Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, July 01, 1914, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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14 Vi
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His Yoice Grew Husky as He
Argued for Still Further
Tariff Revision
' While Roasting Democrats He
Failed to Hold Out Olive
Branch to Republicans
Pittsburg, July 1. Western Pcnnsyl
vnnia Progressives worn preparing to
day for a strenuou' nntionnl uml state
campaign as a residt of Colonel Theo
dore Roosevelt's speech here Inst night.
Ho spoke for on hour but made no
mention of the Mexican situation.
In hiii speech tho colonel criticised
the Wilson administration severely. Its
tariff legislation, he (ledum, whb a
tot ut failure, its anti trust program was
economically absurd and its foreign pol
icy was "wretched."
I itrti t i iiBT bnssism, he asserted thut
acquiescence in it ineiint it cniitiinm-
tion of "government by convulsion"
see sawing between two different sets
of policies.
Speaking for the Progressives, ho ar
gued for tariff revi.'on by a non-parti-can
commission mid for another prop
erly empowered commission to regu
late tho trusts..
To the republican lie held out nn
olive brunch.
Tho colonel's voice grew husky after
ha had talked for u short time, plainly
showing the wisdmv of his physician '
warning that it Would lie dangerous for
tiim to embark on nil extensive speak
ing campaign ut present. Otherwise he
seemed well duel strung.
Crowds greeted him lit every station
on his trip from New York to Pittsburg
and the upplause Ik- received on lib
appearance before his audience was
Ur. ,'urtiss said tho colonel would be
a Me to make pooches after n rest of
si --.t't.. .
hen iW eiKirters suggested to till'
colonel .fuui lis 1'm torn might let him
be a rautliUiila m!or all, he said: ,
"Thay. won't have to let mi."
liienerai iMiiera, wao was (.nrranza s
! choice to supercede Villa, wrote to the
Fred S. liyuoii, for the past year sec-! Paris, July 1. Information received hitter, pledging him his support,
retary of the promotion department of j here todnv from reliable sources from I In 'n!,, t,l, brt'"k b'om' complete,
tho ISulcm commercial club, closed his! Vera Cruz wus to tho effect that Pies-1""' expectation was that Villa, assum
year's work yesterday. Heeently helident Huertii was furious at the "A.!in,,t? K,'rnl control of the constitu
tendered his resignation to the board if J B. 0." mediators' failure to bring tionnlist campaign, would proclaim Oen
govornors. which wus accoiited. Hulnh utiout an nirroemeiit between his renre- ,rl Angeles head of the civil branch
Moores, who has been acting in the ca-
'acity of assistant secretary during the
past few mouths, will take over the
work of the secretary. Uesolutions of
appreciation of the work of Mr. Itynoii
during the year he has labored for the
growth and prosperity of the city wore
passed by tho board of governors, com
posed of the following business men:
George F. Hodgers, 11. (). White, U. O.
Bhipley, John J. Huberts, W. 1. Staley,
uu . iiainiuou. Mr. Hynon ex- ing of rebel representatives to confer
rects to go into toe real estate bnsi- with tho uui,rtistn envoys, which he
T aBnL- U W1" l,rubul,1Jr "I" "".had expressed some Inclination to do,
office of his own. ' i i i i . j.
" i though lie wanted more time to discuss
Mother, rtad the announce'
ment on Paget 10 and 11 today.
The Fisher Flouring Mills Co., manufacturer of FISIIKR'S HI.KND
FLOCK, has issued what is considered by experts to be the most com-
plete bread, cake and pastry recipe cook book ever published. This
cook book is the first to take into consideration the climatic conditions
which prevail in the Northwest a matter of great importance. Kvery
recipe has been worked out and tested by exports in our own kitchens,
so that each one is scientifically correct.
It has been our custom to make a small charge for this perfect cook
book, but if you will fill out the coupon printed below, have your grocer
sign blank space in this coupon certifying that you have puchased n sack
of FISHKK'S BI.F:ND, then forward same to us. we will mail you
Fisher Flouring Mills Co.
713 White Building, Seattle.
Please forward mo a copy of
Cook Book.
Name . . . .
I hereby certify that
has purchased a sack of Fisher's Blend Flour.
Piffncd Grocer.
Woman Shot Down While in Doctor'!
Office by Assassin Who Firea'
Through tho Window. - i : !
Freeport, July 1. The police had.
not a clew today to the Identity of tliej
assassin who last evening shot Mrs..
William D. Bailey to death in the of- n i n j if
fiee of Ur. Kdwin Carman, whom she'KeDel U)ITini3JlerS llaYe M"
was consulting professionally,
Mrs. Dai ley, a beautiful woman, so
cially prominent and the wife of a rich
Hrooklvn manufacturer, had come to
Freeport by trolley from her home at!
Ilampstead, five miles distant, to call
at Dr. Carman's office. The physician
had diagnosed ber case as a touch of
malaria, prescribed for her and she was;P IJDEAlf flff III?? VIII A
rising to leave, when a window just he i IAEiI VVAUIVO, I ILU
hind her was broken by the blow of a
ol muzzle, a hand, holding the wea
pon, was thrust through the hole and
a single shot was fired.
Tho bullet pierced Mrs. Bailey's heart
ami she fell dead instantly.
Dr. Carman promptly gave the alarm
and the police surrounded the prem
ises. The murderer had already esenp
od, however. The neighborhood was
searched in vain, and bloodhounds were
put on the trail. From Dr. Carman's
office they led tho police to Lynnbronk,
uino miles nwuy, wnere tliey lost the t
Dr.' Carman was of tho opinion that! KI ra80' Tl'x Julv l--enernls Car
the shot was intended for him, and that rana and Villa were thought unlikely
Mrs. Hoiloy wus hit accidentally or thnt hero today to become reconciled
the assassin mistook hor for someone ' ,he mr,iiation L.fforts of ,heir
el.-o. n
. representatives.
OUT OF THE GLOOM j .Men in touch with the situation pre-
, " , , I dieted that the breach between them
Many a Gloomy Countenance In Salem ,, ., ... , . ,..
Now Lightens with Happiness. ; ,V0,lM w,,,l'n "1Kt,'1. ' "
would either start u revolution1 of his
A bail back makes yon. gloomy. i
Can't be. happy with continual laik-
ache. v j
The aches and pains of a bad back ;
Are frequently dun to weak kidneys, j
Dunn's Kidney Pills are recommend-;
ed for weak kidneys.
So Saleui citizens testify. i
I, N. Uidgowny, -IMS H. 2'Jnd Ht.,'
Salem, Ore., says: "I hail pains in
the unall of my back ami mv back ,
ached at night. T tired easily, lvai ;
languid and had headaches.
siht blurred.
There was sediment
n the kidney M-cret,o.,s Doan a K..I-; Ctirriura U,n,yln ,missarv is (leu
nev I'iIIm helped ...eirreatlyaud I pub-, (,ra, Ant(ini() vi,ari,n, miit t.
icly reco.nm, ndcil then, at that tunc. ; mir (,( c.ou,,tlilll Jt lln(lerstood he
. lung has occurred to chance my ; nntuoiwil, mllUl. y r(,1180Imbi,.
,,gh ..p,n,on of tins remedy, , -1.1; , vi,
'nv cnnt'ience in it is gren er than: ..... ..... -it .
' . , . i, illa hiinselt was silent coneerning
iver, tor I got a permanent cure. Dnr- , . . , f, . , ,. . "
!. 1 , , , . Ins brenk with ( iirrnnxn, but Ins sup-
'iig the past severa vears I have been: . , , . , i r
r ' 1 ... . . . , , porters here nail it ,Iiiarez said ar-
fi-e fit'ii Kir nev coi pin ii it. i , i i-
I,-! ... reii . i tl .1 I . It ' .....
plv ask for a kidney remedy go'
ii..., ..'u i-;,i.,.. p;m ti, ,., n.,,1
Mr. Kidvewiiv had. Fo.ter-M ilium. Co., !
Props., Huffalo, N. V.
1 , illLUlrt 1 VIVO 1UVEi nil
IMni7I!MITr7 nrfrCO
llilLrinllL ALvEiiJJ
Hueita Is Purieus Ovor Failure to
Bring About An Agreoment Between
Himself and the Rebels.
esntatives nt Niagara Tails and the
rebels. It was Biiid he wus now de-
termined to refuse any compromise
with the constitutionalists but to wage
a guerilla warfure against them to the
The "A. tt. 0." mediators having
tukeu an ndef nite recess, no further
developments were looked for from Ni
agara Falls until moro was heard from
General Carranza concerning the send
the matter with his advisers.
Father, look on pares 10 and
11 of today's Journal.
Fairies' Cook Book
The Fairies'
plicit Faith in Him and
Will Follow His Lead
General Angeles Will Probab
ly Be Selected for Place
and Be Recognized
own or seize control of the movement
of which Carrunzrf'is now tue lieud,
and he only tine of the later's lieu
tenants. Tim two generals' representatives
were expected to meet tomorrow or
Friday in the Mailero pnlnco at Kan
l'edra do las Cidonias, about midway
between Hnltillo and Torreon. It was
said that the Villa envoys would have
..-..t-'.....wl l.nt i 1.'.. I'Sn'ronvlutttu
,. . ' . ., ,,. ,i .i,,,:- ,.,..,,;.:,.
. .,,,. ,,,.. .,,, ..
,,i,i f,, i-m,, r.ij1.-
!f 1 1'"'!?'' was delaying success of the rebel
'.'cause. Thev added that Villa was not
iilii.it n iiiii i ii it- ie c tiii inn t.tiiit-
,.,'t""1tl'li "'"iv,, ",f personal nmbi-
noil imu would ne ;iiiueu eniiiei
the w ishes of the geneuils under him.
That he was liowerfellv supported
ngninst Ciirranzu wan evident, however.
n.enenilH (ior..alcs and Onreiron. rebel
,'"lnm"l,1','r;4 respectively on the eust
and west coasts, were said to have de-
feided that until Mexico City is enptur-
led the constitutionalist civil authority,
1 represented by (leaeral Carranza,
! should be subordinated to the military,
I ropresentoil by lleneral Villa. Kven
of t,,p r,'lu'1. government, subject his
own authority. It was the general
opinion here that Carranza would hnvc
no choice but to nceept tho arrange
ment as gracefully as possible.
General ubrogon reported to Junrez
,lmt ne 111111 'l,l,t"r,,' "(' uuatlnuijara
" i""" " v -"-
shortly to
begin a general attack on
the city.
Villa Appoints Them.
Monterey, Mex., July 1 General Car-
! ranza today promoted Genernls Gon
zales and Obregon, respectively, the
enst and west coast rebel commanders,
! to the rank of major generals, making
them both rank General Villa. The
latter 's supporters were furious, d
I during Carranza 's action was a delib
! crate insult to their lender. Carranza
designated Monterey as his provisional
Admlnistration Worried.
Washington, July I Officialdom was
deeply concerned hoie today over the
trouble said to have developed between
Generals Curraiizn and Villa.
Villa's Washington representative.
Felix Suniiiierfield, insisted, to be sure,
that the general was still in accord
with Carranza and had returned to Tor
reon only to prepare for the final dash
en Mexico City. Carranzistas, however,
were ipiite open in discussing- the ipiar
rel, tie. taring that " Villa is drunk with
ambition. ' '
The Mexico City situation was an
other cause of worry to the adminis
tration. President Huerta'a overthrow
was considered imminent, am) it was
feared it would be followed by he grav
est disorders.
We the following (Uotcrs of Saleui,
Oregon, do hereby ngiee to vlose and
reniuiii closed-all iluv Saturd.iv, Julv
1.. II. Unggins
C. M. Roberta
Westeeott Triebcn Co.
The Moir Grocery
Roth Grocery Co.
I. . M. Hoggs & Co.
R. I). Gilbert & Co.
Foster Haker
Smith McLean
Highland Grocery
II. Doe & Son
Weller liros.
i l.elol.1 & Co.
Asylum Ave. Store.
F. J. Rice - Sou.
Heno, Nev., July 1. A decision up
holding tiie validity of the new divorce
law, requiring one year's residence in
the state, was expected today from the
state supreme court.
Newspaper Man Couldn't Tell Peary
from Cook When Pointed Out A
Medley of "What'i Doing."
Washington, July 1. The Peary-Cook
North Pole controversy is still creating
occasional amusement in Washington.
A newspaperman was standing on a
street corner waiting for a car the other
day when Rear Admiral Peary, head
erect, shoulders back, marched past.
"Know who that isf" inquired a
passerby, admiringly of the newspaper
man. "No" said the newspaperman,
to see what the "free guide" would
fay. "That's the man who discovered
the North Pole," said his new friend,
importantly 'You don't ray, Is that
Dr. Cookf" said the newspaperman, in
pretended amazement, looking after
Admiral Peary.
Too disgusted for words, the "froe
guide" walked away.
Mixing music and statistics, esti-'
mates are made here that residents of
the national capital receive free band
concerts every summer worth $100,000,
largely atteuded being those of the
"President's Own" Marine Hand at,
the Capitol on Wednesdays and White
House grounds on' Saturdays. The
Army engineers and various cavalry
and infantry bands piny at other parks.
"Shirt sleeve justice'' was a hot
weather innovation at the United States
Supreme Court, according to Diinie
Humor. Dignity and heavy coats wero
' doffed by the staid justices, it was re
! ported, but nil unknown to tho lawyers
'and spectators attending the sessions.
The yarn could not be verified because
of the heavy flowing silken robes.
I "Nicky Ren", one of the guests in
I vited to the wedding of Secretary of
the Treasury McAdoo and Miss Eleanor
Wilson, who spent the wedding day and
, some time afterward in a hospital, is
' out again, completely recovered. He
I had n leg broken a day before the wed
ding by falling under an automobile,
i "Nicky lien" is the pet collie of Mrs.
McAdoo. He is the constant eoiupaniin
now, of McAdoo 's children.
A. '.. Hunt, a noted veteran Potomac
Kiver fisherman, is today the envied
of nil local disciples of lauk Walton.
The envy is inspired by what is
claimed to be a " record catch" in all
history of Potomac- bass fishing inci- (
dentally famous through the country
of a big, small mouth black bass.
Hunt's catch tipped the scales at rj'-j j
pounds.' It measured --'-j inches, and'
was landii'd after a play of 20 minutes
above tho dam at the famous (I rent
Falls of the Potomac. j
A "Hip Van Winkle." of the Civil
War is on the rolls today of the Kit I
Carson Post, No. 2, department of the
Potomac of the Grand Army of the :
Republic, in the person of .lededish W. j
lliggins. According to assertions to; Washington, .Inly 1. Except uiuong
friends, Higgins' never knew until a 1 the surgeons' stoics there was not a
few day ago that a G. A. R. existed. , thing alcoholic today on any I'nited
He went to New Zealand after the war States fighting ship or ut any Aniori
closed, in Salvation Army work, and can naval station on,earth.
never knew of the veteran's 's organiza-1 At least, if there was, it was in di
tion. He fought in the 173rd New York ' reet violation of Secretary of the Navy
volunteer infantry. ! Daniels' order and the offense was se-
vorelv punishable. The navy "went
Mark Thistlethwnite was performing
tho duties of his office, secretary to
the vice-president of the I'nited States,
the other morning by opening the vice
president 's mail. Suddenly, as he read
a letter, he ceased his whistling, and
berime sad.
"What's the matter"' inquired a
friend. "Here's a man," said Mark,
wlm has inst named a baby after :
President Wilson. Do you suppose if he
had a babv next vear tho .lonor will !
fall to mel" "What would the baby's
namo be then?" inquired the visitor.
"Mark Thistlethwaite Loin?," said
Mark, sadly.
White clothes are the only things to
wear in summer. Secretary of State
Hrvan thinks. He wears them himself
anil advises all his friends tt do the:
samt.. i
"I'm glad to see the newspapermen
putting on linen suits," he said. " It's j
a great relief in this hot city. 1 don't;
think much of them, but Mrs. liryan
said 1 had to get a white suit so I did
and I wouldn't change now for any
The geneinl merchandise store ot
Robertson & Reed nt Timer was robbed
last night of about L'0O worth of good.s
and there is no clue to tho robbers.
The robbery was committed after mid
night and before tl o'clock this morning,
at which time the proprietors entered
the stove and found that they i nd been
robbed. Sheriff Ksch was notified im
mediately, but as yet no truce of the
tobbers has been found.
The entrance was affected through a
warehouse adjoining the store building.
The robbers cut out a paae of tlass iTi
the rear window of the warehouse ami
then forced the door leading into the
store. The loss was principally jewelry
and clothing. Nine dozen watch fobs
and a number of watch chains. The
rubbers also took two hikenieters, in
struments for registering the number of
miles traveled on foot, and it is likely
that they worked their hisenieters ovei
time before daylight this morning.
The same store wus ol.i.ed last fall
by three It reek .' iaiorf.t, . who were
caught by Sheriff 'm lu. . .
Torreou, Mxim ,!ty. (.--That Gen
eral Villa ha.J lei- , ;- . -.1 to Presi'dent
Wilson urging tK . , of the em
bargo on the in i-t i- ; ' i of arms and
ammunition 1; f 1 , . vited States in
to Mexico was r ; -.n 'ciljs.ere today.
General tii i.ts-s w.ilij. rebels, left
Saltillo todn.v t- , ivui Ueneral Torres,
commanding it ; of 12,000 men, at
Saa Luis P-
Few of o
j from carry: t
i n i t-vtnd shouldered
i.r; people's burdens.
FlfRF SAfl
Almost Given
John Barleycorn Was Fired From All
I American Warships Last Night Dis
honorably Discharged.
dry" at midnight. As it is supposed al
ways to be "darkest just before the
dawn, so also was it wettest just be
fore it "went dry."
John Harleyconi has sailed the seas
on American naval vessels, at any rate
in the officers' mess rooms, ever since
there was an American navy, and some
of his old friends thought it only rignt
to give him a rousing farewell on his
last night among them. Some others,
however, had already begun to eschew'
his society by way of getting used to
ueing without turn.
To the enlisted men the new order
made not a particle of difference. F'or
a long time the only persons on board
United States warships who were al
lowed to associate with .loan Barley-
torn were the officers.
There was plenty of difference of
opinion here concerning the order's
propriety. Chairman Padgett of the
bouse committee on nuvel affairs and
Senator Martine of New Jersey summed
"P compactly for the rival schools of
tuougnr on ine sucijeei.
"Most naval men will cnoorse the
order," said Padgett.
"It's the most pernicious case of
canting hypocrisy that I know of,"
said Martine.
Yesterday was cherry feast day for
the inmates of the Old People's Home,
on Eleventh and Ferry streets. Pres
ents of the luscious fruit were made to
the members who enjoyed tue treat
much. Amidst the cool, well-Tiopt lawn
and flowers those dear old people are
enjoying the summer days.
Grandma liig):s, who is the oldest
woman member, is enjoying the fad of
roi e bead making. Mr. Tuttle, who
"minds" the homo garden, "fetched"
a shawl full of rose leaves from the
Southern Pacific depot garden for
Grandma liiggs, and she i. kept right
busy drying the leaves, grinding and
molding the doug'u into brad shape and
placing the beads on knitting needles to
dry. f-he lias 110 heads drying now
and nearly ready to be strung. "Grand
ma" has made five pretty strings of
the Orcgou favorite rose beads.
Grandma ltiiigs is thinking of color
ing the last batch ot beads and is per
plexed about the method. Just how to
apply the green, re 1 and blue hues is
not known. Maybe some of the Salem
ladies who are versed in the knowl
edge of bead colorinc could help Grand
ma Diggs. She will be glad to learn
t'ac right way.
j Coquille, Ore.. July 1. For the first
; ttme iu many years Coquille was dry
-today, the city council having refused
recently on petition of a majority of
the citizens to renew liquor licenses.
I The closing of the saloons last night
was the occasion cf Jl general celebra-
for the
? The Quality Shoe Store
a 444
MfEi "specials JtWfSIJ
The safe and sane kind. The right kind. Every
thing new and full of pop. All the tried and true kinds.
Superb assortments for home celebrations in any
variety and at any price.
Bring your children and let them pick out what they
Little Giant Crackers, Mandarin Crackers, Dynamite
Crackers, Pistol Crackers.
Ball Candles, Zig-Zags, Domestic Sparklers, Pistols,
Caps, Etc.
Rockets in all sizes, See our window.
Queen M.-.ry and Dowager Queen Alex
andria Scrap Mary Bundles Dowag
er's Plunder Out of IYIacc.
; London, July 1. The quarrel be
tween Oueen'Mary and Dowager Oueon
Alexandra over the auditing of ac
counts in connection with the sale of
i roses for charity en Alexandra day is
i.ot a separate dispute, it was said in
court circles here today.
For years, the gossips asserted, the
two women has squabbled almost unin
terruptedly. One of their most impor
tant disputes occurred shortly after the
late King FCdward's death, vtnen his
widow refused to move out of Buck-
iingham palace, keeping George uiitt
Mary cooped up in the quarters they
had occupied when they were only
: prince and princess of Wales, which
: were altogether inadequate for the
state they had to keep up as king and
queen. F'inally she was persuadeo that
she ought to seek change of scenery,
in tho country. The mi merit she wus
. gone. Mary moved into the palace,
bundling her predecessor's belongings
, out w ith scant eoremoTiy.
j For auditor of the rose dav accounts.
eoeghabdi meeemw
: Resident Agents.
333 Stve Strew
On Good Real Estate Security,
iter I.a,!d & Push Bank. Salem, Orego.
When in SALEM, OREGON, slop at
Strictly Modern.
Free and Private Baths.
RATES 75c, S1.00, S1.50 PER DAY
The ouly hotel in the business distrkt.
Nearest to aJJ Depots. Theatres and
Capitol Buildings.
A Heme Away from Home.
T. O. BLIGH, iron.
Eoth Thoncs. Free Auto Bus.
t"T- r-t-HX pa-n j. n , f, iryf 3
; Alexandra approved the selection mado
by the rpawuttee 0 society women
who ctvitiucted the snle. Marv insisted
that the work b- d.nie by the king's
.solicitor, declarieg cthorwise she would
' rot allow her n;.me to figure in eu
1 nertion with crothcr sale. Alerandr:
has not yet yielded.