Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, June 06, 1914, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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day dreams of cqmmqx men. Hobo Question Puzzles Baker
The Best Food-Drink Lunch at Fountains
and the Gentle Railroads
"Tlie Salamander" Is Expected To Be
Tie Big IJajr of the Opening of the
Coming Season. r
Perrv Trescott Reieelman. I .rv. r r r
' Dav dreams of Common Men! Deep in the Heart of llty, lie I. i. KsOmmiSblUn
the Common Man, lar trom tne Uaze 01 tne vvona, smu,
from the Sight of the Vulgar, lies the Dream with its:
Beauty unfurled, mmeiess, unsausiiea ever; wanuer-
ing, roaming at will, he searches and searches Forever,;
"Tims far, but no father," is raid laliag the statutes of the ante in
till his POOl' beating Heart iS Still. ElUSive, Fleeting, Van- ; to be the motto over the entrance to marching hoboes down to the railroad
. ,. ,? i, i Pi efl,..m, Wi.n?th HL-o lnri'ncy 'an eastern orphan asvlum, and while and uttiiK them on the freight trains;
ishing, as the Bubbles on a Stream; V raitn-like, lining, ,.,,,.,,,,, ih'e it Mt0 ru other with instructions to go nd keep a-
beckoning, flieS the Body Of hiS Dream. jtasesHiidldn.es. Attention was enlled noing. The O. V. R. & X. objected,
Yet, in his Heart, there is Burning a t ire mat illumines - t - ,h. ;TBe hoboe. .,Me,i !
sr For
the Theatrical Profession Summer
Season on Broadway Opened.
his Face, While a Voice Calls OUt fl'Om the Somewhere, she'epiiorde'r by law. The railroad to being also compelled to violate the1
nvmnrr Viim rn in tVlA fVlKSP Drpflm he the time When ' commission has run up 'against the in- law, in this especial instanee, by riding j
urging mm on in ine inase. yreams ne uie ume ui pviliililo in juit a, haril shaie n(t llit, fr,,e aml the ,ommi,ion as 9tnte.i 0b-
the Master moulded and Worked at hlS Clay, W illie niSmiS-!tl.e attorney general when he tried to jeeted to the eity of liaker violating!
.Vn T?rNr nmra Tnll tn fho roncplpsa Toil of tVP Hi V. 1 outline the duties of the shephorder the same statute by shipping these
oua. """jr-i" "V. " . , r" " r rT V:pforeM.id. The railroad commission can men in violation of law.
By Beau Riulte
New York, June . Coming events tniich the Infinite btar.
Glimmering through his dim Vision, still shines the Light . fcav ,
from afar, and he's reaching, and reaching Forever to, to' it
Dierimr with Pick and with Shovel, sweaty and tired
. . ZY . .1 1 1 . 1 Jl !i.L
with Toil, day-areams tnrougn nis mina come inning wnn
Tne committ-1
to tliis railroad "go" and it (,'oes sion wants it stopped and told ISakerj
and to another "come," and it 'City s mayor so. I
comes through. It can make the stub-j Problem Passed Up. I
I born public utility company gentle as' The mayor passes it up to the rail-;
a statement one legislator, and the; road, and savs the load brings them
hnogiitiest pas combino look liko a into linker, and the road must take
(pinker meeting. It can dictate to the them out, otherwise there would in the
ULHUIrtt u
A void Imitations Taka No Subsiituta
Rich Milk, malted grain, in powder form. Mote healllifu! than tea or colft.
Forinfants, invalids and growing children.
Invigorates nursing mothers and the aged.
Agrees with the weakest digestion.
Keep it cn your sideboard at home.
A quick lur.c'i cicDared in a mint!?.
"o, for a man; IS i
east their nhadows before on the llreat
White Way as well as elsewhere ami
about the longest Bhadowharbinper
Broadway has seeu in many a iay . . , t,,.u: . fnillnrr V voffUnrr TV1 nohinonr 1 1 .r.iiv o.r .n..,.v .,,.1 ,.,v. its 't t;... ...ii,. i. .....i. !
that beiiiff cast hereabouts just now by i Hicil Jdin-auoui umfe un , .vLiiiib uj """"fa j ...... . ........... ...... i-- .;' "'"-
..Tt,. Mnlu,.,u,l.., - . i.hiv .ln,.,..tiZe,H ,..UU tl, nA whU-n ntr nf Wlioola trio VVnvVor m0,,rs re faulty without con.n.itt.iig ; nathci ii.R t Baker of the f lotnsam and I
"v ' I"".' 1 VV1L11 L11C UllV.IVlilll MitVt tTililt ilic; VJ. I i iiwiu, vv. if v&a I , n.l a 11 f. . rf u .. 11 u. ... . . , . ,j t
......I f Ik. ..in.: . ... . . . . iiiuii-ni, niiM ii, inn c.i-u aim iui icisuill VI Illllliuuuv u 9 - utlll linr;flnv. WflSI KCTICWS Ajt:bli;i
1C 01 niS Ul earning OCr Ilim SiealS. ther .lis.'ount smu water company S; made the pithcrinp at the cave of Adub
Irom Uwen jonnson s nove.1 or tne same: , -
name published serially in one of the DreamS and the JUaglC
Cosmocluritan type of sex iuana.iiies.
It is expected that "The Hulainnuder "
will be one of the first of next season's
phowi to go on the boards, having its
premiere in early August, but long be
fore the present attenuated season
breathed its last, the promoters of the
now drama were making elaborate pre
parations for it and thereby getting
the most phenommai, wiiie sprcau puu-j
lieity that New Yorkers have run into
in years. I
"The Salamander" is the story of
Pore Ilaxter niek-named iHido by her
charmingly ingenue self a brand of
feminity whose name is legion in the
Ureat city. The Dodo Baxters arc the
girls who live on the third floors and
under the mansard voofs in the Kast
Thirties, but who ar thoroughly at
bon t cn The Aveuue and amuse them
ielves on Broadway. They get their
name from the salamunder, a mythical
animal credited with being able to go
tthrough fire untouched and unscatheiL
The Dodo Baxters do Just that play
ttie. keen person
- - n mistake.
White-faced, and with Pulse slow-beating, weary with
Faces and Men, to the droop-mouthed comes the Day
dream, mystic and comforting. Hearts grow warm with
the Dreaming, eyes Light up with Peace; Toiling and Sor
rowing vanish, Anguish and Heart-ache cease; for God,
in his Knowledge and Pity, in his Infinite Love and Grace,
sweet Day Dreams of Hope Everlasting has lent to the
Human Race.
charges, or so at least it is believed, i lam seem like a choir nieetinu of saints
It can regulate fares and freights and j in nlt Lake. This is on tho principle
even mnke railroad magnates come upitiiat "everv little bit added to what;
to the trough for their fodder und eat! you've got makes just a little bit
Imploring Aid in Search for a Suit-,
able Husband Wants Ranch Home. ;
out of its hand, it ran compel a rail
road to. run trains to Pizen Switch ev
ery day, though the town is dead and
its pizen exiled by tue militia, its eiti
more," and it is evident the llakerl ' iunumg run m i.u.rl....,
mayor's contention is correct. i West from a l'ortlanu lady whose ad-
The Baker mayor naively suggests! ,rP8S wiii DC i'urnUhed by him to par-
inai u rue raiiroan wouui put me
ii wouui nut rne: ... . . . .. i....:....
zensall fled, and not even a jackrabbit tramps off its cirs at Pendleton ttnd ,ua "" "" '"'"
living within sound of the engineer's j also at Pocatello, and keep them off, I"10 acerbities of single blessedness
voice or his engine's whistle. It can Baker would have no tramps to run smoothed and their pathway brighten
do about even-thin-? pise except make1 nut. thus pntnhlUliiiicr fnr thn citv 1 ed by the rays of love. The lady writ-
water run up hill, and what it has un- alibi. i be 8ef n b' her statement,
dertaken to do, control the actions of The railroad, facing these undeniable;'8 tnir while hcr for whom she
Tho double selections. "Her Voice, "!the trine 0f pani America's ptculiar facts, passes the matter of blnme over a'80 8eeks a mate is of Ken,''('8 1'"
tby Carpenter, and "At Parting," by : anil individual product, the hobo. to the hoboes who disregard its rules portions and of dignified bearing. The
A'Kogers, proved excellent concluding I Besoecta No One (ahout getting tickets before boarding ! wri,er 8nJ'B ",to livc on hp
(M. E.)
iiumberH, the latter having an especial
appeal, as this will probably be Hiss
Miller's lust public appearance for
Attractively gowned in white char-j ?omC " ?hf t0.'?Ve .h."
meuse combined with filmv lace, Miss "lrr l"Vl 1Jl"-v ."r ,or,.v "'
Ada Miller daintily bowed her ackowl l!'a!0' whrr? 9be ,W'" ,"r,i"'r COntinUe
..)....... .....I.... .....I n..o.inn I ,,ur "ll'B'CHi num.
UK-iiinit ui tun iiuiuiiki-ii u.niiifii
and hc
Halem people have carefully followed
Miss Miller's advancement in her work
en her bv hundreds of frieuds and mu-
, w : . . V V ' .t 1 c-lovera who greeted her in her closing ! I" , r"rm'",u " ',.u'"
f,re but do not get burned 'lr0l.iu, 8t lll0 First Baptist church last j '" the l"'K'n'ng of her musical
een person who first called them ( ,. ...., 1 ! study with Miss Magers four years
The , , ... I ago, ami although her voice possessed
11,0 ai'l'lauae iukI censed, with i ,jttB more g ,,,,a!,in(f qulliitv at
Hiuititully clear and sweet, and . the beginning, the faith and enthusiasm
trace ut self-con-; ,is,,inve.l in her by her teacher was
in her inau-ia)Horlp)1 iy th(1 general . public, and
! tiiose who heard her Monday night
' ."'ize t hut their enthusiasm and sup-
1 not been misplaced.
i a conscientious student,
, and consistently,
My owes much
mwovii A' v viiv. i v r ' - - - - . r , I. I. , - i
learned , his yet, but it ha. taken p temptuous manner, and ask. the rail-i "
rnn fntiiniininnira in 11 pboa inflKa inpi ' ..... -- -
the subject and will soon find out. In
the presence of death humanity stands
bewildered and helpless, and in some
respects the hobo has death skinned a
city block in this respect, while in oth
ers he resembles it strongly. One of
i here ii the letter, which tells -ill that
I is necessary, except those aftuvuri-ip,
to know:
roal commissioners to please make the
hoboes behave. That is where the case
rtands now, and it is the railroad com-
mSHlnnDTt' iiavl mnt-n Tn tha 1.1 11 n 11 .
while the tramps, the indigenous hoboes j Governor W!t:
.v, ...,! n 'An you are in a pi
n uu n nivi o.ai siio n vi ia dig j'liioiiiiijj
the hobos' strongest traits is that like the uneven tenor of their devious ways,
.loath ha ! nn nniir r,f iw.r, .n. Ha 1 whenever a traiu comes aloncr that
has more respect for a fellow tramp! looks good to them. The railroad com-1 J 1
...... . .. ... .1 . , .:o.; k.. ,.( i. i,:.... ;u Kind also.
wun a riiio munigan man ior a uozen ...n. v. mi. . , , .-j j,.,, ,.
railroad commissions with a state li- beyond and above its reach, and it can J rw aJ i . ;-.
1 ..11 1 ..l.:...l .k nnlv crnnicn it. tootli nr ivni-,1. tn thnt ; 0 "tture years, laigC ami '.lytu . J,
' i i tun v tt s i i ii luniii . n --- - 7 -
Kirst a pine torch burning bright
Then a candle, furnished light
Till a. candle dip was spurned
When men found that whale oil
Whale-oil slowly yielded ground
I When petroliuin was tound
But coal-oil too went out of date
position ti riakn ! Bv carbon lamps sent to its late:
pi-(-p!e happy nnd an doing so much f ir Carbon lamps by Mazdas doomed
tho betterment of mankind, I j ist m n-I And now the world seemed well
6r.: what you could do for worn in- j illumed
Till the las-t and brightest ngnt
Tho ' Nitrogen", maie. day of night.
Recently the commission called the I effect, for the tramp is only ah
v.-y capable and will eduuid a.:d
attention 'of the authorities of Baker excresence on the body politic and ai u rrX,. ,u U w
h is a law unto himself. I . . . , ..!
she is very brave. I want to find (or
j help, at least) a good husband for her
a man that is worth while, this
See comparative EXHIBIT in our
City to the fact thnt they were vio- sue
lections. Frances Hodge, in her second
number, the "Musical Clock," was in
deed clever, the high soft notes being
played with great delicacy,
If it's electric, come to us.
ceedingly beautiful t.ie voices humming ud doeg DOt know x am writ; to Masonic Ternplo. ' Phone 120
parts of the air in imitation of the , ' Ut j want to make h , MJMmc lempl0'
weird droning of certain special of moth j Can am, wiU . hcl mct j .
neculiar to the far east. " Loves Dream 1 t ... v: ...t:.i. 1.... : 1 "
r . , .1 null, x mil iiui, v. uit sciiisii,
'I lie - . , . .
"Within the Law'' are to promo e
"The alcniander'' and already thoy
have given it a start that bents the
advauce campaign inaugurated last am
on by
Flower," by
These me newer songs
day composers and are correci.
Al. 11. Woods to introduce"1 pianissimo voice, ami are a spt
& I'orlmutter. ' Miss .lane '.v wit 11 the popular tendered singei.
fowl, star of "Within The Law" has' Miss Miller shonel hcr splendid breath
been announced to play Dodo. control and tone placement in these! ,
Miss l.i'y Cnhill, who made an envi-! numbers, singing with exquisite rythm
able name for herself in " 1'nder and clcaiuiss of tone. 'ing su... uave the
Cover" in Boston will do Snyder. .Stars j The cycle of four Indian songs were .privilege of hearing her with her mime
of equal reputation will have all the j especially pleasing. All were Cndmiin ; numbered among the best of American
imporlant parts. : compositions, and characteristic of the bom and Aiueiican-tinined singers.
I weird, hunting music of a rapidly-1 Mi,,, Min,.r lvas jt,.rally showered
8eason Breathes Last. 1 decreasing race. Of this group. "Far .vith lion.,ii..t r l.,...,,iifi Vin.,- ....
Among the boys deserving special 1 After the Ball," with descritive ninsif, you hftI)p(, to know a c0( mlln forlMAVFY TO I OAN
ntion was Farl Shnfer. who surprised was given as a double number with jU3t me bc mig,ty glad a man of ' Ll . Lvy' '
nudience wnn nis nniiny, rendering , i" r.sniuuiimna. U5 or 50 for either of us. We aro not wn wooa iveai xsuia owuin.;,
imlM-r exceptionally well. j Those who compose this club are all a Wt mercenary, but want to be com- j' THOS K. TOED
musicians possessing splendidly train-! fnrtabIo. 1 would Kke nice rancher. 0ver UM & Bush Bank, Salem, Oreg n
ed voices, many of them soloists for ; To hve on a rnm.h hll8 nhvav9 hce,n . "erw" '
the various churches. Their singing is,my dream x nra me(iilim j height, etc.
necessarily enjoyable and their ap-; Am fair- j,;ke voori0 wno ovc the r'.wm.u'Hvir mmuxsirr
pearnnco at different entertainments ; bi(, out-of-doors simple-hearted, fairlv when in SALEM, OSEGON, stop it
has always been one of the most nt-ig(,od 8m honest nnd true." 1 r t iom ii "TC I
tractive features. S BLIGH HOILL
Comprising tiie duh are Miss Ada , JAPS TO TRY TO PACITY - ! Strictly Modern.
.Miller, Mrs. Hazel Green Cooper, Miss) ISLAND 01' FORMOSA j j-rc9 all(j. privata Baths.
liueivi McCoy, Mrs. S. E. Mountain,! -c j Both Phones. Tree Auto Bus.
. (UIV...H ,... .... Mis" Oretn rhillips, Miss Ruth Fu-j Shanghai, June (!. That tha Jal'a ; RATES 7'c, $1.00, S1.50 PER DAY
this day were: I gate, Miss Margaret Itodgc, Mrs. Tercy ncse seem to bo preparing for an al-,Tlie only hotel in tho business district.
Helen and Until Moore, John Currie,j Cupper, Miss Jessie Keaton, Miss Oer-1 tempt on an unprecedented scale to. Nearest to all Depots. Theatres and
Bessie Witzel, Helen Ciurio, Norma; trade Irvine, Miss Rose Tratt, Miss pacify Formosa was reported today by I Capitol Buildings.
A Home Away from Home.
Hansen, Monford Adams, Alice Mc
Clellan. Newton Hansen, lVuz.il Der
rick, Blonde! Carlton, liiith Griffith,
Irene Howard, Mrs. W. P. Babcock, i travelers just arrived from tiie island.
The 1!M.'I-1!U dramatic season, than ; Off I hear a Lover's Flute," was nmnmr tli.i irift nnd i,n.i .J 'Florence F.lgin, Prances Hodge, Jen
which no other left behind so many probably the most effective, producing, uf , giatulution which she received I lu'" '""'h'rvort, Lela Bauni, F.ulena
whitening bones on the tra.il theatrical. js il did, the flute like tones beginning' probably none were more appreciated ' A,lt'1'llm',. Milton steiner, Eugenia
has breathed its last, almost, and al -Isofily in its origin and gradually than the note from the Chen i.ni. . I Rrandliorst, Elbert Lachalle, May Hall,
ready we have eyes front, talking about 1 strengthening towaid its conclusion, pressing their appreciation of her work I ,'"mH 1 rost' I,nr' s,,nfl,r
nest acimnii Tim Hctnr folk, nntimistic I u-itl, t:,.. ll.,t : "II ""M Thrt ,.. ,.,.,
Miss Beulah Presnall,
Hayes, iliss Gene Bell,
Leita' Although it has been subject to the
Huth 1 Mikado for a number of years now.
T. 0. BLIGH, Prop.
next season. The actor folk, optimistic
as usual, arc hopeful that
will see nn improvement
managers make tneir neans 111 gioom, aiv conceded to be the best Indian
Helieving tlmt tne worst is yet 10 come 1 compositions of this popular song writ
to tbe legitimate (liama. ! Cr. Tho last of the cvcle. "Tho Moon
t ,h7i?.n,H,!,lrith ,'l,"p,""iv: ''1'1'oariug at in- , ieir BBtlierii,s. and also extending i Th.p ,s
t the autumi tcnnU throughout the song. ; their best wishes for her future. U"' ,nt('
lint seasoned The cycle contained what are goner-1 . , lnill w
Smith, Miss Ahbic Davis, Mrs. C. E. jthey said, ho has succeeded in keeping .
Knowland nnd Miss Lottie Diniick. I pence only a few utiles back Irom the
j coast, tho natives throughout the i-f fre'7rWT7:Mf1D,13'
A verv delicate bit of ennrtev nn.l ! interior remaining in nn intermittent I ... , o a TTrncnM n rv F
..1 -i:... . ,:. aV:i ; state of insurrection niminst which the w r-J 1 t.r.jvjii, m. u. .
1 j'l'in mviuii nua suuwil .'XUAI ..lll'l ......
second program was given by ler. who appeared in recital Monday i 'apanese soldiers have made almost
nnediate and advanced pupils night, bv the Cherrinns
was marked by its excellence, be-1 Their business meeting was to have
ing splendidly rendered throughout. ! taken place ou this night, but inline-
Indeed, it was. elated that tiro pies
cut activity was provoked by a recent
Next Thursday evening, Juno 11, will , The "Poet an.! Peasant" overture diatrlv noon bei.ur informed that tl.;-1 -ttinl aggravation of these disorders.
occur tho graduating recital of the wns pleasingly given by Mildred Bruuk 1 was Miss Miller's recital date the!1)m,h,s ,v0,' 'expressed, however,
It is the pictures that are working j ),.0I,S Uw," revealed diamatie power 'hool of music of Willamette univer-1 atl,i Vcnitn McKinney", the latter also meeting was postponed, and among the ' wlu't''er much cin
t in her numbers, most appreciative attendants in her ',tlout military operations on propm-l" . " a . eZLr
11 Trovatore," as audience were the members of that or-' tlw"3 ,vll"'h cannot afford ini . ,
Smith, showing gnnization. "'e prefent state ot its national fin ! nHy. New veterinary operating al,s
havoc with the tlesli and-lilood dranm. ami n f expression, deinonstrntiiiL' ""J' nt "" l,,st Methodist r,piscoil 1 doing splendid work
The movies, which have invaded a lug ti16 Nig,.r hiitv to efficiently hnu . rJmn-h. Miss Ava McMnhon, who , especially in the"
proportion of the Broinlway thcati .( i, dlamH'ti,. IUIMl,. " .n graduated in voice under Mrs. Men- nrraimed bv Sidney
nave como to siay, at icnsi ior a con-:.. ,1,., ,,,,. .:., ' ( en ha II. will l'ivo a sonir recital at 1 i.,nrW.,l imt in k.. -nrL- 'Mil. si.o t .,..:., .... ances
.iderable time, the producers believe ! l the aria " Le Pardon de Ploer- that-time. She will bo assisted by the i ,re,i nrunk, in hcr difficult La gregation, most of 'whom are also mem-
The pendulum will swing eventually , .,.. , jievi,,,,,, Mi ,:, ... Misses Knutz, Beniiuin and Potsou. The ' Sonnainbuln. plaved with exnres- bers of the Elks' ln.W. Sl, 1,.. ATTORNEY SAYS BUSINESS
and tho regular actors will come into ave, , .:,... i,.,)! vi.l.mlir v ,.,,. program will begin at S::iO and is as 8i0, execiitinir the runs with smooth-'for them at most of the e t..rt ;,'.. t. ! WORRIES CAUSED HIS CRIME
.....nt. i,....iiti... - .- .... , ' ........,0
Veterinarian grad
i:ntc McKillip Col
lege, Chicago, III.,
which enjoys the
largest practice in
the world, I.ame-
A nf .ut rtt
i:..i....i u c a . Liiit.-i.j
.11 coiiii'iifncii ,
1 1 nn.l iliaflflltt fit
just installed. Thenes: Residence,
liibl ; ottice, "18. Cilice nnd feed bam,
1-20 South Commercial Street.
their own ain, but meautiine all the; ,,,,, Uanng ,
show people can get out from under are ; , ni if (li ..,)h
making film hav while tho cinema sun 1 f t ,. ....., " r.. .,., ,!
, Piano " Drifting" Friml
king film hay while mo cinema suni, . "... ,'i Mi I.ncile Knntz.
dunes. Owners are leasing tneir new-1 . . . .... Vocal Six soims from "l)n Jladnm
S"a"S? J" Lfi r 1 IWutr. wa, grltly enlianced by" t he i '-V a, she is leaving the city." She
ness and brilliancy. Thelma Bless-j which they have given, having taken
ing, as usual, delighted her hear-: the leading part in their recent produc
ers, and her friends learned with much tiou of "The Band From Amsterdam."
regret that this was her last appear-
...... .1 ! 1 ' . .L . -t. 1,1. '
splendid sustaining tiual notes.' The!
sonir throiiL'hoiit is filled with d.dicnt..
trills, ca, lances, and is full of rvthin
Managers are putting ill film dramas
wirl letting the high priced" actors go
as fsst as their contracts expire.
--laniiea urim i.osiuniio. 1 .,, ..,,,; .. ..... , .
David Bclasco a few days ago .dosed j i 'to ..f ' i
contrnct by which all of his reeeut 0Ht extent '
auccessful play, will be done for the Th ' .,. , . , !
. .. ... . ..j... ...... mat-
tak who once sneered are acting for
on oue
are in the canned drama. "" no to sing, owing to
.. Fiioiaiucu nign notes, tne second
1. Jbelum Boat Song.
2. Tho Song of the Hride.
.t. Will the lied Sun Never Set 1
4. Ashoo at Hcr Lattice.
."). Only a Hoso.
t). Kingfisher Blue.
Miss Ava McMnhon.
has exceptional ability as
Sua Francisco, June o. Attorney"
George E. Price, representing Captain
Joseph H. Griffiths, the army pay-1
master accused or enii'ezziing is,uini 01 1
motion picture stage. And. lastly, stage .,,.. ,h(v.,j ,,, '. v": f Piano-Voices of Spring -Sindiug
.miss Louisn newnuii.
S'estinto Aqcor
from the opera "Donna Can
(Sung in Italian.)
Miss McMahon.
wno onc snecreu are acnuj; mr t . ... ,, . : , V ,
camera. Whore once it wa, . T blot , f"" . " ;,,v Bai'-U"; I, h 1 Vocal-h !
e ' scutchon to pose for pictures, I'wl" J.. ' ir"'' Th" flr v ,i )
the leading lights of the profession fl"ih Ii tie air, was .eatif,il to. J '; ro"
in the canned drama. .' r h ''t easy to sing, owing to; U'
't sustained high notes. The second . V
The summer season was owned on ' Bnmi,fT deinandeil drainatie feeling n, 1 . ,, '''l" -l,,-ahon.
Brladwai monm ahead "f t'lTe "calen of tone. German spooking laoo-Fniitasia-Impronipt,,
dar day bv the Shnborts with a new , l'r,""r la audience were delighted
musical comedy, "Madame Mosollo."j wl,h Mis Miller's diction in these
Thepieco is designed to run all summer numbers, pronouncing her enntinciation
and probably will for it possesses all ! perfect.
Miss Lena Dotsou
-Die Iajveley
Miia M.AIttlinii
possesses all , I" "" ! . . , , , ,,
f tw .ttrihn.. nf . .(.miner tiorto- me two Mirccst numbers on the urn. I Ku '""
poarituneful music, plenty of girls fram were the selections, "One Fine
and a plot nnutterly inuwent of con-i'1.v." from "MaiVim Butterfly," audi
Violin Miss Turner.
jand her work is atraetiny nine- atten- of the we,ter Conservatory of Music
.... ... or 1 nicago, under Frank E. Churchill,
The interpretations by Grace McCall win take ,,,,, in the vin chrilrtj.n'
Beatrice "Walton, Barbara Steiner and eilm.h Twsdnv fveninR at . j k
Angus Fraser was well reeeived All-., whirt ti,e Miss Glenna Wilson and
the performers showed ability and care- Mi Irene McGoran will receive their
ful training. uiplomas.
On this liroeram Anneflred the nimis n.i
M il i u - - v : viiners appearing on tne program
Nu.of Mildred Bruuk Vemta AlcK.nney, wiU bp Eugenia Sieirnnind. Roberta
V,?' " , tt m vll ,i" ' r, ,"!5,or,m' Kvelyn IV Long, Bemice Rise,
.Moore, Jenue te Meredith, Clara BreiJ- Eaiti Benedict tnJ orenoe Smith
ensteu, itaa,l Durbm, Margaret Good-1 Mi Mary Schnltz, violinist and Mis,
in. Karl enger (Mrs. W enger playing j Ethel U Ve.ne Thomas, reader, will
mandolin accompaniment), Grnce Me-i(,,;t '
A"S- Ter Jn' sond recital will be on Wed-
Barbara Meiuer ami Thelma P'sing. 1 day evening at the same place, when
i the following pupils will appear: Veva
Miss Bemice Sauter's piano aeeom- i Sn,'tli, Lolo Millard, Oraee Davis. Beryl
paniment for Miss Miller Monday j 1?Vt. Franks Ward, Maude McCoy.
i imnuiie nooertson, ttita heed,
rri, , ... "lu.-ucr accu
..... .....Miiri.c,,,,-,, Ki.u graduation o0Vermnent money at Seattle, will un-
Portland. Ore., June 6. Work 011 the
Tl?1 u- VTh .f ,h? inteMtate dertake Monday to convince .'the court ' E' . lin' scv' a"'1 ?nc-,,il'1'
!.. IL a , .1 .... ...
tinr hmh, -nn iors e nn. irom " l.n 1
ITraviata." bv Verdi. I
I Those who had heard
01 " rnrrar in tne tormer, exr
London, June fl. The failure
Chaplin, Milne, Grenfel! & Co., limited. , be disHppointed in the rendition of : ticipated in by the younger pupils,
nrokers. was announced here today. thee numbers, but the pleannble sur- 'Paging iu age from b to 11 years.
The firm was one of the most import-1 prise which awaited them made these' The program was intensely interest
ant private brokerage houses in Eng- j numbers doubly appreciated. The love- '"K aHll many expressions of surprise
iuno accompaniment Miss Knntz. ; occasioned much flattering com- J"""'""" " nee.i, hutn
... meat. Although Benerallv reeoi-nized !. Marjory Kay. Helen Robe.
ti. , it. r Mr wait- x r..t..! one of the most proficient aecom- flfill Unrn- IWhy Kappahn. Grace
suchce,ebreties Sve their cluing recitals Tuesday and!'""""!' h"r W " ,am"B Md L"-r J
er, expceteVTo Tonrsday evening's,. The first wa, par-1 t,,!"
doubtedly owed much of the success of r mnnaasx . .
eongs to her playing, having at all! 5. f. rlKtlMIl IU (III I
d reliance
times perfect coufid-nce and
ly music of Puccini's oners , raml pleasure were made bv the guests ' ,n "'7 '"ari " ...peu...lou...v as an
vcaled in all its imrity. Miss Miller i "ion the excellent playing of the chil-j ...
interpretnting it with marvelous sweet-1 dren. All played with much expression!
Iness and expression for so young a per ' the pedal with nndervtandiiig. j Gowned in daiuty summery costumes,! Los Angeles. Cnl.. .Tune (!. Heir to
former. In this her" pianissimo -Kn "' fostiiig feature was the friend-1 the members of Miss Magers Wediies- a fortune rf $1(55.000. Jack Joseph
I toues were exipiiMte. and in the hcav i '.v rivalry between the girls and bovs day Musical rlub made a beautiful pie- Henderson, fireman on the Southern
jier parts she possibly revealed mor a contest to divide which played i1"' ,htil" uumbers given at Miss Pacific ' "Lark," will quit his iob at
, depth and feeling than in anv of thet'et. The division proved to be sliVn- i Millor recital Monday night. Their j the end of this month and go to Brook
(other numbers. jcnlt to make, but was finally awarded selections were enthusiastically received j 'vn to claim his property. An uncle.
I ,The selection from 1.1 Tmvti.t. J to the bovs. who nassed before the as-;,,,t ech appearance called forth pro-1 of whom Henderson never had heard.
'quired iniic'a power, and is a severe test ; "emMed guests acknowledging the lion-! longed applause, especially pleasing be-i'1'" Mm the money. He had just climb
TJI ir'II Tlir ATDl?;ov,n tor tl"? most experienced vocal- or with a courtesy. T the Estudiantina, which was given: nmer.i the cab last night with Eng-
JjLlvlll 1 IlCiA. 1 IVEi ist- "! for one so vonng was indeed: Ruth Griffith,' Norma Hansen and ' 'v fwral request. Their other nnm- in,'r Mike Killnrv when he was hand-
uig uiidertaKing, put tne excellence . r.inerr l.acnane, very young cniuiren,, ' " '""nus .-pnui.-. , ,. iwubs uiu m mn
I of her rendition was shown in the ap-: displayed their musical" talent playing Straus, and "The Moths," by Polieot fal1-
iplause winch followed, only subsiding' their pieces faultlessly and with splen- 1 "r urst numoer, n. nrignt, vivscions
10cANY SEAT10c
h u aw i ASU ViUA.iiii i ! when she graciously consented to make did expression. Florence Elgin, Fran- '''tie piece, was especially effective
t I response, singing "Moods," from the cis Hodge and Eulena Anfranee also for n openir.g number. "The Moths,"
ft-mMBpM.wamutifiMmmmmmmBsmmm cycle by Ashferd. 'did excellent work in their difficult se-j' tntircly iiw composition, was ex
People who are always telling yon
thine, for your own "gool probably
mean well.
murtial whw'Vi i a rrvi'irr li'u ulie nt
p..;.iin .k.t ' ...A(o, i.,.. .i.... off of th.e Northern Pacific to Olvin-
to business worries was responsible for '"' art next week, the contract
Griffiths' act j ,or tnp Rraill,lS having been let to
He will represent that the captain did j Tw'!n-V l'rothers, of Portland. The lino
not take the money bit bv bit, as he WU be ration by Novembei I
proposes to argue he would have done ! W1,h ,,le terminals at Olymi ia,
if theft had been intended, but helped !W1" cost j00,0.
liimselr to it in a lump sum at a time I
when he was so upset that ho was not j
responsible tor his doings that he cx- rittsb r Junp rt.,,,.,.. ,,
hi' t 1 , MJ 't"f ,a, ?" '1-7 'r ' in Practically tving up the
that he made uo ctfort to h de hisi.. . v , " . ' 'T. .
shortage '(three estinghousc plunts nt Ernst
There 'was no. session of the court-! ""abur union leaders met today to
martial todav. j d,sl?'KS 1;'anS T ST s-vn:P,l,1'V'":
, stnko ot employes ot ether big st
MANSION IS BURNED. Pittsburg concerns. Picketing was re-
. i sumed today and many workers were
London, June 6. A fine country man- i kept from entciing the Westinghoitse
sion near High Wvoinbe was burned ! r'll,1,s-
bv suffragettes earlv todav. ; Eleven thousand workers were re
ported out oday.
mw& it
JM&S LLid a-iaAy
Insures the most
delicious and healthful food
The" Royal Baker and Pastry Cook,
containing five hundred practical
receipts for all kiuds of baking
and cookery, free. Address Royal
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