Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, June 25, 1914, Page PAGE TEN, Image 10

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! s
A Record-Making Sale of Women's
Desirable Wash Dresses at $4.98
Truly this is a record-making sale of dresses at this low price dozens
of desirable, stylish models of such popular materials as pique, linen,
crepe, ratine, voiles, corded crepe and printed fabrics. An unusually
large lot to select from. You'll get more than your money's worth if
you purchase from this assortment.
Regular grades up to $16.50; take
i . . r i i
O Of Jr your picR now at ims low price, omy vjj n o
high-grade Oxfords, all the popular styles and leathers.
Take your pick at 25 per cent less than regular prices.
Make use of our F ree Rest
Room Telephone and
Parcel checking service
when in Salem.
Over 34 years of success
ful Merchandising in
Prisoner la Charged With Abas of His
Privileges Is Confined In Prison
Library Can't See Own Family.
fan Quei.tin, Cal., June 2). Charged
with abuse of privileges aixl i-ir uiii
venting a prison rule, Abe Ruef, in nd
ilitiou to being denied a parole by the
prison directors, was barred today by
Warden Johnston from rcccving visi
tor! or any communication from outside
the walls of San Qiiontin. This applies
also to members of Knef's family.
While Kuef is still holding his job
as librarian of the penitentiary, he
might as well be iu solitary confine
ment as far as the outside world is
concerned. ,
Ruef'g alleged offense lay in givini!
out for publication his statement which
he hail expected to make before the
prison directors in urging that he In
given liberty on parole. There is said
. to be a rule which prohibits n prisoner
, from giving visitors any statement to
, tnkp outside the prison.
As a matter of fact Kuef did not
give the statement to the newspapers.
The statement hail been prepared some
j weeks pieviously and a copy of it was
in the hands ot Kuef s attorney, George
Attorney Kennc stated iu San Fran
cisco today that he gave out the Ifuef
statement on his own responsibility
and without Knef's knowledge, lie did
so, he savs, believing that it could be
no violating of prison rules inasmuch
as the statement onlv concerned Km'
personally and in no way reflected up
on prison niaiiOL'ciiient nnr was it in
any way subversive of prison discipline
How long Kuef will be denied com
iniinicntion with his family and friends
is not known. The warden's order wu
"until further notice."
Steals Suitcase and Is Sentenced To
Serve Four Months Rescued Several
Sailors From the Bennington,
Sacramento, t'al., June. 25. A.
Worthingtou a tramp iu rags, his shirt
broken, entered the county jail here to
day to start a foru mouths' sentence
for stealing a suitcase.
A. Worthingtou, hero, thrice winner
ner of ineddals for conspicuous bravery
from congress, several years ago went
to the teaming hold of the 1'nit'il
States .gunboat Bennington, when she
blew up in San Diego harbor and
rescued heveral fellow sailors.
This was after he had been wounded
in the head by flying steel. The in
jury is still bothering him and, of
ticers say, has been responsible for his
strange actions. A movement is on
foot to Mv-ure his pardon by the Spaa
ish War veterans.
Ou'e cent per word eaeh inser
tion. Copy for advertisements un
der this beading should be in by T
2 p. m. '
OAK WOOD FOB SALE rhone 21-F3.
FOK WALK Young fresh cow,
gentle. 503 North Twentieth.
ber or delivered. Phone 22W.
OLD PAPERS for carpets; 10 cents
per hundred. Journal office.
SAND, GRAVEL or lonm delivered to
any part of the city, ilinto Bros.
Address 2-A, care of Cupital Journal.
WANTED Loganberry pickers. L. L.
Vincent, Rickreul, Oregon, route 1.
j All Around Town I
Dr. Mendelsohn, specialist In fitting
glasses corroetly. U. H. Hauk building.
The Ladies Aid Socioty of the First
Presbyterian church will meet in the
church piulors toiuurrow (Juno ".") at
Hunt, of the Jefferson team, pro
poses to spring u surprise on the speed
Supt. R. E. Cannon went to Salem
this morning to assist in the work of
grading the examination papers re
ceived as a result of the recent teach
ers 1 examination held throughout the
state. Supt. Camion is a member of
the state examining board and will be
obliged to spend several days ia the
Capital City. Corvallis Republican.
For rent I rent pianos and sewing
machines. Geo. C. Will, music and sew
ing machines, 432 State street.
The ruit f Curtis Cross against E. 0.
Cross and Sou and Ralph Swart, took
a i"'v tun today and another com
plaint was tiled. The plaintiff de-n-anJs
jiidgmer.t for $203.20 or the re
covery of this sum, which he claims iu
due on tV.o tale of a restaurant.
Harry Brant, northwest champion,
will ride at the ruets to defend his
H. 3. Parkison, prominent for years
ested to learn that the head camp of
the Modern Woodmen at Toledo, Ohio,
restored the Indianapolis and overwhel
mingly repealed the Chicago rates of
assessment. Kffortri. of the insurgents
,0 nil ..!.... me c.ipci.i.m,.. o. u.c so VI f ,. I. (, ...,,;.,h ... I,.,;..., tril,l :
eiety by reducing the su ar.es ot hen. , ,mrtm,,llt No. 2 of thp circ"uir court
..Uieers were detente.! by a vote ot I ., s continued for argument
.100 , to 120'j on an amendment to.', ',,,,, nft(,rilooll. At , con.
that eltect. 1.1....:.' t ..: :.. t........ ,....
viiiaii.il i.L mu i-tiueiuc, .Milieu lllllio
where a straw heap was burning. The carnival week.
prima guards thought nt. first that the! o
institution stock barns, northwest of ! Found Found Found The place to
the penitentiary, were afire. When the 1 buy household goods, new and used fur
auto chemical engine arrived upon the niture. Cull and look over our stock,
scene it was found that an old straw If you find what you want, buy it. If
stack was smudging and its location you .1.) not, there's no harm done. E. L.
was about a quarter of. u mile away Stiff & Sou, "whew your dollar does
from the stock barns of the prison. ; double duty," Court and Liberty.
o ' o
See Fearless Gus Peppel ride the
i A irtfrTinn t ns fttAi
turns, me most nervy riuer on mo om,rt today b' S
. const.
i The suit brought by the Salem-Fair-child
Telephone association ngainst L.
in tho corr.iy
Baluh and Ian lialch
to adopt Enimett Ballnrd, aged 3 years,
and Beryl Iiillurd, aged 2 years, . Iiiid
rea if Zeek Piillnrd nnj Sadie "allarl
The mother of the children is now deceased.
Every day of the week our shelves
carry a pure food exhibit that is worth
ttifl i UMiw.ct inn nt nfprv lwti.si.u-i f. mwt
sure and visit Brietenbush Springs '0,,J tho this nr. cook. 0ur hobbjr is qunlitv groeeAet
summer. Under new management. "';''l"t. c".!,(,..tH be settled out of court . at a reasonable price. L. M. Boggs &
this summer. Under new management. .e, . .. " 1 . 1 cou' ' reasonable prlr
Baths nil remodeled ami un to date. ""'."".VT" ' ' . . 'g ''", r Co. Phono 311.
Good restaurant and store. Tents for
A bill promoted by Dr. "Painless
Parker, regulating the practice of den
tistry has been filed with Secretary of
Satte Olcott for approval lis to form
by J. T. Corcoran, of Portland. It is
proposed to initiate the measure at the
November election.
It provides that a graduate of any
reputable dental college in good stand
ing, which requires a course of study
of nt least two years, shall be entitled
to practice dentistry in the state. It
further provides that persons licensed
to practice dentistry under the laws of
any state may practice in this state.
Applicants for certificates shall file
their names, copies of diplomas or
licenses and affidavits of at least two
'citizens as to tho character of the ap
plicants with tho secretary ot state.
Persons attempting to practice den
tistry without these qualifications shall
he found guilty of a misdemeanor and
punished bv a fine of not more than
$1(10 or imprisonment of not more than
three months in a county jail.
rent. For information, address J. K.
Johnson, Detroit, Oregon.
Corporal Ha gun, of the United States ;
nrn.y lecru.iing serice, is in tho city
today, coming down in advance of the
delegates to the reunion of the United i
Spanish IVr Veterans tomorrow. Cor- j
p.. nil llagim was formerly in charge .
of the recruiting station at. Eugene, but !
is now Fta'ioned in Portland. He is a !
veteran of the Spanish war and will j
remain in the city during the conven- ,
tion. ;
settle their difficulties as they were
all neighbors, and that a lawsuit would
be an expensive procedure and adjust
their quarrel. I
o . j
Kid Zob, the hard luck rider, will
endeavor to mnke another of his spills
while traveling at better than GO seconds.
President P. L. Campbell, of the Uni-
The newly elected officers of the Ore
gon Retail Merchants' association, iu
recent session at La lirande, nrc: Presi
dent, .1. L. Stockton, re-elected; sec
retary, F. L. Merrick, re-elected, Port
land; treasurer, Theo. Watts; vice pres
idents, southern Oregon, Mr. Isaacs
of Medford; Willamette valley, Mr.
Eppley, Salem, Mr. Tilburg, McMiun-
ville, and K. I). Mutock, Eugeuo; Port-
versity of Oregon, is in Snlcn today land, Mr. Mann, Mr. Guither and Mr.
to go over the plans for the new state Malley; Astoria district, N. P. Perry
university buildings with State Arehi- of llolton; eastern Oregon, E. Pollack,
tect Knighton. Tho $10,000 contract : La lirande, W. II. Browning, Baker;
for repairs on Deady hall has already first vice-president, Dan Kellaher,
Redding, Cal., June 25. The entire
canyon was flooded here todny as n
result of torrential rains which had
I fallen in the vicinity sinco Tuesday.
Ten miles north of Redding 100 feet
of tho Southern Pacific track was out,
there were several bad landslides and
much damage was done to crops, which
were just being harvested.
Roy Thompson, the Boise terror,
a special racing Pope.
D. A. Brodie, of the department of
farm economics, of Washington, 1). C,
is in town today iu tho interests of a
survey of the Willamette valley farms.
It is proposed to make an extensive
survey of the agricultural lands and
in the activities of tho People's Power' the products, varieties of crops and tho
league and leader in the campaigns average yield and other information of
waged against the University of Ore- interest to farmers. Mr. Bro.lie will
gon appropriations, died at the home be in Salem several days arranging tie
of his mother, Mrs. S. K. Parkison, at tails for tiio survey which will be car-
commenced and it is proposed to fin
ish contracts amounting to $75,000 be
fore college opens in September on the
campus buildings. Tho $100,000 ad
ministration building will be started
soon but will not be finished until tlie
end of the first semester in February, lust year at Salem, will be here
101:1. I
, o j
Portland; second vice-president, E. N.
Warner, Medford; third vice-president,
J. O. Snodgrass, La Grande.
Clyde Simmons, winner of the La
Grande races, and a portion of races
ried out this summer.
Elk Grove, Cnl Monday, June
News of ins death was received yester
day by Harry Yankwich, who for sev
eral years was his law partuer in Port
laud. Genuine. If you want the genuine
articles, get your sewing machine oil 2"7 North Capital
anil needles for any make of Geo. C.
Will, 4:12 State street.
SaO'e V. Entriken was liven a di
vorce yesterday by Judge Galloway
from Emmet W. Entriken, her bus-
Portland's favorite and most grace
ful rider, Verne Mnskell, will rido a
special Merkel rucor.
J. R. Spurgeon, an agent for the
Southern Pacific company at Turner,
was arrested last' night upon a com
plaint charging him with a statutory
crime in which Mrs. Ilal Wright, also
of Turner, is named us the other party.
Spurgeon was taken before Justice
The Ladies of the Q. A. R. will serve
lunch Friday noon to the Spanish-American
War Veterans at Burst hall.
Dr. C. H. R'jV,ertion, who resides at Webster here today and pleaded not
At Cincinnati Chicago-( iucinnati
game postponed; wot grounds.
P. II. E.
New York 9 3
Boston 7 12 2
Tesreau and Meyers; James, Strand
and Whaling.
R. TI. E.
Hrooklva 7 ! 2
Philadelphia 8 11 -t
lieulbach and McCarty; Oeschger and
M'cci, reporis mw lihih, ..usiicu .cnsier luaceu .us ; KUhier.
theft of his auto from his garage last bond at $1,000 and, failing to furnish j
night to the sheriff oday and efforts it, he was committed to the custody of St. Iouis
nr.! being made to locate the car. the sheriff. Hal Wright, who is a ! Pittsburg ....
neighbor says he sii'v the car being tu- leading business man in Turner, is the Perritt and Snyder
ken from the parr go about 0 o 'click prosecuting witness. The hearing of Gibsou.
R. II. E.
1 4 1
4 0 0
Conzelinan and
Washington, June 25. President
Wilson reiterated this afternoon his re
fusal to consider a postponement of
his anti trust program, and said that
the business of the eouutiv was rn th
verge of a great revival.
Addressing the Virginia Editorial as
sociation here, the president said:
"The most solid business men of the
country are back of the legislation now
pending iu congress. When it is en
acted into law, the business' of Ihe
country will get its constitutionalist
The Salem Fruit Union reports that
with eight carloads of loganberries
shipped, the packing for eastern ship
ments will be discontinued until the
warm weather sets in again to ripen
more fruit.
"Tho crop is not damaged nnv; iu
fact, it is benefited, and these few days
of cloudy weather will simply permit
the pickers to attend the Cherry f.ir,"
said Manager Craw ford this morning.
The berries coming in to the fruit
union now arc not suitable for shipping
green, but the dryer is being run night
and day to keep tho fruit from spoil
ing ami no losses are reported as yet.
The remainder of the crop for canning
purposes will be gratly helped by the
inins iiml many small berries that
would not ripen under ordinary circum
stances will now reach a marketable
ii ze.
Mr. Crawford says the rain has crack
ed some of tne cheiiies, but that at
this early date it is impossible to esti
mate the damage, but unless further
rains set iu the damage will lie slight.
The loganberries that have been ship
ped east have arrived in good .omlitioii
and are finding ready markets.
FOR SALE Single-comb Reds and
Barred Rocks, hens; 2117 Trado
FOR SALE Spun of matched thrco-year-old
colts. Inquire 311 North
PIANO FOR SALE Cheap; practical
ly new. Moving unuy. Inquire 105
South Cottage.
WANTED Experienced girl to do gei
eral house work. No other need ap
ply. Room 4, over Chicago store.
sale cheat., if taken quickly. A1-
I dress "Opportunity," care Journnl.
j wanting to take up homesteads. Ia
j quire of Low & Derrick, Ij'J State
'FOR SALE A seven-passenger Piereo-
Arrow automobile in splendid eondi
I tion. Mrs. H. 1). Kimball, Kimball
I college.
WANTED To trade for residence
property, a 1014 five-passenger Foul
unto. 'Good ns new. Address Box
125, Independence.
FOR SALE A goof .101 -acre farm,
with or without stoi. and crop, six
miles fioni Salem. Inquire at 1227
North Fourth street.
LOST Handling containing kodak and
WAMEM Til MAT TDK! ; other articles, between Salem uud
Seattle, Wash., June 25. Prominent
society men and women of Seattle are
mourning the departure of Howard Pier
son Jones, a debonair young man -of
pleasing address, who came here a few
weeks ago, put up at a fnshionable
hotel borrowed money from everybody
who would loan it notably from young
women of the society world and his
brothers at one of the university fra
ternities, wed a university girl and de
parted leaving debts unpaid. .
His victims conferred with the prose
cuting attorney yesterday with the view
to recalling him but they were informed
that Los Angeles lays prior claim to li i in.
He is wanted there tor grand larceny.
Chcmawa on Pacific highway. Phono
1SSS or leave at Commercial club.
MR. FARMER If you are figuring on
building u bungalow or a barn, let mo
figure with you. D. G. Alkire, con
tractor, Sulem, Ore. Phone KiSO-J.
FOR SALE Nice dry, high lot near
car lino mid school; paved street;
east front. Price $:!00 if taken this
week; terms. Inquire owner, 775
North Twenty-first.
NYE BEACH Seven-room furnished
house for rent for eason; two house
keeping suites; three bed rooms;
choico location; udults preferred.
Carrie 0. McCJuinn, Heppner, Oregon.
X--iTTf'L' TO 11 L' r 1 1! V l'I'L'T
.1 . .... A.WIJV I, 1I1IUUL11 ui I 1,11 t II III.
iiuiu-a i it 1 1 u,i iiit.ii lino i in uuin , , . . . ... rt, .,, .. ,
and Arctic clubs by new found f riends ! 1,,,olf "'S " M i" "
who later paid the bills. " Jul-V' m; W
' t j interest accruing to that date, on all
RUMORED OUTBURSTS OF MT. i of itsc notes of date if July first, 1000,
LASSEN PROVES UNFOUNDED the entire issue of which notes totals
i the sum of Twenty Thousand ($20,000.-
Redding, Cal., June 25. Wild rumors 00) Dollars. Principal and interest,
in 'circulation Wednesday night, of a payable nt the office of W. H. Burg
ticiuendoiis outburst by Mount Lassen 's hardt, jr., Clerk of said district. All
crater proved 10 have been wholly j persons are notified that interest on
such notes will cease after July tirst,
Attest: V. O. BOLT, Chairman.
W. H. BURG HARDT, JR., Clerk.
Owing to the haze the peak was vis
ible for but a minute yesterday after-j
noon. In the meantime two days snows j
had moved the snow line a considerable
distance up the slope, and seeing less of1
the blackened cone than previously, j
many excited observers jumped to the I
conclusion that the mountains was sink-1
ing. ;
Later iu the day a farmer near the Over Ladd & Bush Bank, Salem, Oregon
toot ot the slope nearii tnuiiiier, iiiisiook
On Good Real Estate Security,
it for subterranean rumblings and
freedom and go forward. When it gets promptly telephoned to Redding that a
it, I propresy a busim-ss revival un-, fearful explosion had occurred, which
precedented in this history - of probably had blown the - top of the
America." mountain off.
This revival, the president insisted, Today's advices from Mineral ami
would start as soon as the ndininistia- Manza.nita Lake were to the effect that
tion program was complete 1. ' nothing unusual had happened and that
i , ' tho crater had been quiescent for nearly
WILL TEST "AMERICA". ' a week.
Hammondsport, X. Y June 25. The 1 SALEM, MASACHUSETTS
most severe test of Rodman Wana- HAS $1,000,000 FIRE TODAY
maker's airship "America", in which
When in SALEM, OREGON, stop at
Strictly Modern.
Free and Private Baths.
RATES 75c, $1.00, $1.50 PER DAY
The only hotel in the business district.
Nearest to all Depots. Theatres and
Capitol Buildings.
A Home Away from Home.
T. G. BLIGH, Prop.
Both Phones. Free Auto Bus.
last nii'ht. but tlii.il.irc that the doet.i' Spurgeon will be held iu the iusticc
I And. She was granted tho custody of wiis tt.king the cur out, took little ' court tomorrow.
two miner children, Margaret and lln- thocght of the ..litter. The car is a
rel, and $10 a month for their sup- 10"J Huick, model :'. and bears a li-
ptrt. The couple was married in Sn- cense tag ii .mber 4 Pit. The number is
lem in B.07. Cruel and inhuman treat- S -u ui l it is n oik seated machine of
li.ent and luiu-taipport were the grounds grey at.d bli.
alleged in tho complaint.
c dor
Ed Barreth, northwest endurance
champion, will ride.
Old Rates are Restored Salem Mod
ern Woodmen of America will be inter-
' See the speed demons of the Pacific
const, lit the Fair Grounds track, 2::i0
p. in., tomorrow and Saturday.
The fire department was called last
night nt 12 o'clock to the penitentiary
R. It, E.
Pittsburg 2 2 3
Buffalo 0 7 2
.doorc sud Blair; Camnitz and Berry.
First game R. H. E.
Boston 2 5 2
New York '! S 2
Collins, Cnumbe and Carrigin; War-
John Cyril Pone proposes to fry across jry gcott's 16c meals.
added to our big feature program
Sunday and Monday
Taken exclusively for the Bligh Theatre
Show all the main events taking place.
8 Reels in all 8
The Bligh Theatre
"The show that does things."
Don't despair because old methods
fail to cure you. See inc. 1 have given
health and vigor to many whoso cases
appeared hopeless. Consultation free.
Dr. Mav, Hubbard building. Phone
The police station was so quiet this hoP a' Nunamaker,
morning that even the office cat purred '
for company. Two bootleggers and a Dotroit
sleeper were the only ones iu the ; 1 aicago
city bastile and the chief of poiiee stat-1 Dausg
ed t'-.at the docket was absolutely ! Mayer.
Red Horse" CoRburn, Seattle's
1?. II. T.
2 0
? 3 3 1
and Stanage; Russell and
C.leneiwe. I. I., June 23. The three
tho Atlantic ocean, was planned for
this evening. Accompanied by Glenu
Curtiss, Porta expected to take aloft
tho iiiU equipment which he intends to
use in the trans-Atlantic flight and to
mnke the trial as near the real thing
ns possible.
Two duplicate 100-iiorsepower mot
ors, which have aveady withstood ihe
test, will be sent to Newfoundland for
the coining flight' across the ocean, to
be used in case of emergency.
pride, will try for the world's record I candidates for the fconor of .defending
of 41. seconds on a dirt track. ,nB America's yachting cup started
o j froin. her todny in another race in the
One block of concrete pavement haS',li",'"B,'on series. The bonts crossed
been laid on South Nineteenth street I '" starting line in the following order:
The work has been completed and the
contractor, G. S. Gross, states that the
hard surface is "there with the goods
and mix."
The most successful people are those
who look around before buying. Those
who do this often find just what they
want at K. I.. Stiff & Sons, corner of
Court and Liberty.
So far the chief of police or his offi
cers have had no occasion to make any
"Resolute, 12:10:00.
Danitie, 12:10:20.
it. fiance, 12:10:.1S.
Ihe b-eozo, which was light at the
start, soon strengthened. The Pefi
an. o overhauled th two leaders, and
wa lending at th? first urn.
The i.noffieinl time at the end of thu
first leg was:
Defiance, 1:25:02.
Pesoh.t.', 1 :2!:l3.
Vanilie, 1:27:41.
The TMianec stHl led at the sen
Dunsniuir, Cal., June 25. Through
traffic on the Southern, pacific rail
road in northern California being de
lay, d today as the result of a washout
last night "when a wall of water ten
feet high caused by a cloudburst, car
ried out an entire temporary, trestle
near here. The water made a cut 00
feet wide.
Another washout fiOO feet east of the
lioston, Mass., June At
H p. in. a third section at Sa
lem, separate from the main fire
and the one at South Salem,
burst into flames.
To Hint hour dynamite had
been used fruitlessly.
Mayor Hurley had ordered all
school houses and public build
ings tiled with cots for the ac
commodation of those who have
been burned out.
The restaurants were ordered
to prepare coire an. sand
wiches. Fifteeu hundred were homeless.
Resident Agents. 385 Stno Strom.
Seattle, Wash.. June 2"). The store
of the M. A. Gottstein Furniture com
pany on Second avenue, near Pike
street, was visited by a severe fire last
night for the second lime within six
weeks. The Helen Igoe shop for wom
en, and the Keating Millinery company,
occupying part of tho lower'floor, also,
as before, suffered severe losses. The
total loss approximate A",000. Thn
previous fire caused a loss of $100,000.
The three stores had "just reopened.
. T . . . , I following the long process of stock-
Boston, June 2j l-.re iu t-alcm, Mas-; takil aml iSHrail).e a,jnt,nent after
snchusetts. severed wire eonimunica-; th fil, lir,,t ,, it wus ,irim.ill(lv th
tion between there and Boston nt 4:,'I0.: ,,w stock f ..; .',,, iv,..t ,al n...
temporary bridge cut out the bank for - j'1';' afternoon after a square mile of i worst damaged last night.
distance of 200 feet.
Uailroad officials expected to have
the line open early this afternoon.
It was still raining but the water
was receding.
San Francisco, June 25. The theft
of 2.000 worth of jewelry belonging
to Mrs. Jennie Lewis of Keno. Nev.,
who was killed bv a streetcar here on
i.U'.uiuigs nan ocen nnrncd in tne tor-i The I re n-.is i,r,....,...i.,.i i... k,.., .
mer town, with $1,000,000 damage. The i plosions of such force that the front
structures destroyed included 100 res- windows on the fourth floor were -hal-ideues
iiml 12 factories. Besides the tcred and the glass blown across tho
nr.-....iiieoi. iour companies or mil-j street, striking pedestrians. Spontan-
ne ponce rrom neignnonng cmis combmtiou of gas. arising from
itia and
citi-s wcra fighting the flames.. At
l itest i-;e n.nts dynamite wn being
i.siu in an effort to chec'i the fi.e'i
si. read.
furniture packing, is believed to be tho
cause of the explosion.
j Monday night, was reported to the po- j
d i lice today by Mrs. Belle Boyd, whom1!
I M ... 1 ... -;u;t;nr hnn.lhnir I I
Boston, June 2o. At fivo p. in. the
fire at Salem was within au eighth of
arrests for disorderly conduct. The! leg. The three yachts rounded this , Mrs. Lewis was visiting, a namioag a nine oi me cuy s ceni".-, a.-. or.ii.i..
chief stated this afternoon that as far ! mark l.i the following unofficial time: i containing the valuables was taken oy , to message irom mere
as he could learn, everything was run
ning smoothly and that he will need
no extra men on t.ie job during the
Detiai tt, 2:2S:50.
Keso.nte, 2:23:50.
.Van'.tie, 2:30:45.
i the ambulance to the emergency hospi
'tal along with Mrs, Lewis.
I trace of it was lost.
others had been taken to hospitals.
The water pressure was very low.
The Lincoln High house had been
dynamited in an effort to check the
Women were running about the
streets as if demented.
There all destroyed in South Salem, forty fire: The situation showed no signs of ini-
tightirs had been overcome and fiftv provement.
Seventy-five more houses h;i 1 be.
v r