PACE STY HENRY PECK'S . . . . i 6toWff.Vffl SfaTo TmcH OX OH THT MP Moft THGSr I? "HMOaJ ctfoAK' IF I COME YiTfM OOMtESj I Bcr ' BeACH TO -mcr BoATDoWK 1?leP&VTSo J , I VTJ a OF M eeACriES BWJtAlt . In - p.TH J ie La L l ' (( 1 m IILLe ' 1 I I j i i -1 Inniii nil uup iifinnnrn L I 1 SPORT NEWS TSSw J til Pacific Coast League Standings. "SPEEDER" TO RACE HERE DURING CHERRY FAIR f!t $D Km- , . . ' M i li inn " ii T- ii'itu i LmJmMHMmmmmi VERNE Veine Mimcell, of I'm, will rule wilh the liulinii iiiiiturcyi'lii inclti at the races to In hell during the tlherry fair nl (lie 1'nir (InniiuH (nick, Mnseell inis taken move I'ird phices limn nny oilier i:iier In die NoitHweut ii'lu e Hie hI ii 1 1 oi' liU miitiiivye'.e enreei-, lie mil,' In Ins liisl' line In June l!ll, when lie limit In , I plnce in n I "i mile i, ill, I rucrt he'd in e.nineiMion ith the intmiioliilo teiiil in nt Hiui tine, lie i .!. n l h. p, liulinii ami i'li'iie lintely .iflemnrd Htnrtcl rut to lines more i ( nl s on the liiil iiu (c ce. In ll'll lie l'i,,K, the wnvi.l'i record tin li I'hit ilirl t'nclv I'cr liw luiliM mill ileaeeil up honor lor hi ,um in other AM k'.UlCANS ARE UNDAUNTED. Now Yoik, .lime 17. rii hiiiiitcl hy the decisive vieteiv of the lu:ih polo itaHciirici who lite, I the international m in tne- straight gare. the Ameri tun I'o'o .lV,ic!aiioii niiiiiMiiiceit teiu i' dcteriiiination t.i -en I n team to l-ligland lu'Vt voir I i ln'iiK hf'-li (lie ioete, tniphv, Colo export . rili. ii" ! the manage loont of (hi year's touiuini. nt lor it Cil'line to have at let one wes'ein p'ayer on th Aniircan ilel'en.lmg team. Some wont so far . to oVihv' t'l t"v that nt least two wevtei'i plaet should line lieen tneluded ill the team, and rf dieted that next yesi tne Hinliagani vluU of ( alifoinia atut tin tinwents'a i lull of I hn ngo would be vepn-s.nte 1. The h . -eipts fio'ii the twj names p. no, I nt MeadoivbMoU total'el '-'', Oi'ii tnid the expendituie wove about Wi.i congratulated en .,11 side today. i o.i'i'o. I no Kriti-n i-vmn-ei nu.t !nvih entertanment were planned. th..m tei- BAN TUT ON RACE TRACK Rl'SULTS IN DENVFR lSnver, Coin., Ju 1?, - l.i'i'.nls to fiet out (Kevlnnd race iv.-ilt fi,m i!ie isce uao with an dcgive f pio.nvl nes hs..l pnictically been kIo-.i ,,m'el today. lom the first t!ic r.uth.n iti...- llrietly enforced the stale law pYehil iting the iie uf the toWrntd or of putilie telephone at the track. lVr a time the rviilt weii ent 1 v wav of the liack office's private telephone. Tuesday afternoon, however, the i-o-n. j wiisvea leariiivl they n, re n, t on'n U. ' ing handled a new, but tlat'' room nls, vsotv getting thete, wlicre upon it compelled the tvnixsl of thi telephone, too. It was believed the uncertainty coiu'erning re,i!t would make the nii-eting usilc for pool room )nirp,wm DOOTLE KSADEX IS OX. i Sacramento, June lT.vvrm,nto tnd Portland Coast league team will pUy a double healer this afternoon, fir game Hartinc at i O'elo.-k. mskinir ... . . . . A. . . , , T ,,,r " ini'c posiponei tiunng in erei!,r,g w.vrk of the soava. MASCELL. nioel he , n he llr iwel in Ii 2. Ihi onr he n 1 s . nido nuniiiHt Harney Idnl'ield anil iVdily Tetlnlal'f time mi the I'oiinlrv ( lull tiiioti nt I'ortlnnd ntul eipinlle.l the time on n iniitiiicvole of the e tu ijieni niiln ilriver. Last year a an I'ulucky year for Mnseell when in the ui"os nt Vancouver, Wnhinlon, hi tne Mew out on a turn niitl threw him. i iiuiii); ininiie that prevented his rciiinlii nn on the track that vonr. His return to the track this year with the determination (n clenn up honor. for1 hi, t n will nsi,,e the Salem motor. cy,!e iH.e fan that (here will l.e "sumo pce,( itit loose when he riile nLaiiist the other viack il.loi nt the chrirv fair lines. i CAKPENTIER MAY ACT A3 riOHT KEFEREE Per!.. .Inne ir.- Uoorgo Cnrpenticr, licnvvweig!it liiampion of V.urope, was coiisideiinii todav an offer to act as i referee In the bent here June 2T he-j tween Jack Johnson and Prank Moran. ' Alter several other proposed referees were rejected bv one ki.le or the other, : Carpentier. who is acceptable to both principals, wns asked to tu t. ' : RITCHIE STARTS TRAINING. louden. June IT.-With more than : to week ..head of him to piepare for his 2. round bout 'sith Freddie Welsh,":1. "' propenies. heiv .lulv t, t'hampion Willie Ritchie who amve.t vesteixlav, started In training arrangements todav. i.. .i . . .. . . V. imvLii,- i, -, upiti ri ciimmeiti on pun- lidied ciiti. isms. lnt.-,.d of .u things, easy for a few Jays, a had been 'P'Vte l. K.tchie announced his inten- Ition of lonimeacing training at once , , neiMi oas neon in i oiuioii tor about a w.-ek. I NATIONAL LEAGUE UMPIRES SAID TO BE BAD Hoston. Jm.e ir. --'The National to!ie i: !.;' re .-.rv woi-se than they w ere last simxvi, mil that's the next thing to i" p sible," w the statement of i tioorge SiaDing of tho Hoston Brave. in ain.ovu rig that he would protest t,i l . :,i 1 n r against eertain divss 1 1.-, COVLON QUITS KING. 1 i Angele. June !. Johnny Coc.lon la out ihe ring for all tune. Old, in; to a formal statement he i ungating' h uy Tto ' bs..t:wegh, ohampion, re.ted hi, rv. oss lor ni rt", eat itcieat ivy .lohsny W illiam. an,( announeM that he hs ave,l, d.n.i.g hi ten rear uni career, rA,oik .. , .... .. Do you ni fruit picktr$? Th Journal New Today odt winy, w nmwrw rn. ,,a. j M iihuiii; mmm cheaply. , COUSIN I I Dwfoat of Bantam Chsmploi Rocolrod With Oenulne SadnM In Oothan Sporting Circle la Well Liked BILL STEEN IS WINNING TWIRLER rOR CLEVELAND ! Buck Weaver Make Tremendous Kit at Captain of the Chicago White Box In Popular Player. lly Hal Hliorl.lnn. Now York, ,liim 17. The defeat of I Iji ii t inn ('hiiiiiiion .lull n n v ("on Win liv Kid Williams In do Aniiele wns re eelved in (lotlinni Hortin circle with Kenuinn rmlneis. I 'onion hns nlwnvs lieen a iiopu Inr I'hntnplon, lioth here anil in his mime town of ChiciiKo. When .loliniiv lieenme III more' than a year nun he kept on trnlninir and f i iilit inir. lint fn iti lie wiih no Inouer in eomlitiou! to do hat lie In the rinn. Then lie Hpent i ,....,,ii,. I., n... u';..,.....,;.. n...i Micliiiin woihIh trying to regain h ih henlth, lint his "hnwiiiK Hninst the I' ; husky Knno on hi first reiippenrmiee L, . """,rK l, !,..,, I li.ivini.l nil .ne.ti.iii tl.ul l, ,nIl ,l"'n"" fnr friun the Coulnn of old. Willinnm linnimered him nt will and for the find , time In IiIk life Coulnn wns whipped, inn! whipped without nlmwlux even n flush of liis oi l time form, . ,,. . , When MimnKor .'oi llirminnlinm or Cleveluinl renllv wnuts th Niiiik to vin a ((iime nuw , , , w ailiiys he onlers Hill Meen tn do the pit, In ml;. Steen hns niio. eeedeil Venn (ireitir lis the Nap.' tr j fliiiKer. lloth Stoen niul (IreKir are niK'"""""1 inini tne rniiiiimi i mir league eluli. If Hill keeps up his grout work mid Venn continue to slip, most fan will voon forgot nil about Vean.i ami the ttlory an, I the limelight will all' lie for Stoen". If Ciontlo had not hrok-1 en Steen'a little finger with a Knuckle j hall earlv in the soasnii there's no toll- ing how lung a string of victories tho Nap might now have. The appointment of Huck Weaver, former San I'lancisco Const leaguer, a ! , ,,'VI I"'" "ii'eago nixe mix, nns ; ''a: ". "'""'"'Ions UK. he l li.cago . ' . . ' "; i "k it pinivo for Weaver, who is popular i in overv city on the circuit. YOUTHFUL. WR1NKLELESS SKIN EASY TO HAVE ' Y,'u who desire to regain a youthful appeaninee will do well to make the eo,nniiitaneo of the two simple, but Mlimble, preseriptions here given. make an effective wrinkle remov ,,r' m',i n" ounce of powdered saxclite and a half pint witch hazel. Hathe the face in the solution innnedintely every wrinkle is affected. It acts wonderful- y " MK,n rN,,lu '"'T, " " - ' ''"V1" P'.,M,,N,,,m remarkable astringent ) To get rid of an aged, faded, freckled .... i . . t ............ n,. ot ",,"'", niervonr'd sx at any ,lrii( store and aoidr iiiirhtlv na von would , , ' . - , . cold cream, erasing tin mornings with 8,,or; " "j11 1,",,-v l- "r" tesirnhle aurtaeo skin, w- '"K ?"uiig.T, . nnguier, neaiinier fiin limn i n. n 1 11, icn- j. iiiiiiiing 1 1. Oiinal this tratmont as a facial rejuve- nator. LOCHINVAR STUNT LANDS INDIAN BRAVE IN JAIL Ta.'oma. Wati., June 17. If fair El. len had scratched young- 1 hinvur's lace and seveivly bruse,l him in sundry plaov when he tried to bear her away from her father's cattle, the poet might have h'l a different storv to toll. 1-oui Pan, a Mnckb shoot reservation Indian, attempte 1 I to play the part of, i'.sv l.o.i-.s be, in isil . i .. . t i i l.eiehinvar and to, waiting a hearing before the federal commissioner. Bety Jamos, Rn Indian eiiaeted fair Kllon but when I.oui at tern) ted to carry her away nn hi, stee l ' Udian tK.ny he wri- .n T:' . ... v nen nrongnt lo tsroma on a war rant swivrn out bv A-sistant I'r.itvvl States O'stiict Attorney Covrge K:h burue yesjerdsy, Louis" face was scratched and scarred where Betsy had; ' 1 1 sign of her .bvtpprov l, . DiJ you find it? Th lottr i -r w . r ii a rriacror 1 AC journal nctv Today Ads. SALLY - PC. Venire . . . . , 40 I. on Angelca i 40 .663 .554 .547 .402 .449 .380 Nan Francisco 41 Portland 31 Nncrnmento 31 Onkland 27 Yesterday 'i Result. At Sacramento Sacramento 8, Port land 0. At Venice, Venice 3, I.wi Angcloa 1!. At Onkland Oakland 1, San Francis ro 0 (It Innings). , Western Trl State League Standings. W. I,. PC. Wnlln Wullu .. IVmlloton .... linker North Ynkiinn 37 27 33 2S 211 33 2li 33 .557 .541 .475 .420 Yesterday' Results. At Ituker l'enillctnn 7, linker 0. At North Ynkinia North Ynkima 0, Wnlla Walla 2. STANDINGS OF THE TEAMS, National League. W. T,. PC. .0.10 .577 .5111 .500 .4!1 .457 .435 .383 I v , v "rK 2 17 Cinciniinti 30 22 St. Louis 2S 20 21 27 2," 20 2'J ' , "'"'V 1 21 Mruoklyn 20 Huston IS American tonguo.' L. IS 24 23 2.1 25 211 33 35 PC. .047 .571 .5.r)S .558 .528 .453 .310 .310 I riiiludelpliiii 33 , ,,t roj t : ,.i ! ..... ... - I iiciiinuiiiil i .., St. Louis . ChieaKo . . , New York Cleveland . 2S 24 17 IS ""ffalo . IJaltimoro Chicago . Federal League. W. 27 20 US L. 21 PC. .503 .512 .52,8 .481 .4SI .403 .455 .441) 1 niliiiiuiinlis ....... 2(1 20 25 ....... 20 ....... 22 2S 2S 21) 24 Kansas Citv St. Louis . . . Hrooklyn ... Pittsburg .. American Association. W. L. PC. Louisville Clevelnnd , 32 20 '31 2li w. l. .U.i- ! .544 I .538 ! .533 -.508 .4!) I .474 .375 ! Milwaukee 2S Kansas City 32 Indianapolis ,10 Minneapolis 27 Columbus , 27 St. Paul 21 21 2S 2i 2S 30 35 Western League. W. 32 32 2tt i lVnver ... ; Sioux t ity jS. Joseph - Hoa Moines Lineoln ... Omaha . . . , L. IS) 21 22 24 27 28 33 34 FC.j .027 .004 I .fltH) I .52!) .500 .440 ! .421 , .320 ; I PC. ! .028 ; .51 : .575 i .512 : ,3sH) ; .325 ; 27 '22 4 US ' Wichita ... Topoka ... ...d.. Union Association. W. 27 23 23 21 10 13 L. 10 IS 17 0 25 "oie . . . i. ..!.. r. -Murray . Butte . Helena Yesterday's Results. ; American Association Kansas City j 3, Columbus 2; Cleveland 12. Milwnu- : kee 0; Louisville 4 2, St. Paul 3-10; i Indianapolis 2, Minneapolis !. ; Western League IV'nver 6, Wichita1 I: IVs Moines !, St. Joseph rs; others off. i I'nion Assiveiatton Ogdon 5, Murray 1: Boise 5. Salt Lake 4 (10 innings)";' Butte S. Helens 2. How the Series Stands. Pacific Coast League Sacramento 1 ; game, Portland no game; Oakland 1 j ganit San Francisco no game; Venice ,rthw.sfor1.,;lsuc L sflm 9 , games, Portland no me; ar.couvcr , games, rortland no gme; 1 (ramo. Victoria 1 game. j Whers the Team Flay Today. IV i fie Coast l.egne Portland at ! 7 Wlos VSc ' ! N ,rVh wesiern Se-Portlsnd at! Spokane, Vancouver at Victoria, Svf tie at Taovnia. . Portland Batting Average. Pacific Const AB, H. AV. : .400 .4M .S43 .S13 i Brencpaa 10 Kvins 5 4 2 TT tV3 Kvaa S25 Fisher IVrriok 141 202 ,S1 - - - By Gross Doane 208 63 .303 Korea 217 05 .300 liancroft 127 38 .209 Lober 210 ' 62 .295 Kiegcr 18 '5 .278 Kodgers ; 240 62 .259 Brashear ., 37 9 .240 Martinoni 17 4 .235 Krause 00 11 - .220 West. 35 7 .200 Davis 107 21 .190 Higdglnbotham , 53 11 .189 Hpea 83 15 .182 Yanta 34 6 .170 Pape 0 0 .000 Millvr 0 0 .000 Northwestern AB. H. AV. Callahan 129 40 .310 Salvoson 11 3 .273 Mulchoir 212 58 .273 Milligau 204 53 .200 Uuignl 228 57 .250 McKune 227 56 .247 Williams r. . 101 38 .230 Coltrin 229 53 .231 Murray 107 37 .221 Loonard 33 7 ,212 Ha worth 32 fl .187 llausman 108 20 .180 Brown 31 5 .102 Kastley 30 5 .1.18 Hanson 0 0 .000 Prambach 11 0 .000 WAU CUiUUiifUNUtiNl Klia. Boxhill, Eng., Juno 17. Bennett Burleigh, one of the world's best known war correspondents, died here today. Ho left five gong and three (laughters. Silence is golden when applied to anyone who talks much and savs little I1 their veins, who do the world's work, end do it well, learn to appreciate things zt their real worth. They are not fooled by frills they demand honest value. These are the millions of mpn all m-cr the earth who "-3"t 's"""i nauu-iuauc cigareitesi cecause tnis pure, good tobacco rich, mellow and fragrant as nature made it affords them complete enjoymtrt and lasting satisfaction that no ready-made cigarette in the world can 'vel (Enoash for A loo or "pepm" FRES teith mack Se tack. WW? m ml GUARDSMEN WILL SHOOT FOR BATTALION TROPHY Cup Offered by Major Carle Abrams Will Be PrUe Fought for by Teams From Four Valley Companies. Next Sunday, rifle' teams of ten men each from Companies I of Woodburn, K of Corvallis and L of Dallas will be the guests of Company M. of Salem, with whom they will compete at the Company M rifle range at Fihzer for the trophy offered by Major Carl Abrams of the Oregon National Guard. This is the first of the serios of rifle matches held annually which will ex tend over a number of years. The rifle team winning the trophy cup at each year's match will have the right to hold the next match on their own rifle rango. They must also provide enter tainment for the visiting shooters and furnish all the men who will be detail ed to work in the pits. i. Kach man will be given cO shots, and as each bull's eye counts five points, a total score . of 250 is possible. No member of the state riflo team is elig ible to compete in this shoot, and offi cers are likewise barred from competi tion, tho idea being that this Third butallion shoot should bring out marks men who have not had a chance to com pete in other shoots, and to develop a new string of rifle shots. Tho com petition for this trophy will probably extend over a number of yenrs, as the conditions under which it is won make On the Firing Line in every walk of life you'll find good old "Bull" Durham. Men of men with tpA M.-xn.d" in - - - ... smoke "Bull" Durham in genuine: SMOKING TOBACCO forty hand-made cigarettes in each S-ctnl tack ) The millions of "Bull" Durham smokers are frond of that muslin sack, because they know that the quality is all in the' tobacco w here it belongs I Get a sack at the nearest dealer's today "roll your own" and you'll understand why enough "Bull" Durham is sold in a year to make approximately 12 Hilton cigarettes and the sales are still growing. IVHM "'1!!!!! lil'llil II '!' rini Things We Never See! it impossible that it be landed- in less than four years at least. , The members of the Salem company will leave for Camp Finzer early Sun day morning and spend the day on duty at the pits and around the range. NO TIME WASTED. ' Prnmnt Artinn Tft Ptaajiintf Manv Ra. lem Citizens. Get down to the cause of everything. ' Bad backs are frequently caused by weak kidneys. Help the kidneys to get rid of kid ney backache. Doan's Kidney Pills. are for the kid neys only. No time wasted trying to eure other troubles. Salem people endorse their merit. A. W. Lobach, R. F. D. No. 1, Salem, Ore., says: "A strain weakened my kidneys and I was laid up for two weeks. I tried several remedies, but got no relief. On a neighbor's advice, I began using Doan's Kidney Pills, and one box made me well enough to go back to work. Doan 's Kidney Pills did more, to fix me up in good shape than anything else I ever tried." Price 50c at all dealers. Don't simp ly ask for a kidney remedy-get Doan's Kidney Pills the same that Mr. Lo bach had. Fostcr-ililburn Co., Props.. Buffalo, N. Y. r 1 1 ii WHY NOT ADVERTISE YOUR ROOMS IN A WANT AD? MANY PEOPLE DEPEND ON THE WANT AD TO DIRECT THEM fcSSl Vl t 3 V I 'WtijVvuiii''.u 13 ,T. l