JKE 30, 191I PAGE SEVEN ' )Himmi)mMitt)HtiMiiiniiiiiiiinnitnMMnntit) iiinitim TiHE CAPITAL JOURNA iFIED ADVERTISEMENTS FINDING A SITUATION It 1. possible to secure employment by c.lling personally upon thoM fc, need help. It li a long, tedious task, k4WCver. The classified way bring, your application before those who need help, quickly in J easily. . RATI ONE CENT pe ONE-HALF CENi U CEMENTS aisertion. ch succeeding subsequent THE CAPITAL JOURNAL WANT ADS work continually they never ceaie until their teaks art so eessfully performed. Each day those little wonder workers faithfully de liver their message to the people of Salem and nearby towns who bats learned their Talus. 'JOURNAL WANT ADS GET RESULTS. DON'T WA! K TUP CTDrrrecriDrtiiv. 4 .-... . ..... ruRAruaiuufl un A kuum-IKI IHfi CLASSIFIED WAY- JOURNAL WANT Ant nar mwtm.ra. THE DAILY CAPI w w w sratsw wss fl iisisjwsia sws) 1 - " MMM MM The Journal Want Ads are money-makers for the many. , ABSTRACTS. fjMOJf ABSTRACT IU- Abstracts that Protect, vur books posrea up to dr.te each morning. Call Main 1249 end a messenger will cnll for your shstract. J. C. Siegmund, president; Max Gehlhar, secretary, 343 State Street. AUCTIONEER. (AUCTIONEER Silem 's reliable seller. Farm sales solicited. Terms 1 per cent; satisfaction guaranteed or no jay. Henry E. Voorhies, Michigan avenue, first street east of the state fair grounds. CHIROPRACTICSPINOLOGIST. DR. O. L. SCOTT Grndunte of Chiro practic's Fountain Head, Davenport, lown. If you have tried everything p.nd have got no relief, try Chiroprac tic spinal adjustments and got well. Office 400-7-8 U. S. National Bank Buildine. Phone Main 87. Residence Main 828R. LAUNDRY. OLOUfiES LAST LONGER With our all-hand work; established 20 years, 430 Ferry street, South side, between Liberty and High. Hop Lee. ' -. 11 rrs HEW AND SECOND-HAND GOODS. II. M. BAKER New and second-hand furniture, hardware and general sup plies. paid for Bee id see us and Court street, second-hand vare, tents, st complete in town at IcPeek, 271 hone Main JIANS. W. WAL dans and jof . Amer iirksville, pecialized i Angeles ronic dis Lady at- i. . JNa one 859. il street, ci.Lt.ai bvJAvejuer Charles Soos, proprietor, Ga'bnge and refuse of all kinds removed on monthly contracts ni reasonuDie rates. Yards and cess pools cleaned. Office 548 State St. Office phone Main 2217. Residence Axain vxi'i. -THEREOKA HAT WORKS. CATS MADE TO ORDER All work guaranteed. Thereska IIat Works. Hits of all kinds renovated into any ,? J st-vle; eod quality trimmings. wuu ruga street, Pnone 251 Salem, Oregon. directors auu . High street. Of fx Pbova Main 183. Kpnbu residence Main 111. WOOD AND COAL. 6ALEM FUEL YARDS The place of quality. All kinds of dry wood, four loot, or cut in stove lengths to suit, irompt delivery. We handle the best eoa s on the market. Try our King t1 ' r lae De3W '3- lrade street. Phone Main 529. Mark Siddnl. nron. WATCHMAKER. f FILLER, the WATCHMAKER v'" iu years' experience as a watch- k Beatrice, rsebr. iiign grade ...twitrn prices, upera House . block. 484 Court street. WATKB COMPANY. U-EM WATER COMPANY-Office vummerciai ana Trade streets. V nulcr service apply at office. i- r;" nrnumy in advance. ierjjen, which is to be given a own, mii!ht not be such a xe to live in if it would shovel fnow. ASTORIA For Infants and Children. . Kind YodKw Always Bought sears the f ijuature of I STs " ' terms? ui . . u : ,,.;",:.-, lXAJTl value near., ., ... . . , -r.V;-. ' t' IPOEMUECTOE EEAI, EaTATE-tContinned) j AM.Tlr7tty. 'rVXt a ? in the McCornack hall coZ, Pour? ,J,,l,vV"l-1,l?,,"r 15 1 t and Liberty streets, I eonrd Mason T'' , 1 "5 '' 1' in- M. W.: S. A f,v.ii" ''"ding team, wagon, other in.ple- B. B. Duncan F lr' "ints, two cows and poultrv. Will CENTRAL LODOK No. IS, K. of P.- -iuruacB. ouiwiog, Tuesdnv even ing of each week t 7:30;' W. B Sumerville, C.- C, James W. Cox, K. of R. and S. SALEM LODGE NO 4 a v i r Stated COmraiiniinttnn fii.af p.:.inn iJ each i iluiIT 1U montli m ? .'in - . M ------ -v - p. in., in ine asomc Temple. David A. Wright, . M.; 8. Z. Culver, secretary. W PACIFIC LODGE No. 50, A. F.4 A M Btateu onimunication third Friday in each month at 7:30 p. m., in the Masonic Temple. J. S. Wyant, W. M.; Lrneat H. Choate, secretary. MULTNOMAH ROYAL ARCH CHAP- A. M. Regular meet ing second Friday in each month at 8 p. m., in the Masonic Templo. J. T. Welch, Ex. High Priest; Lot L. Fearce, secretary. HODSON COUNCIL NO. 1, R. & S. M. Stated assembly first Monday in each month, Masonic Temple. L. S. Rowland, Thrice Illustrious Master; Glenn C. Niles, Recorder. DE MOLAY COMMANDUY, NO. 5, K. T. Regular conclave fourth Fri day in each month, at 8 o'clock p. ni., in Masonic Temple. Sojourning Sir Knights are courteously invited to meet with us. Frank A. Turner, re corder. CHADWICK CHAPTER NO. 37, O. E. S. Regular meeting evory first and third Tuesday at 8 p. m., in the Ma sonic Temple. Mrs. Ida B. Godfrey, W. M., Ida M. Babcock, secretary. V ofA, "Oregon Grape Camp" Ao. 1300, meets every Thursday ev ening in McCornnck building, Court and Liberty Btreets. Elevator., Su sie Parmenter, 781 North Front St., Oracle; Hazel Price, Imperial Furni ture Co., recorder. MODERN WOODMEN OF AMERICA, Oregon Cedar Camp No. 5240. Meets evory Thursday evening at 8 o'clock in Masonic hall, corner Court and Liberty streets. Elevator service H. L. Born, JK, C; Ray A. Grant, clerk. : UNITED ARTISANS Capital Assem bly No. 84, meets every Wednesday at 8 p. m., in Moose Hull. W. O. As soln, M. A., Ivan G. Martin, secre tary, Masonic Temple. SALEM HUMANE SOCIETY D. D. Keeler, president; Mrs. Lou Tillson, secretary. All cases of cruelty or neglect of dumb animals should be reported to the society for investi gation. , WOODMEN OF WORLD Meet every Friday night at 8:00 o'clock in Mc" Cornack block. L. H. Fletcher, C. C; C. G. McElroy, clerk, 519 Court street. LOST. LOST Green silk umbrella with greeu carved handle. Return to 441 North High street. Reward. MISCELLANEOUS. WE BUY secondhand furniture; nlso take it in exchange for new. Full lino of new furniture, ranges and other seasonable goods. Wir sprechen Deutsch. reetz Furniture Co., 247 North Commercial. REAL ESTATE. FOR RENT In SoutH Salem, good C room house with barn, garden spot, berries and fruit. Inquire T. M. Hicks, U. S. National Bank. BACK TO THE SOIL Beautiful ten acre tract, nil tinder cultivatir close to school and electri" llue prior $125 per c. terms. Bechtel Bynon, 347 State street. rv)R SALE OR TRADE Ten acres . near Concomly; all in cultivation; 5 acres in loganberries, balance in garden and grain; fenced, no build ings. Might trade for stump land. German Investment Company. FOR SALE 10-acre tract, 3 1-2 miles from city limits; all in cultivation; house, burn and other buildings; 50 fruit trees, 1 1-4 acre loganberries and some raspberries; also horse, buggv, hack, cow, chickens, etc., in cluded. Price $3000. F. Glover, Rt. 6, Box 09. A SNAP I om transfertng my busi ness to Portland and dpsire to sell my home. If taken soon, will go at a sacrifice. A cozy w-room cottage with bath, toilet, '.three bedrooms, small cement basement; half block from paved street; lot 80x119 feet, with fine garden. Price $2,000; $1, 000 cash. Square Deal Realty Com pany, phone 470. WHY NOT! If you would like some thing in the way of a stock ranch with lots of out-range, read this: 100 acres near the railroad from Cor vallis to the coast; 40 acres in cult' vation and in crop; buyer will r one-third of crop. Has a four-r a house, also barn and other out- i ings; 15 acres, of timber, bal' ) open pasture land, but hilly, Elk creek runs through ' pit Price $30 per acfe; half cr '; terms; will trade for aer value near Salem. J ' -State street. ' i state street. , v y ,., ,- -i- ... inTepi s.iutin.uu Kalem property. Square Detil Realty Co., Phouo 470. FARM BARGAINS In the famous Howell Prairie, rich, deep, blnck lonm soilHthe best in the valley; 1,'I5 Vres improved, $15,000, terms. 82 acres improved, 12,300, terms. 00 acres 150 per acre. 31 lj acres improved 150 per nere. Money to loan; rent houses; write Insurance and bonds. We only denl in bargains. Bechtel & Hynon, 347 State street. FOR BALE. FOK S.vI.E Red, white and black cur rants. Phone 2500-J-2. FOR SALE A gooil single top buggy; steel tires. Will take some trade. 1480 Bellevue street. Phone 331-W. FOR SALE 33 Brown Leghorn hens, 2 Buff Orpington roosters, 100 little chicks, some quite large; cheap if ta ken soon. G. W. Flisher, Route 4, Box 30, Salem. FOR SALE CIIKAP Meat market, tools and fixtures; good location; good trmle. One man can't do the work; must sell on necount of poor health. Garibaldi Meat Market, Garibaldi. Tillamook county, Oregon. FOR RENT. FOR RENT Nent housekeeping apart ments. 85 N. Commercial street. FOR RENT Furnishes rooms, close in, desirable location. 305 High street. FOR RENT Two well-furnished rooms for housekeeping. Impure Olid Mar ion street. FOR RENT Nicely furnished room, wnlking distance. Phone 2081M, or call 123 North Liberty street. FOR RENT Four-room house, wood shed, good well, chicken house; on car line; 1255 South Twelfth; $8.00 per month. Inquire first house north. FURNISHED ROOMS Modern home. Also housekeei)ins rooms. Cnll even- inff '. Mni.Jeet, 300 Vulon. ' riioue lifiii-M. Cull days: Peetz Furniture Store, 247 North Commercial. WANTED. LOGANBERRY PICKERS WANTED nt Dr. Miles' ranch. Phone (W-F-5. MIDDLE AGED WOMAN wishes work as housekcepor. Inquire at Cottle apartments, room 11. COMPETENT LADY wnnts light house keeping work or dressmaking. Rea sonable. Phone R13H7. WANTED Work for yourself. A good thing for the right man. 021 East Ankney street, Portland, Oregon. Silence is the wisest argument of a iH"ornnt man. A Liberal Offer. The undersigned druggist is auth ized by the American Drug & Pr association, of which he is a mem to guarantee Mcritol Hair Tonic to satisfaction or the purchnse price T. bo refunded. This indicates the .. dence they have in this prepart' Capital Drug Store, Salem, Oregoi , cal agency. However, if England had enrr t ! the baseball clia-mpionship tlia' have been different. Children O: FOR FLETCHER'!, Q- 5TQF! : A Tlie . biggest military iB;;iii ever held in Oregon will bi :x " heart July 13 and continu " A Strong Indoff W. H. Holmes, of ;n Journal, says: "I ba w tcrer from riles and J n-: years. I got no relief r recommended Meritol J fore I had taken ha' distress was gone troublo since. I I thousand dollars former conditi' Store, Salem, O' . John Bull in ' his advantage suffrage que? For . Take Clr ..f, enable the tions not y. ers. Tn c Judge mean hluf : THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL Classified Business Telephone Directory A Quick, handy reference for busy people , Telephone ABSTRACTS OF TITLE Salem Abstract Company, 212-222 Sale m Bank and Trust Bldg." 635 BATH AND MASSAGE Sanitoria Bath & Treatment Parlors, Ine., 213 Hubbnrd Bldg ..Main 805 CHIROPRACTOR AND NERVE SPECIALIST Dr. P. H. May, 300-307 Hubbard Building Main 881 DRUGS Opera House Pharmacy, corner Court and High streets Main 1459 rerrys uexau otore, no SOutn Commercial Main 979 EVERYTHING ELECTRICAL Salem Electric Co., Masonic Templo, 127 North High Main 1200 , . ELECTRIC WIRING AND FIXTURES Geo. Pettingill, 135 North Liberty street -. Main 187 TISH, CLAMS, OYSTERS, CRABS Salem Fish ft Poultry Market, 173 South Commercial street Main 2125 FURNITURE, CARPETS,' DRAPERIES Calef Bnos., corner Court and High streets Main 893 GROCERIES L. M. Boggs A Co.j 197 South Commercial Main 311 HARDWARE AND PAINTS Salem Hardware Co., Inc., 120 North ICE CREAM, SOFT DRINKS Capital Confectionery, 1807 State Street Main 2289 JEWELRY AND WATCH REPAIRING John G. Barr Company, corner State and Liberty Main 1255 LAUNDRIES Salem Steam Laundry, 130 South Liberty Main 25 MILK AND CREA Cedar Bend Dairy, C. W. Dixon & Co....- jr . -; 74 F-3 , MASSA" . u.I. Sanitoria Bath & Treatment ' iiu , ' PR' 1 . f . - ' .' Ross E. Moores Co., . , PLUWr ' ., i T. M. Barr, 164 Sou';- - ,' . s.' ; .i j - Rigdon-Richardson ; . id ' .! Jim Willson, W V : .. ' '., " Geo. B. Jacob ,. v ; .. .t-: . ., c 41: i- ,-. Salem True . ; ,i, : ':.:".';.,, ..:: i i ..... 'Mu T M.Doi8 . ' . ;. ..:J.''. ..!. ) -t. -Ar.nn taw 4., W. J. - -'i ' """'--... lt' . .:it t ; . '.!. .,. ,vri t'y to i coac ..,., .,.,.. ha' . : ..l.i..., . i,. ... - -. bii- .. .. . ,, , T . " .,. '.'. ' -, ' "'b''. ; - .. t!lf I. Vlf.'v J ""; l-.n : I0T1. : " .- .. ' -i " ' tv. '-..:.tHfrlat. .1 ' v..-' '-"'.. ." ! '. 1 1 .,' rj..r t r I Commercial Main 172 ' 4 I Late Yesterday Honolulu. The liner Sierra from San Francisco arrived 12 hours late owing to the loss of its starboard propeller. Tokia. Word was received that Gov. emor General Count Sakuma of For mosa nai neon badly wounded in a fight with insurrectosl Madrid. A mob of women sacked all the bakeries on account of an increase in the price of bread. Havana. The house of representa tives appropriated $17,000,000 to build a new eapitol. Toulon, France. The military dirig ible Adjutant t'ineenot, with eight pas sengers, made a flight of 35 hours and 20 minutes, a duration record for dirigibles. Washington. Suffragists asserted Secretary Bryan has promised to sup port equal rights in Nebraska as well as a federal constitutional amendment giving the vote to women. Washington. The house passed a hill repealing the law against payment of claims by supporters of the confederacy, opening the wav for claims aggrepnting 103,000,000. Hninniondsport, N. Y. The "Amer ica", Rodman Wanainaker's trnns-At-Inntic flyer, made an ascent with 10 passengers weighing 1S4I pounds, a weight record for hydro aeroplanes. San Francisco. Tho site for the 'sylvnnia building at the 1913 fair licated. k. .Tames B. Duke, the ;, tff, wax Htied to compel ' -niwiy. 1 r. :. i0n,:,ui) Fifteen hundred l,o.. non part in a 1 ,in tho Ferry MIJ(. lien in- iu Cl.i it. d .r. nr.'. I.' r- a 1 1 1 1 nil -ff-s k' 1 (sss- aa, ' .rt ,.1 t 1 r.aip..:'. Iff r't. - r h n 7 , "t ) 1 MANUFACTURERS. For the first time in 50 years Salem will have a manufacturers exhibition at ; the coming Stnte fair. The entire see- ! ond floor of the new main building will bo given over to these exhibits. It will bo a state representation of man ufacturers. G. W. Stnbblebine, of Portlnnd, has been in this city for sov erul days and is enthusiastic over the rendy co-operation of the balem poople. The exhibition will prove a boost for home iudustry. According to the pres ent platting, there will be 87 exhibits in the pavilion and the overflow will bo taken care of in a tent. o far, 10 Salem merchant manufacturers nave pledged exhibitions. Particularly interesting will be the working exhibits. A Salem glove fac tory will make gloves. A miniature newspaper will have its news printed and circulated among tho pooplo aa they look on. Tho Snlem Iron Works will demonstrate thir ccntrifugul pump by pumping water into a five-liundred-gnllon tank. lucre will lie many ways of creat ing interest. .in these woi.iig exhibi tions. It will nlonn .much to Salem people. Mr. Stubblcbinesays- ho was miiuzod even at the present Salem in dustry. One local manufacturer has a payroll of 23 people. Salem manufac turers who win recognition at the lochl State fair will have heir exhibitions taken to Portlnnd to compete for cash prizes. October 28 to Novcmbor 4 iu Portland at the armory there will be a manufacturers and land products ex hibition. These exhibitions lator will be confiscated and held in cold storage ready to bo shipped to San Francisco for the Panama (xhibition where Ore gon products will be shown at the Ore gon b'.iilding. Application for space nt the manu facturers exhibition locally can Da made to Frank Meridith, secretary of the Sulom .Statu fair board. AND THE MEASLY THINGS WILL NOT TRY THE HUNGER STRIKE London, June 30. Workmen today ;re reinforcing the timbering of ...... ....,n-Qr Xoatoblum tesseu Hall's ceiling with steeL f:n.l..u:. .1 "'"i have chewed the V'" "'orougmy tha eei ...ii-hjiiku 10 cave in. The im iiium tessellntum is a small beotle which cats the heart out of wood. JOURNAL WANT AD& iring resnn WDDSTHjODRI Aut aiil. ..r A - SlKV'S tit 1 ?. WAT.i M.-4-4 '., : .' . t - ..1 i -. i -f -f . - . ..V,.,' . .. ' '5 1