THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM. OPEOOV. MONDAY. JULY 13, 1914. THESE MR. FRANK M. ALLEY, AN EASTERN MAN DOLIN AND MANDOCELLO PLAYER OF RECOGNIZED ABILITY; who has recently mov ed to Salem, has been engaged by "The Spa" to furnish music for the enjoyment of the patrons of that always popular confectionery every even-' ing from 9:00 to 11:00, except Mondays and Sun days. ' . . ' MR. ALLEY will be assisted by MR. CARTER, who has lately purchased a magnificent Harp Guitar, a fine instrument of powerful mellow tone and one of the very few on the Pacific coast. This combination insures an enjoyable stop on your way home from the theater. THE SPA, 382 State St . ' I Supply Your Vacation Needs CULMINATING n romance which red Miss Prim-ilia Fry in celebrating began last year, while he was ; her eighth birthday Saturday night at touring Scotland nnd the conti- : the Frys' handsome residence, "Bright nent, will be the marriage of James view.'' The guests were entertained MeGilchrist, son of -Mr. and Mrs. Wil-' on the .spacious grounds, and the re liuui McUiluhnst.-to .Miss Elsie l't.ik freshment, were also served out of (f Glasgow- Scotland, which will ro doors. The gueMs were: Frances Mat ctiib'ated in New York City July :7. i tie .Martin, Florence Jones, Leah Bross, Mr. McGil.-luist leaving for tl-.rt place i Norman .Areiiz, Herman Arenz, Keene Saturday. On that date ho will meet Wall, Jack Minto and Frederick his fiancee, who will be acioii'.mnn .; Sehroek. bv friends f i. o Scotland. Their weo- .?--' ding will le celebrnted at tin hist, ri j Dr. and Mis. A. B. Stnrbuck and lit cul Little Church Around the Corner, -jtlo daughter, Jtury Elizabeth, motor Previous to their return to Salem !td from Dallas and spent Sunday with Mr. MeGilchrist will take his bride to Mrs. Starbuck's mother, Mrs. Mary Washington, L. C, Philadelphia, Ni- Beaver of Polk county, agara Falls, Yellowstone National park I and show her other points of interest, j Rev. Robert S. Gill, rector of St. this being her first trip to America. I iaul 's Episcopul ehurrh, has been They will also spend a short tiran as grunted a six weeks' vncution and is guests ot the William MeUilchrists. ; now on his way to Spokane. Rev. J. sis., at their Newport cottage. - '' a Armstrong, of Jefferson, will sup After August first they will bo at'" ply the pulpit during Rev, Gill's ab home to friends at an attractively fur- nonce, nished residence on South High street. ! Mr. nnd Mrs. C. W. Lee nrrived from Eight small neighbor friends assist- Falls City Saturday and spent Sunday ! at the. home of . W. ri. Luce, of 5tjQ ' North Twenty-fifth street. Mr. Leo has just retired from the ownership of tho Falls City News and is now on his way to Portland., at Our Store -Colgate's Toilet Articles A complete line of Colgate's Toilet Articles for your approval. . Low prices. Talc, Cold Cream, Tocth Paste, Soaps, etc. Pack Your Clothing in One of These Suit Cases or Traveling Bags Here are just the suit cases and bags you have been looking for to take with you on your vaca tion. They are well made of strong high-grade leather, English steel frame, heavy sole leather corners, brass locks and catches. The bags come in various sizes and . ton nr. lengths. Priced from....-.p4.0 10 $ZU.UU Middy Blouses Just received a big shipment of pretty Middy Blouses in late sum- PHcedfrom.$1.25 to $2.00 Every Day Is the Big Day for the National Pattern Outfit Dr. and Mrs. W. L. Mercer left this morning for a summer's visit iu Albia, Iowa. $U.G.SHIPLEYC W LIBERTY STREET Offered to the Readers of The Capital Journal Air. and Mrs. E. Hofcr, by Florence and Lawrene turned from a two-days" through the Alsea country, Z.t0 DritUh ('0l"",bia' are VICTIMS OF ACCIDENT LIST OF PRIZES FOR me, nave re u.-.i. ,nrfi.,i !. motor trio M1SS M- " ra(1Iooi, or rornanu, is a guest at the Marion. ii. J. i rice, n nanus niercnnni, is WILL BOTH RECOVER The marriage of Robert En kin son of j , R of th Ellg'(U0 Tt,lollhone v. ...i.- T :'. ' i o., is at the Marion. DAIRY DEPARTMEOT Reiorted dead but still living and, Frank Meredith, secretary of tho Nctta Kiddle, of Island City, is of gen eral interest here. The ceremony was performed June 23. The only attend- "!!t"ILe" ,T"e, !h-e-b.ri.,!"r.00 i visiting hedaughter, Mrs. Eckerslcy. ;l. it.. !.. ri.l,i .. Mr. and Mrs. Hoyd t rev rn u V I'- i . W" tt i ! Kli't a two weeks 9 outiiiff at Tout Pity with chances irooil for lecoverv ia tho 1 .; I. Triag, of Portland, calling on the latest news eoncornih the trainmen 1 , . . " " " "u ,u' millinery trade, is at the Marion. ; who were in the broken bridge accident , ""J 11101 l"u lmu's m tn0 UuirJr u'l""t- Mrs. J. T. Moore, of McMinuville, is Friday near Klackrock, ment this year would fur suriiuss thoso H. Faulkner, the eiigincor, who of any previous yeur. More prizes with his wife and 2-vear-old dani'hter ! i. i v .j i i ... ed yesterday from Newport, where they Uved on Church street in this eityv i. tuined bv A. U. lZ" ZZZZ .. ihi llnllno l.ntMiif..! II u I iti.i.. Iu .. . . ' ""1" Vt . A.I HAAnn llnail-t' 1 il A , . l l. I ... i. .i I . l XPTttv of Wash ington. mt took r- v.., r,v.hJ r-lv, I(Ul ,,1U,W1 luluupi uui.i-5 ui uuu. , - i Ftiinviiifr An outinir ew on. -:rBr " ' ""rK will probably remain l i- i in, umii j, and Mrs. Scott Innian, of rort-i Fritz fireman in Dallas hosnitnl is received his decree-, beinar a member nf .. , ...i... -o r. i.. 1 rlli' . I,rl "m"' '" J-,"".s nosi'iiiu, is the two weeks. 1 "ey legs are brokeu and ono has a eotn- ' iKinnil i-n.i urn Kulnni tlin Liiiw, li,A ,r nS , 7Z' T K a . .i.01 '"''. vinlted yesterday with Mr. In-i 8l ffl,rilll. from burns on li he '09 class of liberal arts, and of the ,,,- 9ist1 Mr8- u Bllrt, ws from neck to heel" '1 1 e ass of law. Bes.des his regular . Eorl L. 8i' mon ha ...,,,, ron. J K8,Jr?. ' , " '" ., ALV WOOO BEAOEO etteieoioeW 5 SK6(K. ,w fast cuioR. ruaas practice oi law in liaUramlo, being a member of the firm of Crawford & Ka kin, he also holds the position of -municipal judge. Following tiio liisr.iri Mr. nnd Mr. l!Mn ook a iioi ;vnioi).i tiin to ( loud .,m i. nmi,,, ,,,.,. ,V biirueil and skin grafting trip to liiiainooK. probably have to ho done on his left ir. nun .r. ,i. i). on-iii.,. mm i arm nnd hand. of tho department, and he litis written Mr. Meredith that ho expects to add to the list. Tho rivalry iu this depart ment uhvuys has been keen, and bo- spuni, . cause of tho manv e.xiiousive is lincK and ,i,i. ,.. . ...... 1 1 iu tni.n in l . r .. ' . . - r---- -v 0 . , be set for size and quality of the exhi will ;m, n-... i- , .., . '.. ... . . ,iu jini vi IUIAVB J9 US IHUinVH; Dairy cows llazelwood milking nia- Wal.lo. of Olvmiiia. Wash., ar.-ived here' .1 i. . . . .-. ... I '' '"S Jonuted by Hnzelwood Milking p.:.,:..' ; I.'... '.-.I : f i. J"r,""K l" "T"n "' lm --"ifi.i Machine h,m.nv M... v..l.. !0, I Jt I" ti-.vv. Dairy butter Highest Bcore, one L'nited States cream separator, donut ed by Vermont Farm Machine company, Ui-llons Falls, Vermont, value S5; sec ond prize, (Sold Coin poultry tonic, do-, nnted by Monroe & tirissell, l'ortlund, value IO; third prize, four-bottle Bub- ri.e fireman was!C";;K fHT' 1 ,,,,u,'',, N''r,& ''r- fMy evening, ami are visit. , Mrs. u : frieht train 239 of tho Salem. orstncr nt !t,o N. (on. more ml street., Fu (,itv & Wostu ,,,, for Hll,,,m T i t v -n-ill liiuva TnauJitv timt'iii.i frft . ' vai. Inn. TImv wi'l b- lit home tn " .i ':..- " crusue.i inrougn inu urmgo over me f,i.l- ,n. I,. u..v..r,.. ,.U....n, " """" -V- Entertaining ' WdAfally at a Ken-1 Lii'-kiiimutc Friiluy, near lllackrock. Mrs. O. .1. Hull and little aaughter of i Tll , , hJ,, Tho Kugene are visiting aUhe homn cf Mrs . f , fc t! , a , ''A'Si ":; a".l drew the'englne cashing the tali tho songton, Miss Alice and Miss Florence! Miss Mnrgnrent Mulkey is visiting ut rol'l'' ' " ' l'age asked a number ot girj friends to j Central l'oint, Oregon. She will re- ' , " ,w,ne uel their attractive borne in Kingwood Fri-i turn tho latter part of the w.'ek. 8t01"" J',, caught ami held in the escaping steam, lnv Bfla,i,nnii , ,w,n, T.. .....!.... r O ft AH r...l wf H.tviuuu,, iu anw; iihtii UUlin, I llO, I llllllll I II lif, O. ' Ill J UIV- , . . . , . , ,. , ., guests, Miss Clara Ellis and Miss Ida '. land, was a Salem visitor over SnmlnvJ h" thc eug.neer .ui.nped landing ... the Ouinalev. of Cedar Iowa. ' ...Utino- If.w. Vuther M.ion. ,.t. Kt ! Wf,t,'r Hl"1 WI'K " t'1" fcnldu.g The gue;s were: Miss tlertrudo Ea- Joseph's. , kin, Miss Lucille Kuutz, Miss Kate Mr. and Mrs. Trunk retun.-d ves'er-1 J '? that broke was near the Rarton, Miss Norma Harper, Miss Ruth ! day from a week's vacation lit Willioiti at 11 U(' 'ao!' k.-, A lIMMHl',1Hpr tram Boyer, Miss Helen I'enrce, Miss Mar-1 Springs. I'11"1 r the bridge an-hour be tore, garet Poisal, Miss Alico Fields, Miss I Mr. and Mrs. .Tames Sponeo, after a I tint when the trcight run on it, it gnvo (irace Thompson, Miss tienevieve Avi-! week's sojourn at Newport, hav.j re-j w"-v Bl"' tho engine crashed down, soq and Miss Krniiiif .Harding. j turned to'dieir n. this citv. i tiirne.l over and stood up on one end. ......'. Among the Snlein visilojs v,Hterlnv The Dallas passenger bound for Mr. and Mrsr C W Booschen Mrs ' Wilhoit Springs were Dr. nn'd Mrs. H. I Hla. kro. U wns soon on the sceno and A. O. Boeschen ami small ann. with Mis Olinger, Mr. and Mr I rank Dor- ,la 18 w"re '".'" ' 8 .V .7 C. W. Boeschen's brother, Joseph Wil: -; ,,in ai"' Mr. and Mrs. Milton Mey JDai, and wite, or Butte, .Montana, anil V ' ,I ' ... . . f,u firnfll ll,illi ncr sisLf-r. iurs. iinnnv. ni n I umnnin . ' oi cnicago, are located tor the sum mer at the Boeschen's summer residence "Seacrest" at Newport. and Dallas. Dr. A. B. Starlnick iu Fall City at the time made tho run iu 4,5 Miss Orcta I'hillipps is attending minutes. Ino mjureil men will prou ... . .. 1. 1 i. .. school at Monmouth sell, Portland, value ."; fourth prize, ;i0-pound milk and cream scale, donat ed by Monroe & tirissell, l'ortlund, vuliie $4. Display dairy products Solid silver service, donated by Southern Pacific company, value $100. Cost of booth nut to exceed iftiS. Cheese First prize, 2,1, donated by Columbia Supply company, Portland; Del.aval Dairy Supply company, Seat tle, und Monroe & (liissell, Portland; $10 worth of Marchnllu Iiennott ex tract and $10 worth of nu-rchiimliKe if highest scoring cheese is made with .inirsciiaii s iieiiiii-it extract; silver cun uhlv be in the hns'nital for some months. il"ated by .1. It. Ford company, Wyan- . jdotte, Mich., value $-'5j second prize, DIED $12,511, donated by Dcl.iival Dairy Sup ply company, nenmc; ( oiunuua Mipply THE NATIONAL PATTERN OUTFIT Contains 200 Guaranteed Latest Embroidery Designs, 1 Booklet of Instructions, 1 All-Wool Beaded Embroidery Hoop, 10 Skeins of Floss. PARTIAL LIST OF PATTERNS GIVEN - Each Worth 10 Cents 1 Hand Bag 1 Bib . 1 Bailor Set 1 Baby Bootee 1 Set Fleur de Lis 1 Candle Shade 1 Rose Waist 1 Set Numerals 1 Collar 1 Tumbler Doily 1 Pillow Case 1 Set Scallops 1 Butterfly 1 Set Odd Designs 1 Towel End 1 Scarf" 1 Corset Cover 1 Baby Shoj 1 Set Sprays 1 Glove Cae 1 Shirt Waist 1 Babv Bath 'lVivel 1 Set Dutch Ch. 1 Tic End 1 Alphabc? 1 Baby Cap Designs and " Borders for Dresses Odd Sprays 1 Script Alphabet 1 Bulgarian Scarf 14 Bulgurian Designs for Collars, 'aists, Under-, wear, etc. 2 Bulgarian Waists 1 Block Alphabet 3 Wreaths 5 Fancy Bowko ts 1 Floral Basket Sprnys and Figures for Child 's Dress 1 Set Sweet Peas 1 Set Carnations 1 Bunch Violets 1 Old Eng. Alphabet 1 Corset Cover 1 Pin Cushion 1 Hand Bag Bulgarian Design 2 Towel Borders 2 Waist Fronts 1 Doily 1 Night Gown 1 Flower Basket Butterfly, Bowknota Conventional Flowers 1 Apron (Roman Cut - Work) -1 Apron (French KnotB) 1 Pin Cushion 2 Towel Borders 1 Chemise 3 Corners for Scarfs, Lunch or Table Cloths 1 Pillow Case End, Wreaths and Sprays 2 Designs for Waists 1 Odd Butterfly 1 Parasol Design 1 Scarf 1 Pillow 1 Set Medallions 1 Set Pussy Cats and Mice 1 Pine Pillow 1 Set Sprays 1 Boy Scout 1 Rose Sofa Cushion 1 Set Birds 1 Set Poppies 1 Set Wnter Lilies 1 "Daisy Design . Full Course of Instructions All Yours for Four Coupons and 68c ;EACH PATTERN WORTH 1 0 CENTS- Miss Maude Stewart, who for the past five ytarn has held the'position nf prin cipal of the State School for the Feeble Minded, recently resigned, and lat week left for Grafton, North Dakota, where she will fill a .similar position at the state institution wki-n is locate! there under the superiiitciideney of D r A, It. T. Wiley. Her duties will claim tier September first, and prior to '.hat time tho will visit friend in "arious places in Minnesota, the state where she received her preparations for he!' chosen work. Miss Stewart's splendid appointment comes in recognition of her excellent work done in "the Oregon institution. Several years of her service were un der the supervision of,t)r. F. K. Smith, now of Portland, who, as well as tho present superintendent, Dr. ,1. H. Thompson, has only words of highest praice for her efficient, meritorious i work. , . Mr:-,. A. E. Hiickefitein Jr. is entertain-! ing as her house guests for several weeks Mrs. F. I. Randall of Portland. and Miss Maude Tucker of Clnrkson, Wash. Both have been entertained be fore by Mrs. Hiu-kestein, and have nu-J inerous irienila here who will join in showing them man; pleasant attentions. Thirty-five new were initi aled into the onler, Daughters of Isa belle, last night at the Hotel Marion, where a banquet was also tendered them nt half-past seven o'clock. Cov- ; ers were laid for seventy-four members! ; of the recently organized Knights of : Columbus, of which the woman's or- der is an auxiliary, also being present. The Sacred Heart choir furnished mu ; F,ie during the evening, and Miss Anna . (". Schaefers, of Eugene, wns beard in ; a solo. i Mrs. Joseph Lebold presided as toast- mistress, calling for the following tosst;:: "Our Order," Mrs. Joseph II. i Kokc of Eugene, and "A New Daugh ter," by Miss Anna Barr. Rev. A. I Moore gave the address ot welcome and Rev. J. M. O'Farrell of Woodbnrn spoko of the order. W. ('. Phillips also I discoursed briefly on the work of both I orders. . PERSONALS. Mr. and Mrs. A.' F. Baker, of Oak Point, Wash., former Salem residents, are guests at the Marion. Dr. and Mrs. .1. J. Henderson, A. A .1. D. Adams is a Portland vi-iiNir. Miss Alma Bonne, of Oregon City, is t... st r I ........ 01..1 liuu (lurt null llndunr nf this citv I H KLDI N G A t a local hospi I ill, Sat ii r-, com pa ny, Portland, and Monroe & (li is- and Mrs. Anna McD.illia, of Portland, j left for Newport today. They will i i ,1 . 1 spen.i some u. : merr a... a .,.., po.., ,i,lren. The funeral where they will visit relatives. The answer proved time and again the WANT AD. Each Wished tho Other Would Go to Sleep. day, July 11, 1M I, at tl:;SO p. in., 1 sell, Portland, third prize, plated cheese, Thomas Fielding, aged 81) years. trier, donated by .do.iroo & (iri-sell, Deceased leaves a wife and three Portland, value "l.llo, rnwn eliililren. The fnneriil sei'vicc' lliunlriv .f ,..,.i.,u.. .lo ....... i... 1 i... i i il:.. ........ , . -ii . ,i i . ! - ncro iii-iii iiuti iiiu-iiiiiiMi ni i i i in- i ine nest display or Uregon-miKle clieose iiiuler he auspices of the loile of Odd by rnii.n .Meat company, Towiiscnd Fellows at Lelimanii and (llJiigli's par- ; creuniery, Haelwnod compiinv nnd lors. Burial iu I. I). (). F. cemetery, I Portland Pure Milk & "ream company. Highest sco. ing creamery butter donated by .Monroe & tirissell, (V Mumbia Supply company, Dcl.avul Dairy , Supply company, Cnion Meat coni pany, Purl land P lire Milk & Cretin, jeoinpiiny, llii.elwoud company, Town send Creamery company; stag limn carving set, donated by J. H. Ford, i value W; $11) in trade, donated by I Dcl.iival Dairy Supply company; ono I silver cup, donated by Worchesler Salt oinpany, valued ut .flu; one s.lvi-r cup Daddy's Bedtime Story The Turtles Who Couldn't Kppn Await donated by Diamond Crystal Salt cm ixccp nwMC, 1UU1V Vllliu, m. w!(ioi( r.ti ( ;uvti's aod A. R. Curtis, of Hau Fran-1 laaghed and snld: . 44 'Wasn't It all T had been u very hot day. and both Jnek nn.1 Evelyn t.dd daddy tlmt """" . , "M 1 ''' .i:'.v en,,, they didn't know when they bad Telt the heat ho fn loosely. I 3V v "'l "h! , V'""'r .T', '"Well, the turtles felt m h.t. too, today.'' said bly -Tbey h,y ttU. 4 uiuuiiu uu mo iiuni .i...,...o v. U.. I. "" " " iiinnalcil by Balfour Guthrie company, grumbling." value D; one silver cup, donated by "I didn't know turtles Iind front piiiKns to their homes," si. Id Evelyn. Oregon Agricnltiirits, value f. . "Dear ine, yes!" replied daddy. "They nre very fortunate, ton. beeniiso Butter milkers' scoring contest Sol-, tliey do not Juatown ono front plnzzn, but tbey own seven.!, id gold Elgin watch, donated by Pact- "You see, eucli turtle picks out three logs or three minus or possibly one log fie Homstead, value if.'IS; second prize, and two snugs, nnd lie announces to the other turtles tl.ut those, uru bis front i donated by 'I'.iw. semi Creamery piazzas. Tbey are not at nil selfish about tla-ni, for any of tliu other turtlvs j company, Hnzelwood company, I'nioit can make use ot tlieui whether tbey own them or not. : M' ut ''"l"y. Portland Pure Milk S, "Todav w.-in so hot that all the front nla..ns were Indue occupied. Theiv . v was Mrs. Bluek Mud Turtle on very own porch with Mrs. llnrd Shell Tur tle. .Mrs. Hard Shell Turtle, you see, hud Just enough energy to get over to Mi. Black Mud Turtle's porch, for she l.nd many things (die wanted to talk to her about. There wns the entflHhes' ball, which was to come off the next week, end she wanted Mrs. Black Mud Turtle's opinion us to wbut she would wear nnd what nil the little turtles would wear. "You know they begun talking about the costumes they would have to get ready, nnd they became sleepier nnd sleepier. They blinked their eyes very hard and tried with might nnd main to keep nwake. , "Mrx. Ithick Mud Turtle didn't want to go to sleep, as sho thought It would j lie so very rude when Mrs. Hard Shell Turtle bad come to call on her. Mrs. j Hard Shell Turtle felt that If she went to sleep It would be n terrible thing. "But they both felt so terribly sleepy and they both wished the other would go to sleep so tho rudeness would be some ono else's. j ( 'They kept on dreamily talking. "'Yes, my dear,' Mrs. Black Mud Turtle would any, 'I think that would be ! lovely.' "And Mrs. Ilurd Shell Turtle would answer, Just managing to swallow a j yawn: ! " "It Is to sweet of you to take an Interest.' ; "They kept this up tome time, their voices getting lower nnd lower, and filially Mrs. Black Mud Turtle was fast asleep, and Mrs. Hard Shell Turtle was sleeping Just as soundly. There they slept all day. and when they woke up tbls evening neither of them knew wbo bad gone to sleep first, so both Tallest butter ii.aker attending fair $5; shortest butter -milker, iji.'i; heaviest . butter maker, ifO; lightest butter-'iiaker,' Biitter-inaker with lurgest family. liMtl; second prize, if5; all donated by, ITowiisend Creamery company, Portland 'Pure Milk & Creiioi eompany, Union i.Meat company, llir.elwood company. Leam the secret in every cup of hot daj?" over England's favorite for over 70 years