd you '11 sit sweat
ing, in vaiji regret
ting the dough you
fooled own y. Salt
down the plunder, or
von will blunder so
bad that all vour
days with melan
choly you'll view your follv, bewail
your spending craze. If you hnve rhino,
he people, 1 know, to you will lift the
nat; but none respects you, tho world
rejects you, if you are busted flat, llow
sweet mid mellow to every fellow Is
life's serene decline, if he is loaded
with iiucorroded doubloons, put down in
brine! Flow blenk nul dreary, and sad
and weary, is age to. one who's broke.
who sits ami hollers about the dollars
that he sent up in smoke!
VnrrluM, Ut4 hr
AiUm Nwaaper Strrfct
Shifting Tenantry Men
ace to Farming , .
; , Prosperity - ;
I ary National Conference on Mar
keting nd Fsrrn Credits
omists.1 within a few years
the Land question will be a
national political issue. it
has Already become a mat
In tho majority of cases the ten
ant farmer is the leftover man of
progress. II U biiiiiuess ability and
his iiitellijrence are not so great as
that of bis more protpcrou neigh
bor wiio owns a fArm.
To insure; rental value, list
your rooms, your homes, your
apartments in the Journal
Want Ads. One cent a word
under "New Today."
To Overcome Sunburn,
Tan, Freckles, Wrinkles
If your skiu is undulv reddened,
freckled or tanned, dab a liberal
amount of mercoli.ed wax on tho face
and allow it to remain over night.
When you .wash off the wax in thn
morning fine flaky, almost invisible
particles of cuticle come with it. Jie-
peating this daily, tho entire filter skin
is .absorbed, but so gradually there s
not tho slightest hurt or Inconvenience.
bven tho stubboruost freckles are af-
foetcd. The underlying skin, which
forms the new complexion, is bo fresh
and youthful looking you'll marvel at
the transformation. It's the oulv thin:;
Known to actually discard an aged, fad
od, muddy or blotchy complexion. One
ounce of mercoli.ed wax, procurable at
any drug store, is sufficient in most
If sun and wind make you squiut
and frown, you're bound to cultivate
wrinkles and crow's feet. To overcome
these quickly, bathe the fuce in a sold
Hon made by dissolving an ounce of
powdered saxolite in a half pint of
witch hazel.
Albany, Ore., July 11. Frank C.
Stellmncher, commander of the Oregon
department of the Spanish war veter
ans, made public yesterday bis official
appointments of the different officers
ot the department. It had been known
tor some time who most of the official
would be, brnt announcement of the
commander this morning now assures
their selection.
Tho staff follows:
Department Chief of Staff, A. V.
McLaughlin, of Eugene.
Department Adjutant, Hoy W. ivesl,
Department Quartermaster, William
V. Merrill, of Albany.
, Department Historian, George II,
Carr, of Portland.
Assistant Adjutant, George F. A.
Walker. .
The new commander also issued in
ftructions to the, different camps com
cerniug their reports, which be asks
them to file in the near future.
Local Evidence
Evidence that can be verified.
Fact is what we want.
Opinion is not enough.
Opinions differ.
Here's a Salem fact.
You can test it.
W. H. Root, Route Xo. 8, Salem, Ore
gon, says: "I believe a cold-started
kidney trouble in my, case. Frequent
action of the kidneys annoyed me day
and night, and sometimes I was-una jle
to sleep. Tho passages of the kidney
secretions were attended with a burl
ing pain. - If I tried to sleep, I had
sharp twinges in the small of my back.
1 felt weak, tired and languid, anil 1
often got dizzy. . nothing heled me
until I took Doan's Kidney's Pills on
a friend's advice. In less than a
month 1 felt like a different man, and
four boxes made me well. The pains
went away and the kidney secretions
became natural. I publicly recom
mended Doan's Kidney Pills after they
helped me so greatly, and 1 now wil
lingly confirm that statement. I still
use Donn'g Kidney Pills off and on
when I catch cold on my kidneys, and
thev alwavs help me.
Price SOe. At all dealers. Don't
simply ask for a Vidnov remedy. Get
Doan's Kidnev Tills, the same that Mr.
Root had. Fostor-Millburn Co., props.,
Buffalo, X. Y.
San Francisco, July 13. The ICann
waha, the navy's most up to date and
largest tanker, wns launched at Mare
Island at 5 p. m. Saturday. '
Though equipped with 12 huge oil
tanks, the ship is so constructed as to
permit its alteration on short notice
into a carrier of coal. Of cargo oil
it can carry 2,200,000 gallons.
The vessel is of W.oOO tons displace
ment, has a length of 475 feet, a beam
of 5ti feet and a draft of Z6 feet, and
can make a maximum speed, laden, of
U knots. It has twin scrrws, will be
manned by 177 officers and men and
will carry a battery of four rapid-firers.
Miss Dorothy Bennett, daughter of
Commandant F. M. Bennett of the Mare
Island navy yard, will christen the
According to Twentieth Century standards
the two fundamental essentials in measur
BILITY. The officers and directors of this institu
tion are practical bankers and business men
whose ability and responsibility have been
proven in their record and under their man
agement this bank is a safe depository for
your funds. ,
United States National Bank
Of Salem, Oregon
CO FjL Cg)
Lunch Specials
Underwood Deviled Hum, 15-25c
Veribest Deviled Ham. . . . . . .15o
Vcribest Deviled Meat 5-10c
Veribest Veal I.ouf 15c
Veribest Chicken Loaf 20c
Sardines in Bouillon ..10c.
Sardines in Olive Oil 15c
Sardines Smoked.. 2 for 25c
Snrdines Common.- 5c
California Tuna 20o
Walker's Red-hot Tamales,
2 for 25o
Oysters 2 for 25c
Lobsters 35c .
Crabs '. 50c
Cream Cheeso, pound 25c
Westacott-Thielsen Co., Inc.
Successors to -'
Thielsen Cash Grocery "L, A. Westacott A Co; f
- i 151 North High.
House of Half a Million Bargains
. Come and see the biggest wonder la the history of Salem. We bay and
sell everything from a needle to a pieee of gold. We pay the highest
cash price for everything. Monster stock of all kinds of grain sacks.
H. Steinbock Junk Co.
233 State Street. Salem, Oregon. 'hone Main 224
Billiards, pool, tenuis, golf, fresh sad salt waiter fishing, boating, riding
and autos. We have our own livery stable and autos; 35 -miles of unbroken
beach for auto runs. Our tahle is supplied from our own dairy, vegetable
gardens and poultry yards. Postoffico, long distance phone and telegraph
station in the hotel. O. W., E. 3c X. station on the grounds. -Write for terms
and reservations to
THE BREAKERS HOTEL, Breakers, Washington
I iMfm
Capital Journal j
To indicate you are a regular reader you must present Four Coupons
like this one. x
The National Embroidery Outfit is guaranteed to be
the greatest collection and biggest bargain in patterns ever
offered. The 200 patterns have a retail value of 10 cents
each. Bring FOUR Coupons and 68 cents to this office and
you will be presented with One Complete Outfit, including
Book of Instructions and one All Wood Beaded Hoop and
10 skeins of silk. The 68 ce,nts is to cover duty, express,
handling and the numerous overhead expenses of getting
, the package from the factory to you.
' N. B. Out-of-Town Readers will add S cents extra
for postage and expense of mailing.
Pittsburg, Ta., July iS. Another
strike at the plant of the Westing
house Electrical Manufacturing com
pany in East Pittsburg was considered
imminent today as a resntt of the ac
tion of the company in peremptorily
discharging 1400 employes who had
marched back to their places.
The strike, whic started several
weeks' sgo, involving about 25,000
workers, was generally believed until
today to have been compromised.
Should another walkout occur, violence
between the opposing factions waa
feared. .
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