PAGE P0T7B THE DAILY CAPITAL JOUBNAU SAWJM. UttUUUIi. w-iuw-iauA ., junti u, mn. Editorial Page of The Daily Capital Journal WEDNESDAY JUNE lO, 1914 THE DAILY ftpfiL JOURNAL PCBLl3iI ED BY CAPITAL JOURNAL PRINTING CO., Inc. EDITOR AND MANAGER CHAELES H. FISHES ...:...... form and which provides each party with a minority can- Ldidate. If it is any improvement on the old convention methods, no one has yet discovered wherein it is so. The weather clerk has not been treating Portland just right, but the whole state, and for that matter the whole coast, hopes this may change, and that Good Queen Thel ma and her host of admirers and subjects may have for the balance of the week those bright sunshiny Spring days that make it so hard for an Oregonian to reconcile him self to the idea of going to heaven. The real estate dealer who traded a lot for a horse, buer- I gy and harness, and then discovered the horse was a "saw The Capital Journal carrier toys are Instructed to pat the papert on the ' hoi'Se," the Wagon a toy and the hameSS Old and WOH1 OUt, PUBLISHED EVEBY EVE KINO EXCEPT SaKDAY. SALEM. OREGON SUBSCRIPTION BATES: Daily, by Carrier, per year Daily, by Mail, per year .. Weekly, by Mail, per year . 5.20 4.00 1.C0 -Per month.-. Per month. .... Si i months..- 4Se 3."e 50c FULL LEASED WIRE TELEORAPII REPORT porta. If the carrier does not do this, misses you, or neglect geiung rne paper to you on time, kindly phono th circulation manager, aa thia la the only way we can dotennlna whether or not the cutters are following instruction, phone Main 82. ! THE YOUNG MAN'S CHANCE. CROM factory and office up to college and church the orv is fnr tho vount? man. The world is his to do with 1' as he sees fit." k . The young man of today is master of a business at j TH R0UND.UP an age when his grandfather had scarce finished an ap-( prenticeship. Universal education and quick and cheap; . rrTnmnnir.ntion brinff to the VOLing llian nOW a practical! The Marconi Wireless ronipnny has grasp of affairs which only long years of experience could give to our fathers 50 years ago. This is very well to know, if the young man will also keep in mind the fact that he will not always be a young can console himself with the reflection that he made 50 per cent profit on the lot, anyway. The reason some folks object to laying up treasures in heaven, and prefer to gather them here on earth, is per haps that they do not want to put them where they will never have a chance to see them again. " unliasoil Hi ihtos near Astoria and will orort tho most powerful wireless station on the const. man The last of tiie young salmon were released from the retaining pond at Astoria Monday. This inak".s 2,500,000 young Cliinooks released from the Chi nook hatchery this Honson. United States Mau Become . Nation of Clerks By LAURENCE CHAMBERLAIN, New York Banker II K great evil of tho ntlministra- t ion program is tho great evil of inueh recent American leg islation. IT IS PATERNALIS TIC, and in the long run it will prive us instead of n new or an en- I caused suspicion at the time, ami this lrtrrol freedom tho BONDAl.h 01' The trial of C K. Potts for the mur. der fo his wife beunu at Canyon City Tn'thP snmfi decree that he has opportunities when he is young, he will be deprived of them when youth is gone. Tr hnVmnvps him. therefore, to provide against the en forced retirement that awaits him just at a time when he Monday, ins wife's death was sup may begin to feel that his experience fits him for the best ; JtVu'w unvlf caused suspicion at the time, ami this WUItt. ..... .. , 1 ,,i;i t'i.M.IK. 1WI.IV tVtW U. If he is past 20, he must get rid oi the notion tnat ne is j1uiicJ liml it .UH- (lis,ovm,,i tha hyoid "preparing" himself for life. It matters not who he is i-om. was lken and the arrest or nor what he is, he is living his life more tensely, perhaps, !''"t,s ""', . . and more decisively in all probability than he will ever be j itumion is to have a city election in 1 f lofoi. navinrl i.lulv. (I. I'. Tupping anil O. .1. Arm- UOing at a laid peilOU. , i strong are in the rni'o for mayor. If the young man is waiting for some rich relative toj ... die and leave him capital with which to start into business ! ".a. Harrison, a resident of Union " . : .. , , , , . i.u i. 4.1 1,, ,,, f i.i.U'ountv since ISt., and who was eouuty "right," he had better realize that the only way to stait,,,-wh(.- thl ,,0llIltv HHt wna II10veJ into business right is with his two hands, and that the from union to u .u,,d. died at m "lku . , . , . , . . i, ,!... iiome. in the latter eitv Monday. He best capital nowadays is a combination of industry, sense, 7:, ywn oU1. l)luck and application. -k,,v.0 m ii o,tre .,,,,,,. the edu- The young man who has this capital needs nobody s ,.ntiomil 10lini of nnntmn county has rhonev. He who has it not would not succeed it ne nad a i voted to (i.seoat.niie one or the t iiiunvjr. -v i .. - school siipervisorsliips. J. A. eagi dozen tortunes as a lounuauon. Money today does less for a young man who will not also do for himself than it ever did before in world his tory. ' Money, lands, property, and all that, form a smaller part in human life today than ever before. Time was when these things comprehended almost all that men knew about or strove for. But the field of aspiration, of effort and of accomplishment has immeasurably broadened and will continue to broaden as men develop. There is no man on this earth so poor, so afflicted, so narrowed by environment but that there is a field of suc cess for him. And the time to find and fill it is in youth. T' be retained in service. two gor Continued war weather in Wallowa county has recalled to oldtiiners the recollection that Memorial iluy, 10 years ago, lour inches of snow fell and ait inch ami a half of ice formed. Kditor Shepherd of tho Sherwood N'ews Kiy'et for recreation purposes takes towns with rural mail carriers, which he writes up in detail in his (paper, lie enjoys these outings keen i ly, nad in his travelogues passes them on very nicely to his readers. The dispatches Tuesday brought the satisfying news that sixteen deputy sheriffs are guarding John D. Rock efeller at his home in the Pontico Hills, New York, fearing the strike situation and the disclosures being made as to the murderous methods used there would cause someone Declaring that iiend is ti.e gateway 4- r t-iffnnl.' f Villi fA 1 11 On Tr Is nnnrlifv pviilnnr"i nf his thrift a territory remarkably rich ia recih- .u -uai i". V ""jation opportunities nud that no other that the Oltl millionaire IS WOI KIIIU Hie l-UlUliy lU pay LUf! town in the northwest has within a wages of these sixteen guards; v hy the county should maintain a small army to guard him or anyone else is one of the things no one can answer. Just imagine the howl of derision that would go up if some poor man should ask for a guard of that kind against imaginary enemies. Hermiston Herald: With the (joverii meut erew on the west extension, the diversion dam under way and the New port contract of the cut-off, employ ment will be jjiven for not less than Kill men ami -M head of horses. All of this work will continue Well into the fall before crews will be reduced to anv extent. like number of miles so many placet of beauty ami so many sportsmen's at tractions, the llnlletiu predicts that the time will come "when Bend's fame In this field will rival that of the tourist centers of the west." The Republican County Central Committee at Hood Ri ver has whereased several times, all in a calamitous way, j and has leit the country so badly ruined by Democratic rule that it sees no hope for the future only in voting for the entire Republican state ticket, and this in spite of the fact that no state officer has anything to do with national poliics, or for that matter with any other except taking the necessary steps to get elected. However, it is pleasing to learn that national prosperity can be made or marred by the selection of a justice of the peace for Hood River or a constable at Lost Lake. -We now know how to fix things. The recent primary, the child of U'Ren and an unknown dam, is an expensive bantling. It cost the state probably $75,000, and the candidates more than twice that. It is a system under which every candidate writes his own plat- Buy at Home Lapp & Bush, Bankers Transact a General Banking Business Safety Deposit Boxes Traveler's Checks Kersmith & Kickshaw deal in w and Chinese cuss nud earpet tacks. lliey are good sports in every wav; they coukIi up money every day to make the. town a better place in which to live and push your face. They hire a uo.en clerks or more, who wait on patrons in their store. Our cross roads burg they would upbuild, and see it with n'"1' People filled, nud to that end thev blow their s e o ds I i ke truly patriotic lads. But when we need of eggs a few, we send away to Tiinbuetoo; and when a earpet tack we wish, it s flipped from Ypsi Innti, Mich. Each has the notion in his dome that thiugs are b s t away t r om home, and so we order hods and hats, a u d hummingbirds ami Maltese eats. ironi strangers in some town remote, who would not know us trom a goat We ship away our hard-earned kale, and act our fourth rate junk hv mail. tav are we seers, or are we fools f Those strangers don't support our schools, or keep the peeler on his bent, or help to pave ( oiumerciiu street. They do not paint the village pump or build a fence around the dump, if our old burg were blown sway they wouldn't eart) a bale of hay. Kersmith & Kickshaw ought to get the local trade, already yet. 1 ft, ; GOVERNMENTAL OWNERSHIP OR CONTROL. It X I CAN CONCEIVE OF NO GREAT ER CALAMITY TO SUCCEEDING GENERATIONS THAN THE NE CESSITY OF INDUSTRIAL SERV ICE UNDER GOVERNMENTAL SUPERVISION SUCH AS THAT OF FERED YOUNG MEN NOW IN THE POSTAL SYSTEM. SAY WHAT YOU MAY OF THE NECESSITY, MUNICIPAL OWNERSHIP AND GOVERNMENT "OWNERSHIP THROTTLE INITIATIVE AND SMOTHER AMBITION. IT 18 NO DISGRACE TO BE A NATION OF SHOPKEEPERS, BUT IT WOULD BE A CALAMITY TO BECOME A NATION OF CLERKS. CREST OF TLOOn PASSES NEEDLES, RELIEVING DANGER T.os Angeles, Cnl., June 10. Dis patches from Needles today indicated that tho crest of the Colorado river flood, which has endangered property on both sides of the river, has passed that town. Several small buildings on the Arizona side were demolished, but little damage was done nt Needles. Many levees in the imperial valley are menaced bv the waters, but engi neers who are directing work there say that only possible damage will be an interruption of the irrigation water supply. A levee protecting the Moinve In dian reservation went out during the night, and the Indians were forced to tlee tor their lives. Jinny head of horses and cattlo were reported lost. mi... i." t- in uign wnier was caused oy ine melting snows in tho Arizona mountains. ADVICE GIVEN FOR CARE OF CRACKED CHERRIES Oregon Agricultural College, Corval lis, June 10. Cherries that crack on the trees may, if otherwise ia good con dition, safely v put into cans. If they remain on the trees long enough for brown rot or other disease to attack them, they are valueless for canning. Hence the cracked fruit should be picked as soon as possible after the rain stops falling, and worked up at once to insure keeping. A good degree of heat is required to destroy all germs of decay that may have entered, the main thing being to have the fruit heated as evenly as possible. A great deal of fruit crack has oc curred this spring with the cherries, and it will be of great advantage to growers to learn that this misfortune does not entirely destroy the value of this luscious fruit. According to Pro fessor Lewis, horticulturist at the Agri cultural College, these cracked cherries make aa excellent' canned product if handled promptly in the right way. Since pollination was not in many cases as effective in forming a good set as is desirable, and since birds have taken heavy toll in blossom and in fruit this message of Professor Iewis' that the cracked fruit may still be utilized should prove most welcome to cherry growers. QUESTION CLEARED UP. mm Absolutely Pure NO ALUM, HO LIME PHOSPHATE Salem Readers Can No Longer Doubt the Evidence. Again and again we have rend of strangers in distaDt towns who have been cured by this or that medicine. But Salem's pertinent question has al ways been "Has anyone hero in a lein been cured f" The word of a stranger living n hundred miles away may be true, but it cannot have the same weight with us as tho word of our own citizens, whom we know and re spect, and whose evidence we can so easily prove. C. W. Hill, wagonmaker, 19:31) N. Front St., Salem Ore., say3: "I had more or less backache and my kidney were disordered. Bonn's Kidney rills have always relieved me in a short time. I know of several other people who havo taken Doan 's Kidney 1'ilh with good results. You may continue publishing the statement I have given before, recommending them." Price 50c at all dealers. Don't simply ask for a kidney remedy get Donn's Kidney Pills the same that Mr. Hill had. I'oster-ililburn Co., Props., Buffalo, N. Y. BALLOONS READY TO RACE. TOM LAWSON, BOSTON FINAN CIER, RUSTICATES IN OREGON Hood River, Ore., June 9. Thomns V. I.nwson .the Bostou financier and writer, his sister, Hiss JInry I.awson, his son-in-law and daughter, Jlr. and Mrs. Harvey McOall, are spending a week at a summer resort here. Next week the party wiU go to Prineville, Ore., where McCall has a largo ranch, i.awson expects to remain in Oregon until fall. Portland, Ore., June 10. Four world famed balloons were straining at nu ciiorage . here today in readiness for tho signal to ascend in the race to be gin here at i o'clock tomorrow after noon ill connection with the annual rose festival. The huge gas bags are the "United States," Pilot 11. Eugene Honeywell, of St. Louis, hero, of lOr races in all parts of the world; "The Million Population Club," Pilot John Berry, of St. Louis, winner of the firs; national .race in Indianapolis in 1909; the "Kansas City HI," Pilot Captain Johir Watts, of Kansas City, member of America's international team in 1912 and 1913, and the "Springfield," Pilot lioy Donaldson, of SpTiugf'ield, 111., a young but intrepid aerouautis. The balloon remaining aloft the long est coutinuous period and covering the greatest distance will be declared' the winner. The pilots were of the opinion tlm: the balloons would either be swept northeast toward Idaho and Montana or southeast. SURPRISES MANY IN SALEM. The (Ji'lCK action of simple buck thorn bark, glycerine, etc., as mixed in Adlcr i-ka, the remedy which beccme famous by curing appendicitis, is sur prising Salem people. Many have found that this simple remedy drains so much foul matter from the system that rt SINOLK DOSE relieves constipation sour stomach and gas on the stomach almost IMMEDIATELY. Adleri-ka is the most thorough bowel cleanser ever sold. J. C. Perry. BANISH SCROFULA Hood's Sarsaparilla Cleanses the Blood, Skin Troubles Vanish. Scrofula eruptions on the face and body are bolh annoying and disOgnrinr. The complexion would be perfect if they were not present! This disease shows itself in other ways, as bunches in the neck, in flamed eyelids, sore cars, wasting of the muscles, a form of dyspepsia, and general debility. Ask your druggist for Hood's Sarsaparilla. This great medicine completely eradicates scrofula. It purities and enriches the blood, re moves humors, and builds up the whole system. Scrofula is either inherited or ae quired. Better be sure you are quite free from it. Get Hood's Sar saparilla and beiu takiug it today. THE INITIATIVE. The initiative and referendum are no only devices useful in public affairs, but aro necessary in business matters amll thev aro most efficiently applied through the medium of the Journal Want Ads. When you have a Want to be sup plied, or something to offer, use the ' ' initiative ' ' by stating tho facts to the largest possible audience and you will find this to be a form of " referendum as well. State your offering or your require ment accurately and concisely in little Want Ad it will pay. AMERICANS To" BE GIVEN MAGNIFICENT RECEPTION Taris, June 10. A magnificent recep tion will be tendered by the Paris mil nicipnl officials at the city hall this evening to the American and other del egates at tho international congress of chambers of commerce. The congress' fourth session was held this forenoon and its fifth and last in the afternoon. Salem V i Chautauqua Six mg Days June 29, 30, July 1, 2, 3, 4 Program Full of Features REMEMBER THE DATE The best guanatee against idleness and wastefulness is the Want Ad. WHEN YOU GO AWAY Have The Journal sent to your Summer address SalemFence Works B. B. FLEMING, Prop. Headquarters American Wire Fence, Morley's Patent Hop Bas ket Send your orders In now. Big stock of hop and loganbery wire. Rubber roofing, 1.50 op per square. Elastic roof paint, cant' be beat. Stock of paint and Tarnishes at 20 per cent duction, three brands. Cedar fence posts and wood and Iron wallc and drive gate. 250 Court St. Phone 124 P. O. Box 355. Back of ciucas Bin a MtMtt GOLD DUST FLOUR Made by the SYDNEY POWER COMPANY Sydney, Oregon Made for Family Cse. t Ask your grocer for it. Bran I and shorts always on hand. X P. B. WALLACE, Agent. t Household Worry Is 99 Per Cent Wash Day s , Good Riddance by the Laundry Remedy. Linen, blankets, curtains ap parel all come back beautiful when we do your work. Salem Steam Laundry 136 South Liberty Street Phone 25 Dry Cleaning. Ask the Drift But a woman seldom realizes how many opportunities she had to get married until she finds herself left at the yost. 'THE OLO RELIABLE" REM E DYFoa M EN AT Dmja3ISTii.OH THIAl BOX BV MAILSCk FROM PlANTtN 93 HENRYSr. BROOKIYN.KY. i o n r - pt i t riL-N THE MAN WHO USES THE WANT AD ONCE NEEDS NO FURTHER ARGUMENT. House of Half a Million Bargains Come and see the biggest wonder in the history of Salem. We bay as. sell everything from a needle to a piece of gold. We pay the highest cash price for everything. Monstor stock ot all kinds of (jrain sacks. H. Steinbock Junk Co. 233 State Street. Salem, Oregoa. Phone Main 22. I l Marion Second Hand Store ? New location. Enlarged space. Greater yariety of new and second- hand goods. We buy, sell and exchange elothing, shoes, musical ia- 2 struments, all kiads of tools, household furnishings, trunks, snit eases, X stoves, ranges, men's furnishings, garden tools, etc. We alo sell all kinds of goods on commission. T Marion Second Hand Store FerTy and Liberty streets. PLone Mala 2329. i