THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL. SALEM, OBEOOS. TTJISDAY, JUKE 30, 1911. FAOB TWO YOMAll WEAK AND. NERVOUS J- tl.-Ut. I JJ V k iuui iicuui ui jujuia a. Pinkham' Vegetable Compound. , Creston. Iowa. "I suffered with fe male troubles from the time I came into womanhood until I Mil had taken Lydia E. Pinkham'i Vegeta- ki- - i r r-J would have pains if I overworked or lifted anything heavy, and I would be m weak and ner vous and in so much miaery that I would be prostrated, A friend told me what your medicine had done ftr her and I tried it. It made me strong and healthy and our home is now happy with a baby I boy. I am very glad that I took Lydia I E. Pinkham'a Vegetable Compound and ' do all I can to recommend it" Mrs. A. B. Boscamp, 604 E. Howard Street, Creston, Iowa. Tons of Roots and Herbs re used annually in the manufacture of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com pound, which is known from ocean to ocean as the standard remedy for female ills. For forty years this famous root and herb medicine has been pre-eminently successful in controlling the diseases of women. Merit alone could have stood - this test of time. If you have the slightest doubt that Lydia ICIMnkhnm'tt Vcirota Lle Compound will help you.wfrlfe ; to Lydia K.PInkhnin McdiclneCo. (confidential) Lynn, HaM,,f or ad vice. Your letter will Ixn opened, " read and answered by a woman, - sviul held in (strict conlldcuce. GENERAL DAM BILL . APPLIES TO CA. C RW r DOMESTIC TROUBLES WOULD HAVE ROCKER u,cv "c " vimo ppivr tmcti Tft rniiPT ant. rniirH at nFPnT IMUllVJ Isliall IV vvuill 1 ntw vvvvss .i atu v in for Scathing Criticism 1" Hf T i tbe wives One Dream in Bryan s Minority Report tw, Just One Trouble After Another, Say Suggestion Made That TTould Add to the Wives One Dream of Bliss ; Comfort of Tired Women ana vross and Trstful Babies. BLE IF YOU HAVE DANDRUFF IMPOSSI Wasiiintftou, June SO. Safety at " ami on the Great Lakes came up before congress again this afternoon whea Representative Hrysn of Washington submitted a minority report on t'-ie Aleiander teaman ' labor bill. In attacking the Alexander bill re- orted favorably by the house merchant marine committee, Bryan declared: "This bouse cannot afford to sur render its views on shipping to the English hipxrs. The real friends of American shipping should oppose the compromising of the principles of the LaFollette bill for purposes of exped iency. The proposed bill does not pre tend to preseribe safety provisions for foreign vessels in American ports. This means that the bill if enacted into law is to effect only a small percentage of vessels that carry American passengers to and from American ports." Lake Vessels Not Affected. "In the Great hakes vessels from Chicago and other American ports to Canadian ports are not to be in any wav affected hv the bill as to safety at isea," he continued. "Vessels whose course of travel is within 20 miles of j ! shore are to have 37Vi per cent life boats, H7j per cent life rafts and no! protection whatever for the remainiugj ! 25 per cent of passengers. And these vessels which sail within 20 miles from' shore furnish by far the greatest num-1 her of wrecks and the largest toll ofj disaster. On the Great Lakes vessels which sail within three miles of shore are not affected bv the lifeboat pro- visions of the bill. I don't believe it would be creditable for congress to; , pass any such measure as this as a re- j sponse to a demand for safety at sea.: , "The bill attempts to enact," says; Bryan, "many of the provisions of the; London convention which ought not to! ho put into permanent law but should' be used by the department of com-! nierce for advisory purposes in making i regulations. j "The London convention contains many jokers. For almost every defl- j ; nite provision there is a joker or pro- j 1 vino that gives leeway for intcrpre-j itation anl escape of liability." j A suit for divorce in the outcome of Accommodation for the feminine por It! Trl'ZT? of the traveling public that find. family of Turner. Todav llene K. Wright filed a snit for divorce against Alfred S. Wright and included a brother of her husband, Harvey L. Wright. The plaintiff alleges in her complaint that when they were mar ried at Shauiko in September, 19Q6, that Alfred Wright was unab.e to earn more than $.10 per month ss a laborer and that she gave him money to start a hotel business. She further alleges in her complaint that she supplied money for other transactions which turned out well and that they now own real estate and a merchandise business in Turner. The plaintiff claims that charges of misconduct were brought against her to induce her to make a deed to the prop erty in favor of her husband and that now her husband has turned over half of the business to his brother Harvey. She asks a divorce and an interest in the property. Carson b Brown are her attorneys. t4ie News of Marion County WEST SALEM NEWS. An order was issued in the case of J. M. Crostopher against the Oregon and California Land Company, a cor poration, et al, to publish summons for witnesses in Gervais Star. nre keeping the work in hand at present but many more will be required as soon j i. ....i fr p i:tf,. if Trinidii.l l as tnn otner inns wim n nave oeen i t'nlnr'adn. urn ' visitinir the homes of ! ordered from Boston arrive and can be P. L. Wood and I. K. Brannon. Thev Pt in place, making it possible to are. thinking of making Taeoina their i double the capacity. They have been home, in the near future. ordered for some time and are ex- Air. Harry Fcnnell, of Marion, was a: pc'-i hub , DAM SITES Washington, June 30. The house to day considered the Adunison gpnernl dam bill affecting water power ami lam sites everywhere. It is understood that Secretary Garrison lavors measure. It provides that dam sites everywhere may be leased for .W years,; 1010 guest of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Fcnnell recently. Mr. inil Mrs. A. K. Davis are. enter ; 'Hilling Mr Davis' father and mother, i style plant. I also Mr. and Mrs. Fuller, parents ot ' Mrs. Davis, all from .Michigan. Mrs. iipviv Bales and son, of Tacoma, i were guests of Mayor unci Mrs. Fra.ure mill . i recently. 1 ill l. 1. II, J l , UI IIIU Ul 1 l.-IHl " a week-end guest at tnc ,i, it. rienioru Tho drier is doing thorough work and turning out the finished product in from five to six hours less than the old after which the government is given I ' the right them. Miss Alice 1'agc ROSEDALE NEWS. Mrs. 1!. M. Cammack ami Mrs. Stroud, her mother, spent one day last week visiting relatives in Turner. Mr. ('has Coppoek and wife spent is entertaining as! Sunday with Mrs. Coppoek 's mother, A motion for an appeal to the su preme court was filed today in the case of the V. 8. National Hank, of Salem, ajiainst George C. Sheffler, et al. Kdna Maceel Roze.ll filed a suit for itivorce against James William Hor.ell in the circuit court today. It is alleged in the complaint that they were married at Vancouver in September, Hill, and cruel and inhuman treatment is given as the cause. The plaintiff asks that her maiden name, Kdna M. Wilcox, be Salem the end of their journey or a transcient stopping place, it is believed can be made much more comfortable by installing a screen, a couch, and a rocker in one corner of the depot. Women with sick babies arrive here and ! have no place to go during intervals between trains, and it is believed it would provide for" their comfort iin measureably if a private corner could be provided for them where they could rest in seclusion. , Mrs. Dorsey, although reported not. to be en duty this week, is still at her post and will be during the rest of the 1 days the Chautauqua is here. She will go on duty again diiriirg the hop-pick-, iug season and remain during the Ore gon State fair. At present she is em-1 ployed by the Salem city council and ' the" Y. W. C. "A., and given permission j to work in the depot by tho Oregon1 Klectrie company. It is hoped that the; company officials may recogni.e the! position officially and furnish a part of the funds to carry on the work. j OFFICIAL JEALOUSY CAUSED THE CHARGES How often we hear a beautiful wo man referred to as having a regal head Denude that head of its hair and in stead of a queenly, royal bearing, we have a fright. The hair makes all the difference. To have that glorious abun dance of radiant hear which always crowns "a real head," one should use Newbro's Herpicide. Herpicide represents the last word in scientific hair culture. It destroys the dandruff, checks falling hair and corrects generally diseases of tho hair and scalp. ' The positive results and its ilelicnte but refreshing odor recommends Ne !bro's Herpicide to ladies of refinement 'everywhere. i Scr.d 10c in postage for samplo Iwt i tie of Herpicide and booklet to Tho l Herpicide Co., Dept. R., Detroit, Minn. 1 Newbro's Herpicide in 50c. and $!. sizes is Mid by all dealers who gnnr ' antee it to do all that is claimed. If you are not satisfied, your money wll , be refunded. Applications made by tho best bcr .icrs uml hair dressers. If Each Tells the Troth, Both Are Ripe for the Official Axe Officially Ap plied to Their Necks. Washington, June 30. Immigration officials here today declared that "of fice politics" and jealousies were largc- ner ma men name r...n ... m,, , re;.ousi,)ie (or the eharges and eoun restored, an, that she he given i judg-; of mi.omluct involving As- merit for $.r)0 against the defendant to defray the costs of the suit. BATH TUBS "UNSPEAKABLE" VILLA AT ONCE ORDERS ONE the biggest and best bath tub money j sistant immigration Inspector LarnCfl,' Inspector Frank Amswortn of fuii Francisco and Inspectors Kogcr O'Dou nell, R. H. Taylor and H. 11. Beherle. The entire affair was being investigat ed today by John Densmorc, of the la"- and operate U J miosts Miss Clara Kllis and Miss' Mrs. Albert Bates. They attended . . .... .. ... I , i i . i. r, ' . i- I t L. Iva Onigley, friends from edar llupids, Jowa. I'iiickuey Bros, of the (lover Leaf Ditirv, will install a milking machine, in t!iu n.'iir fut in Thev have a drove Washington, June 30. President Wil-1 of i oit v f ivo cows and 'their dairy is SELLS TWO BATTLESHIPS AND WILL BUILD THREE church services at the Friends' church Dr. Wilfred I'emberton and wife, of I.nnglois, Oregon, and Mr. and Mrs. Clr.rkson I'eniberton of Salem, spent could bnv wag received by a firm of plumbers here today from General Francisco Villa, of Mexico. The house shipped one at once. The transportation charges on'' it alone amounted to $12.". "I wonder if General Villa is going to carry that thing with him on his marches," said L. Wolff, head of the plumbing firm which received the order. ' ' It's as heavy as a cannon.' ' son today signed the naval npproprin tion bill. It provides for thne addi tional dreadnoughts and permits the sale of the warships Mississippi and Idaho to Greece. HOW'S THIS? ( We offer One Hundred Dollars He ward for any ease of Catarrh that cannot lie cured bv Hall's Catarrh Cure. P. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. Wo, the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and I orrrirT . nv ,0 iprrn believe him perfectly honorable in D , SECRETARY IS ATlfcK uii(iliiv?eta iiiiFai:iiiiuB nun iiuaiiciaiij able to carry out any obligations made bv his firm. NATIONAL BANK OP COMMEUCK, Toledo, Ohio. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting directly upon the blood and mu . cous surfaces of the system. Tcsti- right up to date. They point with pride to their fine, fields of growing nrn and ka'o which will make excel lent feel for tho cows. A force of light men are kept very busy attending tu feeding and milking. The "Fruit and Vegetable Drier" is a very busy place, one tunnel being completed and in use drying logan berries aud mammoth blacks. A force of twelve men and women Sunday visiting Mr. and Mrs. Walter RESIGNS TO RUN TOR SENATOR. I'eniberton. Dr. I'emberton and wife drove through from Southern Oregon, and report a fine trip. Plans have been made by the Bose dnlu Friends Sunday School for a "real old fashioned" Fourth of July picnic to be held in Lewis Cro.en's woods. Kveryone in the neighborhood is in vited to come and have a good time, conic in the morning and bring your lunch and if the ice man hasn't gone on a strike, we will have ice cream. INCOME TAX DODGERS EXPERTS TO EXAMINE OREGON LIME BEDS Tlniue liltihn .Tune 30. .Indue Justice Alshie, of the state supremo court, has i ('Signed today to inane tnc campaign r.-ir il.n United States senate. The res- innalion will tuke effect July 2'. Immigration officials asserted that Lamed, backed up by O'Donncll, Tay lor and Heberle, charged Ainsworth with "misbecoming conduct" and also with securing household supplies below cost from government contractors at the Angel Island station. Ainsworth retaliated by charging Lamed witi gross incompetency and by alleging that Lamed, O'Donncll and Taylor had re leased wealthy ' hinese and other aliens. Densniore hac called upon Inspector Ainsworth to prove his charges. MRS. WILSON GOES, BUT - WOODROW STICKS TO JOB Washington, June 30. Mrs. Wood row. Wilson todav. planned, toi leave the Eating Peaches THE PEACH SEASON IS ON. This store will, as in other seasons, be headquarters for LaFollettes and W. J. Ball's Teaches. EARLY CLINGSTONES 35c per basket EARLY CLINGSTONES S5c per box Keep Cool THIN-SKIN, JUICY, SWEET WATERMELON 3c Per lb. IMPERIAL VALLEY CANTALOUPES. ..... .10c Three for 25c, and two for 25c. Logan Berries ' 85c PER CRATE. Leave your order now. Hot House Tomatoes . The very finest grown 20c per lb. Roth Grocery C Phone 1885-1886. 410-4161 end of the week for Cornish, N. II., tump her editorial work. and it is possible th"u she will be nc compnnied by I'rcsid-nt Wilson. Hiss Margaret Wilson will leave at the snrnc time for Mndison. Wis., to re- son's contemplated doparturt that President Wilson hns abandoned hope of congress before, the clcso of the sunm Threatens to Tine Delinquents Five Per j will Visit Medford to Investigate the menials sent free. Price 7!) cents per bottle. Sold by all druggists. Take Hall's Family I'illi for constipation. Cent House Votes Half Million to Help Catch Them. NORWICH UNION FIRE INSURANCE SOCIETY .BUB4HAEDT MEREDITH Resident Agents. 38S 8tts 8tr MONEY TO LOAN On Good Beat Eutats Security, THOS K. FORD , Over Ladd k Bush Bank, Salem, Oregoi. Wnshinpton, .Tune .10. Tiensury de partment officials today threatened to fine delinquent income tax payers five per cent, and treasury iigcnts every where wero ordered to insist upon im mediate payment. Secretory of the Treasury McAdoo does not expect com plete return', however, for sevoiul days. Tho house lias appropriated !K0.0()0 to hunt tax dodgers. The re ceipts so far have been s).t0,70t),0(0. It was originally estimated that ."4,(Hl0y 000 would te derived from the income tax law. Availability of Supply for State Ag ricultural Purposes. Buys in Estate F. W. Kader, Lane county agricultur ist, came down to Salem yesterday evening on a special trip to see Luther J, Chnpin, Marion county agriculturist, regarding a second excursion into southern Oregon to investigate tho prac ticability of iastalling machinery for making the crude mineral lime ready for the market. Ho returned to Kugene this morning after making plans for the southern Oregon trip to bo taken next Tuesday. Medford is the destination of the party. It is in the vicinity of this city that the lime deposits are that nre suit able for commercial purposes. There are large quantities of the stuff there, ; but it will be necessary to crush it by pmhmmbhmmhbmwm mill II II' t 111 Villi'! IU IllllfXV lb PtllllWI: Those who have tried nil sorts of so- or ""K on the sous or tne country.; culled "wrinkle-removers" in a vain T'.e purpose of this trip is to make effort to lose those unwelcome traces l''"" ' installing suitable niachinery.l of ago. illness or worrv, can scarcely w hen t,.e party returns from this I find worth, to express their delight with excursion into southern Oregon a full the wonderful mixolite form,.),,. ..nee "T ,hf 'n1v,'1!,,,aV01"8.. !"" I Ilium. ll ii lue unit I vu I'uiu iiiuiii'. turists that sufficient limo can be sc cured from these deposits to supply the ! needs of the entire state. REAL WONDER-WOAKER FOR WRINKLED FACES ZEROLENE A MINE Lubricant forEvonj part of ijour car Hi. ' is a , 10 acres tivation. (lot. low, barn, weli, mile from r-'ulem . Acre tracts just outsidt 't to Italian , they have given it a trial. The sue ' m, well, 'eciM of this method is due not alone to tli of it a marvelous effectiveness -upon the al- deepest lines and crowst'eet as well as upon the very fine ones but also to surprisingly cpiiek action and its on . hannlessiiess. Its simplicity and .i iiiexpctiKivcncsa ore other commend ..Mo features, for one need only dis- MAGAZINES ARE WANTED FOR THE HIGH SCHOOL ' The following buck numbers of mai;a siiiien nre needed for the files at the J .i.lvi nn ounce of powdered snxolito in ; ni,,u 8t-litol library. Those who have ta half pint witch hazel, and bathe the!(,xtra copies they care to present may jt'ttce in this solution. At once a re ; lonve them lit the public library, or markaVilv transformation is beheld. i nln the library regarding thi'in". T'.ie ile City, It is i.x onh the effect cm wrtnkls ': vnrvieu will lie sinceielv aimrecinted :. iinms, an in uicimrn, gum. iuchiiom. nnu eri'itwa Mint is so noticeulile, Dull Atlantic Montnlv, December, lis Come in aud see us about them. Price tViul contonr tv remnrknblv improved ! lloston Cooking' Scliool Magazine for S0O per acre, -.'5 down, per month, ar.d the fnco hoks KUeh younger. One i .l,,,,,, to IVcemher, 11)12, for Apri, should be sure to iwk U, druggist fori l it l ;t. and for January, lilt-l. ' 320 acres of land in Colorado to trade onlt,',,1 -"-olite. Tke Wi.m, being ! Current Opinion for July. August, for Willamette Vallev property. W hat ' f ro. li . is pr.itici.UrW. grntcful j September and December, 101:1, and for . have you f ' , to tired faces these warm, tepYssing 1 Februarv, 1!H. ! jdnys. x i The Independent tor Jul v 10, August . , , , " 1 if, October 9, Ui, Nov. 27., Dec. li, 40 acres of land, 20 acres cleare-1, DIED. .ImI.'I. ! house, barn, running water, fine spring, I MARSH At the family residence,' National C.eogiaphic Magaxiuefor about COO cords of good wood. U!j , l."I I North Winter street, June SO, I Febtunry, ISM I. ! miles from Salem. Price t37."i0. j 1U14, at 2:45 a. ni Hardy Jasper! Outlook for September 8, October 11, ' ; .Mnrsn, aivii it vears, i moniii, nays, .xovembcr iy, nl;l. and for February i Trtt STANDARD Oil .-S MC70B CARS :5 heavy oil' VjBL" e As&Sa i UIGHTl WWMHZ,NC a for roro&5 .CARS ZERDLENE TRANSMISSION LUBRICANT -lGHT) A V XEROLENE LUBRICANT (MEDIUM) an oil- yAm HEAVY BODIED K:'" i il t S acres of Rood land all under culti. "". I"n"H' w'" m'I" 0 vation. New 5 room house, barn, well, edncsdav tfternoon from ..e res, chicken house, ,ome orchard, close to ""; , "w off!,,,"t,n'- street car line. Price (2630 one-half ; Mw f the O. A H especially hi cash, balance to suit at per cent int. ""'"" "v '.nc- BORN. VARNGIJi At their home, 10tU fo,,th Hth street, Saturday. June 27, l!14, to Mr. and Mrs. William Varncll, a ton, 8 pounds. Loo At for tht announctmet ot (Ac Ortgon Shot Co. on peg S. If you are looking to .buy, trade or (ell, see us. W.ttGrabenhorst&Co. ftoom 2, Bush Bank Bldg. 21, ll't4. Popular MechaiMcs for October, 1913, 1 and February, 1914. .1 Technical Worl.l Maca.lne for Mav,! 191. " " ! 1 1 II A GREASE - VVJA SEMI FLUID To Make War On Rats. j New Orleans, June 30. Health of-! fieors here anuounced today that they j wero prepared to wage a determined ' ou bubonic rats. They plan to erect a concrete barrier in the infected area and drive the rats to the center. The animals will then be trapped and ' poisoned. Xo new cases of the plague ! were rc,ortcd todsy, i All these are quality products the best motor lubricants the Standard Oil Company can make. For sale by dealers everywhere and our agencies. Standard Oil Company TRANSMISSION ff LUBRICANT HEAVY) :':' V A C-KlASE - v' "-WW THAN BB FOR CR1A5E CUPS ETC ICAUFCRNU) Salem FOB Ut WHERE A FieROUS CP1A5E IS DESIRED1