Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, June 22, 1914, Page PAGE TEN, Image 10

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' I.
i :
i I
i'l if.
i: !
.... '. . : : AND WEDNESDAY
Toilet GoodsSection Soaps, Tooth Powder, Shaving Cream at Special Low Prices
Special 20 per cent reduction sale Men's and Boys' Straw Hats
33 1-2 per cent reduction on all Men's Separate Trousers
A Suitcase Given Free With Each Suit in
Our Closing Out Sale of Men's Clothing
We are positively going out of the men's clothing business and have al
ready placed the prices on our entire stock of men's suits at extremely
low figures, but to promote more rapid selling for the next 10 days we will
give to each suit customer a good suitcase from our regular stock of tra
veling goods on the second floor . Here are the special prices which rule
on all Men's Suits-
And you get a suitcase free with each suit purchased. No better time to
buy a suit than now, when you can get such makes as HART, SCIIAFF
tle prices and a suitcase thrown in an article that the entire family will
take pleasure in using will save buying one for your vacation trip. See
the window display in our Men's Clothing window. Remember this is
for ten days better pick out your suit now before your choice is sold.
Entire Stock of Men's Overcoats and
One-Half Regular Price
June 25, 26, 27
Cherry Fair
All Around Town
Dr. Mendelsohn, specialist In fitting 'chine. A fanner, Mr. ,1. Ivabb, emtio
glasses correctly. U. H. Bank building, to the assistance of Mr. Heustis, but
O the fire was beyond control.
W. L. Patterson, the proprietor of i 0
the cigar store on the corner of State' Quality, groceries, L. M. Boggs & Co.
and Commercial streets, returned todav three things for every housewife to
from a week-end visit to l'ortlnnd oil , think about every day iu the week.
business. o
0 The hop louse season Is now at hand
i nml prospects for a rainy spell uufor
Ministers PlciUc Tne rrmilstcrs will , Innately good. W'lua is and has been
hold their annual basket picnic in the ' needed' for some time is idontv of stin-
grove back of Kimball College, I iiesday,
from I to N in the evening. Knees,
games and a good time for all. Basket
lunch at 0 p. iu.
Bo sure and visit Brioteubusb Springs
this summer. I'nder new management.
Baths all remodeled and up to date.
Good restaurant und store. Tents for
rent. For information, address J. K.
Johnson, Detroit, Oregon,
Hem-v Fowler, editor of the TJnlver
sity of Oregon F.mor.ild, passed through
this city Saturday in an auto on Ins ne noine or .Mr. and Airs. r. t. lown
way to his home "in Portland. Ho hus send at 4 U South High street. As Mr.
turned the editors'.iip of the college pa- "d Mrs. Steeves are planning to retire
per over to Leland Hendricks, of this frO"i active life, they are looking for
city, who will direct the destinies ot location for a home, ami seem muea
the publication next year. pleased with the Cherry city. With
o t'1" aitl of Mr. Towusend's energetic
'boosting," which needs no further
Dr. Mendelsohn, doctor of optics, comment, wo may hope to have them
will leave Halein, July 4, and will be. added to our population.
gone until August 1. During thnt time i o
his office will be closed. If you wish ' MlBg Carme, gulUvan, harpist; Mrs.
to see him about your eyes or your w attoa Smith and Mary Sehultr.,
glasses, call upon him at once Dr. M. j,ulilin Hog( 1Vurl Yereler, violinists,
P. Mendelsohn, rooms 210-211 U. h. Na- ;n Hl(llist , tlc nMion m.iU, to.
tional Bank building. ni fht at rirrt Congregational church.
o I
Lftst Saturday a 13,000 automobile
belonging to H. L. H mist is, of Portland,
caught fire and "burned up while trav
eling upon the Pfccillc Highway. It it
aid that the owner of the car war1
speeding along at a lively clip when he
discovered the conflagration in his ma-
Salem Agents for
sliine and warm weather. Thin would
kill the lice on the vines, while on the
other liniid, rain and damp weather
will tend to bring the pesky little ver
min nut iu great numbers.
Special meeting of Facific
lodge No. 60, A. V. & A. M.,
this evening. Work in the
K. A. degree. Visiting breth
rcnt welcome.
Mr. and Mrs. A. Sleeves, recently of
Kkor, Mont., are being entertained at
The new drying plant in West Sa
lem started up Saturday night, Hie ma
chinery having all breu installed Sat
urday afternoon aul, arcordiug to the
chief of construction, the firm will be
all ready for business within a day or
so; The new plant is the first of its
Nettleton Shoes
i kind to bo installed in the Willamette
valley. It is tho property of the Ameri-1
.an lcuitutiiig company, and the pro-'
cess of drying fruits and vegetables is ;
said to be an entirely new invention.
The Itarr Plumbing company, of this
, city, furnished tho piping and other
metal equipment for the plant. j
Miss Carmel Sullivan, harpist; Mrs. '
W. Carlton Smith and Mary Schultz, !
Lillian Stege, Pearl Vercler, violinists, ;
will assist at the Shelton recitnls to-
night at First Congregational church, j
That the lowly spud make a fair1
decoration for a parking in front of
! residences is attested by several patches'
along the street in the residential dis-:
itrict on North Front street. There are,
I several good patches of potatoes grow- j
ling on tho parking in front of well j
I kept lawns and residences, ami the.
'vines are not nt all unsightly. A good
i looking potalo vine is far better to look
at than long grass, declare those who:
I nave planted their parkings, and such
In parking is of considerable use also.
One man was seen vesterdity out in his
parking with n hoe digging potatoes
i for dinner while other city gardeners
wero busy keeping the rows clear of
I Special meeting Elks lodge. There
will be n special meeting of Salem
lodge No. XKi, It. P. O. Klks, tonight,
! June 22nd, at S;00 o'clock, for the pur
pose of conferring the initiatory do
' greo. All members are urged to attend
thin meeting. M. L. Meyers, exalted
' ruler. " 1
' Failing to heed the officers upon
three different occasions when asked
to either stay awake or get off the
streets. Mat Knee, a farmer residing
north of the city, was arrested by Offi
cers Fisher and Woolerv last Saturday
night. Knee was first found asleep in
the Oregon Klectrie depot. He was
awakened and told to move along. He
then went outside nml again fell in a
dure on thc sidewalk. The police rous
ed him up and told him he must not
sleep around public buildings. Race
then went for a stroll and was found
again sleeping on the lawn in front of
the Willamette Saiiitoriuin. This time
the officers took him to the station.
Race told Police . Klgin this morning
thnt it eonlil wnmnihtir nnlklm, Iibm.
The House of
iug been a little intoxicated. The court
tiued him $"i, which he paid.
Sulkies that fold flat just the kind
to take to the coast. Regular $4.00
value, special nt 2.H3. Buren & Ham
ilton. The roar of the two big auto fire en
gines and the loud tooting of the fire
ahum whistlo yesterday morning
brought out n crowd of untos, motor
cycles, pedestrians and bicyclists, and
a grand race was on when the depart
ment machines raced to the corner of
liellevue ami Water streets, where a
brush heap was burning. From the ap
pearance of tue mob which followed
the department, it was believed for a
time that the whole south end of the
city was going up in a blnxo. Upon ar
riving at the place whore the call waj
turned in, the firemen found some dry
brush and timbers blazing fiercely. A
line of hose was run out, however, and
the fire soon was n thing of the past.
Hi t
Twelfth of Series
"Adventures of
only one more left.
strong sulkies that fold flat, rubber cd into the city yesterday afternoon
tires, fenders over wheels, handsomely with two leaves on the rear springs
painted. Regular 4.00 value, special snapped in two. Mr. MeNeal'a tanmy.
$2.85. Buren Hamilton. ! wife and two daughters, were with him, '
o and, owing to the great weight of the i
Ruauel Smith, Earl Joyr, E. A. KurU body and engine of the car, it was ne ;
and. Mr. Schwab returned yesterday j rcssary that the springs be mended i
from. fishing trip up on the Nestucca. before the party could resume the trip I
KurU was the cne who had all the luck to oPrtlund. Kvery "smithy" in the.
a ml caught the fish. It was a small city wus aparently out of sight and;
one, about 6 inches long, ami they ate hearing, os Air. McNenl made at least ,;
it while sitting around a bonfire under: a dozen attempts to locate one and his
a tree out of the rain. Smith mid List efforts were fruitless. The tourist li
as soon as they reached the foothills I nally housed his machine and engaged j
it began to rain hard, and the down-' quarters in one of the .Suleiu hotels to t
pour eouliuuetl all of the time they were
in the mountains. Jt was wet overhead
and under foot, and with no luck the
fishermen were a sore iot until they got
out of the mountains and in the valley
wnere tne sun was siiiiiinir. iney
reached the end of their journey about
midnight Saturday, but spent most of
the time in the mountains keeping the
fire going. The fishing is good, they
say, but the fish are not biting.
Remember the name L. M. Boggs
ft in. It means fine groceries, reliable
service and prompt delivery. Try them
on your ne.it order. I'hone Muin 311.
The contract for the first half of!
the .20,000 warehouse of the Hum
brothers' cannery has beon let to A.1
'.I. Anderson, a contractor and builder i
of this city. The present structure- to
be erected is to be 100 feet sipiare am:
will be lnrue enniiL'h In take euro nf
this year's output of the cannery. Next
year it is proposed to erect the second
half. The building is to be put up at
the rear of the canning plant on
spur trncK ot the 1 ortland, Eugene &
Eastern. Mr. Anderson also had the
contract for building the main building
of the cannery. The materials were
furnished by the Charles K. Spauldiugl
Logging company.
Marion Square at the present time is
the mecca for both business men and
the juvenile population of Salem. The
largo fir trees in the square afford
protection from sun mid rain and ev
ery JSuudny afternoon the benches are
all occupied by newspaper readers and
banqueters, while the park is alive with
romping children..
Extra fine child's sulkey, special
sale price $2.K5. Huron 4c Hamilton.
The grand Jury will be In session
next Monday to consider a number of
cases that have been brought before
thU bn.lv hv ,,,...,; ,
K. R. Kingo. The grand .iurv.-onsists of
II ir on,,.,.,, f........ M .i, ii
Charles Jnquet, I.. V.' Acb'cson, F. h.
I'nrvine, Kdward A. Jorv and David
Jncobson "
Does 1)aby go to the coast? If so,
be sure to get one of our flat folding
sulkies at special. Buren & Ham
Judge Galloway this morning reu. ; 0
dered a decren dissolving the bonds of With the assistance o a big steam
matrimony between Kthel liaiton and locomotive and six modem dump cars,
Taylor Barton and granted Mis. Hnr- Twohy Brothers, contractors of l'ort
ton the divorce ami the custody of a luml, aro making tho fill on tho JJortli
one year old son of the couple. Mrs. yrot greet combination wnuon and
1'nrton testified that theyo were mar
lied on November 2(1, 1012, at the court
iiu.-t .inn uiiii iim iit'iciioiiui iieseritu
her on the saem day and since has con.
tinned to live apart from her. Mrs.
liarton resides with her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Moore at Hubbard.
"That's tho finest lot of auto robes
I've seen," said a critical lady who
was looking over the big stock lit ...li
fer's, 187 Spilth Commercial,
wjr Duiiu..s a wear manager ot
the Oregon Woo trie freight passenger
mi.u.imeiii wncn ine eiecrric roan i.rst
entered Salem, and being employed
with the company ever since, C. K Al
bin now has accepted a position with
the state industrial and accident com
mission. Mr. Albin is n prominent mem
ber of the Salem Cherrian club and has
been a leading factor in all public
events since he has been n resident of
this city. The railroad man will have
charge of thc claim department of the
commission and that lie will carry on
his work with the same efficiency as
he has done while representing the Ore
gon Klectrie people goes without say
Player pianos of all kinds at our
store. Drop in and try them. No home '
is complete without one. The Wiley
B. Allen Co., H. F. Peters, Mgr., 521 !
Court. j
A noticeable slump in automobile ;
traffic over the North Salem streets
: which have been recently oiled has been ,
' noticed. Where the gas wagons former-
ly kicked up the dust at a great rate,
the streets are clear of the rubber-tired
vehicles and only wood wagons and ex
' press outfits can be seen. The nutoists
fear thnt the oil will cause tire trou
! ble, and for this reason will fight shy ;
jof the streets dressed up with the li
I quid until the heavy grease has become
mixed with the dirt more thoroughly.'
j The oil has done its dutv, however.
dust clouds being a thing of the past
since the preparation has been applied
j to the thoroughfares. i
Royal Ann cherries rre going into
j the cans at a great rate at the new
j cannery at the intersection of Division :
and Water streets and operated by
j Hunt Brothers of California. Fruits
i of all kinds are' stacked high iu cans
! in the cannery's storage department
i and a big force of men and women tire
busy preparing cherries for the cans
today. The cherries this yenr are fine
for canning purposes, according to the
'managers of the plant, and the modern
j preserving establishment is putting up!
ninny thousands daily. Strawberries,
! loganberries and other vine fruits have ,
! been about all canned by the company
! and the next will come apples, pears,
plums and the larger fruits.
i o
Lead poison caused the death of a
; 20 Ocow belonging to C. P. Hembree,
!of Monmouth, last Saturday. A bucket ,
of white lead paint was spilled on the
ground within reach of bossey, and. the
paint tasting sweet, she ate a quantity :
of it. Dr. D. D. Keller, of this city,
was called, but the animal had rotten
an overdose of the paint and soon died
; from the results'.
A big touring car driven by its own
er, Harry McNeal, of Sacramento, pull-
await the arrival or tlie blucksmmis ni
their shops this morning.
j o
Citizens of Wheeler have asked the
j nllrno, commission to reconsider its
action in locating the depot lit tnat . . . rVATT C.V . iL
point. The claim is made that the hear-, " EXACT Science; there
iug when the matter wus decided wa? a certain error of refraction
advertised to be held at the hotel, when , ,,
as a matter of fact it was held in the -there IS a Certain lens to cot
Wheeler Lumber toinpany's store, and , rect this and not the slightest
that some false testimony whs intro
diiced. Besides this several other griev.
unces aro mentiond.
, , .,., ' careful examination and prop-
Twenty-four of the 34 counties of r r
the state have been heard from iu thejer glasses, come to
re-checking of tiic vote as between Mc-j
Nary and Unison and no changes from i 71
the "results announced was made. The; Lf A . M Ci.11 1 ICiCii.
unofficial count leaves the matter still:
in doubt, as by tt there is but one vote
, lend, nml this is in t'livor of Benson. 1
(Kher mistakes are known to exist.;
however, which may again change lliej
! result. It was stated in the morning!
p' iipiil-itin tm.l i'n.
, ed by the parties as to the count n; !
Multnomah, but this has not yet beenj
I done, though it may be. ,
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Baker, of Port
land, visited at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. V. W. Hill, at the coiner of
Market ami Fifth streets, yesterday
evening. Mr. linker is a former Salem
man, having conducted a meat shop here
tor several years. At present he is i
traveling for a monument concern in
the Kose City. While on
Southern Oregon, Mr. Unkc
his trip in
relates an
incident wherein a tomlcstoue and an
exceptionally large lady are involved, i
He stated that ho called nt the home of!
a well known Southern Oregon fiimi'yj
ami asked them if they were not desir-j
oils of purchasing n monument for de- j
censed relatives. The fnniilv explained;
Hint a oMinuinent was desired tor a rela-
live who na.l , lied receiu.y. r uitiu r m-
'l,Mi- ,. In,,!,T,,, ,,m'
I to Mr. linker thiit the person alllictod
' 11,1,1 ,!',,,n '111,'illl.''l n lllll "
J'?'' ''V l'0"1l,1"'utl(1,11, 'll9"'" ,
later, when she was able to get out or
l bed, it was impossible for her to pass
through the doorways ot the residence
and that she spent her lust ilays iucidc
the house. A nice large monument was
sold to the fiimiiv try the traveling
: agent.
railroad bridge for the Oregon Klectrie
ud the citv
Tho contractors hope
to hove the work completed within tho '
next few weeks despite the fact that
the dirt train is hnuling material from
a quarry three miles north of tho city
ami switching to the "Y" on South
Front street, hauling the dirt back
north on Front to the bridge spanning
North Mill creek. The automatic dirt
curs carry tons of fill material and it
will not be long before the trestle work
.. :ii k.. K..i...r.wi .... ., a..i;.i 1.....1,
f earth. Work on the wagon bridge
lms not vomawmvi I18 yet and it is not
' i:k,.iv timt i,e ..:... ,.nrt nf ,., ioh
will start until the railroad
has completed its part.
SCHUNKK At the 1'ainilv home nt
021 Sixth street, Sunday, June 11, 1014,
to Mr. and Mrs. Kd. Kchniike, an it
pound boy.
Tacoina, Wash., June 22.
Mike Kueliin, aged 3.i, in, dead
here today, having forfeited his
life for a hut. Raelen was rid
ing on the running board of a
dairy automobile yesterday
when the wind swept his hat
off. He leaped from the ma
chine to recover it and was kill
ed when he struck the pave
ment on his head.
' I
"Won in the
Clouds" .
A three-reel special
and his 150-ft., 12-passenger di
rigible balloon. Shows a fight
for a diamond mine amongst the
savages and wild beasts in the
jungles of Africa.
Our Mutual Girl
No. 18, showing M.irgaret visit
ing Black well's Island prison.
A ' roaring Thanhouser feature.
Quantity and Quality.
10c Any Seat 10
Fitting Glasses
there must be no guess work.
! variation can be allowed.
For scientific instruments,
291 N. Com'l St., Ground Flocr
Hours S to 5. Phone J 40
Resident Agents. 385 Stt Streo.
When In SAXEM, OREGON, stop at
Strictly Modern.
Tree and Private Baths.
i RATES 7.r,c, 51.00, 51.50 PER DAY
I The only hotel in tho business district.
Nearest to all Depots. Theatres and
Capitol Buildings.
A Home Away from Home.
T. G. BLIGH, Prop.
Eo'.h Fhoncs. Tree Auto Bus.
. One cent per word each inser
tion. Copy for ajvcitisements un
der this heading should bo iu by
2 p. in.
OAK WOOD FOR SAI.K I'hone il l'
SU F-l.
pickers. 1'liOno
KKMKMBKIi SU.p for the
at Fred 's Night I.unch.
best lunch k
TUAY KI) Bay mare; halter
blanket on. l'hono 1021,
t,.,.,,,, . I T"
OLD PAFLRS for carpets; 10 cents
l,er '"""'red. Journal otticc.
SAND GRAVEL or loam delivered to
l any part of thc cit Minto Bro9
WANTED Loganberry pickers. L. L.
Vincent, Rickreal, Oregon, route 1.
FOR SALE Single-comb Reds and
Barred Rocks, .hens; 2417 Trudo
WANTED Price on 50 to .100 cubic
yards dirt, delivered. O. A., care of
FOR SALE Span of matched thren-year-old
colts. Inquire 311 North
FOR TRADE Top buggy in good con
dition; will trade for good hay. In
quire 070 Mill street.
FOR SALE Horse, buggy and linnies
cheap. Inquire of J, I. Savage, Sn
lein Brewery, or J. F. Day, 202 Court.
wanting to take up homesteads. In
quire of Low & Derrick, 35!) Stnto
st reet.
WANTED Price on 50 to 100 cubic
yards dirt, delivered Commercial nod
Washington streets. I!. A., care of
WANTED To trade for resilience
property, a 1014 five-passenger Foid
auto, (iood as new. Address Box
125, Independence.
FOUND Diamond i-ing. Owner can
have same by proving property ai d
paying advertising charges. Call on
U. S. Miller, 41 Court.
WANTED Girl for general house
work j two in family; moderate
wages. Call at Tnivnseml Creamery,
1.17 South Commercial street.
LOST Handbag containing kodak ai d
other articles, between Salem and
Chemawa on Pacific highway. Plioi e
10SS or leave ot Commercial "club.
FOR SALE OR TRADE 107 acres cf
good timber located close to Oregon
Electric railroad; price ifiiS.OO per
acre. W. H. Grabenliorst & Co., room
2, Bush Bank building.
FOR SALE Five acres of good laud
all under cultivation; four mile
from Salem and close to railroad sta
tion; price $750.00; J25.00 down, bal
1 a nee $".00 per month. W. H. Grnbcn
horst & Co., room 2, Bush Bank
FOR SALE OR TRADE 10 acres of
good land, half under cultivation, the
balance easily cleared; running wa
ter; four miles from Salem. Will
take city lot as part payment. Soo
W. H. Oraheiihorst & Co., room 2,
imisii unnK minding.
j On Good Seal Estate Security,
l Over Ladd k Bush Bank, Salem, Oregca
i ' i