BIX THE DAILY CAPITA!. JOURNAL, SALEM, OfiEOON, FRIDAY, JULY iO, 19H. Things Doing in Oregon As Told by Our Exchanges Ninety Oalloni of CUontoi. Twenty three dollar nnd thiity -seven cents is t lie i.:n r-ti li zti from one Koval Anne cherry tree this season ly J. H. 1.1-w i. The "tree is in Mr. Lewis' yard l.'.it really helmics tn Mr. Krnoft iiborg nf t In it I. Mr. Lewi' daugh ter, tn v I.iimi .Mr. I.ewis gne the tree when In' hinted it twenty one veins The W-c is i'll I'i'lies in eiretiiurer cnee lit tin' base mill is about CM feet in height. It is sii huge tlint it resem bles a forest t n-f mure Hum u fruit tree, 11 li' I it 1 eniiM.h ruble ngilitv t t - k. I In- elienies from tin' topmost boughs. It is prohnhly the largest fruit tree in this viiinity. Tin- yii-hl this vi'iir ns .iini-tliitig ur !o gallons. J-iiglity fiw gallons f tin- fruit "lis sold, iini' liiilf nf it lit :in cents n giilhui llllil till' itlier lilllf lit (Tills. Severn! iiinri' gnlhiiis wen' n s n m i"l by tin1 fit niily. When Mr. Lewis . hinted this tree lie ilnrifi'i fniir others, nod gave ime tu each iif tin1 rliihlreii then tif linnie. This due wns given to Mis. ('berg, then An toinette Hnrdirk, mi I was tin' "lily ime tu live. Cottage (inive Sentinel. Oregon Timber In -iiallmiior. It limy init In generally kmiwn thiil the timber ttltirli went into Sir Thnimis Upton's sailing ynelit, Huinimck IV., was cut in Cons county. The timber WHS eiit iibniit li year ago at the Lynns Johnson mill down the river, mill Vir gil Wilson, sun nf V. It. Wilson, assist ed ill the haiiilliii(J Mini tallying nf it. Cntpiille Sentinel. Ferry at HarrlHbiirg. A ferry aeross the Willamette river, fl miles mirth nf llarrisliuitf, will be estalilislie I by the enmity eonit ami will he iieratoil by both Linn ami Jleiilon lounlies as a free ferry. This is the result of the tii of the county mart yestenlay to the site of the proposed ferry ernssiinf. The serviee will bo established in the very near future. At the present time a ferry in being operated ut the point but this will be tlisennt iuiieil ami the service will lie. (jrenlly improved. Albany )einocrnt. Shot In the Foot. While attempting to shoot a gray digger on a farm near Marion this iimrniiig with n rifle , Hertell v liance, sou of .Mr. and Mrs. W. It. Chance, of this city, shot u loo on his right foot, through nccideutal dis charge of the gun. lie was brought home nn Ihe noon train. ir. Itobnett was called and dressed the wound. The wound is not serious and it is believed no complications will tet in. Albany Democrat. The tennis championship of south ern ..Oregon will be .he!. I in .Metil'ntd, .Inly IS under the auspice of the V. H.- National l.awii Tenuis association lit the Med for. I Coif and Country club. THE SEVEN SISTER PETITIONS IN COURT Each Bide Declares It Will Take the Matter of Striking Names From Peti tions to the Supromo Court. Olympia, Wash., .Inly 10 -Sufficiency of the Seven Sister initiative petilions, proposing reform laws advocated by the State Orange and labor federation petit ions, will be determined by the state supremo court. This was an miuuccil definitely today by both pro ponents and opponent, of the proposed laws. Miss Lucy Case, favoring the lulls declares each contains sufficient absolutely legal signatures. She insists that tho names should not have been thrown nut on preliminary check and predicts that by what she terms illegal methods other mimes will probably be thrown out on the second check. So not enough will be left to fill the re quirements uiiiler the primary law. I'nless all of the seven are approved alie will apply to the local superior court for an order compelling the sec retary of state to approve the petitions. This application must be made within iiv nays lifter the secretary acts. No appeal will be made from the de cision of the superior court, but the su preme court may within five days re view tin1 decision of the lower court by certiorari. More than one hundred clerks are now working checking the peitions. Look years younger! Use the old-time Sage Tea and Sulphur and Nobody Will Kuow. You citi turn gray, faded hair beau tifully dark nnd lustrous almost over night if -you Hi get a 50 cent bottle of " Wyeth's Sage ftnd Sulphur llnir Rem edy nt any drug store. Millions of bot tles of this old. fatuous Sairo Tea Koceipe are sold annually, says u well known druggist here, because it dark ens the hair so naturally and evenly that uo one can tell it has (been ap plied. Those whoso hair is turning gray, be coming faded, dry, sernggly unit thin have u surprise nwaiting them, bccuiiso nfter one or two applications the gray hair vanishes and your locks become luxuriantly dark and beautiful all dandruff goes, scalp Itching and falling linir stops. This is the nge of youth, Grny liaired unattractive folkB aren't wanted around, so get busy with Wyeth 's Sago and Sulphur tonight and you '11 be de lighted with your dark, handsome hair and your youthful appearance within a few days. Local agent, J. O. Ferry, Necessity is often mistaken for courage. nwajit.jhKVaiKfca t tm, ltwvrM9mi, tmiH4m,mumtt-mmMmi,Mmm,Mm iiiwih.. -' n m iiirir'iMWiaiigaMHw t r TV"'-.:rft-Tiir'i:irre ihmi"u'" t iii im , 1 . Tli, evenm will include; ladies' singles, gent Imiicii 'b singles ami jjent lfiii-iiK llotlhlc. Suitable prizes will bo offer11. 1 f,;r each event. A championship cup his been do nateil lv ihe 1 1 I for Rent Icineii's I i n U )k u li I must be won three times, but nut neee-arily ioiiscj ntivelv, In Income the permanent irnierty of the winner. The referee r;f the mutches will be I'. V.'. Ilninlll, am! the toin niiineiit eiiuihiittee is flill lisfil lis follows: II. W. Itinuhiiiii, i liiiiriiiiin: L. Mi l or Mini.. II. W. I.'ulil. lion. limit 'minor. I.. I'. '!ir.eiiter. II. I hiiinller Dgnii. Me Ifniil Sun. Tj Have Nuw hotel. Wnili on the construction nf the i tit r: 1 1 tit lintel to bo built nil' the liar iiiiiii property ninisi:e tin1 S. I'. pas i i ii i- .ili'i'nt has been slarlt'il nii.l the building will be inyhod to eoiiiiletiun. The :trui-ture is to be three stories ltie;h with a basement. It will i-nutaiu ;is -lecping innni'i ami lip tn date lob by, a riu.'tr store, a dining rnnin ami a barber -hop mnl is to eost -ldi ,! '. Mr. 1 'li iiiiiiii said last night that the Imtel woul.l irubably be ready for occupancy by the first of Ileeember. 'Ihe building of the hotel is cvi ileure of Mr. I tu r ii ii in 'h faith in the future prosperity of Meilfonl. He has t'oiitiiiually I n buying proiiiirty of late mnl is iuiii'uviii the iroierty he iilreiuly has. In his opinion now is the iiil len o.ioituuity to invest in Meilfonl real estate. Meilfonl Sun. Urged To Wake Exhitit. The secretaries nf the different 'niniiicif ial clubs of Douglas, Klam ath, Josephine and Jackson counties met I.! Ash'aml Monday nfteriionn and iliriif si1.! tin1 proposition of sondiiiK a joint exhibit to the. Man Francisco fairi in lull. Kuril commercial club of the four counties will nre) farmers to brin samples of wheat anil oilier cereals to heinlijiiai lets to be placed on exhiltit. Tim best methods of exhibiting the cereals and other farm products were discussed. The next meeting will prob ably be hold in .Meilfonl. Meilfonl Sun, Er.Btorn Oregon to Exhibit, linker county has derided to join with other Kastern Oregon counties and scud an exhibit to the I'nnuma Pacific i exposition next year. The fair will open in February so that it will be too early for the crops of next year, linker conittv must therefore gather its ex-1 It now in order to get the best show ing. The fruits will be preserved so that I hey will be kept in good condi tion, linker county can show the best of all branches of 'agriculture, in Kast ern Oregon and vtllj maliej a convincing' argument why this district is best if our best, is suUtctml ugil exhibited.. Therefore linker county should start at ; once tn gather iUt exhibrt ninlhiive it icadv in time. TAKE SALTS 10 Eat L09S Meat if You Feel Bnckachy or Bladder Troubles You Salts Is Fine for Kidneys. Meat forms uric acid which excites j and overworks tho kidney in their ef- , forts to filter it from the. sj'Btem. lie go In r raters of meat must flush the kidneys occasionally. You must relievo them like you relieve your bowels; re-: moving all the acids, waste and poison,' else you teel a dull misery in tno Kid- ney region, sharp pains in tho back or being on nil average 1111,000 babies a sick headache, dizziness, your stomach i year born within citv limits. sours, tongue is coated ntil when Ihoi' Expert Advice. weather is bad you have rheumatic One of the most valuable features twinges. the urine is cloudy, full of . sediment; tno channels otten get irri-: fated, obliging you to get up two or three times during the night. To neutralize these irritating acids nnd flush off the body's urinous waste 1 get about four ounces of .Tad Salts from any phnrinncy; take n tablespoon-1 ful in a glass of water before break fast for a few days and your kidneys will then act fine mid bladder disorders disanjiear. This famous salts is made from the acid of grapes mid lemon juice, combined with litliin, ami has been used tor generations to clean nnd t stimulate sluggish kidneys and stop - iiintliler irritation, .lad salts is inex pensive; harmless nnd makes a delight ful effervescent lithia-water drink which millions of men and women take now ami then, thus avoiding serious kitlnev und Madder diseases. DYING, IN NOTE TO CHILDREN CURSES THEIR STEP-MOTHER San Francisco, July 10 John W. Sto lieiicr ended his lile in n local hotel here by sending two bullets into his li ai ii. He left the following note, addressed to his children: "Having become useless through age and ill health to myself and society, and having lost all happiness in life, I am determined to mjek relief in the un known. May (iod drive your footsteps' tlirougn smoother paths than I have had to travel. May the curse of the Al mighty fall upon that vampire who bore my naiiie mid who robbed me of my happiness, ami my first wife, your mother." LOWER COURT FEES FOR OBEOON CERTAIN Washington, July It. The senate yes tenlay accepted Senator Chamberlain's amendment reducing the fees of court clerks in Oregon. The senate passed the Jones bill repealing the tax on 100 a mile on Alaska railroads and levying a tux of 1 per cent on their gross in comes. NOT A EUGENIC. Trent. Pa., July 0. Mrs. Mmthn I ( hiso boru a sieklv bnbv ami an in-! vnlitl all her life, died today, aged 100.! BABY WEEK k GREAT HELP m KIDDIES Kore Than Thirtesn Thousand Babias Lr.dar Ona Year Old Died in New York O.ty Lrst Year. WITH STATIONS OPENED FOR PUBLIC INSPECTION A Valuable Feature Wc the Expert Station Where Mothors Could Re ceive Advice rnd Help. "I pletlt.1' to be a l::by's I'ric n Anil everybody toil, I ban air, clean clo'hiii mnl clean food lie needs to l:eep him well." Tit i 4 is the refrain sung in every pub lic and private t huol in the citv as part of the exercises of llaby Week, u sevrtn ilny Hui ntiunal ami uplift cam paign in hi nor of the baby eitbens. Heside lessons ill the proper care of babies, and exhibition of what is be ing dun,, to guard their health, there were free brat rides, and automobile rides fur tired mothers big mid little an ! their small charges, ami baby contest!! with prizes fur the most per fectly ileyelopcd children in .pw York's live liuioughs. Tho Mayor's Lotter. In u circular letter addressed to the, children and sent to be read in every i class room in the city, .Mayor Mitcheil appealed to the children to help save the lives of thoiisninU of babies need-; lessl" sacrificed every year. "More than LI.IIOO oanies under one yeflr of age died in New York City last year, "j this letter stated. "It i.s estimated that nearly ha., of them would be alive! today if they had received proper care, and if necessary procauioiis hail been j taken during the Hummer months. As, Honorary I'resident of the organiza-i Hons which will direct the educational , and other activities of Uaby Week, I ask every pupil of the schools of this! city to help in the work. As future j citizens von can do much to help save! i the lives of bubies ia this city.'' ! to-operativo Work. Circular giving the latest nntl most practical niethoda for caring for the itfln i.iioh tf.ii, iuu I h- II,., II.W.D1. Iiei.artnien't and ' distribute.) th,oh i tlli M'ImhiIh. with fl rumifiKfr ilint Um children should take them home nod ! bring them to the attention of their! sh"ok 'with several of her parents. Hundreds of l!ov Scouts ilis-llm'" frn'ids.- " tributoil posters ami placards beariuir the slogan, "Hotter babies, better mothers, ami so a better city.'' Camp fire girls delivered tags to milk dealers which were fastened to milk buttles "Keep baby well by keeping milk clenn, covered, cold. ' Druggists placed llaby Week poster? on every package sold. Department stores had special sales in infants sup plies. In short, no effort was spinel to rench every mother in the city with the message or good health ami gootl cheer ,nr the children. . ., Inspection Work. Kvery one of the City's fifty-five inillyr stations, including ' thttse 'under the control ot .Nathan Strauss, were openeikfor inspection, so were the eight 1 diet kitchens run by the city. On . Hospital ami Clinic day, people' iuter , listed were show n what was being done to cure for babies and cure theif ail ments. I --i least 1,000,000 children got a free outing on Friday , of ISahy week. I Severn I ferry lines placed boats at the : disposal of the Committer on Outing i Day. There was special music in the parks, nail on recreation piers, ami ! every playground kept open all day long. . ' Results Expected, Ciront results are expected from this cooperative campaign. Mr. l.niillnw, Executive Secretary of the New York Federation of Churches, predicts that this successful Knhy Week, will cut tho infant mortality of .liilv ami August to an niiiireceilenteillv low rate, pos- sihlv below 100 to the 1.000. There of the celebration was the ilisseininn- tion of news of the places where mothers could receive expert advice' and help gratis, if their babies were a. ling. Field nurses, assigned to neigh-: borhoods where their services are most needed, visit the homes and give sensi ble, expert advice easily understood and followed, securing the services of competent physicians where this is needed. They emphasize the fact that the mother's condition is nil important for the health ot the iinrsing intaiit. vet! rccounize thnt whe re the mother is a wage earner, certain modifications of existing rules fur the child's care must' be nuitle. Alternate feeding i relieve the mother, and prevent the necessity of too early weaning, is found to bo safe and practical. It has been demon strated that a careful dilution of the best guide of condensed milk, n per fectly pure and sterilized food; is un usually successful as mi alternate, with 'h,. normal feedings. Eagle bran' which is preferred by experts for chil dren s use, is recommended not only for the babies of tho tenements, but for more fortunately placed children, whenever alternate feeding is desir able, as n safe uniform food especially in travelling and in daces where certi fied milk is difficult to procure. Fresh Air. It is found that the necessary fresh air can be had on fire-escapes ami roofs for the babies who can not be taken to the real country. Recreation piers where pure Ocean breezes circu late save the lives of hundreds of the city's children, mid Seaside homes that shelter tired mothers and puny infants, send them home able to stand the strain of the city hettt, and knowing how to fight the foes that lie in wait for the baby's life. Kveiyone possession of a hesrt to yitiuuhi.e, mid will to help must re-, joiee in llaby Week and the civic im-1 provement it stands for. I PASSED RUCKER BILL. i Washington, July 0. By a vote of l!i;i to 10, the house this afternoon passed the liueker bill providing that ! publicity be given campaign contribu- tions. THE TKRD'DEGREE TACTICS ATTACKED -tan ilXgo, Col., July 10 "Third de gre" tactics of the police of the state . in extorting confessions from nervous and frightened pris-inem were condemn-! el yesterday by Attorney Joseph Scott,' eounsel fur .Mrs. (ieorgiiv Simmons ' Hut's of Wiaslow, Arizona who was! held to nnswer to the superior court on a charge of Heading poisoned candy i to the two young daughters of -Mrs.! William K. 1'agg of this city. . Scott openly charged that .Mrs. Hurke Has intiruiiluted at Kiehmonil, Cal., 1 when, with n.i tii-iuis ur relatives t .... . ' . ii . . i . i i . i. ... I, sue is m.cgci in nave inimfii ; down mid confessed that she wits gaiity. I lie ' nttni neys reterred to the entire stage setting "s one of the ordi nary police awcat-box kind ami assert ed that a nonitm. thus threatened, was entitled to tite protect i u of the statu te:). Captain of Jietectives Meyers, one of tke four officials present when Mrs. Hurke is all"gel to have confessed was m the stand us Attorney Scott plemctl j with the court. Scott said he knew, Meyers to be a "humane man of his! class." H did not license Meyers of j any abuse, but declared that the offi-1 cer had used his position to give the piismicr the thiitl degree am! make her I ' ' cun.e ai'ioss. " I Sditt tiiiiiouined that the defense! would .lead "mental ami moral irre-! spnusiliility." It will be shown, Scott j said, that .M'-s. Bur!;" was going' through tlu-'-inost critical period of her1 lift) at the time the defense is alleged j to havo been committed and that thv high, hot climate of Arizona hail been j lia id on her. j The court room was crowded to the j doors) today when Mrs. Huike, leaning on the arm of her liusbaii I, was brought ' Irom the county jail for n-r prelimi- j amy hearing. Neatly dressed in a light tailored gown, with becoming black : nut anu T in u white veil, and so mi proved physically that few of those who attended her arraignment a month ago could believe it was the same wo man, Mrs. Hurke was an attentive lis tener to the entire proceedings, she uiti not niter to take the stand, nor, was any testimony for the defense pre- ! sentetl. i When lit last she was bound over to i ,htf superior court and her bond redue-1 ed from $.r)0IM) in each case to .f ! " 0l"'1' of the charges, she smiled and "'' 1 F AILED FOR BIO SUM. St. Louis', July il The failure nf John Franklin, former president of the Hunkers Trust company, was announced here toduy. ' His liabilities were esti mated at $li75,0l0v Ninety-five small banks in the1 southwest hold n million dollars worth of Franklin's collateral. A recent slump in the price of stocks nit up as .i'-fcin ities by Franklin was said to bo, yie piiiicip::l cuuse of his failure. , , ,'. ' ... i ' - - : . STRIKE BEGINS TO SPREAD. Richmond, f'al.. Jul v' 0. The Central Labor Council of Contra Costa county! today had pledged its entire moral and I active support to tho union men of! Stockton, where a locHout against or ganized crafts has been declared. Some mmmr Glove-picked, tissue-wrapped, shipped right from the tree you get it fresh- with the real tree ripened flavor. Don't buy merely "orangesJ' Buy the Sun (RUSSIA SENSITIVE TO ANY CRHICISM Is Keen to Punish Critics Bat Does J Nothing -Towards Correcting the Evils that Cause Critics to Get Busy, j l.i-mbcrg, Austrian Poland. .Inly 10 Vigorous efforts are being niiule by She Kusiun secret police, according to con ti. Initial infoimation received here to nay, to fix responsibility for the cir culation of a statement widely dis tributed throughout Austrian 1'olainl, attacking the liiissiaa imperial council's rt-.ji ,'tion if the bill to introd e innim-i- .,h at,),., Controlled' tliee. bv of fit ia'.s n:'it:cil in St. i I't'ler.-buru. lh stativncm as-'etts, ; l'ul: li iiHHti-ipalities aie rouble tu s) end fur tlicr own good the money whi-ll they themselves raise by tax Ittion even such important cities us I i, nr. aw and lCil ". in'.u; p.,wer.c.-.s in ii piiir eo mm h i s u lnol'.eu city hall wintlow without the noveruo." eacrul s 1 t n I minister of the interior's lunctiou, il'tcn long "In sue a,N ctl. h towns," vn vs tl'O utate- uent, "ruled lv (listl:nt and nftcll h''--tile anthoritie-:, iim-tion:i ut nihil. health and cdin iit ion id , ive iittle i.r no attention. "The roportiou of expei. I' I ui e on Ct!"cat ion in Ihtve towns i- "M ijneiit whi'e in Leading it is .1.7 iciceut and in siure (leiiiiiin towns as liifch as iCi percent. "In all the tov its of Itussiun I'olaii I there are only ss hospitals, witn a total of -t.S.'ll' beils, the lowest figure in t ivMed Kurope. "The re-ponsibllity for this condition-rents wholly on the Husmuii gov e:nniMiU .Yiid its barbarous rulo,'' liiissiiui oil ii'ialiloin has shown iniieh sensitiveness to public opinion lately a n,l win said heir to have been violent ly incensed when this circular was brought official attention. GIRL TELLS EXPERIENCE ANSWERING HELP WANTED ADS San Francisco, July (I. The revclu- i tions of F.velyn 1'arks, ngetl 1.) years, concerning her experience when she answered n "help wanted " advertise ment today resulted in the arrest of three men ' who gave the names of Oetuge Header, John Sullivan and Har ry Douglass. They were charged with a statutory offense. Miss l'urks answered an ndvertiso- meat for n filing clerk. When she did ' not return home Monday night her mo- I ther reported her disappearance to the j police. When the girl returned home the following day she toiif her story to Detective Fiirman. She saitl one of tho men had taken her for an aiitonmible ride and admitted That a statutory of fense hail been committed against her. Detective Furrc.un located the three men today. They represented themsel ves us advertising snli-'itors, but the detective assorts they are members of j a white slave ring. I n 4 "sfc-ir & i iTi . r.: w The Capital 'Journal will keep you posted of Home affairs while you are enjoying your vaca tion. :i The Valencia Sun kist is the California Summer Orange a sweet, juicy,- luscious fruit, ripened on the tree. Easy to peel, and practically seedless. are dark in exterior appear- ance, some lighter in color. But all are a deep red inside and sparkling with healthful juice. Oranges are picked, in. California every day in the year, and the Late Valencia is one of the very finest ever grown. - California Fruit Growers Exchange 139 N. Clark Slreet, CHICAGO K451 CLIP THIS emb!ISi!irn Outfit To indicate you arc u regular reader you must pie.-cnt Four Coiiioiis like this one. The National Embroidery Outfit i.s jrmil'antceil to 1)0 the greatest collection and biggest bargain in pattern:? ever ori'cretl. The 200 patterns have a retail value of 10 cents each. Krir.g FOUK Coupons and G8 cents to this office and you will be presented with One Complete Outfit, including Eook of Instructions and one All Wood Headed Hoop and 10 skeins of silk. The 68 cents is to cover duty, express, handling and the numerous overhctid expenses of getting the package ficm ihe factory to you. N. B. Out-cf-Tcwn Readers will add 5 cents extra for postage and expense of mailing. SUICIDED IN JAIL. I.os Angeiea, Cal., .Inly !'. I dscour-, aged because he failed to secure if-100 bnil for hi.-: release from jail, where lie ( was tttil on a cnitrge or violating a liipior ordinance, i . I'urssonl, pro prietor of o bath establishment, swal lowed bromide in his cell early today. At the receiving hospital it was said that he iiml no chance to recover. i STOCKS AT THE BOTTOM. New York, July 9. A number of new low prices were recorded lit the open ing of the stock market today. New lluvcn dropped to ti- 11-4 mid the Could securities declined substantially. Rowl ing, the lltirrimmi stocks- and t'nitcd States Steel registered fractional gains. New Voik Cential and ltultimore & Ohio displayed coiisiileralde pressure. AUTO GETS ANOTHER. liakersfielil, July !). The body of Hubert Hardy, of Los Angeles, who was l-illed last night when his automobile toppled over an embankment in the Tehachipi I'ass, was shipped to Los An geles today. His brother, C. If. Hardy, who was injured seriously, will recover. The men were motoring from Los An geles to Hakersf ielfl. SOLD DOPF. TO PRISQNER3. New York, July !. Dr. Charles F. ,Ba-Vtl ex-pripbii. physician on BUu'k- wrll' lshrdr-wtis whrfiiced today to a venr's and fined &CMif for selling morphine to prisoner. STOLE NEGRO'S CHICHENS. l'endleton, Ore., July !. For steal ing 77 chickens from Al Kichnrdson, colored, H. -M. Kiley, a white man, was today sentenced to a year in the coun ty jail. The Sunkist Orange With the Different Flavor Ask for "Sunkist Valencias" kist Valencias. See what you are missing in not getting this brand. - Try These Lemons, Too Use Sunkist Lemons to serve with fish and meats. Use the juice wherever you now use vinegar. These are the best looking and the best lemons sold. Juicy, fully flavored and practically seedless. There's a vast difference indifferent brands of lemons. Try "Sunkist" and see. Beautiful Rogers Silver in Exchange for Wrappers Go buy a dozen each of Sunkist oranges and Lemons and save- the wrappers bear- , . ing the Sunkist trademark. Then send in the coupon below . f l .1 out now to exenange tne wrap pers for beautiful Rogers Silverware for your table. Name . Addrtss. '2sl A ,i.ini ,....ii COUPON f m n yv "ThU b No PIm For Crow. Her Corn Aro All Con. Sho Murt Hwo 'GETS-IT.'" It Will Startle You How ' GTS IT" Gets Corns Every Time. "One, two three!" That's about as long as it takes you to apply "OUTS IT" the new-plan, simplest, surest com cure tho world has ever seen. ' Corn fussing, is all over. Corns, corn, pains orid calluses arrf absolutely done for, from tho minute you apply "IIICTS IT." Forget Iho bother of using plas ters, greasy salves .that , spread ami niako toos sore and aiy litfle, dough nut cotton rings that pros oii corns, for get knives,' razors, scissors and tho dan gers of blood poison from drawing blood, and tho contraptions and har nesses that, simply make corns worse. "GETS-IT" never hurts tho llcsh, never fails. "GKTS-IT" is sold by al! druggists, 25c a bottle, or sent direct by K. Law rence & Co., Chicago. and find -J You II Crow liver j "fiETS-IT for Corns! r California Fruit Growers A. Exchange 139 N. Clark Street, Chicago Mail us this coupon and wc will send you our comDlimentarv40-Dai?e recine1 book, showing over 110 ways of using : Sunkist Oranees and Lemons. You will also . receive our illustrated premium book which tell I you now to trade isunktst wrappers for beautiful tablesilver. Seud thiscouponorcallatabovear'.dress. .