Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, June 18, 1914, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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T HE annual election
of the new;.
I officer of the Salem
Woman s
Club was held Saturday afternoon
the following being named for the coin
ing year: President, Mr. F. A. Elliott;
, vice-president, Mrs. William Galloway;
recording secretary, Mrs. C 8; Hamil-'
ton; financial secretary, Mrs. H. -J.-Clements;
treasurer, Mrs. V. M, Hamil
ton; auditor, Miss Edith Hazard; di
rectors, Mrs. R. S.'AVallaee, Mrs. Chas.
Weller, and Mrs. A. II. DoduV
At this session amendments were
adopted and thee various reports of the
year's work read. A committee is work-
- ing1 plans for the ensuing year's aetiv-
. mes, dui none naveyei Deen announce!!.
' Work in the various classes closed
some time ago, and the club members
who number substantially over one hun
dred will not formally meet again until
the opening of the new club year, whicti
will be on the tenth of October, when
-. the. annual club breakfast will be served
. ,l. ii : 1 1 ... .1
ui iuv jnuuuu iiuiri.
Using 8am Simpson's immortal poem,
"Beautiful-Willamette," as his inspir
ation, Professor C. . Glass of Eugene
is painting a aeries of canvasses which
"when finished will number fourteen.- -Three
have already been finished
. and during' the commencement of.Wjl-
lamette have been on exhibition and
have been greatly admired by students'
.: and the hundreds- of persons who 'have
"visited the institution. For the benefit
. j .i i. . i i i.i.. . .
- them, they, will remain on' exhibition
until the last of -the week. . -',
The canvasses are immense- in size,
". each averaging about four by six feet.
- Lines of the poem suggest the names
of the pictures, the first representing!
: "Onward .ever, lovely, river,
Softly calling to the sea, -,
Time that mars us. .
- Maims and scars us.
Leaves no traco or trench on thee." !
The second picture "beautifully inter- j
', prets: .
"Through tho purple gates of morn
ing, Now thy roseate ripples dance,"- the
third portraying the remaining lines
of the verse:
"Golden then when day departing,
On the waters trails his lance."
Professor Glass has been asked to
display his work at the Panama exposi
tion, und should his series be completed
by that time, he will probably do so,
fiddinp materially to thfl Attractiveness !
of Oregon's exhibition. It has also I M1SS MARY SCHULTZ, MISS
been suggested that plates be made of j PEARL VERCLER.
the group for making illustrations to I Part II.
be arranged with the poem in folio ; VV 'tho"t Vo" Metealf.
form,-to be used as Oregon souvenirs , The Ba"i Hon ' Homer
for the 1915 fair. IVAN SCHUMACHER.
The Alumni association of the uni-! rl M? Hoai t ' Weary Tlomas
vcrsity is also serio'ly considering ge. Nadosda ................
curing several of the pictures for pre-!. Kl-TH RLED
scntation to tho university, to be hung ?v?ml 1 " '.' Warden
as a permanent adornment in the halls The ?"? " I" "iV" I!eat'h
of this historical institution. i r. '1AL fVRKhN (CO,OI?'R- ,
Seven other examples of Professor . ' Thee Songs of Araby Clay
Glass' work are also being shown, in- Llke 8 "'T'w'Spf'vVb "
eluding four interesting flower studies' . ,.. ,, : J,'-Nt',''K-and
three landscape,. The style and Str,"y fcvemnK "omor
coloring used introduces an individual cr Ultt "ZiwYviTAT lirown
"il,l Jj,i .n,i tu ; iui.
'old school'
istie system.
' ' ""f ,
Mrs. Lenta Westncott
... .
her four-table card club Wednesday
afternoon. Mrs. Louis Lachmund was
awarded card honors. Tho club's next
meeting will be with Mrs. C. K. Spauld
ing. Miss Margaret Davis of Minneapolis,
Minn., is u visitor in Snlem today, tho
guest of Florence E. Nichols. Miss
Davis is a University of Minnesota wo
man. Mrs. George L. Schreiber and dnngli-
Daddy's Bedtime
The Story
SOFT breeze of early summer had been blowing nil day. The lenvw
h were looking so fresh and green and having a beautiful time lu tli
"ft. warm sunshine.
Well," began daddy, "I must tell yon the story the oak told ti
the other trws today.
"Tbe other trees would sometimes sigh, 'How nicer or something liki
that, but for tbe most part they let tho oak tree do nil the talking-
"It was a very young tree, but It looked as if some day It would be 1
fine big oak with spreading branches and great strong roots which notliluc
could shake.
"'I was one day picked up as a little acorn by n small boy, said the tree
"'Be curried me around In his pocket for days and days. I spent all in
time sleeping, for his pocket was very dark and I could not stay awake In li
" "One day he happened to notice me especiiilly. lie wondered why hi
-had been carrying me around for so Ions, for he himself couldn't think of on;,
reason why he should want me.
"'And' then be thought be would plant me. So he put me ln tho gronic..
and covered ine over carefully. Lie watched to see when I would come up
When first he saw me sprouting nbove the ground I thought he would p
mad with delight, for he bad really been very much worried nbout me
After having planted me he was very anxious that I should grow up righ;
away. So be was a very happy little boy when he saw that I was reallj
going to become a tree.
"'Now he comes every day to look at me and has done so ever since 1
was born.
- "'You see It will make me a fine tree to have the pride of that little bo.
centered In me.
' '"And, what is more. It will make him, 1 think, grow up to be n fine man
brave and strong like bis tree, for that is what be calls me.
"Go I feel that we will both help one another, and perhaps some daj
when be Is an old man be will lead some little boy by the band and will tel
blm of how be planted me and bow be tried to grow np to be strong like Li
tree, and that will belp tbe little boy too.
"'We trees can do a lot of good If we want too. Just think bow nice I
will sound to be called a fine old oak, and when we feel proud of ourselvei
we can think It Is even better that tve have helped little boys, to be strongei
ter Margaret leave tonight for their
. ..., ;Ji ., Vrnt
, , . r ir.,, j,..;
their brief visit, stopping off Tuesday
on their way from Chicago where Mrs.
JSchreiber went to be in attendance at
the commencement exercises of Miss
Schreiber who graduated from the. Chi
cago Kindergarten Training school.
' The fchreibers formerly resided here,
Mr.. Schreiber filling the. position" as
art instructor in the Salem schools.
. Miss Schreiber is a graduate of the
class of 1912 of the high, school and
was immensely popular among the stu
dents. For her pleasure, Miss Florence
Hofer entertained a group of her for
mer schoolmates yesterday afternoon
at her home on South Commercial
Miss Ethel Jones, a Salem ' high
school teacher, leaves this evening for
Berkeley,-where she will attend a ses
sion of the summer school. Last night
Miss Cox, also an instructor at the
high school, left for her summer's va
cation which will be spent in southern
" A" general invitation is extended for
the evening of song to e given by the
pupils of Miss Miunetta Magers at the
First. .Baptist church tomorrow night,
the program opening at eight o clock.
Assistants will be Mr. Millar Bevier,
flutest,- Miss Mary Schultz, Miss Pearl
VereJer, violinists; Mr. '. (has. Know-
land, vocalist; and - the Wednesday
Musical t lub
The selections .to be 'given and their
arrangement follows:
Part I.
Daybreak ....Fanning
Annie Laurie Buck
A Portrait :-. ;.: Parkyns
Come to the Garden,- Love Salter
L'hcure des reves .....Ward-Stephens
Duet, Who Knows Ball
Invietus . Homer
A Spring Morning Wilson
The Forest - Whebdev
I Gaynell Kellog Mountain, Telling the
! Bees Brucsehweiler
; Mrs. P. A. Cupper, Wednesday Mus
ical Club with Fluta Obligate
Down ln the lorest Ronald
Aria Thou Charming Bird David
..viu .-'1'imt .................... uniUUUI
Berccllse strelezk
tlta !,-;, Un.l
Wednesday Musical Club Violin
A ln-r,., 1, .....,,. 1.
! memhenf the E)WOrth League of the
.lason Lee church, have planned a pie
nic outing for tomorrow evening' reach
ing their destination up the river by
' Friends of Rev. II. .1. Irvine number
Tree Told.
Ha Come Every Da
to Look at Ma.
Jiag sUiy-oaewC-alled. t his horn T
irtsy iigut,, to eeieorate a is sixty-nrst
-tirttwiar.'w affair- being planned as
surprise. . The ereniug was spent in
1 formally .V.Tne quests, who. were mem-
Jvnol tl() Jason Xe. Methodist church
of which Mr, Irvine is pastor, present
ed him with a hamlsome rocker.
The annual Brownsville picnic will ho
held on June 25, 26 and 27. The latter
day which is devoted to "Native Sons
and Daughters," is always largely at
tended by pioneers and their families
and friends from all over the state.
Rev. J. C. Rollins, of Corvallis, at
tended the commencement exercises at
Willamette University.
A merry crowd of thirty small folk
were entertained at a patriotic picnic
yesterday afternoon in Marion Park,,
by Mrs. Koy Burton, Mr, t rans.
Myers, and Mrs. E. F. Carlton as
sisting. Tiny flags were given
each guest as favors. Juvenilo games
were enjoyed and later refreshments
No Compromise Will Be Considered by
Grecian Government Want Compen
sation From Turkey For Indignities
. Atiicns, June 18. That the powers
will be able to prevent war between
Greece and Turkey was considered ex
tremely unlikely, here today.
News that France and Germany were
planning an international commission tu
attempt adjustment of the two coun
tries' difficulties was received in fact,
with decided impatience. '
On every hand was heard the ex
pression that Greece wants no long
drawn out negotiations and wlil not
consider compromise for the simple
reason that it has nothing to com
promise. Tho Greek contention is their
countrymen in Turkey have been ex
pelled in large numbers, that they have
been robbed, that many have been mal
treated and that some have been killed.
Want Compensation.
They want compensation from Turk
ey for what these people have Buffered
and assurances that there will be noth
ing more of the kind in future. Any
international commission, it is argued,
would try to steer a middle course. The
Greeks will not discuss a middle course.
They want all they ask for and they
want it at once. . Otherwise they are
prepared to fight.
Jt is doubtful if tno Athens govern
ment could sufvive if it undertook to
run counter to public opinion by com
On the strength of their showing
against Turkey in the Balkan war, the
people are convinced they could win.
Their land campaign, it is said, would
be mainly defensive. Kealizing that
from a naval standpoint they outclass
the turka, however, the popular demand
is for the bombardment o Constantin
ople, ami the cities on the Asia Minor
coast. ,
liy this means it is generally believed
the sultan could soou be brought to
Deposits la National and State Banks
Aro Subject to Inheritance Tax In
Oregon. -
Attorney General Crawford this morn
ing gave out several opinions. P. D.
Newell, of Jenuings Lodge, was told
that where three school districts con
solidate, the voters iu iny of the dis
tricts could, if otherwise qualified, vote
in the now district.
State Treasurer Kay was told that
deposits in national and state banks in
this state, owned ' by non-residents,
were subject to inheritance tax upon
the death of the depositor.
Superintendent Clanton of the State
Fish Hatchery department was told that
the state in conveying real estate (javc
only a quit claim deed and with no
covenants () warranty, ami that if the
commission gave any deeds it could
only givo the same kind, and that if it
placed a warranty clause in such deed
the commissioners would be personally
responsible and liable on the same in
caso of the title failing.
0. Putnam was informed that where
it was proposed to make three counties
of one, that it would be necessary at
the election that 65 per cent in each
of tho sections to be made into a new
county would have to be secured, and
3a per cent of tho votes in such liurt or
the original county as was outside the
new county boundaries.
Shanghai June IS. That a number ot
white men are fighting under the ban
ner of White Wolf, the bandit chieftain
was reported hero today iu messages
from Hankow.
There was a fairly thick sprinkling of
trained foreign soldiers in both the im
perial and rebel armies dining the re
cent revolution aud since White Wolf
has grown so stroHg, it was believed
some of them had giaviated to his ser
In the rebel army during the revolu
tionary period these coinpaigners took
pains to call themselves instructors
rather than regular fighting men, as
they would have subject to severe pun
ishment by the authorities of their re
spective nations at the treaty ports Iiad
it been recognized that they were war
ring against the Chinese government.
In the present case they unquestion
ably would be severely dealt with
should they fall into their consuls'
hands. Several nationalities were said
to be represented, including America by
at least one or two members of the
little corps. '
Santo Domingo, June 19. The gov
ernment today demanded the withdraw
al of the American consul at . Puerto
Plata on the ground that he had sided
with the rebels.
126jAre Graduated From I
the Unfa
at Exercises Yesterday
University of Oregon, Eugene, Juue
IS. One hundred and twenty-six young
men and women mounted the stage of
.illard Auditorium yesterday morning , aluinui aud faculty attended the formal
as uudergradiiatea and stepped down a 1 ceremonies following the formal grail
moment later as alumni of the Univers-1 uatiug exorcises in Villard Hall. I'resi
ity of Oregon, after having received ; dent Campbell introduced J. W. llaniil-
their diplomas from the. hands of Presi-j
dent Campbell. It was the second Inrg-
est class ever sent out from the uni-
v rsity.
Th0 presentation of diplomas by ;
President Campbell followed the com-!
inenceinent address by Melvin A. Bran- i deut Campbell, A. ('. Newell and J. W. '
uon, president of the University of Hamilton, regents; Alva Grout, for the
Idaho, who spoke on "Education and seniors; Mrs. Joliu Straub, Mrs. K. G.
Life." . - Young, Professor Straub and Mrs. El-
"There are three1 kinds of eihica- len McCornack, a member of the first;
tion," said the Gem State ' educator. graduating class of the university,'
"At first the college strove only to i tu-1 participated in the ground-breaking. ' ,
part culture to .....r students. Then the! Following the ground-breaking the
scientific education was brought for- graduating class, relatives, faculty and j
ward, and now we are experiencing a 'alumni repaired to the men's gym-1
great movement toward vocational j nasium for the annual university
training. To be properly equipped for luncheon to the aluinui. Covers for
life a student cannot have neglected
anv of these three branches."
After conferring degrees, President
Campbell spoke for tho last time to the
"Enjoy your work, be willing to do
the most menial work and work hard
if you mean to be happy," was his part
ing admonition.
"We should regard this as sacred
ground, is it is dedicated to tho holy
purpose of education," declared Presi-
Mf 4
News of Marion County -
iiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiitttiiiiiHHitit tm 11
Loganberries are here. . Monday the annual school meeting
Mrs. Woodruff, Mr. Morgan and Mr. was held at the Turner School house.
Thompson have tho largest tracts, there Mr. Warren Miches was re-elected
being several smaller ones iu this dis-1 director and G. A. G. Mooro was re
trict. - - . i taiued as clerk. A four und one-half
The Farmer society of Equity will j mill tax was voted to repair the build-
not nola its regular meeting mis wcck j
owing to everyone being so busy
The Children's day program lust Sun
day was well attended. The following
program was rendered:
Hymn Congregation.
Prnyer Superintendent Kiefer.
Reading, "The lliblo" Mrs. Cum
mings. Song, "Children's Hoy" Eight
Responsive reading. i
Recitation, "Boys of the lliblo"
Royal Kiefcr. -i
Recitation, "America's Grandest
Crop''' Lucilo Curii'ihings.
Vocal trio, "Word of the Lord " !
Misses Lucile Thompson, Bculuh Brook
ins, Leona Bonze
Recitation, "Women of the Biblo"
Lillie Blake.
Chorus, "The Old Faith."
Recitation, "Pure in Heart" Tru
man Cummings.
Vocal duet, "Rose of Sharon" -Mrs.
Rees nnd Miss Brookins.
Kxercise Five little-girls. -Exercise,
"Littlo- Sailors" Five
Chorus, "Flag Starlit."
There will b"n Sunday school on ;
June 20 owing to the convention to
be held nt Quinnby park. !
Mr. Lou Thornton left this morning.
for Chico, Cal, his wife, nnd grandson!
remaining the guests of Mr. and Mrs. !
J; A 1
.," t l!iyCr; r 111 1 -ii -r . !
Tho Ladies' Card club met with Mrs. 1
McKnight this. week.
Mr. F. E". Kvnns has Btarted his ! 1
ganberry drier nnd expects to dry for j
quite a number of the growers iu this j
section. 1
Value of the Plant of the Coos Bay
Water Company Determined Report
Shows Net Revenues 10 Per Cent.
The railroad commission Wednesday
passed upon the application of the Coos Cup, one of the most coveted trophies, Niagara Falls, (Int., June IS Justice
Hay Water company to raise its rates' in Kurope. It was in this race last 1 ,amar and Frederick Lehma the A in
fer both Marsbfield ami North Bend. , year that a male suffragette palled ,.,.),. representatives at the "A. fl.
It of its own motion also established down August lielmoiit's entry Tracery, ( mediation negotiations were draft
the value of the-plant at $130,000, i just when the American horse appeared . Ulf, today their reply to the Mexican
divided between the cities with :I2,0H0 to be winning, and in view of suf-' ,,Voys' statement charging them, in in
ns Marshficld's proportion, :it,0U0 as fragette activity special precautions -i-ting 011 n rebel successor to i'resi
that of North Head, and with $01,(100 were taken to prevent a repetition of (,.llt iui.rta, the I nited States vir
common to both. The report shows that . the outrage. The Cold Cup presented tHv ', "abetting and even exacting
the net revenues from tho- plant by King licorgo, was worth .J,500 with fiud " iu the next Mexican election.
for the vear wen' I'-,,!I0J.;'-', or
practically. 10 per cent.
The commission made an entirely new
schedule re-arraiinuig the rates us to!
users which were before inequitable, as '
residents were charged the same ratcj
whether they had a big house, or u small
one and whether Jhey jised much or 1
little. The Commission also raised the
rates as the company asked, the in
crease being for the resident district
about 10 per cent and for the business
district about 12 per cent. This rate as
the table shows would make the average
householder in North Bend pay $2.20
a month and in addition I for irriga-
tion, or iu all for the year $20. iO.
Detroit. Mich., June IS. Six hundred
Detroit Business men, with two gover
nors the mayor of New York, and other
notables from all sections of the coun
try as their guest, today left 011 the
steamer City of Iirtroit III for their
(annual cruise to the head ot the great
laRes. The only stop uuring inr live
days' trip will be at Duliith, next Sat
urday, where an elaborate program of
entertainment has been arranged. The
Detroit Board of. nimercc is conduct
ing the cruise. 'Addresses are schednl'd
from Gov. -Ferris of Michigan, Mayor
John l'urrov Mitchell, of New York;
Macklin Ar'bucklc, tbe actor, attorney
dent Campbell at the ground-breaking
exercises for the 'new administration
building on the campus.
Graduates, friends of the institution,
ton, a regent, of Roseburg, who spoke
briefly of the history and aims oi the
university. He was followed by David
Graham, of Eugene, who represented
the alumni. John C. Vcatch, president
of tho State Alumni association; Prcsi-
nearly 500 were laid. John C. Veatch
was toastniastcr and called for toasts
from President Campbell, for the uni
versity; 8. H. rriendiv, for the board
of regents; Melvin A. Brannon, the
commencement speaker; Mrs. Mary
Strauh Stafford, for the alumni, and
Alva R. Grout, president of the senior
Tonight tho annual alumni reunion
and ball was held in the men's gym
nasium. t t444
";" muiiuaiu me new nign senooi
The Children's Day exercises at the
M. E. church wero well attended. A
very pleasing program was given by I
the childreu of tho Sunday school.
Mrs. Muriou Porter who has been;
quite ill is improving slowly.
Miss Hernece Karnes of Oak Point,
Washington, is hero on a visit to lior
old friends nnd schoolmates.
Carl A. Nelson, tho former stutiou 1
agent of Turner, was in town Sunday!
culling on old friends. j
Rev. Gcorgo W. .Taylor and family 1
moved to Albany the last of this week.
They are planning to make their home
he. for a time.
Mr. Arthur Kd wards and family re
turned from Portland a few days ago,
where they had been attending the
Rose Festival. Mr. M wards brought
with him a herd of six fine llolstein
The twelve-year-old son of W. II.
Salisbury had the misfortune, to loose
part of his left hand in an accidental
discharge of a gopher gun, early Tues
day morning, lie was visiting a neigh
bor and went to reload tho gopher gun
which had been discharged in tho night
? Kl". '"'" '"'l'"'"r th
J ii'" exploded. 1 ho boy was taken to
the h1'"'' 1llo!,l"t"1 tl,c w"""1
,M!'., . ...
.The birth.lay party given ,,t the
Ahr,'n8 (..t!,.r,n' tunlay evening ,n
honor ot Miss ( lara ami l-.ddie Ahrens
wns well attended. All report having
. ,, . . . 1
,, lln! ,.H.
joking over tho in-rival of 11 littlo son.
If a woman hasn't anything to talk
about sho Ic-eps right on talking.
Job Hedges of New York, Mayor Oscar
Marx, of Detroit, and others.
; Ascot, Kng., June IS. beautiful Ascot
race track was again the scene of a,
brilliant royal procession today, fori
, King Ceorgc and (1 n Mary with theiri
guests drove in state from Windsor !
Castle to witness tho race for tho Hold'
l i.O("Mn spec
New Kodol Royal No. 10 cnn turn
instantly from the letter she is writing
to "bill 11111I charge," loose leaf index
ing or the mom complex card-typing,
without changing to a special machine
Bi. fee.
or adjusting some special attachment to nnout tne intervention 01 n rurcigii 11a
complicate the inechiinisin or add extra tion to enable them to achieve power.''
cost to the typewriter. The one ma-' The American answer was expected to
chine doc5 it. Avsl: to hav it shown to bo furthcoming in the course of the af
vou. ternoon. 1 11 a general way it was un-
W. I. Staley, Salem representative.
Business College
Pre-Exposition Excursion
San Francisco & Return
The Exposition Line 1915.
To give patrons an opportunity to see -the
great progress already made in the
Panama Exposition, a pre-Exposition
excursion has been arranged by the
Southern Pacific for the above date. ' '
$27.25 Round Trip from Salem
Tickets will bo sold Friday, June 2i'ith, only, and will be good for
return on or before July titb. tri' It li'ltjlffll
Call on nearest Southern Pacific agent for full ;
particulars, reservations, train schedules, etc.
John M. Scott, Gen'l Pass. Agt., Portland, Ore.
to ur Shoes Reflect
220 North
Damage Amounting To $1,250,000 Esti
mated To Be Done On Account of
Blaze on Kingston Docks.
,, , ..1 San Francisco, Juno 10. If the statu
t.lasgow, June lS.-Several sailors ; ,,,,, ,(f (m.fnni wM, ,,,,
wero believed today to have perished j Abe ltucf, who is serving the fifth year
in the fire which destroyed Kingston I of his I I years' term in San (uentin,
docks, two steamships una two sehooii-1 lil'v- Jr',h IVrr'm, rector of the church
ois here, ' 1 '""r.v ""' Virgin (Episcopalian)
They have been reported missing and j wMI K'vc hiiu a job.
firemen were seeking the.ir corpses in! """ (,f requisites of a par.de is
the ruins I PW'uutco that the released prison-
Of about 20 firemen who were over-I vr w'n ivr " opportunity for use
come 11 number were also seriously ill. I f"' employment, liev.. I'erriu has such
The police wero investigating circuiu-1 " I'1'"'" f(lr
stances which led them to suspect the I Kev. I'ernn 's offer has been conveyed
suffragettes started the fire. to ,,f 'lircctors in a letter
The loss, which was heavier than' """" w'l '' lk''" H '" i'"'f' I"'-
earlier rcnorts indicated was estimuted
lit lf'l,2"i0,IIO0.
lu this statement the llueitaistas de
clared the only way the election could,
lie a fair one was to put a neutral iu of-!
lice as provisional president. "In 11
country unused to electoral functions,"!
they assert oil, "a provisional govern-j
! incut composed of revolutionaries would j
turn the election as it wished, tiie pub
lic vote would be falsified and the rv I
isult would necessarily ho the election!
I of anotliy revolutionary." I
j Such un outcome, argued the Mexicnnj
envoys, would lie luiil tor not 11 .Mexico
and tho 1'iiite.l States "because it will
1 create a national sonitmcnt of hostilitv
in the Mexican people when 11 syiupr.
jthetie rcprochineiit between them and
the I nited States should be striven
for. ' '
Also, it was insisted, it would be bad
"for amiuza ami for his party be
cause public opinion in Mexico would
recuse tlicm ot iiaving brought
: derstood that it would maintain blood
shed could not be avoided except by
a con'titiitioualist 's installation in the
provisional presidency.
I The Journal want ad way is tho up
I to-date business method, aud it nevci
I failn to work. Try it now.
tire skill and caro which have
been put into their making. The
classy models, the splendid fin
ish, tho evident good quality all
show that the makers are men
who are proud ot their products.
If you select footwear without
seeing our display you will be
doing an injustice to yourself, 11s
and the makers.
A few of those fine Oxfords,
your choice for only
Rector of Episcopal Church of St.
Mary's Promises To Give Him Em
ployment of Helpful Kind.
, ' " ""' lur 1""'" reaene.i at me
iiniii 111 ai n.i 1 11 1 nil.).
About 00,0110 persons throughout tho
slate have signed 11 petition for liuef'ti
release which already has been pre
sented to the prison board.
Select your fish oi'dsr for to
morrow's dinner from this big
White Sturgeon,
Sea Perch,
Silver Smelt, Shad,
Young Salmon,'
Chinook Salmon,
H. C. BYBEE, Proprietor. i
173 South Commercial, ;; " i "
-""SSSr A ''F