Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, July 07, 1914, Page EIGHT, Image 8

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Tomorrow's Big Sale
No. 698 Wednesday Surprise
An Astonishing sale of Our Entire Stock
Genuine Cut GlassPrices Cut in Two
For TOMORROW only we will place our
entire stock of high grade cut glass on sale
at truly surprising prices. We want to re
duce this stock to make room for fall ship
ments, and if you want cut glassware for
yourself or if you would save money on gifts
for Xmas giving donft fail to attend this sale
-JUST ONE DAY-tomorrow
re Are Some of the Articles and Prices : :
53c Cut Class Nappies. . . . JUc each m oo Cut Glass Vase
93c Cut Glass Nappies 49c each
$1.19 Cut Glass Nappies. . . .59c each
$1.69 Cut Glass Nappies. . . .85c each
$1.85 Cut Glass Nappies. . . .93c each
$3.59 Cut Glass Nappies, large, $1.75
$4.59 Cut Glass Nappies, large, $2.25
$7.75 Cut Glass Vinegar Cruet, $3.88
$3.59 Cut Glass Jelly Comport.. $1.75
$8.75 Cut Glass Celery Tray... $4.38
$3,50 Cut Glass Hair Receiver. . $1.75
$2.75 Cut Glass Call Bell $1.38
$5.00 Fern Dish, silver lining . . . $2.50
$6.59 Cut Glass Tray .$3.25
$4.59 Cut Glass Water Bottle., $2.25
$8.50 Cut Glass Water Bottle.. $4.25
$7.50 Cut Glass Vase $3.75
$10.00 Cut Glass Vase $5.00
$3.50 Cut Glass Bowl $1.75
$4.50 Cut Glass Bowl $2.25
$5.00 Cut Glass Bowl $2.50
$6.09 Cut Glass Bowl $3.00
$6.59 Cut Glass Bowl $3.25
S2.39 Cut Glass Sugar-Cream. .$1.19
$3.50 Cut Glass Sugar-Cream. .$1.75
$5.09 Cut Glass Sugar-Cream. .$2.50
(Continued from page 1.)
"I A marriage license was issued today
j for the marriage of Purward Ballwebcr,
a tanner, ami r.vn innum, uum
One cent per word each inser
tion. copy for advertisements un
der this beading should be in by
2 p. in.
pnONE MAIN 81.
' broke from a clinch Ritchie lauded,
Southern Pacific Official Predicts an right anil swung left sharply to Welsh; . H. vi'eigelt was arrested this
. t,, . head. Welsh's round. " i morning bv Constable K. K. Cooper ou
Era of Unexampled Prosperity-Big Eound 10 o( att0,;ipt t0
Immigration Expected Next Year. i Kitchie led with left and missed : kill, lie is the man who did the shoot-
! Welsh planted tlirec heavy lefts to'ing several days ugo down the river
I Kiti'hie's bod v. Kitchie twiee tried nl.n.il tven mil.x .hin llie Inn Tavlor
John M. Scott, general passenger eft nppcmit but missed both times. '0ya took a boat from the shore and !I
agent tor me oonineru jb.hu-, nfv eiiut-ned and again Meisn made attempted to eross the river, lie ap-1
that Oregon is about to exwnonee a , Kitrhie look like an amateur at in- pea red iu Justice Webster's eourt aud;
period of wonderful prosperity. He fighting. The eoustant battering on pleaded not guilty to the charge. His!
said: hia stomach was telling on Kitchie and ; hearing will be held here Saturday!
"Our business in the state of he looked worried as he weut to his morning at 10 o'clock. !
Oregon durinir the nast month showed turner. Welsh ' round. u'.,;....u -k ;.. .,i.., ' .. r
a substantial increase over that of the; t tni end of the tenth the right was age aud married, protested tothe two t
same month last year. i Welsh's on points by a wide margin. Tavlor bovs agaiust taking the boat ' I
"I attribute this increase to the fact Kitchie annarentlv realize 1 his innhilitv ...'.... t .' .v.. i.. ti,., ............i t ' X
I j , , .. . - i - - - . , i .... iiifui ihv pimivt .lie im .,.,
hthat people are beginning to realize to s0ie with (he liritou an a boxer and , the shore, beat him up, so be snvs, and . I
I thai oiuui tunes are imminent, iveitriv.l i-niitiniiomilv fnr k,in..kn,, m-.ii, , i
...... - .i: I . V . ". . mcu came iu eairin unci mi uiurcc. ..,. .... ... . ... .,l Phn.ii,
can i get away irom i rigni an.i len swings, uis plan of at-! James llurtwell responded to the call i ' n r-v " KH1U
I travel throughout the state as much tack has been absolutely frustrated byland when he arrived at the scene was' 73-F-ll.
as any other man, and I have been hia wonderful footwork and defense, f the opinion that it was the bovs who1, ...,. ,.,., irU ., housework."
mpressed very much on my recent tip of W'elsh. , ' ought to be arrested instead. Weigell ! l" c ' " " "' -nt nol,,e0,
by the fact that everybody is begin- Round u. tnhr 1 bone Hot).
ning to look for a return or FP"- Welsh rushed and piuu;ed a hard left storv, at the Taylor boys after they had ' ANliORA goats for sale. Address 0. A.,
;ty as a natural outcome of general ,0 lhe Juvv urluug luc t.1)U11,1,l011 lu ,llc a,m-il',i5,roi a,.ati,;r ,0 hi,n. The vare ,mmm
bus.ne-ss and frop conditions. l0lM.s. luc WUUlWlllll aUtttK ua,tllu ff . wj h uj , Saturday
"A second reason ror tne increase hi,. ,.nii .,,..., i ...
, , . . lrt..', H..v. uu.Mvu ,v IllUllllilU. .HV'L'1.11.' """a. .., r
in our nusiness is mm our rirriiu- tttlvty. Welsh luileU to lollow ills aj-
ice now reacnes many peupir. .u .a,, ami,tte aUll hlTl.hl.. recovered lusruntiv RASr.RlT.T. tc-.jt
we have been forced to run six trains uu . lur.., tB ..,... ,, ,.', CALF WAXTKIJ About one or two
where we formerly ran one ','lm with rights aud it ris, loroiug elsU to
train. And even then we some times break giound and cover uu. Welsh was
'7TTr' iJ Tnnn.hnri I'ltiy nettled at the sudden re-' wet grounds.
in 'Hi"? Z'JL'ltrtZJ UVV ot Jiiuhie J 8v way before! Chi,ago l!s
been shut down for some time will be , nlwt VCU "-trot l'h,lade..h,a game postponed, nm SA I.K Kxt clSior twin motorcycle,
opened soon. It is notable that all the ' Bound 12. J 'i , , , a snap if taken at once.
'.Mil Mill street.
.F WAXTKIJ About one
weeks old. l'hone '9F3.
Cleveland at New York, postponed,! . ..,,,., ... ,n .,(
JL.U I'AIXHO JOl caruvis i vjuvi
I nor hundred. Journal office.
ston game postponeil, ruiii ,
! towns ulong our electric lines are build
i mg up.
Welsh led wuu
Bound .1Z
l'hone l-t'J.
'Next year 1 expect that fully half Kitchie s jaw mid the cuumpiou cam Avers and Henry.
left to I James, Leverenz uiiil Agnew, Iiumler; i I'OIJ SALE f ingle-comb Eeds ami
n million tourists will pass through the; Back with u similar punch. Hitcuie
Willamette Valley to and from the San swung hard left to the body. Welsh
Francisco Fair. Many of these people sent left to the ehampiou 's stomach iu
! will undoubtedly be struck with the. a clinch. Kitchie broke quickly uud
possibilities of the country so that they forced the fighting, but Welsh's foot
, will settle here. I anticipate a second ,VOrk took hiui out of hurm's wav.
era of immigration to follow the fair Welsh outboxed the champion at the
; such as we hud in 11105 after the Lewis a!)t of tle rollI1j allll ilaJ a sllaJo at
and Clark Exposition. f the finish.
"Just nt present lectrifotu ''e Bound 13.
i rop conditions as I navo seen tnem
in nil parts of tho state are, with the
'xception of the prune crop, very good.
The farmers are becoming too busy
making money to worry about hard
times. Whatever financial strees there
has been we have ourselves made by
continually talking about it. We shall
soon be too busy to talk and hard times
will be a thing of tho past.''
Mrs. F. A. Stein ard her sons, Jlwm
in d Robert, of .Miles City, .Monluna,
:u rived in Sulem this nn.ining. They
were called here by the serious illness
of Mrs. Stein's father, ('. K. H-;wn,
or' (SKI North Twenty first ttreet.
Mrs. L. G. Hall, who fell rocently in
K. II. K.
Xew York 2 !) 1
Pittsburg o ll) 1
Muriiiard and Meyers; Adams and
First game K. II. K.
Pittsburg I li 0
P.uttalo .'1 !) 0
Dickson, Lcclair and Ilerryj Ander
son and Laviugp.
I'.altiinore llrooklyn game postponed,
Kocks, hens; 2117 Trndo
Kitrhie rushed Welsh Into the hitter's
corner with smashing vigjts and left
blows to the body forcing him to clinch.
Welsh jabbed with left for Ritchie's1 John Grabcr of Graber Bros, com
jaw but Ritchie covered up and forced' I'niiv, hud Cawadia as his destination
Welsh to the defensive. Kitchie swung Srt unlay afternoon but didn't make
rigiit to Welsh's eye uud followed with ; it until one o'clock Sunday morning.
two hard lefts to the jaw. Welsh ap- The rea-on was that his roadster strip-i
poured to weaken under the ehampiou 's ' ped the gears about licit vanbt awnv!
rushes and it was Kitchie s round by a from camp and he labored until the
FOR fct.VLK Span of matched thrce
year old eolts. Inquire 8U North
FRF.D! FKKD! FliKP! Kwrythinir
is fine tonight, corner State and
OAK WOOD t't.'2't per cord, delivered
to any part ,.f town. K. I'earcy,
North ( oinmercial.
FOR SAl.lv l'ruetienlly new piuno for
.S."i.OM, us I nin leasing city. Kuipiiro
V.)5 South Cottage.
TWO experienced women conks want
position iu logging camp. Address A,
care Capital Journal.
.$5.00 Cot Glass Water Pitcher. $2.50
WSO fa Ch, Water Pitcher . $4.25
Remember TOMORROW Only at These Prices
Sale Starts at 8:30 See Window Display
'The m TIT
Quality .-dL JuL
wide margin.
Bound 11.
Ritchie rushed matters iu an effort!
to keep the lend he gained iu the prev
ious round. . Welsh fought back des
perately mid 'there was much punish
ment delivered by both men. Ritchie
jabbed Welsh with his left and swung
his riirlit. nernss. I'mim-liiur unt'olv- Tlw,
South Salem as the result ot a broken I inrh ,urt Welshman. Welsh bat
board in a sidewalk uud injured her Ritehie's stomach as the latter
sido to such an extent that blood poi-. foll(,ht franticallv out of a clinch.
soiling sei in, uas "ecu ut tne v. man- itcl lie agu n swuini) his rioht heavilv I
sn:all morning hours without budging WANTKI) Woman
the car. lie refused to he towed in.
but left his car standing an I joined
the picnic party. There were throe
other machines iu tho party, those of
P. K. Fiillcrton, Km 1 Anderson and
Josepil (trailer jurneyod home with
them. However, when he can sup
ply "missing links" he will go to
CnscHilia and drive that "stand pat"
machine back.
to do canvassing
for tube extracts, etc. Good money.
Viereek Extract & Soc.p Co., Albany,
wanting to take up homesteads. In
quire of Low & Derrick, 35U State
cue sanatorium tor ine past ween. vMi li.m.l U'..lu'.i u.w f;.,i,irrr,.
When she fell she had her linns full of ,,, to top witl, tl( i,,,,,,.,., at tlie, WILL
groceries aud staggered along the walk i n Hit. liif rninui. I YUUK
tor "0 or 'M feet tind then went down,
striking the walk on her side. A few
days after the accident wiiile her thigh
was still bruised it was scratched, with
the result that blood poison set in. She
was getting along nicely under the
treatment of the doctors up to yesterday.
Ritchie's round.
Bound 15.
o-...i. tne grand jury churgini
change of short arm body blows on the the corrupt practices act
breakaway. Welsh tried a left swing eeiit primary election.
All Around Town;
1 hey rushed into n clinch and elsh ; zeu of Portland, was arrested in that i
wns wil ing to hold but Ritchie broke eity toduv bv Sheriff Esch, of Marion,
away. Iiitcl.io appeared the fresher of eounty, on an indictment returned bv !
the two and shaded Welsu ou ail ox- tlm ,r..nn.i inn- ,.h .-:..i...:.... V
t before the re-i
Drilnnrv flee tint, Kltni-Itf 4ln.
to the head and repeated a moment i,h
o later with a hard left to the jaw .vhuh hp had served his warrant ami thaf
Blowing a big five-ton wheel 19 feet shook Kitchie. They clinched aud boh xIr. Riehardson l,a, armnged for b-,il
in diameter and with a M-foot pulley appeared tired. Even round. i
surface to smithereens in order to re- Bound 16. I . ;
duce it to scrap so that it cun be made Ritchie forced Welsh about the ring
into something else, is not often done with jabs to the body und swings for j
iu Salem. Hut that was what was tak- tho head. Welsh put left to the jaw.
ing place last night when explos- i and broke as Ritchie forced tlie milling. '
ions at the rear of the Salem iron; Welsh tried right for the head and .
Works shook up the neighborhood and missed. They mixed nml Hitchio out-j
caused crowds to gather. The men slugged the Britisher. Ritchie put right
wore "bulldozing" the big wheel with and left to body anil Welsii Bwung right1
dynamite. The first explosion shook sharply to Ritchie's ear. Kitchie I
things up pretty well, and the people forced tbo fighting to the end of the
began to gather. Two other explosions round and appeared much tho fresher.
shattered the atmosphere and the crowd Kitchie s round. I
T.tnton for thA Cunltnl .Tdiirnnl enrrier thickened like flies about a drop of: Bound 17.
s EVENT KEN-Ye. A II OI.O girl wishes
chance to go to eoest with family to
take cure of childionj small wages.
Main .',71.'
WANTED Loganberry pickers, 1c ptf
pound. Hegin Wednesday morning.
East 1 streofc Hower s diver. Asy
lum avenue cur.
. n v o
1 waten ror tne uapuai journat earner "'" - "t - ..... ,,,,"""-,' .i WVS 1 OUr OPCCfa
a t liov. lie wi ii wn st a us lie leaves voi r ... ..... r....t.,vu ,
tA mm A R fXTI I naper 0 ; resume ins suceessim nuigntiug. tiitcnie
All IV ! H I1 t ... fought out of a clinch and swung hainv I
M. H. ViesKoof this city is ' aJZ Z 1" rtlam E,,en; Z&Z !J:. !? "4
ii ticrsHiuil tliimniFrt unit tor SI'J.jO thim-: . . . ...!
who was bndlv hurt on tho Ta-.,,. taken nut the street ear to ' . , . 10 '" ? WB? .. "P.?"
tirotlior iii-law ot llert inngley, tlie auto ....rsonal .,iinaLre suit for !2.iO dam
" v -M Hlt'S. was IK' (ill L OH i lit HLll'l'l vur iu ' 1.:.. t i . .t
,..nn track, lie states that tho in hired 1 .C. .i . .i " swingn.g rigni nmi len to tne
cle Bridge Hurt
Your Nose?
in n ii htm ritiil ta 1 1 nvnr i It m unii tit vv n lid m . i t .... i t, i. . '
. . . ... ... i "iiiii iii.h nun viini f " " li i avnrtlPfiii nf frit rt Lnnn
HUGH State, between Liberty
and High) Motion pictures
oi "False Evidence'', a three
part powerful inelodriiiuu,
featuring (lene (lanntier.
tiLOMK (State, between Lib
erty and lligii)--Motion pie
trues of "The Court of
Death," Llth uud last install
ment of "Adventures of
YE LIKERTY (Liberty, be
tween Liberty and Court)
Motiuu pictures of "Hearts
Ardift" the beautiful proto
play with Mary I'ickford.
HuATI.NU-- Salem boat house,
foot of State street.
Band concert at Willson l'ark.
The car that is alleged to
Mr. Tavlor was used to
Mayor Steevos but refused to serve as Lis first serious accident. ; convey the jury to the scene of the al-
he wanted to gel awnv from the wor- o i legtsl accident. Mr. TnWor claims that
ries and cures ot tne city council. ""'"i while in the eniplov of the Arenz ton-
o i"" i'iiiu niiiiuciiuiici , oniiiniiiu structiou coinpiinv that as he
uud State streets. ; wheeling a wheelbarrow full of cement
body nt the bell. Welsh was using alii Th ... - ...
foot to keep out ot . ct u KlulP ?uu wlln
a pair ot bearing pads which
take the pressure off the
nose. Will fit any spectacle
Be sure and visit Briotonbush Springs
this summer. Under new management.
Hatha all remodeled and up to date,
(lood restaurant aud store. Tents for
rent. For information, address J. K.
Johnson, Detroit, Oregon.
Al Foland, night sorgeant at the po
lice station, left yesterday for Newport
with his wife and daughter for a two
weeks' vacation, dean Spencer has
been employed by .Mr. Foland to oc
cupy the desk at the station during the
two weeks be is at the coast.
Mooso attention. Big meeting Tues
day evening, July 7. Hrother Meaning.
supreme prelate, will visit lodge. Re
freshments after meeting.
Kitchie 's rouiu'.
Bound IS.
Ritchie rushed Welsh to a neutral
corner, swinging alternate lefts and
I ... .1... 1....1.. T:...l.:.. i
WHS' - " -- -- ............ i - u
weish in a midrmg mixup. Kitchie vnase ana insure comfort
Hint the defendant's street car hit him ! landed two hard left jabs to the jaw-
Try Scott's Vk meals.
Oregon Electric ortlcial... W. E SiMt.
general manager; W. L. Sl.ianer, traffic.
manager; V . 1'. I'uwers, traveling pas-1 Idaho,
eager and freight agent, and A. .1.1
Davison, superintendent, were iu Sa
lem yesterday on an inspection trip.
They went to Independence by auto
mobile in tho afternoon.
O, M. Elliott, the nowly-elected su
perintendent of the Salem schools, has
rented the Spauldini( house, LliH Court
street. He will soon be joined by bis
family, who are now visiting iu Port
land ou their way troin Twin Falls,
Gon. W. H. Byars was In AumsvlUe ,ln,i ,.lllsfti i,;,,, ,n 1,0 nimble to work
last week surveying tor the new elec-for 100 ,lavs for w),ieh he asked $230,
trie light system which is being in-i,,, 1 .ooci additional for the suffer
stalled there by Sherman Swank, thn.j,,,, tmt , Wlls c0,,,elled to undergo,
miller. Thirty-two street lights will be !
put up tor lighting the town and con
siderable private lighting has been.
contracted for. The power for the
plant will be furnished from the mill.
Can while you can can. Everything
you need in toe season's best fruit, the
best, jnrs, and caps, rubbers, etc., you
will tind at the Sperling grocery, 311 1
North Commercial. j
The Bobeknhs held their soml annual '
installation last night nt tlie Odd Fel
lows bull. About 2nd members and vis
iting guests were present. Speeches
were made by several of the guests and
refreshments were served. The offi-
lecter were: Mrs. Elsie Simeral,
Co to Dr. Stone's for trusses.
Charles Maxwell, the rotund porter at
at O. E. depot, has a week 's vacation
coming to him. Ho will visit Portland
and possibly Seattle. He expects to
leave Monday with his family, or else
be joined later by them, providing his
little pickaninny is well ouougli.
Dr. Mercer detained. Dr. and Mrs.
W. ,. Mercer were detained on their
trip to Inwa on account of the hot
weather in the east. Thev will go later.
Piano tuning, first-class work. Phone wm.
14C5. leave orders with 0. C. Will or
K. F. Teters. J. E. Hookett.
noble grand; Mrs. l.i.ie Raters, vice-
grand; -Mrs. Hello Cornforth, past noble
grand; Mrs. Save Wright, chaplain;
Mrs. Lester Parker, recording secre
tary; Mrs. Liiella Kfigstrom, treasurer; 1
Mrs. llert rude Cummings, warden; Mrs. i
Rziadene Hubbard, conductor; Mrs. '
Carl dribble, right support noble
grand; Mrs. Ruth Anderson, left sup-!
o port noble grand; Mrs. Henderson,
Chiof of Police Shedeck, wife and right support vice grand; Mrs. Ileum
three boys, and Constable E. Cooper, ard, left support vice-grand; Miss
who were fishing up on the Snntinin Edith Benedict, inside guardian, and
Saturday and Sunday, returned yostor- Miss Rachel Woodward, outside guard- !
day evening to Salem after having hud bin.
a thoroughly enjoyable time. Over l."0 m
fish were caught while the party took You should train yourself to read
tiieir time und rambled along the the WanU daily, for, by doing so, you
Councilman Mlnton leaves today for
A four weeks' absence on his farm on
the Luckiamute river. He was ap
pointed on a committee last night by
Special meeting of Pacific
bulge No. 50, A. F. ft A. M,
this evening. Work In the
F.. A. degree. Visiting broth
rent welcome.
will say yourself time, worry, trouble
ana money.
A new automobile agency will be
opened about July lo by K. C. Pittmnn
at 5-10 State street, across from the
Oregon Electric depot. Mr. Pittman
comes from Oakland, California, lad
..Iv.st .lay to see Last series of..
"Adventures of
ldth Installment
Biggest fictrao -story ever
U C. MEIER, at the Organ
Welsh clinched and held. Welsh weak
ening. Ritchie fo"'ing fight at the
bell. Kitchie 's round.
Bound 19'
Kitchie forced Welsh. Ritchie
straightened Welsh with left jab audi
tried for a knockout with a right swing j
but Kreddio stepped inside. Welsh j
clinched and hung on as Kitchie forced ;
him back with right and left jabs !o i
stomach. Welsh verv weak. Kitchie 'si
Bound 20.
Ritchie rushed Freddie, trving bv
brilliant boxing to make up his sorry
showing in the last few rounds. Ritchie
tried desperately for a knockout, audi
thougli he straightened the Wels'.iman -twice
was unable to connect w ith rights
to the jaw. Kichie was forced to the:
ropes by Welsh but the latter 's rally j
was shortlived ami the champion was
pressing Freddie back at the bell. It !
was in even round. '
Decisicn on Points. !
Freddie Welsh tonight became the
lightweight champion if the world on ;
a decision awarded by Keferee Cotrij
at the end of the twentieth round of j
the fight between the British challen-;
ger and Willie Ritchie. Iloth were on
their feet at the finish aud Welsh was
aiveu the decision on points.
Ritchie lost his title as a result of
trying for a knockout in the early
rounds. The clever Welshman stacked
up a lead on points during the early
art of the fight, beating the Ameii
au by his marvelous footwork.
eastern points where be gained his
kuowledge of motors aud their acces
sories. He will install the Bowser
t'nk device which means-. much to
motorists because of its double-tiltera-tion
aud safety. A permit was granted
lor this installation by the city council
last night.
to the wearer
Let us show them
Optometrist. '
291 N. Com'l St., Ground Floor
Hours 9 to 5. Phone 925 !
STENOGRAPHIC position desired by
young lady; thoroughly reliable und,
trustworthy. Address, Miss Opal
Wells, Dallas, Oregon.
NEWPORT Large, light, single rooms,
neatly furnished for housekeeping,
fine location, ifd per weoli or $-r for
season. Also sleeping rooms. BOx
;i2(i, Newport.
FOR SALE Nice dry, high lot near
ear line and school; paved street;
east front. Prieo ifcitOO if taken tli it
week; terms, lnquiro owno', 775
North Twenty-first.
WANTED -o loganberry pickers to go
ilonday ami camp at the L. 11. Kob
erts Mini, four miles east on (Inrdcn
road. One dollar allowed on moving
out ivnd returned free when pick mil'
is done. Phone 1048 M; 771 North
NOTICE For the benent of the ranch
ers und thoso who ennuot get their
meat in tho day time, I will keep
open until !) p. m. every night during
duly und August. I will pay 22 cents
cash for eggs, and the highest mnrket
price for veal nt all times. Price's
Cash Market, O. F. Price,, proprietor,
.'112 North Commercial street, l'liono
5-room cottage, tl j.OO; terms; new
modern bungalow, $!tiOO, terms; $7"0
cottage, five-room, Fourth street;
$"'0 cottage, fic-roni, Shipping
street; $11100 cottage, five-room, barn
and fruit, Sixteenth street; :i")0i)
modern bungalow, Cottage street;
$10U0 modern 7 rooms, Chenieketa
street; furin, 13.1 acres, $1.1,000;
Howell Prairie, 54 acres, $100 per
acre; 10 acres. $12.1 per acre; I')
acres, 4-1100; five acres, $62.1 terms.
Tor rent, houses, all parts of the city.
For rent, store buildings and rooming
houses. Money to loan. Write in
surance. Itcciitel Hvnon. :U7 State.
e Sale
Puts all Suits and Overcoats on the bargain list. We
are offering only present and future season's styles
at the great reduction of
$5.00 to $20.00
D. H. Mosher
Tailor for Men and Women
Telephone 1267 344 State Street