Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, June 27, 1914, Image 1

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    Festive 0 of
Leased Wire
World's Championship
Battle at Paris Is Won
by Jack Johnson
Negro Batters Moran's
Head and Dazes Him
Paris, June 27. After twenty rounds
of alleged fighting which was general
ly regarded as hippodrome. Jack John
son retained the title of heavyweight
champion against Frank Moran of
Pittsburg, who never had a chance.
Johnson certainly let him stay the lim
it. An enormous crowd saw the affair
&nd hissed and booed almost constant
ly in the closing rounds. .
Carpentier Gets Ovation. .
Velodromo D'Hiver, Paris, June 27.
Georges Carpentier, the referee, re
ceived an ovation as well as the fight
ers. Johnson 's seconds were Bob Arm
strong and liadoud, the Swiss champion.
Jim Pratt was the negro's time
keeper. Moran won the toss for the choice of
There were still a few vacant gallery
scats as the men were introduced and
went to their corners to have their
gloves fitted on.
Moran's timekeeper was Tod Sloan,
ilis seconds were Tom Kennedy and
Willie Lewis.
Crowd Is Enormous.
Velodrome D'Hiver, raris, June 27.
Outside the Velodrome an enormous :
crowd awaited the fighters' arrival
Johnson was first to appear. As his
big automobile rolled up at the en
trance the gamins cheered him warmly.
'Vive le ftigger! they yelled,
Before the main event there were:
several- preliminaries but the spectators!
hardly gave the unknown gladiators a
'Bound 1 '
The men sparred at a 'distance. They'
circled about the ring at the start. Mo-
ran was the first to lead with a right
jab. Johnson replied with left, land-
iug lightly. Both apparently watching
for dpening. Moran was cautious. The
neero let him do the leadinir. It was.
nobody's round, as there was not a ves- Moran put right to stomach in a clinch,
tige of damage done to either. Johnson led snappily and seemed to be
Bound 2. I taking the lead. Moran seemed tired.
Johnson landed a uppercut. The ne- Johnson put right to .head and Moran's
gio seemed vcrv fast, but Moran was faco was badly damaged. Moran held
Roing awav and was not badlv stunf,.'on in clinches. Jack put a half dozen
Moran then landed a light right to uppercuts to Morau's bruised face, but
.lohnsori's ear and the round ended Moran held in close, although the blows
with both fighters sparring in mid- stung they did not carry a heavy wal-
ring. Even round. 'P- They were clinched at the bell.
Bound 3. Johnson's round.
Both sparred, cautiously circling Bound 11.
about seeking an opening. Moran rush- Moran seemed hypnotized. Jack's
ed three times, but Johnson's forearms riirlit time and again landed with force
blocked the blows, and none landed
cleanly. Johnsou grinned. At the bell
Moran landed hard right to Johnson's
stomach. Even round.
Bound 4.
Johnson woke un. Moran landed a.
left to Jack's ear. Johnson countered
to the nose, drawing blood. Moran was'
uot seriously shaken. Mornn covered
up and bored in. Jack backing away,
They were sparring at the bell. Johu-
son s round.
Bound 5.
Johnson seemed slightly distressei
and breathed heavily, but frequently
Tocked Moran's head as Frank bore
in. Moran started playing for the
stomach. In a clinch, he landed ef-
feetively and frequently. Moran sank
nis rignt into tue nero s stomaen
twice. In the clinches Johnson retreat-
ed, endeavoring to save his stomach,
and Jloran bored in hard. The thir.t
bard right to Jack's stomaeu closed
round. Moran 's round.
Bound 6.
Jack joshed the audience, joking wi
his trainers. Jack landed right twic
to Moran's head and shot the left to
Moran 'chin, but it was partly blocked.
Simultaneously, Moran sank his right
into the negro's stomach. Still pound-
ing Jack's stomach, the pair backed to
a neutral corner. Johnson held repeat
edly. A liot rally iu midriug closed the
round. Moran put right anil left to
head and Jack uppercut at bell. Mo
an's round.
Sound 7.
Moran opened the round with a rush,
swinging with both hands. Jack duel
ed one Hwing and blocked the other.
He came back with a left jab whicn
caught Moran's sore nose Hud the blood
spurted again. They fell into a clinch,
Moran, coming out, swung again, but
the negro rolled his nead and the punch
whizzed by. Jeck led with the left
but Moran ducked neatly, aud put the
right to the stomach as they eliuchdilj
Johnson hoked right to the ear and
Moran countered with another stomach
punch. They were clinched at the bell.
Kven round.
Bound 8.
Johnson seemed weary and was not
showing his usual lightning speed. He
could do little with Moran 's straight
left and several times his head went
back on straight punches. He gave
nothing in return, until, catching Moran
coming out of a clinch, three nasty up-'
pereuts went home. Mornn reeled but
fell into a clinch again. Moran seemed
tired and sparred until the round clos-
ed. Even round.
Bound 9.
Jack chopped Prank 's nose with over
hand rights three times. Moran still
hooked and swung to the stomach in
the clinches which followed each la3
by Johnson. They fought hard in the
clinches. Carpentier broke them and
they exchanged light lefts. Sparring,
both apparently tried to lure the other
int0 a ',a'1, ' ''na".v Moran rushed
at?"in- Johnson blocked with the lift
as -Moran came in. The black was sti 1
sh'ftv but he blew visibly at the bell.
r'u rounu-
Bound 10.
Moran jabbed with left and Jack
blocked it. Jack nooked right for face.
in Frank's damaged face. Moran's
swing to the head was blocked. Johu -
son again put both hands to face and he
forced the fighting. Moran hung on.
: Thev struggled across the ring, Moran
ducked but was unable to escape the
jabs and uppercuts which came like aj
storm. Johnson stood off and pecked.
with long rights at the bell. lp to;
now Johnsou had shown little indica-
tion that his condition is poor. Moran
seemed to be weakening, jonuson s
; round.
Bound 12.
Tnev sparred at the opening of the
twelfth. Moran made the first lead:
with a straight left .iab to the face.!
Johnson retaliated with right hook.!
rt0.n fmiled as they bumped their heads i
j ducking. A clinch followed, John
Iiooked left to the head again.
.Mora replied with a light jab to the
fa(.e aUt aiiain Johnson smiled. Moran
,,,0,1 to be resting lip and Johnson
: wa, resting too. None of the blows
landed in this round were hard and .they
were fiddling in the middle of the ring
."hen time was up. Johnson had a
Bound 13.
( Johnson led with left; Moran rushed
Is To Close in Blaze of Color and
ami .lack caught his arms fast and held
in the clinches, smothering Frank's
hooks to the stomach. As they broke
Moran landed a hard left swing to the
head. Johnson rocked with the blow
but turned to the audience and grin
ned. Jack put two left jabs to the face.
Moran hooked to the face. Prank swung
ngain but the negro stepped back. Bota
played cautiously. The work in this
round was light. Johnson had a shade
on blows landed.
Jack's forearms wcro there and In ov
cry clinch the white man was held.
Johnson twice uppercut In a break and
put Moran's head back with a jab.
They were sparring at the bell, both
apparently willing to rest it out. John
son s round.
Bound 16.
Sidestepping continued. They was
no real fighting and few blows carry
ing a sting were landed. They sparred
and clinched. American funs' shouted:
"Fight, fight!" It woke Moran up.
He tried for tho head but was out
boxed two left in return. Jack, smil
ing, led with a left Moran ducked and
was caught with left uppercut before
he regained his balance. Ho staggered
but again fell into clinch, At this
ftuge neither of the men seemed to bo
seriously hurt. Rumors of "fixed
fight" were revived. The men were
sparring in tho center when the bell
range. Johnson's rcrtiud.
Bound if.
Wrestling started the round. Moran
swung wildly but Juck blocked him.
Moran so far has shown nothing to
cause .Johnson to worry. With the
round halt' over Moran landed left to
the head. Johnson countered with two
Jabs to the face. Johnson's orund.
Bound 18.
The spectators booed the boxers.
They wrestled, not a blow of note be
ing struck. They sparred and clinched
from comer to comer. Moran looked
like a novice and Jack was plainly
holding back. At the bell Moran hook
ed with left but Johnson ducked it
easily. Johnson's round.
Bound 19.
The audience yelled In derision as
the round opened. Moran led repeated
ly but Jack blocked easily. There was
no real fighting, Moran leading half
heartedly. The affair seemed more
like hippodrome than ever. Johnson
tried to put over a punch and Moran
couldn't land. Johnson 's round.
Bound 20.
Tho same tactics were followed in
the final round. Moran sent a ligat
left to the head and Johnson countered
with right. Then they went into a
clinch aud breaking sparred lightly,
Johnson seeming not distressed. Neither
was Moran. The men simply did not
fight. The end of the fight came amid
a storm of booes from the house when
Carpentier raised Johnson 's hand.
First game R. H. E.
Brooklyn 4 8 i
Baltimore 8 13 0
Seaton, Juul and Land; Suggs and
R. II. E.
Washington 2 10 2
Philadelphia 4 7 3
.Johnson and Ainsniith; Bender and
6 B. H. E.
Boston 5 11 1
New York 3 5 3
Wood and Cady; Mellale, Cole and
R. H. E.
: Cincinnati ...... "
Lavender and Breshanan; Henton 1
and Clark.
K. li. fc.
St. Louis 2 0
Pittshurff 2 4
Grinder and Snyder; Harmon and
(Called 7th allow teams catch train.)
First game
Philadelphia ....
tt. 11, r..
2 J ? 4
6 9-3
Mayer and Burns; Ragou and Fischer.
Pacific Coast League Standings.
jl.os Angeles .
San Francisco
I Portland ....
.481 !
crn !
; Sacramento
j Oakland 30
Ye3terday's Besults.
At Los Angeles Los Angeles
Portland 0.
At Sacramento Sacramento 9, Oak
land 4.
The Weather
Fair tonight
and Sunday;
westerly winds.
(Wf Boy SCOUTS '
jor Carle Abrams Elected
Senior Vice Commander
of the U. S. W. V.
Roundup of Recruits Shows
That There Are Over 609
Members in Oregon
The sixth annual convention of tho
United Spanish war veterans, depart-1 -"aiiKi.id secus light just as . oes a
ment of Oregon, will end this evening '"oth ,r,a" tno wlM thln8s of r'cUl auJ
following the attendance of the body!'0!!" lt .,. . ,
at toe mardi gras at l):30 p. m. I This was the cri ic.sm made yes-
i : ...:., ; 1..1 j ti... terdny by a visitor who is somewhat of
.u;..h i,..t ii ,.,:., ff;...
wore elected: Judgo advocato, C. K.IJ18t' ljBt h! .
Ilotchkiss, of .Portland; commander, F.tlon and 4 ""
C. Stellmaehcr, of l'liillips Camp Ko. I l,laL' "e a8'
4, Eugene; senior vice-commander, ! advertiseiuct
Carle Abra.ns, oflem; junu- vice-1 wwdowi and a u.
commander, . MSolli.iger, or FoJ 1'lay pf goods made at n.
Stevens; department seiveant, U li.
Marks, of Eugene; department chap
lain, 0. F. A. Walker, of Portland; de
partment inspector, Harvey Wolls, of
Portland, aud department marshal, W.
0. White, of Eugene.
Meet Next in Portland.
By a unanimous vote tho vetorans
decided to hold tho seventh annual con
vention in Portland noxt year. The
round-up of recruits took plaee this aft
ernoon with the result the records
showed that there weie 000 members or
tho department in this state. Upon the
first of the year thore were 510 mem
bers of the organization, At present
there are nine camps in the state and
over 40 delegatos wore in Salem this
afternoon, representing all of the Ore
gon camps.
The organization visited the state in
stitutions this afternoon in automobiles
and this evening will take part in the
grand parade. Following the parade,
a ball will bo given in the armory in
honor of tho visiting veterans.
Banquet Success.
An elegant banquet was held In the
armory last night. Speaking and other
entertainment made up the evening and
afterward the veterans, 300 strong, lin
ed the river bunks and watched? the
boats race. Following this event, the
organization took in the carnival, atoj
cherries and had a general good time.
San Diego, Cal., June 27. The coast
bantamweight crown, claimed by 'Roy
Moore of San Francisco, was severely
1 i shaken here last night by Eddie Mc-
l Auliffe of Denver, in a rattling 10-
j round bout. There was no referee's do
l eision, but the general opinion was that
't was a draw Several sport writers
1 H' c i n... . -
i boxed one of the gamest bouts seen
acre, took a lot or punisnmeni anu re-
peatei'lv came back for more.
Bloodstained Spectacles of
Waldo Ballou
Angles Room
Stamford. Conn., June 27. Chief of
Police Brennan was convinced today!
. . .. . .,1
that anotuer man nesiue Aiucrmau
, , - ...
Waldo Ballon, who was found dying:
iTnrailnv tiirrlit iii frnnt of the woman 's i
home, wes iii Mrs. Helen Angel's room
at the fashional.le Ripawau apartment,
, ' , . ...
here 011 the night of the tragedy, which
resulted in Bullou 's death and Cue ar -
... .
rest Of Jlrs. Angel.
It has not been established, Brennan
said, whether this man was there bo
' 1...4 i.... if
lore or uner i.iiiiuu icu, uin iuuiiiibu
.Uvla.ed that the unknown man was in
the crowd in front of the apartment
house when Ballou was found dying on
the steps. ' A mutual friend of. Mrs.
Angel and Ballou is being watched.
27, 1914.
Lack of Illumination During rail Is
One Point Criticized by Globe-trottersAll
Else la Beautiful.
"You have a beautiful city and your
fair is ono of the best things of the
kind I have even seeu. The baby par
ade was something entirely new to me
aud the wealth of flowers used iu dec
orating the carriages was such as to
make eastern people staro iu . wonder
and almost fail to boliove. You do not
appreciate your flowers simply because
you have them in such boundless pro
fusion that they aro common.
" Hverything is perfect about your
fair but ono thing, and of course thuVe
I must always be something, some spider
in the dumpling to let man know that
I ho can never accomplish perfection.
This one thing is the luctt of light after
Uod has removed His. Tho streets are
beautifully lighted but I noticed the
stores wero dark. This gave the busi
ness section a gloomy appearance no:
in keeping with the general hilarity.
i a globe trot r. ' "1 'ns criticism is
crowds are on the street cannot fail to
attract attention and bring trado.
Outside of the business features,
though, it is right that the business sec
tion should bo well lighted tonight, nnil
on every other occasion whon the city
is filled with visitors and Salera folks
are taking in the downtown sights witn
them. Light up your business places
tonight and then take a walk througa
the business section and seo what
difference thore is and how great an
improvement you have made.
Paris, June 27. Four hmirs before
the Johuson-Moran battle the arena wns
vacant. The gladiators rested most of
the afternoon. Johnson dined on chick
en at 6 p. m. Both insisted they could
not have been more fit. The manage
ment, fearing Gallic exuberance might
cause confusion, had published a re
quest that the audience refrain from
making too much noise. N'o Moran
money was in sight.
Challenge To Winner Wired.
Los Angeles, Cal., Juno 27. Jess Wil-
lard cabled a challenge today to the
winner of tonight's Johnson-Moran
fight at Paris,
House Begins to Fill,
Velodrome. D'Hiver, Paris, June 2
The cheaper seats began filling early
for the JohnsonMoran tight. I!y 10 ""' "''" ," , "- - ,
p. m. the house was nearlv filled! It, tho half ulock set aside on Court and
was a dress affair and in the audience j Ijl'"'lty s'"'0"
was a considerable number of women. Special Train Arrives.
Fighters Arrive ia Blng. There were about 00 Royal ltosarians
. , ,.,. . , - on the special trum but the remainder
Vi nilrnmp I) 'Hiver. Paris. June Zi . I . .. . ' ....... .1 i i
Moran arrived at the Velodrome at
10:110. lie received an enthusiastic
we come irom T ie cr, ,. .., ;
wnll mid nm 1 ed brisk v to several;
"" .. .. . 1. .11 u !
Americans. "I'm all right, boys!" he,
said. ...
Found in Mrs.
- Another Man?
Spectacles Are round.
Ballou 's spectacles, still unbroken
nf wood emitaininif nark Btains. sup-
. .. , ., ...7, rri..
in Jnrn. ahu-i s Miriiiu:nv. 1110 inuc
say this box wa8 em,)ty whl thcv firi)t
...hn.l inn imritiii'iii nfti.r thn trai.
: '-. '."".." ..
edy. If Ballou fell down stairs, tn0jare ut the Jiarion uoiei wnere om
spectacles would almost certainly have, Crowe has on tap the finest collection
been broken. of Rings ever assembled at a enerry
( Workmen WBr0 removing from the, fair. He says he secured this fruit
; foor 0f Mrs. Angel apartment pieces ! ei inllv for his guests on the last day
. ... .... 1 1 1 .. 1 i a .t . o' 1 1. l.:n...l ..hn.pina
- j hut lilooiistaineo, were juuiiu in a wu
I""""" ' bloo.L
- i The district attorney's office
i ....! ,tini,. rof..F.
luuun ""l,Bi
enees to a man as making trouble be -
' tween Mrs. Angel and the writer. The
letters were algned "Charlie, aud ap
parently were written by a former pet
ty officer of the battleship Texas.
First Electrical Pageant in History of Salem to Be Pulled
Off Tonight as Part of Elaborate Closing Cere
monies of Most Successful Celebration
Open Air Dance on Street and Mardi Gras Hilarity Will Wind
Up Three-day Homage to Luscious and Bountiful
CherryTo Cherrians Belongs Credit
7:30 p. m. Championship log
ro1'"'- content,
i ' m, Motorboat race, ten
power and under. Freak
i entered here.
. m. Cauoe tilting coo.-.,
7:55 p. m. Motorboat race, six
horsepower and under.
8.05 p. m. Uelentlcss-tug-of-war,
restricted to two moter
boats per side. No handicaps.
8:15 p. m. M o t o r b o at race,
consolation. All boats desir
ing to enter are eligible.
8:25 p. m. Aqua plane sport.
Balancing experts compote.
Expert swimmers oligiblo.
9:00 p. m. Electric parade.
After parade open air dance.
The Salem Cherrians are today the
hosts of tho Portland Rosarians and a
committee consisting of five Cherrians,
five ltosarians now in tho city, and 10
young ladies from Salem went to
Chemawa in atitos to meet tho Rosarians
anrl to distribute badges among the
visitors. The Rosarians arrrived at 2
o'clock and formed in line with the
Cherrians aud the bands of the Cher
rians, Kosarians and Chemawa Indian
training school to furnish music,
marched down Commercial to State
street and out Stnto to tho scene of the
festival exercises.
Will See Motor Baces.
The Bosarians were taken to see the
motorcvele races in autos as guests of
the Cherrians and tonight will march
in the illuminated parade. The olec
trical naraiUi will start at 1) o'clock
It" ' : r fpatiirel in
t RVIll 11 I.H H UCn 111 HIP Villi,-"
coaches was filled up by members
the Portland Commercial club and their
. an(, f ri(,,H.
ends. The Snlem men who
are me r jers or me 1 uruuim mbiiiih
. ,., ,. . ,,., their
are members of the Portland Rosarians
.U fM,.,u ... th, Cherrv Cltv.iManli Gras features. The first nance
booster friends to the Cherry City.
,This party consisted of Frank Durbin,
T. C Smith, C. .,. McNaryA.lack Crowe'" - - - f R o
li ll,.,.L-..l.n, h C.mrirA W. Knffl'rS Hllll
.1, It. IjIII 1. lie coiiimuiee i m.r-
. .1 1 . . 1 i'r.i 1
r inns who went ahead consisted of rreil,
uruss v. russ, ij. 1.. .iu ,
.u i, InneN of
.. r Mil . ..... ..d !
the invading Rossrian were delegated,
f. T n Mnrtrtirnt lillltT.H. 1
Caroline Dick. Marjorio Kay and Paula
Linn. Roy W. Kdwards, II. J. Bluesing
and W. if. Chnttin, members of the
Portland Rosarians arrived in th
city this morning in their autos and
wiil take their places in the parade
' nniirht
Hotel Is Hoadquarters.
Tim tu-niliiuiirters of tho ltosarians
' . '.. .... 1 1.. .1.
01 me lair uuu nas rum
to have them just ng.it for eating 1 hey
""' 1'"" "''"".":;';" :,,
! obbv where they may be eaten by all
, - - - , ..;,.i a irt
; comers who might be ske, tun as to
the quality and flavor of the product
which made Salem famous,
Complaints Are Made.
In speaking of a complaint against
Today's News
Printed Today
CENTS stands, nva cents
tho carnival attractions which hail been
registered by some who, according to
tho Cherrians, soem to bo unable to
enter into the spirit of tho Cherry
fair the committee statod that every
show that is iu Salem had been rigidly
censored and passed before being al
lowed to open. As a result tho Chcr-
linns can recommend tno shows now on
the ini.lwav and state that there ia
nothing in any of them that .need of
fend the most sensitive. Ht. Meyers
said this morning that about a dozeu
concessions had asked permission to
show in this city but had been refused.
The aim, he said, was to cater to the
amusement of all who might attend tho
fair and a matter of a difference of
opinion among spectators need not pro
hibit any from following their own
tiiflt (38
The order of the parade tonight ia
as follows: .. .
C'herrian band.
Mounted riders.
First float, "Solitude of the Forest."
Second float, "Coming of Jason
Chemawa band.
Third noat, "Winning of the Land. '
The Spanish War veterans' buglo and
drum corps and Company M.
Fourth float, "The Return from tho
W. O. W. drill toam.
Fifth float, "The Glory of the
Cherry." .
The Knights of Pythias' float and
the Knights of Pythias.
Tho Artisan float.
The Hosnrian band and the Rosarians.
Queen Anne VI in her royal barge.
Parade Will Form.
The parado will form on Chemeketa
street near Cottage street and will
march west to Liberty street. Then
south on Liberty street to State street;
west on State to Front street and north
on Front street to Center street. Here
the parade will turn cast to Commercial
ami then will proceed south on Com
mercial street to State street aud north
on State street to Winter Btrcet.
Dance After Parade.
When tho parade is disbanded the
of.Q - 'n ami her maids will Do -or
. . .... .
X ' ' u'""' Tivl
1 ',' """y " , . iTf
" '
- -- - . . ,l.
block of the street roped off for the
will be a iirnnd march lead ny tna
" " .' . .
, .mis and Cherrians and thou the danc-
, I
- - . . .t
nir space will be turned over to tne
'"K ' , , ,,, ,.nrnivnl
iu o'clock after the llluminnteu parade
is over and will continuo until mid-
I - ne - - -
! tor too occasion.
Carnival Of Sports,
i The rarnival of water sports will be
, jniU I off eu tho river before the
j electrical parado starts and on this last
night the committee in charge promises
to trot out all of tho best events they
have been holding in reserve. Motor
I boat races, canoe races, and the aqua
' I ..Ill l. l n..;,lnnno n f.llll.
( plcte for the pnw. offered.
. m
Timothy Legg, road builder and
merchant of Olympla, Wash., arrived
.. .1. . .1.:.. in hit tnllr.
m me Kuy mm inu.u...K m - u. -
ing car. tlr. l.egg win tase id mo
sights in Salem this afternoon and in
the evening will loave for Albany. Ha
is touring the Pacific Coast and hopes
to make a round trip from Olympia to
San Francisco and return this summer
and get a view of all the principal high
ways in Oregon and California, . t