Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, July 02, 1914, Image 1

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Leased Wire
Today's News
Printed Today
J :m
PRICE TWO CENTS stands, ftvb cents
xjso rsx' V'V uo.3infl
. i ,
The Streets Are Strewn With
Flowers by Children Along
Route of Procession
Priests Holding Lighted Can
dles Pronounce Benedic
tions on the Corpses
Trieste, July 2. The Austrian bat
tleship Yiribus ITnitis arrived here to
fay bearing the bodies v of Archduke
Francis Ferdinand and his wife, as
sassinated Sunday at Serajevo, Bosnia.
From the ship they were taken in
nolemn procession to the railroad sta
tion to be shipped to Vienna. A party
of bluejackets acted as an escort and
behind the caskets marched the mem
bers of the archduke's personal suito
and the local officials and dignitaries.
Children scattered flowers In the
streets ahead of the procession and all
along the route on either side, stood
priests holding lighted candles in their
hands and pronouncing benediction on
the corpses as they pawed.
The thoroughfares were packed. In
the crowds the most violent expression
against the Servians were heard and
after the funeral train hail left the
police had much difficulty in prevent
ing an attack on those living here."
Suspect Is Arrested.
Trent, Austria, July 2. An Italian,
who gave the name of Alessandrini,
recently returned to Europe from Pat-
tcrson, N. J., was arrested here today
charged with complicity in the suc
cessful plot to assassinate Archduke
.Francis Ferdinand.
The prisoner admitted having known
of an anarchist plot to kill the arch
duke but denied familiarity with the
particular conspiracy which succeeded,
or with Gavrio Prinzip, the Servian
student who fired the fatal shots.
Papers in his pockets indicated that
he had been in correspondence with the
leaders of the recent anti-government
outbreak in Italy.
In Patterson the prisoner said
worked as a carpenter.
Belgrade, Servia, July 2. Ever since
the Servian student, Oavrio Pnnzip,
killed Archduke Ferdinand of Austria
and his wife at Serajevo, Bosnia, last
Sunday, the government here has been
Keeping the wires' hot with messages
to St. Petrsburg with a view of learn
ing just what support Servia may ex
pect from Russia in the event of an
Austrian attempt to inflict punishment
for an act which it is charged in
enna was inspired from Belgrade.
Though official confirmation was
lacking, the report was generally cred
ited that Austria has (remanded the ar
rest and punishment by .Servia of the
persons here said to have been involv
ed in the assassination conspiracy. At
the same time the Servians quite open
ly rejoice nt the archduke's removal,
they bitterly resent, as a national in
milt, the implication that an extensive
(dot to kill him was hatched in their
capital. Not only was Francis Ferdi
nainl hated for having maneuverc
the Austrian annexation of the
ittrongly Servian provinces of both
Bosnia and Herzegovina, which Servia
people thought it should have
had when they passed frjm Turkey's
control, but lie was also blamed foi
having prevented the Servians from
Retting their fair share of territory
from the recent Balkan war and sus
pected of having designs against the
Test of j country s well.
News of his death was received here
with outspoken rejoicing and Prinzip's
act was generally regardeu not as a
crime but -as a deed of high patriot
ism. Whether any definite assurances
lave been received f-om St. Petersburg
could not be learned, but - was the
general belief that the czar would not
allow Servia to be '-uahed bv the Aus
trian, and the war spirit 1 . the
Case Number 1 has appeared before
tne Industrial Accident commission.
William Smith, a gas fitter in the em
ploy of the Oregon Power company of
Kugene has been reported as having
been injured in the d;schargo of hi
duties but no claim has been made fo;
compensation to the commission. Smith
was putting up some pipe when it fell
and severed an artery in his wrist.
As the accident was slight it is
doubtful if any formal claim will be
presented though the proper blanks
have been forwarded to Eugene.
Body of Paul Reamer Recovered After
Being In Water Ten Minutes, Bat
Could Not Be Beiasitated.
All efforts to resuscitate Paul Ream
er, the 12-year-old son of Dr. E. F.
Reamer, of 1605 Court street, who was
drowned yesterday afternoon in North
Mill creek, were fruitless, although the
pulmotor of the Portland Railway,
Light & Power company was rushed to
aid as quickly as possible. The pul
motor arrived about 20 minutes after
young Reamer was taken from the wa
ter and every effort made to bring him
back to life.
Paul was in swimming in North Mill
creek along with his brother Frank.
He had learned to take a few strokes a
few days before but that was nil. The
alarm was given by the brother, who
hastened home about two blocks away.
P. A. Jones recovered the body from
the water, which was about five feet
deep at that spot.
Under the direction of Dave Pugh
and Dr. Reamer, the boy's father, the
crowd of people watched the efforts to
bring the boy hack to lite. After a
false hope had been raised at one time
the work was given up. It is believed
that the throat of the lad was clogged
up, which hindered the successtul op
erntion of the machine.
. The funeral will be held Friday morn
ing at 10:30 o'clock from the residence
on l ourt street. Rev. Richard N. Avi
son will conduct the services. Burial
will be in City View cemetery.
Miss Htella Graham will sing
Rev. Wilkinson, of Eugene, an
friend of the family, will assist.
Grass Fire For a While Threatened
Magazines On Mare Wand Were
Only Saved by Hard Fight.
Valle.jo, Cal., July 2. Magazine
buildings on Mare Island containing
thousands of pounds of explosives
were endangered by a grass fire which
swe.pt the reservation today. -.
Sailors, marines and employes on the
island fought the flames desperately
until it was subdued, which was not un
til 20 acres had been burned over.
Had the magazines been reached,
buildings at the south end of the island
would have been blown to atoms..
Sacramento, Cal., July 2. A $.r0,000
libel suit against R. A. Crothers, pub
lisher of the San Francisco Bulletin,
Jane Doe Pickering and John L. Davis,
the Bulletin's Sacramento correspond
ent, was instituted here today by R. A.
Wilson, of Auburn, a clerk in the of
fice of Assistant Engineer A. J. Bar
clay of the Southern Pacific there.
Wilson alleges that on April 21 the
paper printed an article to the effect
that State Labor Commissioner Mac-
Laughlin had closed the Capital Em
ployment Aeencv here, because J. H.
Dischler. the proprietor, and Wilson
were uemiuiung laoorem iy si-iiuiug
.1 j; i? i i i:
tnem to -Tane toos on me oomnern
Pacific and accepting fees therefor.
First game R. H. E.
Boston . 7 9 1
Philadelphia 6 13 3
Leonard. Bedient, Collins and Car
rigan; Shawkey, Brown and Schang.
R. H. E.
New York '. 6 11 0
Washington 16 1
Caldwell aud Nunamakor; Bentley
and Henrv.
R. H. E.
Cleveland 0 9 1
Detroit 4 10 0
Bowman and O'Neill; Dans and Me
Ke.e. Second eame ' R.H.F..
Boston - 7 11 1
Philadelphia 1 3 1
Cot'.nib and Carrigan; Pcnnock and
R. H.
Baltimore -- 3 7 2-
Pittsburg 4 10 lj
Quinn and Russell; Camnitz and
Berrv. (10 innings).
R. II. E.
Buffalo 0 5 0
Brooklyn 1 3 0
Krapp and Blair: Seaton and Land.
(Cal.ed end 3th rain.)
B. H. E.
Chicago 7 8 1
Indianapolis 2 6 2
Hendrix and Wilson; Falkeuburg and
R. H. E.
St. Louis
Kansas City
Davenport and Chapman;
and Easterly.
.... 1 7 I
9 2
Phiia.lc'.i hia-Boston Kamc postponed;
i - - -
H. E.
.... 7 13 2
New York
.... 2 7
... ... , -.r ..... A .n,l
l ieirer bui .uc-ari, uiiu
tr. ' ' B-
Cincinnati - - 3
H. E.
5 1
6 1
Douglas and Clark; Pierce and Bres
nab an.
Dr. Green So Said in "The
Burden of the Nations"
at the Chautauqua
The Nations' Stomachs If Not
Their Minds Demand and
Compel Peace With Us.
That Orocron farmers, along with tho
other growers of grain in the United
.-dates, hold the peace of this nation in
their hands and are a more mighty
force i-nn glittering rows of bayonets
or clanking battalions of cavulry or
thousands of cmbruzured cannon; thnt
no nation, however pugnacious, w.il at
tnck its source of food supply or allow
another nation to war ou its bread
basket, were some of the stnrtling
statements hurled ai tho audience nt
the chautauqun Inst niit by Dr. E. E.
Green, who spoke on "The Burden of
the Nations."
Dr. Green argued for world peace
from an utterly unassailable and im
pregnable position and sent home to
the minds of the audience many sharp
and stinging facts gathered in his tra
vels in foreign lands. He was making
war on war and pictured in all its hor
ror the devastation that attenus an
armed conflict botween rations. Ho is
a polished speaker and held his audi
ence with the power oi a nmsier.
Can t Quarrel With Landlady.
It is because England imports from
the United States 15 per ceat of its
food stuffs that makes tier a friend
of America; it is because the United
States sends to Germany 19 per cent
of the food Btuff the empire imports
that will hold off that war-ridden coun
try from attacking us; it is because
.Turmn is exhausted and staggering un
der a mighty debt brought on by the
war with Russia that -she cannot force
a fight "why," said the speaker,
"Japan could not get enough money
to send a fleet across tho Pacific with
coal enough in its bunkers and ammu
nition enough in its hold to reach the
annrpH nr the United States and fire
nn hrondside and then steam back
America, with its ntne hundred-mil-inn.hnshel
cron of wheat this year,
which is a hundred thousand Dusncis
more than three-fifths of the entire
j wn,ifi nntnut. holds the bolance of pow-
. . . . . ... t II 1.
fT j,v rjtrht of being lue Dren" unm.-v
of the world, upon the fullness of which
the nations Qepena ror me anu caisi-
ence. It is then a foolish assumption
to think, said the speaker, that it is
necessary to burden ourselves with a
(rreat standing army and a monster
"The nations of the world," declar
ed Dr. Green, flinging out a bristling
array of facts that showed the terrime
toll of war, "arc paying 65 per cent
of their entire income in making prep
arntions for war. In the world since
history began to be written 15 bil
lion men have died on the onttlc field
or as the result of war. Also, since
the dawn of the Christian era 1914
years ago, there liavo scarcely been one
"billion minutes, whicn goes to show
that war takes toll of men nt the rate
of 15 each minute. And tor ail too
vast amount of blood spilled and the
treasure lost, the world has little to
show for it as a result.
War Only Relic of Barbarism.
"War has never settled anything,
and never will. It is generally started
as the result of individual quarrels be
tween rulers. After the nations have
fought until they are exhausted, six
men will cather about a table in a
neutral territory and settfc the mutter,
Why should it not have been better to
have the six men sit down at the ta-
ble before the war begant
"Famine no longer stalks up andjare tnat it has been no ca
down the world at will, pestilence has
been conquered and suffering has been
eliminated, but war is tne only renc
o. barbarism that still remains to bring
reproach on civilization."
Dr. Green, to illustrate how war takes
the flower of manhood and sends .
forth with beat of throbbing drums
land flying colors to meet death on the
I battle'f i-Wl and rot in an unknown
grave while the weak and the unfit
are left at home to be the futhers of
j the next generation, told the story of
t . i,.ti. rr.vi riin in the RnL
- i nuuss, 1 . ........ - - .
kn. He told how the men had wrung
a living from the bleak and rugged
, ' UIWUUIB.II., ...... - , I
. o m1 frrnna vine nnd nnd
..nn;na httw tuov tinri Tiinnreo tne
" " !'- "
developed into sturdy specimens of
manhood. He said that before the Bal
kan war in that province there were .
r.,. 1 1 ..i . 1. . 1. .... L,
SUL'n men, liui liioi num
conflict was over only 25,000 men were
(Continued on page 2.)
Postal receipts for the
months of April, May and June
at the Salem postoffice exceeded
by $4,582.53 uie receipts for the
same period last year. The
receipts taken in during the
three months this year amount
to $20,788.04 while in 1913 it
was only $16,206.55, The in
crease is 28 per cent and shows
a material growth in the busi
ness transacted by the Salem
Outburst Today One of Most Violent
As Usual, It Is Followed by Heavy
Thunder Storm.
Redding. Cal.. July 2. Mount Lassen
erupted violently again at 6:30 a. m
The outburst was about the equal of
yesterday's, which was the fiercest up
to that time since the crater became
Reports of the latest eruption came
from tho forest station at .Mineral, it
could not bo seen from hero on account
cf the haze, which attributed to rain
ute particles of volcanic matter afloat
in the atmosphere.
Today's outburst continued in full
violence for about 30 minutes but at
noon the crater was still sputtering
smoke. '
All who were in the crater's vicinity
nt tlio time of yesterday's eruption
were behoved to tnve reached safety.
In spots on the slope, those who have
ascended it said, ashes are hip deep.
A thunder storm following each erup
tion seems to be the rule and there was
a heavy one last night.
"Give me 111 please, General," nays
the local or long distance telcphoner.
'The number has been ohanged to 11-
X; I will give you that number,"
comes the cver-plcnsant response even
though it does seem unkind because of
the unexpected change in numbers.
But the city of Salem is growfng, es
pecially in telephone service, and so in
the last month alone over 40 numbers
were changed. There are about 3280
local subscribers nnd 800 rural for tel
ephone service. New equipment has
been added at the local office with the
rapid increase of patrons, and the wir
ing system is being changed according
ly. According to the terms of those
who know, the distribution is being
"centralized" and the number of
jacks per station" has been changed
to equal the number of ' jacks per
line," and the long telephone numbors
have thus been avoided and lue short
er ones retained with designating pre
.jtes. ine new telephone directories
will go to press July 15 and will be
ready for distribution about the middle
of August.
Astoria. Ore., July 2. With tho
crowning of Queen Alii on board her
majesty's hark, the Aleidcs, the Asto
ria annual regatta opened here today.
Phil Metsclian, jr., of Portland, ad
miral o. the regatta, and staff then
boarded the flagship Snohomish, and
the first raco of the Pacific coast
championship speedboat contests start
ed. The regatta will luct three days anu
races will be held between almost all
conceivable kinds of water craiw.
Today is the last day on which
petitions for initiative measures may be
filed with the secretary of state and it
is expected that several more will be
filed before the dav closes at 3 o'clock.
The only one filed this forenoon was
that providing for a commission to
draft a tax code presented by the Non
partisan league of Portland,
Jt will be a lone tedious job for the
! state secretary's force to check over
the thousands of names on tho various
I petitions but the present indications
iob to
as full of
: r0wd the numerous petitions
lames as several will oe unable to fiie
he required number of names before
I the time limit expires tonight,
, Usually a man gives away better ad
j vice than he ever receives.
The Weather
JzJS our
Fair tonight
and, Thursday ;
-S' rnortWriyi winds.
He Is Told Plainly That United
States Will Intervene Un
less He Does So Soon
This Indicates Villa Is Being
Backed by the Junta and
Is in Full Control
Washington, July 2. The Mexican
constitutionalist junta here toduy no
tified General Carrnnza that he must
acquiesce in the agreement reached bo
tween the American and Huertista en
voys at Niagara Falls or run the risk
of United 3tatos intervention in Mex
The junta mado repented attempts
to get in touch with the rebel leader
yesterday, but failed. Today it suc
ceeded in establishing communication
with him. He was tofd pluinly that
President Wilson was determined to
compel the Mcxicuns to settle their
quarrel between themselves and that
the time seemed to have como when
they must do so whuout further dc-
The goneral was strongly urged to
consent to unofficial negotiations be
tween rebel representatives and the
Huertista envoys and to settle his dif
ferences with General Villa immedi
ately. - Conditions Aro Frightful. ' .
Vera Cruz, Mex., .ruly 2. Generals
Carranza -and Villa having fallen out,
refugees who arrived here today said
President Huerta might not attempt
an immediate escape from Mexico City
after all.
Tuesday, it was. stated, the dictator
seemed likely to make a dash for safety
at any minute. Then he heard of tho
Carranza-Villa clash and that Villa's
advance hud ceased, and evidently
made up his mind that ho had been
granted a reprieve. At any rate, hero
were no signs when the refugees left
that he was planning a hurried depart
ure. Conditions in the capital, it was said,
were frightful. The fuel supply is al
most completely exhausted. The poor
are starving. Many shups have closed.
The price of the necessaries of life are
almost prohibitive.
Attorney General Hrawford has pre
pared the title for the prohibition ain-
endment and it will appear on the bal
lot as follows:
Prohibition Constitutional Amendment.
Initiated bv Joseph H. Albert, Ha
leni; O. II. 'Hillings, AshUind; P. J.
Brix, Astoriu; Lesfie Ifutlcr, Hood
Kiver; Dr. It. C. Coffey, Portland; Mrs.
Frederick Kggert, Portland; William T.
Foster, Portland; Louis P. Myers, Port
land; Alfred V. Hchmitt Albany, and
J. R. Wilson, Albany.
To prohibit after January I, 10IB, the
manufacture and sale of intoxicating
liquors witain the state of Oregon, ex
cept upon physicians' prescriptions or
for scientific, sacramental or median
ical purposes.
Kl Paso, Texas, July 2. Indications
toduv were that General Carranza was
weakening in his controversy with Vil
la. He notified the latter last night he
could have ail the coal he needed from
the Coahuila fields to run the railroads
in northern Mexico. One of Villa's
principal complaints was that his chief
waH w'",'10'l''ll(! a" adequate supply of
I 'lle' for rai,ro'' operation.
Troops Will Remain.
Niagara Falls, Out., July 2. The
Huertista envoys here sent to the "A.
B. ('." mediators today, for transmis
sion to the Mexican rebels, a note ex
pressing willingness to discuss peace
terms with the latter. Until the two
Mexican factions agreo, it was the
general understanding here that Amer
ican troops will remain in vera ( ruz
despite the signing of a protocol be
tween the representatives of the Wash
ington and Mexico City governments
settling American international dif
Goldfield, Ncv., July 2. Aviator Ri-
Ins Christofferson arrived here today
by biplane from Oasis, Cal. His 64-mile
flight over the White mountnins was
made in 52 minute.).
Auto Pumper Proves its Value, It
Doing Splendid Work Both at Fires
Here and in Turner.
After a searching investigation into
the confusion incident upon the mis
take in the fire call early Wednesday
morning when the Fremont Hotel
burned with a loss of $35,000, C. O.
Constable, who has in hand the re
organization of the fire department,
said this morning that although Ue
matter at first looked suspicious it
was nothing more than ignorance on
the part of the person who sent in the
first call.
F. Bezemot, proprietor of the
French Laundry, who was awake at
the timo the fire broke out and who
turned in the first alarm, is a French
man and unable to talk English dis
tinctly and equally as unable to nn
derstood it. He phoned in the call and
in his excitement told what he thought
was the right location. The firemen
repented the call and the Frenchman
said it was right, not knowing that it
was wrong.
When Fire Started,
Bezemot says tho fire started iu the
paint shop of tho Hutchins Paint com
puny and that it spread with such
rapidity that it was no timo at all un
til the flames were beyond control.
Spontaneous combustion is believed to
have started the blaze.
Although the new auto pumper has
not been .officially reeoived by
tho !
city, according to Councilman Con
stable, nor officially tested yet, it has
in his opinion saved the city four
times its cost, winch is $!Uinu. It has
also demonstuted its value in the fire
at Tumor, whence the pmiiiier was sent
at the request of the town people with i
the result thut it practically saved j
that litle city from being entirely
wiicil out bv fire. Taking into con-
sideration the value of the property
saved at Turner and the value of that
saved Wednesday morning the pumper
has paid for itself many times over.
it was because of tho efficiency of
this pumper in throwing streams of
wator on tho tinshop occupied -,y A. L.
Frazer that a tank containing 100 gal
lons of gasoline was kept from ex
ploding -and scattering fire in - nil ,
directions. Councilman Constable has I
only words of praise for the work of
the fire department and believes that
it is better anil more efficient than it
has ever been before. In completing
tho re-organization, the councilman
savs it will be his aim to make it the
best fire fighting organization that is
Will Put Up Brick.
Tho auto pumper was sent here by
Mr. Long of the American La Franco
fire engine company and placed in the
station as the company's property to
be tried out by the city. It is not to
be accepted until tested officially and
accepted by tho underwriters from
Workmen began yesterday afternoon
to clear away the blackened timbers
that mark tho "bones" of the Fro
mont Hotel and the other shops that
were burned. The timbers are being
burned. The loss of George F. Bodgers,
to whom the property belonged, at first
estimated to be about I5,000 has
been increased to $19,000. The general
property loss is fixed at US.OOO as
estimated by the Capital Journal. Mr.
Koilgers will' rebuild on the site hut as
yet has not determined what kind of a
structure he will erect, mis new
building ho will cover fully with in
surance. The loss of A. L. Frazer, which was
not known yesterday, was escertained
today to amount to about t,IH0, In
surance in the sum of $1000 wus car
ried by Mr. Frazer ami after the com
pany has ad justed the loss, he will
move to the Kckerlen building at tho
corner of Liberty and Ferry streets and
re-open his shop.
A handsome new automobile hearse
was brought to Salem Tuesday evening
by R. F. Kichardsou or the rirm or
Kigdon & Kichardson undertakers. The
hearse is a lute design resembling
closely a limousine. It is silver gray
with German silver trimmings. The
machine was especially designed by
the Chalmers-Detroit company in
Portland for Mr. Richardson at an out
lay of .'!,000. The late conventional
design is especially pleasing. A:pretty
feature is a flower carrier in tho car.
Extra trays are inserted nnd thus
quantities of flowers are well handled
1 i : . i TL..
anil can uc enrnea lunfuiiT, jhc
hearse was usod for tho first time nt
the funeral of little Paul Kenmer who
was drowned yesterday at tho North
Mill creek.
Dead Robber Identified.
Pendleton, Ore., July 2. The robber
who was killed by Deputy Sheriff Mc
Duffee while assisting in holding up
an ). W. R. & N. passenger train near
Kamela early today, was positively
identified late this Bfternoon as Hugh
Whitney, ono of the Whitney brothers
who created a reign of terror in Idaho
and Montana several years ago by rob
biiie trains and hanks, by Fred Makin
and Don Saunders, of Pendleton, who
knew him personally.
They beliove one of the other bandits
was Whitney ' brother.
Three Board Train at Kamela
and Hold Up Passengers
and Conductor
Awakened by Robbers, He
Opened Fire, Dropping His
Man; He Is Wounded
Pendleton, Ore., July 2. One robber
is dead, one injured and Deputy Sheriff
Georgo McDuffee, of Heppner, Ore., is
in a local hospital with a bullet wound
above the heart as the result of a des
perate revolver duel between the offi-
c,,r all(l two bandits oarly today when
westbound O. W. R. & N. overland pas
senger traiu No. 5 was held up by three
masked men nca Kamela, Ore.
But for a brass pencil holder in his
pocket deflecting the bullet, Deputy
M,u,rltf McPiittoe undoubtedly would
nave been killed. Ho will recover.
' 'i in me express car
wa looted and a number of passengers
relieved of their valuables, the booty
secured will not exceed a few hundred
A sheriff's posse is on the trail of
the two bandits who escaped Into the
Blue mountains.
Secured $240 From Safo.
The three highwaymen boarded the
front end of the Pullman car of the
train when it stopped a Kamnla to test
the alrbrakes, niid presented trreir gvmi
at the head of f lagman Frank Eurlo.
After the train got under way tier
marched Karle ahead of them through
the train, picking up Conductor Wil
liam Fergus, Brakeman Clyde Enoch
and three Pullman porters during .-e
process. Into the express car they took
the crew, covering Expressman Cramp
as they entered. Leaving one of their
number to stand guard, two of the ban
dits went forward to the engine and
compelled Engineer Fred Johnson and
the fireman to accompany them back to
the expross car, Conductor Fergus in
the meantime having brought the train
to a standstill by pulling the signal
cord on the robbers' orders.
Under threats to dynamite the safe,
Express Messenger Cramp opened the
receptacle, tho robbers securing $210 in
cash and sonu cheap jewelry.
Duel Is Soon Over.
Leaving one robber to guard the
crew, tho other two proceeded through
tho train robbing the passengers as
they wont. One held a sack while the
other cowed them with two huge revol
vers. Deputy Sheriff McDutfee was in the
third day coach. When the robbers
reached his car they appeared nervous
ami anxious to reach the Pullman sec
tion of the train. The officer was sit
ting in a rear seat as they passed, and
immediately jumped up and fired four
times, the first shot striking the robber
who held the revolvers, in the head.
As he fell ho spun around and fired
with both weapons, but was dead al
most as soon as he struck the flOoV.
Tho other robber seized one of the
weapons from the hnnds of his com
panion and fired, tho bullet striking
McDuffee over the heart.
Heeing that his pal was beyond aid,
the surviving robber leaped from the
train, summoned his companion from
the express car nnd both disappeared
in tho dense timber.
LaOrande, Ore., July 2. Overland
passenger train No. !5 on the (. W. K.
& N. railroad was held up between
Meacham and Kamela, Ore., about 2:30
o'clock this morning by four masked
men, nnd while two of the highwaymen
were robbing the passengers in a tourist
cur, Deputy Sheriff McDutfee, of Kep
pner fought a revolver duel with thorn,
during which one robber was killed and
McDuffee slightly injured.
Three of tho robbers boarded the
train at Kamela, ami after it had run
several miles entered tho rear Pullman
car, covered the Pullman conductor and
porter with revolvers, marched them in
to the Pullman ahead, where the train
conductor, another Pullman porter and
the head brakeman were subdued.
The entire party was then taken to
the baggage car.
The tram conductor was compelled to
pull the signal cord, and when the train
came to a standstill tne fireman and
engineer were taken prisonors and
placed in the baggage car with the rest
of tho crew.
With one robber on guard over them
the other two proceeded through tho
train, robbing the passengers. When
the third coach was reached, Deputy
Sheriff McDuffee, who was a pas
senger, was aroused from sleep, and tak
ing in the situation at a glance, opened
fire. One of the robbers was struck in
(Continued on page .