Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, June 15, 1914, Image 1

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Leased Wire
m$ Mam
7Way's iVevs J
Printed Today
PRICE TWO CENTS stands, five cents
I IC III L J ID ' lit. I: il Jl JL Jl It
President Creates Sensation Rivalling Charges of an "Insidi
ous Lobby" to Defeat the Tariff Bill-Declares
Delay Would Be Bad for Business
Military Authorities Control Cities But
Country Villages Still Held by the
Revolutionists People Stirred.
Correspondence Asking That the Anti-Trust Legislation Be
Abandoned Made Public by Chief Executive to Uphold
Contention That Depression Is "Psychological."
Washington, June 15. A sensation
rivaling that which followed President
Wilson's charges of an "insidious lob
by" to defeat the tariff bill was
launched today bv the president hiin
nelf. The chief executive charged that a
combination of business intertsts was
behind an agitation to compel con-
(jress to adjourn without enacting any
legislation in regard to trusts.
Modane, France, June 14. The ser
ious nature of last week 's disorders in
Italy was just beginning to be' learned
here today.
The rising was genuinely revolution
ary in character. Many towns pro
claimed republics. Local republican
committees took charge. The people
were armed and the regular authorities
were ignored, forced to flee and in
some instances killed.
In the larger cities the military and
police were said to be re-establishing
ordor Sunday but in many country vil
lages it was reported the revolutionists
were still in control and that there
would have to be numerous small fights
and probably . much bloodshed before
they were completely suppressed.
The prediction was made that iarge
numbers of those who took part in the
movement would refuse to yield but
would turn bandits and that a serious
period of outlawry would ensue.
Nor, it was asserted by persons famil
iar with the situation, was it likely that
the monarchists triumph at this time
would settle matters permanently. They
said they believed the people were
stirred to a point where there would be
recurrent outbreaks so long as the pres
ent regime continues.
The revolutionists call themselves re
publicans but it was stated that their
program was generally much more
strongly suggestivo of a system of
Police Forces Gaining.
Rome, June 15. Police, tho gendar
merie, troops and nme seacoast towns,
jwon of
President Thompson of Pendleton, De.
cUres That Federal Reserve Law Will
Require Changes la Oregon Laws,
Medford, Or., June 10 One hundred
and twenty-five delegates were present
here today at the opening of the ninth
annual convention of the State Bankers
In his opening address, President W.
L. Thompson of Pendleton, declared the
federal reserve law would necessitate
changes in the Oregon banking laws,
advised that the two per cent interest
rate on county funds in Oregon be
changed to one per tent and suggested
an inter-insurance Society among Ore
gon bankers to reduce the cost of surety
bonds. '
Mayor Purdon of Medford made a
brief address of welcome. Ralph D,
Hetzel, director of extension at O. A. C,
told bankers what they could do to bet
ter agricultural conditions in the state
and increase the bank deposits.
ter dated May 1, "has been lost some
where in tho country owing to the
mischievous activities of politicians."
Kudosed in it was a form for a
night letter, which recipients of the
letter were asked to send to President
Wilson, Vice-President Marshall, At
torney General Mc Reynolds, Speaker
Clark, the interstate commerce com
missioners and mcmbors of tho senate : bluejackets and marines, were begin-
ami nouse or representatives. nin(, to get the up,1Pr lmnJ over thc
Appeals to sense or justice. revolutionists throughout Italy today.
Delay Bad for Business "We respectfully appeal to vouri There were still scattering disorders,
Washington, June 15. Declaring sense of justice, said this torm, "and 1 however. At Senignlda the church of
that to delav anti-tiust leuis ation for asK in tne name ot tne sintering Am- the Holv Cross was burned, several
xoveral months, keeping the country i encan people and in tho name o com-1 other houses of wohip were damaged
meantime in a state of uncertainty, "ion sense, why wantonly harass busl-amj Rn unsuccessful attempt made to
would be the worst possible thing for ness at tins juncture I set fire to thc cathedral.
the national business interests, Presi- "Why throw more thousands of. In the Lugo district also the republi
dent Wilson announced emphatically to-l'"e 'U when so many, families aro al- cnn committees remained in charge.
day that ho would not consent to iicp- j ready starving f j Enrico Mnlatestn, one of Europe's
resentntive Underwood's plan for an "Why subject business to any ex-1 negt known apostles of revolution, long
immediate adjournment of congress uu-! perimental legislation now, when it isan cxji0 in England but recently re
til after election and consideration ofj''t prosperous! turned to Italy, took n prominent part
the anti trust program then, at a spe-1 "Postpone it. Drastic action on- ;n engineering the uprising,
cial congressional session. .vour part is a peril at this time. I .
For t.iat matter, so far as business "nai we no neeu ui una nine is
is concerned, the president told the a little building uj not a mere tear
newspaper correspondents, there ls'ingdown. We have had a sufficiency
abundant evidence that the present so 'of experimental legislation for the
called depression was manufactured in present.
the hope of compelling delav. Hej "Granting the petition of the east
charged plainly that a combination of n .railroads for a five per cent in
j.iw;,ii i .1 1 Mrnst n behind such nn ! crease n freight rates will do more for
the prosperity and development ot tire
country than unlawful restraint of
trade and monopolies.
"Such a determination will result in
a movement forward, not backward,
and any contrary determination by the
interstate commerce commission will
emphasize the fact that Washington's
..usimiy is .mm.mj ,.,. ... .... , . . , . .
"The merchants of the country are ',. . '. ' t v... o
.. . . . , . . . . suit or the announcement by Secretary
vitallv interested that business must . , i i
. . i . ,. of state lirvan that ne intends to
r.ot be retarded, otherwise commercial . . ., . , ,
. ., ... . ' i transmit to the upper house on Wed-
lai ures win increase. nesdav the drafts of proposed treaties
"Continued senseless attacks by ., ... T, .. . J , 1 . ,, .
., ,. .. . i t i between the United States and ( olom-
- ' . " bia and the United States and Nicar-
Washington, June 15. Postmaster
General Buileson was citl ia the
United States court here tulay to ap
peal and Bhow cause why the contract
for screened "wagons in Seattlo s'.iould
not be awarded to the Seattle Taxicab
company. No date for the hearing
was announced.
Federals Mow Down Enemy With Rain
of Machine Gun Bullets Rebel Bat
teries Fire on Grain Ship.
Tipples Wanders Wildly Near
Edge With Arm Partially
Torn from His Body
Sulphuric Fumes Fill the Air
While Rocks and Ashes
FaD Thickly
Ottoman Ruler Determined To Regain
as Much Territory as Possible of
What Was Lost to the Balkans.
effort, but assured his hearers that the
effort was doomed to defeat.
Business Was Healthy.
Business really, ho added, was in a
perfectly healthy condition. There was
much unnecessary delay, the chief ex
ecutive remarked, in disposing of thc
Panama canal tolls bill, and be was
convinced that at least part of it was
due to a desire to tie-up anti-trust leg
islation, which he intended, however, to
insist should be put through as planned.
In support of his contention that
the business depression is "purely phr
enological," the president made public
correspondence including a letter from
President W. P. Ahnelt of the Pictorial
Review company of New York, asking
representatives and newspaper corre
spondents to write to the White House,
Proposal to Pay Colombia $-0,000,000
for Canal Zone to Be Met With
Fierce Opposition in Senate,
i Washington, Juno S. A fight in the
senate, even more bitter- than that
I wnicn ragcu over tne canal tons re
im,ian.liii( naaOn rd nnnn vailrmiil in
ui " ' . i agua
dustrial and mercantile corporation,! BT ... ., .... .. .. .
. . ,, 1 In. the Colombian convention it is
have resulted in sinking business to; ert, ,hf, . he '1 St?te9 .Tegel"
ons between the two
to lawmakers and to others, demanding i .,orerise(1 'v(Ues 0f ,ailroad industries i an.'' aw.ar'ls to tolo'"bl
mc a uiiauta ennui
.,., ... fi u,...vo th anything
an extent that has thrown thousands; f J
out of employment rediced wages a,,d;eountr8i am, (
the abandonment of anti-trust legisla
tion for the present.
Attempts to Stir Opposition.
"This correspondence speaks for
itself," said the . president, adding
that the instance was only one of
many attempts to stir up opposition
$20,000,000 for
The treaty with Nicaragua extends
the Piatt amendment, which gave the
HitnH Mn. n . ...
fronting the country today is the fact K , ;'i,i- ' ,
that unemployment is growing acuter. j wou,,, that eount;v ,n t e same
e necu rraer. ne un congress iu . nn,itin ri.nrii;n h rn;t.l stofM
and other industries to the extent of
In conclusion the letter said:
"The most serious condition con-
By Charles H. Raymond.
U. 8. S. California, Mazatlan, Mex.,
June 14 (By wireless to San Diego,
Cnl., Juno 15.) The rebels again made
an attack on this city last night and
were repulsed in the bloodiest battle
of the siege. The federal defenders
were, on the alert and mowed down their
enemy with a ruin of machine gun fire.
The rebel loss is not known, but it is
believed to have been extensive. It
was the second night attack of the con
stitutionalists and their defeat was
more costly than that of last Wednes
day. It is expected that the rebel gun
boat Tainpico, now at Topololmmpo,
will come here to sink the Pesquiera,
now in Mazatlah harbor with com for
the starving populace. If it conies, it
may engage the federal gunboat Guer
rero. The rebel batteries keep a con
stant fire on the grain ship.
Redding, Cal., June 15. So far as
could be learned here all but two of the
sightseers on Mount Lassen at tho time
of Sunday morning's eruption were ac
counted for today as having escaped
safely, though a number went througu
hair-raising experiences.
Of the two injured, Lance Graham, a
Mantoa lumber man, was so badly hurt
that according to tho latest definite in
formation h.s death was considered
likely. Ono report was that he hail suc
cumbed, but this was not verified, noth
ing positivo having been heard concern
ing hini since last night, when ho was
carried into Viola, a few miles distnnt
Semlin, Hungary, June 15. Military
preparations on an important scale are
in progress at Constantinople according
to advices received here todayfrom the
Turkish capital, aud the belief was
general that the sultan looks for a
clash, beginning within the next few
days, with the Greek forces.
It was understood the Turks quite
appreciated that they cannot cope with
Greece by sea but it was said they
intended to make this a land and not
a naval campaign. It was pionted out
that the Balkan war cost them practi
cally all their possessions on the Ocgean
and Adriatic coasts, so that these will
not have to bo defended and it was be
lieved their mines and shore defenses
would make it impossible for Greek
ships to run the Dardanelles and reach
It was said to be conceded that the
Asia Minor coast will be exposed but
to be argued that aTurKish invasion in
Greece by land can be made so much
more costly to the Greeks than could
the bombardment of Smyrna and the
few other coast towns in Asiatic Turkey
that the Athens government will quick
ly have to come to terms.
The Turks were reported determined
to regain much of what they lost in
their war with the Balkan allies.
Washington, June 15, A letter sent
by him to various firms in the south
west cost E. C. Simmons, head of the
Simmons Ilardwaro company of St.
Louis, a place on tho federal bank re
servo board.
Governor Stewart Goes to
Take Persona Charge of
Critical Situation
Officers of Western Federa
tion Union Mobbed Satur
day and Are in Hiding
Butte, Mont., June 15. Governor
Stewart and Attorney General Kelly of
Montana arrived early today to take
personal charge of the situation here
following Saturday's rioting between
factions of the miners' union. Condi
tions were quieter today, but the situ
ation was still regarded as critical. Up
to noon Governor Stewart had not call
ed out the state militia, but he said
ho was holding the troops in readiness.
The saloons remained closed today.
and nil hardware stores were ordored
to "caeho" their stocks of guns and
Simmons' friends sny ho resigned,
but it was lenrned hero today that i ammunition for fear that the crowds
copies of a certnin letter which rench- i might gain possession of weapons and
from the mountain, whither a doctor I ed President Wilson caused Simmons' precipitate further violence.
on ins way to attend mm.
Floyd Tipple also of Manton, who suf
fered a badly broken arm, was reported
still delirious but his recovery was cxr
pected. Ho too was being cared for at
Tourists On Mountain.
There were perhaps 100 tourists on
the mnuntaii: side ut the time Graham
and Tipple were injured and for a
time fears were entertained for all , of
them. One by one all reached places of
safety and reported themselves, how-
(Continued on page 8.)
elimination from consideration as a Work ia the mines was partially re
member of tho bank board and the so- sumed this morning. About ninety per
lection of Assistant Secretary of tho cent of the day shift reported for duty
Treasury Hnnilin.
The letter referred to doclared that
tho Simmons company's business was
far below normul as a result of uncer
tainty concerning anti trust legislation,
freight rate advance and emits. Cor
respondents who received tho circular
at tho Speculator mine, one of the larg
est in the stato. The Black Foot, the
Hut to and Superior mines, where the
men wero ordered to show their cards
Friday, wero working full forces to
day. .
The seceding faction of the miners'
were asked to write President Wilson,! union clnims a majority of tho mem-
lenders in congress aim influential bers. A vote will be taken on the
Democrats, requesting them to have question: "Shall wo refuse to show
congress adjourn immediately and "let
the country havo a much-needed rest." (Continued on page B.)
to his program. He was prepared to j halt before it is too late. Postpone all now 0l.Pupie,i bv r,lba It ,
slay in Washington all summer, how- j anti-business legiWtion. Give the;awar,ls to Ni,.araga' $3,000,000 for the
old .Nicaragua canal rights and a naval
base at Fonsenca bav.
ever, he declared, if necessary to put! country a rest, and last but not least,!
El Paso, Texas, June 15. The feder
al garrison of Zacatecas is resisting
General Natera's Mexican rebels des
perately, according to messages receiv
ed here today.
The constitutionalists reported the
capture of the suburbs of Guadalupe,
Mercedes and Grille, but Natora ad
mitted that the federals beat him off
when he attacked La Buffa and evi
dently were prcpareo for a long siege
of the main city of Zacatecas. itself.
Natera whs snid to be awaiting the
arrival of General Villa, who, with his
forces, was delayed by the condition of
the railroad, which was partly destroy
ed by federals and further damaged
by washouts.
The losses in the zacatecas fighting
thus far were said to have been heavy.
Historic Willamette University is
Celebrating Its Seventieth Annual
Commencement Exercises This Week
it through.
' ' Prosperity, ' '
permit congress to earn a well-deserved
read the Ahnelt let-early rest."
learned from the two balloonists by to
night a large searching psrtv would
TAD D A 1 1 AAVICTC i 'fave or cas'ern Linn county in the
f UK DALLUuMjIO morning to make a vigorous search. The
I party will take a train to Albany or
Salem and go from there to the inoiiii
Aerostat "Springfield" Not Yet Heard tains iu automobiles.
From Searching Party to Investi
gate Territory Up Sandy River.
Portland, Ore., June 15 The balloon
Springfield, with Roy Donaldson, pilot,
and Wilbur Henderson, aide, which left
Portland in the balloon endurance con
test Thursday afternoon, had not been
heard from this afternoon and the
gravest fears for the safety of the
two men are now felt.
An expidition to search for the men
will leave Portland this afternoon,
headed by Attorney W. M. Davis. Prob
ably half a dozen automobile loads of
men will make the trip and among the
party will be a number of men experi
enced in mountain travel.
They will go to Bull Run and thence
uu the Sandy river canyon clear to
Mount Hood if necessary in an effort
to discover something of the missing
men's1 whereabouts. ,
These men hold to the theory that
the balloonists are somewhere in the
Cascades because of the many reports
some well authenticated, to the effect
that a balloon was seen traveling to
ward Mount Hood early Friday morn
ing. Joseph Reig, who had charge of thf
tmlloon race here, faid this afternoon
that unless something definite was
Report From "Springfield" Faked.
Springfield, 111., June 15. William
Henderson, a brother of Wilbur Hender
son, who ascended from Portland last
week in the balloon "Springfield'' with
Pilot Donaldson, announced here today
San Francisco, June 15. With one
burglary charge already placed against
him and every indication that he will
face a score of others, Joseph Fischler,
accused of a $'-'5,0ui) or a $:i0,000 jewelry
theft from the A. S. Samuels company,
in his cell in tlw city prison, seemed
worried today only lest his wife desert
"She has not visited me since I was
arrested," he said, "and I am afraid
she will not. After all, 1 can hardlv
Washington, June 15. Japan's de
mand for a re-opening of the Califor
nia alien land question will be consid
ered soon, Secretary Brynn snid this
afternoon. '
"Japan's note of August 26 will be
answered as soon as possible," Bryan
said. "An answer to this question has
been suspended by a discussion of oth
er means of adjusting the differences
with the Japanese government."
that nis Drotner nail sent nun a teie-; numte tier, because although x am mi
grant that the balloon had landed safely i conscious of any guilt, I realize that
in the Cascade river valley Montana. society looks on mc as a criminal. It
Later, however, Henderson admitted ' cannot be expected that even my wife
that he himself had faked tho message , should bo unaffected bv the accusation
syaiiist me. It would grieve mo more
than I could tell to lose her but it is
my own B''t that may bring it about."
Fischler contends that, as an officer
' of the Samuels company, he did not
DENIES THAW'S RELEASE !rte "imc in taking jewelry ,rom
in order to prevent Ins parents ironi
Albany, Or., June 15. Strick
en with paralysis Saturday
morning, L. ('. Marshall, who
was installed ns grand high
priest of the Royal Arch Masons
of Oregon last Slonday at Port
land, died here late last night
at the age of n. A widow sur
vives. "
Washington, June 15. The 'United
States supreme court denied today liar-, 8toekton, Cal., June 15. Thc South
ry Thaw's application for release on Paoific i)ranch line train from lone
',a''- 'to Gait was wrecked shortlv afternoon
The court also denied Thaw s request : to,,aVi onc Poa,.h ,oil tMrou,,h a tres-
ior an urticr permuuuK "uu m ku iv
Pittsburg. Ex-Governor Stone of Penn
sylvania, who represented Thaw in to
lay's proceedings, contended that
Thtw's presence in Pittsburg was nee
jssa ry.
William Travers Jerome, representing
New York state, opposed Stone's re
quest. He called Thaw a "dangerous
and permanent lunatic."
8:00 p. m. Reception Presi-
dent and Mrs. Fletcher Human
to alumni, their guests, seniors
and their guests. Sterocnticon
pictures of Olden Times in Wal-
ler hall, by Oeorgo II. Himes.
Reception in literary society
Tuesday, June 16.
9:.10 a. in. i'ictorial review.
10:00 a. m. Annual meeting
of the board of trustees.
10:31) a. m. Soccer game of
11 :45 a. m. Gift presentation
by the senior class.
12:80 p. m. Student lunch.
2:00 p. m. (.lass stunts.
4:00 p. m. Campus anil stit-
dent pictures; Chinese tea
8:00 p. in. Pyrotechnics,
Campus illuminated all evening.
Grecian offering scene. Music
and other entertaining exercises.
Wednesday, June 17.
10:00 a. in. Seventieth com-
inencement, First Methodist
church. Oration bv Kev. Mat-
thew S. Hughes. I). 1)., LUO.
2:.'10 p. m. Alumni associa
tion biisiuess meeting.
0:00 p. m. Alumni banquet,
Marion hotel.
of Willamette University. This will be stato legislature anl others almost be
onc of the biggest events on tho com-yond number, mention being made of
mencement program and persons at all hidgar 1 lpor, managing editor of the
interested in Willamette University will
find It well worth their effort to at
tend tho lecture this evening.
Is 70th Commencement.
Tho morning exercises were appro
priate for tho seventieth commence
ment, tho general topic being greet
Oregouian at tho present time.
Tomorrow morning at 0:30 will be
given the annual class history. This
year it will be a pictorial representa
tion of tho different class activities
during tho four years they have been
in the university. Some very interest-
ings and responses in behulf of t.ie mg mots are always Drought to iigui
university and its place in connection ' by the class historians and the plctor-
with the community, the stato and na- iul presentation is expected to prove
one of tho most interesting numbers
on the day's program.
At 10 o'clock the board of trustees
will hold their annual meeting in one
of tho class rooms of Eaton hall. Large
interest is being taken in the meeting;
and the different questions with which
tho bonrd will bo confronted.
At 11:45 the senior class will present
President Homan called upon Hon. C.
P. Bishop to preside and he in turn in
troduced the first speaker R. J. Hend
ricks, editor of the Salem Statesman
who spoke upon tho topic "Tho Uni
versity and Its Relation to the City
and Community." Mr. Hendricks em-1
phasized the need of more social contact
between the citizens and tho students , tMr clttH11 gift to the univorsity. Much
stating Ins belief that both would bene-j ecuIlltion ttlway9 prcceeds the pre
f,t by such contact. He also took up,,,- of the m with
the subject of fraternities at Willamet-' natnr. lhfl ift Thil
j, j to stuting his belief in thc need of
i vr.in' .ili.uii Iwm Irnrtf tin marrflf UOrrT
place for students to live where they I ' . mlich curioi4itv exists as to
could enjoy more of n social atmosphere , y ;h h j u wU, nt thcif
than they aro afforded bv the present J. . r
system of nil having to live in scattered ("imamnur
rnoM1(, At 12 o'clock tomorrow the big Wil
li. F. Carlton wns the next speaker lamcttc family will sit down to their
representing the state schools, lie mailo; last meal together for this year. The
J Qf llincn UUS UCCU nuviuru uj I'ltr uiii-
The commencement program at Wil
lamette University is in full sway to
day. Yesterday was baccalaureate Sun
day President Homan preached the
Is I i:..! i.... i -.1 i -:..... i ! vi.mitv rlMHis and will bo commoD
iii'ii iiiiiai t-iiiH'Hin'u unit luiiut'ii uui -v .j
the possibilities Willamette University . property of the students, alumni and
presented for such education. members of the board of trustees.
Tho next speaker was J. A. ..nurchill, Following the mid day meal will come
state superintenueiit of education, who what uro commonly known on campus
spoke iu behalf of the elementary ud j as class dny stunts. Each of the lower
high schools of the state. He spoke college classes will consume a portion
particularly of the fact that tho Oregon i f tho time with some entertaining fca
piomiers laid special stress on providing ture.
an education for their children and j T)morrow evening will be the big
emhhnsied the important part ilium- j pv(,nin of tho comm(.nC(.ment program.
ette iniversity nan taaen in me euuca- T. ,,- .m v,. ii,,nlit(,,i
One:.. , .i j:tf..-
The Weather
tie. Rev. Durham 01 Irvington said
to be the oldest Christian minister in
California, is reported killed, and ser-!
eral other persons were injured. The'
wreck occurred near Clays Station.
An engine and baggage car were
taken from a main line train at Gait
and rushed to the scene with doctor
and nurse.
Fair tonight
and Tuesday;
- northerly
sermon before the Senior class yester
day morning at the Meiiiodist church.
Kxercises iu keeping with the seven
tieth commencement are taking place
today, the class day stunts will take
place tomorrow and on Wednesday the
graduation proper will bo held.
This evening at (t o'clock t.ie annual
reception to the alumni and their
guests, the seniors and their guests and
society rooms. The halls have been
beautifully decorated for the occasion
by Mr. It. W. Little. ,
At the same time in tho university
chapel interesting entertainment will
be provided by George II. Himes, secre
tary of the Oregon Historical society.
He will disp'.ay stereopticon pictures of
the early d'avs, giving particular
emphasis to the founding and early days
! tionnl development of the state.
of his statements w'as that vt illiiinette i
throughout tho evening and different
electrical features, including folk
University has had the greatest in- (nMpos umW C()lor;d ight8i wi pro
fluence of anv college in the stute upon
the educational development of the
Homan Reads Letter.
President Homan concluded the pro
gram for tho forenoon by reading a let
ter from C. B. Moores of Portland iu
tho Indies club and the glee club will
sing, and many unannounced features
will furnish tho evening's entertainment.
On Wednesday morning will be held
behalf of the nation. Tho letter told of ; the seventietn commencement or in
the number of positions of national im- j university. The graduation exercises
portanee Willamette graduates ha,r will be held in the First Methodist
tilled. Included in the list were an at- church. Mat. S. Hughes of Pasadena,
torney general of the United States, I California, one of the biggest men on
president of the United States Senate, : the coast, will deliver the address.
United States congressmen and senators,! Wednesday afternoon at 2:30 the
federal judges, chief justices of the su-j alumni will hold their annual business
preme courts of Oregon, Idaho and ' meeting, and-in the evening the annual
Washington, chief clerk of the United alumni banquet will take place at the.
States senate, governor, speaker of the, Hotel Marion.