f r - '.IXO l;m!Mi'fli yi'aaw t-v . . ; tii'.(u $10)00 FOR 100 WORDS. -Tke Million Dollar Stysttry " slofg will run for twenty-two CO teeutiva weekt in tkit pop. By am arrangemtnl wi:h tkt Tkankouaer film company it hat htm made possible not only It r:ai tkt ttory in tkit paper but alto to it tack wttk In tkt various mocirif picture theater!. For tkt tolution ol tkit mystery ttory tlOftVQ till be given. COSDITIOSS UOVEttS'lSQ TBE V0STE8T. Tkt priee of J 10,000 will 6 von bp tkt man, woman, or child who writet the noil acceptable tolution of tkt myitery, from which thu lett two reel! of motion picture iramt will be made anil tkt last two' chapter! of tkt ttorp vrittt bp Harold Uae(hatk. Solutions map be tent to tke Than kouser Film corporation, eitker at Chicago or Jitte York, any time u; to midnight, Dee. 11. Tktp mutt bear poitofioe mark not later tkan tkat date. Tkit alloitt four weekt after tkt firtt appearance f Ike tail film releasee and tkree wetkt niter tke lait chapter it publtsked t ... paper in which to tubmit tolutiont, A board of three fudge! will determine whick of tke many tolutiont received it tkt moif acceptable. Tkt judgment of thit board will bt absolute and final. Nothing of a literary nature will be coniiuercJ in tkt decision, nor given any preference in tkt telection of tke winner of tke ilOflOO pritt. Tkt (ai( two reels, which will give the moit acceptable solutic : to tke "'lit tery, will bt presented in the theater! hav ing thit feature at toon at it is prac tical to product tame. Tke etory ccrre tpondlng to these motion picture! will ap pear in the newtpupert coincidentallg, or at toon after the appearance of the pio turet at practical. With the last tico retlt will be shown the pioturei of the I' i'i' iter, kit or her home, and other interesting feature!. It It understood (' at the newt paper, so far at praciival, in printing tht last tico chaptert of the itorg by Harold MacOrath, will also show a picture of the tuccrssful contestant. Halations to the mystery must not be more than 100 wordt lonf. Here are tome questions to be lept in mind in connection with the mystery ft an aid to a solution : A'o.l What becomet of the millionaire Ko.tWhat becomet of the $l,W)0,O00t JVo. S Whom dort Florence marryt A'o. 4 What becomet of the Russian countess t Vobody connected either directly or in directly with "Tke Million Dollar My tory" will be considered ai a contestant. (VNOI'SIS OK CIIAPTEHJ CMS AMD I TWO. (airy Ilarsreave, millionaire, after aalraenloue eeeape from tke dca of tho aag of brilliant tblevea kiom a the Black llnadred, Uvea Ike life of a retinae for elakteea year. Ilarnreav one nig at eater a Broadway veatauraat aad tkero Maw face to faoe wllk tho (g'l loader, llralae. After the meetlaa", daring vtklek neither maa apparently recoanleea tho tker, llararrave karrtea to kla raasnia eeat Rlverdale kome aad laye plaaa for maklaa kla oaeape from tke country. Ho writes a letter to tke girl.' ackool la New Jersey where elghtera yeare keforo ko aad mjaterloueljr left oa Ike dooratea kla kabf dauakter, Vlurrace Orajr. Ha ala daredevil avAator Bralae aad aiembera of kla baad aa. round llarajrrave'a kome at Bight, bat aa tkrf eater tke koaae the iratckera oat aide aeo a kallooa leave tke roof. Tko afe la feaad empty the mlllloa klob llarcreavo wna kaevra to kava dravra aoaneed tho kallooa kad keea poaatured aad dropped to tko bottom of tko aea. Floreara arrtvea from tko glrla' arbsol. 1'rtaceaa Olga, Bralaa'a compaalna, vla Ita aad elalau to bo a relative. Tna boana deteetlvea eall, bnt tkelr plot la foiled bp Nortoa, a aetfapaper man. (Copyright; 1U: By Harold MoOrth.) CIIAFTKK 111. Till BAia lit TUK LONKLT WillllOUBt THE rlncaa did not remain lonf tfter tba departure ot the police with the bofua detective. It had beep a very difficult corner to wriggla out of, all because Itralna bad added to bia plana attar aha had left the apartment. Hut for tba ad Tent of the meddling' reporter the coup would bava auccccded, herself apparently perfectly lunoceut of complicity. That must be the keynote of all her plana; to appear quit Innocent and 1its no trail behind ber. Bh had tallied the confidence ot Florence and ber couipautoo. And aha wn ruther certain that aha bud Impressed tills lacy eyed reortvr and the atolid butler. She had told nothing but tba truth regarding her relationship. Tbey would find that out. She waa Katrlua, I'uab kin'a couin. lint blood with ber counted oa naught. Sha had room In ber heart but for two thing, ltraina aud money to apend oa her caprices. " How long hna your highness .known Mr. Amine? " asked tho reporter Idly, as ha amoothed away all atgna of bit recent con Illct "0, the better part of a year. Mr. liar-' g reave did not recogulio ma the other night That wa quite eicuauble, for when ha last anw ma I waa not mora than 12. My child,'' ahe aald to Florence, " build no bopea reghrd ing your mother. She la doubtless dead. Upon aome trivial matter I do not know what It waa aba waa confined to the fortress. That waa seventeen yeara ago. When you entei tha fortrcaa at Bt. Petersburg, you ceasa to be." "That Is trua enough." "I did not recall rnyaelf to yout father. 1 did not cars at that moment to shock him with tba remembrance ol tha past la not Mr. ltraina a remarkable man? " All this In ber ibarmlng broken Engllah. ' Ha la, Indeed," affirmed Norton. " He's ' a auperb linguist, knows svorybod) and has traveled erarywher. No mat'er what sub ject you bring op ha seems well InformeJ." "Coma often," urged Florence. " I shall, my child. Act any time you need me, call for me. After all, 1 am nearly your aunt. Xou will fiud ll'i In the city far . different from that which you bava been ao customed to." She limped dowu to he llnousin. In trip ping up Norton be had stepped upoo ber fool heavily. "She la lovely! " cried Florence. "Well, 1 must be on my way. lao," said Norton. " I am a worldly wise man, Miss Florence. Aa Jones here. Never go any place without letting blm knew ; cot-even tc the corner drug store. I am going to find your father. Some one waa rescreJ. I'm going to find out whether it waa the aviator or Mr. Hargreave." Jones drew 'n a deep, breath and his eyes VV 'fc'f ' tr1.' closed for a moment. At the door he spoks to the reporter. "What do you think r-t that woman?" " I believe that ahe has told the truth. She ia charming." " She is. But Tor all her chnrm and truth I cannot help distrusting ber. I have an idea. I shall call up your office at tha end of each duy. if a day comes without a call, you will know that something Is wrong." " A very good Idea." Nortoa shook hands with every one and cepnrtel. " What a brave, pleasant young man 1 " murmured Susan. "I like him, too; nd I'd l'ke him for a friend," aald the guileless girl. " It la very good to have a friend li'ie Mr. Norton," added Jones, and paased out Into the kitchen. All the help bail been discharged and upon bia shoulders lay the burden of tbe cooking till such time v hen he could rein state ths cook. There waa a aturmy acene between Braine and tbe princess that night. "Are you In your dotage?" ahe naked Vehemently. " There, -there; bring your voice down a bit. AVhere'a tbe girl?" "In her borne. Where did you suppose aba would be, after that botchwork of letting me go to do one thing while you bad In mind another? And an ordiuary pair of cutthroats, at that I " "Ths thought came to me after you lett I knew you'd recognize the men and under aland. I see no reason why it didn't work." " It would have been all rlgl t if you bad consulted a clairvoyant." "What the deuco do ;oa mean by that?" Bralue demanded roughl;', " I mean that then you would have learned your friend the reporter waa to arrive upon the acene at Ita most vital moment." "What, Norton?" " Yea. The trouble la with you, you have been so successful all these years that you have grown overcouhdent I tell you that thcr- Is a deopcrately shrswi' m.tn somewhere back of all this. Mark nie, I t'o not believe Hargreave la dead. He la in hiding. It may be near by. lie may have topped from the balloon before it -eit land. The man tbey picked up may be Oits, the ncromiut Tha fire thousand might have been bia fee for rescuing Hargreave. Here Is the greatest thing we've ever been up agalcst; aud you start In with every day ue.hodsl" " Little woman, dou't'et your tongue run away with you too far." " I'm not the least bit afraid of you, Teo. You need me, ttnd It haa never been more apparent than at this moment." " All right. I fell by tl e waysice this trip. Truthfully, I realised It firs minutes after the men were gone. The only clever thing I did was to keep ths mask en my face. They can't come back at 11c But the thing looked so easy; and it would Lave worked but for Norton's appearance. " You all but compromised me. That butler worries me a little." Her expression loot Its anger and grew thoughtful. " lie's always about, somewhere. Do rou think Uargreavo took him into bis confidence J" "Can't tell. He's beej watched straight for forty hours. U. basi't mailed a letter or telephoned to any place but tbe grocery. There have been no telerama. Sdtne one to that bouse knowa where tbe money la, and It'a tec to pne that it will be the girl." " She looks enough like KatKna to be ber ghost." Uralne Tent over to the w.-lo and stared Up at tbe atnra. ' " You 'have made a good ' Impression oa tho girl?" with bia back still toward her. "I bad ber in my arms." " Olga, my hat ia oft to you," turning, now that bis Aioe waa again In -repose-. Your very frankness regarding ; onr relationship will pull tbe wool over their eyes Of course, they'll make inquiriea and they'll find out that you b.iveu't lied. It'a perfect. Not eveu that newspaper weasel will sea anything wrong.' Toward you tbey will eventually ease 1 I II r: wii VOU MOST COMB EVUCYDAVANO , HAVE PeQOa&5SE.D. SHE. SAID .' , up and you can act without their even dream ing your ptirt 'a tho business. .We must not be seen in public any more; ' This .batter may know where . stand eve-, though be cannot' prove It Now, I'm going ta tell you some thing. Perbups you've long -sinca guessed it Katrlua was mine till Uarsren.ve never mind what his nama was then till Hargreave ; came into the fold. So pure ot her waa I that I used her as a lure to bring blm to us. She full In love with bim, but too late to warn bim. I bad the satisfaction of seeing blm caat her aside, curse her, and leave ber. Ia one thing she fooled us all. I never knew of the child till you told roe." ' He paused to light a cigaret "Hargreave waa madly in love with her. He cursed ber, but be come hack to tbe house to furglve ber, to find that she bad been aelzed. by tha secret police and entombed in the fortress. - 1 bod my revenge. U waa I who sent la the information, fractkally bogus. But In Ituasla they never question ; they act and forget. So he had daughter 1" Ho began pacing the floor bia banda be hind bia back; and the -,omnn watched him, oscillating between lore and fear. He camaa to a bait abruptly atd looked down at her. "Don't worry. You kave u. rival. I'll leave the daughter to your tender mercies. "The butler," she salt, "has full power of attorney to act for Hargreave while ab sent, up to the day the jit becomes of legal age" " I'll keep an eye on our friend Jones. From now on, day and -light, there will be a cut at the knothole, and 'ware mouse! Could you make up anything like thia girl?" sud denly. "A fair likeness." " Do it. Go to that ship which picked up the man at sea and quia the captain. Kitber the aviator or Hargreave is alive. It la Im portant to learn which tit once. Be very cn re fill ; play the gnme as only you know how to play it. And if Hargreave Is alive, we win. Tomorrow morning, early. Tears ot anguish, and all that. Sailors are easy when a woman weeps. No color, rcmem'Hsr; Just the yellow wig and the salient features. Now, by-byl'! "Aren't you going to kiss nit, I.eo?" He caught her bands. "There Is a species cf Delilah about you, Olga. A kiss tonight from your lips would snip my locks; and I need a clear hrtid. Whether we fail or win, when this game Is played you .shall be my wife." lie kissed the hands and strode out into tho hall. The woman ghzed down a' btr small whit hands aud suilled tenderly. (The tigress ha her tender momenta!) II? meant It! She went into her dressing room and for an hour or more worked over her face od hair, till she was certain that If the captain . c' tha ship described her to any one else b could not fall to give a fair descrptioa of Florence Ilarrave. But Norton reached tha captain first. Other reporters bad besieged biu, but they hod suc ceeded, la gathering the vaguest kind of in formation. They had no description of Har greave, while Norton had. Before going dewa to the bent, however, he 'lad delved iuto the . paa: of the Princess Olga I'eilgtff. It . cost blm a pocketful of money, Vil the end JiiitiCed v'..rttr .5 OTy r BX I 1 1 a s s 1 1 y tbe means. The princess had no past worth mentioning. i)y piecing tbis aC that together he became assured that ala bad told the aim pie truth reg-jrdiBg the relationship to Flor ence's mother. .A cablegrar )ad given blm all tbe facts In her- history; there were no gaps or discrepancies. It read clear and funk. Trust a Htraala'n secret agent to ioow- what be was talking about 80 Norton's sunpk-ieoa and be nod enter tained ome were completely lulled to sreep. .And be wouldn't have doubted tier at all ex cept for tbe fact that Brain? bad been with her when he bad introduced Hargreave. Har-' grrare had feared Drains; that much tba reporter bad elicited from tbe butler. But there- vrasn't the Slightest evidence. Brains bad. keen in New York for nearly six years. Tbe princess bad arrive' In the city but year gone. And Braine was a member of . I . '''' ' :) Mf I j ' ' : ' h jyH? - -Oh: L 1 7 , : , v ( ; fKr f J i I'M NOT THE LEAST BIT AFRAID OF VOU, several fashionable clubs, never touched card, and seldom drank. He was an expert chess player und a wonderful amateur billiurdist. Perhaps Jones, the tuciturn end inscrutable, had not tol l him all be .new regarding bis master's past. Well, well; he had in his time untangled worse snarls. Tbe office bad turned him loose, a free lance,- to hnjdle the case as be suw fit, to turn in the story when it was complete. But what a story it was going to be when be cleared it up! The more mystifying it was, the greater th seat and rpo.t for him. Norton was like a gambler who pluyej for big stakes, and only big stakes stirred bis rravinga. Tbe captain of the tramp steamer Orient told bim tbe same tale he bad told the other reporters:. he had picked up a man ut sea. The man had been brought aboard totally exhausted. "Was there another body anywhere?" " No." "What became of him?" " I aent a wireless and llat seemed to bother bim. It looked to me that he did not want Anybody to lcnro that be had been rescued. The moment the boat touched the pier h lost himself in the crowd. Fifty reporters came aboard, but he waa gone. And I could ouly tell them just what I'm 'elling you." " He had money?" " About five thousand." " Please describe him." Tbe captain did so. It aa the same de scription he hud given to all the reporters. Norton looked over the rail at tbe big ware bouse. "Waa it an ordinary Walloon? " "There you' we got me. My Marconi man says tbe balloon part wan like any other bal loon; but the passenger "ar waa a new busi neas to bim. It could be driven against the wind." "Driven against the 'lnd. Did you tell this to tne other chaps? " "Don't think I diJ. Just remembered It Probably some new luvention; and now it' at the bottom of tht sea. Two men, as 1 understand it, went oil in this contraption. One i gone for good." For good," echoed the reporter gravely. Gone for good, indeed, poor devil ! Norton took out a roll ot bills. " 1 here's two hundred in this roll." -Well?'' said the captain, vastly aston ished. - " It's yours if you will do me a small favor." "If it doesn't get me mixed up with the 'police. I'm only captain cf a tramp; and some of the harbor police have taken a vlls llte to me. Wbst do you want me to do " Tbe police will not bother you. Tbia maa HargTeave had soma enemies; tbey want either bis life or his money ; maybe both. It is a peculiar caae, with Kuaala In tha back ground. II might have lafd the whole busi ness before the police, but be cbose to fight It out himself. ..And to tell tba truth, I doa'l . believe- tbe polios would have dona any good." " Heave ber' over ; -what do you want ma to do for that handsome roll ot money?" ' ""If any man or woman who is not a re porter cornea to pump you tell them tbe maa'' went ashore with a packet under bia arm.1! "Tie a knot in that" " Say that the man waa gray haired, clean shaven, straight, with a scar high up on bia forehead, generally covered up by bia hair.". "That's battered down, my raj. Go on." L-E.O, " Say that you saw blm enter yonder ware house, and later depart without bis packet'' " Easy as dropping my mudhook." " That's all." Norton gave the captain th money. '.' Good-by and many thanks.? "Don't mention it." Norton left tbe slip und proceeded to the office ot the warehouse. He approached th manager's desk. Hello, Grannis, old top I " Tbe man looked ip from his work surlily. Then bis face brightened. "Norton? What's brought you here? 0, yes; that balloon business Sit down." " What kind of a ma:-. i the captain of that old hooker in the al:p?" " Shifty in gun runninr, but otherwise aa square as a die. Looks funny to see an old tub like that fixed up with vireleas; but (hat has saved bia neck a dozen timea when be waa running it into a noose. Not going to interview me, are you?" " No. I'm going to ask you to do me little favor." " They always say that But epln her out If it doesn't cost me my job, it's yours." " Well, there will be persons making in quiries about the mysteriou. aeronaut All I want you to say is, that be left a packet with you, that you've put It in that safe till be calls to claim it." Grannis nibbled the enc" of bis pen. " Sup posing some one should erne and demand that 1 open tbe safe and deliver?" " All you've got to do is to tell them to show the receipt signed by you." The warehouse manager laughed. "Got lot of sense in that ivory dome of yours. All right. But if anything happens you've got to come around and back me up. What's it about?" "That I dare not tell you. This much, I'm laying a trap and i want some one I don't know to fall into it." "On your way, James- But if yon don't - rend me sum prize fight tickets next week tor this, I'll never do you another favor." In reply Norton took from his pocket two bits of pasteboard and laid them on the desk. " I knew you'd be wanting eomething like this." " Ringside ! " cried Grannis. " You report er are lucky levils! " - "At 3 o'clock this afternoon I want yoa to call me up. If no one ha called, why the E.-iro is up. But if some one doea com around and make inquiries, don't fail to let me know." " I'll be here till 5. I'd better call you op then." Then Nortoa returned home and Idled about till afternoon. He went over to Blverdala. Fire time he walked up and down the front of the Hargreave place, finally plucked u bl courage and walked to the door. He chatted with L'lorenc for a while ano found that, for all ahe might be guileless to tbe world, she was a- good linguiat, a fine musician, and talked wi til remarkable keen ness about books aud arts. But unless be - roused ber, the sadness of her position al ways lay written ia her fr.ee. It was not, difficult for him to conjure up ber dreams in ' coming to the city and ths blow which, like a bolt of lightning from a. clear ky, haJ shattered tbem ruthlessly. m "You must corns every day and tell me how you bare progressed, ' she nld. "I'll obey that order gladly, whenever I can possibly do It M. visits will always be short." " Tbst is not necessary." " No," said Norton in bis heart, " but It 1 wine." . Alwaya be found Joner waiting for him at . tha door, always in the abadow. "Well?" the butler whispered. "I have laid a neat trap. Whether thia balloon waa the one that left the top of this house I don't kuow. But if there were two men in It, one of them lies at the bottom 0. tho sea." "And the man found?" The butler's voice waa tense. "It waa not Hargreave. I met Orts but once, and as he wore a beard then, the cap tain's description did not tally with my recol-. lection." J "Thank God! But what s this trap? " "1 propose to find out by it who is back ; -of all tills,, who Hurgnave's real enemies are." ; Norton returned to his rooms, there to await; tbe call from Grannis. Ho was sorry, hut if ; Jones would not take him, into his fullest j -confidence, he must hold himself to blame for j any blunder he (Norton) made. Of course, , ho could readily nbdcrslund Jonca' amjle of j vision. Ho knew nothing ot the general run 1 of reporters; he had bear J of them by rumor and distrusted them. He was not aware of the fact that the average reporter carries , more secrets in his head than a prime uiin- ( later. It whs, then, up to him to et about ' to alkiy this distrust and gain the man's com- j plete confidence. ' 1 Meanwhile - that sine morning a pretty ) young woman boarded tho Orient and asked J to be led to the captain. Her eyes were red J ' ahe had' evidently been weeping. When the) captain, susceptible like all suilora, saw her big promises to Norton tool: wings. V. , : " This is Capt. Hagna?" sb asked, balling i the handkerchief ahe held in her band. " Yes, miss. What can I do for you?" II put bis bunds embarrassedly into bis pocket j and felt the crisp bills.. But for that ningia 1 touch be would have forgotten his lines. lis I squared bis shoulders. ' ' "I have every assurance that. the man you I picked up tit sea is my father. I am Fior- ) enc Hargreave. Tell me everything." 1 The captain's very blundering deceived her. I " And then he hustled down tbe gang-plunk j and headed for that warehouse. He hud a i puckage which he was aa tender of aa if it i bad been dynamite." ; " Thank you 1 " impulsively. " A man has to do bis duty, miss. A sailor's always glad to rescue a man at sea," awk- warJly. . . When she finally went down tbe gang-plank :' the sigh the captain heaved was almost a loud aa the exhaust from the donkey engines which were working tut the crates of lemons from the hold. " "Maybe she is his daughter; but two hun dred is two hundred, and I'm a poor sailor-, man." Then Grannis cams In for bis troubles. What was a chap to do when pretty girl appealed to him? "I am aorry, miss, but I can't give yoa ' that package. - I gave the man a receipt and ' till it is presented to me the package must ' remain in yonder safe. You understand enough about business to realize that I dl'J not solicit tbe Job. It was thrust upon me. ; I'd give a hundred dollars if tbe blame thing was out ot my safe. You say it is your for- tune. That haan't been proved. It may b ; gunpowder, dynamite. I'm sorry, but JOU will have to find your father and bring tha ( receipt." ) Tbe young woman left the warehouse, dab bling her eyes with the sodden handkerchief. T "I wonder," mused Grannis, a be watchod her from the window, "I wonder what th ) deuce that chap Norton Is up to. Tht girl ' might have been the man'a daughter. . , , ) Good Lord, what an asa I am! There wasn't '. any man I ". And so be reached over for th I telephone. , ' Immediately upon receipt ol the message i the reporter set bis machinery In motion. J Oa the morrow the newspapers bad scare- - beads about aa attempt to rob th Duffy, warehouse. It appeared that th polic had beer tipped beforehand and were oa th grounds in time to gather lo several notorious gunmen, who, under pressure of the third degree, vowed that they had been hired and paid by a man in a mask and bad not th alightsst idea what be wanted them to raid. Nortoa waa in a fine temper. After all bis careful planning, he bar! gained nothing, absolutely nothing. But wait; h bad gainsd something: tha bitter enmity of a cunning and desperate man, who bail been forced to remain hidden under tbe pier till almost dawn, TO CO.tTINCn).