Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, June 02, 1914, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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live Mile Practice Bun WU1 End
Training For Big Endurance and
Speed Contest on Juue 13.
Final Arrangement! For Bun To Ej
Made Tluirsday When Compton and
Gingrich Oo Over Boute.
(n week from tonight the hard
grind of tho training for the Portland
to Sh l.-ni relay rai'e will lie ended in
n five mile prui'tit-c run ami then will
begin the rent which will prcoodo the
men to lie pulled off on June Kl, the
Inst ilny of Hie Portland Rose Carnivul.
A. M. Grilley, physical director of tho
1'ortliind Y. M. C. A., and .Secretary
Compton hnve agreed on this date as
suitable to finish tlitfilong cross country
run ami the Salem runners will spend
the close of the day of toil over Hie
dusty rends. In reveling in the carnival
(if roses in the metropolis. A luimpiet
will lie served to tho runners in the ,
evening in Portland for tho members of j
lioth teams.
Mr. Grilley has proposed that the
nice be finished at tho Onks, the
nmunemcnt park a few miles this side
of Ifortland lut the proposition litis not
been passed upon as yet. This would
shorten the course considerably but as
it. has not been measured it is not
I. iiowii whether or not this would re
duce tho team by one man or simply
shorten the courses of the other run
ners. Secretary Compton and Physical
Director (iiugrich, of the Salem Y. M.
A. will take a trip to Portiund next
Thursday to look over tho course and
to make the final arrangements for 1
the run with Mr. (Irillev ami nt this
time the matter of finishing the run j
in the Onks iwirk will lie thrashed out.
Hands Out the "Musty Gloom."
In Tuesday's tryout nil ol the run
ners will be timed and the ones show
ing up the best will be selected and
the finiil lineup announced. Mr. Grille-
write gloomy letters about his
runners this year but as such methods
are adopted bv all good trainers, Mr.
Gingrich is handing out the same miii
ty gloom stories about his aggregation ;
tiiat is that each orniil.ation will put '
ihe 1hird letter
i The product of
over 40.yeany
means health and strength it is from
this source that the waste portions of
the body are daily renewed. The first
sign of weakness In the SUmach,
Liver or Bowel, suggests Mai of
swmaaf Bi mm m mi mint
rcRf.GeoKrFWel' ' GhV?fmc&m- Wl . JfflM 'vzu. -ki& torn KbKT - IjweVe ctoeH V V. ,., "7 : T fTI I '
TCA6FEf?-roe A ' tHeW wsTCM6FEfoe. Jun Ti-SH.4 Tb-PM Too. VoP. terr TtWOtf'BBBfiS --sS? ri r7Tfir
MOD fb,T cw?r ' KTtTl3ooB TH5FE(? ToR ?6LH , HOW- ve'u- ' Q ' r TM
"j ' 7 ''
up thu best possible tenia ami en.'h
ami only one eoni'liiHion is possible, ami
will lie out to win an honest victory.
The Hali-iii to l'ortlum . relay has
gained wide notoriety amljias always
been comlirtcil along tho lines of clean
sportsinniiship which is only recognized
by the association ami tho race has
been a notule factor in attracting good
athletes into the organizations both in
I'ort In lid and in Salem.
While the runners have not been aid?
to tiain as consistantly as if they were
on a college ten in under the hawk-eyed
tinnier they have onterod into tho con
test in the spirit of rivalry and fun nnd
. . a . i. . 1 i ..I
inosi or wiein nre ui miny liouii suiipr,
according to Mr, Gingrich. It is ad
mitted that it is scarcely to lie. classed
as fun to get out ami run five miles
after a day's work but with a race in
view, a trip to the Hose Festival, and
the pleasure of eating pie a la mode
after a few weeks abstainauee the boys
tt h. slii.lnm ftnain iln nnf rearet ttlni
tinininir erind and promiso that ifiiei at Reno several years ago
Portland 's dark horses distance them
tlint they will travel "some" ami that
if the Portland runners win the
laurels back thnt they lost last year
they will be entitled to all of the
honors and glory that accrues to the
winning of the cup.
San Frnncisco, Juno 2. Lack of
patronage at L.odosto ami Stockton
was assigned here today as the reason
for the. dissolution of the California
state baseball league. As matters now
stand, magnates of tho Pacific Coast
baiie are out $(,00l) ami a number
of promu-ing ball players are out of
The California league was organized 'government takes care of his winnings
in IK 1.1, with the Sn Francisco club! 811,1 K'V 111111 allowance to livo on.
fii.u..imr ! Vullein tenm. which was "Jerome has no cares or worries.
later transferred to -Fresno: Venice,
.Stockton, and Tom .Stephens, a director
of tho l.os Angeles club, Han Jose.
During 11)13 the promoters lost $3.y
0(10 on the project, the Han, Francisco
Venice, c.iibs 'being the benviest
lossers. I'p to onto this season $10,000
has been dropped.
Modesto has sold Pitcher Conch to
Sun FrnncUvo, while the Seals have also
purchased First l)neuinn Leggott from
i San Jose. Fresno turned over several
players, including Catcher Stevens nml
Pitcher oldeuachiiiidt, to l.os Angeles,
and Stockton will turn over its best
pitchers to Venice.
Clubs Standings.
Pacific Coast Leigue Standings.
I W. I.. Pet
I San Francisco 30
I Veuicse 32
l.os Angeles ."1
Sacramento 20
.43 1
Oakland 23
Yosterday's Results.
No games played, traveling day,
Northwest League Standings.
W. 1j. ret.
Vancouver' 32 1
Seattle 32 17
Spokane 2.1 22
Taconia 22 27
Portland 17 30
Victoria 1.) 32
Yestorday's Results.
.OS l
At Vancouver Vancouver 4, Port
land 2.
At Spokane Spokane Spokane
Tncomn I.
At Seattle Victoria 7, Seattle 0,
L.os Angeles, June 2. Apparently in
inverse ratio to the size of the jirin
eipals, interest in the Coulon-Willianis
mill scheduled for the Vernon arena a
week from tonight is growing today hy
leaps and bounds. Indications are thnt
' tho biggest house that has made
Promoter Tom MeCarey rub his hands
in glee since the memorable nivers-
Wolgast fiaco two year.i ago, will be;
on hand. j and will not want to be worried with
Coulon rested yesterdnr after a! financial matters."
strenuous day. He went biu'k to work j
today and put in some real licks in the KNIGHTS TEMPLAR IN CONCLAVE
gymnasium. Williams already is iu ex-1
cellent shape, and little remains for j Lansing, Mich., .Tune 2. Two thous
hini to do. nnd five hundred Knu-lita Temnlnr
Little betting on the mill has been
registered here, but indications point day in Lansing for the 5Sth annual r on
to a close to even money price. clve of the l;rall(1 cotnnlRnin.ry which
OAPVTrTn vrvTrnrTnu
Washington, June 2. Barely a hand-
I full of political old timers today recall- j tonight, w hen Grand Commander His
ed that Presideat Garfield and Vice ! cock, of Ann Arbor, and staff, will be
, i resiueni i nester A. Arthur, successor
jto the presidency after Garfield 'a as -
assination, were nominated by the Re-
uublicHU convention t St l.mtiia tKirtv.
Black Slugger Writes to New Yois
Fight Critic of His Condition for
His Coming Mill.
Cites Instance of Jerry Jerome, Aus
tralian Heavyweight, Who Is 48
and Still Has Vicious Punch.
By Hal Sheridan.
New York, Juno 2. Writing to a
New York fight critic, Jack Johnson,
negro heavyweight champion of the
world, says ho will enter tho ring forjents.
his fight with Frank Mornn in as goodj
shape as when he faced James J. Jer-
"A big zulu like Johnson," com
mented the sport critic, "Isn't like
another man. I've known a lot of
them and they never grow old or lose
their strength. Dissipation does noi
effect them at all, even if they carry
it far enough to kill an ordinary being.
1 think Johnson will be as good as
ever until ho 'a !)0, no matter how he
' " Tlint 's a pretty strong opinion.
But wo have had somo husky battlers
of unknown ngn who showed no signs
of stiffening joints or softening mus
cles. There was 'Parson.' Jones. And
down in Australia tho hardest hitting
heavyweight they have is Jerry Jo
rome, nn aboriginal. Jerome lives
'close to nature.' Wiien he fights the
Ho never trnins. lie is 48 years old.
Ho is skinny legged, thick armed and
pot bellied. And he can run a hun
dred yards clone to 10 seconds any
day without training, or shoot a clay
mn match. His eyesight is perfect.
lie's the most famous 'tracker' in Ans
tralia, ami can follow a week-old trail
across a sandy desert or rocky hills.
They say Jerry Jeromo can't be hurt
by a punch, and he'B 48.
"Thero is something in the life of
tne uncivilized man that makes him
tough as long as ho's kept away from
civilization. A few generations ago,
Jack Johnson's ancestors were like
Jerry Jerome's, although living on a
different continent. Johnson bus in
herited tho strength and endurance
they developed through the centuries.
Just how much of that is lett after
Johnson's 'civilized' life is a question.
We'll know more about it after he
tignts Mornn."
New York, June 2. The proposed
Willio Ritchie-Freddie Welsh fight in
Umdon late this month is by no means
a certainty.
This much was mnde certain here to
day following an announcement by
Kmil Thiery, representing the cham
pion, that the London promoters ap
I'ear to be backing down from theii
'.,(..' ngreement to pay Ritchie a flat $10,000
'yj'Jias his share of the project.
' ' j "After a talk with Hob Vernon. New
t ork representative of the English
promoters,"' said Thiery today, "1
found them unwilling to go through
with their own proposition. They made
Ritchie a flat guarantee of $40,000 for
his end and now that 1 am here to
close the deBl they have backed down.
"They now say they will give
Ritchie a $1.1,00(1' guarantee, with the
privilege of taking 30 per cent of the
gate money. Besides this they will pay
him $10,000 for nil moving picture
rights nod give him the advertising.
What the last sum might aonnt to I
have no idea but if Ritchie sees to
London he will be iroinir there to ficht
t r.,m thmtiirlimit Michionn o.tl.ri
moem-ii munv, .sessions win continue
j t,,","Kh Thursday
Ilolcfrnriia rnmlili.tf nlnna T,ir n it.
! luiiiinatwl iarnde of all eommnnderies
escorted to the Masonic temple for a
: reception and hall,
i Calumet is lendin in the r fe.r
i tKa I,.,- , : .
News of Marion County
Mrs. T. Komp, of McKee, was shop
ping in Woodburn Saturday.
Mrs. C. 0. Dunn, of Portland, la vis
iting at the home of her mother, Mrs.
Mr. D. Morrison, of McKee, was call
ing on Woodburn friends Saturday.
Clarence Brune, of Portland, spent
the week-end with his parents.
Miss Florence Commnck, of Portland,
Is visiting with friends hero.
Mr. and Mrs. Bud Remington, of
Portland, drove to Woodburn in their
car Saturday' and spent the week-end
with friends.
Mrs. Fenny, of Boaverton, is spend
ing tho week with hor friends here.
Alfrod Skei returned to Eugene after
spending two months here with his par-
Charlie Randall, of Salem, spent the
w wk in Woodburn.
tor, called on Woodburn friends Satur
Mrs. Ella Kiel and children, of Au
rora, spent Saturday in Woodburn with
friends. i
Emma Seeloy, of Salem, visited with
friends here Saturday.
Miss Alpha Wilson left Saturday for
a weeks visit with her parents in Dal
las. While there)' she will attend the
wedding of her sistor.
Ida Kissick, of Broadacre, was shop
ping here Saturday. .
Ivy Smith, of Froest Grove, is the
guest of her sister; Mrs. T. C. Mason.
Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Lindnhl spent the
week end in New Era.
. Mr. J. Mack, of Portland, spent Sat
urday and Sunday at the home of Mr.
nnd Mrs. Brune. -
W. T. Binkley, jr and Earl Erwin
spent Saturday and Sunday at Buttc
ville. Corey Richards, of Aurora, visited
with his paronts Saturday and Sunday.
' Mr. Georgo Richards, of Portland,
spent Sunday and-' Monday in Wood
burn with his parents.
Helen Scollard, "of West Woodburn,
visited with Sadie Richards Saturday
and Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Pimiek, of Hubbard,
drove to Woodburn in their car Satur
day evening and took in the show.
Mr. A. O. Bemis and granddaughters,
Alice and Ada Johansen, of Portland,
were in Woodburn for Decoration.
Miss Lois Beebe and cousin, Francis
Weaver, visited friends in Butteville
Fred Englo, Nelson Adams, Will Gou
let and Carl Alleman motored to Butte
ville Sunday and attended the boat
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Klein, of Salem,
visited friends in Wooaburn Saturday
and Sunday.
Messrs. John Krauss" and Grover
Giesy motored to Woodburn Sunday
and spent the day.
Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Bitney and their
daughter Hazel motored to Butteville
Sunday to see the boat Taces.
Henry Heindenrich, of Eugene, call
ed on friends here Saturday and Sun
day. Mr. and Mrs. Campbell and daugh
ter, Myrtle, visited friends in Wood
burn Saturday and Sunday.
Lynn Roycroff, of Mt. Angel, visit
ed his parents Saturday and Sunday.
Miss Nellie Walker returned to Port
land after visiting several days with
her parents in Woodburn.
Misses Nellie and Gladys Binkley
and Messrs. Clarence Brune and Julius
Burkey motored to Butteville Sunday
and took in the races.
Cyrillis Crosby, of Portland, spent
Sunday at the home of his parents, Mr.
and Mrs. A. B. Crosby.
Mr. O. H. Boebe took in tho racee
nt Butteville Sunday-.-
Jeooie Byce was among those who
attended the boat races Sunday.
a Skin ot Beauty is a Joy Forever
T-.-i iS J-y.sm Ink. ui Ski. DlMKi
U4 erery mmdu
on beaut? . and
Sm iktKltoa. U
ku Moc4 tka taat
ol m ytara, and
to to aamlMt w
to properly aal
Acpl aoaouDlrt
(IM of MaiUat
Ma. IV L. A,
Sarr M14 I
1Jf of Iba kM
ta ( MUtall:
"1 JM IwUat
VU1 M Mm
I racoaiBioid
GaaramS'a Craaaa' at U tout kamfai ililllU
lata arMtaratMaa. f mia or all ilnuguta aad Faaey
Oottdl ifaalan la lao UaMad sUMa, CaaaJa aa4 Cr
- - - By Gross
Aletha Bitney spent Saturday and
Sunday in Butteville with friends.
Julius Borkey, of Portland, spont
Saturday and Sunday with Clarence
C. Yoder motored to Butteville Sun
day. L. Bobbins attended the dance at
Butteville Saturday and took in the
races Sunday, returning to Woodburn
in the evening.
Daisy Small, of Aurora, was the
guest of friends here Sundny.
Will Ooulct, H. Levine, Cart Alle
man and F. Zimmerle motored to Port
land Saturday aad spent the day.
1'ewey Alleman, Willard Bonney, El
mer Harvey, B. Hudleston, Henry
Whitney, Jake Miller, Fred Payton and
Joe Fahey were among those from
Woodburn who , attended the races at
Butteville Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Johnson and
children, of Portland, were the guests
of Mrs. Sadie Dimmick Saturday and
Chauncey and Pearl Yoder. of Hub-
buard, attended tho commencement ex
ercises at the M. E. church Sunday ev
ening. The Dubois orchestra of Woodburn
played for the dance at Butteville on
Saturday night.
Mr. and Mrs. F. X. Beck and son, Os
car, spent Sunday in Butteville.
Turkish and V- &fffem&&? S-r-'::if;5TAl II
Domestic XW.'Jgffl
' BSgJ1' """""""""""" : yjn-mjS'i'y-: """
9mmmJai!tBmmimimf'- aaaliWa5a . "t? j .'i j,
20 for
10 cents
i eiRCTTtsj
Bud Hicks - motored . to Butteville
Mr. and Mrs. E. Fellers, of Donald,
motored to Butteville Sunday.
Edwin Hovendea - and Katie Miller
motored to Butteville Sunday.
Miss Mabel Hansen, of Sacramento,
Cal., has been the guest of Miss Beckie
Branigar the past week.
One of the social affair of last week
was the party given by the junior class
in honor of the seniors, at the home
of Misa Vergil Hallers on Friday.
Largo bouquets of rosea were the decor
ations. The evening was spent in play
ing games and a number of instrumen
tal and vocal solos were rendered by
some of the talented pupils. At an
appropriate hour .refreshments were
served by the hostess, assisted by Mild
red Walker, Sopha Fikaa and Lois Hal
lar. Those enjoying the evening of the
junior class were: Mildred Walker,
Ellis Harper, Boyd Christie, Myrtle Ol
son, Louise Kerheer, Ana Aline, Freda
Bohn, Vergil Haller, Clyde Whitman,
Rex Bcntley, Glea Jack, Paul Folquet,
Mildred Simmons, Elmer Harvey, Nel
son Adams. Those of the seniors were:
Nora Beck, Sopha Fikan, Emma Fikan,
Ruth Soolo, Herman Stone,' Lawrence
Mickle, Alta Rice, Lois Haller, Merle
Hall, Raymond Sims, Glenn Jack and
Leland Austin.
Miss Beckie left tTncsday for Seattle
where she will visit a week with
friends before leaving for Alaska
where she will Tint for an indefinite
Last Sunday being the fifth Sunday
of the month, Rev. Yarns preached at
the school house at 11 o'clock. Quite
a number were present and enjoyed a
Prennums Are Not Needed
to Sell Camels
Fad, tlieretneverwas a cigarette, al any price, made
cf such a delightful blending of Turkish and
domestic tobaccos; second, you can't make a
Camel Ggarette bite your tongue or parch your
throat or leave that cigardty taste common to
other cigarettes!
Fad a, yog laeea'l got money enough to buy a cleverer ciga
rette! That's a strong; statement, but we'll back St up if
you'll Just try a package and find out something about
now good a cigarette can f 1
Dost look for premiums or coupons. Camel Cigarettes are
ml thai rW of a tmoke I The cost of the tobaccos pro
hibits the toe of Inducements."
aTjaawabalaraaail mjty jroa. mj JO far I aocAura ar If. 00 for
m caXaa oft aitn 300 ctraratraa), poter prmpmH. Atrr
f ram, if yon Jom't find CAMUS mm npmmntmd,
nam tlim mmthmgmm aaaf wm trill raW ymmr mmtmy.
Things We Never See
most excellent memorial sermon.
Mr. F. J. Mayo, who has been east,
is expected iiome shortly.
Mr. McKnight has been painting his
and Mr. Mayo's new houses the past
Quite a delegation of Keiserites at
tended the box social at Hayes mill last
Friday night, among whom were the
Misses Alta and Mary Hall, Lois Keef
er, Lucile McPeek, Lucile and Ruth
Thompson, Leona Ilonzo, Susie Murphy
and Beulah Broskins, Messrs, Ben Hall,
Victor and Hal Keefer, Jack Murphy,
Fred McCall, and Arthur Benrdsley,
Mr. and Mrs. Poole and son, Mr. and
Mrs. Harry Beardsley and Mrs. Rees.
The Farmers' society of Equity met
on Thursday evening of this week.
the fourth tetter
Man,!ri&her priced
oils - NONE
CO., Wlnstoa. Salem, N. C
I mi.BOPIIU.rtsK W w T4
' I
1i I