1 i b h 1 i.j 1 it . PAOE SiA ME DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL. SALEM, tttEOON, TUESDAY, JUNE 30, 19U HENRY PECK'S COUSIN SALLY - - - - By Gross ThingsWeNeverSee '- M me w irtoToe- boat weJ ome cwes on Al and 0J J &xx.1 W He ?mmet .CT AtouD. MoPfcS iMAXfe MY self J ''''' JOHrW i " Vf aaPm sne i i I iihuiii ! i mn inpimni iiiiinniiii nri nif i ' rii'iTn-nnnTmumfi irtrrT-1TT1T"trTTmfT Huddle Colored Bog or Ham Eeported to 1 uuvo tinned for 20-Bound Go With Sam Langford. V KITES NOT INTERESTED IN OUTCOME OF BATTLE Hcison Given Why Johnson Haa No Ar dent Desire to Meet Gunboat Smith Was Knocked Out. - I fontly familiar with London prize fight "Willie Ritchie will never knock me out. He has said that he expected to pin me io a corner anil then put over the slumberland punch. Leach Cross and Joe Rivers tried to do the same tiling in Los Angeles and everybody knows how I gave each of them the trimming of their lives. "I know Ritchie is a good, game boy and packs a knockout wallop. I also know, however, that I am clever enough to avoid his dangerous punches. I will win the championship by pecking him to pieces with my left hand.'' Ritchie was never more confident over the outcome of any battle in which hn has taken part. "I know Welsh's Btyle of fighting well." said Ritchie today. "We met in Los Angeles several years ago when I was just starting in the game. Freddie was given the decision but many of the sport writers admitted that 1 would have won by a knockout had the battle gone five rounds further. No one will dare say that Welsh is a.y better than he was then while it is generally admitted that I am at least 50 per cent better. "Many persons think that I will be seriously handicapped because the Lon don rules do not approve of infighting. This style of milling has never been my lOrte. I prefer to stand up and fight. It may not be generally known but Freddie Welsh is one of the best infighters in the world today. He can protect himself in tho clinches and for somo reason 1 cannot explain he de livers a harder punch in a clinch than in nnv other position. The open fight ing will suit me just as well as it will Freddie. 1 "I expect to win by a knockout and will be a very much disappointed man if I fail to innko good. After I have IPORT NEW! JflUMQflM 1 ATFfl Tfl lf'ritrVsterday'anil got an order UllllOUIl 10 OLnlLU IU so as to wager part of Murray s share ; or me receipts on me rumrni. i ia I bona fide bet, too. "ft is easv enough to understand just why Chip was not made a favorite. San Franciscans are giving the I'enn sylvanian too muqh credit for his knockout of Kd Petroskey. If Chip had failed to stow the sailor away dow do you think he would figure with Mur ray! Billy is just out of the bushes and yet he has beaten Leo Houck, Al McCoy, and held Jimmy Clabby to a draw." Miirrny continued light boxing today end. will nain don the gloves tomor row. . After Wednesday he will take things easy until he faces Chip. Chip, over in San Rafael, also has cased up in his work. Yesterday he went four rounds with Tom McMahon nnd after a three-minute session with a light punching bag called hia efforts a day's work. Three four-round preliminaries will precede the main event. They arc: Tommy Reynolds vs. Ray Richards, Sai lor Machndo vs. P.ddie Hums, anil Charlie (livens vs. Freddie Mammon. Chautauqua Season Opens at Willamette With Big Attendance By Hal Sheridan. New York, June 80. Advices rereiv ed here from Paris indicate that Jack Johnson has signed up to meet Sam Longford because he believed the Bos ton negro would prove less formidnhc.' (ban (iuubont Smith. This, at least, is I lie belief of Richard Klegin, American WOLOAST IS OUT OF IT .iomoter of sporting events in Kurope.; BROKEN ARM DOES IT "Johnson, said klcgin, "believes With audiences taxing the capacity of the big tent on the Willamette Uni versity athletic field to capacity and with first-class programs acting as the magnet, the second Salem Chautauqua is now in full blast under the Ellison White management. Salem apparently so appreciated the treat given last year that the audiences this season nave doub,ed. Col. W. II. Miller was the principal speaker yesterday afternoon and made such a hit thBt it was with difficulty he could proceed on account of the vociferous applause that greeted him. His talk was on "Farming and Being Farmed," and he sent some telling thoughts home to the minds of the peo ple regarding purchasing goods from the home merchants and supporting the community in which the person lived. Lyric O'ee Club Good. ' In addition to the address of Col. Robert Miller, the Lyric glee club was a favorite attraction and made good decidedly with the audience. Francis Hendry, the clever impersonator, took well with his portrayals of character. "Bronto, the Smartest Dog m the World," practically bore out tho desig nation and received merited applause. This afternoon, Ng Pon Chew, who is said to be the Mark Twain of the East ern world, talks on the "New Chinese Republic." Mr. Chew has th3 .epnta tion of being a fascinating speaker aud able to entertain aa audience us well as give valuable instruction. Me was in Portland during the World's Christian Cuntoienco and mado a. favorable im pression. This evening Dr. Gunsalm, of cago, one of the world's greatest preachers will talk in the big tent on the campus. It is expected that one of the largest crowds of the course will be present to hear this dis tinguished speaker. Last evening seat ing capacity of tent was out-taxed and for today provision nas Deen maue ior about 700 moro people. that the gunner ia the most formidable! Los Angeles, Cnl., June 30, Once of tho present crop of heavyweights. I again Ad Wolgnst's persistent "jinx" ile-'ins a lot of respect for him, too. ! has lauded a knockout blow to the form- frmith Is the only living man who ever rr lightweight champion's plans, with f jnisi,Pl with Welsh I shall return to knocked-Johnson out cold. Joe Choyn- the result that the Wolgast-Riversj America and arrange to" take on Charlie clii stopped him, but didu t lay him out j match on July 4 is off because Wolgustj white of Chicago, in a 20-round bout. mi mini imii mm " cuuiu hi-hi i"-.uroKe ins arm yesiernuv uurini? u cami'i - workout. Wolgnst was sparring with Freddie Andrews when, in delivering an upper cut, his right forearm came in contact with Andrews' elbow, breaking hrt militia Hovernl inches above the wrist. Wolgnst whs put into an automobile ! inn! taken to a doctor, who took au ; nn i icture of the fracture, Inter I announcing that it will be three months may appear birdies Mtigiug and the bells ringing. Wiicn Uiiid'ont hit him he didn't hear a lliiiig. "It happened like this: (Iuubont v.ns just u big, husky seaman nt that lime, fresh from the navy, where he Imd had a few sailor lights for $.10 purses. Ile wasn't known as a fighter iiml u."ked for a job as spurring part ner. As Johnson was knocking 'em ; A money saving event of j great importance will take place soon. Read about it on page S. i 1 " 1 i Y. M. C. A. TO HAVE TENNIS TOURNAMENT out so fast that tne supply had run before the little fighter aiiort ho took the gunner on. Wline again in the ring, llicy were boxing someone spoke to,- Wolunsi was broken-hearted over the Johnson and he turned his head, .lust j accident. He declared that his eondi-'on conducting a tennis tournnment on nt that moment (iunhont happened tojtion lit the present time is better than i tlu, m,w (,m.fs 011 th0 campus of Wit- IHl lUim. Ullt' wi lliw-iv m t,.-in 111 m HIIV UlllC MIU'l' III, Willi IHC IlllllL As soon as Physical Director Ging rich, of the Salem Y. id. C. A., can line up the association memners, lie piaus Would Disarm Sweden, Norway and Denmark Except for Army Corps to Defend the Frontiers. it Quality Not Premiums engineering branches of the army to six months, of prohibiting the use of troops in industrial conflicts and of democraticing the officers' messes. In combination with this movement they have Indorsed the inter-Scamlina-vian scheme proposed by Merr Lind hagen, socialist mayor of Stockholm Lindhagen proposes: Simultaneous disarmament of Sweden, Norway and Denmark except for an army corps to defend frontiers. A combined declaration to the world makins it clear that the three nations Stockholm, Juno 30. As their reply I accent at -t face assurances by the to the Swedish governments demand for : powers that peaceful tendencies under an expensive strengthening of thejlio their foreign policies and that country's military and naval establish-1 Scandinavia is anxious to set an ex ments," socialists here have launched a j ample which might profitably be fol campaign in favor- of shortening the i lowed by others. period of service in the infantry and i A Swedish-.orwegian-Danish agree- Don't expect to find premiums or coupons In Camel , Cigarettes. The fine quality of choice Turkish and domestic tobaccos blended in CAMELS pro hibits any other "inducements." You can't make Camel Gztretfes bite your tongue, or parch your throat and they don't leave that cigarctty aftertaste. Remember, Camels arc 20 tot 10 cento, so stake a dune today. If ymr Jmmltr can't lapvly ni 10c far mm pachaM or $1.00 tor m carton of 10 package 200 cip-armttaa), pacta? Prepaid. After wnoA ing 1 package, if yea aoi't find CAMELS ' repreeantad. ratarn the other nine packagett -mnd wa mitt refund your money. R. J. REYNOLDS TOBACCO CO., Winston-Salem, N.C. 1 meat to work together for peace and j diplomats and several members of the thfl promotion of international justice A similar agreement to employ for the allies' common good the money and the men they will have at their disposal after disarmament. The socialists take the view that the Russian peril" of which the militar ists are making, so much capital is wholly imaginary. PRESIDENT WILSON ATTENDS V FUNERAL OF A MIISXi.i Washington, June 30. President Wilson, the members of his cabinet, federal supreme court laench today at tended the funeral here of Dr. Tedro Bojas, the Venezuelan minister, who died at Atlantic City recently. A mil itary escort and the United States ma rine band accompanied the oody to tha church, where a solemn high mass was celebrated. After the services the body was taken aboard the Dolphin at the Washington navy yard and taken to Hampton Roads, where it will be transferred to the battleship Kansas and taken to Laguayra. hand swings, ilis big ham of a hand ! weight title from Untiling Nelson at lamette universitv. This tournament ennui ticiwn piump on .loiinsou s ici' Ku-limiin eve tooth and Jack hit the ground so l to re-establish himseli firmlv in the hard it shook all California nnd the j graces 0 the fans, preparatory to de-i.ei-miigraih on Mount Lowe registered j mamling n return match with Champion nil earthquake. Joiiuson was out coin. Ritchie. Whin he saw what he had done (liin-j Promoter McCnrey's plans for July 4 luat lit out for parts unknown. Hy.nre slill unsettled. It is pnsaiblo that tlu lime they brought Jack to, (inn- j Freddie Andrews, Wolpist's sparring I oat had covered eight miles and was mute, or Matty McCue, an eastern light Hwimming a river, lie never came back, j weight, who is a member of Wolgast's That 's one reason why Johnson doesn 't I stable, may get the Rivers match, insist upon fighting (I unbuilt Smith be- Chances seem to favor McCue. tore he tackles Sain iiangtord. i i i,. ,,.r:'i ...ti.. ..J... t.i will he for members of the association.: d, and he con! ulenti.v expected,. . , . .. ., I tennis fans in the . M. C. A. here and ;i meet of unusual interest is in; prospect when the racqnet-wielders don: their white suits and begin the play., Sunshiny weather for n few weeks in the opiuiou of Director liingrieh, will! bring out the tennis lovers iu such j numbers that the courts at Willamette, will be a -busy place during the summer. ISitlnilithic tops on the new courts at; Willamette will be laid Thursday and I 1 ' UlklM."'!' Itn IKTU iiim vim ui n , , , , ... i -II i . L-...:i. i .iii: ii.. f. Uiu . " it .-... i. . en t aiioiliv uu-rt'ii 1 1 er muv win imim ui uout in London with lieorued CitmiMi-! him for thrtv vonrs. In UH I the niir.it tior, toe I'Tciu'h ('hump. on. Aahod by j hoforo a NrhtMnloil battlo horo with them. Those courts are boiny I'onstrm'i- j til bv tlu business men of tho city. Tho work is bonur, tlom gratis and i i,.n , ,.. ,.:.. ... ...i.. ii,. ii.t...riif L'...,.i.ii.t vi'. ,t.u ..... . ...i. ui. ijuimiuii n uiMk n iuvi f nnv nv hhmiliu i i ii'iHiir iti-ifMi. un 1111,1 iniwii iih till, . , .. . , . i 1.1 1... m. .... i inu ,f..sl ..11.:.;- 1.. n... f,.M.,...i.,.. . , ' theretore has been somew.iat slow witii Carpentier, (lunboat answered: I he broke his left iiiin twice, broke a "I have no assertion to make over thumb and fractured a rib in the ring, n "filter like Carpentier. He had been ' This year he hurt both hands badly lighting since he was a bantamweight ' training for his bout with Ritchie at boy and' ku fought through all the! Milwaukee, broke his arm during a bout v. weights to tii.,top class. Pxople have ' with Johnny Tillman and completed an vlnld me it's a ' cinch. ' T know those other chapter by the accident of yes-Miche-t. ' I am going to lv fit and terdny. ikeuo risks that I can avoid, and all! ' , - 1 can do U to try and--limit the French- inilll. IT WILL BE E?N MONEY. Snn Vriiiii'wcn .Iinii .'Ifl Tlinr VrOtl- CHIP STOCK ADVANCES ON !,;,, Welsh and Willie Ritchie will be MURRAY SaOB SHOW7M ! Iul ,,Ve.i money proposition in rnn Frnn v , isiM when they clash in London July Sun l'raiu iscu, June ad.XAnot'aer ; " a 20-mund battle wns the predlc liop in the betting on the Ilillv Mhrray-j tion ,jced here today by local bet Oeorge Chip 20-round battle to be at-j tins ffonixjsginiiera. ed at Duly City July , was registered "It si eon. certain," snid a betting here today. Chip now is a 10 to S fit commissioner t.ny - tliHt the betting vorite over the Califoi nlan. The drop' "ill been even m,)0V nffnir. Imlica resulted from the poor showing Murray ;tion of this is given';,, (np numerous made yesterday in his exhibition before j Inquiries that have been llc0 hv those the Olympic club members. i speculatively inclined. Mt,y ' fjirure Murray created anything but a sen timt Welsh's superior knowivgg f Nation. The clubmen insisted that heltlie game us it prevails in LonOv( j, lacked dash and "pop" in his ring per- i:i his favor and assert that this Wmi forniance nnd found manv flaws in the prove n serious handicap for the fSnn way he iiaudled himself against n pair' Franciscan." of boxers whom he outweighed by 10 j to 0 1 numls. It was alo pointed oi-.t After Ritchie's Title. thnt he appeared "dead" on his feet,! loo, and the clubmen insisted that if! London, dene 30. Whiplash left iabs be shapes up against Chip in the same will be the means employed by Freldie Members of the Salem Y. M. C. A. will hold an elimination baseoall eon-; test tonight on the university athletic field for the purpose of trying out the' men available for a team. Permission to practice on the university field has! been secured and the association feels, that it will be able to put out an ag-l gregatiou of ball tossers that will make i things fairly hum. Sometime during this week, date not yet set, the asso-j cintion plans 11 practice game with thej Salem Federals. Otiier games will be I plaved during the summer months so' that Salem fans will get a tnste of the1 great national pnme occasionally. TUY-OUT RACES CANCELLED. N'ew York, June :o. All races ached- j uled for the remainder of the week j -etween the Vunitie and the Defiance j were cancelled this afternoon and the 1 work of refitting the two yachts wns ; started iiiimediatelv. . The trial races will be renewed July 7. The Resolute is undergoing repairs nt Bristol. "VHITE3 WILL NOT SifJPPLANT , BLACKS IN GOVT. POLITICS filvle Saturday afternoon that the bat tie will never go the limit. Despite the adverse criticism of Mur trv, Manager Jack Kearns insists that Jtilly is in the best condition of his carreer, "Hilly," he eiplained, "has been training all along for speed. He could not cut loose against his light sparring Welsh to relieve Champion Willie Ritchie of his title. He hs announced his intention of avoiding nil rough in terchanges and in this way believes that his prospects of securing the de cision when he meets the champion at the Olympia here on July 7 are ex ceedingly nright. "I know," said Walsh today, "that -partners. T predict here and now tuat 1 can outnox Kitrnie. 1 also oeneve Murray will ahotr up faster than ever! that I am better ring general than the ever before on Saturday. To show the champion. The fact that we are fight l.ublie that I am sincere In this believing on F.nglish s$il aud that I a in per- Washifton, jlnu 30 President Wil son has prVjSPl to fill nil positions under the fedefNovernment now held by negroes with Vr negroes in case of changes. He told tsj todnv tj Rep resentative Smith, of JWrvland, who called to urge the appointment 0f a white man as recorder of deeds (0r the District of Columbia. v President Wilson told Mr. Smith t!r.t soon after his inauguration a delega I tion of negroes urged him to adopt that plan, and he promised to do so. Read page S and learn how to save money. Opening day witnessed a most enthusiastic crowd. Everything just as advertised and The Lowest Prices Ever Quoted on Seasonable Merchandise. CLOTHING at HALF PRICE. FURNISHING GOODS at ONE-THIRD OFF and similar reductions throughout the entire stock makes ours A SALE THAT'S DIFFERENT A Look Will Convince You Take a Look VBo VV Miaou 4 if 1