PAOB TEN THE DAILY CATTAL JOTJBNAL, 8ALEM, OREGON. MONDAY, TONE 29, 1914. A II 1 Y '"Nil 'II I iw. f j Regular Regular Regular Regular ivegular Regular $25.00 Suits and $22.50 Suits and $20.00 Suits and $18.00 Suits and $15.00 Suits and $10.00 Suits and Your choice of any Straw Hat at 20 per cent less Special sale Men's 50c Onyx Hose 35c, or three pairs for $1.00 Men's 50c and 75c Four-in-hand Neckwear 35c, or three for $1.00 No. 497 WEDNESDAY SURPRISE SALE FOR JULY FIRST A SALE OF Mesh Purses and Leather Handbags A special sale of unusual value-giving will take place next Wednesday, when thesy Purses and Handbags are placed on sale. Dainty Silver Mesh Purses and neat Leather Handbags in a number of new and popular shapes will attract many buyers. These are all sold in the usual way up to $1.50. Your choice Wednesday for 85 cents Better get an early choice, as they will go rapidly. None sold before 8:;!0. See window display. The House of Quality. Ocer 34 years, of success ful merchandising in Salem. 4 All Around Town Dr, Mendelsohn, specialist In fltUng glasses correctly. U. S. Hank building. 0. T. Pomeroy returned this morning from San Francisco and other Califor nia points, where ho has been for a week's visit. Tlags a nd 10 cents. .Capital Con lectionery, P.'th and State. Harry Dean, of Washington, D. C, where ho is with the department of 'he U. S. (Icologicnl survey, spent the V end at the home of his cousin Churchill state school superin- "auty lecture. The la- 'ivhoil to attend this " Tuesday after 4T ilubbtvrd faiigro,. There has up aud the k bv the time thv next September. t the state speed iy. of iuick put be completed V 1 Special meeting of X'ir, . 1 Indue n V V .iv 1'nniiinii. vtnue it is tne governor s HUtge .0. Oil, A. t. A. M.Xi,,,:,. ,. ,, .. .... , .7. . tins evening. Work in the F. C, degree. Visiting brethren welcome. Attention, SedwglcV. Tost No. 10. Q. A. K, You are hereby requested to attend the funeral of our late comrade, Samuel Hol'fuall, Company A Fiftv- ririn i.inn i i,nittt.i. i..r...t.. i ; ......I., nun '""'I'"".' . inc.iiy ciersi. lie- serve, at rec.dence. EN.". Court strvvt, nil happr over their bargains The vv inten.tents at the state house this Jfter t 10:30, Tuesday, June M lsU. R. ley It. Allen Co.. K. E. Peters. Mur ,n 1 '!. k. It is st.tM that Halley, eomnuiiider. and 1. Webster, 5-'l Court. ' " b ",,I(N. is a feeling abroad that the de- adjutant ,,, " .. There was but one arrest made dur- W never sacrifice quality to make ing the three days' session of the Cher profit. Our are famous for ry fair, according to the records nt the their uperiorityand yet they cost no police station this morning Fvervone more than the kind you don't want, was happy and having a f,e time' and J.. M. Hoggs to. hemeuiber the no one nas disorderly sav the police l.hone is 311. ! The only disturbance 'created was when 0 1 a Collide of cnt-tuiit..f- ...... ...... i mx. TVAwxAkw k-. . ...4 r. . rt"r " "m uiura ,ison er Aiarsnr.eui, wno nave teen visitiug at the home of Mrs. A ,M. frawfor.1. - Wt for P.,rtl,..l Tfc il l...v- IVrtl'nH.l ... v ........... the Hwakwater for their home after a lureo wrruB iioruijc naicn troy vinted the ..m lairtn thii ci r .rrj tatr m th., c.ty. laud aud the Chcrry POSITIVELY CLOSING OUT MEWS SUITS & OVERCOATS You can buy them now for less than they cost us. Any Suit or Overcoat in our Gi gantic Stock goes at I Half Your choice of the season's latest styles and fab rics. Regular and Norfolk models in Men's Suits, in the famous HART SCHAFFNER & MARX, FITFORM and CLOTHCRAFT Clothes, all to go at HALF PRICE. Overcoats, closing out at Overcoats, closing out at Overcoats, closing out at Overcoats, closing out at Overcoats, closing out at Overcoats, closing out at uma 1 I ' 1, Be sure and visit Brtotenbush Springs this summer. I'nder new management. Hatha nil remodeled and up to date. Good restaurant aud store. Tents for rent. For Information, address J. K. Johnson, Detroit, Oregon. Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Huff ad son. lately residents of Alton, i'nion County, six members from the house of repre lowu, are in the. city visiting at the ' sentatives will probably meet with the home of Mrs. Huff's brother, 11. K. remaining four members of the state Kdinger. They came to Salem in ! tax commission. response to the boosting letters which j o Mr. Holiuger has been sending back to Jameg McFarland, the popular young Ins old home town and they are highly ,,, w. keeps tab on things in tiie pleased with the climate and other ad ; ,hv f ttul i.,,,!,, & Hush Hank, had a vantages of this locality and intend to narrow escape from drowning yester-1 locate, here. i day. After n canoe trip on the river he had returned to the boat house of j You won't be lwppy on your vacation the Salem Canoe Club, where he got too i unless you take a "Shine-Kit" with close to the edge and fell into the j you. It's the niftiest thing ever made water, which is very deep at this idace. : tor you. ou get it of Shnfer, of course, because if there's anything new in his line, he's always sure to have it first. 1ST South Commercial. From advice received from Governor , West today he asked that the matter of the nivaiiiuitH.ii of several ...ititlrr ; troops be deferred pending a n.orO defi- h.ite understanding witi. the war do-' Mlt' ""derstati.ling witii the war do- 'v-.'. nun nun oi uie service ' S: in of war, he wishes no nir.iiK..,,.,,,,,, taklll wni.h ., ,, , any nut?v .i .. . matters I. . . .y it..- uitiii int. at'torni with the war has under negotiation Our line of hluh the prices we make on t of the attractions inn. .s result we soul a null . .. . line instruments and tho bo .'. . 1 " ih.iiu ing ine iiaiul Mand on Court tret got into a heated argument witu the 1 result that Si.eral ti.t K...u . . - ....v " ' "".'i' ; . " 'K' ','n "7". .... ,K iasr .-Niruruay night, he insisted on picking handsful of tho ! 'tUrZ, ,lu:, Jam- , ? h,Ul - throwing ,t oa ,wple', clothing. jrtment are settled. -cri- -i c I'lnllOS nuo. "ii ,.re one ot rw. "V iicrrv '"NiT Of Price $12.50 $11.25 $10.00 $9.00 $7.50 $5.00 J. R. Spurgeou. who was arrested last riHiay uy constauie ( ooper on a war- rant charging him with having unlaw ful relations with Mrs. Hal. Wright, of Turner, was bound over to the grand jury uy justice of the Peace Webster lust Saturday afternoon. Spurgeon's; noiiil was ttxod nt $1,MM, which he was unable to furnish, and was consequent ly turned over to Sheriff Esch for safe- j The legislative tax commission is j scheduled to meet tomorrow to consider some important business. The full j membership of the committee numbers I l" men but ns Covemor West is at I pres-.-nt absent from the state, the four members from the senate and the Only to the prompt action of Rov Schant., who fished him out. can be attributed the saving of Mr. McFar-j land's life, as he was unable to swim. -o Prfttu"t Sunday schools have banded j together to hold a Fourth of July cele- bratioii at that place next satunlav, I '"' "' or'lor to 'iccoi.imo.late Sale I'1'1 ,,vil wi,n t0 "'tend the So m pco-I I'"' .V." . , " 10 :ul'"". ontlicrn; , v ......... .-r.o. i.oiu, Pratlllll to Eocene nt ::..- i.. tS ..... Thl,t' will be a basket dmiier.j races, baseball game and other features j ,t i,.....i..,., ...,i..i,ra, ..... tional holiday. Walter Winslow, an at-j : 1 ;. to. ney of this city, will be the prind-i pal speaker. Other features will be oh the program. H. B. Miller, head of the department of Commerce at the Vniversitv of Ore gon, adJressc the county school super- 1 '"'t. of commerce rtventlv insti tuted af-e SlaIl VuiveixitV might ...tertore w.;Vthe O.egou agricultural college but Mr,vMl,,.r av, that the V , " o '"inerce will deal ,. ,ne seu.hx.u.j , with the producing end of the bi wor,i and will in no way dupVste the courses at the Corvallis college The s'h.Hlule of the tcs.'h.r iiiritn,d i the value aud interest of the mliwi'. to b dis...sse.l t th.. i.M;t..,'i. i... - fc., ...... ... . " " ,BKen "I' oy i- county SKhool lHritudet. th.s afternion. Mrv Charles Van Allen, who was r- ""owing a voung man to nmain in the hotel which she conducts without hav- ing his place of resilience registered, ' pleaded guilty to the charge this morn- ing. Judge Elgin assewff her the min imum fine of 5. The court told Mrs. I Ynn Allen Unit he did not believe that 1 she committed the violation of the or dinance intentionally and advised her to require every new guest in the ho tel to regiHter their names and pluces of resilience. According to Mrs. Van Allen, the guest whose dace of resi dencc did not aiienr on the register came to Xuleni to see the Cherry fair u in I neglected to register his residence. '"' r. She state, that Mrs. Lynch, who made the srrcst sni.t thnt- tl. h..t.-l ,..,n,tr must bear the names and addresses of everyone in the buildings, guests and regular nitrons and ull. Judge Klgin said thnt Mrs. Lynch is mistaken in that only newly arrived or transient guests must register. o Mrs. S. J. Dorsey, the kindly matron who helped so many wo l passengers i. i i iuiAu .in.:.... i 'k...-. r : ami visitors during the Cherry Fnir, nt the Oregon Electric depot, will afficintc aguiu during the State Fair in the same capacity. o Burns Fowoll, of Portland, was In Sa lem today to take a gl'ince at the prog ress mil lo by the state board of bur examiners. Mr. Powell recently took the state bar examination and along with several other eiulnyo lawyers is terior Lane nnd lleprcsontativo' Adam wondering when he will begin to prne- i son were different. He was hopeful, tice law. I however, that a compromise would be o I Affected. The Salem fire department was called j ; ; ; to u house on East Locust street enrlvlthis city, and Edna N. Bainck, a la this morning where a dwelling belong- ing to Mr. Sample was on fire. Tho nlaz' started from n detective tluo and before the department could get in ac tion about - damage was dune. 0 "H To be denied his hunting license be cause he was a foreigner and to he de nied an application for naturalization papers because he was under l!l nnd then to be denied an application for a permit to carry a gun by the sheriff : because he was only I., was thj fata! today ot a young Oroide, who resides near Silverton. It is n felony for a foreigner to even apply for a hunting license, but the young man was referred to the sheriffs office where, by pay ing irL'.'i, he might secure a permit to carry a gun under which circumstances tho county clerk would be obliged toi mailt a iiiintiuir license. The sherif f i 7 . " . lllg Tile Illlll' nieillfOIICIl. uium-i a investigated the case and refused tol)(j jj) and 20, issue a permit to carry the gun oh ac- j ' ' ' qJ count of the youth of the applicant. . . . . ,, . ... . 0 11 j The bi? Ryan building came in The expense of holding the recent ' mif-rl,-v '"'.''-b' the Cl.cry fair ami primary c tion was I'J cents less per:,ml,l,! "" ul,;ul l,,,m,u t,,r 'x1l"l'lt- Ivotetlian the expense ol'two vears ug., 11 looks rather lonesome, though, to and the reduction in cost was largely j ', ' the lights ami color gone due to the greater efficiency of theft!"1 fruit and blossoms vanished and election boards, aceoiding to the opiu- j t1 crowils no longer in evidence. I his ion of County Clerk tiehlar. The judges!'11 I'c changed when the mnrkei. opens and clerks lire paid according to the n"'1 the big building is filled wi... mar time reipiireil to hold the election mut l.-'tiT!i. to count the votes and where the work i o is curried out with speed the cost is! The county clerk has paid out S56 in less per vote, it cost ii.ll(l.!'l to hold i scalp bounties in the last six months in the last election, ami HJtiti'- votes were j Marion county, Id claims for bob cats cast at a cost of (ili cents each. In and two claims tor. cougars. I'p to 1 ! 1 ii it cost if t,l.S.2 to take care of i about two weeks ago the state paid ."i.IltiS votes, or a cost of 7S cents each, j half of this nud the county the other At this election also there were more half, but then the state fund was ex judges anil clerks in proportion to the I hausted and the county will continue number of votes east than 1SH2. j to pay its half of the t ounty only. The case of Benjamin Bowden and, 0 M. Elliott, the newly-elected si Snrah Howden against E. M. Mitchell, ',,rillt(,w,01lt of ,. ,sa,,m ,.hools, ar wluch was heard Saturday afternoon, rive,i this ,m)nlinK at 10 o'clock from was continued until Tuesday, Juno oO. t)l0 fllst Director Haines stated fuis All of the testimony was taken and ; fteriioou that he could not hope to the argument will bo heard tomorrow , Im,,,t mori, ,,iensaut or congenial man, before Judge (Julloway. Toe case arose . ami tmt jr- Ki()U win tllkP charge over some trouble regarding a line fence of his nrw (luties ,10 flvM of jv. The between the property of the litigcuts i" , ,-,0ol board will hold a regular meet the Capital City fruit farms. j illJt thig ovt,jlltt and Mr. Elliott will , . , '. ! be made nenuninted with his duties. The grand jury for the July term of i q court resumed its session todav to con-! . , , , ,,. . sider the cases that may co.iie up at The newly organized Young Women s the next regular tern, of th circuit' 1 Assoeiution proved a boon to court. Tho dav was spent in examining ! ", 'hiI'lren the ,l 1 "r witnesses j fair. Ninety-tour mothers and their ' " babies were afforded nid, comfort and Miss Agnes Hall, the popular book- refreshments at the rest rooms J''''1 keeper at the E. C. Cross meat market, ' ,1,om" No,,,h ,',1,,,r,v ' 'h f T 1 ...... '..I-iv Til. ltlncn was croWi Oil throni'll- wiis fl I'nrt iniil vuitnr tnst Siitiirtlnv. i The "cutters," tho men who prepare the steaks for the consumers, and who are all close friends of Miss Hall, have it rumored thnt the winsome vouiur lndv i is figuring upon leaving tho lonesome!'" "' "lilk wKO. James Koilgers, an lite and that a certain big police of-1 employe of the Cedar Leaf milk dairy. fieer of the Kose citv is to be the luckv i suddenly thrown out ot lus rg person. ' ' I"1"1 the horses all but knocked down by; o J a huge nuto which tried to pass the Marriage licenses have been issued : wagon. One of the horses was serious to Fred A. He Sart. an engineer of My injured, 1 1 stitches being necessary . . , to close up a wound the niiimal received ! in the shoulder. The other horse was TnnaV Rr Tnmnyrnw;1101 injured nor was young liodgers. The A UUajT IX. A lUW (harness and several parts of the wagon we have the best by all odds Cherry v i JL Ull I Movies 1,C00 feet showing all events in full, nothing cut short. Crowning of Queen Anne, Auto Parade, Motor Races, Baby Parade, Rosarians arrival cherries at their best, and a number of Salem's leading business houses, this picture is far superior to any other, and a k: inl.J.l wik mugimig flUKma.a wtuwu.. a r ; STARTING TOMORROW Continuing three days. HELEN GARDNER . PIECES OF SILVER, five parts in all, star cast. Two dandy comedies. 7 REELS, 7000 FEET BLIGH THEATRE Quality and Quantity. GENERAL EVANS MAY BE COURT-MARTIALED Officer Criticizes Administration and Ridicules Monroe Doctrine Wilson Not to Send Troops to Montana. liy .Tohn Edwin Xevin. Washington, June "JO. Court-martial ... it i t .1 i... uimiiii .rum i..e -r,,.-r ' "'"J "'" Iro"' rvrrn "l" v " hriuidier (ieneral Evans, acting head of the eastern division of the army, if he was correctly reported. Accord ing to accounts reaching ('resident Wil son, (lenernl Evans criticised the ad ministration, ridiculed the Monroe doctrine and dednred America was be coming meddlesome. P.iu;,l,.nl V;lnn o.l.n'itte.l tri.lnv that i j, ha8 askpi, Secretary of War (iarrisou i whether the reports were correct The president announced that he would not send federal troops to Mon tana unless there was further trouble. He believes that the situation nt Kutte is now under control. President Wilson also said that he realized thnt advocates of conservation differed over water rights and thnt the bills drafted bv Secretary of the In- Hem school teacher; Andrew Muttson, a Jalem farmer, and Hoselin Kenscher, a Salem milliner; A. E. Thompson, an iceniun, nnd I'earl ieedham, both of Salem; llarric Laujnn, an engineer, and Nellie Ciilmore, both of Orovillo. o Mrs. Wm. Qahlsdorf is visiting rela tives in San Antonio, Texas, her former home. In a letter wnich Mr. (.iiihlsdorf has just received from her, she tolls of her anxiety to get back to Salem, anil says she would not give one little home iiere for a whole town in Texas. o On account of the Willamette valley chautauqua at Gladstone from duly 7 to 111 inclusive, the Southern Pacific will have an agent at that point from .lulv 4 to 12.1 inclusive. The following '. ,,;,. will ston nt (iladstoiie dur- . 1 ... " . . v i .. i out tho week. " . While driving down State street near . Twenty-fifth, last Saturday nfteruoou' j were turned wrong side out, however, i and the automobile owner, a stranger, ; ...1 .... i.:u ..r.i;... ..., u-;. ' nessing the nceideut. The Independent Amusement com pany, which helped to .nuke Cherry f ii i r a huge success, left Salem this aft ernoon nt 2 o'clock for Woodburn, where Fourth of July will be celebrnt ; ed. From there the company w ill go to ; Pendleton. The big iniin eating shark' on display, which was caught at New port, will be shown all over the I'uited ; States and us far south ns Florida. Mr. and Mrs. John Bengon rotunicd! to this city this morning utter spend ' ing a week in Poitlaml. Mr. Ileiigcir 4s. ! tiie deputy warden of the Oregon state penitentiary. Frank Monnce, the well Vnown rail-! road promoter of Sulci.., is seriously ill! at his home on .North npital street. A .. . .. . i I com ilicntion of diseases overtook linn ' not long ago and his condition at p.i ! cut is such as to cause his friends sMue alarm, , At tho 3 o'clock service held yester day afternoon nt the Salem I 'oiuiuoim Mission, I'll State street, Hie Uh, W. Thomas Woodcock, pastor of the on ( ..u ri fti I i o.ui I church, ri in In I a very beautiful sermon on the lot, "Amos, What Scest Thou I" A gmi I audience filled tiie hnll, and liiuhlv up .. .. I ... .1;.. . I,.... . I I.. I'M-cinicii inr iiicoiiii'. him, .1, a, i,u cat coioliictcil Hie iic ill iiiiiiii pmv ami aUo preached nt lh. v cuing service The sort Ice a'.d wink of thl iiiu.Iihi is itilvani'lug .iiiiil'. Miipci ii'lrn li'iil A, J, Lucas, who ). n icicntlv come here nud who lm had iiiio h rperlnui in mi.ny wnva, p(npo.' initi.v rhnngca ill order to uislie the ioImsioii nnd iooih , ing hono more efficient In hmnv wnvi . to coinpcle with It inli, CHINAMAN, INSANE FROM I THREATS, BUNS AMUCK j Sap Francisco, June 29. Driven in ' sane by threats of Chinese tollmen, 'Chung ran amuck with a hatchet I in a Chinese lodging house here today i and probably fatally injured Long Tongj I Veil bv chopping him ubont the head; and face, ( hung nns sent to the dc-1 tentioii hospital for investigation as toj his tuiiitv. ' ROOSEVELT TAKES HORSE- I BACK RIDE TODAY WITH SON : Oyster Hny, N. Y., June 20. Colonel Theodore Roosevelt nnd his sun Archie, tiMik a long horseback ride today. The former president snid he felt splendid j when lie returned o Sagamore Hill, j He spent most of tho afternoon in con-' lultntion with progressive leaders. He : planned to leave for Pittsburg toim-r- i row. I WE THANK OU. The Artisans of Salem wish to thank tiie various friends who so kindly us-' sisted in the demonstration made by' Capital Assembly in the electric parade Saturday evening. Especially do t lie members appreciate the courtesy shown; by 1,'ies v. Elgin, Vick Bros., and Ar 1 tlinr Hinges, the well known automo bile firms, also Mr. Brown, of the Sa-; lem Truck & Dray Co., and Messrs. ,1. L. Stockton, A. M. Hansen and lie. I. la Swart. i 1VAX (i. MAKTIN, Secretary. , CLOUDBURST DOES DAMAGE. Singapore, June -.'!i. Heavy damage' by a cloudburst ut llenkoelen, Sumatra.; Sunday night, was reported in a nies-i sage received here today from tiie scene of the downpour. I The business section, it was stated,1 was nearly destroyed by the torrential rain. Many huildiui.'s collapsed. ' It was llenkoelen which w.ia shaken' by n neartlupinke a few days ago. De lated advices said mi.ny Europe: ns were injured bv this disturbance. Another steamship, the Duten Koyal Mail liueri Van Cloon, it was also slated, wus driv-j en ashore in Macnssn- by the tidal wave which accompanied ;r. ! i ,...:....., ....... ' wwiuhhiwi uum i ug win-., Guards Are Strengthened. (i iiUils were strengthened, arrests were made of known agitators and stis- pects, and police and military author - ities were on the alert. The uutho.i- ties hardly tried to conceul their fear1'. (....( the Austrian assassin's success would encourage other believers in di rect action to try to imitate him. No Open Approval. St. Petersburg, June L'Sl. While no one of importance in the government here actually approved the nssassimi - tion of Archduke Francis Ferdinand of Austria and his wife at Serajevo, Sua day, no attempt was made to conceal the official opinion that Servia and especially the Servians in Hosnia and Herzegovina have been unfairly treat ed by the Austrians or that the murder was not just what ought to have been lo.iked for. There also was considerable anxiety shown lest Austria adopt severe repres sive measures against the .Servians ns a result of the assassination, probably dragging Russia into a controversy in their behalf. The czar considers himself Servia 's natural protector and was near going t) war with Austria when the latter annexed two provinces against Ser via 's wishes. One In Long Series. The assnssination of Archduke Francis Ferdinand and his wife is only one more in a long series of tragedies involving those close to the present aged emperor of Austria. He was crowned in ISIS. Hungary immediately rebelled. A bloody war followed. Then Italy threw off Aus - nan domination..,! Prussia wrested ruler. Next his assassination was at tempted . by Joseph Libenyi, a Hungarian, who, stubbed him in the neck, inflicting a ghastly wound. In the "l'c his baby1 daiichtcr Archduchess Sophia died of, typhoid. ; Family Has Many Trobles. I His military forces were defeated by .Napoleon III and an army of Austrian i rebels at Solferino, und a humiliating! peace was forced upon him. j In the CO' his brother. Emperor! MllTilllillill.. llf M,.v'l,.,l .11.. .1 1. v., - tiring scpiad, and the Inter's wife, I Curlotta. went insane. His own sister. inlnw the Duchess D'Alenico, per-: ished in the Charity buiiar fire in! i a r is. Then his wife, the Empress, E izabeth, was assinated in Switcrlnnd. ; His son, Crown Prince Hudolf, with the Puroness Marie Vetseni, with wroin1 he was infatunted, were found one' morning in a hunting lodge at Meyer-, ling, both shot to death. His relatives, Prince Louis of Trani and A re In I n I. o .lohauii, were drowned Another, Archduke l.adislnus, was in c.iilentnlly killed hnnling. , , vJ, ; I.OSI- Liver uml white pointer dog. Mi,.- , .,, , o,; 1'iswers o name ot "Tex. .)." Phone Mi'. or fice and receive rewind oiiuiai oi TORIC LENSES IMPROVE APPEARANCE or nishing 5-0 colds of wood for the uso and EYESIGHT "f the various schools of Salem. Oro 'gon; bids to W oKned on the tith day Torle. ore hand- "r,.,,M'-v' V'3,0 V' m' 'T'"'" cations will be furnished upon appl. ca some, light-appear. ,in ,, Secretury, W. H. Burg In, snil quite In- hardt, :!." State street, all bids to be C 0 n s pUuoi.s. You accompanied by a certified cheek of should choose your flvo '"'r ,,'"t ""' lll'1, 'ount l id. , I'n.vul'le to School Dist.ict No. 24. M- Z a m r ""'". ""-B"". i'k m J" s yfu ti your ., i . , r'otlies Th fi lust . . itL,,!.,, J! your I'M 1, 11.1 , IM. I"" I'll yon more shout KMiuliin Toric l.nnses ... TOWO i LENSES PR. A. P. MENIWLSOHN, iKMTon or oi'Ticit, ii 1'iu ,'i i, iv n, 't in,, 111,1,. mmwm Vi 'V- i ir -J The curve in the TORIC LENS corresponds exactly to the curve of the eyeball for which it is ground. Toric lenses are superior to the old style flat lenses in that the eye focuses correctly ut any given point on the toric lens, while in the old style lens the only true focus can be ob tained at the center of the lens only. Toric lenses rest the eye. Let us show them to you. MissA.McCulloch, Optometrist. 291 N. Com'l St., Ground Flocr Hours 9 to 5. Phone 925 NEWTODAY One cent per word each inser tion. Copy for advertisements un der this heading should be in by 2 p. in. PHONE MAIN 81. (ALE WANTED About one or two weeks old. Phone 9F3. EOlt SALE Young fresh cow, vciy gentle. 5!I3 North Twentieth. j WOOD FOK .SALE CHEAP In tim- ' ber or delivered, l'hono 2-d'J. I- '01'" I'APLRS for carpets; 10 Cents I I1" lu.udrcd. Journal office. I AH! AN1JEKKY PICKEKS V A N T E I at Dr. Miles' ranch. Phone li"-F-5. CHICKEN, CHICKEN, CHICKEN, nt Ered's Night Lunch, State und Lib erty. , EOlt SALE Single comb Keds and Barred Kocks, hens; 211 Iratiu st rcet. FOK SALE Span of matched three-year-old colts. Impure 311 iorth Commercial. EOlt SALE Jersey nnd Belgium cow and calf. Inquire 5o5 South Fif teenth street. rOl! KENT Completely lurnished cot tage at Agate llcach. F. D. Tliiclscu, Kudgers Paper Co. WANTED Experienced girl to do gen eral house work. No other need ap ply. Room 1, over Chicago store. INFORMATION OF VALUE to those, wanting to take up homesteads. In quire of Low & Derrick, 35!) State street. WANTED Woman to do canvassing for tube extracts, etc. Good money. Yiereck Extract & Soap Co., Albany, Oregon. . SKW1XC. MACHINES $5.00 and up, , uml 011 al, new m. t.,im,S- .ia,i,inos repaired. Office (UO State street. FOR SALE Nice dry, high lot near cur lino and school; paved street; east front. Price $1100 if taken this) week; terms. Inquire owuer, 775 North T.venty-first. ' WANTED Men und women to writo and copy letters. Work at home dur- ing spare time and make good wa ges. Send stamp for particulars. FnTifie Coast Copy Co., Box 11!), Eu gene, Oregon. FOK SALE !5 acres choice land; 70 cultivated, balance pasture; 15 easily cleared. Price $115.-.. per acre, in-, eluding team, wagon, other imple ments, two cows and poultry. Will accept fciOOO.Ol) Salem property. Square Heal Realty Co., Phone 470. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that School District No. 21 will on the 1st i !'" 01 ""."i '-'n, pay principal ami , "'" " " l"'""'"K " "'. " an ... ...... .... .1..... t..l : .a .nil,. in ii.ii uiiii!. in uim vi .iuiv i.rsx. Ji'U, the entire issue of which notes total the sum of Twenty Thousand 120.000. 001 Hollars. Principal and interest i pnyablo nt the office of W. H. Burg- j jr.. Clerk of said district. All- persons are notified that interest on such tes will cease after July first, ; ioi i Attest: V. C. HOLT, Chairman. W. H. lU litiltAliDT, JK.. Clerk. WOOD WANTED. School District No 24, Marion coun ty, Oregon, will receive bids for fur ' 1 sm-ccssiui oiuuer siiun t-'1-! .v the boerd as a gnaranto !' 1.... I .. f :..!. .i... . i ...... ... iui..ti mi. uuiouni anrtiv'i, i.ii.l ..II l.i.l. ... I .1 i :.. - .....'.-I .... ,. -v . i.i iiKM-i, in m ?ra "i envelope and maikisl "Hid for AVihkI" nnd to be nd.lrvsscd to the undersign ed. Tim board reserves the right t- ccit any or all bids er to accept any pint of a bid. W. II, IM'Kiitl RIVT. JK.. Ch k of the Board.