PAGE EIGHT THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OBEOQW, TUESDAY. JUNE 16, 1014. MEYERS ORIGINAL Jooe White Sale Continues With Unusual Value-Giving Tomorrow's Big Sale Our 695th Wednesday Surprise Rub-Dry Towels, 35c kind, 25c each This popular towel is much in demand, and a splendid seller at 35c, but we procured a large lot of them and give our customers the benefit of our purchasing power. Large absorbent towels of a weave all their own; each towel in a carton; excellent quality. Housekeepers should supply towel needs during this sale. 35c tow els, special for. 25c each Sale starts at 8:30. See window display. Parent-Teacher Associa tions Have Splendid in fluence in the Schools CALL FOR DRY CONVENTION ISSUED 9 At a meeting of a representative i.iil .l e- of ilrv voter held i'i ill S.ilc.n W. C. T. If. Mall June 13th hist it was ileeiileil to call a Marion county con vention to meet in Salem Saturday, . jjuue 27, 1014, at the W. C T. I'. Hall, j vomer t'oiiiinereial and Ferry streets. For the purpose of crcatiuir a ilccner! iirai..T.....k.,. A.,-.,..:...: :.. .1.. ....... 'The hour of assemblage will lio 10:00 hi 1! I m '"V 0f the lm,t '" "'' reeoniine itions to school boards i": '" ' 8 uu atteruoon sea the schools of the vinon .llt ,i..i ..... . .. . . sion wi I he hod. thrn.,,,k... .v . . T ., . n"i'niiK ww ouiiiiings rein 01 cling o l . throughout the state, State Superintend- ones. iln. fn, m. ,.. i. 1 ... The purpose of NEW TODAY Onb tout per word each inser tion. Copy for ajveitiscmcnts un der this heading should be iu by 2 p. 111. PHONE MAIN 81. nut l hurchill last fall published a 1 areni-ieacncr Pamphlet to assist in ones, plans for rooms to ho used for physical vulture, gy m nasi 11 111 or play j fold: purpose of the convention is two i-ampniet to assist in halls. All important adjuncts to too l1 , r lrsl' 10 90 the organization and conducting of Par- schools." k ! Ill0se already CHERRY FAIR JUNE 25, 26 AND 27 f m ii Min T.?. ... -Tr-lf tup ff First, To select dry candidates from ose already in the field, when this Trt'I- I l,,!,l,h,,' ,0 assl!,t IB th "These associations are co-operatini; ' ls ''0!,s,,!l,'.i, , . I organization and conduct. ng of Parent-, most heartily with the Hovs' and Girls'. tl'on,l r br,nK out new candidates VT -ru KOn,atlr8 throughout the Industrial Club movement in the State' w'eTe 110 ,lr-v '"'"'''"t" ' '" state. The results have shown a marked and .r ...n ' race. influence on the betterment of the ' th ....!,. . .k.;: V..i .. ..A ! 'ne schools in everv district where a Par-ling,'' ' ' lt-BThrfVfcWi'liTW',r.,rb',".ll!,,-i "ThM0 a-iti their inem . I U"C! lh, 8 ahVers have accomplished much in heauti organizations were established in a 1 fying sehool buildings and grounds, in large majority of the districts, and maki..K the school garden project po" ever,- eounty superintendent has written 1 sible, in securing sanitary ik !r he s . vT ' ' ""T?1 I "n.S ? : '"t"". -th a supply of pure water, " i i mm in various wavs the organizations in all of the districts . sehool conditions.'- " ...ere iney nave been established. Have Secured Improvements. ! v . f rTr ;"t l'y. the e0UB-; "Thc rent-Teacher ' Associations the number of Parent-Teacher Assecia- questions of new bmldimrs or other im ! Z8."""1 . '"i ",e th' f-"'t have come opt have secured Ta JreJLVl -VPar fr 19 V"'-9 wa"!, Brailed and fenced the school hiiiiireif rh between seven and eiht Krounds, and have done many other t n .T 1"ml"'r -f S.'"',h a!iS0,''ia- ,ni"s 10 the s hool buildiiiKs and . ions m the state organized during the grounds attractive and comfortable." pasi year. o.itMi.le of the C.ty of Port- ' VVe are indebted t ,.r A...i.i improviiifr the land, total 3(1.,.' Polk county leads with for ..bivcrrn,,.,.! , li n I II. I, line nn.l tn-.,., ,.l, :..i. u i .. , ' Marion l.ein ..!.. i- -n... mi''","""" u"u l""' e" 10 ornanizntions, Yamhill, .n ii no ii Deinif close seconds. Th f,il. ...i,..i . m . - ...... , ,(uu luuuia. ?"e m'"""'r orK".itiunsi "Support has been given to n move. - rai n ruililiv Illiri.lU inw iindersitjned were seiected as committee to issue this call. E. S. Hammond, Sarah h. Oliver, Win. L. Cuiiimiinjs, C. V. I.ivesav, T. Porter. ' BASEBALL TODAY. PHKSSINU PAIil.OU MAN WANTED. A. B. C, Journal. OLD PAPKRS for carpets; 10 ecnU Ier hundred. Journal office AIKKDAl.K PUPS FOK SA1.K Phono ' Jr armors tio-i-4. C. H. Stevenson. SAND, GKAVEL or loam delivered to any part of the city. Minto Bros. .WAN'TKD Loganberry pickers. L. I,. Vincent, Kickreul, Oregon, route 1. FOB KKNT Six-room eottuge in busi ness district. Phone Kllen Feidt , 2W7-J. Pacific Coast League Standings. W. L. 1 I.os Angeles 41 San Francisco 42 Venice ;x Portland 31 Sacianiento 30 Oakland Yesterday's Results. At Venice Venice 8, Sacramento No other games played, traveling day. WANTED pickers, ruute 4. AT ONCE Loganberry I'. F. Neiderlieser, Salem, 31 33 31 31 37 43 ..".li'l 1 .500 . I Ls .377 it V iluruiL' the niKiif for l,,,,i t.:: i i past year: Dakcr 4; nenton 0:( 'lack-, Science ..,! ihrn...,l, " A' Columbia 3; Coos board win feel insti t'lPlI ill Illlilin.r 4l..,an amas 13; Clatsop 1; All Around Town - Dr. Mendelsohn, specialist In fitting j to check them all over. If the mimes glasses correctly. U. S. Bunk building, are found to bo correct the petitions' O will bo Beted upon in the regular man-) Judge Galloway was the first of tne "er. 8,1,1 the ordinance referred. Menii-i democratic candidates to filo with the1 while the city is being served under the secretary of state his acceptance of tho,,'K ordinance formerly in force. It is nomination. f highly impiolmlde tlui r a special elec. o tion will be culled and the promotois of Dr. E. T. Reamer, eye, ear, nose and the reinnnstruiice will not demand it ns throat. Masonic Temple. i t -' working of the new ordinance is o held up by the petitions presented. The railroad commission uas the 0 Marshfield water rate case nearly! Be sure and visit Brietenbush Springs , ready for publication. With this out 11118 summer. L nder now management, of the way it is probable something will 1 ,,K,hs all remodeled nnd up to date, he heard of the oaloni case this summer. ; 0ooJ restaurant and store. Tents for a i rent. For information, address J. K. Try Scott's 15c meals. j Johnson, Detroit, Oregon. he would take the first and the speed iest frieght train for the south and uever come back. Don't hesitate when you want any thing in musical supplies we have .Vuri'llilni. I- . vxijiunix jiuiii u siring or n jews linrp" up to a plnyer piano. The Wiley B. Allen Co., it. V. Peters, Mgr., 021 Court. Dr. James Withycombe, Republican candidate for governor, will deliver an address at the Waldo Hills pioneer Picnic, June ISth. The Woman's Alliance of the Uni tarian church w,.l meet Friday with Mrs. V. Heno of Lincoln Ave.,' South Salem. Kev. Tischer will rend a paper on Win. Chiiniiing. All members and ! menus are invited. OO. O. Ml .. . ... ' .1 -v, nw, o, urry u Douglas in; liil- i innrtmni,!. t. .,.. f ,.. ....' . : o. il- L nl ii .. . I ""..'v ,rui cm uuuin. i: ?v"'-. l ! -ar"r ".,lo,',,! "The Association meiubcrs, at their Kla.nath o; Lake S; Lane 2N; Lincoln 1 of the districts and of thc children, and give their moral support to school 4; Linn 8; Malheur 3: Marion ':,: Jtor- row 1; Multnomah (outside of Port land) 14; Polk 30; Sherman 2; Tilla mook I; Umatilla 12; I'nioii (i; Wal lowa S; Wasco (I; Washington IS; Wheeler 1; Vuinhill 30. Clubs Are Bonefit. Jaires Wilson, the se.:retary-treasurer of the Salem Brewery Associutbn, with head offices iu Poitlnnd, wis iu the city this afternoon on business. Mr. and Mrs. Wilson are well known in Snlem, they having been residents cf th'u city for some time prior to their removal to the Itoso City. o bonnls in matters that lead to better conditions." "Not only the school, but the home comes under the inspiring influence of the uplift of these Associations. " "Thi'Olllill the closer rollltimiuhin hn. Regarding the value and helpfulness ' tween tho homo ailil the school, the par of these associations, county superin-! cut and tho teacher, greater interest is tteiKients and teachers arc united in the 1 manifest in all educational matters." opinion that such clubs ate of great ; "Through tho co-operations of school nenerit in bringing about a closer rela- patrons and teachers, the value of thc tionship between the parent mid teach- school as a community center is made er, the home mid the school. County apparent." Miperiiiieiiiienrs give imiiiy, anil in nil A spirit ol co-operation comes to cases, good reasons for having tho Par-, each district when an association lias ent .Tea her Associations and express , been formed, and when the members bc their determination to increase the mini- gin to study school problems." her in their counties as they are able' "Let the good work continue. We to secure such organizations. Following f want ninny more of theso aids to ef- nre a tew-of thc many expressions of iicie.nt school work. " approval of this advanced educational "Teachers welcome these Associa movement in the State. ' . j tions. Through them they get lie "One of the most important things ipiainted with the parents of the shil that Jias been introduced through taeldren they have in their schools." Northwestern League Standings, W. L. per. FOB SA1.K Vancouver 43 IS .70j Seattle 41) 22 .(H.'i Spokane 36 25 .5!0 Yesterday's Results. At Spokane Spokane 4, Portland .1. At Victoria Vancouver 10, Victoria 5. At Tacoma Seattle 8, Tacoma National. JI ST l.KAVK LITTLK PLACE for Fred's sandwich fried in cletin but ter no grease. BOX TRIMMINGS, 1.75 per load, do livered. South Salem Box Factory, 247 Miller, l'hone 308. JANITOR WANTS WORK of any kind. C, care Journal, or F. P. (!., box 41, Fairgrounds, Oregon. Modern 8-room house on paved street; largo lot; in good neighborhood. J. R. C, care Journal. INFORMATION OF VALUE to those, wanting to take up homesteads. In quire of Low & Derrick, 359 Statu street. Chicago Boston ...... Vaugh 11 Oowdv. Cincinnati Brooklyn . Tingling FOR SALE Young Jersey nud Hul stcin cow giving three gallons pti day; tests 5. Inquire 555 South Fifteenth. and Bresnahaii: bach and Miller. National. and Clark; R. II. E. ! 5 8 2 7 0 2 James and U)ST-I'nrcc containing child's white embroidered bonnet, on Court street R II E hetween High and postoft'ice. Re ' '' 1 turn to Journal office. 1 -1 Allen, 8 7 lieul R. II. E. 0 4 5 3 G 1 Tesreau and 1 HOTEL FOR SALE The Allamont, Hend, Oregon, a modern, profitable, well -furnished lioiel, 011 terms. W. A. Hammond, Dubuque, lowu. Parties In Josephine county have Edward Adams Cantrell, of Califor written the railroad commission asking "in, will speak from nit automobile on that the Southern Pacific he compelled the corner of Commercial and State Lawn social, at residence of Attorney to stop its trains at Salt Creek. One streets, Friday, June 10, nt 8 p. m. His General A. N. Crawford, Capitol street train should be enough to stop at that, subject will be tho problem of the mi- Wednesday evening, by the Kpiscopnl station, as it could easily carry all the, employed, past, present and future, and church. All friends cordially invited defeated candidates. I its solution by the "Right to Work"; to attend. A program will be given 0 measure now being petitioned for the Ice cream and cake served. ww w ui. oiuue a jor irusses. inn eiecnon. nr. Cantrell has orgnaiz- 0 ed a nationalist society in Portland, Coupons good for votes in the con. which includes many of the lending citi test for cherry queen will be run in the ' wis of that city. Ho will also explain daily papers of this city for some time its relation to present-dnv society. All in order that interest iu the contest mnv should hear this able address. be stimulated. The results of the vot-i " o ing to date are as follows: Miss1 O. H. Stewart, claim airnnr. for th. Kiinaue Craig, !ri2; Miss (I race Lilly, Southern Pacific 11 ml Portland. ' "i- iiiiciv t-nny next ween. 1 lie cere mony was performed by Kev. Perry rroiiene SchrocK, 111 me presence of tho bride's parents and a few fcuiiaue trnig, !tri2; Miss (I race Lilly, Southern Pacific mihs rrisciiiii i' mining, DDI. ,nnd Eastern, is in town today on busi- tt. 7T0 . 'w- Uo wiU retvlrl1 to Portland to nave your picture made at the Post morrow. Card Tlioto Shop. Wo finish while you I o ....... v,... m reei, grounu iioor. 1 a. M. wagers, one of Salem's lead- '"ends. Mr. liille is employed in the Tir 7. T . BBU everl11 aays, niK Dusiness men and capitalists, will I f orestry department at the cnpitol and ....... ..... juu.iiHcu, residing on Month leave soon for the extreme northern Mrs. mile has for sometime been " "" ".'. ii.ine.wrui a serious oper- pnrt of Alaska. He made all reservn- stenographer for Governor West -' ""'"'"..'" now geiting along tions tor passage bv steamer vesterdnv o sp emuuiv. Mr. Marnach is tho pro- by teleginphi.n; to Seattle and hope's Meurice Roberts, brother of Professor i Vk ii 1 . ' 1,10 ""semeut 10 pe on Ins way within a short time s- Huberts, returue.l home vesterdav or the Masonic lemple and Mrs. Mar-Mr. Magers will stop at all of the prin- '"' Southern California whe're he has na n nas niiiiiv friends in Salem who eipal cities in the northern country and ''ecu taking a course in the Osteopathy will he pleased to learn of her ultimate will join the natives in hunts when he ''"liege. , cets up in the real north. Mr. M ntrnra O I t'xpH'tH to be gone Hfvornl wt'eka, and ! The bills for repairs and construction NO TRACE IS FOUND OF MISSING BALLOON Western Slope of Cascade Mountains for Distance of 150 Miles Is Being Closely Searched by Parties. AUTO MEASURE CAUSES IRE TO RISE TODAY Machines May Be Parked on Streets at an Angle of 30 Degrees If Pointed in Right Direction. Pittsburg New York Harmon and Gibson; .ueyers. R. II. K. St. Louis 4 i) 1 Philadelphia 311 o l'eriitt and Snyder; Maver and Kil lifer. American. R. II. E. Washington 13 0 Cleveland 2 5 0 Ayers and Henry; Stcen ami O'Neill. R. II. K New York 0 4 3 Detroit 3 8 1 Fisher and Nunamaker: Covaleskie and Stanage. Portlnnd, Ore., Juno 1(1. Although ' TI,B ni't-o owners of this city who the searchers for the lost balloon ! 'lt'"r(' t)f the passage of the new auto Springfield, with Pilot Koy Donaldson ! (lr(li""lu'e '1,st n'B1'4 were up in arms or cpringtield, 111., and Aido Wilbur lM'tty t tc report that they could There was a quiet wedding this morn ing at, the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Tillson, 011 -Mission street, when the ceremony was nor- formed that united Mrs. Iless T. Spooner ' "eudersou 111 charge, numbered into!,,ot 8t0l) 11 machine for more than 30 and Mr. Albert II. Gille. The newlv-1 ".le ,n.lll(lro,l!,. "0 trace of either the j minutes 011 tho city streets, but will bo weds left on the 11:10 train for New-' ur Ille ,m " btfeii found 1 aiTl,ls 10 lenrn mat lie new ordin- port for a short honeymoon, exnectinir ,,lia "10rning. ' lauce places the 30-miaute limit only ...... 1 1 1 1, wi 1 in- m-mcrii slope or ; ' - 'I"1' 1, not 'i kcii or oacaeu the Cascade mountain for a distance 1 Bguinst the curb at an angle of 30 de of 150 miles from the Columbia river Brees and pointed in thc direction in recovery. y., . . TT " I states that ho intends to take in everv- Piano tuning first-class work. Phone , thing while on his trip. 7 J1li5, leave orders with G. C. Will or) 0 F' r"f,'r"' J- krtl. I Miss Thekla Qoehring of Grand Isl- M, Th t , "li Nebniskn, is visiting nt the homo Mr. John A. Payen, the French of Mr. and Mrs. Miller Bevier at 77? teacher has left for Montreal, Can.,, North Cottage street Miss Goehriiiir where he has been offered ' . s . """? ith the governiuent aiiric.dti rnl i ' .,w,li .u' ' :,! r W1" stitute. On ;,U 1.. " 1"' " " " 11,1 vow. ' .' i""i in- is uoilli;1 n ..... .i,,,uiin Minun 111 vamiiin -0 1 woiK 011 the Cinversity of Oregon ouiiiiiiigs wuen found to be too iiim-ii ior more money than was ap propriated by the last legislature, and the contracts were not let. Two Sa lem contractors hid on the work, C. Van Patten of this citv, submitted a hid of l!l,700, and W. II. Imlrviiinlo one 01 ip..-i,i in.. 1 naries It. iish ntininto I "mt 1,0 Penetrated is being search-, which they shall go upon being started -V- large searching parties head- " mo auto is packed up against the r I by O. B. Henderson, brother of eurb at the proper angle, the car may the missing aide, ami W. M. Davis, his' stand in this positiun all day and the law partner, are in tho vicinity of Mt. framers of the ordinance do not believe Hood today. " that this procedure will work any hard ' - ships on auto owners. CIRCUIT COURT OASES. Not more than two autos may be ! parked together, however, as the corn Four marriage licenses were issued I mittec believes that this method will yesterday afternoon and today nt the ! relieve tho possibility of tin accident county clerk's office. Raymond A. in case a streetcar were in the street Marcks, a farmer of Corvallis, and and an auto was obliged to dodge a Ethel Garret of Muskogee, Oklahoma, . pedestrian, which might be a difficult opened vesterdav were I !')ok 0,lt th(,ir PRl'ers, Miss Garrett giv 1 high, as the bids all"1K h,'r p(-,'"pation as "a farmer." iMCKOiiemus, a post office clerk of Portland, and Elsie Medack, of Mt; Angel, received their license yes terday and Albert H. Gille, a clerk of Salem, and Bess T. Spooner, a Salem stenographer took out their permit. Lester E. Mosher, a mechanic of Al bany, and Lnla Belle Polka, of thi rent it the curb were lined with mu. chines. MAURICE KLINGER, AGED 72, IS SERIOUSLY ILL Federal. R. II. K. Pittsburg 4 i;i 1 Chicago 3 7 2 Dickson and Berry; Watson and Wilson. First game . f. K. Baltimore 10 3 Kansas City ; 4 20 1 Suggs, Ridgcway, Conley and Jack-, litscii, Boucher; Packard ami Easterly. R. II. E. r.uffalo 1 3 Indianapolis ISO Moore, Anderson and Blair; Falken berg and Raridan. WANTED High-grade, Jersey; must be fresh, give not less' than 30 lbs. of milk per day, testing -1 to 4Vj per cent. Call up Main 1131 or 491. WANTED A girl of 13 wishes a posi tion as nurse girl for small child or baby; sleep at homo nights. Inquire at 000 North Summer street, or phono 470. CHOICE NO. 10 REMINGTON type writer, 1 4-ineli curringe, all improve ments, .ji35.()g; late model Oliver,' 35.00; Underwood, $35.00; No. 1 Royal, sXiO.OO; rebuilt L. C. Smith, 10.00. Paul M. Sims. WE BUY second hand furniture; take it in exchange for new. Full line of new furniture, ranges and other seasonable goods. Wir sprechen Deutsch. Poet. Furniture Co., 247 Ninth Commercial. HIL1SBORO MAN IS ELECTED PRESIDENT following es It. b isher. ot B. T. Finn annt-nii lr,... .1. - Sulcm. n member nf the l.mir.i ( .T.i 1 1. - 'o ., ' i. :.. ..... 1 . , .. .. I cif v w.irh tk. 1 1... .k-: 'neer retired l,i.... m 1 TlHn lj.i. n t .. imiKiimii iiucseiiierrv who resides on , r 1 ''"iui iimav ior tie .. ,,""i"' " .- mcir - -mimn r!l l l Vf!,'0 th Post tl1", is in 'the city, a r Vi"g l",,,r'1 "tiiiK to consider the bids, !'euse today. owner ot the Salem brewery, was sud- . '"T' 4.H. l ourt Htreet.i Sunday. He owns a saw n, II "l tate Architect W. C. Kni.ii.ton ul t tacked with illness yesterday McKenzie the first ever built east of ' als0 KllKcne to cinsi.ler some!' H. Steinhock, a junkman of this ,m,r",nl and is today in a most serious Springfield nnd that ,ir veins ago He ; alt''iiitions in the plans before the fin-1 city, filed a suit for damages to the ex- vomllton- -r. Klinger is 72 years of iu nunli:.... il ... . . . .1 n. .,f ...... I... ,. 1- ' tmu . .1. .L. n-..v. . BITO Ulld. Iieeorilinir in 11 r.... 1... r r rnv.n.i,u v, . i mik inti nrnvai or a lot of resin I m un1(,.-, n iS inn m against ine i orii-un:, i-.u- " ,. , iu ,7 Ch'irman of the r ! which I'" shipped from his place to the "M-v t' tlu" nwai'l!' w' ma in cene, and Eastern railwav eompnnv. .tt,teiidinR physician, the old gentleman 11I water ciimmitteH of t ie civ ,....,,,..11 i'n,.:i..i u ., ..' . ' 1 .i-ui,;.. ,. c... .1 mi. . . . .,.1.. ..1... ., . 1 was nvunnma lu i... !..... it. 1.-1-. . . . - .' - "' .1,1 . Mini i-un 1 i mu ,11111 v 11., u,...- , . ... hi ti 1 mi 1 b. 1 lit. n'iw in. , .lie liiani.iTr n 1 niipM innr. r i -i,ii i-n r . , mui, .11 1. xv 11 i.r. is making some iiersomi! invot;.ii i..,. n., f;.,.. . ' ,i..:,,,..i ..,. ,.., .. ... ... ,'. ,'... er wns tntnllv Kii.i ,..,. .1 .....k of the ,-.,,t.,,.i . . -."" niiKuu rimii 111 the country ; " .'. " """ r.ngeiio ron- niv uis wagon on tne appronrn to tne'" , ; - "" v ...u-k, hall The 1 . 1" ''"V h(''."K ,.',lllt "I1 ,he McKenzie under tr",,,,,r W- - "eekart. who ofvred H ! north Mill Creek bridge on North Com. nml. for '" as totally helpless, .k ' ' ",' " '.'.." " iiireciion ot the V. S. Forest rv De- "l 1,11 W0IK ,or . .i'SK. more, than usual attention to tho man- partn.ent and that ther e is ) 00 , r&Sa WRECK PROBE BEGINS ynv .tuiiuu since tne r;ast Tu'edford, Ore., June 16. With the ciution of A. C. Shiite of Hillsboro, the animal convention of the Oregon State Bankers association ended this afternoon with an open air picnic at Ashland. Before adjournment the resolutions were adopted: Opposing all four of President Wil son s anti trust and trade bills; against; Hurley-Davidson, 8 h.p., 1!M3 the provision of tiie federal reserve 12 h.p. marine uas eiiL'iiie act which takes postal deposits from suue oaiiKs; recommending Seattle for the bankers' convention in l!)lo: one- cent postage and continuation of work at . tne uregon Agricultural college luuiung IOwarn tne agricultural Used Cai s for Less Than They Are Worth I will sell you a car and guarantee it to give satisfaction. You may us6 it a whole year and it will still bo worth more than 1 will charge you for ' 11 cars from $300 to 8.J0 each; ' many more listed out nut at the garage. They can be seen. N ! I have one for $402.30 that is' posi ! tively the best buv iu tNilem. nine urn; mat i can convert into a : 3-4 ton truck for W0. 1 have a Ford contract calling for any new Ford, that I will discount $25.00, ! Motorcycles. Motorcycles. Motorcycles. I Indian, single cylinder $ tio.DD Indian two speed LSii.OO 1(i2..ji) 125.D0 Terms on any of the above. Geo. M. Reeves Maurice Klinger, one of Salem Vpio- I t T Autos Bought and Sold. Capital at Union. grounu iioor. Developing, 10c a roll. uick service and good work, nud water 1 1 mercini street, oil April ot tins year ami tnrew him out ot tho wagon and in jured him so that he was unable ti work for 10 days, besides dedroyiag his harness. tTcentr Are Inclined to Exonerate it, and if he sells it. it is the b.t ..r i its kiml, f.rr Shafer has been in busi- ! not 11 mentally and physically. His son, r.iiruesr, 01 norvnis, was sent for and came to the city with bis wife ns speed'- ily us possible. It is reported this aft-! ernooii that -Mr. Klinger is somewhat ; better but that his condition is still ' serious. ' -...... D m 10 exiena a ncss so one that hn .,,,,,, ff...i ...I Captain Anderson of the Storstad for Collision Costiiiar Manv T.lvoa ! ..,., ,uHuon o tne pni.hc to make sell inferior goods at any price- 1ST 1 use of our retention rnnm ul,iln -:. u 1. k. . . 1 . l,m0 J' 1 i ing f,ir cars. Sale,,, Electric Co., Ma-1 Quebee, June Ki.-With I.or.l Mersev aoinc Temple, 127 North High street. A man giving bis name as Walker l'r,'si,li" the royal commission charg ti,. ..,.i "T" stumbled into the police station bt ,wlth t',e ,,,sk f investigating the n mT t0 r6fW th4 d0g niKht and asked for bed I I l S eves ' VuVt f ,,h UB"r Kml,w o( U nance recently passed by the city were swollen shut and he w in . JiJ ! I 'i""'' r,',,"t'-' in '0,,ihioB wi,h n'" coiinc, to a vote of the people in the of (cl C t w b'''!?' ,the l n- ff Fa-iH-cemher general election have been and City Phvsic an O , 1 ,hor 1 ,,,"t' lwn "s wrk here today, filed wh the city recomer hut were ex,,.!.; "," 1, T tter cons red was the ..ot nee,! iqsjn at the council meetiini in vil... . '." rrui last night because all of tl .,.,..: , ,",ea mat he, names had an f-xc...,ti..,.u v,.i a . , " i 01,1 tne lacts. Later wit. f,.. . . . " ' nesses wi 1 be ea 01 . It -, ..v ...... j,,,, , ,, amo,1(, ,no flr!t f ft,,,,, wil, b( and k-i that w M ,( l-llllU!S ami it is a matter of several dnys work ........... . " " " ii- country as he could. He told Dr. Miles TUW1. Cl T 1 tha,t U w.ei,t J" he could UllUVY 1 UQdV 'T" reUed to stop on piggeii and Best in At BLIGH'S oi procedure nest calcn ate.1 to all the i nesses will be called. It was expected Keudall of tho Empress of Count of his eyes swelling ln,t Tk Town l,l,,-Vi;i',i"11 ?ave him 8ome medicine ...v. hmwu 111 in io get out with all possible haste or he would never cet W 'II Wllllr- -......! 41.. . .. .r . ..., 1UB police that whs i captain Ireland. Popular opinion has all along tended to exouerate Keudall, hut experts in cline to hold hi in to some extent re sponsible for the disaster and to ex onerate Captain Anderson of the Stor stad. Lawyers from Qucbee, Montreal, Ottawa, London and New York were when hm ' . ",", i-ouuon ana -ew lork 6a bit f yea cleared npauently present when' the hearing opened. An answer was filed todav in the suit of IHxiglas and sou against D. D. " ' Steele and Kv It. I.ornine in a suit to , "LO SCORE3 AT MEADOWBROOK. recover monev. The defendant al-: leges that he "was not informed x.lieu )lo"l""w brook, June 10. By 4 p. m. tho note was due and that ho tt-ought , s,anl3 were full. It was estimated it was paid and the claim satisfVd 1 'nat the spectators numbered 35,000. 1 : Even standing ro m was at a premium, r.-e' Tl, Ram started at 4:37. At the J. P. Petit filed a suit for ilivnre against I-enora Petit on the grounds o 0ltset the ball was driven to the Bri- Cinch lesertion. The couple was married in Salem iu 100S. There were no . hi'dien bom to the couple. THAW PLANS TO MAKE ! OET.AWAY TO FRANCE tisn goal, Lamoiituirne missinr it Chcape then drove it down the field and a moment after made a goal. End fint period score England 2, America minus 'j. Second period England 3, America I minus 'a. New York, June 10. William T. n the third period there was no Jerome, representing New York state "-'ore, Larry Waterbury, Tompkinson in legal proceedings to return Harry K. 'ni"l Cheapo missed ensy goals from Thaw, slayer of Stanford White", to 8j' positions. Matteawan asylum, arranged today to Fnd fifth period England 3, Ameri have Thaw secretly watched so as to e plus prevent the Pittstiurger's possible 'th period England 3i, America, escape from this country. Rumors were curront that Thaw has communicated Seventh period England 3i, Ameri-; with friends here and that he is plan- ea Sit. nine dash for the Atlantic coast.) America ahead iu eiehth period. ' whence he is to take a yacht for France. ' Final score England 4, America 2 Gopher Traps This is. without any doubt, the best gopher trap en the market. Never fails to get the gopher when properly sei. AVe have sold hundreds of them and they always give satisfaction. back if they do not catch them. Have sold from ten to twenty to a single party after they tried them. One gopher can do enough damage to pay for several traps. Order today and stop their work. D. A. White & Sons 251-261 State Street Salem, Oregon Phone Main 160 . ft