THB DAILY CAPI TAL JOUBNAL, S.VLEM, OBEGOJJ, SATURDAY. JUNE 8. 1914. 1'AOE riVB addresses at Newport next Monday.. Pr, .James Lisle will (ill Jasou led Meuior ; ial pulpit next Sunday evening during absence of the pastor. -national Bible Students' Assoc 'n. e Salem class of the International Students' Association will liolil regular weekly study at 433 Court t, upstair, at 10 :;t( a. ni. Vnde national. All liihle students wel- No collections. Mj-s. C. A. Parka will ton.tuct a Bible claim for girls ami the younger women on Wednesday from 3 to 3:4j p. m. at the V. W. C. A. rest room on Liberty street. All meiibers of the association are welcome to join this short course Bible study class. - rat Methodist Episcopal Church. ite and Church streets, Hie hard X. on, minister. Children s dav ex- 9 by the Sabbath school, 9:45 a. baptism of children: reception of hers. Hacealaureate sermon of the ni of Theology, Dean II. V. Kim- U L. 1)., 11 a. m.; clans meetings, 1 p. m.; service at the Old People's a by Dr. R. X. Avison, 3 p. in.; :id p. m. Prof. Win. Mc Murray will the Kpworth League in a study of Song bf Security and Content ; 7:30 p. in., "The Aim of Kduca ' will lie the pastor's theme. Church of God. , Services at 11 a. in. ami 8:30 p. in. 'The morning service will be conducted I by Kliler Sprout of Portland, the even i ing service by KhlcV'Wwauson. Sabbath ,91-1104)1 at 10 a: in'. --Everybody invited I to these services. South Salem Friends. Corner South Commercial ami Wash ington streets, ( has. R. Scott,- pastor. Sabbath school at 10 a. in., Km met New by, superintendent. .Public worship, 11 a., in. and 8. p. in, .A cordial welcome to all. irst Church of Christ Scientist. Chomeketa street. Services Sun- it 11 a. m. ami it p. m., subject of lesson, "Hod, the Only Cause Creator.'' Sunday school at 0:4j Wednesdavflhvening testimonial mg at a o rlorjc. .Reading room uirch open from - until 5 o clock afternoon . except Sundays ami ays. All are cordially invited to Services. first Congregational Church. Corner of Liberty and Center, Perry Frederick Schrock, minister! Bible school at 10 a. m.; morning worship at 11 a. in., sermon topic, "Has the Mod ern Minister a Message ?"; evening worship at 7:30 p. ni., topic', lun Mac Laren's beautiful -Story, "His Moth er's Sermon." Unitarian Church. iner of Ciicmekota and Cottage ta, Richard i Tischer, minister. ay school, 10 a. in.; Sunday scr 11a. in., subject, "Modern idoals ligiotf' ' Music by Miss Ada Mil No orening services, invite your Is. The I'uiturian 1 toys' club s .Monday; the Unitarian Uirls' meets Thursday. Baptist Church. ular Sunday services, II. K. Mar . pastor. Sunday morning sermon ct, "Divine Equation"; evening in, "Fools 1 Huve Mot." Minis f music under direction of Miss tta Magers. antral Congregational Church, rry and South Nineteenth street, ed Bible school, 10 a. in.; public liip, 11 a. m., sermon on "What liecomo of Jesus"; 7 p. in., Chris Endeavor, "The Purity Verse"; i. ni., song service; 8 p. in., public nip, sermon on "Summer Styles." Reformed Episcopal, ner Capital and Marlon streets, i. Lienkaeinser, pastor. Sunday 1 at 10 a. m.; morning worship in an nt 11 a. in., subject, "Saved t-Servico"; evening service at 7 k. Children's day exercises. A am recitations, songs, drills, will be given. First Presbyterian. iVitnessing for Christ and Building s will he the morning and even- kubihrts. Carl II. Klliott, itfistor. ssor Walsli will sing In tho morn nd Mrs. (lallowav in tho evening. fason. Lee Memorial' Methodist . Episcopal, rth Winter nnd Jefferson streets, . Irvine, pastor. 10 a. m., Chil i day exercises filling tho entire ng hours of service; a tine pro ; all welcome. 7:00 p. m., Ep i League, leader, Miss Bertha Hou 8:110 ,p. m., sermon by Dr. James subject, "Tim Works and Ways nd."' . Irvine is engaged to deliver two en's Christian Temperance Union. N. Blodgett will speak at the memorial hall Sunday at 4:30 A welcome to all. First Christian Church. Corner High and 'Center streets, F. T. Porter, minister. - Bible school, (1:43 a. m., Dr. II. C. Kpley,- director; wor ship and sermon,,' 11 a. in., subject, "The I'plifted Christ"; Christian En deavor, 7 p. m., . Enrl . Brunk, leader; children's day program, 8 p. m. Hear the children in song 'and story. Lutheran' Church. East State and Eighteenth streets, George Koehler, pastor. " Sunday school at 9:30; divine service at 10:30; Luther League at 7 p. hi.', and' evening service conducted in the English' language at 7:45 p. in. Strangers- are welcome; - Hear J. B. Creighton. Now pastor of the Pentecostal Church of the Nar.arene. at corner of Nineteenth and Marion streets,. Sunday at 11 a. in. and 8 p. ni. -Mr. Creighton. has served as pastor. at Seattle, North Yakima, Wash., and Boise, Idaho, hav ing just closed his second year of, dis trict siiperintcndency of tlio Idaho dis trict. Morning subject, "The Suffi ciency of Divine Power"; evening sub. jeet, "Satan, the Snare, and the Vic tim." A cordial welcome to all. Commons Mission. You are invited to the special ser vice at tho ('ommons ' Mission at 3 o'clock Sunday afternoon. Preaching by Evangelist B. C. Dewey, of Portland. 'MOTHER" JONES TO BE AD MITTED INTO CANADA MORNING GOMES! AWAKE! ARISE!' ! the child In sympathetic terms those ..... , . ''. . thoughts which It is so ready to receive tTom le bom, of )nd Mlh and fr0la uuv one lu Una ,nrj-?have ,, c,irist x c J Hires, have become overcharged with T One great difficulty, tho Pastor de-. worldly cares, nnd thus innv fl.riir.i- I clnred, soeuis to be that children lose tlvely be said to have fallen asleep confidence in those whom thev find t) ' n..nin 'i-i, i. ,. ...m be deceitful. Even If the persou lias of the Kingdom class, be declared. St. ai , ., . run ' DeTer dw:c,ve1 tm-' r,llI('' " 801)u flm1s '. caul says that the true Church are uot Rl3 Or lK Of H1M13I1 F3IH V P2SS ' ont wlletner ne deceives other poop'e : of those w ho tire asleep, but are dill- i mujuiiij ui uumuti i mini; l Udd or pnt.tu fllSl.U0(M, ,,, nny wn.. nml ,,ren of ,he Dnv. nnd tllerufore Uwy ThmillTh MfOSC If Aclacn ; 8! a result of tlmt knowtt-clse the cblia nre to remain awake and be sober. IIIIUUil LilO II HdlCC jtulud la perverted. It loses faith lu , looking for the great salvation which : others, nnd Imbibes that' same dis- Is to be brought unto them nt the See- i lioiRtity of purpose nnd thought. The ond Coming of our Lord. Kpmker. also deplureil the fact that Those of the Church who go to sleep some ptironts seem to think It wise nnd ; now nre those w ho ure overcharged proper to tench children to hike ndvan- 1 with the cares of this world nnd with tnge of somebody else, nnd even to lib ' Ihe deceltfulness of riches whether by a little. In order to further present In- Intermarrying and thus having the forest. This, he declared. Is n serious ' world brought so close to them that mistake? . ; they tire overcome by Its Influence; or Those who awaken to n sense of re- whether by business entanglements or siwiislblllty to their Creator should 'alliances or partnerships, or what not arise from tho dond condition as fur ,u''t maf lc unfavorable to their splr- as possible, tho Pastor holds. lie re-! 1,11111 Interests and their consecration After one has become thor- STATE OF MENTAL INACTIVITY' Peerless Bread and Pastry ou- would never eat ny other Viiid of bakery goods if you tried ' this kind once. It is made from tho best puro milk, ogy, sugar, aud X flour obtainable.- Tho neatly-dressed bakers keep the pans and kitchen rlctu and X bright. A trial loaf will convince you of this. ' You will think' it is worth all it costs and we will try to please yon. : - Open from 7 a. in. to 11 p. ni. ' J CAPITAL CONFECTIONERY STORE f Orders delivered. 10th and State streets, Phone 228!. T Some Asleep In Dtli Others Aslsap In Ignorano and 8uprtition Still Othsrs AsImp In WerldlinMs Soma Christians Half Asleep Ths Awak ning of the Soul Msntal Eyss Open ing to 8m Things In a New Light. Ths Light of the World The Sun of ; whirled his hearers that when one first t" God, RightsousnM Rising With Haalinq i awnkciis In tlio muriiliig, there Is n ; uku1.v nwake. and has become n niein In Hie Beams Will-Dispel DarknM. cental freshness -which Is Invariably ' l"'r of the Hoily of Christ, theiu Is lot If one turns over nnd falls nsleep. j ervat danger that such a one may be- On the Atlantis, . S the moment of tho soul's awaken- t'0!" overctiarged w ith worldly cures May 24." Pastor J Ing Is a favorable moment of which to ' n"(l the deceltfulness of riches. One It u esc 1 1, whose I take advantage. But If the soul has do ; may get the deceltfulness of riches Phote- Drama - of : encouragement nt that critical moment ! wimont naving the ru nes; for the ef- it may drop oft" to sleep again. 'All who ! r(ir' 10 Get the riches may develop the are awake should do nil In their power . deceit to encourage those who have just The Awakening of the World, awakened, that these may rise from The Pastor then discussed his text the dead world and be separate from from the standpoint of tho future. At conditions around them. j the beginning of tho New Day of "Chrket Shall Give The Light." I Christ thu world will be asleep some The speaker declared thut merely to ; 'n death, othera In Ignorauco nud su awake to ft' renlixutlon of one's condl- j perstltlon. But the tumult of the Time tlou, merely to n rise from the dead of Trouble, with which the Scriptures condition of the human race ns respects ! everywhere declare the change of dls higher things.. Is not to bo a Chrlstinn. i pensntlon will be accompanied, will While Christ cave the light which en-1 certainly awaken the majority of those abled us to see. first of all, that the I w'" ore not In their graves. Some are 313 '.wj'is Bill PASTc5USSf.LL) Creation Is awak ening new teal lu the study of the Word of Go 4 everywhere It Is being presented, preached today from the text, "Awake, thou that ulcepest, and arise from the deud. and Christ slut II glre thee llsht." - Epho slmis S:M. I sna squeegee The Pastor Introduced his them with the observation that the majority i wages of sin Is death, -but the gift of j awakening now; later, the whole world mm Automobile Tires PRICES OF SEVERAL POPULAR SIZES : BOx 3 $12.65 :;o x ii 1-2 :. . . $17.00 '.12x3 1-2 $18.10 34x4 $26.05 Other sizes at corresponding prices. Why Pay More?, In Stock by LOT L. PEARCE &: SON deemer from the curse of sin nnd death. Those who take this step nre shown the second step that of consecration. Unless that step Is taken, the light will Seattle, Wash., June 5. Word was received here today by "Mother" Jones, the noted mine workers' organ izer that the immigration department at Ottawa has ordered tiio local Cana dian immigration officials to pass her if she applies for admission into Can ada. "Mother" Jones 'also received a telegram to tho effect .tliat Secretary of Labor Wilson has taken up with the stato department at Washington the refusal of the Canadian government to let her take ship to Victoria yesterday. The Ottawa officials permit her to enter the country if. she goes as "a tourist or lecturer." "They evidently think I wanted to stay in the king's country forever," she declared laughingly, this morning, "nnd by declaring myself a tourist or lecturer they undoubtedly must foel that I will stav only as long as I have to." "Mother" Jones will leave tonight. Sjhe plans to speak to the coal mine strikers at Nanaimo, B. C, near Vic toria. ' the Lord. The Awakening ef the Christian. Next the Pnstor pointed out the nils- take which many of us linve made in the past We did not really know awake to see the possibility of har mony' with God and encapu from the upon all except those who are lu Christ ! Jesus. Hut from the moment we get ChSSdrssi Cry fcr Fletcher's e Kind You Ilavo Always Bottght, and which has been La nse icr ever au, tins Doruetno siruiture or aud lias bcea ni.odo under his per-1- j- Eonal supervision since its Infancy. u2fy7, J-C4tlt.4( Allow no ono to deceive you 1: this. I1 Counterfeits, Imitations and ' Just-as-good " nre but 'Experiments that triple with and endanger tho health of LnfacU aud Children Experience against Experiment. What i Zfastoria is n hnrmlcss snbstitute for Castor Oil, Pare- ;oric, Drops nnd Soothing Syr;ips. It Is pleasant. 16 on tains neither Opirrm, Morphino nor other Xarcotio ubstance. Its affe i' is guarantee. It destroys w ornis ind allays Fcverishees. For more than thirty years it i4is bflea ia constant nso for tho relief of Constipation, T.ituleiK-y, Vvind Colic, all Teething' Troubles nnd iarrfia.'!t. IC rrpmlates tho Stomach and Bowels, ssiu&lntcs tho Tood, giving healthy and natural sleep. ; ho CliiUlren'a Panacea Tho Mother's jFriend. wmm. C ASTORIA always Eecra the Signature cf is Esad.Yca Have ilways EosgM !:i Usa For Cvsr 30 Years of hiiniNnlty are not iiwitte; that they Ood is elernnl life throngh the nest-em to be passing through life lu a deemer. yet the newly nwnkoned must dreamy state;- that as a rule they are i accept Christ as their hansom-sacrifice, not thlMklnti about the Important mat- j ""usf lily hold uKn Him. before they era of life, bnt about the trivialities ? bo considered Christlnus. whrH o eat and drink, what to wear. Pastor Kussell went on to show the where to go. etc. The world, he de clared, spends Its time thinking about these things rather thin about the things that pertain to God. to Ills will and His ways, and to the everlasting life of the future. - - . - Then the Pastor reminded .his 'audi ence how this state of mental Inactivi ty hns been brought about While the world In general may be said to be steep, In one sense of tho Avord It Is dead. Thus the Apostle declares of the 'Church. "Ton were dead In trespass and sins." The whole world Is under the sentence of death passed upon Father Adum because of his dis obedience to the Divine command. Our first parents sinned, and their posteri ty, nil mankind, shared with them the penalty, "DyiiiK. thou Shalt die." Gen esis 2:17. margin. nut this death sentence that was passed upon all has been changed, the linker asserted, to lie sentenoe of sleep, from which there is to be on nwnkening. God foreknew the fall of man. and purposed to redeem the hu man family from dentil. In the Divine i Program .lesus was the Lamb of God i slnln from before the foundation of the ' world. Therefore, becsuse God had puriweed the redemption and restltti- tlon of humanity by an awakening from death. He always speaks of death . as a sleep, when communicating with j those who believe. ' The Awakening of the 8eul. Proceeding to his text, the Pastor discussed his theme in three divisions: tho awakening of some of the world in tho present time, the awakening of the Christian, and tho future nwnkening of the world during the Messianic Itelgu. To all who come to the Lord, he declared, there came time when they began to think of subjects tin thought of before the higher things, those pertaining to God and the world to come. TJp to that time some had been steeped in sin nnd degradation; others had lived merely for the pres ent and seemed never to think about anything except the trivial affairs of everyday life. But somehow they be gnn to realize that they were sinners and that there was a sentence against them. Perhaps they got the right view, that this sentence was ono ot death; bnt more likely they got tho wrong view, that It was a sentence of eternal torment Then the Pnstor showed that the ran Jority of children reach this Important crisis between the ages of twelve and fifteen years. At that period there Is s great change In human nature; and therefore it Is a most advantageous time for the forces of spiritual growth to spring up In those who have reach ed the ago of responsibility. The speaker hero dwelt upon thc duties of parents and teachers who have control of the young at this Important stage of development While he fully believes In the Importance of training a child In the nurture and admonition of the Lord from the very beginning of its existence, yet he holds that both par ents and teachers should be especially alert with children at this most favor able time for opening their mental eyes to sec things In n new light, for their learning to look beyond the trivialities of the preeeiiMife to the higher' things pertaining to the life to come. "Arise From the Doed." The Pastor next pointed out the falla cy of the belief that the "young must sow tbelr wild oats." and expressed re gret tbst even Christian parents seem to lie Imbued with thla false Idea. Those who sow wild outs, be main tained, will reap wild onts; for "wbnt EocTcr a man soweth. that shall he also reap." according to the Scriptures. Ills thought Is that from Ihe beginning of will nwake, and Christ will give them light ! The thousand years of the Messianic Kingdom will be n time of rising from the deud. Not merely those who are i In their graves will orlso, but all who ' steps to be taken lu order to have" one's : r living nt the thne of the establish- j eyes of understanding opened. The 'uent of the Kingdom will lie nwak- t first step Is to recognize that we are all ' vnml, before tho nwnkening of those j sinners and to accept Christ as our Ho- I tho tomb. When nwake both classes SISTER: Read my Free Offer! : will begin to riso out of sin and death ! conditions, trying to get u little higher and more nwtiko, In order that they may receive some of the blessings of Bot shine much more clearly for t tint i that glorious time. Individual. Those who take each step The Scriptures declare that at that as soon as It Is clearly seen will go on j time the Sun of Righteousness Christ from grace to grace, from knowledge to and the glorified Church will nilso kuowledge: for "the path of the just Is with healing In its beams. Then the as the shilling light which ahlneth more ; poor world, that have been In sorrow, t am a woman. I know a woman's trials. I know her need of sympathy and help, K you, my mlstur, are unhupuy becauao of 111 heirlth, if you fool unlit for liousohold duties, bociiiI pleasures, or dully employment, writo , and tell me just how you suffer, and ask for my free ten days' trial ot a home treatment suited to your need. Mori cannot understand women's sufferings. What we women know frum ex perience, wo know better than any man. 1 want to tell ymi how to cure yourself at homo at a coat of about 11 ccnta a wcok. If you sulTcr. from women's peculiar ailments cnuslng pain In the head, back, or bowels, feel ing of weight end elragginrj-down eensatlon. falling or displacement of pslvlc organs, causing) kidney and bladder weakness or constipation) nnd plies, painful or Irregular periods, catarrhal conditions and discharges, extreme nervousness. and more unto the perfect day." So pain, crying and dying, nlillcted of the t tear of ..thlno evil about to h.pp.ZcpinPfe. then, In order to progress one must , Devil for six thousand Years, will be I hot Hashes, weariness, sallow complexion with dark circles under tho eyes, pain Ira take the step of full consecration to ; gin to look up to the great Kedeemer i the u,t brealt' or 0nel felln0 h life Is not worth living, for deliverance from the power of Sa tan. For the thousand years of the IUU IUULIIU lUUHl I Mil III! IIILbli.ll UHIU I lilLlt I Messianic Kingdom the Devil will be nnd learn how these aliments can be easily and eurely conquered at home without bound nnd have no nnwer ilwolro ' the ciunners and expense of an operatlmi. When you are euredi and able to enjoy i.l Vm ., , atfceilxn ' life again, you can paae the good word alnnc to mur.e other sufferer. My home treat- tlie people. Ihe true light will then ' ment Is for yound or old. Ta Mothers of Daughters, 1 will explain how to overcome t ..1.1. .a a... .....1 .1... .1 l... . ... . i. Bun glnbn.u. I iilnfnmi ml 1 t-t-iiff ll In t't t Iao hnnil-iolina nrwl luoailiifl. in .m.i.itr u...... u n uai 11 is to oe a l.iimsiihii. vie uo ,.,,, , , , .... , and ifetoro them to plumpness anil health. Tell ma if you are worried about your wot becomo Christians, members of the l'""'"1"'"""" igmuiinco will be scat- . dausliter. Remember, It costs you nothing to give my home treatment a, ton days' .r -.i, n,,t - ....t. tered. 1 ; trial, and does not interfere with dully work. If health It worth asking for, then oou or jurist, wuen nini we awaKC wrM. t.;.i p.... accept my uenerous offer nnd write for the free treatment, including- my illustrated, or when first we arise from the deud. worms I rial r-uturt. booklet. "Woman't Own Medical Adviser." I will send all In plain wrappers post- Thin w w-prp iiierelr liw.Vlnir tim-anl The Pastor thett- drew n Roiil-liisilr- Pal''- To ave "me, you can cut out this offer, mark your toolings, and return to me. 1 " unicij luuKiiiH tunmu i - d tod.v. n. vou mttv not mua thla offer aualn. A.ldr-. - rilrtatblnltv o-ttliiir tho until : iicture or lllllire COIIllttlOUH AS flu- -n ".: ' " .. ' urn tlvely shown In the Scriptures. The .New Age will not bring In full light v"i'- . . , ., .,,,. . , condemnation upon the world. As St I "'"- ' ' K'u o.m 01 iiigni- Paul d-elsre,. ther U romlemimllon ! e0"S"es9 Cl,rlst "'"1 "'' Blorlfied , ... f'1.1,1.,,1, . -.til I 1.. .1 , vtii.ii-iii mi f n Kiiiuuiu ns i in. like the nntunil sun. GrmliinMy it rvn n-lll ,!....,. i ,i i Into Christ we lose the condemnaUon i . . , , ,, ""R"7S , ..... ... .... ,, clouds; gradually the light of day will Increase. During the thousand Years MRS.M. SUMMERS, Box H, SOUTH BEND, IND. EverpWj; Admires a IBoutiful Complexion- ot death that came upon the race be cause of Adam's disobedience. Then we are Individually on trial for life. The first trial for life everlasting was given to Father Adum, the Pastor mild. Adam fulled to pass the test, and thus brought condemnation upon all h!s pos terity the world of mankind. It Is a point In law that a uian under con demnation for a capital offense canuot be condemned aguln unless first freed from the previous coudemuatlou. As a race, mankind were sentenced to death by God's Law, "Dylug, thou slm It die." Since nil humanity Is urn tho world will be rising gradually from I the dead. It will require tho entire period of n thousand .veins to necoui i pllsh the resurrection of the world. I now dead In trespasses mid sins. I The Pnstor strengthened his argu- ; ment with a description of the per- i . sonnl test which God will bring to ; each member of the restored nice nt ' ; the close of tho Messianic Itelgn. when 1 Clnist will have delivered up tho King I som unto the Father, nnd mankind ! will have been left to themselves. I .T-l ..... I I . . .. i nuse won nave ic.'inieti renuv to love DR. T. FELIX GOURAUD'S Oriental Cream OR MAGICAL BEAUTIFIER der this condemnation no one can have j the right nud lo hate tire wrong will an Individual trial through Christ un- lie ready for such it text; those who til first he has gotten free from that i have-not developed such a character' condemnation which is the penalty of will not be ready. j Adam's sin. So the inero awakening j Tho nature of this test we may not to n realization of our condition does j yet know definitely, the Pastor said, not give any one n second trial for life, j In the Revolution It Is represented ns ' Arising from the condition of sin und tho loosing of Sutnn, to go forth to de-! degradation and trying to live an, lion- j reive tho whole world of restored fin est decent life would not menu that i mnnlty. Kverybody who has nny sym- j one bad passed Into trial again. j Pnthy whatever with evil will be de- . , . , celved Into taking the wrong course. ' Church Only on Trial Now. , r,ot)1)tIss t))0SC who ,. ,,,,,.,,,, ,.. xue.. iua.u. u., fectlon of liumnu lnitiire would not Scripture that only the Church class ; ,,lke tlmt cotlr;)e )f tIl,.y n.nylTAH are now cm trial for life, and that the t wold ,.,,, ,,, )mn world Is not on trial at ull, but Is "dead i tilcrefo,.0 th(.v ,vmlU, dodge tlio wrong In trespasses and slus." The world's 0l)lirs0 merely fr fr 0f the conse Judgmeut lies lu the future. The ,iuences. Hut (Jod Is not pleased to Church's judgment lias been progress- ; Ve life everlasting to those who Ing for nearly nineteen hundred years. I would merely dodge tho penalty of The first to be tried was the Ilcnd of j wrong doing. . Only those who love the Church our Lord and Savior Jesus i right ns He loves right will receive the Christ He was found worthy and was ! boon of life. glorified. The Apostles were tried, and j In conclusion, tho Pastor showed that Jin Indispensable and Delightful Toilet Requisite for Fashionable Women. A dally necessity for tho ladles' tollnt . whether at lioino or while traveling. It protects tlio fkln from liijorloim rifqcts of tho elements, Klves a wonderfully ef fective beauty to the complexion. It in n, perfect non-arousy Toilet (Jrcam mat po:t itlvely will not ciuiso or encouruK" tho growth of hnlr which nil Indies liouM gnaril against when si-leetinK a toilet lire p:irittlon. When danclmr, howling or oth er exxrtlons liciit tlio skin, It prevenU a greasy iippctranee. . Gouraud'e Oriental Cream hns been highly recommended by pliysleiann, nct resses, sinirnrs and women of fashion for over Iwi!' u centory and cannot ho sur passed when. preparing; for dully or even ing attlro. ,., Gouraud'S oriental tream cures :.Kin TiHrnses find relieves Sunburn. Ttemovcs Tan. l'lmplcs, Kliiekliends, Jlotli putehes. ltaah. F'rceklos and Vulpnr Jtedness, Yellow and Muddy Skin, giving a delicately clcur nnd rr-IUied rrunploxlon which every woniim desires. No. 11 Fnt sale by UruKKlsts and Fancy Goods Uculers. ' Fcrd. T. Hopkins, Prop., 37 Great Jones Street, New York. tf-C. ij-' ITt ll mil K. UP"I . 1 Uai'TMW'irTvt Umcti. t s, rtewt rt V V w FCRU T. 1 1 oi'M U9. flJK . n it i!risKr.r throughout the Gospel Age the ludivld- unl members of the Church have been Irled. Soon the trial of the CHiurcb wiii have been finished, tho last member will have paxsed beyond tho veil and entered Into the joys of his Lord. those who foil to pass the linal test ; will be destroyed In the Second Death, j Mild that this action on Clod's part will j not be unjust or unkind. Mankind j were born without life rights, and God lias not promised them eternal life. 1 The blessings of the Incoming Age I Those begotten of the'floly Spirit , re all of Free All of Ills j There is Comfort in knowing that you can obtain one tried and proved remedy thoroughly well adapted to your needs. Every woman who is troubled with headache, backache, languor, extreme nervousness and depression of spirits ought to try and (The Lergest Sale of Any Medicine la the World) learn what 'a difference) they will make. By purifying are now on trial for life on the spirit blessings must be appreciated from: plane. All thus on trial will fall Into the standpoint of right and wrong one of three classes. Oue of these' Those who fall to lenrn the prlncl will get the highest place the pies of righteousness will not be ne Divine nature as members of tholreptable witli Clod, either now or In Royal Priesthood. Another will get a ' the future. Clod seeketh su.'h ns wor lower place on tho spirit plane, as ; ship Him In spirit nnd Vn truth, such members of the Great Company the ! as love righteousness and hnto Inlipil-antl-typleal Levites. The third class ; ty - Injustice. Christ is to be the wjii not get lire on any piiuie. 'inis;rrent i.iarii cner iiihumim.- ''v ; , lb ,, mn,mr,i y..,r have a rumwin clnss will probably not be large, the true Light, that llghteth every man sound or imprf.t hearins. and whn It is . . i .. ... . . i i. i - 1 entirely cload, Lftfn-sa la tha result, and speaker thought that eometh Into the world.' Hnppy unr the innnmmmion enn b tnk.n out Applying his to tbe Church; the ! nil they who receive that Light, .nd "Siw the system they insure better digestion, sounder sleep, quieter nerves, and bestow the charm cf sparkling; eyes, a spotless rosy complexion and vivacious spirits. Thousands upon thousands of women have learned, happily.that Becchum'a Pills are reliable and The Unfailing Home Remedy Sold vnnrhr In beiM, 1 Qe. 283. Th difftctfon with rj boi mrm vary Taiuabls apociailr lo woma Deafnes9 Cannot Be Cured by local appllcntloni, as thy cannot rent-h th dl'-a-d portion of the ear. Thrc It only one wy to cur dfafnew, and tliul is by ronitltutlonnt rfmcdlf- Urnfnvn Is frtiieii.d hv an lnllutnrrt uundltlon of the mu- cotii lintnit of tht Kustarhinn Tube. Wh-n . . -1.(1,1 ..ln.1 Ka - a a n. . M irs pxisience iue tnuu iiuuu uuu.u mi mai ninny iiroiiwca ruiiowem vi kppt ii eft r the iMvine f.tnn.trn. rim , Christ nre nHleep. In the context the; parents nboulcl le nhie lo Li press to Apostle set?i::s to imply that some of i ' ' i I'astor said that he was not sure hut ; now! Awake, my soul, rtretch every nerve, And prers with vlcor on: A heavenly r:iw demnnd thy seal, And an Immortal crown." CHB.-1 out of t.-n orH can-.! by 'alnrrli, . I whk-h Is nothlns but an InlUmed condlllun ! of the n.ucous siirfare. I Wo will nlvo line Itunrtrfd pollnn for any ' rase of Dafnpus (caused liy.catrhl thnt j cannct be curtd by Hall s Calurrh Curo. bnd for clri'ulnrs, free. I F. J. f'HKVRV CO., TolPdo. Ohio. I Rnld by DrnsKlsts, 76o. 'Jake JJall a family 1'llls for conitlpatioa Any time you f 2el tired drink a cup of Refreshing, invigorating and , delicious