J v.: PAGE TWO THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL. SALEM. OREGON. TUESDAY, JUNE 23, 1914. 1 ! S3 I ! !! ake No Chaiiice at TH: w M H EH M 3 l 1 tl tl 1H The Toggery's guarantee is back of every article sold. This is Salem's finest stock of Men's goods, and there is not one article in our store we cannot stand right behind r: Sa Yon i 1 i i v II 11 u tl II II !! 11 M n n ii n u n 11 n M ii l Men's Shirts, in Silks, Pongees, Percales, Flannels, H and Heavy Cotton Shirts for any and all occasions R. ead These Prices, Then See the Goods Men's Shirts ii tl tl n ti tl ti ti u n ti tl II tl tl 11 $4.00 Men's Shirts, Sale Price . . $2,60 $3.00 Men's Shirts, Sale Price . . $2.1 5 $2.00 Men's Shirts, Sale Price . . $1.85 $1 .50 Men's Shirts, Sale Price . . $1.20 $1 .25 Men's Shirts, Sale Price . . 90c $1.00 Men's Shirts, Sale Price . . 70c 50c Men's Shirts, Sale Price . . 30c R These prices only reflect in a small way what we have to offer you ti ti ii ti u MEN'S UP-TO-THE-MINUTE TIES Our regular 50c grade sold by other stores at 75 c during this sale at 25c Each Florsheim Shoes $8.50 High Tops, pair ... $7.10 g $7.50 High Tops, pair . . . $6.00 $6.00 Regular Shoes, pair, $4.75 $5.00 Regular Shoes, pair, $3.90 $4.50 Regular Shoes, pair, $3.30 h S3 KB a 1 t: c E K E tl E E r. E Salem's Finest Men's Goods Store offers you material savings in g standard goods. No long shots I Every article guaranteed. asaaasaaaaaanaaaaaaaBsaanaaiaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaasaazaaaaaaaaasaasaaaaaaaaannEaaaaaaanaaacaniHaaaassaasssassaaaannas' SINGING PIG WARBLES AND OWNER PAYS FINE ported from trniu to theater, Mrs. Kvn liitchio, his owner Hint ninimuer, inusf my a $10 fine in police court tnilny. A barbarian cop, who, Mrs. Ititrhic tearfully told the court, looked more like a iiiir than llouarty (loos, didn't Loa Angeles, Cal., June 211. Because appreciate the soaring symphony and Hogartv, "the singing pig," warbled a investigated, lie fnui.d llogarty im- givn free play to Ins stomach muscles and prevented tho deep breathing nec essary to artists, lie also opined llo garty might be hungry. Mrs. Kitchie secured the pig s release by tho authorities in timu for iiis turn last night at a movie-vaudeville house. porcine aria while he was being trans- Corns Go Sure Pop, If You Use "Gets-It" Simple as A B 0. It's the Mew Way of Curing Coma and Callouses. If you have corns now, the chances are you have never used "GET8-1T," the biggest seller among corn cures ever known. It is the new way, does away with trouble, pain and fussing in treat- (M A. Cot Off Yo J A. C D. U Ua. "CETS4T." ing coma. Thousands who have put tered, with old corns for years, have gotten rW of them right off, with a few drop, of "OKTS IT," applied as quick a you can spell your name. Corns iust Iov, to be tut, pirke), filed, gouged and puueu. yuil it. You tried cotton rings that cause shooting corn pains, greasy salves that spread over the toe asid make it raw and tape that sticks to- the stocking ntw try ' OKTS-IT." It has none of the drawbacks of the old style corn cures, eases pain and never tans on anv corn or callous, "CKTS1T" is sold by all druggists, S5e a bottle, or sent direct, by B. Law rence A Co., Obirauo. . PEOPLE OF TUB NEE GRATEFUL TO SALEM WILL HOLD BEAUTY SHOW TO GIVE AWABDS IN CONTEST Babies Will Be Measured and Ex amined By Competent' Physicians Children Scoring 97 Percent or Over To Go To Stata Fair. Turner, .Tune 21. (Special to Jour nal.) What would be sinolderiny muss of ruins of the business portion as well as many residences of the city of Tur ner, Ore., such business buildings anil residences stands today a monument to i Salem ami the awards made according tho memory of tho prompt response tojto scores. All babies scoriug 97 per A full fledged Eugenics contest in connection with the baby show is to be held at the Hotel Marion on Thurs day and Friday during the Cherry Fair. The baby show is to be primarily a beauty contest with the awards to be made without regard to the scientific methods of raising children. The Eugenics contest is under the auspices of the Woman 's Home Companion and the babies will be measured and ex amined by competent physicians of the call of the Salem fire department. When the call was sent there was little hope of saving the S. '. depot, cream station, lumber vard, elevator nnd all of Front street, but the remark able run from Salem (about 12 niin-'and all expenses paid. ...,.. --.I ti.. -..4:.... .u. ....... : ...... ' if . i. . .... cent or better will be entered at the Stato Fair next foil and the winners in this contest will be sent to th I anama Pacific exposition at San Francisco in charge of their mothers utes) and tho action of the men in get ting the fire under control soon gave the citizens the assurance that they were safe with such valuable assistance at hand. Tho gratitude of Turner citizens can not be expressed in words, and Salem can well feel proud of her new motor fire engino and the loyal and able men of the department. - In response to a cull to Albany, their fire department was gotteu in readi ness to hasten to Turner should the Salem department prove inadequate to haudle the situation, nnd to Albanv Miss Margaret Wishart, a nurse at the Salera hospital, will have charge of tho eugenics contest. Miss Wishart as sisted in the Fuigeuics contest at the state fair Inst year and at the Port land Rose Festival this vear and will bo assisted by other trained nurses from tho Salem hospitals. Any baby between the ages of one and four years may be eutered in the Eugenics contest and the entries will be divided into three classes according to age. Tho fisrt class from one to two years, second, from two to three I aim me iniru irom inree 10 lour vears, GOVERNMENT CASES" MAY NOT BE AfFECTED BY DECISION Washington, Jud 23. Despite the federal supreme court's decision Mon day fagninst "outsiders" who sought to invalidate the Southern Pacific's putents to California oil land worth approximately $500,000,000, that they might themselves fi'e on it, it was stat ed today that th government would not drop its suits to recover tne Mid way and Coalinga properties held by the railroad. The government view was that the ruling out of the "outsiders' " claims did not necessarily mean it could not itself recover traets which after pat ents had been issued, proved to be min eral bearing. The Midway and Coalinga suits were brought respectively by Special United States Attorneys E. J. Justice and D. B. Townsend. The rands are estimat ed to be worth $100,000,000. DECISION PLEASES PEOPLE. ROYAL ROSARIANS TO COME HERE SATURDAY Bunch of Boosters from Portland Will Attend Cherry Fair on Last Day, Coming in Special Train to Salem. likewise the citiv.ens are very grateful 1 The Woman's Home Companion offers 1 or mcir willingness to assist. Though the city of Snlem will not render a bill for the services, it is fully expected by Turner's citizens that a more substantial expression of their ap preciation of what Salem did to save the city will be forthcoming to Salem in some form or other in the very near future. For Cherry Queen Cut out th. coupon attached, writ. th. name of th. lady you want for Queen thsreon, aud deposit at any of the voting places. It counts as on. vota. Talc, an interest in this and make it a real boosting event. Tickstt will bt on sal. at th. voting places, for one, fiv and ten cents, entitling th. purchaser to on. vot. for each cent. COUPON THE CAPITAL JOURNAL Good for One Vote For Cherry Queen, 1914 Fair. Nam Vote at Patton Brothers, Commercial Book 8tor, Georg. Water. Contest closes f p. m., June 3. Spa, Gray Belle, two lironze medals tor the winners in each class, the highest scoring boy aud the highest scoring girl. As this con test is an elimination contest to re duce the entries at the state fair it is essential that all babies who uii.'ht be entered in the Panama-Pacific fair be entered in this one in order to get the free trip to San Francisco. In order to stimulate further in terest iu this important feature of the fair a number of special, prizes were donated by some of our inter ested citixeus. A list follows: For the fattest girl baby not over IS months, a baby toilet set, value donated by Commercial Hook Store. For the fattest boy baby not over two years, a shoofly, value donated by Josse and Moore. For the. best appearing boy, over years . ami under 10 years, iu "cow. boy" or "Indian" suit, a pair of box ing gloves, value ;, dontaed bv Ben W. Olcott. Spokane, Wash., June 23. Citizens of Spokane are greatly elated today over the decision of the United States supreme court yesterday upholding an order by the interstate commerce com mission radically reducing westbound fre'ight rates from eastern territory. The decision marks the end of a 25-year fight. The approximate reductions from cftfltern territory to Slokane. es- I tablished by the decision, are as fol- j lows: I From Missouri river points 4 per I cent, from Missippi river points 10 pef ! cent, from Chicago territory 14 per ! cent, from Detroit territory 13 per cent, I from Pittsburg territory 20 per cent, j from New York territory 10 per cent, ( from New Oilcan teiritorv 28 per cent I " HOW'S THIS? We offer One Hundred Dollars Re ward for any ease of Catarrh that cannot be cured bv Hall's Catarrh Cure. V. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. We, the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for the last 13 years, and Dcueve mm pertectiv nouoraoic in an I : a: 1 :n....:nll I uiiMiiess irau?artiuus mitt nuAuiianv . 1 -1,1- - .. Hi,t;.n,.;An. ...0.1- 1 ' bv his firm. I NATIONAL bANK OF COMMERCE, j Toledo, Ohio. ; Uah's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, J acting directly upon the blood and mu cous surfaces of the system. Testi monials sent free. Price "3 cents per bottle. Sold by all druggists. ! Take Hall 'a Family Pills for constipa ! tion. Hoyal Rosarians have selected Satur day, June 27, the last of the three days of the Salem Cherry Fair, as tho time for their official visit to the city of "King Bing," the ruler of the "Cher ry City." The excursion is to be run under the auspices of the Commercial elub and the Rosarians jointly. Leav ing Portland about 12 o'clock Satur day, luncheon will be served on bourd the excursion train. They will arrive in Salem about 2 o'clock p. m., and will remain until night as. guests of the Royal Cherrians, whose organiza tion in Salem corresponds to that of the Rosarians in Portland. Many Portland people will come on Thursday, unofficially, to be present at the opening ceremonies of the in stallation of "King Bing" on his fes tal throne. Reservations for the Saturday excur sion are being received at the Commer cial club, and indications are that by far the largest delegation of Portlnnd people will come at that time. ROOSEVELT COMING HOME. j On Board Steamship lmperator, June g253ffl3S3I2S222S2i3lS! 23. Colonel Theodore Roosevelt, "homo-i ward bound from Madrid and London, B" made a tour of inspection today of thojl0 001X16111111 mnerator. He met personally about half of the crew of the great vessel j and shook hands with the engineers,; firemen ana stoRers. ine coionci wasi in excellent health and spirits. The lmperator will reach New York tomorrow. to help your poor tired stomach, in active liver and clogged bowels, liaclr. to health and strength. This BuggertM an immediate trial cf HEAVY RAINS DO DAMAGE. Topeka, Kan., June 23. Reports were nrriving here today of heavy dum age in northeastern Kunsas by the heaviest rains in years. Streams were said to be out of their banks, railroads washed out, crops ruined and much livestock was lost. HOSTETTER'S STOMACH BITTERS It has proven beneficial iu cases of Cramps, Diarrhoea, and Biliousness. 22k BODY IS FOUND IN BAY. San Francisco, Juuo 23. The body of an unideutified man with bullet wound in the head was fished todar ! from San Francisco bay. DAMAGE IS $90,000. ' Klamath Falls, Ore., June 23. It was estimated today that the fire which de stroyed the sawmill of the Pelican Bay Lumber company did damage amount ing to tiHUXK). ' Three hundred men were thrown out of employment. The fire, which originated in the back room of -thtaWmill, spread Tap idly. The luratier in the yafds, valued at 1130,000, and the dry kiln and sheds were saved with difficulty. Drum Corps May Be Here. Tortland, Ore., June 23. The send ing of the Sons of Spanish War Vet erans' army corps to Salem as the fea ture from Portland for the Cherry fair is being urged and tho matter is to be brought to the attention at once of the commercial organizations. The drum corps, 50 strong, is a unique feature nnd attracted wide attention during rose festival parades. The veterans are will- ! ing to send the drum corps provided the ! business organizations pay the actual expenses of the youngsters on the trip. You Can Cure that Backache, n-: -1 ai. u 1. -i 1 1 I 1 am ailing me lihck, aiziiieB, ueau ache and general languor. Oct a pack age of Mother Gray's AROMATIC LEAF, the pleasant root end herb cure for all Kidney, Bladder and Urinary troubles. When you feel all run down, tired, weak and without energy use this remarkable combination of nature's herbs and roots. As a tonic laxative it has no equal. Mother Gray's Aromatic-Leaf is sold by Druggists or sent by mail for 50 cts. Sample sent FREE. Address, The Mother Urav Co., Le Koy, X. Y. VOLCANO EXPERT WILL TAKE A SQUINT AT MOUNT LASSEN San Francisco, June 23. Professor Frank A. Perret, the volcano expert, visitor here on his return journey from aa investigation of Japanese cra ters to Italy, where he spends most of his time, left San Francisco today for a look at Mount Lassen. lib?: .,w Si"; fee! rv,ii- 3 1.1. W -- J'J--n-iVtrf-s;ii i tut 1 irVm -t-- FoT Infanta and Children. IffiiHThQ Kind You Have iiill Always Bought . 1' Bears tho 1 ' fJr- Its:.'-:,.' kw-ji ft-'. I 1 IT.... Crt,:- Cfnm-- " .Mlrrlw- YoraslonvalsioTrt.i.tiisa ncss ralLOSSPf 'MaE riibu!e Signanptof Tee Chctalu Comtas NEW lUhH. rm w-v .f iff tir V In Uso For Over Thirty Yea rs L: Li'fy-'J -L"1 N" EI rs a II H IU Hi eJ fcri Exact CcpT of Wrapper. " " " 1 JgJ-S a!gwssiwf. r