PAOB TEN THE DAItT CAPirAT. JOUBWAt, SALEM. OREGOK, SATTJBDAY, JULY 4. 1911. All Around Town AMUSEMENTS. BLIOH State, between Liberty ami Hgh) Motion picture of tbc "Star of India" in 4 I'nrts; an all-star rant. GLUUE (State, between Lib erty anil High) Motion pic tnr'ea of "The Fatal Step,'' a drama of the rails, a two-reel Universal feature, ami Miss Elsie Kdwards, Australian so-, prano, in song. WKXFORI) Finn Psthe ilrnma "Facing the Footlights" in three parts. YE LlBEIiTV (Liberty, be tween Liberty and Court) Motion pictures of a special war reel, "The Close of tlio American Kevolution' ', anil Carlyle Hlackwell in the pow erful dramatic production "Mrs. Peyton's Pearls." CHAl.'TArcil'A Willamette university ((round. HOATINO Hnlem boat house, foot of State street. ifc )fc )fc )(t )(t jfc sjt f( )( )t sc sc Salem to Oukridge, n ilistnuco estimut-i Dr. Mendelsohn, specialist In fitting. ed between 17") and ISO miles. The trip glauea correctly. U. 8. Bank building, 'is unique in that it was made entirely! Nebraska people., of York countj, nro having their Fourth of July picnic ut the fair grounds, . jj i . ! Try Scott'i 16c meals. The Bebekahs, sixty strong, formed a jolly picnic party early this morn- ing. They left by auto trunk to spend the day nt Silver Creek fulls. Go to Dr. Stone's for trusses. o Matron Lynch is acting in the capa city cf chief of police today in the lib si'ini! of Chief' Shcdock, who is spend ing the Fourth fishing lit Mchiiiiiu. Salem is having a suno Fourth, but the j'lil doors nre not entirely closed. o Company M, Third Infantry, Oregon Kiitionnl (lunrd, will give n dunce at , tne armory, Saturday night, July 4, to which the public is invited. o T. O. Bllgh was a Portland passenger Jelterduy. Mr. and Mrs. liligh were ibinning on n trip to Hreitenbush hot sprngs, but he has been subpoenaed en the 1'ortlnnd grand jury. He hopes t obti'in n releuso from serving and to III like the trip plnnned. Company M, Third Infantry, Oregon Untioiial Guard, will give u dance nt the armory, bntnrdny night, duly 4, to wli.u the public is Invited, Dr. Vinton Ellis, a graduate of Wil lamette university college of medicine, who is employed as u physician und surgeon by the Washington Mining company nt Kensington, Alaska, will leave this city Monday for 1'ortlnnd, where he will spend a short time before returning to his post in the north. r. B. V. Ellis, who is tho son of Dr. 0. V. Kllis, of this city, lins been spending his vocation here ith his parents. Be sure and visit Brletenbush Bprlngs this summer. Under new management. Baths all remodeled and up to date. Good restnurunt nnd store. Tents for rent. For informntion, address J. K. Johnson, Detroit, Oregon. 0 Everything from the lowly market basket to the mode-n pack bug were in evidence this morning for a few hours, Everybody wns going picknick lng and seemed to be doing their best to pluee. themselves outside of the city limits in the shortest possible time. Auto parties, the old family horse and even the Irishman's go-cart were seen leaving the city nt an curly hour, while the Oregon Electric, and the Salem. Falls City and Western railroad were crowded with holiday passengers. Series No. 9 of the Mutual Savings and Loan Association will be opened July 4th, ini4. Subscriptions for stock will be received from June 1st, 1914, at the office of the secretary, 273 State street. J. D. White, necrctnry. o Possessing a big round dollar and an irreslstnble desire to celebrate the vrfHHTTfTmMfwm i Unusual Demonstration EVERY AFTERNOON BETWEEN :? AND 5 O'CLOCK, DURING THE WEEK OF JULY G-ll, WE WILL SHOW OUR ELECTRIC RANGE IN ACTUAL OPERATION. IT t COOKS YOUR DIN JNER WHILE YOU SHOP, AND AT A t COST OF ONLY 3 : CENTS. "IF IT'S ELECTRIC, J t COME TO US." x Salem Electric Co. J MASONIC TEMPLE ' PHONE 1200 , Fourth of July, little Milo Webber, tvhose thereabout were unknown by 'Iuh parents since day before yesterday j morning, walked into bis home venter- day afternoun, safe and sound. He i siiid that he had been with some of his buy friends planning a genuine eel- ' ehrntion for the. Fourth and was ao busy t hut he forgot to inform bis par- ents whero he hnd been. Mrs. Barker, 'the ooy's mother, was fruntic yester- day morning when he failed to show up, and the police aeoured the city Inst Thursday afternoon and yesterday for the missing youngster. He had been sent on nn errand and had hiked out to North Salem to visit some of his boy friends mid, ns the result of be coming overly interested in the Fourth of July, remained with his friends un til he was informed the police were looking for him. 0 Fireworks display at the Capital Con fectionery Nineteenth und State streets at 1:30 .Sunday evening, July .". This will be worth seeing and everybody is invited. A. A. Reiner and wife, of Salem. have ju.t completed a remarkable trip! in a canoe up the Willamette river from fiL'iunst a stromr current, especially u,vo Hugeinc. where the river in nar- row ami often boils over rocky .tretches. With them the couple took in their frliil era ft n complete, camping outfit, stopping iilong the banks of the river wherever night overtook them. At the rapids nuil swift riffles they portaged, nun not nn accident whs en countered on the trip. After spending in row Mays at Onkrnlgo, whicn is locat ;ed Ut miles southwest of Kngono, Mr. and Mrs. Reiner expect to paddle back , to Sulein. If you waut to Bee tho Copeman ; Fuiry nt work, come to ourntoro any' jdiiy next week, from 3 to 5 p, in. .Sa lem K.lcctrie Co.. Masonic Teiunle. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Maplethrope aro spending the day with their dauuhter ! i Mrs. Williiuu Hogg, nt Scotts Mills., The Mapletliciips will leave shortly for Illinois on nn extended visit to relatives and friends. . I o i ! Our Eloctrtc Tireless solves 1 I the cookiug problem. Wo will g.iow you how any day next week, from !t to i) p. in. Salem Electric Co., Masonic Temple, High street. Mr. and Mrs. Abbott, and children, of Highland, nr,) guests of Mrs. Abbott's parents. Mr, and Mis, II. W. Potter in Shaw today. W. C. T. U.-Mrs. M. K.-Sharer, of1, , ''. " , ti ... i. . c. i. ii i ! !? V Creek, Michigan; Cli cngo, I Spokane, Wash., will deliver tho tern- , ' , " nornnce address H,., M-.n,ii ?!mv York ( "ud several we pernnce address at Ka tun .MClllOrinl .. . . hall, Sunday, at 4:30 p. in. welcome. You aro , Lida Louise dark, the twcyear-ou'StV'T"' VtXT danehter of Dr. . .1 Mr- l.,,.,i.,l ! The top cont of b.tulithic rin rii f itnriui,.,f., .i:...i .1 1 :i...: I HI 11 10 1 U. having accidentally oaten some matches. The funeral services will be held in Salem from the Christian church Sunday afternoon nt 2 o'clock. Interment will be In the I. O. O. F. cemetery. 0 . . . 1 ' "v r."1 Tako home a Spa Ice cream brick. r ro.en iiesa every t av 111 (marc size -...I ..11 l. 1... 1.:.. 1- i ...u .... ....,..,. - ".....s ... .me;tno ellstom t0 lu.Ht the water several ; flavors. The hit of t:o sensou. Phono i jour or.ier ror tpucn Delivery to Alain. jK it. So when thev plunged in ves-: Secretary of the Xavv Dauiels said '.I i, or drop into the Spa and have it ; terdav they were met bv water of "the: he intended to ask for the repeal of the served to you in their delightful re-1 mme temperature as that in the river. : involuntary retirement law. fresh meat hall. j i t- . 0 I Mr. and Mrs. John G. Schutt, of Ked ' MARRIED. Members of the G. A. E. met this : Bifts, fa)., arrived in Salem this afternoon in the armory to celebrate ( morning. Thev made the entire .lis- JOXKS-KIXtt Julv 4, at 3 p. m., Miss the natal day of the nation. They had . tdnre in a big touring car mid reported; Kva M. King, daughter of A. W. a reunion and a generally pleasant ; ,,i,.U!,t trip. Thev will remain in King of Salem, and Elton Jones, bro time. The veterans of the wars of the ; this city until tomorrow morning and ther of Mrs. K. Harris of Salem, at union swapped stones of the days of j tiu, resume their journcv to Seattle,1 the home of Rev. P. S. Knight, in danger and hardship ami then lunched I w),ere thev will visit Mr. Schutt 's moth-1 the presence of a few relatives, on provisions furnished by the women. er Mra- A. A. Mohlcr. Mr. Schutt I Mr. and Mrs. Jones left on the 4 i conducts a 14-chair barber shop in Ked o'clock Oregon Electric trnin for Wnlln Tip-Top bread-the eatmore kind ; niiiffa. " ; Walla, Washington. you get it nt Sperling's grocery, :U1: 0 , m , North Couiinercinl street. Make a note j William Adams, who resides near MAYOR AND MINER it uu ,.t.ui unit-. 1.IU-.-1 mr .uuiituii. 0 First Church of Christ, Scientist, at ; 110 ChemeUeta street. Service Sunday ! at 11 a. in., and at S p. in.; subject of ; ilible lesson, "Hod". Sunday school ! nt : lo a. m.; Wednesday evening tcsti-1 iiiiouinl meeting nt S o'clock. Heading .room in the church open every after-; noon from 2 mini 5 o'clock, except Sun- days and holidays. All are cordially in- ; ivited to our services. ' j I s, , v i , vk...., vi u v. .. .... isst.. i n.r uit n. ui-i . ." V" ,1 : .... . i J " ,u oni estai.iisnett ! ; leather tlealer, 1S7 South Commercial. i 0 Frtta Slndo, Curtis Cross, Laurence 11. .'.. t:... v - t i .-...I. ...... ' .urn iuiiiik nn.! nu v.Ki.rtcistiii have gone to th McKenzie river by automobile to fish. They will return Sunday evening. O I Tor the next six weeks citixens of the ' Windy City will visit at the farm homo I of Victor and Jessie Uobinson. which jis located six miles aouth of the city. The Chicago people are Miss E. 11. l!ob- linson. Arthur Kobinson and Mii-s Mary McMahon. .iiss Mary Ctduoll, of i Portland, is nlso a nicniber of the party, t ram iionnett anrt rranR uewitt left : this morning on motorcycles fur Cnnby, , where they .will attend a celebration of the ill tiny of the nation in a fit - ting manner. On tho return trip they ; expect to participate, in the celebrations at Oervnis and Woodburn. o Tha Indiana people trill gather to- morrow at Marion Stpiare at a 1 o'clock i picnic dinner. One hundred letters' t have been sent out to Indiana people) wno are now Palem residents, anil steps win ne taKen to organise an Indiana society. All former ludianians are Wol- t j come. , The Shamrock IV., America's Cup and Yacht Resolute ftWJ II tlf- ""I Tf-'-iriT -T HI"' it i A : m urn in ii m hhiisjiijiwi iiwmi mniimiMt Photo of yachts by American Press T JIE Sliumi'irk IV. Is a very capable who have Inspected her, nnd ('.ingermis factor in the forthcoming races for the America's cup. The lines of tl'.c challenger have caused considerable comment. She Is a combination of n scow !o:dgu pud u deep keel hunt, with a Battened cut water Intended to evade rerlnln provisions In the rule governing the cup contests. The Illustration shows Hie Sliiinirock IV.. nt the recent Inuix-liing. At the lower left blind corner Is tlio America's cup. At the lower light bund corner Is i!ic lioNulutu, tho piospci tive ilcfcudur, built by members of the New York yacht dub. Dr. Ward Fisher, formerly a student nt ,n" Willamette university college ot medicine, who has finished his course in California, has returned to Salem tt,ml, w1" K.ill, the office with I)r E. K. Fisher in the U. S. National bunk ! building. Mrs. Fisher, vho wns Etkol ' May, is with her husband Dr. J. II. Oarnjohst, a graduate of the Willamette university college of medicine, who wns with Dr. E. E. Fish- er during the past year, has gone east ' ror a two mourns trip Tor a special i ll 1' IT.. ...Ml 1 tl... v. ...... tf., ,.;ll . . .. . , ; mine in Hocnester, Minnesorn; untrie Illinois; X 1,1 IV UIIU nv(-tll n na III ., " t.Miui'. , , 0 - ! The new tennis courts at Willamette practically completed. i.:t,.i:.i.:.. .. ,.,,, 1 .,,,., -, ,1.., n,,.t tertiny ; t. iki.t ,1. m rAi'.vuvi iin.u biic vuma Hy M,ut i. that time the uprights and the back- stop will have been put in place. 0 Secretary Compton, of the Salem Y. M. (.'. A., pulled off a surprise on the nuts Franklin W, Osbttrn, Jr., and Wil boys who use the swimming tank at liam J. Moses. i i:,a aau.,..;.,t;n, ..ot..r.i., ...i,.,.. t,.., vTninav- .i,i;M,,i...i. .......... cni.,:n turned' in water "fresh frdm the river ' ,..;ti,..,,t i,.,..,;,,.. it ...... it i.n !,., 1 . : degrees nnd the boys hud been expect-! Twentieth ami streets in this city, was arrested bv the sheriff todnv and Agv in jail on a charge of attempted criminal nssnult which it is alleged whs nttemittt..! tin the iieisnn of n small tril l residing in the vicinitv of Adams' 10lm., -rle, Krnii,l jury fouml a true bill and indicted him oil the charge. A bench warrant wns issued last night ,lm served this morning 0 At the home of Mr. snd Mrs. P. E. !?vm,,,.. "!. J ?uK:m' Kli.',a-' .,mly ,14i rrHK nniiKs nun .vnss neien iirown, ooin or alenl. were iiiitt- " ,u '"rriage. ivev. i. r. per- forme.1 tiu. ceremony in the presence f few int iniate relatives and friends. Mr. and Mrs. Hanks aro to reside in Sa- h,,,,, for time, but the comma fall Will . .. . occupy a rnncii near paiem. , j " o ' t Pittsbur' Pa T lv 4 Bv a vote of 1 j Miss Eugenia Mclntuvff. daughter of ,4;,5 to':' tV WeMingho.i"se . Elwtrie ' Illov, 1. N. .Mclnti.rtf, left Salem this;.,,,, Mf : ..,;v. nuirniitiT tn nen,l the l-'mirth nn tha f,. h.., V.,i r.. .;i .... 0f the city. She had her arms full of : Jl , " ,, ' s,t; therr Lvl- , sardines, crackers and other tilings good ! r. if iL Jn tt0 est, and expected to celebrate in a'? 'f "K-V 0uUl lTst Kta'n 0 j thoroughly safe and sune manner. She: 0 " ,'m , I was accoiiipanietl bv Miss Edith Haver:' TTir. TtVKT.ivo CYMBALS. sani, i o ' Mr. and Mrs. Edward TaUman and son Eddie, am Mr. and Mrs. I.. II. Compton left bv auto this morning for .r Creek Falls, where Independence ' day will be celebrated climbing over mossy rocks, listening to the whisprt ing of the fir trees and eu joying the beautiful scenery. They expect also to . catch some fish" ami expect tor return home early Mouday morning. - o A miniature balloon raca was held la East Salem this morninir which create.) considerable interest. The I aoital con- fectionery sent up three large paper balloons and offered prizes to the per- isons who would bring them back to their Association. craft, nceordlng to Impartial cxperU there Is no doubt that she will prove H PUTS OUT FIFTEEN Law Eeriuiriny Compulsory Retirements Puts Some Noted Officers on the Be- ti.i - Washington, July 4. Much confidentially'' expressed by nnvnl ,., i,ro ,!.. at ,,. ( ,:, iiii,.i , . .. ' 1 . . . .. . ... ' . " uoarils ' selections of officers to !!lv.nit.rii.. Pti..fl i.n.lo, ru i ra. (iiiiritur fnrtv nniiinil vnenncinu with n. u.l f ..111,1 mini .... ........ ,ri m um'i !!. IC - tirementa tn mtika nit the tiiiinhiti. Trhm ' year's list, announced last night, was' as follows: Captains John II. Gibbons, Frank W. t.-.,n...... t . 1 i.--v...t. 11111 .i nn ... D l- I . ii.ii tinii it, i.ttttiB, V uui in liners deorge N. Hnyward, John H. I'atton, I Provost Hrabin and William 8. Whit-1 !ted; Lieutenant Commanders Walter M. ; Falconer, Ulvssus McMav, Carlton Kear ! ami John W. Schtionfeld end Licuten Harrison A. Bispham and Commanders v, v t..ii..i. t...i.. tr 11 i;:n; " " 1 Kaymond Lttone, Simon P. Fullenwider and Kdwin H. Delanev. WILL BOTH EECOVEB Itutte, Mont., July 4. Mayor Dun can and Eric Lantela, a miner, though badly wounded in a fight they had in the mavor'8 office Fridav afternoon. were rcportetl doing well today and , diysiciaus saitl there was every pros ; poet they woubl recover, i Ijintela wanted the deportation from ', Hutte of a Finnish editor from Han- ock, Mich., who was here working in the interests of the Western deration of lim.rS- 1)mi(,an refsed. mcrs. Duncan refused. Finally, according to Punean, his vis - itor Ul.k,M him with, a knife, stab bina him ti' j- , ' the ot the Zt'v. ' , , . , " . ' . l""8 ,''l,H-v "."u .n"1 ig employee today rejected President i E. M. lierr s offer to receive their rep- Miss Alpha Wilson was hostess Tiies-1 S.-..-.n..i,tn .Tnlv 4 call niened i.v f., .rnnN nf ti... in stt.., w - st f . i, K,., i,i... ... i....i f,.r .h v..f. ,ni Commercial Congress to be held in Sacramento, perhaps with President Wilson presidcut, March 2;t 2t 1!1.". to discuss conditions which will follow the Panama canal opening. store. One balloon traveled one hnlf mile beyoud the Reform S. hool before falling to the ground and the other two were found about one and one-half from the starting point. A small armr of bovs on wheels followed the dirigible and Fred eicker, tverett Tallmsn. and to. Cad well were the lucky ones who won the prizes. TWO DROWN AS RESULT OF A FOOLISH FREAK' To Show His Prowess As a Swimmer, Sir Denis Anson Leaps From Boat j He and Man Going to His Aid Drown ' T l i ti. ri - !,u, ,..r. i.......... s.ii, -u.., inwii .IAX1TOK wants work cf any kind. C., was being dragged today for the bodies Wilson will ask (ieorge Fred Williams j ,.ar0 Journal, or K. I C, box 41, Fair ot Sir Denis Anson, drowned in an at-; to resign as. minister to Greece, nn ne- grounds, Oregon. j tempt to wim t'ne stream Friday night, fount of his savage criticism of the s.u,KNfw. fjve-iooui modem and William Mitchell, a musician, who' powers' handling of the Aibuniuii situ- bungalow cheap, little tiioucv dow, lost his life in an attempt to save the ation, was learned here on good an-' balance good terms; 2'Jnd und I) st 'voting bftronet. I thoiity today. .. ' 1 1! ' I With .,rtv which included 1'nnnt When tlio rebellion broke out agninst ,WANTK1) Woninn to do cniivass,,:g I With a party whnh included ( ount w j new kine i or he "tructs, etc. Good money. iConstnn ine Benckemlortf. bis sister, '.' or mm, .11 unii 5 m Kl I V:r. K,tr,, i Co Ml.anv Connies,! Natalie; Mrs. Huvmond As-' '"' trom A,I"B" 1)uru,'7 ' II P ' Iquith, Lady Diana Manners', the Kng- to 0,f,',r. services ns mediator. He' urigon. V.f ... t -' .. '2, vr t Herbert, sou of the former British am - bassa.lor to the Vnite.1 Statos. Anson phnrfnril a fttiMtii vncht nt'tr tlm nttorA Inst night for a trip up the river to iKew I On rnliirn trin ho iiiinu.l could swim from shore to shore in the darkness nnd before he rotild be Bton- ped plunged in. Though a good swim- iner ne iinauv neeume exuausiea anil cried for help". Mitchell, n member of n band on the yacht. and Count Ileckcn - dorff. tried to reach him. with the re - suit that Mitchell, ns well as Anson, !' for remarks he was quoted us muk- INFORMATION OF VALUE to tho-,e perished while Iteckendorff was res- '"K n recent speech, considered by I wanting to tako up homesteads. In cued us iie was going down for the lust president us reflecting on his mi- I quire of Low i, Derrick, o5U State time by a man who had put off from shoro in a boat. As the address was published, Evans 1 appeared to huve ridiculed the Monroe' ; JACK, DILLON WON DECISION. c.octriue and declared that the United 1 ! ! States was becoming too meddlesome. ; Kansas City, July 4. Jack Dillon, Evans, when naked to explain, said he of Indiuimpolis, toduy holds u 10-round 1 wns misquoted mid that what he did decision; over Sailor Ed l'etrosney, of assert was thut, with its widespread in Snn Francisco, as u result of their clush te rests, the United States was "natur here last night. The Snn Franciscan ally " one of the most meddlesome pow- fought doggedly all the way. Until ers in the world. the seventh round, when DiMon scored! Responsibility for Williams' cmh-cs. a knock-down, the middleweight but- sioiis was disclaimed in a stute'nent tied with even honors. From the scv- given out by Secretary of State liivan enth on Dillon had all the better of the last night. f'fiht. Ho wns commissioned only, Dry in DIED. ARMSTRONG At the home of rela tives, Mr. and Mrs. Claude Armstrong nt 240 D street, Salem, Saturday morning, July 4, at 10 o'clock, Wil liam Armstrong, nged about SO years. Funeral arrangements have not been made but it will be held from the par : lors of Rigdon & Kichnrdson under the auspices of the Masons. William Armstrong was n Salem pioneer. He. has been a resilient of i Salem for 4o years having come here J from Tyrone county, Ireland, in the late sixties. 'Ho wns the oldest shoemaker in town andhis store was the rendez- I vons of Salem pioneers, lie served for ! "'any years as inspector of customs in l'ortlan.l, and also served two terms in , i the Oregon legislature. Atter leaving; the old home on Commercial, about three years ago, Mr. Armstrong lived w-i'h his . ; steii diiimhter. Mrs. Townseud. Ho had 1 ,. ,. 'for he P" yT ! He was a faithful member of -the! Masonic order, and had a valuable """" '""' Masonic1 library and recently donated ninnv books on Masonrv to the local 1:1. .-. Besides his wife Mrs. Ann Armstrong, he is survived by two sons, George and William of Salem; two granddaughters, Mrs. George .ludson of Salem, and Mrs. Roy Buckingham of Medford; two grandsons and two great grandchildren. He was also a member of the A. O. U. W. WOODBURN NOTES. Wm. Scollard made a business trip. to Cortland Saturday. Mrs. A. B. Crosbv and Mrs. Win. ' f'0a" '"otore.l to Salem Saturday : in the Crosbv car tMt. Wl.itnn 1Ti,n n-ntit n Pnit .. " ".. . .... i,. 1111111 omuniuv to ninittt tnu tr - - - f v.. with his auut 1 Per hundred. Journal office. Mrs. Jas. Henderson and little son ' , . ' ' T ('..,.:! l..ft Si.n.lnv for their homo in!"" 1.. Uo ...... n..;,l,.l Vnil aftr st.e.i.l n.r the week with W.jT. Binklev and fmnilv. Mr. and Mrs. A.J. Austin ami family and Lila Castle, spent Saturday in! t!,pm- ! . . . . Ixirin Ciesy, ot Aurora, tlrove to Snlcm Saturday and spent the day with friends. Mr. and Mrs. t,. M. Bitney and daugh ter Hazel attended the Cherry Fair Saturday. Misses Nellie Pinklev, Madge and Marry Schollard, and Mrs. llolmer Alio-, jman spent Saturday at Salem taking in j i the Chetry Fair. ( j Mr. ami Mrs. F. X. Peck were Salem : j visitors Satanrday. I j (lariel Ogle returned from Eugene . last week where he is attending college. ; W. T.I Hinkley spent Thursday ami, ! Friday in Portland on business. j Honiet Allemnu called on Salem ' i Friends Saturday. ; Miss Oladys Warner, of Salem, is spending her vacation here with hcrj i parents. , j Mr. and .Mrs. .1. t. tiau ami cnii-; lren drdve to Salem Saturday to at-! ' t.. t k . -i,.,,,.. fif 1 (..A ... "t0 Port!aiiJ Sun-i day where he will spend a few days; with friends. i j Mss. 11. Kutivou and children ofi I Medfordi are visiting at the home of her; parents. Mr. and Mrs. T. Hicks. Mrs. Elma Holmes is very ill and, is under Ir. Overtoils care. Miss C. tiiienie spent the week end With ralem mentis. 1 Mrs. Chester Cox of Salem is mn. . in a t,1w ,la-VS w,,h bor moth,r' MrS' J i M"- Vincent and children of; , West Woodburn were shopping here; Wednesday. ! ' ',R.V eveiling to the Sisko Neulama scw- - i'ig "l"' tt,r an cn.ioyat.le evening 01 conversation an,i senuig rrl refreshments. Monday evening a crowd of young, P,lple met at the C. O. F. hall. The. -affair being a farewell for Miss; .Mildred 1 lra!;e who lett Tuesday for, Poitlaml where she will go into train : ing at the tiood Samaritan Hospital, j The hpll was prettily decorated in , -pennant. After a pleasant eveuingi in dancing and cards the guests were; summoned to large tables where an elaborate mnen was serve.! oy r.tnc Honuey Aletha Bitnev and Lois lWebe. Mrs. James Rajan of Aurora was, shopping her Wednesday. WILL ASK MINISTER i WILLIAMS TO RESIGN i ' Williams Mado Bitter Attack on WU- liam of Wied, King of Albania Was Too Undiplomatic." I AV....I.:... t..i.. i ti..., t, : turn o Athens nn liiTt-miliiii'lv . f0,,1' orl,,lo ' th mnnner in wliit h "lI!,am fta3 bundling affuirs in A I- t:,,,m, t , I'1 lublic statement he issued, lie declared tlio ruler a weak individual, ... . . . . ' IllUllled t lie llOU CrS SC VITC V for L'lVltlL' l,im ,nc position, us well us for nearly j every step they huve tukeu in Albu- "'i'1 lccl;ired tliitt the Uut. lt offi- .i.wm,,i ihi,o mo ;0,lly Trul Uumzo. I !t learned also Hint Biigadier i General Kvans will be rebuked irivute- ministration. sum, to report ms observations 'o tlio i state department, and "the published , remarks which he is alleged to have made were given solely on his own i responsibility and. with no authority , whatsoever from the depai t'lieut. Mr., j Williams' report of his visit Ins not yet been received. '' It was understood that Williams' lr i signation as minister ;o lircece v.ns iil ! ready ou its way to Wubhingtoii by mail. A VICTIM OF THE AUTO. Los Angeles, Cat., July 4. An nn- identified, richly dressed Woman about -li) was struck and killed by an auto- mobile. Her purse .ontaiued more than ifJOO. AN AMBITIOUS AVIATOR. Dulutii, July 4-lsing a powerful j hydro aeroplane, Aviator Robert .Ian nun, it ttiis aitiiuitiit-rtt iit-rf louilt , will ' 11 (0"n "tOTPt to fly trmn Dub, 'Z WB ;of Nl,,,t Sk -Ml" Dulutii NEW TODAY Ono cent rer word each inser tion. Copy for advertisements un der this heading should be in by 2 p. m. PHONE MAIN 81. CALF WANTED About one or two weeks old. Thone 9F3. OLD PAPERS fnt enrnet.. in nt. Keds and I "vl .tn x ritue gtreet' K0R sAT.K-Snnn of t,h.l t " ." T " ; " Commercial. XOTI(.'E-For the benent of the ranch- ,illl,tl01,s "'J vo hi looses bet ers and those who cannot get their Ur.he ,v,,,,.,,"l k,"ow The -aviat-ment in the day time, I will keep ' a 1 m's .hoX UP vrab y open until P. ,. every night during ' ' 1 "I""", a-cording to July and August. I will pay 22 cents 1"1"( . 't hf continues to u.o ; cash for eggs, and the hig'heat market M ( rown " "l9 l!,ht3- 1823 State Street Telephone 192G THE NINETEENTH STREET BUTCHER SHOP Will be reopened Monday, July 6th Under the management of M. H. EDWARDS Courteous treatment to all. Prompt deliveries and popular prices our motto. Phone orders will be given prompt attention. 1823 STATE STREET TELEPHONE 1926 1-8 n Declare Your Independence Rebel against the annoyance, worry and expense of poor and inconvenient electric wiring. Make your home a Place of en joyment and comfort by adopting the modern systems as installed by. GEO. PETTINGELL The Electrician Phone Main 187 135 N. Liberty St. price for viol nt all times. Fricc's Cash Market, O. F. l'rice, proprietor, ;II2 North Conimercinl Mreet. Fhore .VI'M KHKD! KKF.D! KliK.D! Kverythin 1 is FKKK tonight, corner estate aed I Liberty. WANT ALTO House and lt trado I for auto. See J. Buumguitner at 1 ltcchtel & riynon. ! N KW nio.lem nine roon, borne, with without furnishings, four blocks liorl'-v of Statehouso, for sale on rcasonablo terms. SID Lniou. ....... mm. ,lls,. ,,,, ! 1011 , ,IiKNTr . " ,r0 '" 1B,' ...,11 ..tivtlv ,,rii .,r uitlmur In. ' ' ' ' ' ".. (pure 2-1 .North iront street. (1. wloper. Mrs. j t-ou SAI.K Si.nn vonng draft horse,;; blocky build; well broke; weigh 11 bout 2! MM); warranted rigut in every way. Walter Jury, l'hone :i(i-F-4. street. FOB SALE l2,7i"0 woith of high grade real estate uiorrgugcs. Oregon Title & Land Credit Co., 2HI U. S. Natioiuil Hank building, Snlcm, Oio-B'"1- FOB HALE Nice dry, high lot near car lino and school;" pved street, east front, l'rieo :100 if tflkcu il.-i week; terms. Inquire o-.vne-, 7c' orth I iventy-fnst. " V 1'OU KXt'llANdK Ten acres, U in boning peaches, buluuee in apples and garden, good -1 room dwelling, situated miles from 1'omona, CnL, for improved farm in Willumctto Valley. W. A. Liston, 4S4 Court st. WANTED 2.i loganberry pickers to go Monday and cump at the L. II. Rob erts yard, four miles cast on Harden road. Ono dollar allowed on moving out and returned free when pit-king is done. l'hone 1048 M; 7 1 North Cottage. FOR SALE Snap, acre tract lnsid city limits; ono block from streetcai, street maciulumizod; 22 bearing cher ry trees; (i English walnuts, 4 peach trees; good iliilltd well, plenty ot water; nearly now house, plastered; woodshed, chicken park. Owner con templating leaving Snlcm. Addie:H F. V. Christ, box 41, Fairgroiind-i, t MCgOll. , n yoU IiKARN Di.l the recent fire teach you the necessity of hav ing your auto insured f The lesson had a widespread effect in this city, and we have been kept busy writing policies in time-tried, substantial companies. It is not too late for yon. too. If your car burns tonight what do you get insurance money or syni patoy of your ncigrborsf Better safo than sorry, you know. We huve in sured others ami they were glad of it after the fire. Lafler & Bolingor, 401) Hubbard building. HIGH FLIGHT FUEL. ; lied Crown gasoline is the fuel which j carried Silas Christoffcrson over tho Uiiininit of Mount Whitney June 23th. ! and when San Francisco's intrepid ''"rdnian soared 1,227 feet above tho loftiest mountain peak in America ht established a new American altitude , record on California oasoline. Snecial , . .,, ,. " .' ----- , '"K'1 test gasolines are inanutaetur- cl for use in biplane motors, and Chrij- .t,..,-,,! mm 111s ussuciuies trieu out , r,-. enti ot incut (luring practice Ilignw i some mouths ago from the hangar at 1 t0.l f VK1,lm .streot'..?a.". P.ri"' i "ronun experionce, i nnstotter- son already knew what he could expect trom tied ( rowu, but it the special di;i- lhjtjuimjjp jjifwjii,uiau I