Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, June 18, 1914, Page PAGE EIGHT, Image 8

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A Suitcase Given Free With Each Suit
in Our Closing Out Sale of. f
Ola 'c
an; I s
A. B. C, Journal.
FOK SAI.K (low! piano for sale cheap.
Inquire lol'D Lee.
It Is Charged That the Bank Officiate
Appropriated Depositors' Money for BLACKSMITH WANTED Inquire ut
Speculative Purposes.
en s
We are positively going out of
the men's clothing business and
have already placed the prices
on our entire stock of men's suits and overcoats at extremely low
figures but to promote more rapid selling for the next 10 days we will
give to each suit or overcoat customer a good suitcase from our regular
stock of traveling goods on the second floor. No better time to buy a
suit than now when you can get such makes as
Hart, Schaffner & Mark, Ederheimer, Stein
and Cloth Craft Clothes
at such little price and a suit-case thrown in an article that the entire family will take pleasure in using
will save buying one for your vacation trip. See the window display in our Men's Clothing window. Remem
ber this is for ten days better pick out your suit now before your choice is sold.
June 25, 26, 27
Cherry Fair
i r.
w Vi
Salem Agents for Netthton Shoes
The House of
Chicago, June IS. Attorney gener
al Lucey maile formal ajiu'ut iuu hroe
today lor a receiver for the LuSalie
Street Trust ami Savings bank, une o(
several t'hicugo institutions controlled
by ex-United States seuator William K.
Lorimer, which were closed last week
by order of Hank Kxaininer lluikin.
In the application it is charged that
the bank officials appropriated the de
positors' money for speculative and per
sonal uses, ii9 a result of which th
bank is now insolvent. No allegatiou jf
criminal wrongdoing was made, but the
appointment of a receiver, empowered
to liquidate the assets of the bank was
.Indies Wiudes ami (' 'minor, sitting
en banc, will hear arguments tomorrow
on the application.
The petition alleges t!;itvthe bunk's
good loans amount to 7Mi,:to";' doubt
ful securities are listnl at ir7(i.t,(!7, and
practically worthless securities at $1,
Thi.oos. It is alleged that large sums wei"
loaned- to l.orimer ami to bis ton's
firm, William l.orimer Jr., and com
pany an. the l.orimer and Callander
company On securities wiiich the state
prosecutor holds to be worthless. The
petition also stated that oilier enter
prises with which Vice 'resident Mon
day was connected hud obtained loans
on security of doubtful value.
I d!3 Xorth Summer.
I'VU S.il.L lied, white wid black cur
rants, l'hi.nc 2jOO-J-2.
I'OK SAI.K Ten heavy shoats, one pig
and one sow. Phone 47U-W.
OLD l'.U'LKS for carpets; 10 cents
per hundred. Journal offiec.
SAND, OK.VVKL or loam delivered to
any part of the city. Alinto Bros.
W'ANTLl' Loganberry pickers. L. L.
Vincent. Uickreal. Hregon, route 1.
l'OR ISAI.K Sinyle-eomb Reds ami
Ha r red Uncks, hens; 2117 Trado
AVANTKD (iirl to attend telephone;
J ours '- to 12; 2 to 5. Address T.r
care of Journal. -
route 1.
AT ONt'K Loganberry
U. F. Neiderheser, ialeni,
Medford, June IS. The Oregon State
Rankers' Association before adjouiu
ment last evening, adopted resolution
condinining 1'resiilent Wilson's trust
; legislation program, and urgiuy the Ore
gon delegation in Congress to work for
tho retention of the JSIiermnu law. The
association also indorsed Seattle for the
meeting of the National Association
next year. The following officers were
elected: A. ('. iShute, of Ilillsboro,
president; ,1. M, lnnrniau, of Woodburn.
vice-president; .1. I,, llartnmti, of 1'ort
land, secretnry; W. II. jlennett, of
Klamath Kalis, treasurer; executive
council American Hankers' Association,
H. W. Shmeer, of Portland. W. 11.
(lore, of Medford, was named slate vice-
resident of the National Hankers' As
tociation; executive committee, l' L.
Meyers, of l.a Cramle; W. 0. Tait, of
Tillamook; William llaiuot' Albanv;
Max Vogt, of The Dalles, and W. i.
ussal of Dallas.
id town
ah ArouH
Dr. Mendelsohn, specialist in fitting
gliiBsos correctly, U. S. Hank building.
The Women's auxiliary of St. Faul's
church will meet Friday afternoon at
toe guild room.
Dr. E. F. Reamer, eye, ear, nose and
throat. Masunio Temple.
Mr. E. O. Baldwin, "Ned" to Erst
cm Oregon folks, private secretary for
It surely needs it mid while on the
subject it may be remarked that South
Commercial from Lincoln to the eeme
tcry is badly ia need of walks. The
present wooden walks are actually
dangerous, being full of holes and if tho
city does not have a daniago suit on
its- hands over them it will be due to
good luck rather than any earo or
The Salem Chautauqua opens June 29
Congressman Hinnott of Tho Dalles, is; and will eontinuo tor six days. Ihe
in the city. program is remiirKiiniy strung ami is
easily rao dcsi iiibi nus ever ueeu bit
ch on tho Pacific, const. The central
idea of a elinutaunim is to give high-
Announcement We want to extend a
lionrtv ttivitntion to the luihlift tn mskn !
use of our reception room while wnit.illl8 entertainment nt minimum
and to permanently benefit tho com
Curtis Cross and Merle Stuetsman
left yesterday for Thomas creek in Mr,
inst for cars. Halem Kleetric Co., Ma
sonie Temple, 127 North High street.
Mr. Julius Pincus, of the Hop
Kaid it was not business but just a look' ! rw ' r; where they will spend a few
uroiuid-ror-nusiness trip. ,hj "(" n, n.
I thn crowd which recently went over
n T. j,k ... .,. I an cmbaiikment in an auto up on
Dr. Mendelsohn, doctor of optics, t . Ir 4 , , . , !
.. i u , '. , , . i -ni , Thomas creek. Ho stated before leav
will leave iSalern, July i, and will biv . .. , . . ,
...... . !, t .i x ' iK on his second fishing excursion that
gone until August 1. During that tune , B. . ... . , .
i.i- tt: .... mi v.. i i 'J . , he has been practicing, since taking his
Ins office will be closed. If you wish i . ., . .', , , , , ... ,..
to see him about your eyes or yourif""1" nAo n.m! f ,,n "ow
Ldnsse.. ,,,, liiin ..,.. nl nt i jmP '"K'1 eno" to let the machines
1. Mendelsohn, rooms 210-211 U
tionnl Bank building
the benver and . other nnininls of tho
marshes abounded, thero is today liO
acres of soino of the finest young bur
ley ever seen in Marion county. This
Ms in what is known us Lake Lubisli,
I the big1 swamp which has been drained
and improved by J. O. Hayes, a Califor
i nia capitalist. L, O. Herrold, the local
contractor who drained the swamp,
states that the barley is growing so
I fust that it is difficult to keep track
of it.
By the season ticket plan it is pos
I siblo to attend the 30 events of the
chniitauiiia for only eight cents each.
A season ticket admits any member of
tho jamily to any one of tho It) lec
tures, 10 concerts or 10 speeinl enter
tainments. A children's season ticket
costs only $1, which is only four cents
for each event.
If J. Pluvlus doesn't stay away from
Salem and mind his own business for
the next two or three days, there will be
some pretty mud men out at the peni
tentiary. The prison people harvested
their crop of hay this season yesterday,
and they had hardly shocked tho same
when tho wind switched around in the
south and the smell of rain soon pre
vailed. For years rain has dampened
the first season's crop at the prison and
the officials say the.w can't get away
from it. Thero are only a few acres
of hay down but there is plenty to
secure. Clover and outs were planted
in tho field west of the prison and it
is said that the yield this season is a
record breaker in every respect.
seven-day session; " Legal and Kconom
ie Status of Women '', " Wisconsin Law s
Governing WoiiMin", "Public Speaking
for Suffrage", "Organization for Suf
trage' , "Propaganda.
History of Snl'frnge. '
! New York, June IS. The annual
.convention of tho White Hats Actors
Union of America opened here todav
Presswork und with representatives present front all
sections of the country.
J.UST A lease book, by H. M. Baker.!
.fj.00 reward for return to the Jour
nal office.
BOX TRIM MINUS, $1.73 per load, de
livered. South Salem Box Factory.
217 Miller. Phone 30S. .
kind. C, care Journal, or x . 1 . A.
box 11, Fairgrounds, Oregon.
l'OR SALK Modern S room house on
paved street; large lut; in good
neighborhood. J. 11. C, cure Journal.
wanting to tuko up homesteads. In
ipiire of Low & Derrick, 350 State
HOTFL FOB SALK The Allumcnt,
Bend, Oregon, a modem, profitable,
well furnished hotel, on terms. W. A.
Hammond, Dubuque, lowu.
CHERRY PICKKRS miles north
on river road, next to Kurt, orchard.
" No boys under 11 wanted. Apply to
('. F. Ilagcnuinn, R. F. D. 8.
V.NTKD -High-grade Jersey; must
' be fresh, givo not less than 30 lbs.
of milk per day, testing i to iVj per
cent. Call up Main 1131 or 491.
FOR SALK New five-room bungalow
with fireplace, built-in bookcases,
electric lights, Lis.lli : lot 50x130;
North Twenty-first street, near Asy
lum avenue; $1.550.00 15 down,
$15 per month. 1 hone Main 1257,
Mrs. Hale..
FOR RF.N'T 10-aere stock ranch; tho
stock for sale; cuttle, hogs, horses,
chickens; 35 acres oats and vetch;
household goods and implements.
Must be rented at once. First house
I west Liberty store. Nelson Bros.
- "
Ee WosJdPs Greatest
go out from under him in case of in , EvM fte". thi... W.'
Jt H- Ntt" i accident i'W' lhp yUxthuw XU
' :hnnd," la being demonstia
Maurice Klinger, the well-known re
tired business man who became sudden
ly ill at his home on the corner of
Church and Ferry streets a short time
ngo, is able to be about again. It de
veloped following the nttnek that Mr.
Klinger was overcome by exhaustion
Art draperies at sale prices.
& Hamilton.
The question has been asked as to
what is done with the money appor
tioned to the counties for county fairs,
and especially hs to Marion county's
as the result of tuking electric treat-! "'"Portion, which this year is about
mPnti T-iio". i iiuor me mw in inose coon-
lies wnere no tnir is nolo tnis money
Every afternoon this week Steno-
in Short-
demonstrated by the
pupils of the Capital Business College
ut the collego office 1:30 to 5. All
are invited to see the wonderful results
of this new method. New classes in
both Stentypy nnd Shorthand next
week. Why not enroll for some useful
studies during the summer months!
You are invited to call and talk the
matter over.
Be sure and visit Briotenbush Springs
this summer. Under new management.
Hath all remodeled nnd up to date.
(Jood rest mi runt and store. Tents for
rent. For information, address J. K.
Johnson, Detroit, Oregon.
Salem has an old time resident visit
ing hero today in the person of Jnv Me-
Cormick who is now in business in Ku
goes into the road fund, but in any
county where a state fair is held,
London, June 18. Today being the
r.:.... l -..i i
r.. 'LrT'. ! anniversary of tho battle of Waterloo,
f . .'..." i ... r ... u. " " i '!' was rent day for the Duko of Wei-
mil uiwiii nun , ii ii itr u.ivii luuy lur : . tit- i-i-ai.
: lmgton, but his grace did not have
Think of hearini Clricillo, one of the
world's greatest band directors, and
his 7 musicians in a two-hour concert
gene. Ho was also one of the managers ' for ollly e'8llt cnts. At the Salem1
Tsui Schmidt, brewmaster at the 8a-
iem nrewory, sustained a lininiui ,i,,nv ,,. ,mn .,. . ...
to dive into his pockets very deeply,
sad it was with an air of unconcern
that ho drove over to Windsor Castle
to present King George with the little
silken flag on a silver staff wuich
envpm ritnf tit hia Idcr St rnlli f iild
chsutauqua. - I Stve estate for the ensuing vear. The
estate was presented by the nation to
" , I the victor of Waterloo and cost orig-
, uruise on lus ictt ancecan yesieruay , ,..,1:...... .... jt. wiii.n
1 when he attempted to niuke a flying if) r,1(,uir,,a to n'resent a reuliea of one;
0 ! leap over a pipe nt he brew house. .Mr. cf he French, standards taptured by !
South Salem is having a paving boom, Schmidt failed to calculate correctly hi, famou, ancestor on the anniversary
and much concrete walk Is hcing laid. j'hon he attempted the short cut to an- j of tne battle. Failing the pavment of
j other part of the plant by jumping over ,,,; ..0,s(1,sion ront.. tU ;tate re. I
WMmMmmmsrwrnumtammmmmM : ith the result his knee came 1 v.,t. , .1,. w .. i, t.
When in SALEM, OEEOON, stop at , in contact with the iron with much Xt only bout ,w,nt dollars -there i
1 BL!G H HOTEL I . ..ou. 1 . tl'T vurt' is n0 rMord of hi,11" pf the
fifneu, mJu ,Mr. Schmidt states today that hi. knee j01,inR ov Hnbilit of bei
Strictly Modern. - , feels like it had been bumped by a i.te ? p.vmtnt '
.A .1 , . . . ....
in tne iirsi league Daseuail team in
the Capital City and is well known in
sporting circles here.
Special sal on hammocks. Buren' fc
Ire and Privat Baths. freight eneine and afterward stuns bv
V -Both' Phones. Fr Auto Bus. 'a yellow-jacket.
SATiil VOC, I.0O, fl.60 JFE DAT O - I
- Tns only hotel in the business district Gas ranges and water heaters, p-' Madison, Wis., June IS. The Wis-
Nearest to ail Depots. Theatres' and eial prices, installed. Buren Hamil- cousin State Suffrage School said to be
:i - . Capitol Buildings. toa, ' , I the first of its kind opened here todav
A Hom Away mm Hwn. ' - o. . (with over 100 women from all parts of
O. BLIGIL Prop. . I : When ducks swam around vnmolsst. ihi.'tat. in attn.Un.A. Th following
ed, rank water weeds grew, and where subjects will be discussed during the
The entire big stock of Bade
& Levitt Store, containing the
finest brands of men's weais to
be nearly given away
See This Paper Tomorrow
El. H. PAGELER, Appialsei
"" ' ' ' ' '' ssLJSMisjsMi-siiMwirrMsnir irirrrrTrr"'1!''"'! '. ' "" r-- .i.wiiiii..iii mim -"" hsihh-mwh'MMW'"w- .-'lt' ' ' xi-Mn-a. j -sastawswssjsisTFsjwssiwwtasjasjw