Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, July 03, 1914, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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The safe and sane kind. The right kind. Every
thing new and full of pop. All the tried and true kinds.
Superb assortments for home celebrations in any
variety and at any price.
Bring your children and let them pick out what they
Little Giant Crackers, Mandarin Crackers, Dynamite
Crackers, Pistol Crackers.
Ball Candles, Zig-Zags, Domestic Sparklers, Pistols,
Caps, Etc.
Rockets in all sizes. See our window.
Store Open Until Noon
Vote on Prohibition by Portland Cham
ber of Commerce Interesting From
Political Standpoint.
To Pass Intelligently on All Should
Tafr Up Study Of the Law, Medicine
and Metaphysics.
Twenty-nine general and two local
measures will be voted on at the next
(election according to the initiative petl
NO SENTIMENT IN THIS i tions filed before the office of the see-
: JUST COLO BUSINESS retary of state elosed yesterday on the
! last day on which such petitions might
- I be filed. Twelve measures for which
If Prohibition Wins This Tall It Will; preliminary filings had been made will
Have to Be Done Outside of not bJ 011 the b"llot 89 the re9"ired
v t um number of signers was not secured. Late
the Larger Cities. yesterday afternoon two measures fa-
' thered by David M. Dunne were filed.
. iOne of these provides for the require
More than four to one agau.st was mcnt of ivl0t)lMs vote to ena,. any
the vote of business men of Portland ! unequal taxation amendment and the
. expressed in the straw ballot of the 1 otiier provides for a partial return to
members of the Portland chamber ofi,h! old Pftrtv convention system. The
commerce, which was canvassed Wed-1. .8B a .mPa,"re l1"1 P'
j ' . which pvovide that in electing repre-
incsday morning by the board of trug-! sefltntives to the state logialature that
j tees of that body. ; only one shall be voted for, and the CO
A total of 583 votes was cast, out of ! receiving the most votes shall be de-
a membership of 8(iO. Four ballots 1 '"J?" vn,"l':
were blank, 111 were in favor of state
wide prohibition ami 470 against state
wide prohibition. The vote was held
at the request of members of the
ehiiinlicr themselves, wiio desired to
ascertain the attitude of the repre
sentative business men of the city as
a whole nn th subject.
It plaiutly was announced yester-1
day that this vote does not represent
nny official position taken by the
(handier as a body, but is simply a
The qualifying measures which will
be voted on at the .November election,
With the initiators, follow:
Graduated Sur-Tax Amendment II.
D. Wagnon, ct al.
To Abolish State Senate Oregon
State Orange, et al. '
For Proportional Representation
State Federation of Labor, et al.
Oregon Dry Constitutional Amend
ment .los. H. Albert, et al.
Abolishment of Death Penalty for
Crime in Oregon Paul Turner.
eainnss or tnc individual opinions oi T vcKiil, n,.,tn.i .f Tn.ln.trr
the business men who make up the ' , p,)Iic Works-The Socialist Tarty,
of Oregon.
Consolidation of the Office of Cor-
The Portland chamber of couimorce
is only one of half n dozen or more
poi.iueni, cmimoers in n o ldh l8urftn(.0. Commissioner
........... ........ ."-v Kroner, et al.
have been taken on the prohibition Abolishing Office of State Engineer
question, although the results in other !,, I)cscrt Land Board.
cit.es have been announced as the of-1 K(1,llii!in) Terlll!, of ,-omlty Officers
ficinl attitude and definite resolutions R j, Rft,nm8!,pn pt )
of protest against prohibition have been i yxUg rompen!lllVi.n of County Of
adopted. , J ficers of Hood Hiver County Park
i lie movement in Tortland was start-1 (!ran yQ -qj
ed immediately following the action of i jj((w pmvd(. for Commission to
the San rruncisco chamber of com-1 r... rr .! v n..'..:- i
To Require a Two-thirds Vote to
Enact X'nequal -Taxation Amendment
David M. Dunne, et al.
Su))dementary Primnry Act, David
M. Dunne, et al.
To Hegulate the Practice of Dcntis-
porntion Commissioner with that of
Hauser Bros.
Plans Announced for the New School
Added This Summer to the Univer
sity of Oregon.
University of Oregon, .Itily fl,
new school of agriculture nt the
Money Savers
Oeod StigBr cured Heavy Paeon..
5Pancy Light Racon ..'.'.(...i.. .......
Hesf Knstern fugar Clued Hame
No. 10 Best Lard
No.' 5 liest Lard 70e ;
Pure Pork Sausago
Pest Hamburg Sausage
Wienerwurst Lie
Bologna 12!ic
versify of Oregon will open in .-eptem-
I hit wiin rwo oieir.curitry courses uuiipi
! ed for tho student's first yenr'B work
toward his profession! n course in the
lnstorv of architecture unil one in le
sign. These will be given ..y
K. F. Lawrence and by nn assistant
who will be appointed this summer.
President Campbell has assigned to the
architecture school the new two-story
wing to tho power plant, which will
extend along the west side of University
street. Besides the class rooms, draft
ing rooms, offices, museum and hunk
13 1 space, which the architectural work
I will require, tho Villus call for an ex
I hibit room in the school of arc hi tec tine
building. Exhibits will be arranged
jnnd displayed in this room nt frequent
i intervals unci the public will be invit
'ed in on frequent occasions. This will
constitute a new type of extension
work curried out on the university
1'. j! ! campus itself. Its purpose is to sprcn..
':iin nt.nroriiitinn nf lie vnloe of tfnnd
t i
architecture among the students i the
Watch Tomorrow's Journal
Almost Given Away
iiicree. The referendum vote in tho
Hun Francisco body was IIS7 to 41
against prohibition and the chamber
issued and published resolutions broad
cast, strongly urging the defeat of the
Director ; proposed California prohibition amend
incut in the November elections.
Similar resolutions, worded even more
I'ni- !
trv .lohn T.. Cochran.
W ......... 'D U'n., n...l V.Vif-lln...- Tn.
,l..-,.it..l.. ...! .,..lv ........ o.l.,.l! """
Tl ; ,' i "'"i"1' Kight-llonr League. ,
and sent out by the Los Angeles chain-1 vmX Eight-Hour Law
nor of commerce. Jn these rosolut.onfl' i i:.... t
The Quality Shoe Store
it was niiiintiiined that the enactment;
$1,000 Tax Exemjition on
, u,e a uoruia pro. mmon iVnemi- i,ersona, J.rnpfiI.tv, Ljve Stock, ete.-W
i"ii i would amouiii. to cue conriscaiion i a ii'Uon i n.n,
Independent Meat
university and the people of tho state,
and thereby make n start towaru tho
timo when more convenient, less extra
vagant, more appropriate and attract
of an industry in which several hun
died millions of dollars are invested.
It points out thnt the state for years
lias systematically ami directly en
S. U 'Hen and others.
Amendment Providing for Non-Par
tisan Judiciary VV. M. Davis.
Tidal Land Constitutional Amend-
Dinrifv nnrifFR may
Homes. I LiU V1Y 1 VI 1 llUU Mm I
Tl, TiaoA tnhlmr TtAlnor TlontlfinH I
:e. J ment-. 8 Jackson and FWMulkeyi Entitles McDuffe. to Rewards Ag-
...: i -..':.:... 1 Law Authorizing Cities to tonstruet; -rBP!,Hnir i.17fi0
..n,..r n ..... ... n. l.iu villein r..l.i:- i. ... , a T . t,, i o--a o '
turn industry to the Jillest possiblo ex- r juijjey
tent, and that now there nre 0(1,000 peo- i ' 1 vfn. TrmrrA '
l.ln nn.l H-tll DlUI no. nf lon.l Inunlvort C1US noienea.
ill the industry, which renrcsented an Referred by the last legislatures.
inoomo in the state last venr of lf2ti
17.").000. Other eomniercial bodies in
California contemplate similar action,
urging the defeat of the prohibition j for ' tllc Constitution,
amemlment in that" state. To Create Office of Li
Pendleton, Ore., July 3. With a re
ward of 1000 each, dead-or alive, as
Amendment to Require Voters to Be ; .in added incentive, the search for the
Citizens of the United States, in All ; two, perhaps three, bandits who escup-
overload limited early Thursday when i I
amendment in that" state. I i0 t rente uttiee oi Lieutenant t.ov- one 0f their number was killed and
Prior to tho action of the Portland ernor t0 Act M t'ovemor and as 1'resi-1 anot,r wounded in a pistol duel with
chamber of commerce members, the "ent or tnc senate. Deputy Sheriff George JIcDuffec of
ivo and more comf -table houses and Milwailkee chaniber of commerce m'lopt- To Provide ' for Consolidation of Heppner, Oregon, wns resumed today T t
' GEO. W. WECHTEB, Proprietor
157 & Commercial Phone Main 729
Resident Agent. 38S Bt Strwi
On Oood Seal Estate Security,
Orer Ladd & Bush Bank, Balem, Oregos
business structures will be strongly de
manded everywhere in Oregon.
Tho school of architecture has mado
arrangements whereoy it is Bole to pur
clius much of its peessary equipment
nt only thirty per cent of the usunl
I cost, ifost of this material hns to eomo
from Borne, and, including Hie turitr
charges, will cost tho University only
tnreo cents where the general custom
er has to pay ten.
'For the first year, of course, wo
are offering only elementary courses.
Subsequent years we shall add advan
ced courses, as the students get ready
for them," declares President Camp
ed resolutions urging the defeat of the i County and City When a County Con
proposed federal prohibition bill. A la,lls -V l'T" imiuui
similar resolution was adopted official
Belfast, July 3. Suffragettes today
burned Unllvinenoch house, a mansion
nt Hollywood, with $100,000 loss, tjuan
titles of suffragette literature were left
scattered about the grounds.
ly by the chamber of commerce of St.
Paul, Minn.
Many tirotestn were sent the Port
land ciinmber when it was found that ! Assessed Valuation
tho straw ballot was to be taken, urg- L Taxation Amendment Omitting the
To Enable the State to Incur Indebt
edness for Road Building, etc., Not to
exceed a Total of 4 Per Cent of the
ing that tho plan bo abandoned. For'Beq'r,"ient That All Taxation Shall ; cd jn the 8Par(.i,
with renewed vigor. The reward was of
fred by the O. W. R. & . company.
Deputy Sheriff McDuffce, who him
self was painfully wounded in the en
counter with the bandits, was resting
well today.
Bloodhounds broucht from the Wash
ington state penitentiary arc being us-I
that reason it waB decided better to 1 He Lqunl and Uniform and Providing
make the action represent the indi-1 for Levy, etc., and Prohibiting the
vidual opinion of tho members instead Surrender of the Taxing Power,
of tho official attitude of the organ-; Amendment Changing the Existing
ization, ' "'e fr Equality of Taxation. Author-
m i i.ing the Lew of Taxes as Prescribe
OUT OF THE GLOOM j by the General Laws, the Imposition of
'Specific Taxes, etc.
Many a Gloomy Countenance in Balem Bill for an Act to Levy a Tax of
Now Lightens with Happiness. 1:40 Mill on All Property for tha-Con-!
istrnetion and Support of a
: i
Official Program
School at Ashland,
-Amendment to Add a Section Au
thorizing a Law to Enable a Town to
Do Merged With Another Town.
Lill for an Act Creating a Tax Levy
of 1-40 Mill for the Construction and
Every trail that the bandits could
have taken after leaving the scene of
the holdup is being gone over by arm
ed posses.
Following a report that a brown au
tomobile, without a license number and
carrying three men passengers, was
seen going northward from Athena,
Ore., three hours after tho robbery, a
Normal ' P0"" 8eBrv1'l,8 through 'the south-
rneiri i. t ,.-.. . .g. .uuiiuj nu iu. u-
ers have been warned to be on the
Railroad officials today estimate thnt
money and jewelry to the value of
$500 was taken from the pnssengers,
Hack Alapaca
Costs 15.00.
It Isn't
the Game
K IT Ml W.'J' IV'K.X
( A.
A bad back makes you gloomy.
Can't bo happy with continual back
ache. The aches and pains of a bad back
Are frequently' duo to weak kidneys.
Doan's Kidney Piils are recommend
ed for weak kidneys.
So Salem citizens testify. ' in Eastern Oregon.
I, N. ltidgewny, 4i!S S. 22nd St.,j providing for the Compensation of
Salem, Ore.. avs: "I hnd pains in , Members of the Legislature to Be r. a ""n lu yt J XX
i, nf ..U- ..I ,,v hn,.k'n ;!. in i;i. .established almost beyond a doubt
nched nt night. I tired ensiiv, was Bill for n Local Act for Columbia ! Hu WMtney, the notorious Montana
liuiLMM.I and had headaches. Sometimes 1 ( Miotv Pixina tho Salaries of the Offi-iB,,d Lluho cowpuncher-bandit Deputy
my sight hlurreil. There was sediment !ceis and Providing for the Actual Trav
in the kidney secretions. Dona's Kid-;clirg Expenses of the Sheriff,
ne.v Pills helped me greatly und I pub-. Incompleted Potitions.
liclv reconimendcd them at that time. ! T,u, lirnl,08,.(,.moaMlre9 wnosc initiilt
Nothing has occurred to change my lrj fnU'vd to qualify by filing complet
high opinion of. tins remedy, i fact.'. ,;,:, ' 6
my coiiiHiciice in it i!" grrnicr iunn , j-on,
' UMOHUVH.Ml O...I . ..,. j . , .
Support of a Normal School at Weston i 'V"."" 'c c"v"" '
' bed train.
! With the identitv of the dead robber
j Sheriff McDtiffec will probably collect
I SJ3750 in outstanding rewards for his
i m r
Salem Chautauqua, in Tent
on University Campus
JAY B. 1IURD, Superintendent
W. II. HEAD Morning Hour Lecturer. 3
Programs Begin Promptly
Children's Hour 9:00 A. M.
Morning Lecture 10:00 A. M.
Afternoon Concert 2:30 P. M. "
Afternoon lecture 3:00 P. M.
Evening Concert 7:30 P. M.
Evening Lecture 8:13 P. M.
Evening Entertainment Mrs. William Calvin Chilton .
Travelogue "Mexico and South America"
(17 Beautiful Views).
Admission, 30 cents
Morning hildrrn's Hour (Seton Indian Games)
JliMe Lecture "Old Testament Stories" ....VV. II. Head
Afternoon Patriotic Concert Dunbar Singing Orchestra
Special Independence Day Oration .'
Pr. Charles L. Seasboles, of Philadelphia
Admission, 23 cents
Ev ting JOY NIGHT "The Time of Your Life"
' Haste ye here! Dull Care hath taken wing!"
Admission, 50 cents
Coryrt(l Hm sciuiiwr msi
yoa play to much as the way you play it.
You can do any tport or profession better
justice by being correctly and appropriate'
ly dressed -keep cool these hot days see
our light weight tummer Suits, $15 to $30.
ondemnntion Amendment C. "Oregon Has produced more litera-
S Jackson ture in her ,iu years as a state tnan
"i.aw Taxing All Land That Is Notice 13 original colonies have produced
i Public Property C. S. Ja.-ksoii. i during their 130 years of experience,"
i To Prohibit Paid Oirciilntii n of IV Professor J. B. Horner, professor
iitions-Jonathau Ilourne, Jr. i "f hi"tory t tue Agricultural college,
! P.ehibiting Conduct ef Business and'"1 hia '"trted lecture en the litem
! Ainiisements on Sunday Washington ture of Oregon and the men who pro
: County t hristiivn Endeavor I nion. : duced it. Protessor Horner speaks from
ifPAvrr Pftricv VftAn Simplify the Introducing of luitia- "M K.iowictiic. since ne nan an
i TRAVEL ROCKY ROAD . I,iv, Measures bv AbolishiK the fir- intimate personal acquaintance with
! TO hx-MLN S DOMAIJ.S; tvtit ons-A. M. Crawford. "!".v of the state's great authors. In
To Vest Authority iu the Governor. I'"111 ul V, .
Veto Single Sections or Items iu , wiitinys of doaouin Miller, hdwin
.-i-liitiva iV.ii. XI fma-f.ir.l. Maikham. (Lionel Baker. Klla M. Hig-
ii'Hli and Miss Lillian iM'hovert, the; ; ,, ..... " , . ........ ........ ..inrnn. Sam L. Simrson an. I other an-
..... ..... ouso i. ht lit. nni .-vooiisuiu . emtio r-
u'l iiu orimntl vuui'.t- o.-.iii... i v.. ... . i-
k, .. c i.,,i,.,i ft..r ...vino Offices and ( oinnnssions and Limiting
............ ..... ........... r. -.-"b ,,..;,:,.,
ever, for I got a permanent cure. Dur
ing the pnet several years I have been
fnv from kidney complaint."
Price fiOe, at a'l dealers. Don't sim
ply ask for a kidney remedy get
Doan's Kidney Pills1 the same that
Mr. Ridgcwiiy hnd. Vo:ter-Millmrti Co.,
I'rops., Buffalo, X. Y.
I Sun Fmmis..o. .Inly 3. Thel.olioe to-
lay were still detaining Edward Free'
Approprintiuns William A. Carter.
Licensing Itimnnnt tiealem and Ped
dlers Retail Traveling Men's Associa
i tion.
I Franchise (jualification Amendment
, Stninlist I'nity of Oregon.
En. powering the Governor to Remove
; from Office District Attorneys. Shcif
'iffs Constables, etc. Oswald West.
An Act to Provide tor the Revoking
of the Franchise, ef the Portland Gas
Coke Co.--J. I. Tucker, ct al.
Authorizing 5 Per t ent Differential
in Favor of Oregon Manufactured
Goods on Public 'Contracts Mannfac-
Special Train will leave Silverton for tnrers" Association of Oregon.
Salem on the 4th of Julv to aocomnio- i 1 1
date parties desiring to attend Sunday Only On "BROMO QUININE."
school picnic at Pratum. Will leave To get the genuine, call for full ram
Silvertou at ?:15 p. m. Pratum at 7:33 LAXATIVE BROMO QUININE. Look
! p. m. arriving at Salem, about S:13 for signature of E. W. Grove. Cures
in the afternoon. a Cold in One Day. 23c.
tliev were elopers.
Word was received yesterday that
their parents ' had relented and were
witling they should marry, and Free
man wus released, though Miss Sehovert
was still temporarily held. Later Free-
; mini returned to see t'.ie young woman
;aiil was again detained.
The police suid the pair would be re
leased as soon as an affidavit win re-
St our eciyed from their irents authorizing
thors ef note, whose prolific writings
run into manv volumes.
The only absolute fire
protection is insurance in
a reliable company. Witu
t such a policy in your pos
session you are free from J
worry, and the cost of
iuch protection is com-
t parativelv little. Call or X
X phone 452. Bechtel &
X Bynon, will give you rates
X in best, companies. I
Business Insurance '
In a letter to a New York newspaper the manager
of a talking machine company wrote:
' We advertise as a sort of business insur
ance, in winter and summer, in good times
and bad, and our policy has made our
product famous the world over."
This'advertiser uses the newspapers very largely
and has secured splendid co-operation from local
business is so good that his factory, even in the
dullest season, is far behind in its orders.
Business insurance through newspaper advertis
ing has made dull times something unknown to that